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The CiscoWorks Windows package is shipped with the following two compact discs (CDs):
You can install CiscoWorks Windows as a standalone application, or integrate it with Ipswitch's network management system (NMS) software, WhatsUp Gold.
This booklet provides instructions about installing the CiscoWorks Windows CD.
For information about using CiscoWorks Windows, see Using CiscoWorks Windows and the context-sensitive online help.
Table 1 provides CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 system requirements.
Requirement Type | CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 |
Operating system platform support |
Browser support for online help |
Hardware |
Memory (RAM) |
Available disk space |
You can install CiscoWorks Windows in one of three ways:
The following guidelines apply when you install CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 with either CiscoWorks Windows 3.x or the CiscoWorks2000 edition of CiscoView 5.0:
The CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 installation procedure performs the following functions:
To install CiscoWorks Windows:
1. Install the WhatsUp Gold CD provided with the CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 package.
2. Insert the CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 CD into your CD-ROM drive.
(a) Click Install.
(a) Select Start > Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
(b) Enter the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive followed by a colon, a backslash, install, a backslash, and setup.
For example, assuming "D" is your CD-ROM drive, you would enter:
(c) Click OK.
The Welcome dialog box appears.
3. Click Next.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears and displays two options.
4. Perform one of these tasks:
The Select Components dialog box appears and displays these two options:
5. Perform one of these tasks:
6. Perform one of these tasks:
The Start Copying Files dialog box appears and displays the current settings such as the target directory, the program folder, and the selected device packages.
7. Click Next to begin installing.
(a) Click OK in the Not Enough Disk Space dialog box.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears, as in step 3 and displays two options.
(b) Follow the installation instructions from step 4 through step 7 to install.
Installation progress is indicated by messages displayed in the dialog boxes. When installation is complete, the Installation Successful dialog box appears.
8. Click Finish.
CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 is installed.
You can uninstall CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 if you encounter problems during installation, or you wish to remove the program.
To uninstall CiscoWorks Windows:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Programs > CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 > Uninstall CiscoWorks Windows 5.0.
To start CiscoWorks Windows from your C drive:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Program > CiscoWorks Windows 5.0.
These program menu options are displayed:
CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 provides the following GUI-based device management applications:
The following sections provide the procedures for starting the CiscoWorks Window applications:
You can start CiscoView from two locations:
To start CiscoView from CiscoWorks Windows 5.0:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Programs > CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 > CiscoView 5.0.
The CiscoView main window appears.
To start CiscoView from WhatsUp Gold:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Programs > CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 > WhatsUp Gold.
The WhatsUp Gold main window appears.
3. Open a topology map.
A topology map with icons of all the devices in your network appears.
4. Perform one of the following tasks to launch CiscoView:
5. Enter the read community strings in the Read Community field.
6. Enter the write community strings in the Write Community field.
7. Click OK.
The CiscoView main window appears.
To start StackMaker from CiscoView:
1. Start CiscoView.
For instructions about starting CiscoView, see "Starting CiscoView."
The CiscoView main window appears.
2. Enter a device name or IP address of a stackable device in the Select Device drop-down list box.
A stackable device is a device containing the StackMaker MIB.
3. Click StackMaker from the device command buttons located in the left pane of the CiscoView main window.
The StackMaker main window appears.
To start Show Commands from WhatsUp Gold:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Programs > CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 > WhatsUp Gold.
The WhatsUp Gold main window appears.
3. Open a topology map.
A topology map with icons of all the devices in your network appears.
4. Right click on a Cisco device icon.
A popup menu appears and displays several options.
5. Select Show Commands.
Show Commands determines if user authentication (TACACS, Radius) is configured on the selected device. If user authentication is configured on the device, a Username for <device name> dialog box appears.
6. Enter the username in the field provided.
The Password dialog box appears.
7. Enter the Telnet password in the field provided.
8. Enter the Enable password in the field provided.
9. Select the Save Passwords check box if you choose to save the passwords.
The Save Passwords option enables you to store the passwords for a particular device in an encrypted format. Therefore, the next time you launch Show Commands for that particular device, the stored passwords are automatically used to log in. If this is successful and you can log in, you will not be prompted to enter the passwords.
10. Click OK to start Show Commands.
The Show Commands main window appears.
To start Threshold Manager from WhatsUp Gold:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Programs > CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 > WhatsUp Gold.
The WhatsUp Gold main window appears.
3. Open a topology map.
A topology map with icons of all the devices in your network appears.
4. Right click on the Cisco device icon.
A popup menu appears and displays several options.
5. Select Threshold Manager.
The Community Strings dialog box appears.
6. Enter the read community strings in the Read Community field.
7. Enter the write community strings in the Write Community field.
8. Click OK.
The Threshold Manager main window appears.
To start WhatsUp Gold:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Programs > CiscoWorks Windows 5.0 > WhatsUp Gold.
The WhatsUp Gold main window appears.
To add or delete device support, see the following sections:
This section provides a quick reference for downloading device packages from CCO.
If you do not have Internet access, skip this section. To receive updated packages, you can order the Cisco Network Management Support CD-ROM.
For detailed description about downloading from CCO, see the software library Web page at http://www.cisco.com/public/library.
To download device packages from CCO:
1. Verify that you are running CiscoView 5.0 version by starting CiscoView.
For instructions about starting CiscoView, see "Starting CiscoView."
2. Select Help > About CiscoView.
3. Select File > Exit to close CiscoView.
4. Create a temporary location for the cv_pkgs directory, for example, c:\cv_pkgs.
5. Access CCO.
You can access CCO as a registered user or as a guest.
(a) Enter the following URL in your Web browser to access the download option:
The CiscoView Upgrade Planner page appears.
(b) At the prompt, enter your CCO user ID, and password.
(a) Call Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447 or 408 526-7209.
You will be transferred to the appropriate person to obtain your special access code.
6. Select Download CiscoView Software Updates.
The CV/CWW Software Download Options page appears.
7. Select Add new device support to my CiscoView application.
8. Select the product type.
9. Select the product (device package).
10. Select the version, CiscoView 5.0.
11. Download the .zip file for the device, cv5packages.zip, into the cv_pkgs directory.
Any prerequisite files will automatically be added to your device file and zipped for download.
12. Unzip the cv5packages.zip file.
This will extract multiple .zip and readme files. Do not unzip these individual files.
13. Add the device packages to CiscoView:
(a) Start the CiscoView Device Support utility.
For instructions about starting the CiscoView device support utility, see "Starting the CiscoView Device Support Utility."
(b) Select Install Device.
For instructions about installing device packages, see "Installing Device Packages."
To start the CiscoView Device Support utility:
1. Click the task bar Start menu.
2. Select Programs > Add/Delete Device Support.
The CiscoView Device Support utility dialog box appears.
To install new device packages or upgrade existing device packages:
1. Start the CiscoView Device Support utility.
The CiscoView Device Support utility dialog box appears.
2. Click Install.
The Install Device Packages dialog box appears.
3. Click Browse, navigate to the device package directory, then click Select.
A list of available device packages is displayed. Each entry provides the package name, the .zip file name, the version number of the device packages in the ZIP file, and the version numbers of any installed device packages.
4. To install one or more device packages, click the Select to Install check box.
5. If the Network Management Integration Data Bundle (NMIDB) files are available in the current source file location, you can add new device support to the NMS with which CiscoView is integrated.
6. Click Install.
The CiscoView device support utility verifies that there is sufficient disk space. If there is not enough disk space, an error message is displayed.
If sufficient disk space exists, a Confirm Install Operation dialog box appears.
7. Click Yes.
The CiscoView Incremental Package Install dialog box appears. Installation progress is indicated by messages displayed in a new dialog box.
Table 2 describes error messages that might be displayed if the utility encounters problems:
When the installation is complete, a summary page displays the results.
8. Click Done.
The device packages are installed.
To uninstall device packages:
1. Start the CiscoView Device Support utility.
The CiscoView Device Support utility dialog box appears and displays the installed device packages, including package names, descriptions, and current version numbers.
2. To uninstall one or more device packages, click the Select to Uninstall check boxes in the List of Installed Packages list.
If the file you want to uninstall is a prerequisite for another installed device package, that file is not selectable.
3. Click Uninstall.
The Uninstall button is active only when one or more check boxes are selected.
The CiscoView Device Support utility validates the selection and displays an error message if the selected set of device packages are not compatible.
If the selected device packages are compatible, the Confirm Uninstall Operation dialog box appears.
4. Click Yes.
The CiscoView Device Package Uninstall dialog box appears and displays the uninstallation progress. When the uninstallation is complete, a summary page displays the results.
5. Click Done.
The device packages are uninstalled.
This section describes how to contact Cisco Systems to order documentation and receive service and support.
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more up to date than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at http://www.cisco.com, http://www-china.cisco.com, or http://www-europe.cisco.com.
If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar, then select Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco. We appreciate your comments.
Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco's customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.
CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the World Wide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.
You can access CCO in the following ways:
For a copy of CCO's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact cco-help@cisco.com. For additional information, contact cco-team@cisco.com.
Posted: Fri Jan 7 15:11:16 PST 2000
Copyright 2000©Cisco Systems Inc.