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Cisco Service Connection Manager
Error Code Reference

Cisco Service Connection Manager
Error Code Reference

This appendix details the error messages that the Cisco Network Order Manager may receive from Service Connection Manager (SCM) if there are problems processing the work order. Error messages are returned as attribute values in the internal work order. The values of attributes in the internal work order are only returned if the attribute workOrder:DDM.finalWorkOrder is set in initiating external work order.

Either or both of the following attributes are set in the internal work order if an error occurs.

Table D-1 lists error messages that relate to each element manager or network manager that CNOM communicates with during policy execution.

Table D-1: SCM Error Codes, Possible Causes, and Corrective Action
Error Code Possible Cause Corrective Action
Unable to get connection identifier string from the work order.

The attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectionIdentifier is not present in the work order.

Make sure the attribute is supplied with a value to the work order.

The service name for connection is not present in the work order.

The service name is not present in the work order.

Make sure the attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier is set with the service name in the work order.

The ATM service characteristics name is not present in work order.

The service characteristics name is not present in the work order.

Make sure the attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.service
is set in the ATM connection template name in the work order.

There are no identified ingress ports or service instances for this work order.

For a given ingress side (identified from a line ID associated with a Cisco 6400 UAC port), the node did not detect a service instance identified by workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier.

Make sure there are available services that can support this connection for the given ingress port. Check the ingress name and service name. Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

The NOA could not set up a connection from the ingress port to the service instances identified by workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier.

Unable to get gateway CNOM connection object from work order attribute.

Internal Error.


Unable to get service characteristics name for connection template from work order.

The service characteristics name is not present in the work order.

Make sure the attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.service
is set as part of the ATM connection template name in the work order.

Unable to find connection template object for given service characteristics name.

CNOM cannot find an ATM QoS object with the given name in the SCM Cisco6400ConnectionTemplate view.

Expand the view Cisco6400ConnectionTemplate and check for an object with the given name.

Unable to get ingress TP from work order attribute.

Internal Error.


Unable to get service instance object from work order attribute.

Internal Error.


Unable to get NRP object from service.

Use the NRP object in the service instance for connection in case of SSG service. If the service is not configured and commissioned, CNOM fails and returns this error.

Make sure the NRP object is configured in the service instance and the service instance is fully configured and commissioned.

Unable to get ingress ports for connection for a given region or a Cisco 6400 UAC.

Given an egress identifier, CNOM identifies a possible set of ingress ports in a given chassis or region to perform connection. If you are unable to identify at least one ingress port, CNOM reports this error.

Make sure you configured the regions correctly for the Cisco 6400 UAC.

Unable to get service instances matching service name.

CNOM found a mismatch between the given service name in the work order attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier and the value of attribute LocalDB:C6400DMM.serviceName for services to identify the service for connection.

Make sure the attribute values are configured correctly and that the work order is set with correct values.

Unable to get NSP parent for the ingress port.

Internal Error.

Make sure the ingress port is a Cisco 6400 UAC port.

Unable to get NSP for the service instance.

Internal Error.

Make sure the service instance is a valid Cisco 6400 UAC service.

Unable to get chassis object for the service instance.

Internal Error.

Make sure the service instance is a valid Cisco 6400 UAC service.

Unable to complete query for work order.

Internal Error.


Unable to deploy subscriber object for egress tie-port.

The deployment context failed while it was creating the subscriber object.

Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to deploy subscriber object for ingress tie-port.

The deployment context failed while it was creating the subscriber object.

Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to get object ID of the deployed subscriber object from context.

Internal Error.


Unable to get object ID of subscriber and
C6400DMMConnection object from deployment context.

Internal Error.


Unable to get object ID of
C6400DMMConnection object from deployment context.

Internal Error.


Unable to deploy subscriber and
C6400DMMConnection objects for ingress TP.

The deployment context failed while it was creating the subscriber object.

Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to deploy
C6400DMMConnection object under gateway connection object. Check log for errors.

The deployment context failed while it was creating the subscriber object.

Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to delete subscriber and connection objects for ingress TP.

The deployment context failed while it was deleting the subscriber object.

Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to connect subscriber to service. Check action result for more details.

The connect action from SCM to the node failed. Possible reasons:

  • Unable to Telnet to the node due to network issue or incorrect passwords.

  • The VPI/VCI values are incorrect or have been already allocated.

  • The traffic resource parameters are not valid for the connection.

  • The service to which the connection is made has not been fully configured and commissioned.

Check the value of the attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectActionReport for a list of the commands sent to the node and the response of the node.

Unable to get connection ID from action report. Cannot delete the connection.

Internal Error.


Unable to get chassis parent object for deployment from work order.

The chassis parent object under which the ATM service is deployed is not present in the work order.


Unable to get ATM Port for service instance deployment.

The ATM port object on which the ATM service is created is not present in the work order.


Unable to get the egress VPI from work order.

The work order does not contain the attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressVPI.

Make sure the attribute and its value are included in the work order.

Unable to get the egress VCI from the work order. Make sure the work order is set correctly.

The work order does not contain the attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressVCI.

Make sure the attribute and its value are included in the work order.

Unable to get NOA parent object for deployment from work order.

Internal Error.


Unable to get the name of the chassis object.

Internal Error.


Unable to completely deploy the ATM service. Check log files.

CNOM was unable to create the ATM service object for the connection.

Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to create SCM connection template.

CNOM was unable to create the ATM QoS object under the SCM Cisco6400ConnectionTemplate view. A connection template with the specified name may already exist.

Make sure the connection template name is unique. Check this by expanding the view Cisco6400ConnectionTemplate and checking for an object with the given name.

Unable to find SCM connection template with the given name.

CNOM was unable to find the ATM QoS object in the SCM Cisco6400ConnectionTemplate view.

Make sure the connection template exists by expanding the Cisco6400ConnectionTemplate view and checking for an object with the given name.

Unable to create connection object.

Unable to create a connection object with the name provided in the work order attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectionIdentifier in the connectionObjects view.

Make sure a connection already exists for the specified name and is unique. Connection identifiers must be unique and cannot be reused unless the earlier connection is torn down.

Unable to deploy
C6400DMMServices object.

The deployment failed when it attempted to create the C6400DMMServices object under the connection object in the connectionObjects view.

Refer to the 6400DMMCtrller.log file.

Unable to identify the CLEC port from line ID.

The policy cannot convert the line ID to a valid line port for a Cisco 6400 UAC. To set line IDs for a port, use the set_line_ids and add_line_id commands.

Make sure the line ID is set correctly and configured uniquely for a port using get_object_for_line. The command accepts the line ID as a parameter and returns the containment path of the port with that line ID.
If the command returns a:

  • Failure—The line ID is not assigned to any port.

  • Success—Check the containment path to verify that the port is valid and the subdomain ID is set to C6400DMM.

Invalid CLEC Port. Unable to get the Cisco 6400 UAC chassis object for the CLEC port.

The port returned from the egress identifier line ID value is not a valid Cisco 6400 UAC port, or the port no longer exists.

Make sure the line ID is set correctly and configured uniquely for a port using get_object_for_line. The command accepts the line ID as a parameter and returns the containment path of the object with that line ID. If the command returns a:

  • Failure—The object is no longer valid.

  • Success—Check the containment path to ensure that this is a valid Cisco 6400 UAC port.

Unable to identify RT ingress port from ingress line ID.

The policy cannot convert the given line ID to a valid line port for a Cisco 6400 UAC. To set line IDs for a port, use the set_line_ids and add_line_id commands.

Make sure the line ID is set correctly and uniquely for a port using get_object_for_line. The command takes the line ID as a parameter and returns the containment path of the object with that line ID. If the command returns a:

  • Failure—The object is no longer valid.

  • Success—Check the containment path to ensure that this is a valid Cisco 6400 UAC port.

Invalid RT Ingress Port. Unable to get Cisco 6400 UAC chassis for the port object.

The port returned from the egress identifier line ID value is not a valid Cisco 6400 UAC port, or the port no longer exists.

Make sure the line ID is set correctly and uniquely for a port using get_object_for_line. The command takes the line ID as a parameter and returns the containment path of the object with that line ID. If the command returns a:

  • Failure—The object is no longer valid.

  • Success—Check the containment path to ensure that this is a valid Cisco 6400 UAC port.

Internal error. Policy is invalid.

Work order attributes are either missing from the policy or assigned invalid values.

Make sure all of the work order attributes are present in the policy and valid values are provided for the attributes.

Unable to find IMT port for work order.

The policy identified two Cisco 6400 UAC chassis (an RT chassis and a CLEC chassis) for connection but did not find an inter-machine tie (IMT) connection between the two chassis.

Make sure the IMT port is configured correctly for the RT chassis. Run set_IMT to set up the IMT connection between the two chassis.

Unable to deploy ATM service for the chassis.

The ATM service cannot be deployed for the chassis.

SCM policy deploys an ATM service with the name <ChassisName>.<ConnectionIdentifier>-ATM
, where ChassisName is the name of the chassis object in the service view Cisco6400ServiceView and ConnectionIdentifier is the value of the work order attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connection
. Make sure the service view already includes a service deployed with this name. Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to connect subscriber to ATM service.

The NOA failed to connect an ingress VPI/VCI pair to an egress VPI/VCI pair.

Check the work order attributes workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.primitiveError
and workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectActionReport for more details. The primitiveErrorMessage attribute contains a specific error message that is encountered by the ConnectSubscriber primitive when it tries to deploy a subscriber object and connects the subscriber to the given ATM service. The connectActionReport attribute contains the details of the IOS commands that were sent to the node and possible errors in the Cisco IOS connection.

Unable to find connection object with the connection identifier in
connectionObjects view.

CNOM cannot remove the connection because the connection object is missing from the connectionObjects view. Possible reasons:

  • Connection name is invalid.

  • Connection was already deleted in CNOM.

Check for the connection object in the connectionObjects view. The connection object has the same name as the value of the work order attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connection

Unable to delete connection object from
connectionObject view.

CNOM cannot delete the connection object from the connectionObjects view. Possible reasons:

  • Since the work order was started, the connection has been deleted.

  • Internal error. A possible controller is in the process of restarting.

Make sure the connection object exists in the connectionObjects view. Wait for a period and retry the deletion.

Unable to delete
C6400DMMService object from connectionObjects view.

CNOM cannot delete the DMMService parent object in the connectionObjects view. Possible reasons:

  • Since the work order was started, the connection has been deleted.

  • Internal error. A controller might be in the process of restarting.

Make sure the SCM NOA service object exists in the connectionObjects view. Wait for a period and retry the deletion.

Unable to disconnect subscriber from service.

CNOM cannot disconnect an existing cross-connect between a subscriber and a service. Possible reasons:

  • The connection was deleted in the node.

  • Unable to Telnet to the node due to a network problem or invalid passwords.

Check for more details in the work order status attributes workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.primitiveError
and workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectAction

Unable to find the CLEC port from the containment path.

The given containment path for the port is not valid and cannot be changed into an object ID for setting IMT configuration.

Make sure the containment path is valid. Use the utility ObjectUtilsTestRig to verify that the containment path is valid by running ObjectUtilsTestRig getObjectsWithinPath <containment-path> in the CEMF shell. The utility returns a valid object ID for all containment objects in the path.

Invalid CLEC Port. Unable to get Cisco 6400 UAC chassis for CLEC port

CNOM cannot identify the Cisco 6400 UAC chassis object for the CLEC port. To determine the port's chassis object, CNOM traces the ancestor of the port (third-level ancestor) in the SCM Cisco6400Service view.

Make sure this is a valid SCM line port.

Unable to find RT IMT port from the containment path.

The given containment path for the port is not valid and cannot be changed into an object ID for setting the IMT configuration.

To make sure the containment path is valid, run ObjectUtilsTestRig getObjectsWithinPath <containment-path> in a CEMF shell. The utility returns a valid object ID for all containment objects in the path.

Unable to set IMT configuration.

CNOM tried to set the attributes LocalDB:DDMTopology.connectedTP and LocalDB:C6400DMM.clecChassisID for an RT port, or it tried to set the attribute LocalDB:DDMTopology.connectedTP for a CLEC port and was unable to do so. Possible reasons:

  • Invalid attribute values

  • Invalid attribute names

  • Invalid policy

Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

Unable to find the ingress port to initiate connection.

The ingress port for the connection cannot be identified. Possible reasons:

  • workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.ingressIdentifier
    or workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.ingress
    is not set in work order

  • Invalid line ID

  • Invalid containment path

Use get_object_for_line <line-id> to make sure the given line ID is valid.

To make sure the containment path is valid, run ObjectUtilsTestRig getObjectsWithinPath <containment-path> in a CEMF shell. The utility returns a valid object ID for all containment objects in the path.

Unable to identify valid services for connection.

For a given ingress side (identified from a line ID associated with Cisco 6400 UAC port), the node does not detect a single service instance identified by workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier.

Make sure services are available to support this connection for the given ingress port. Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

SCM NOA could not setup a connection from the ingress port to the service instances identified by workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier.

Unable to connect subscriber to service.

CNOM cannot connect an ingress VPI/VCI pair to a given service.

Check the work order attributes workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.primitiveError
and workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectActionReport for more details. The primitiveErrorMessage attribute contains more specific error messages that are encountered by the ConnectSubscriber primitive when it tries to deploy a subscriber object and connects the subscriber to the given ATM service. The connectActionReport attribute contains the details of the Cisco IOS commands that were sent to the node and possible errors in the Cisco IOS connection.

Unable to find a connection object with the given connection identifier.

CNOM cannot remove the connection because the connection object is missing from the connectionObjects view. The connection object has the same name as the value of the attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectionIdentifier. Possible reasons:

  • Invalid connection name.

  • Connection was deleted in CNOM.

Make sure the connection identifier is valid. Check for the connection object in the connectionObjects view.

Unable to disconnect subscriber from service.

CNOM cannot disconnect an existing cross-connect between a subscriber and a service. Possible reasons:

  • The connection was deleted in the node.

  • Unable to Telnet to the node either due to a network problem or invalid passwords.

Check for more details in the attributes workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.primitiveError
and workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectActionReportin the work order.

Unable to delete connection object from
connectionObject view.

CNOM cannot delete the connection object from the connectionObjects view. Possible reasons:

  • Since the work order was started, the connection has been deleted.

  • Internal error; a controller is in the process of restarting.

Make sure the connection object exists in the connectionObjects view. Wait for a period and retry the deletion.

Unable to create connection object in
connection view.

CNOM cannot create a connection object with the name specified in the work order attribute workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.connectionIdentifier in the connectionObjects view.

Make sure that another connection is not already using this name. Connection identifiers must be unique and cannot be reused unless a previous connection with that ID has already been deleted.

Unable to find ingress port or egress services to initiate connection.

For a given ingress side (identified either from a line ID associated with a Cisco 6400 UAC port or from a connectedTP attribute of a DSLAM port), the node could not find a single service instance identified by workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier.

Make sure services are available to support this connection for the given ingress port. Check the C6400DMMCtrller.log file for more details.

DMM could not set up a connection from the ingress port to the service instances identified by workOrder:DDMWorkOrder.egressIdentifier.

Identified ingress port does not belong to C6400DMM subdomain.

The line ID was not created in the Cisco 6400 subdomain.

Use get_object_for_line <line-id> to make sure the given line ID is valid.

Issue the command set_line_ids to re-create the line ID, and be sure to specify the keyword C6400DMM to create the line ID in the Cisco 6400 subdomain.

Posted: Sun Sep 29 05:30:27 PDT 2002
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