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Proper configuration of the cumulative device allows for accurate information by which to manage the device. Certain configuration criteria is essential to enable communication between the EM and the device. The procedures which follow provide the necessary information to create and maintain chassis, module, and interface configuration.
The Configuration chapter details the following:
The Chassis Configuration section covers the following areas:
The Management Information window allows you to configure the chassis IP address, system attributes, and set or change chassis user names and passwords.
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Caution It is strongly recommended that only a system administrator have access to the Management Information window because access password configuration and modification can occur using this window. |
The Management Information section covers the following areas:
To configure the fields within the Configuration tab, proceed as follows:
The Management Information window appears displaying the Configuration tab.
Step 2 Select an IOS Host from the corresponding list box on the left-hand side of the window.
The IP address that the EM uses to contact the device displays in the corresponding field. Although not recommended, this entry is modifiable.
Step 3 Configure the fields on the Configuration tab as follows:
Step 4 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
Step 5 Choose File > Close to close the Management Information window.
In order to manage passwords, the chassis password must be identical on the (local) EM and the device. You can manage chassis passwords for both the EM and the device using the Management Information window.
Following initial deployment, you must first enter the chassis password to match that of the device and choose the Save Locally option. The local password on the EM is set to match the password on the device. Once the EM and device chassis passwords match, you may modify the password as you see fit and choose the Save to Device option. Choosing the Save to Device option changes the chassis password locally within the EM and on the device simultaneously.
Similarly, when the chassis password changes on the device you must modify the password to match that of the device and save locally; thereby forcing the (local) EM password to match the device password. Again, when the chassis password is identical on both the EM and the device, you may change the password at your discretion and save to the device in order to update the password in the EM and on the device.
If the chassis password does not match the password of the device, then the actions may fail to complete. Upon failures, an action report may display indicating that the password is not active when operations initiate.
There are two types of passwords supported by the EM used to perform privileged tasks, enable and secret passwords. Each device can be configured using the enable password or the enable and secret passwords. The secret password always takes precedence over the enable password. Choosing the save the password locally to the device changes and enable password, not the secret password.
To enter or change the username or passwords, proceed as follows:
The Management Information window appears displaying the Configuration tab (see the previous figure for an example).
Step 2 Click the IOS/Command Line Security tab.
The IOS/Command Line Security tab displays in the Management Information window.
Step 3 Enter the appropriate information in the Security Details fields as follows:
Step 4 If you know the passwords that are set on the device, perform one of the following:
If you want to reconfigure the passwords on the device and passwords have been previously specified, you can click Save to Device. This action will work only if previous valid passwords have been saved locally.
Step 5 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the Management Information window.
The Chassis Configuration window allows you to view and configure parameters, commission or decommission, switch global performance logging on or off for a particular chassis, and write to the running configuration file. The Chassis Configuration window (Additional Descriptions tab) also allows you to specify additional description information for a specific chassis. The Description 1 and Description 2 attributes allow you to enter text descriptions for identification purposes; for example, CLLI codes.
You use the Chassis Configuration window to perform the following tasks:
To configure the chassis, proceed as follows:
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Configuration tab.
Step 2 Select a Chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 3 The Validation Parameters area contains attributes that describe the population characteristics of a chassis and are used to validate module deployment. Optionally, you can modify the values in the Validation Parameters fields as follows:
Step 4 Configure the system actions to be taken in the event of a system failure in the Action fields as follows:
Step 5 Configure the parameters in the Clock area as follows:
Step 6 Configure the power supplies by selecting the appropriate option from the PS1 Admin Status and the PS2 Admin Status option buttons. Options are: enable, disable, or reset.
Step 7 Click the Additional Descriptions tab.
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Additional Descriptions tab.
Step 8 Enter additional descriptions into the Descriptions 1 and Descriptions 2 areas (optional) as required.
You can enter any information you wish into the Description 1 and Description 2 fields. For example, you might wish to record additional text descriptions for identification purposes, such as CLLI codes.
Step 9 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
Step 10 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Configuration window.
When you commission a chassis, subchassis discovery begins automatically. Subchassis discovery discovers and commissions all objects within the chassis. For additional details regarding subchassis discovery, see the "Chassis Commissioning and Subchassis Discovery" section.
Commissioning automatically starts active management (such as heartbeat polling) on the chassis and all commissioned objects within the chassis.
To commission a chassis, proceed as follows:
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Configuration tab (see Figure 5-3).
Step 2 Select the Chassis you want to commission from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 3 Ensure the chassis has proper configuration. For information on chassis configuration attributes, see the "Configuring the Chassis" section.
Step 4 Click Commission (in the Management area).
The chassis commissions and all objects contained within commission through subchassis discovery. As subchassis objects discover, they display in the left-hand pane of the Map Viewer window and populate the chassis map in the right-hand pane of the Map Viewer. An Action Report window appears displaying the outcome of the chassis commission. Additionally, status information displays in the Commission Status area of the Chassis Configuration window reiterating the outcome of the commissioning action as either Succeeded or Failed.
When viewing the Chassis Configuration window in future instances, the Commission Status area displays the result of the last commission action, either Succeeded or Failed.
Step 5 Click Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Configuration window.
The following figure shows a Cisco 3362-AC chassis map in the Physical view after subchassis discovery. Modules and interfaces are automatically discovered within the chassis and enter the appropriate post-commissioning state. For details about object states, see the "Object States" section.
After commissioning a chassis you can configure and manage the chassis objects.
Decommissioning a chassis decommissions all objects within the chassis and active management (such as polling) stops on the chassis as well as on all objects within the chassis.
Decommissioning a managed chassis object is necessary in order to delete a managed chassis object from the EM. Should you attempt to delete a managed chassis object from the EM without first decommissioning it, an error displays indicating that the action cannot complete successfully.
To decommission a chassis, proceed as follows:
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Configuration tab (see Figure 5-3).
Step 2 Select the chassis you want to decommission in the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 3 Click Decommission (in the Management area).
The chassis and all objects contained within are decommissioned. Decommissioned objects remain in the left-hand pane of the Map Viewer window and appear grayed out in the chassis map which displays in the right-hand pane of the Map Viewer. An Action Report window appears displaying the outcome of the chassis decommissioning. Additionally, status information displays in the Commission Status area of the Chassis Configuration window reiterating the outcome of the decommission action as either Succeeded or Failed. If decommissioning is successful, the state of the chassis and subchassis objects change to decommissioned.
Step 4 Click Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 5 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Configuration window.
Global performance logging collects performance information on interfaces within a specific chassis. Following a minimum fifteen minute increment, performance data is available for viewing through the Cisco EMF Performance Manager.
If you start global performance logging on a chassis, all subchassis objects move into the performance logging on state. Performance data gathering, however, is only applicable to interfaces. Therefore, despite having a state of performance logging on, performance data for chassis and modules is not available in the Performance Manager, with exception only to CPU performance data.
For additional information on the Performance Manager, see the "Performance Manager" section.
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Caution Global performance logging can use a lot of resources, so use discretion before enabling this option. |
In lieu of starting global performance logging, you can start performance logging on a per module or interface basis. For information on starting performance logging for a specific module, see the "Module Performance" section. For information on starting performance logging for a particular interface, see the "Interface Performance" section.
To start global performance logging for a selected chassis, proceed as follows:
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Configuration tab (see Figure 5-3).
Step 2 Select the relevant chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 3 Click Start (in the Global Performance Logging area) to begin performance logging on the selected chassis.
An Action Report window appears indicating whether the performance logging "on" action is successful or fails.
Step 4 Click Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 5 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Configuration window.
Stopping global performance logging at the chassis-level stops performance collection at the module and interface level as well.
Rather than stopping performance logging globally, you may stop performance logging on a per module or interface basis. For instructions on stopping performance logging for a selected module, see the "Module Performance" section. For instructions on stopping performance logging for a selected interface (such as ATM, Ethernet, or SONET), see the "Interface Performance" section.
To stop global performance logging for a selected chassis, proceed as follows:
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Configuration tab (see Figure 5-3).
Step 2 Select the relevant chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 3 Click Stop (in the Global Performance Logging area) to stop global performance logging for the selected chassis.
The Action Report window appears indicating whether the performance logging "off" action is successful or fails.
Step 4 Click Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 5 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Configuration window.
Two configurations reside within the EM, a running config and a start up config. As you make changes while working on the system, the running config updates automatically. However, if you should reboot the device, the EM automatically defaults to the current (saved) start up config and a new running config initiates. As such, the changes made to the previous running config are lost. To prevent this from happening, the EM enables you to write changes from the running config to the start up config during the same session.
To write a running config of the selected chassis to the start up config, proceed as follows:
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Configuration tab (see Figure 5-3).
Step 2 Click the Device Management tab.
The Chassis Configuration window appears displaying the Device Management tab.
Step 3 Select the relevant chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 4 Click writeMem (in the Write Config to Flash area).
Changes to the running config apply to the startup config. In the future, when the startup config is accessed, it will contain the most recent running config written to memory.
Step 5 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Configuration window.
The SNMP Management section covers the following areas:
Community names provide a security mechanism for SNMP communications. The device holds its own community names, so the community names set within the EM must match the setting on the device in order to get or set attributes (from the device). If community string settings do not match between the EM and the device, a critical alarm arises on the chassis and the chassis moves into the discovery lost comms state.
Community name configuration is directly related to the SNMP version configuration.
To configure SNMP community names and version information, proceed as follows:
The SNMP Management window appears displaying the SNMP Management tab.
Step 2 Select an IOS Host from the IOS Host list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 3 Enter the appropriate Community Name information as follows:
SNMP community strings are local only. The data you enter in the fields of the Community Names area have no effect on the device.
Step 4 Select the SNMP version to be used from the SNMP Version option list.
Step 5 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the SNMP Management window.
Trap generation may be enabled or disabled within the EM through SNMP management. It is, however, necessary to configure the device with the EM server IP address from the CLI in order to receive (SNMP) trap data from the device. This is a critical prerequisite step when enabling trap generation. If the device is not configured with the EM server IP address, trap data will not be received by the EMS.
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Note For details on configuring the EM to receive trap information from the device, see the Cisco Access Router Manager Installation Guide. |
The device sends traps to the EM when trap generation is enabled. When the EM receives a trap, alarms raise on the chassis or the chassis' underlying modules or interfaces. When trap generation is disabled on the device, the EM does not receive any traps and, therefore, does not raise any alarms. As such, it is recommended to enable trap generation at all times.
To enable or disable trap generation on a selected chassis, proceed as follows:
The SNMP Management window appears displaying the SNMP Management tab (see Figure 5-7).
Step 2 Select an IOS Host from the IOS Host list box on the left-hand side of the window.
Step 3 Ensure that the SNMP version and community configuration is appropriate. For additional information, see the preceding section.
Step 4 Click the appropriate Trap Generation button as follows:
Step 5 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
If enabled, traps convert into alarms which display in the Cisco EMF Event Browser. For additional information on the alarms supported by the EM, see "Alarms." Additionally, alarm indicators display on the Map Viewer appropriately.
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Note For details regarding the Event Browser and Map Viewer, see the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide. |
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the SNMP Management window.
If you are familiar with other Cisco EMs, the IOS image download feature is typically available through the EM-specific menu initiated by right-clicking a relevant object in the Cisco EMF Map Viewer tool. Currently, Cisco IOS image management capabilities are provided through the Resource Manager Essentials (RME) which is now integrated into Cisco EMF. Using RME, you can upgrade the device with the current version of Cisco IOS image software.
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Note For overview information on the RME tool and instructions specific to using RME with Cisco EMF, see
the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide
gu ration_guide_book09186a00800ffd0d.html) and the Cisco Element Management Framework
User Guide
(http://www.cisco.com/en/US/partner/products/sw/netmgtsw/ps829/products_user_guide_book 09186a00800ffd02.html). |
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Note For detailed information on the RME tool, see the User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials. |
Configuration backup and restore capabilities are now available through the RME application which is integrated into Cisco EMF. Using the RME application you can archive the network database as necessary.
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Note For overview information on the RME tool and instructions specific to using RME with Cisco EMF, see
the Cisco Element Management Framework Installation and Administration Guide
gu ration_guide_book09186a00800ffd0d.html) and the Cisco Element Management Framework
User Guide
(http://www.cisco.com/en/US/partner/products/sw/netmgtsw/ps829/products_user_guide_book 09186a00800ffd02.html). |
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Note For detailed information on the RME tool, see the User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials. |
The Configuration window allows you to commission or decommission any module. You can also provide textual descriptions of the specific module, if required.
The Module Configuration section provides the following information:
To configure a module, proceed as follows:
The Module Configuration window appears.
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window, then select a module from the Module list box.
Configuration data for the selected module appears in the Additional Descriptions area and the Commission Status area displays the status of the last commission performed on the selected module. Possible values are Succeeded or Failed.
Step 3 Enter additional descriptions into the Descriptions 1 and Descriptions 2 areas (optional) as required.
You can enter any information you wish into the Description 1 and Description 2 data entry fields. For example, you might wish to record additional text descriptions for identification purposes, such as CLLI codes.
Step 4 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
Step 5 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Configuration window.
As previously described, there are several types of modules the EM supports, including line cards and supporting modules (e.g., power supplies and processors). Commissioning modules discovers and commissions the module and all the objects within the module when applicable, and begins heartbeat polling. Overall, successful commissioning places the module in a manageable state (by the EM).
The following lists the activities which occur when commissioning line cards and processor modules.
Commissioning a module initiates the following activities for modules present in the device:
Commissioning any supporting module present in the device initiates the following activities:
To commission a module, proceed as follows:
The Module Configuration window appears (see Figure 5-8).
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window, then select a module from the Module list box.
Step 3 Ensure the module has proper configuration. For information on module configuration attributes, see the "Module Configuration" section.
Step 4 Click Commission (located in the Actions area).
The module and all objects it contains commission through discovery. An Action Report window appears displaying the outcome of the module commission. Additionally, status information displays in the Commission Status area of the Module Configuration window reiterating the outcome of the commissioning action as either Succeeded or Failed.
When viewing the Module Configuration window in future instances, the Commission Status area displays the result of the last commission action, either Succeeded or Failed.
Step 5 Click Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the Module Configuration window.
Decommissioning modules also decommissions all objects beneath the card. As a part of decommissioning, heartbeat polling, status gathering, and performance monitoring terminates. These activities put the module in a state that is unmanageable from the EM.
The following lists the activities which occur when decommissioning line cards and supporting modules.
Decommissioning a module initiates the following activities:
Decommissioning any supporting module initiates the following activities:
It is recommended that you decommission a module prior to physically removing it from a managed chassis. Decommissioning a module before physically removing it prevents alarms.
To decommission a module, proceed as follows:
The Module Configuration window appears (see Figure 5-8).
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window, then select a module from the Module list box.
Step 3 Click Decommission to decommission the selected module.
The module and all objects contained within are decommissioned. Decommissioned objects remain in the left-hand pane of the Map Viewer window and appear grayed out in the chassis map in the right-hand pane of the Map Viewer. An Action Report window appears displaying the outcome. If decommissioning is successful, the state of the module and objects contained within change to decommissioned.
Step 4 Choose Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 5 Choose File > Close to close the Module Configuration window.
Interface configuration is available through the EM for all interfaces on a generic level. In order to configure an interface, that interface object must be in a managed state (i.e., commissioned).
The Interface Configuration section covers the following:
To commission an interface, follow these steps:
The Generic Interface Configuration window appears.
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window, select a module from the Module list box, then select an interface from the Interface list box.
Configuration data for the selected interface appears in the Configurable Parameters panel.
Step 3 Ensure the interface has proper configuration. For information on interface configuration attributes, see the "Configuring an Interface" section.
Step 4 Click Commission (in the Actions area).
The status of the selected interface appears at the bottom left-hand corner of the window, and a Confirmation window appears.
Step 5 Click Yes to commission the interface or click No on the Confirmation window to cancel the operation at this time.
The interface discovers and commissions, and the interface's state changes accordingly. A status report appears displaying whether the commission action successful or fails.
Step 6 Click Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 7 Choose File > Close to close the Generic Interface Configuration window.
To decommission an interface, follow these steps:
The Generic Interface Configuration window appears (see Figure 5-9).
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window, select a module from the Module list box, then select an interface from the Interface list box.
Configuration data for the selected interface appears in the Configurable Parameters panel.
Step 3 Click Decommission (in the Actions area).
The status of the selected interface appears at the bottom left-hand corner of the window, and a Confirmation window appears.
Step 4 Click Yes to decommission the interface or click No on the Confirmation window to cancel the operation at this time.
The interface is decommissioned and the interface's state changes accordingly. A status report appears displaying whether the commission action is successful or fails.
Step 5 Click Close to close the Action Report window.
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the Generic Interface Configuration window.
Interfaces require some level of configuration before the EM can manage them effectively. In order to successfully configure an interface, no matter the type, the interface must be in a commissioned state. To commission an interface, see the "Commissioning an Interface" section.
When interface configuration is complete, the interface may be commissioned to enable the EM to manage it.
To configure general interface criteria, proceed as follows:
The Generic Interface Configuration window appears.
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box on the left-hand side of the window, select a module from the Module list box, then select an interface from the Interface list box.
Configuration data for the selected interface appears in the Configurable Parameters area. If configuration has not yet taken place from the EM, configuration data populates the attributes according to the information available on the device.
Step 3 Ensure that the interface is in a post-commissioning state by reviewing the interface status in the lower left-hand corner of the window.
If the interface is in the normal state or any other post-commissioned state, you may proceed. If the interface is in the decommissioned state, you must first commission the interface before continuing with the interface configuration. To commission an interface, see the "Commissioning an Interface" section.
Step 4 Configure the attributes in the Configurable Parameters area as follows:
Step 5 Click the Save icon on the toolbar to save your changes.
Step 6 Choose File > Close to close the Generic Interface Configuration window.
Posted: Wed Jun 25 05:35:11 PDT 2003
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