
Table of Contents

Troubleshooting CiscoWorks Blue Maps

Troubleshooting CiscoWorks Blue Maps

This chapter describes how to detect and correct problems with a map application. This chapter includes the following major sections:

Troubleshooting the RSRB and DLSw Map Applications

If the RSRB or DLSw Map applications fail to operate correctly, perform each of the following diagnostic procedures as the root user

Step 1 In the runrsrb or rundlsw script, verify that the environment variables are set according to the table in the "Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue Maps" chapter.

Step 2 Verify that the Sybase server that you named during installation is active by using the showserver command in the $SYBASE/install directory.

Step 3 Use the dbutil command in the $CWBROOT/etc directory to verify the database and check for error messages.

    > cd $CWBROOT/etc > runprocess dbutil

If the problem has not been resolved, a daemon might have failed. Consider the following possibilities:

    $SYBASE/bin/isql -Usa -Psybasesa 1> use SNA 2> go 1> select count(*) from snasuper.devices 2> go
    If the reported count is zero, the devices table is empty.
    If the table is not empty, use the following commands to see if the device's entry is in the devices table.
    1> select device_name from snasuper.devices 2> go 1> quit
    If the device is not in the devices table, check for its existence in the network management system database or the seed file. If the device is in the devices table, verify that the device is running the correct release of Cisco IOS software and that you can ping the device from the network management system. Also use Edit>Modify to verify that its read community string is correct.
cd $HOME/.rsrb rm *map*
Then restart the RSRB Maps application. This also works for DLSw.
    $ SYBASE/bin/isql -Usa -Psybasesa 1> dump tran SNA with NO_LOG 2> go 3> quit
    Use the dbutil command in the $CWBROOT/etc directory to verify that the database transaction log is smaller.

If the problem still has not been resolved, see "Running Daemons in Debug Mode."

    ps -ef | grep data su - <user> <sybase_dir>/bin/isql -Usa -Psybasesa sp_configure go sp_configure devices, 20 go RECONFIGURE go shutdown go cd <sybase_dir>/install ./RUN_CW_SYBASE& ./RUN_CW_BACKUP_SERVER&

Running Daemons in Debug Mode

You can restart any or all suspect daemons in the debug mode (using the -d option that is detailed in the "CiscoWorks Blue Maps Daemons" appendix). Read the output on stdout, and report your observations to the TAC if necessary. If you restart the Monitor daemon with the -c option, you must restart the RSRB, DLSw, and APPN Map applications.

On startup, every daemon checks for a running instance of itself. If you restart any daemon with the -f or -s option, an existing instance is automatically killed. Without -f or -s, the existing instance survives and a new instance does not start.

To see a list of running RSRB and DLSw daemons and their process identification numbers, use the cwbdaemons utility in the $CWBROOT/etc directory.

RSRB and DLSw Error Messages

These error messages are shared by the RSRB Map and DLSw Map applications.

Error Message   
Discovery failed.

The application failed to query network devices.

Recommended Action   
On HP-UX and AIX, use /usr/OV/bin/ovstatus to verify that the HP OpenView daemons are running.

Error Message   
No response from update server.

The monitor daemon is not running.

Recommended Action   
Use Admin> Process Control to start or reset the Monitor daemon.

Error Message   
device_name already exists.

Edit> Add
detected that the device you specified already has an entry in the database.

Recommended Action   
If you receive this message in error, log in to the Sybase database and delete the entry for device in the Devices table.

Error Message   
device_name no such device.
device_name failed to add.

The device_name is not known to the operating system or the domain name server.

Recommended Action   
Check to see whether the domain name server has been configured.

Error Message   
daemon_name is already active.

A copy of daemon_name is already running.

Recommended Action   
Select the Reset button in the Process Control window.

Error Message   
Rediscover Device(s) failed.

The SNMP query to a device was not successful. Either the device is no longer reachable from the management station or it is not responding to the SNMP query.

Recommended Action   
Ping the router. Telnet to the router and check the configuration.

Error Message   
Cannot log into the database.

Application either cannot get to the data server or cannot log in.

Recommended Action   
Check the environment variables; try to log in to the dataserver from a separate window; and check the transaction log. Then try to restart the application.

Error Message   
Database initialization failure

Failure to connect to the network management system database before discovery.

Recommended Action   
Verify integrity of the network management processes by running the OVstatus command in the /usr/OV/bin directory.

Troubleshooting the APPN Map Application

This section presents scenarios and troubleshooting techniques for the APPN Map application.

cd $HOME/.appn rm *map*
Go to another view, then return to this view. If the problem has not cleared, exit the application, remove the map files again, and restart the application.
To resolve this problem, perform one or more of the following:
cd $HOME/.appn rm *map*
Then restart the APPN Maps application.

APPN Map Error Messages

The following error messages are unique to the APPN Maps application.

Error Message   
Device name & read community required

The application must send an SNMP MIB request to a node, but no device name is known for this node.

Recommended Action   
If the displayed default is not correct, enter the device name and read community string. Your input also sets the default for future SNMP MIB requests. If you do not know the device name, or if the node cannot be an SNMP agent, click Cancel to terminate the request.

Error Message   
Startup input required

The startup dialog box is being displayed because the application has not yet accessed a network topology agent. If a valid CP Name has been selected, a device name may need to be filled in.

Recommended Action   
Select a valid CP Name or device name, or discover a network topology agent. To prevent this dialog box from being shown in the future, specify an agent in the appninit file or as an option to the runappn command.

Error Message   
View may be incomplete

An Adjacent Nodes view is being shown for a node that does not have local topology information available. Only adjacent nodes learned from the global view or from local topology collection from other nodes are displayed. Adjacent EN and LEN nodes are, most likely, not shown.

Recommended Action   
If this node can act as an agent and you know its IP address or its device name and read community string, collect its local topology now.

Error Message   
View could not be retrieved

A view requires data that is not available to the application. Typically, this is the Ports and Links view, and local topology is not available from the target node.

Recommended Action   
If this node can act as an agent and you know its IP address or its device name and read community string, collect its local topology now.

Error Message   
Will retry by polling

A network topology agent has been selected, but is not returning network topology information. No global map is currently available. The application will retry this agent at the network topology polling rate.

Recommended Action   
Perform the following steps in order. Stop when one is successful.

Step 1 You may select Admin> Discovery to discover a new network topology agent.

Step 2 Ensure that the selected agent is an APPN network node with the APPN MIB, and that the IP address or device name you specified is correct. If not, stop the application and restart with a new network topology agent.

Step 3 Ensure that the APPN protocol is active on the target agent.

Step 4 Ping the agent to see if it is alive and if a path to it is available.

Error Message   
Database initialization failure

Failure to connect to the network management system database before discovery.

Recommended Action   
Verify the integrity of the network management processes by running the OVstatus command in the /usr/OV/bin directory.

Error Message   
No APPN NNs discovered

Discovery was completed, but a network topology agent was not found.

Recommended Action   
Review the devices in the seed file or network management system database to ensure that at least one active APPN network node exists. Then use Admin> Discover to retry, or exit the application and restart it and specify, in the startup dialog box, a topology agent that is known to be good.

Error Message   
No devices discovered

No devices were available to be discovered.

Recommended Action   
Review the device list in the seed file or network management system database so that discovery has a chance of success. Then use Admin> Discover to retry, or exit the application and restart it and specify a known good-network topology agent in the startup dialog box.

Troubleshooting the Web Browser

This section presents scenarios and troubleshooting techniques for the Web browser.

ps -ef | grep httpd
ps -aux | grep httpd
To start, see "Starting the HTTP Daemon at the Maps Workstation."
If there is no output or only "Last Update at" time appears, verify execute persmission of files using the following command.
ls -l /$CWBROOT/cgi-bin/
Verify the presence of $CWBROOT/cgi-bin/mib.txt file using the following command.
ls -l $CWBROOT/cgi-bin/mib.txt
Should be linked to $CWBROOT/etc/mib.txt

Posted: Thu Aug 19 11:42:57 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.