
Table of Contents

Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue

Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue

This chapter describes how to install and configure CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View on AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris workstations. It contains the following main sections:

Note Refer to the Release Notes for CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Software Release 2.0 for cautionary statements about the installation and configuration process. Also review the section "Collecting Data for Installation" section.

Upgrading to CiscoWorks Blue Release 2.0

This section describes how to upgrade to CiscoWorks Blue Maps or SNA View Release 2.0 from a previous release.

Creating a Seed File from a Previous Software Release Database

Use the following procedure to create a seed file from your Version 1.2 database for use with your Version 2.0 applications.

TimeSaver You can avoid having to discover the network from the network management database by creating a seed file or saving the seed file from Maps Software Release 1.2.

Step 1 Ensure that the database server is running by using the following command:

    ps -ef | grep dataserver

Step 2 Set the following environment variables:

Step 3 Enter the following command:

    /installation_directory/etc/CreateSeedFile -s destination_file


installation_directory is the directory in which you installed CiscoWorks Blue Maps release 1.2, for example, /usr/cw-blue.

destination_file is the path and name of the new seed file that you want to create. Create the seed file outside the CiscoWorks Blue maps file structure so that it is not deleted during installation of release 2.0.

Upgrading SNA View 1.2 Configurations

If you specify the same domain name during release 2.0 configuration, your mainframe connection configuration file will be upgraded automatically.

Using CiscoWorks Blue 2.0 Workstation Software with SNA View 1.2 Mainframe

You can migrate your workstation to CiscoWorks Blue release 2.0 while leaving the mainframe at SNA View release 1.2. CiscoWorks Blue release 2.0 Maps and SNA View applications work and communicate with the older SNA View release 1.2 mainframe application, but only at the release 1.2 level of function. If you chose to leave the mainframe at the release 1.2 level for now, you should plan to upgrade it to release 2.0 soon to get the full 2.0 capability.

Note If you plan to connect a workstation running CiscoWorks Blue release 2.0 to a mainframe running SNA View release 1.2, set MESSAGES OFF in the NSPPARM file on the mainframe to avoid connectivity problems.

Saving the cwbinit File

Before you install CiscoWorks Blue release 2.0, you might want to save the $CWBROOT/etc/cwbinit configuration file. Although the release 1.2 version of this file is not suitable for use with release 2.0, you can copy settings from the older version after you install release 2.0.

Deinstalling Maps and SNA View Release 1.2

Before you install CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View release 2.0, you must deinstall Version 1.2. Use the procedure described in the "Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Release 1.2" section.

Installing and Configuring CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View

You can install and configure CiscoWorks Blue Maps and CiscoWorks Blue SNA View from a local or remote CD-ROM drive. In either case, you install both Maps and SNA View at the same time. The license that you purchase from Cisco determines which applications you can use.

This section includes the following topics:

If it is necessary to reinstall a CiscoWorks Blue product, deinstall the existing software using procedures in the "Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Release 2.0" section, and then reinstall as if it were a new installation.

Installing CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View

Use the following procedure to install the software on your system. The default for each prompt is the value in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter.

Note If you are installing from a remote CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM into the drive on a remote system and export the CD-ROM file system (make it available to an outside system). If you are installing from a local CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM in the drive on the local system, then mount the CD-ROM file system on the local system. If you do not know how to mount a CD-ROM drive from a local or remote system, see the appendix "Mounting a CD-ROM."

Note If you are installing from a remote system, you must export your display to that remote system to view the applications that are started at the end of the installation process.

If You Have Already Installed a CiscoWorks Blue Release 2.0 Product

If you have already installed one of the CiscoWorks Blue 2.0 products, either Maps or SNA View, and now want to install the other CiscoWorks Blue 2.0 product, do not go through the installation process. Instead, apply the second license key to the license file, as described in the "Applying Licenses After Installation" section.

Installing the CiscoWorks Blue 2.0 Products

The default for each prompt is the value shown in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter.

Step 1 Before you start, collect the necessary information as described in the "Collecting Data for Installation" section.

Step 2 If you have any previously installed version of CiscoWorks Blue Maps or SNA View, deinstall it as described in the "Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Release 2.0" section before you begin to install CiscoWorks Blue Maps or SNA View Version 2.0.

Step 3 Start the interactive installation script by entering the following command:

    # /cdrom/

Step 4 If you have already installed the products and are already licensed for Maps, you will see the following message. Press Enter to install a license for SNA View.

INFO: You are currently licensed for CiscoWorks Blue Maps. Do you want to enter license for CiscoWorks Blue SNAView [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 5 If you have already installed the products and are already licensed for SNA View, you will see the following message:

    INFO: You are currently licensed for CiscoWorks Blue SNAView. Do you want to enter license for CiscoWorks Blue Maps [yes|no]? [Y

Press Enter to install a license for Maps.

Step 6 If you have already installed the products but did not apply any license, and then you reran the installation program, you will see the following message:

You are not licensed for CiscoWorks Blue Maps or SNAView. Do you want to enter license key(s) for CiscoWorks Blue [yes|no]? [Y]

Press Enter to install a license.

Step 7 The setup program starts and displays the following banner:

********************************************************************** * Cisco Systems * . . . . * | | CiscoWorks | | * :|: :|: Blue Maps and SNA View :|: :|: * :|||||: :|||||: :|||||: :|||||: * .:|||||||:..:|||||||:. Setup Program .:|||||||:..:|||||||:. *********************************************************************
Note Installation error messages are self-describing and are not described in this manual. If you cannot complete the installation sucessfully, call the Cisco TAC.

Step 8 On Solaris, if you have more than one network management system (NMS) installed, select which NMS to integrate with CiscoWorks Blue. The installation program detects whether you have any network management systems installed. If it finds more than one NMS, it asks you to select which to use. In response to the following prompt, type SNM to use the Sun Net manager, or type HPOV to use HP-OpenView.

INFO: Install program detected SunNet Manager and HP Openview installed on the machine. Which NMS platform do you want to use to integrate CiscoWorks Blue Product?: [SNM/HPOV]

Step 9 If the installation program cannot find an NMS, either enter the NMS path or specify no NONMS:

In response to the following prompt specify which NMS is installed:
Install program did not detect either HP OpenView or SunNet Manager Do you have either HP OpenView or SunNet Manager installed on the system? [HPOV/SNM/NONMS]
In response to the following prompt specify which NMS is installed:
Install program did not detect HP OpenView Do you have HP OpenView installed on the system? [HPOV/NONMS]
In response to the following prompt specify which NMS is installed:
Install program did not detect NetView for AIX Do you have NetView for AIX installed on the system? [NETV/NONMS]

Step 10 And, in response to the next prompt, enter the full path name for the NMS:

    Enter the SunNet Manager installation root directory:
    Enter the HP OpenView installation root directory:
    Enter the NetView for AIX installation root directory:

Step 11 In response to the following prompt, enter the path and name of your Netscape browser binary file (the executable file):

    Enter fully qualified Netscape browser executable path

Type the full path (including file name) to the Netscape browser binary file, for example:

    Enter fully qualified Netscape browser executable path /usr/local/packages/cnetscape/current/Solaris-2.5/netscape.128

If you do not have Netscape installed yet, you can install it later. At that time, add the string Netscape to your path statement, and ensure that the Netscape executable name is Netscape.

Step 12 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to accept the default or enter a new path for installing the product. Normally the installation program chooses the drive with space available.

    Where should the product be installed? [/opt]

Step 13 If any of the required TCP ports are in use, in response to one of the following prompts, supply an unused port number.

    Which tcp port should Web Server use?
    Which tcp port should Open Server Gateway use?
    Which tcp port should Name Server use?

Step 14 If a port is reserved in the /etc/services file but does not appear to be in use at this time, you might see the following message. If you want to keep the port reserved, press Enter.

    WARNING: Port port_number/protocol is reserved for application_name service in /etc /services file. Do you want to use port_number/protocol anyway [yes|no]? [N]

Step 15 For AIX systems, if there is insufficient room in the /usr file system, in response to the following prompt press Enter to expand the /usr file system:

    /usr has insufficient space for installation. Do you want to expand /usr partition [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 16 The program installs the software from CD-ROM and reports on its progress.

You can use the more command to examine the installation log file for error messages.

    more /opt/CSCOcb/install/cwb_install.log

Press the Spacebar to advance the display one screen at a time.

When installation is complete, the cwbinit script is added to the system initialization files to automatically start the CiscoWorks Blue processes when you reboot.

This concludes the installation process. Proceed to the next section to apply your licenses for CiscoWorks Blue applications.

Applying the CiscoWorks Blue Licenses

During installation, you can apply the license information for the Maps and SNA View applications. If you do not apply the license information now, you can apply it later in one of the following ways:

Step 1 In response to the prompt, enter the Maps license key as found in your licensed materials. If you are not licensed for Maps, just press Enter.

    Enter the CiscoWorks Blue Maps license key (example:123456789012) or press enter if not licensed for CiscoWorks Blue Maps

Step 2 In response to the following prompt, enter the SNA View license key as found in your licensed materials. If you are not licensed for SNA View, press Enter.

    Enter the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View license key (example:123456789012) or press enter if not licensed for CiscoWorks Blue SNA View

Step 3 In response to the prompt, press Enter to configure the installed product now and go to the next section. If you enter N, you can configure the product later using the cwb config command.

    Would you like to configure CiscoWorks Blue Maps now [yes|no]? [Y]

Proceed to the next section to configure CiscoWorks Blue applications.

Configuring CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View

After you install Maps and SNA View, configure the application using the following procedures.

Note If you do not configure now, you can use the /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwb config command to configure later.

The default for each prompt is the value shown in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter.

The installation script should automatically start the configuration script. If it does not, or if you want to reconfigure the product at any time, you can start the interactive configuration script as described in the "Configuring CiscoWorks Blue after Installation" section.

Note You must have applied a valid Maps or SNA View license to configure the product.

Step 1 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to configure the host connection now.

Would you like to Add/Modify/Delete a SNA host connection [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 2 At the following prompt, enter the name of the mainframe SNA domain in upper-case letters:

    SNA Domain name(s) (Use upper case letters only):MVSD

To specify a domain name, enter any 1- to 8-character alphanumeric value. Choose a name that is meaningful in your environment, such as an SSCP name or host PU name. This domain name is added as an extension to all PU and LU names to create the format PUNAME.DOMAIN, which is used in the SNA View database and on the Maps views. You must use all uppercase characters in domain names.

Step 3 To reconfigure an existing domain, specify an existing domain name. The configuration program displays a message informing you of the reconfiguration of the existing file.

    Would you like to modify it [yes|no]? [Y]

You might want to reconfigure an existing domain if you migrated configuration files from a previous release of SNA View, as mentioned in the "Upgrading to CiscoWorks Blue Release 2.0" section.

Step 4 At the following prompt, specify whether the connection to that domain is using LU 6.2 or TCP/IP:

    Connectivity to mainframe (TCP or LU62): TCP

For Solaris systems, this is always TCP.

If you enter TCP, then Process Manager automatically starts the cwbhcid daemon to start a connection to the mainframe component.

Step 5 At the following prompt, for TCP/IP connections only, enter the TCP/IP address or host name for the SNA mainframe:

    Mainframe TCP/IP Name or Address: rtpmvsd

For each SNA domain that you configure, the program builds a configuration file named /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME, where DOMAINNAME is the name of the SNA domain that you specified. To review the SNA parameter values, edit this file as described in the section "Configuring Domain-Specific Parameters."

Step 6 When you see the following prompt, enter Y to configure another host domain or enter N to finish configuring host domains.

    Configure another SNA host connection [yes|no]? [N]

Step 7 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to specify that you manage APPN. This makes cwbsnamapsd dependent on AppnPollerServer in the Process Manager, and is used by cwb verify to check for valid configuration.

    Configure APPN [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 8 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to specify that you manage DLSw. This makes cwbdlswpollerd and cwbtrapd (if an NMS is present) start automatically in the Process Manager, and is used by cwb verify to check for valid configuration.

    Configure DLSW [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 9 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to specify that you manage RSRB. This makes cwbrsrbpollerd and cwbtrapd (if an NMS is present) start automatically in the Process Manager, and is used by cwb verify to check for valid configuration.

    Configure RSRB [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 10 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to specify that you manage TN3270.

    Configure TN3270 [yes|no]? [Y]

This concludes the configuration process. Proceed to the "Starting the CiscoWorks Blue Processes" section to start CiscoWorks Blue processes.

Starting the CiscoWorks Blue Processes

This section describes how to start CiscoWorks Blue processes during installation.

Step 1 If you are already licensed for either Maps or SNA View, and it is now running, press Enter when you receive the following message:

    INFO: CiscoWorks Blue Servers are currently running. You must restart all CiscoWork Blue processes to make these changes effective. Do you want to restart CiscoWorks Blue processes [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 2 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to start the CiscoWorks Blue servers. If you enter N, you can start the servers yourself with the cwb start servers command, as described in "Monitoring and Controlling CiscoWorks Blue Applications."

      Would you like to start the CiscoWorks Blue Maps processes now [yes|no]? [Y]

Step 3 When the servers are started, the installation program displays the current status of all CiscoWorks Blue servers and processes:

    CiscoWorks Blue Naming Server Started.
    CiscoWorks Blue Process Manager Started.
    Process Manager running with processes:
    CWBHTTPAdapter Ready CWBOSAMonitor Ready cwbhcid_MVSD Ready CWBPMMonitor Ready cwbrsrbpollerd Ready cwbsnamapsd Ready cwbtrapd Ready CWBMsgLogServer Ready AppnPollerServer Ready cwbdlswpollerd Ready CWBDBAdapter Ready cwbmonitord Initial

Step 4 The installation program starts the following applications:

Note The Administration application, and the Process Manager and Message Logger clients require X-Windows support. If you are installing the product from a remote workstation, you need an X-Windows server and you must export your display to that server to use these applications.

Now that all the servers and processes are running, go to the "Finishing Installation" section to finish the installation.

Finishing Installation

After the installation process is complete and the CiscoWorks Blue programs are started, you can create a seed file, specify DLSw key routers, and discover the network routers.

Create a Seed File with DLSw Key Routers

This step is optional. A seed file is a file that contains a list of router names or addresses. You can list the routers in either of two formats:

router [ReadCommunityString] [key]




key indicates that this is a DLSw key device. This option does not apply to APPN, RSRB, or TN3270 devices. If you omit the word key the router is not considered a DLSw key device.

For information about creating a seed file, see the "Discovering the Network with a Seed File" sections for each protocol (DLSw, RSRB, TN3270, and APPN) in "Starting the User Applications."

Discover the Routers

You can discover the network devices using the CiscoWorks Blue Administration application, as described in "Using the Administration Application."

Now that all the servers and processes are running, and you have created a seed file and discovered the routers in the network, go to "Monitoring and Controlling CiscoWorks Blue Applications" to learn how to control the applications.

Specify DLSw Key Devices

For DLSw networks, you can specify a few key devices: routers through which most sessions flow. Key devices are polled for DLSw circuits, which are used for SNA correlation. If a session does not pass through a key device, SNA View cannot display the DLSw routers in the dependency views.

If you discover network devices from a seed file, you can designate key devices in the seed file. If you discover network devices from a network management system database, you can use the CiscoWorks Blue Administration program to specify which routers are designated as key.

Run the Verification Program

After you finish installing the CiscoWorks Blue products, configuring the products, and discovering routers for the database, use the verification program to ensure that all went successfully. Click Verify on the Administration window or enter the commands shown below:

cd /opt/CSCOcb/bin ./cwb verify

The verification program does the following:

======================================================================= CiscoWorks Blue Verification Wed Jan 20 14:56:26 1999 nchand-u5 ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Process Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Configured Ready ------ ------------ ------- APPN Yes Yes Base Yes Yes DLSw Yes Yes RSRB Yes Yes TN3270 YesYes SNA Yes Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of devices: 13 APPN: 3 DLSw: 8 RSRB: 3 TN3270: 2 DLSw Key Devices: 6 Physical Units: 7 Logical Units: 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: 1. No APPN Network Topology Agent was specified in the cwbinit file. Please specify a Network Topology Agent by editing the cwbinit file (/opt/CSCOcb/etc/cwbinit) and setting the following parameters: nettopoagentdevname = [Agent IP address or name] nettopordcommstr = [Agent read community string] -OR- nettopoagentcpname = [Agent control point name]

The last section of the report suggests changes you might make to improve the CiscoWorks Blue installation.

Configuring the Host Connection

This section describes how to configure the connection between the Maps and SNA View workstation component and the mainframe component. It contains these topics:

Configuring Domain-Specific Parameters

This section describes how to configure domain-specific parameters for an SNA domain. For each SNA domain that you configure, the configuration program creates a file named /etc/svopen_config_DOMAINNAME, such as /etc/svopen_config_TEXAS using the domain name and protocol (TCP or LU 6.2) to create a set of default values in the configuration file. You can edit this file directly, if necessary, to change the values. The following is a sample configuration file.


Table 3-1 lists the parameters that must be set in the configuration file. Table 3-2 lists additional parameters that you may choose to customize. Table 3-3 lists additional parameters whose defaults you may choose to accept.

See the detailed descriptions of all parameters in the sections that follow the tables.

Table 3-1: Required Configuration Parameters
Parameter Default Value Valid Values


Host name or IP address of the mainframe on which the mainframe component is installed.



LU62 or TCP. Set this to LU62 if you use an LU 6.2 connection.

Table 3-2: Other Configuration Parameters to Customize
Parameter Default Value Valid Values



Indicates whether to include LUs in the database. Valid values are YES or NO.



1 to 1800 seconds.



1 to 1800 seconds.






1to 65535 PUs.



YES---Generates an event notification message.

NO---Does not generate an event notification message.

Table 3-3: Configuration Parameters You Might Want to Accept
Parameter Default Value Valid Values



Home directory.



Any valid directory.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value.



Any unused port value. Must match ports defined in mainframe PARM member.



Any unused port value. Must match ports defined in mainframe PARM member.

Configuration Parameter Descriptions

The following sections describe each parameter in detail.

Required Parameters

Set the following parameters, or accept the default values, for each domain:

Parameters You Might Want to Change

These parameters have preset default values that suit most users. Review the default setting for each parameter and decide whether it meets your requirements. You may want to change some of these parameter values.

Parameters You Might Want to Accept

These parameters have preset default values that suit most users. Review the default setting for each parameter and decide whether it meets your requirements. Depending on how your workstation is configured, you may want to change some of these parameter values.

The port values that the SNA Host component specifies as default values can be changed if any of these ports are already in use at your site. We recommend that the port values be greater than 6000 and not exceed 9999.
When you are managing more than one domain, the Maps and SNA View installation program automatically increments the port values for each specified domain by 20. For example, if a port number in domain ABC is 6100, the SNA Host component automatically sets the value for the same configuration parameter in domain DEF to 6120. If the port numbers are already in use, please modify them to fit your site's requirements.

Configuring LU 6.2 Connectivity to the Mainframe

This section explains how to configure LU 6.2 connectivity between the SNA Host workstation component and the mainframe.

Before You Configure the SNA Host Component for Maps and SNA View

Before starting the steps to allow the SNA Host component on the workstation to communicate with the mainframe, you must first do all the necessary configuration to allow an LU 6.2 session to flow from the workstation to the mainframe. You may need to make changes to both VTAM and the workstation application that supports LU 6.2 sessions. The workstation LU 6.2 programs are HP-UX SNAplus2 (including SNAplus2 Link and SNAplus2 API) and IBM Communications Server for AIX. If the workstation is not directly connected to the mainframe running the SNA Host component, but the session instead passes through one or more VTAMs before reaching the destination VTAM, then the correct configuration may require changes to all VTAMs (and possibly NCPs in the path). It is not the intent of this book to document all the steps necessary to set up the network. See the relevant IBM VTAM and NCP publications for more setup information.

If this LU 6.2 configuration has not yet been done, the installation should be delayed until the LU 6.2 configuration is complete. One way to determine whether there is LU 6.2 connectivity between the workstation and the mainframe is to issue the VTAM command D NET,APING,ID=NETID.RESOURCE. The NETID.RESOURCE should be the fully qualified name of the SNA workstation. Until this returns a positive response, CiscoWorks Blue applications are unable to connect to the workstation.

After the initial LU 6.2 configuration is complete, you can use the procedures in the following sections to complete the configuration for the SNA host component.

Configuring LU 6.2 Connectivity for the SNA Host Component on AIX

If the AIX workstation is connected to the mainframe using SNA LU 6.2, use this procedure to configure the LU 6.2 operating environment. This procedure creates the sna_tps file for transaction program profiles for the command server and the message server and a logmode named PARALLEL.

To configure AIX, you first create a file named sna_tps, and then you configure PARALLEL mode processing, as described in the following sections:

Creating the sna_tps File on AIX

To configure the LU 6.2 transaction programs that the SNA host component uses to communicate between an AIX workstation and a mainframe, create a configuration file named /etc/sna/sna_tps, as described in the IBM Communication Server for AIX publications. Use the /etc/sna/sna_tps file to define two transaction programs (TPs) named NSPOPNMS and NSPOPNCS. The following example shows a /etc/sna/sna_tps file:


This sample /etc/sna/sna_tps file defines two transaction programs:

In the file, each transaction program name is enclosed in brackets, as shown below:


For each TP, code the following entries:

Configuring PARALLEL Mode on AIX

After you create the /etc/sna/sna_tps file, create a new LU 6.2 session profile named PARALLEL as described in the Communication Server for AIX publications. The following is a sample file:

[define_node] cp_alias = cwbaix11 description = cwb-aix11 local node definition fqcp_name = NETA.CWBAIX11 node_type = NETWORK_NODE mode_to_cos_map_supp = NO mds_supported = YES node_id = <00000000> max_locates = 1500 dir_cache_size = 255 max_dir_entries = 0 locate_timeout = 0 reg_with_nn = YES reg_with_cds = YES mds_send_alert_q_size = 100 cos_cache_size = 24 tree_cache_size = 40 tree_cache_use_limit = 40 max_tdm_nodes = 0 max_tdm_tgs = 0 max_isr_sessions = 1000 isr_sessions_upper_threshold = 900 isr_sessions_lower_threshold = 800 isr_max_ru_size = 16384 isr_rcv_pac_window = 8 store_endpt_rscvs = NO store_isr_rscvs = NO store_dlur_rscvs = NO dlur_support = YES pu_conc_support = YES nn_rar = 128 max_ls_exception_events = 0 ms_support = NORMAL queue_nmvts = NO ptf_flags = NONE

Configuring LU 6.2 Connectivity for SNAplus2 on HP-UX

This section describes how to configure SNAplus2 for LU 6.2 support on HP-UX. (LU 6.2 is not supported on Solaris.)

To configure HP-UX SNAplus2, you first create a file named sna_tps, and then you configure PARALLEL mode processing, as described in the following sections:

Creating the sna_tps File on HP-UX

To configure the LU 6.2 transaction programs that the SNA host component uses to communicate between an HP-UX workstation and a mainframe, create a configuration file named sna_tps, as described in the SNAplus2 Administration Guide and SNAplus2 Installation Guide. Use the sna_tps  file to define two transaction programs (TPs) named NSPOPNMS and NSPOPNCS. The following example shows a sna_tps file.

#SNA Host Message Server ["NSPOPNMS"] PATH = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp ARGUMENTS = cwbhci_server MYDOMAIN TYPE = QUEUED-BROADCAST TIMEOUT = 60 USERID = root GROUP = sys #SNA Host Command Server ["NSPOPNCS"] PATH = /opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwbstarttp ARGUMENTS = cwbhcmd_server MYDOMAIN TYPE = QUEUED-BROADCAST TIMEOUT = 60 USERID = root GROUP = sys

This sample sna_tps file defines two transaction programs:

In the file, each TP name is enclosed in quotation marks and then in brackets, as shown below:


For each TP, code the following entries:

Configuring PARALLEL Mode on HP-UX

After you create the sna_tps file, you then configure SNAplus2 for PARALLEL processing mode.

Step 1 At the command prompt, enter the xsnapadmin command, as shown below.

    % xsnapadmin

The xsnapadmin window is displayed.

Step 2 In the xsnapadmin window, select Services>APPC>Modes.

Step 3 If the PARALLEL mode is not in the list of defined modes, select Add. The Add Mode window is displayed.

If the PARALLEL mode is already in the list of defined modes, you can exit.

Step 4 In the Add Mode window, enter PARALLEL for the Mode Name, and either accept the defaults or customize the values for your operating environment.

Configuring TCP/IP Connectivity to the Mainframe

This section explains how to configure TCP/IP connectivity between the workstation and the mainframe.

Configuring TCP/IP Port Parameters

If you configure TCP/IP connectivity from the workstation to the mainframe, you must match the SVMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and SVMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT parameters of the domain to the TCP Parameter Cards used in the mainframe. (TCP Parameter Cards are documented in the CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide.) For example, the workstation parameters for domain "NORTH" should be set as follows in /etc/svopen_config_NORTH:


The host configuration file should have a TCP card containing the following:

TCP 6104 6105

Sending Nonencrypted Data

The data that is transferred between the mainframe and workstation component is not encrypted. This data transfer is secure if the data is transferred over a private intranet. If the workstation-to-host connection traverses the Internet, or if additional security is desired over the intranet, you can use the "Network Data Encryption with Router Authentication" feature provided with Cisco routers to encrypt the data that flows between the router nearest to the workstation and the router nearest to the host.

For more information on this topic, see the Cisco IOS software Security Configuration Guide.

Configuring Connectivity to Multiple Domains

If you configure TCP/IP connectivity from the same workstation to multiple mainframe domains, each set of SVMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT and SVMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT parameters for each domain must have corresponding TCP parameter cards in the mainframe. (TCP Parameter Cards are documented in the CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Mainframe Installation Guide.)

For example, the workstation parameters for domain NORTH should be set as follows in /etc/svopen_config_NORTH:


The workstation parameters for domain SOUTH should be set as follows in


The host configuration file for the SNA Host component, at each domain's mainframe should have a TCP cards that contain the following lines:

TCP 6104 6105 TCP 6114 6115

You cannot configure LU 6.2 from the same workstation to multiple domains.

Removing Log Files

During installation, messages are recorded in a log file to provide diagnostic information in case a problem arises. To remove the log file, perform these commands when you are satisfied that installation of the software is complete.

Note Do not use the rm *.log command to remove the log files because the directory might contain other applications' log files that should not be removed.
# rm /tmp/cwb_install.log # rm /opt/CSCOcb/install/cwb_install.log

Applying Licenses After Installation

If you choose not to apply your CiscoWorks Blue license information during installation, you can apply it later as described in this section.

You can get one of two licenses for the CiscoWorks Blue applications. You can get a license to run the Maps applications and a license to use the SNA View web pages. The license that you obtain determines which CiscoWorks Blue applications you and your users can run. If you license both Maps and SNA View, you can use all the applications.

The license information is kept in the /opt/CSCOcb/etc/license.dat file. When you obtain a license from Cisco Systems, type the license information into the /opt/CSCOcb/etc/license.dat file.

To apply the license information, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Start a text editor and open the /opt/CSCOcb/etc/license.dat file.

Step 2 Type the license number over the XXXXXXXXXXXX field in the appropriate FEATURE string for Maps or SNA View.


Step 3 Save the file and exit the text editor.

Step 4 Stop and restart the web daemon using the following commands:

    cwb stop cwbsnamapsd cwb start cwbsnamapsd

Configuring CiscoWorks Blue after Installation

You can configure the CiscoWorks Blue applications after installation using the cwb config command.

Step 1 Enter the following commands:

    # cd /opt/CSCOcb/bin # ./cwb config

Step 2 Make your responses to the configuration prompts just as described in the "Configuring CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View" section.

Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View

This section describes how to deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View, and contains the following subsections:

Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Release 2.0

If it is necessary to deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View release 2.0, such as after a failed installation, use the following procedure.

Note When you deinstall release 2.0 and the reinstall release 2.0, the following configuration files are saved in the /var/tmp/ directory: cwbinit, runprocess, CWBlue.conf, Services.conf, and SeedFile.

Step 1 Log in as the root user. For details, see the "Becoming the Root User" section.

Step 2 To start the interactive deinstallation script, enter the commands shown below:

    # cd /opt/CSCOcb/install # ./

The deinstallation script lists the packages that are installed:

Step 3 In reply to the following prompt, enter Y or just click Enter to deinstall the packages.

Delete all Cisco Products CiscoWorks Blue packages listed above? [yes]

The deinstall program deinstalls your CiscoWorks Blue products.

Note If the deinstallation program fails to completely deinstall all CiscoWorks Blue files and directories from the /opt/CSCOcb file structure, run again.

Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View Release 1.2

This section describes how to deinstall Maps and SNA View release 1.2 from AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris workstations before you install CiscoWorks Blue release 2.0. It contains the following subsections:

Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps Release 1.2 on AIX

To deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps release 1.2, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Log in as the root user. For details, see the "Becoming the Root User" section.

Step 2 Shut down all CiscoWorks Blue processes.

Step 3 Set the following environment variables:

Step 4 Start SMIT by entering the smit command, as shown below:

    # smit

Step 5 From the System Management menu, select Communications Applications and Services.

Step 6 Select Cisco Network-Management Applications for AIX.

Step 7 Select CiscoWorks Blue Maps.

Step 8 Select Deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps.

Step 9 In the Deinstall menu, click the Deinstall List button.

Step 10 From the Multi-select List dialog box, select all object names so that all are highlighted simultaneously, then click OK.

Step 11 Click OK.

Step 12 In response to the "ARE YOU SURE?" prompt, click OK. An animated man appears on the screen.

While the animated man is running, SMIT is deinstalling all files related to the selected applications.

If the man raises his hands and SMIT displays OK, the deinstallation process has succeeded.

If the man falls down, deinstallation has failed. If the reason for the failure is not apparent, read the log file $HOME/smit.log and call the Cisco TAC.

Step 13 Terminate SMIT by pressing F12 or by clicking Exit SMIT on the Exit menu.

Deinstalling SNA View Release 1.2 on AIX

To deinstall CiscoWorks Blue SNA View release 1.2 on AIX, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Log in as the root user. (For information about how to become the root user, see the "Becoming the Root User" section.

Step 2 Shut down all SNA View tasks.

Step 3 To start SMIT, enter the smit command at the system prompt:

    # smit

Step 4 On the System Management menu, click Communications Applications and Services.

Step 5 On the next menu, click Cisco Network-Management Applications for AIX.

Step 6 On the next menu, click CiscoWorks Blue SNA View.

Step 7 On the next menu, click Deinstall CiscoWorks Blue SNA View.

Step 8 On the Deinstall menu, click the Deinstall List button.

Step 9 From the Multi-select List dialog box, select all object names so that all are highlighted simultaneously, then click OK.

Step 10 Click OK.

Step 11 In response to the "ARE YOU SURE?" prompt, click OK. An animated man appears on the screen.

While the animated man is running, SMIT deinstalls all files related to CiscoWorks Blue SNA View.

If the man raises his hands and SMIT displays OK, the deinstallation process has succeeded.

If the man falls down, deinstallation has failed. Contact a Cisco TAC representative.

Step 12 Terminate SMIT by pressing F12 or by selecting Exit SMIT from the Exit menu.

Deinstalling CiscoWorks Blue Maps Release 1.2 on HP-UX or Solaris

To deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps release 1.2, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Log in as the root user. For details, see the "Becoming the Root User" section.

Step 2 Shut down all currently running CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View applications and daemons.

Step 3 To start the interactive deinstallation script, enter the following commands:

    # cd /install_directory/install/bin # ./cwbdeinstall

Where install_directory is usually /opt/CSCOcb for HP-UX and Solaris.

The deinstallation script lists the Maps filesets that are installed (plus the CWBLUE-SNAVIEW file if CiscoWorks Blue SNA View is already installed).

Caution The CiscoWorks Blue Maps database will be removed if you delete the CWBIC fileset, which contains the Maps common services, in the next step.

Step 4 Press Enter to accept the default group of filesets to deinstall, or enter an alternate set of filesets and press Enter. To deinstall the RSRB and APPN applications only, enter the following when prompted by cwbdeinstall:


Step 5 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to begin the deinstallation of filesets, or type n and press Enter to terminate deinstallation.

    Do you wish to deinstall? (y/n)[y]:

Step 6 When the system prompt returns, use the more command to examine the deinstallation log file.

    # more /tmp/cwb_sybase_deinstall.log # more /tmp/cwb_syb_deinstall
    # more /tmp/cwb_deinstall.log

Unless you see an error message in that file, deinstallation is complete

Step 7 Use the rm command to remove the deinstallation log file.

    # rm /tmp/cwb_sybase_deinstall.log # rm /tmp/cwb_syb_deinstall
    # rm /tmp/cwb_deinstall.log

Step 8 Use the rmdir command to remove the home directory of the special maps user whose user name is cwblue.

    # rmdir /users/cwblue

Deinstalling SNA View Release 1.2 on HP-UX or Solaris

To deinstall CiscoWorks Blue SNA View release 1.2 on HP or Solaris, use the following procedure:

Step 1 To shut down the SNA View application, first stop all SNA View tasks from the task manager.

Step 2 Click Quit in the Task Manager window.

Step 3 To start the interactive deinstallation script, log in as the root user and type the following commands:

    # cd $CWBROOT/install/bin # ./cwbdeinstall

The deinstallation script lists the Maps and SNA View filesets that are installed.

Step 4 To deinstall the SNA View application only, type the following and press Enter:


Step 5 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to begin the deinstallation, or type n and press Enter to terminate deinstallation.

    Do you wish to de-install? (y/n)[y]:

Step 6 When the system prompt returns, examine the deinstallation log files with the more command, as shown below. Unless you see an error message in the files, deinstallation is complete.

    # more /tmp/cwb_deinstall.log
    # more /tmp/cwb_sybase_deinstall.log # more /tmp/cwb_syb_deinstall

Step 7 Remove the deinstallation log files with the rm command.

    # rm /tmp/cwb_deinstall.log
    # rm /tmp/cwb_sybase_deinstall.log # rm /tmp/cwb_syb_deinstall

Modifying Color Schemes for the Maps Motif Applications

After installation, you can modify the color scheme of the Maps Motif applications by copying the Color.schemename file in the /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults directory to the file named /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults/Color.

Here is an example that shows how to copy the Color.Rembrandt file as Color:

# cd /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults # cp Color.Rembrandt Color

Running the Maps Applications with a Sample User

After installation is complete, the installation process creates a sample user with the username cwblue. The username cwblue is created without a password. To start a Maps application from the command line, you can do one of the following:

# su - cwblue

Then you can start one of the Maps Motif applications using the cwb start command.

Note You can start the server processes only as the root user.

CiscoWorks Blue Maps Environment Variables

This section lists the environment variables that are set automatically by the CiscoWorks Blue Maps script (runprocess). Table 3-3 lists the environment variables, used by each application (for technical reference only).

Table 3-4: Maps and SNA View Environment Variables
Variable Use and Default Value


CiscoWorks Blue Maps bitmap directory; the default is $CWBROOT/Xbm.


CiscoView installation directory.


Discover-in-progress timeout to detect abnormal termination of discovery process.


Time required for discovery process to initially contact progress indicator window.


Tells Maps application not to read the layout from a saved map file, which forces the application to create a new layout; by default it is not set. This variable is for use when you are instructed to do so by the Cisco TAC to solve a layout problem.


CiscoWorks Blue common code directory.


CiscoWorks Blue Maps installation directory, set to the directory you specify during installation, usually /opt/CSCOcb.


Sets the default layout of graphical maps; values can be C (circular), H (hierarchical), or S (symmetrical). The default value is H.


Specifies the name of the MIB file; defaults to


Specifies the refresh interval, in seconds, for the Update Process window.


Identifies the workstation on which the daemons run. The default is hostname.


Defines an interval to control map refresh requests. During this period, map changes are recorded but not displayed. When the interval expires, the map is refreshed. The default value is 10 seconds.


Identifies the workstation on which the cwbmonitord daemon runs. The default is $CWB_SERVER.


Name of the CiscoWorks Blue database, such as SNA.


Name of the Sybase database server, such as CW_SYBASE.


HyperHelp installation directory for CiscoWorks Blue Maps help. The default is $CWBROOT/hyperhelp.


Set runtime library search path for Solaris.


Set runtime library search path for AIX.


Indicates whether network management system is integrated with CiscoWorks Blue. NONMS indicates no network management system is integrated.


CiscoWorks installation directory.


Printer identification. The default is none; if printing maps is desired, set this before starting any Maps application.


Set runtime library search path for HP-UX.


Directory path to SQLAnywhere, such as /opt/CSCOcwbC/db.


CiscoWorks Blue the SNA Host component installation directory. The default is $CWBROOT/snahost.


Sybase installation directory, such as /opt/CSCOcwbC/db/ctlibs.


Specifies xterm terminal.


CiscoWorks Blue Maps X resource directory. The default is /opt/CSCOcb/Xdefaults.

Posted: Wed Jun 30 06:36:02 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.