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This chapter presents an overview of the procedures necessary to administer the CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View user applications. As administrator, your job entails using the various CiscoWorks Blue administration programs to:
This chapter contains the following main sections:
At the end of product installation, you are asked whether to start the CiscoWorks Blue servers and processes. If you answered Yes, the following servers are started:
Any processes marked as autostart are started by the Process Manager. You can see which programs have been started by using the cwb show status command:
/opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwb show status
The resulting display shows you the status of all servers and processes:
CiscoWorks Blue Naming Server Started.
CiscoWorks Blue Process Manager Started.
Process Manager running with processes:
CWBHTTPAdapter Ready
CWBOSAMonitor Ready
cwbhcid_MVSD Ready
CWBPMMonitor Ready
cwbrsrbpollerd Ready
cwbsnamapsd Ready
cwbtrapd Ready
CWBMsgLogServer Ready
AppnPollerServer Ready
cwbdlswpollerd Ready
CWBDBAdapter Ready
cwbmonitord Initial
This section describes the ongoing administration tasks that you will perform after successful installation of the CiscoWorks Blue products It describes the following topics:
To run the CiscoWorks Blue Maps and SNA View applications and their supporting servers and processes, you must get and apply the appropriate license information. You get licenses from Cisco to run Maps and to run SNA View and you apply the license information in one of two ways:
The Process Manager client lets you view the status of processes and daemons and start and stop the processes and daemons. You can start the Process Manager client in one of the following ways:
/opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwb start ProcMgrClient
Use the cwb show status command to monitor the status of the CiscoWorks Blue servers and processes:
/opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwb show status
For information about using the Process Manager, see "Using Process Manager."
You can also use the cwb run script to start processes, daemons, user applications, and other administrative programs from the command line, as described in "Commands and Processes."
The Message Log client lets you view the messages that are logged by CiscoWorks Blue processes, and control what kind of messages are logged. You can start the Message Log client in one of the following ways:
/opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwb start MsgLogClient
For information about using the Message Log, see "Using the Message Logger."
The /opt/CSCOcb/etc/cwbinit file contains default values used by most of the CiscoWorks Blue applications.
Before you can use the APPN Motif application, you must specify a network topology agent, as described in the "Selecting a Network Topology Agent" section.
When you start the APPN Motif application, you can specify a network topology agent in a dialog box. When you select APPN from the CiscoWorks Blue web page, you must already have a network topology agent specified in the /opt/CSCOcb/etc/cwbinit file to view network topology information. You do not need to specify a network topology agent to view node local details and SNA session information.
So that you can link from the CiscoWorks Blue web page to web pages for NetView for OS/390 and CiscoWorks 2000, you can set these URLs in cwbinit, as described in the "Starting and Stopping the Web Server" section.
Use the cwbinit file to set polling intervals for DLSw and RSRM devices, as described in the "Starting and Stopping the Web Server" section.
Use the cwbinit file to specify values to control the cwbsnamapsd web daemon, as described in the "Starting and Stopping the Web Server" section.
To correlate the SNA PUs with the TCP/IP routers, you must run the SNA host discovery process. If, during installation, you select a TCP connection to the mainframe, then the Process Manager automatically starts the cwbhcid daemon to start a host connection. (To start the daemon yourself in Process Manager, click cwbhcid_domain and click Start.) If you selected an LU 6.2 connection to the mainframe, you must first configure the LU 6.2 transaction programs as described in the section "Configuring the Host Connection." The CiscoWorks Blue mainframe application will actually start the connection to the workstation.
You can use a seed file for discovering routers and for specifying DLSw key routers. A seed file is a file that contains a list of routers to be discovered. You can list the routers in either of two formats:
router [ReadCommunityString] [key]
Where key indicates that this is a DLSw key device. If you omit the word "key," the router is not considered a DLSw key device.
For information about creating a seed file, see the sections entitled "Discovering the Network with a Seed File" for each protocol (DLSw, RSRB, TN3270, and APPN) in "Starting the User Applications."
For DLSw applications, whether web-based or Motif applications, you should select several routers as key devices. For information about key devices, see the "Using Key Devices" section.
Select key devices in one of the following ways:
You discover the TCP/IP-managed devices (routers) in the network to populate the CiscoWorks Blue database. During this time, the discovery process discovers and records every device in the network that supports any of the supported protocols (DLSw, RSRB, APPN, or TN3270).
Discover the network devices using the following applications:
Discover the network devices in the following ways:
During installation, user ID cwblue is created (if CiscoWorks is also installed) for running CiscoWorks Blue applications. The user ID is created without a password, so you may want to create a password for cwblue before you let users login with it.
Run the product verification program to ensure that all the preceding tasks were done correctly. The verification program checks the contents of the configuration files and the CiscoWorks Blue database for accuracy and completeness and ensures that all the required servers and processes are running so that users can log into the web page and use the Motif applications.
You can run the verification program from the administration program, as described in "Using the Administration Application," or by issuing the following command:
/opt/CSCOcb/bin/cwb verify
The cwb command performs a variety of related administration tasks, such as starting and stopping servers and processes and displaying status. The cwb command is summarized here, but are explained in full, with command line options, in "Commands and Processes."
cwb {start | stop} [ pm | name]
cwb start servers
cwb {start | stop} process_name
cwb stop all
cwb kill all
cwb start admin
cwb start dlsw
cwb start rsrb
cwb start appn
cwb start MsgLogClient
cwb start ProcMgrClient
cwb show {versions | status}
cwb create seed
cwb clear db
cwb config
cwb verify
cwb tac
Before you access the CiscoWorks Blue web page from a web browser, ensure that the web server is running on the workstation on which the CiscoWorks Blue applications are installed. To determine whether a web server is running, enter the following commands at the workstation:
cd /opt/CSCOcb/bin
./cwb show status
If the CiscoWorks Blue web server is not running, you can start it using the Process Manager.
The CiscoWorks Blue web server starts using the port that was configured during installation and configuration. The order of port selection is:
1. Use port 80.
2. Use port 8080.
3. Ask installer for unused port.
You can browse the file /opt/CSCOcwbC/apache/etc/httpd.conf to find the port being used.
If you change the cwbinit file while the application is running, you must reset the process to activate the changes to cwbinit.
The following sample of the cwbinit file shows just the values that apply to the cwbsnamapsd application:
# *********************************************************************
# This section is used by the cwbsnamapsd server process, which handles
# requests from the web interface.
# default socket number for communication with cgi-bin programs
socketCgi-AppServer = 51999
# default number of threads for cwbsnamapsd.
# Valid range of values is 1 to 30.
# Increase the number to allow more concurrent web browser users,
# decrease the number to limit CPU utilitzation on the server.
socketPoolThread = 10
# cgi-bin wait time on response from cwbsnamapsd, in seconds.
# This is used to clean up outstanding requests in case of a hang
# or other problems with cwbsnamapsd.
# Increase this value only if timeouts occur because of extremely
# slow network (snmp) or database responses.
cgiBinWaitTimeOut = 120
# TME 10 NetView for OS/390 Web Interfaces
# This is used to configure the NetView Web Interfaces used by the
# Maps/SNA View. Each NetView login must contain a name and URL
# separated by a '^' character.
# The name is any identifier that you want to assocaite with the
# NetView login. The URL is the fully-qualified address of the
# NetView web interface.
# You may specify multiple NetView logins, each of which must be
# separated by a ',' character:
## netViewInterfaces = name^url,name^url,name^url
## For example:
# netViewInterfaces = Joe's NetView^www.myhost.com,Bob's NetView^www.myhost.com/~bob
netViewInterfaces =
# CiscoWorks 2K Web Interface
# This is used to indicate the URL of the CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials
# package:
# ciscoWorksURL = http: //<host name>:<port>
ciscoWorksURL =
# SNA Filter Request Database Limit
# Whenever you make a request to the database, the application first
# calculates the amount of data that needs to be processed to service
# the request. This parameter indicates at what point the request
# is considered too big and should not be processed.
# When you submit a request, the 'cgiBinWaitTimeOut' parameter controls
# how long the browser will wait until it times-out. If you submit a
# huge request to the database (like 'LU Name=*'), the web server will
# most likely timeout before the database ever finishes processing the
# request. This parameter is used to filter out those requests that will
# probably never finish before the web browser times out. You will get
# a message on the web interface informing you that this limit has been
# reached, and you should refine your search.
# You can adjust this parameter to suit your needs. The higher the number,
# the larger the request the database will try to handle. Keep in mind
# however, that a larger number will cause the database to work harder,
# thereby affecting system performance and blocking database access to
# other users of this application.
# In the normal course of operations, the requests to the database should
# not be all that large. If they are, then the users of the product should
# narrow down their requests to the database by specifying more precise
# data in the SNA Filter search screens.
maxRowCount = 5000
Use the socketCgi-AppServer value to specify the socket number to use when communicating with cgi-bin web programs. The default socket number is 51999.
Use the socketPoolThread value to specify the number of threads for cwbsnamapsd. The valid range of values is 1 to 30. The default is 10 threads. You can increase the number of threads to allow more concurrent web browser users, and you can decrease the number of threads to limit CPU use on the server.
Use the cgiBinWaitTimeOut value to specify the cgi-bin wait time on response from cwbsnamapsd, in seconds. This value is used to clean up outstanding requests in case of a hang or other problems with cwbsnamapsd. Increase this value only if timeouts occur because of extremely slow network (snmp) or database responses. The default value is 120 seconds.
Use the netViewInterfaces value to configure the NetView Web Interfaces used by the CiscoWorks Blue web page. Each NetView login must contain a name and URL separated by a " ^ " character.
You can specify multiple NetView logins, each of which must be separated by a comma (,) in the following format:
netViewInterfaces = name^url,name^url,name^url
For example, you might enter the following:
netViewInterfaces = Joe's NetView^www.myhost.com,Bob's NetView^www.myhost.com/~bob
Use the ciscoWorksURL value to configure a CiscoWorks 2000 web Interface. This value is used to indicate the URL of the CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials package. Use the following format:
ciscoWorksURL = http: //host_name[:port]
host_name is the host name of the host running the CiscoWorks 2000 web Interface.
port is the port number on that host, if it is not port 80.
The following sample of the cwbinit file shows the values that apply to the cwbsnamapsd application and to APPN.
[cwbsnamapsd and APPN Parameters Begin Here]
# ***********************
# *** APPN parameters ***
# ***********************
# These parameters are used by both appn and cwbsnamapsd. If either
# are already running, they must be stopped and restarted for changes
# to take effect.
# Selection of the network topology agent is done in this order:
# 1) command line parameters, if any;
# 2) parse this config file.
# 3) user will be prompted to run discovery or enter agent information
# #3 applies to appn only. No prompt dialog is given in cwbsnamapsd.
# network topology agent ip address or device name (NOT appn cpname)
nettopoagentdevname =
# network topology agent read community string
nettopordcommstr =
# network topology agent APPN control point name (NETID.CPNAME format)
nettopoagentcpname =
# backup network topology agent ip address or device name (NOT appn cpname)
backupnettopoagentdevname =
# backup network topology agent read community string
backupnettopordcommstr =
# backup network topology agent APPN control point name (NETID.CPNAME format)
backupnettopoagentcpname =
# default read community string
rdcommstr = public
# automatic collection of local topology (NONE, NN_ONLY, ALL)
autolocaltopo = ALL
# network topology polling interval, in seconds
nettopopoll = 15
# backup network topology polling interval, in seconds
# (in backup mode only, when primary agent fails, backup uses nettopopoll)
backupnettopopoll = 600
# local topology polling interval, in seconds
loctopopoll = 600
# control whether appn polls the DLUR PU table as part of local topology
# polling. To turn off polling for PUs, set appn_pu_polling = off
appn_pu_polling = on
# control whether appn polls the APPN port table as part of local topology
# polling. To turn off polling for ports, set appn_port_polling = off
appn_port_polling = on
# control whether appn polls the APPN link table as part of local topology
# polling. To turn off polling for links, set appn_link_polling = off
appn_link_polling = on
# to turn off tg event generation set eventgen_tg = off
# valid values : on/off
eventgen_tg = on
# to turn off dlur session event generation set eventgen_dlur = off
# valid values : on/off
eventgen_dlur = on
# to turn on port event generation set eventgen_port = on
# valid values : on/off
eventgen_port = off
# to turn on link event generation set eventgen_link = on
# valid values : on/off
eventgen_link = off
You can use various methods to control access to the CiscoWorks Blue web page. You can find documentation about Apache security features at the following web sites:
The CiscoWorks Blue web server supports both htpasswd and dbmmanage methods of user authentication documented in these URLs.
After you install Maps and SNA View, your Maps and SNA View users can elect to use a web browser to access the applications. These users start their web browsers and type the URL of the CiscoWorks Blue web server:
http ://host_name[:port_number]/
host_name is the name of the host where you installed Maps or SNA View.
port_number is the number of the port used by the web server. If port 80 is used, the port number can be omitted.
For example, if your host name is host.cisco.com, and the port is 8080, users would type:
http ://host.cisco.com:8080/
If your host name is host.cisco.com, and the port is 80, users would type:
http ://host.cisco.com/
Posted: Wed Jun 30 06:31:46 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.