
Table of Contents

Set up PC and Log into CTC
2.1 How CTC Works
2.2 Checking Computer Requirements
2.3 Running the CTC Setup Wizard
2.4 Setting Up the CTC Computer
2.5 Logging into CTC
2.6 Accessing ONS 15454 SDH Behind Firewalls
2.7 Printing CTC Data
2.8 Exporting CTC Data into Other Applications
2.9 Using the Node View
2.10 Using the Network View
2.11 Using the Card View
2.12 Navigating CTC
2.13 Viewing CTC Table Data

Set up PC and Log into CTC

This chapter provides procedures for connecting PCs and workstations to the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH and starting Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) sessions. It also includes general information about CTC features and functions. Table 2-1 lists procedures for starting CTC. Table 2-2 lists information about learning basic CTC functions. Table 2-3 lists basic CTC features.

Table 2-1   Set up PC and Log into CTC

How to Set Up and Start a CTC Session 

2.1 How CTC Works

2.2 Checking Computer Requirements

2.3 Running the CTC Setup Wizard

2.4 Setting Up the CTC Computer

2.5 Logging into CTC

2.6 Accessing ONS 15454 SDH Behind Firewalls

Table 2-2   CTC Functions

Learning Basic CTC Functions 

2.7 Printing CTC Data

2.8 Exporting CTC Data into Other Applications

Table 2-3   CTC Features

Using Basic CTC Features 

2.9 Using the Node View

2.10 Using the Network View

2.11 Using the Card View

2.12 Navigating CTC

2.13 Viewing CTC Table Data

2.1 How CTC Works

CTC is a Java application downloaded from the ONS 15454 SDH Timing Communications and Control (TCC-I) card to your computer when you connect to an ONS 15454 SDH. Launched from a web browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft® Internet Explorer, CTC allows you to perform ONS 15454 SDH provisioning and administrative functions.

Every time you connect to an ONS 15454 SDH:

2.2 Checking Computer Requirements

Requirements for PCs and Solaris workstations are provided in Table 2-4 and Table 2-5.

2.2.1 Check Computer Hardware Requirements

The processor and RAM listed below represent the minimum computer requirements necessary to run CTC.

Table 2-4   Computer Hardware Requirements for CTC

Hardware  Requirements  Notes 


Pentium II 300 MHz (minimum), UltraSPARC, or equivalent

300 Mhz is the recommended processor speed. You can use computers with less processor speed; however, you may experience longer response times and slower performance.


128 megabytes (minimum)


Hard Drive

2 GB

CTC application files are downloaded from the TCC-I to your computer's Temp directory. These files occupy 3-5 MB of hard drive space.

Operating System

PC: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000

Workstation: Solaris 2.6 or 2.7



User-supplied Category 5 straight-through cable with RJ-45 connectors on each end to connect the computer to the ONS 15454 SDH directly or through a LAN


2.2.2 Check Computer Software Requirements

To use CTC SDH Software R3.3, your computer must have a web browser with the correct Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. Both JRE 1.2.2 and JRE 1.3.1_02 are compatible with ONS 15454 SDH Software R3.3, but JRE 1.3.1_02 is recommended.

From the ONS 15454 SDH software or documentation CD install: Netscape Communicator, the JRE, the required Java plug-in and modified java.policy file. See "Running the CTC Setup Wizard" section for detailed information about setting up your computer.

Table 2-5   Computer Software Requirements for CTC

Software  Requirements  Notes 

Web browser

PC: Netscape Navigator 4.51 or higher, Netscape Communicator 4.61 or higher, or Internet Explorer 4.0 (service pack 2) or higher

Solaris: Netscape Navigator 4.76 or higher is recommended.

Netscape Communicator 4.73 (Windows) and 4.76 (Solaris) are installed by the CTC Setup Wizard included on the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH software and documentation CDs.

Java Runtime Environment

PC and Solaris:

JRE 1.2.2_05 with Java Plug-in 1.2.2 minimum

JRE 1.3.1_02 (PC and Solaris) recommended

JRE 1.3.1 is installed by the CTC Setup Wizard included on the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH software and documentation CDs.

Java.policy file

A java.policy file modified for CTC must be installed

A modified java.policy file is installed by the CTC Setup Wizard included on the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH software and documentation CDs.

PC mouse pointer scheme

PC: (Windows 95/98) Set to Windows Standard

PC: (Windows NT or Windows 2000) Set to None

To check the settings:

    a. Choose Settings > Control Panel from the Windows Start menu.

    b. Double-click the Mouse option.

    c. From the Pointers tab of the Mouse Properties dialog box, select the Windows Standard (or "none" for NT or Windows 2000) mouse scheme.

    d. Click OK.


2.3 Running the CTC Setup Wizard

Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Software R3.3 provides a setup wizard that installs the files needed to use CTC on PCs and Solaris workstations. You can start the setup wizard from the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH software CD or from the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH documentation CD. The wizard will install:

For Solaris workstations, the JRE may require patches to operate properly. You can find the patch tar file in the Jre/Solaris directory on the CD. For information about installing the patches, see the Jre/Solaris/Solaris.txt file on the CD. After installing the patches, if necessary, perform the "Set Up the Java Runtime Environment for UNIX" procedure to set up JRE on the workstation. (In the procedures, [JRE] indicates the destination directory you selected for the JRE.).

Procedure: Run the CTC Installation Wizard for Windows


Installs programs required to run CTC on Windows PCs: Netscape 4.73, JRE 1.3.1_02, and CTC online help. It also modifies the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) policy file so CTC files can be downloaded to your computer when you connect to an ONS 15454 SDH.


Cisco ONS 15454 SDH R3.3 software or documentation CD

Prerequisite Procedures



Onsite or remote

Step 1   Verify that your computer has the following:

Note    These requirements are guidelines. CTC performance will be faster if your computer has a faster processor and more RAM.

Step 2   Insert the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH R3.3 software or documentation CD into your computer CD drive. The installation program begins running automatically. If it does not start, navigate to your computer's CD directory and double-click setup.exe.

The Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard displays the components that will be installed on your computer (Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1   Starting the Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard

Step 3   Click Next.

Step 4   For installation type, choose Typical to install all the components, or choose Custom if you only want to install some of the components.

Step 5   Click Next.

Step 6   If you selected Custom in Step 4, select the CTC components you want to install by checking or unchecking the boxes, then click Next. If you selected Typical, skip this step.

Step 7   The directory where the installation wizard will install CTC online help is displayed. The default is C:\Program Files\Cisco\CTC\Documentation.

Step 8   If you wish to change the CTC online help directory, type the new directory path in the Directory Name field, or click Browse to navigate to the directory. If you do not wish to change the directory, skip this step.

Step 9   Click Next.

Step 10   Review the components that will be installed. If you wish to change them, click Back. If you have an active CTC session (for example, you are running the setup program to install additional components), close CTC before going to the next step.

Step 11   Click Next. The InstallShield program begins the Netscape Communicator 4.73 Setup program.

Step 12   Complete the Netscape installation:

    a. On the Netscape Communicator 4.73 Setup dialog box, click Next.

    b. On the Software License Agreement dialog box, click Yes.

    c. On the Setup Type dialog box, click Typical.

Note    If the Netscape installation hangs when installing RealPlayer G2, restart the CTC installation. When the Netscape installation begins, select Custom at Step c, then deselect RealPlayer, then continue.

    d. On the Netscape Desktop Preferences dialog box, check the boxes that apply, then click Next.

    e. On the Program Folder dialog box, click Next.

    f. On the Start Copying Files dialog box, click Install. The program begins the Netscape installation.

    g. On the Question dialog box, click No.

    h. On the Restart Windows dialog box, click No, I will restart later, then click OK. The Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard dialog box is displayed.

Step 13   Click Next. The Java 2 runtime environment installation begins.

Step 14   Complete the JRE installation:

    a. On the Software License Agreement dialog box, click Yes.

    b. On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, click Next.

    c. On the Select Browser dialog box, click the Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape 6 checkboxes, then click Next.

When JRE installation is complete, the Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard dialog box is displayed.

Step 15   Click Next. The CTC online help is installed. When installed, the policy file selection is displayed.

Step 16   Choose the JRE policy file to modify:

Step 17   Click Next.

Step 18   If you selected System Policy File in Step 16, complete the following steps. If you selected User Policy File, proceed to the next step.

    a. The System Policy File Update dialog box displays the default policy file location (C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\jre). If you installed the JRE in a different location, enter the new path in the Directory Name field. After entering the path, or if the default path is correct, click OK.

    b. Click OK on the confirmation dialog box.

Step 19   Click Finish.

Step 20   To connect to the ONS 15454 SDH, restart your computer and complete the "Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure.

Procedure: Run the CTC Installation Wizard for UNIX


This procedure installs programs required to run CTC on Solaris workstations: Netscape 4.76, JRE 1.3.1_02, and CTC online help. It also modifies the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) policy file to allow CTC files to be downloaded to your computer after you connect to an ONS 15454 SDH.


Cisco ONS 15454 SDH R3.3 software or documentation CD

Prerequisite Procedures



Onsite or remote

Step 1   Verify that your computer has the following:

Note    These requirements are guidelines. CTC performance will be faster is your computer has a faster processor and more RAM. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide for computer requirements needed for small, medium, and large ONS 15454 SDH networks.

Step 2   Change the directory, type:

cd /cdrom/cdrom0/

Step 3   From the techdoc454 CD directory, type:


The Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard displays the components that will be installed on your computer:

Step 4   Click Next.

Step 5   For installation type, choose Typical to install all components, or choose Custom if you do not want to install all of the components.

Step 6   Click Next.

Step 7   If you selected the Custom in Step 4, select the CTC components you want to install by checking or unchecking the boxes, then click Next. If you selected Typical, skip this step.

Step 8   The directory where the installation wizard will install CTC online help is displayed. The default is C:\Program Files\Cisco\CTC\Documentation. If you wish to change the CTC online help directory, type the new directory path in the Directory Name field, or click Browse to navigate to the directory.

Step 9   Click Next.

Step 10   Review the components that will be installed. If you wish to change them, click Back. If CTC is running (for example, you are reinstalling components) close CTC before going to the next step.

Step 11   Click Next. The InstallShield program begins the Netscape Communicator 4.76 Setup program.

Step 12   Complete the Netscape installation:

    a. On the Netscape Communicator 4.73 Setup dialog box, click Next.

    b. On the Software License Agreement dialog box, click Yes.

    c. On the Setup Type dialog box, click Typical.

    d. On the Netscape Desktop Preferences dialog box, check the boxes that apply, then click Next.

    e. On the Program Folder, click Next.

    f. On the Start Copying Files dialog box, click Install. The program begins the Netscape installation.

    g. On the Question dialog box, click No.

Step 13   On the Cisco Transport Controller Installation Wizard dialog box, click Next. The Java 2 runtime environment installation begins.

Step 14   Complete the JRE installation:

    a. On the Software License Agreement dialog box, click Yes.

    b. On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, click Next.

    c. On the Select Browser dialog box, click the Netscape 6 checkboxes, then click Next.

The JRE is installed. When installation is complete, the Cisco Transport Controller Set Wizard dialog box is displayed.

Step 15   Click Next. The CTC online help is installed. When installed, the policy file selection is displayed.

Step 16   Choose the JRE policy file to modify:

Step 17   Click Next, then click Finish.

Note    Be sure to record the names of the directories you choose for Netscape, JRE, and the online documentation.

Step 18   If your installation included the JRE (that is, you chose the Typical installation or selected JRE from the custom installation), proceed to "Set Up the Java Runtime Environment for UNIX" section.

Note    The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) may require certain patches to run properly. The patch tar file can be found in the JRE/Solaris directory on the CD. Please read the JRE/Solaris/Solaris.txt file for more information. In addition to installing any needed patches, follow the procedures below to set up JRE for use with Cisco Transport Controller on your UNIX system.

Procedure: Set Up the Java Runtime Environment for UNIX


Sets up the Java Runtime Environment for UNIX workstations.



Prerequisite Procedures

"Run the CTC Installation Wizard for UNIX" procedure

Required/As Needed

Required if you installed the JRE during the CTC Installation Setup.


Onsite or remote

Note   In this procedure, [your JRE path] represents the destination directory you chose for the Java Runtime Environment during JRE installation. For example, if your JRE destination directory is /usr/bin/jre, substitute /usr/bin/jre, wherever [your JRE path] occurs. Also, in the following procedures, [your Netscape path] refers to the destination directory you chose for Netscape, and must be substituted with your actual Netscape destination directory path.

Note   CTC requires that the location of xterm is also in your path. If you have, for some reason, moved xterm from its default location, /usr/openwin/bin, you must change all occurrences of /usr/openwin/bin in the procedures below to reflect the actual path where xterm exists on your system.

Step 1   Set up the environment variable:

    a. If you are using the csh shell, edit the .cshrc file in your home directory by appending the file with the lines:

setenv JRE [JRE path]

setenv NETSCAPE [Netscape path]

setenv NPX_PLUGIN_PATH $JRE/j2re1_3_1_02/plugin/sparc/ns4

set path = ( /usr/openwin/bin $NETSCAPE $path )

    b. If you are using the ksh or bash shell, edit the .profile file in your home directory by appending the file with the lines:

JRE=[your JRE path]

NETSCAPE=[your Netscape path]




Step 2   Set the JRE reference:

    a. Run the Control Panel by typing:

[JRE path]/j2re1_3_1_02/bin/ControlPanel

    b. Click the Advanced tab.

    c. From the combo box, select [JRE path]/j2re1_3_1_02. If the JRE is not found, select other and enter the following in the Path text box:

[JRE path]/j2re1_3_1_02

    d. Click Apply. Proceed to the "Setting Up the CTC Computer" section.

Note    If you are running multiple shells, before your new environment variable will be set you may need to invoke the same shell for which you changed the initialization file (for example, if you added the environment variable to the .cshrc file, you must run your browser under the csh shell.

2.4 Setting Up the CTC Computer

Before you run CTC on your Windows PC or Solaris workstation, you need to set up the computer for the specific method you will use to connect to the ONS 15454 SDH. Table 2-6 lists the methods for connecting to the ONS 15454 SDH. Use the table to find the connection method you will use and check the Requirements column before performing the set up procedures.

Note    For initial shelf turn up, you must use a direct connection to the ONS 15454 SDH.

Table 2-6   ONS 15454 SDH Connection Methods

Method  Description  Requirement 

Local craft

Refers to onsite network connections between the CTC computer and the ONS 15454 SDH using:

  • The RJ-45 jack on the MIC-C/T/P FMEC, or
  • A hub or switch to which the ONS 15454 SDH is connected.
  • If you do not use DHCP, you will need to change the computer IP address, subnet mask, and default router.

Corporate LAN

Refers to a connection to the ONS 15454 SDH through a corporate or NOC LAN.

  • The ONS 15454 SDH must be provisioned for LAN connectivity, including IP address, subnet mask, default gateway.
  • The ONS 15454 SDH must be physically connected to the corporate LAN.
  • The CTC computer must be connected to the corporate LAN that has connectivity to the ONS 15454 SDH.


Refers to a connection made to the ONS 15454 SDH using a modem.

  • A modem must be connected to the ONS 15454 SDH.
  • The modem must be provisioned for ONS 15454 SDH. To run CTC, the modem must be provisioned for Ethernet access.

Based on the cable connection method you choose, select the appropriate procedure:

Table 2-7   ONS 15454 SDH Craft Connection Options

Direct Connection Procedures  Description 

Complete this procedure if:

  • You will connect to one ONS 15454 SDH, or, if you must connect to multiple ONS 15454 SDHs, you can reconfigure your computer's IP address
  • You need to access non-ONS 15454 SDH applications such as ping
  • You need to access the corporate LAN

Complete this procedure if:

  • The CTC computer is provisioned for DHCP
  • The ONS 15454 SDH has DHCP forwarding enabled and is connected to a DHCP server

Complete this procedure if:

  • You are connecting to a node that resides in a secure network employing the ONS 15454 SDH proxy server
  • You will connect to multiple ONS 15454 SDHs
  • You do not need to access a LAN or use non-ONS 15454 SDH applications such as ping

After your computer is set up to connect to the ONS 15454 SDH, proceed to the "Logging into CTC" section.

Procedure: Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 SDH on the Same Subnet Using Static IP Addresses


Use this procedure to set up your computer for a local craft connection to the ONS 15454 SDH when:

  • You will connect to one ONS 15454 SDH; if you must connect to multiple ONS 15454 SDHs, you can reconfigure your computer's IP address
  • You need to use non-ONS 15454 SDH applications such as ping
  • You need to access the corporate LAN



Prerequisite procedures

"Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure



Step 1   Verify the operating system that is installed on your computer:

    a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

    b. On the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon.

    c. On the General tab of the System Settings window, verify that the Windows operating system is one of the following: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0.

Step 2   Complete the steps in Table 2-8 for the operating system installed on your PC.

Table 2-8   Set Up Windows PC for Craft ONS 15454 SDH Connections on the Same Subnet Using Static IP Addresses

For Windows 95/98:  For Windows NT:  For Windows 2000: 
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

2. On the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon.

3. In the Network dialog box select TCP/IP for your PC Ethernet card, then click Properties.

4. On the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the DNS Configuration tab and choose Disable DNS.

5. Click the WINS Configuration tab and choose Disable WINS Resolution.

6. Click the IP Address tab.

7. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address.

8. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 SDH IP address shown on the ONS 15454 SDH LCD except for the last three digits. The last three digits must be between 1 and 254.

9. In the Subnet Mask field, type

10. Click OK.

11. On the TCP/IP dialog box, click the Gateway tab.

12. In the New Gateway field, type the ONS 15454 SDH IP address. Click Add.

13. Verify that the IP address displays in the Installed Gateways field, then click OK.

14. When the prompt to restart your PC displays, click Yes.

1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

2. On the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon.

3. In the Network dialog box click the Protocols tab, choose TCP/IP Protocol, then click Properties.

4. Click the IP Address tab.

5. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address.

6. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 SDH IP address shown on the ONS 15454 SDH LCD except for the last three digits. The last three digits must be between 1 and 254.

7. In the Subnet Mask field, type

8. Click the Advanced button.

9. Under the Gateways List, click Add. The TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog box is displayed.

10. Type the ONS 15454 SDH IP address in the Gateway Address field.

11. Click Add.

12. Click OK.

13. Click Apply.

14. In some cases, Windows NT will prompt you to reboot your PC. If you receive this prompt, click Yes.

1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Network and Dial-up Connections > Local Area Connection.

2. On the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Properties.

3. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties.

4. Click Use the following IP address.

5. In the IP Address field, enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 SDH IP address shown on the ONS 15454 SDH LCD except for the last three digits. The last three digits must be between 1 and 254.

6. In the Subnet Mask field, type

7. In the Default Gateway field, type the ONS 15454 SDH IP address.

8. Click OK.

9. On the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close.

10. On the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK.

Step 3   After you set up your PC, proceed to the "Logging into CTC" procedure to log into the ONS 15454 SDH.

Procedure: Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 SDH Using DHCP


Use this procedure to set up your computer for craft connection to the ONS 15454 SDH using DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol).


CAT-5 cable

Prerequisite procedures

"Running the CTC Setup Wizard" procedure

"Setting Up Network Information" procedure



Caution   You will not be able to connect to the ONS 15454 SDH if DHCP forwarding is not enabled on the ONS 15454 SDH or the ONS 15454 SDH is not connected to a DHCP server. By default, DHCP forwarding is not enabled. If you are connecting to an ONS 15454 SDH to perform initial shelf turnup, complete the "Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 SDH on the Same Subnet Using Static IP Addresses" procedure.

Step 1   Verify the operating system that is installed on your computer:

    a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

    b. On the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon.

    c. On the General tab of the System Settings window, verify that the Windows operating system is one of the following: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0.

Step 2   Complete the steps in Table 2-9 for the operating system installed on your PC.

Table 2-9   Set Up Windows PC for Craft ONS 15454 SDH Connections Using DHCP

For Windows 95/98:  For Windows NT:  For Windows 2000: 
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

2. On the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon.

3. In the Network dialog box select TCP/IP for your PC Ethernet card, then click Properties.

4. On the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the DNS Configuration tab and choose Disable DNS.

5. Click the WINS Configuration tab and choose Disable WINS Resolution.

6. Click the IP Address tab.

7. In the IP Address window, click Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server.

8. Click OK.

9. When the prompt to restart your PC displays, click Yes.

1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

2. On the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon.

3. In the Network dialog box click the Protocols tab, choose TCP/IP Protocol, then click Properties.

4. Click the IP Address tab.

5. In the IP Address window, click Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server.

6. Click OK.

7. Click Apply.

8. If Windows prompts you to restart your PC, click Yes.

1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Network and Dial-up Connections > Local Area Connection.

2. On the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Properties.

3. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties.

4. Click Obtain an IP address from a DHCP Server.

5. Click OK.

6. On the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close.

7. On the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK.

Step 3   After you set up your PC, proceed to the "Logging into CTC" procedure to log into the ONS 15454 SDH.

Procedure: Set Up a Windows PC for Craft Connection to an ONS 15454 SDH Using Automatic Host Detection


Use this procedure to set up your computer for local craft connection to the ONS 15454 SDH when:

  • You are connecting to a node that resides in a secure network employing the ONS 15454 SDH proxy server.
  • You will connect to multiple ONS 15454 SDHs.
  • You do not need to access a corporate LAN or use non-ONS 15454 SDH applications such as ping and trace route.



Prerequisite procedures

"Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure



Note   This procedure employs the ONS 15454 SDH automatic host detection to allow you to directly connect to multiple ONS 15454 SDHs successively without reconfiguring your computer's IP address. However, if proxy server is not enabled on the ONS 15454 SDH, DCC-connected nodes on different subnets will not be visible. Refer to the "Setting Up Network Information" section on and the "Scenario 8: Provisioning the ONS 15454 SDH Proxy Server" section for more information about the proxy server.

Step 1   Verify the operating system that is installed on your computer:

    a. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

    b. On the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon.

    c. On the General tab of the System Settings window, verify that the Windows operating system is one of the following: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0.

Step 2   Complete the steps in Table 2-10 for the operating system installed on your PC.

Table 2-10   Set Up Windows PC for Craft ONS 15454 SDH Connections Using Automatic Host Detection

For Windows 95/98:  For Windows NT:  For Windows 2000: 
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

2. On the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon.

3. In the Network dialog box select TCP/IP for your PC Ethernet card, then click Properties.

4. On the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the DNS Configuration tab and choose Disable DNS.

5. Click the WINS Configuration tab and choose Disable WINS Resolution.

6. Click the IP Address tab.

7. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address.

8. In the IP Address field, enter a legitimate IP address. This is typically a private address not used by any host accessible to the PC.

9. In the Subnet Mask field, type

10. Click OK.

11. On the TCP/IP dialog box, click the Gateway tab.

12. In the New Gateway field, type PC IP address (the address entered in Step 8). Click Add.

13. Verify that the IP address displays in the Installed Gateways field, then click OK.

14. When the prompt to restart your PC displays, click Yes.

1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Control Panel.

2. On the Control Panel dialog box, click the Network icon.

3. In the Network dialog box click the Protocols tab, choose TCP/IP Protocol, then click Properties.

4. Click the IP Address tab.

5. In the IP Address window, click Specify an IP address.

6. In the IP Address field, enter a legitimate IP address. This is typically a private address not used by any host accessible to the PC.

7. In the Subnet Mask field, type

8. Click the Advanced button.

9. Under the Gateways List, click Add. The TCP/IP Gateway Address dialog box is displayed.

10. Type the IP address entered in Step 6 in the Gateway Address field.

11. Click Add.

12. Click OK.

13. Click Apply.

14. In some cases, Windows NT will prompt you to reboot your PC. If you receive this prompt, click Yes.

1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Settings > Network and Dial-up Connections > Local Area Connection.

2. On the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Properties.

3. On the General tab, choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties.

4. Click Use the following IP address.

5. In the IP Address field, enter a legitimate IP address. This is typically a private address not used by any host accessible to the PC.

6. In the Subnet Mask field, type

7. Type the IP address entered in Step 5 in the Gateway Address field.

8. Click OK.

9. On the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, click Close.

10. On the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK.

Step 3   After you set up your PC, proceed to the "Logging into CTC" procedure to log into the ONS 15454 SDH.

Procedure: Set up Solaris Workstations for a Direct Connection to an ONS 15454 SDH

A direct connection from a workstation to ONS 15454 SDH means your computer is physically connected to the ONS 15454 SDH. Set up Solaris to connect directly to an ONS 15454 SDH when it is not connected to a LAN.


Connect your workstation directly to the ONS 15454 SDH.


CAT-5 cable

Prerequisite Procedures

"Running the CTC Setup Wizard" procedure



Step 1   Choose a cable connection method:

Step 2   Log into the workstation as the root user.

Step 3   Check to see if the interface is plumbed by typing:

# ifconfig <device>
For example: # ifconfig hme1

    a. If the interface is plumbed, a message similar to the following appears: hme1:flags=1000842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4>mtu 1500 index 2 inet netmask 0. Proceed to Step 4.

    b. If the interface is not plumbed, a message similar to the following appears: ifconfig: status: SIOCGLIFFLAGS: hme1: no such interface. Plumb the interface by typing:

# if config <device> plumb
For example: ifconfig hme1 plumb

Step 4   Configure the IP address on the interface by typing:

#ifconfig <interface> <ip address> netmask <netmask> up

For example: #ifconfig hme0 netmask up

Note    Enter an IP address that is identical to the ONS 15454 SDH IP address except for the last three digits. The last three digits must be between 1 and 254. In the Subnet Mask field, type

Step 5   Test the connection:

    a. Start Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer.

    b. Enter the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH IP address in the web address (URL) field. If the connection is established, a Java Console window, CTC caching messages, and the Cisco Transport Controller Login dialog box displays. If this occurs, proceed to Step 2 of "Run the CTC Installation Wizard for UNIX" procedure to complete the login. If the Login dialog box does not appear, complete Steps c and d.

    c. At the prompt, type:

ping [ONS 15454 SDH IP address]

For example, you would type "ping" to connect to an ONS 15454 SDH with default IP address If your workstation is connected to the ONS 15454 SDH, an "[IP address] is alive" message displays.

    d. If CTC is not responding, a "Request timed out" message displays. Verify IP and submask information. Check that the cables connecting the workstation to the ONS 15454 SDH are securely attached. Check the Link Status by typing:

#ndd -set /dev/<device> instance 0
#ndd -get /dev/<device> link_status
For example:
#ndd -set /dev/hme instance 0
#ndd -get /dev/hme link_status

The result of 1 means the link is up. The result of 0 means the link is down.

Note    Check the man page for ndd. For example: #man ndd

Procedure: Set Up a Computer for a Corporate LAN Connection


Use this procedure to set up your computer to access the ONS 15454 SDH through a corporate LAN.



Prerequisite procedures

"Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure


Onsite or remote

Step 1   If your computer is connected to the corporate LAN, proceed to Step 2. If you changed your computer's network settings for direct access to the ONS 15454 SDH, change the settings back to the corporate LAN access settings. This generally means:

Step 2   If your computer is connected to a proxy server, disable proxy service or add the ONS 15454 SDH nodes as exceptions. To disable proxy service, complete the procedure for the web browser you use:

Procedure: Disable Proxy Service Using Internet Explorer (Windows)


Disables proxy service for PCs running Internet Explorer.



Prerequisite procedures



Onsite or remote

Step 1   From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel.

Step 2   In the Control Panel window, choose Internet Options.

Step 3   From the Internet Properties dialog box, click Connections > LAN Settings.

Step 4   On the LAN Settings dialog box, either:

Procedure: Disable Proxy Service Using Netscape (Windows and UNIX)


Disables proxy service for PCs and UNIX workstations running Netscape.



Prerequisite procedures



Onsite or remote

Step 1   Open Netscape.

Step 2   From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

Step 3   In the Preferences dialog box under Category, choose Advanced > Proxies.

Step 4   On the right side of the Preferences dialog box under Proxies, either:


Procedure: Provision Remote Access to the ONS 15454 SDH


Use this procedure to connect an ONS 15454 SDH using a LAN modem.


Modem and modem documentation

Prerequisite procedures

"Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure


Onsite or remote

Step 1   Connect the modem to the RJ-45 port on the MIC-C/T/P FMEC (future use).

Step 2   Refer to the modem documentation to provision the modem for the ONS 15454 SDH:

Note    For assistance on provisioning specific modems, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center. For contact information refer to the preface in the Product Overview.

2.5 Logging into CTC


Use this procedure to log into the CTC. This procedure includes optional node login procedures.



Prerequisite procedures

"Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure


Onsite or remote


Step 1   If the computer is not connected to the ONS 15454 SDH, complete the "Connect Computer to the ONS 15454 SDH" procedure.

Step 2   Complete the "Log into CTC" procedure.

Note    For information about navigating in CTC, see the "Navigating CTC" section 2-52.

Step 3   As needed, complete the "Create Login Node Groups" procedure. Login node groups display nodes that are not connected to the log-in node via DCC.

Step 4   As needed, complete the "Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group" procedure.

Procedure: Connect Computer to the ONS 15454 SDH


Use this procedure to connect a CTC computer to the ONS 15454 SDH.


CAT-5 cable

Prerequisite procedures

"Running the CTC Setup Wizard" procedure

"Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure

Required/As needed

Required to access the Cisco Transport Controller


Onsite or remote


Step 1   If your computer is set up for a local craft connection, connect a CAT-5 cable from the PC or Solaris workstation NIC card to one of the following

Step 2   If your computer is set up for a corporate LAN connection, connect a CAT-5 cable from the PC or Solaris workstation NIC card to a LAN port.

Step 3   Proceed to the "Log into CTC" procedure to log into CTC.

Procedure: Log into CTC


Use this procedure to log into the Cisco Transport Controller, the graphical user interface software used to manage the ONS 15454 SDH.



Prerequisite procedures

"Running the CTC Setup Wizard" procedure

"Setting Up the CTC Computer" procedure

Required/As needed



Onsite or remote

Note   For information about CTC views and navigation, see "Navigating CTC" section 2-52.

Step 1   From the PC connected to the ONS 15454 SDH, start Netscape or Internet Explorer.

Step 2   In the Netscape or Internet Explorer Web address (URL) field, enter the ONS 15454 SDH IP address. For initial setup, this is the default address, Press Enter.

Note    If you are logging into ONS 15454 SDH nodes running different releases of CTC software, log into the node running the most recent release. If you log into a node with an older release, you receive an INCOMPATIBLE-SW alarm and the IP address of the login node will display instead of the node name. To check the software version of a node, select About CTC from the CTC Help menu. To resolve an alarm, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide.

A Java Console window displays the CTC file download status. The web browser displays information about your Java and system environments. If this is the first login, CTC caching messages display while CTC files are downloaded to your computer. The first time you connect to an ONS 15454 SDH, this process can take several minutes. After the download, the CTC Login dialog box displays (Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2   Starting a CTC Session on the ONS 15454 SDH

Step 3   In the Login dialog box, type a user name and password (both are case sensitive). For initial setup, type the user name "CISCO15" if it is not already displayed.

Note    The CISCO15 user is provided with every ONS 15454 SDH. CISCO15 has superuser privileges, so you can create other users. CISCO15 is delivered without a password. To create one, click the Provisioning > Security tabs after you log in and change the CISCO15 password. (You cannot delete the CISCO15 user.) To set up ONS 15454 SDH users and assign security, proceed to the "Creating Users and Setting Security" procedure.

Step 4   Each time you log into an ONS 15454 SDH, you can make selections on the following login options:

Step 5   Click Login. Figure 2-3 shows the detailed view of a CTC session initializing.

Figure 2-3   CTC Session Initializes (with details displayed)

If login is successful, the CTC window displays. From here, you can navigate to other CTC views to provision and manage the ONS 15454 SDH. If you need to perform the initial shelf turn up, see "Node Setup." If login problems occur, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide.

Procedure: Create Login Node Groups


Create a login node group to display ONS 15454 SDHs that have an IP connection but not a DCC connection to the login node.



Prerequisite procedures

Required/As needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Step 1   Log into an ONS 15454 SDH on the network. See the "Log into CTC" procedure for instructions.

Step 2   From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

Step 3   Click the Login Node Group tab and click Create Group.

Step 4   Enter a name for the group in the Create Login Group Name dialog box. Click OK.

Step 5   Under Members, type the IP address (or node name) of a node you want to add to the group. Click Add. Repeat this step for each node you want to add to the group.

Step 6   Click OK.

The next time you log into an ONS 15454 SDH, the login node group will be available in the Additional Nodes list of the Login dialog box. For example, in Figure 2-4, a login node group, "Test Group," is created and the IP addresses for Nodes 1, 4, and 5. During login, if you select Test Group under Additional Nodes, all nodes in the figure are displayed. You can create as many login groups as you need. The groups are stored in the CTC preferences file and are not visible to other users.

Figure 2-4   A login node group

Procedure: Add a Node to the Current Session or Login Group


Add a node to the current CTC session



Prerequisite procedures


Required/As needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Step 1   Log into an ONS 15454 SDH on the network. See the "Log into CTC" procedure for instructions.

Step 2   From the CTC File menu, click Add Node (or click the Add Node button on the toolbar).

Step 3   On the Add Node dialog box, enter the node name (or IP address).

Step 4   If you want to add the node to the current login group, click Add Node to Current Login Group. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

Note    The Add Node to Current Login Group checkbox is active only if you selected a login group when you logged into CTC.

Step 5   Click OK.

After a few seconds, the new node will be displayed on the network view map.

2.6 Accessing ONS 15454 SDH Behind Firewalls

If an ONS 15454 SDH or CTC computer resides behind a firewall that uses port filtering, you must receive an Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) port from your network administrator and enable the port on the ONS 15454 SDH and/or CTC computer, depending on whether one or both devices reside behind firewalls.

Note   For information about firewall settings using the Provisioning > Network > Gateway Settings feature, see "IP Networking."

If the ONS 15454 SDH is in a protected network and the CTC computer is in an external network, as shown in Figure 2-5, enable the IIOP listener port specified by the firewall administrator on the ONS 15454 SDH. The ONS 15454 SDH sends the port number to the CTC computer during the initial contact between the devices using Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). After the CTC computer obtains the ONS 15454 SDH IIOP port, the computer opens a direct session with the node using the specified IIOP port.

Figure 2-5   ONS 15454 SDH residing behind a firewall

If the CTC computer and the ONS 15454 SDH both reside behind firewalls (Figure 2-6), set the IIOP port on both the CTC computer and the ONS 15454 SDH. Each firewall can use a different IIOP port.

For example, if the CTC computer firewall uses IIOP port 4000, and the ONS 15454 SDH firewall uses IIOP port 5000, 4000 is the IIOP port set on the CTC computer and 5000 is the IIOP port set on the ONS 15454 SDH.

Figure 2-6   A CTC computer and ONS 15454 SDH residing behind firewalls

Procedure: Set the IIOP Listener Port on the ONS 15454 SDH


Sets the IIOP listener port on the ONS 15454 SDH.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Logging into CTC" procedure

Prerequisite information

IIOP listener port number from LAN or firewall administrator.


Onsite or remote

Step 1   Log into the ONS 15454 SDH node from a CTC computer that is behind the firewall.

Step 2   In node view, select the Provisioning > Network tabs.

Step 3   On the General subtab under TCC CORBA (IIOP) Listener Port, select a listener port option:

Step 4   Click Apply to apply the change.

Step 5   When the Change Network Configuration? message displays, click Yes.

Both ONS 15454 SDH TCC-Is will reboot, one at a time.

Procedure: Set the IIOP Listener Port on CTC


Sets the IIOP listener port on the Cisco Transport Controller.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Logging into CTC" procedure

Prerequisite information

IIOP listener port number from LAN or firewall administrator.


Onsite or remote

Step 1   From the CTC Edit menu, select Preferences.

Step 2   On the Preferences dialog box, select the Firewall tab.

Step 3   Under CTC CORBA (IIOP) Listener Port, set the listener port option:

Step 4   Click Apply to apply the change.

Step 5   Click OK to close the screen.

2.7 Printing CTC Data

You can print CTC windows and table data such as alarms and inventory. You can also export CTC table data for use by other applications such as spreadsheets, word processors, and database management applications.

Procedure: Print CTC Window and Table Data


Use the following procedure to print CTC windows and table data. Before you start, make sure your PC is connected to a printer.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Logging into CTC" procedure


Onsite or remote

Step 1   From the CTC File menu, click Print.

Step 2   In the Print dialog (Figure 2-7) choose an option:

Figure 2-7   Selecting CTC data for print

Step 3   Click OK.

Step 4   In the Print dialog box, choose a printer and click OK.

2.8 Exporting CTC Data into Other Applications

CTC data exported in HTML format can be viewed with any web browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. To display the data, use the browser's File/Open command to open the CTC data file.

CTC data exported as comma separated values (CSV) or tab separated values (TSV) can be viewed in text editors, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management applications. Although procedures depend on the application, you typically can use File/Open to display the CTC data. Text editors and word processors display the data exactly as it is exported. Spreadsheet and database management applications display the data in cells. You can then format and manage the data using the spreadsheet or database management application tools.

In addition to the CTC exporting, CTC text information can be copied and pasted into other applications using the Windows Copy (Ctrl+C), Cut (Ctrl+X) and Paste (Ctrl+V) commands.

Procedure: Export CTC Data


Use the following procedure to export CTC data for use in other applications.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Logging into CTC" procedure,

Table 2-11 shows CTC data that can be exported.


Onsite or remote

Step 1   From the CTC File menu, click Export.

Step 2   In the Export dialog (Figure 2-8) choose a format for the data:

Figure 2-8   Selecting CTC data for export

Step 3   Click OK.

Step 4   In the Save dialog box, enter a file name in one of the following formats:

Step 5   Navigate to a directory where you want to store the file.

Step 6   Click Save.

2.9 Using the Node View

CTC has three main ONS 15454 SDH views: node, network, and card view. The CTC node view, shown in Figure 2-9, displays when you start a CTC session on an ONS 15454 SDH. The login node is the first node displayed, and it is the "home view" for the session.

Node view allows you to view and manage one ONS 15454 SDH node. The status area shows the node name, IP address, session boot date and time, number of critical (CR), major (MJ), and minor (MN) alarms, the name of the current user, and security level of the user. The graphic area depicts the ONS 15454 SDH FMECs and cards in the shelf assembly.

The CTC window displays when you start a CTC session on an ONS 15454 SDH (Figure 2-9). The window includes a menu bar, toolbar, status area, and a graphic area displaying the upper and lower node shelves.

The upper shelf displays status information about the selected objects and a graphic of the current view. The lower shelf displays tabs and subtabs, that you use to view ONS 15454 SDH information and perform ONS 15454 SDH provisioning and maintenance.

Figure 2-9   CTC window elements in the node view (default session view)

2.9.1 Node View Card Color and Graphic Definitions

The graphic area of the CTC window depicts the ONS 15454 SDH shelf assembly. The colors of the FMECS, cards, Act/Standby/NP, and ports in the graphic reflect the real-time status of the physical FMECs, cards, slots, and ports (Table 2-12). FMECs cannot be pre-provisioned and the FMEC ports displayed in CTC do not change color.

Table 2-12   Node View FMEC Color, Card Color, Port Color, and Port Graphics

Upper Shelf FMEC Color   Status 



A functioning card is installed




A minor alarm condition exists


Orange (Amber)


A major alarm condition exists




A critical alarm exists

Lower Shelf Card Color  Status 


Slot is not provisioned; no card is installed


Slot is provisioned; no card is installed


Slot is provisioned; a functioning card is installed


Slot is provisioned; a minor alarm condition exists

Orange (Amber)

Slot is provisioned; a major alarm condition exists


Slot is provisioned; a critical alarm exists

Lower Shelf Act/Sty/NP/Ldg Color Status

Yellow with Sty Graphic

The card is in standby.

Green with Act Graphic

The card is active.

Violet with NP Graphic

The card is not present.

White with Ldg Graphic

The card is resetting.

Lower Shelf Port Color Status


Port is out of service


Port is in service

Lower Shelf Port Graphics Status

Multiple diagonal lines on port

Port is in service and card was reset

Loop graphic on port

Port is in service and has a loopback provisioned in Card View > Maintenance > Loopback

2.9.2 Node View Card Shortcuts

If you move your mouse over FMECs in the upper shelf of the graphic, tooltips displays the equipment FMEC card type. If you move your mouse over cards in the lower shelf in the graphic, tooltips displays additional information about the card including the card type, card status (active or standby), the number of critical, major, and minor alarms (if any), and the alarm profile used by the card. Right-clicking a card reveals a shortcut menu, which you can use to open, reset, or delete a card. Right-click a slot (grey) to pre-provision a card in the lower shelf (i.e., provision a slot before installing the card in the lower shelf).

Note   The FMECs in the upper shelf cannot be pre-provisioned.

Note   CTC software does not monitor for the presence or absence of FMECs unless the TCC-I(s) card has reached the active/standby state. During transitional states such as power-up or TCC-I reset CTC ignores the FMEC inventory displayed in node view.

Procedure: Add a Node to the Current Session


During a CTC session, you can add nodes that are not displayed in the session without having to log out of the session. When you add the node, you have the option to add it to the current login node group.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Logging into CTC" procedure


Onsite or remote

Step 1   From the CTC File menu, click Add Node (or click the Add Node button on the toolbar).

Step 2   On the Add Node dialog box, enter the node name (or IP address).

Step 3   If you want to add the node to the current login group, click Add Node to Current Login Group. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

Step 4   Click OK.

After a few seconds, the new node will be displayed on the network view map.

2.9.3 Check Inventory from the Node View

The Inventory tab (Figure 2-10) displays information about cards installed in the ONS 15454 SDH node including location, equipment type, hardware part numbers, hardware revisions, and serial numbers. The Inventory tab provides information about ONS 15454 SDH Product Change Notices (PCNs) and Field Service Bulletins (FSBs). Using the ONS 15454 SDH export feature, you can export inventory data from ONS 15454 SDH nodes into spreadsheet and database programs to consolidate ONS 15454 SDH information for network inventory management and reporting.

Figure 2-10   Displaying ONS 15454 SDH hardware information

The Inventory tab displays the following information about the cards installed in the ONS 15454 SDH:

Tip You can pre-provision a slot before the card is installed by right-clicking the slot in node view and selecting a card type. FMECs, located in the upper shelf, cannot be pre-provisioned.

2.9.4 View CTC Software Versions on One Node

CTC software is pre-loaded on the ONS 15454 SDH TCC-I cards; therefore, you do not need to install software on the TCC-I. When a new CTC software version is released, you must follow procedures provided by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to upgrade the ONS 15454 SDH software.

When you upgrade CTC software, the TCC-I stores the older CTC version as the protect CTC version, and the newer CTC release becomes the working version. To view software versions on the network, see the "View CTC Software Versions on the Network" section.

Figure 2-11   Viewing software versions

2.9.5 Node View Tabs

Use the node view tabs and subtabs, shown in Table 2-13, to provision and manage the ONS 15454 SDH.

Table 2-13   Node View Tabs and Subtabs

Tab  Description  Subtabs 


Lists current alarms (CR, MJ, MN) for the node and updates them in real-time


Displays a list of standing conditions on the node.


Provides a history of node alarms including date, type, and severity of each alarm.

Session, Node: The Session subtab displays alarms and events for the current session. The Node subtab displays alarms and events retrieved from a fixed-size log on the node.


Create, delete, edit, and search circuits


Provision the ONS 15454 SDH node

General, Ether Bridge, Network, Protection, Ring, Security, SNMP, SDH DCC, Timing, Alarm Behavior, Orderwire


Provides inventory information (part number, serial number, CLEI codes) for cards installed in the node. Allows you to delete and reset cards.


Perform maintenance tasks for the node

Database, Ether Bridge, Protection, Ring, Software, XC Cards, Diagnostic, Timing, Audit, Routing Table

2.10 Using the Network View

Network view (Figure 2-12) allows you to view and manage ONS 15454 SDH that have DCC connections to the node running the CTC session and any login node groups you may have selected. (Nodes optically-connected to the login node will not display if you selected Exclude Dynamically Discovered Nodes on the Login dialog box.)

The graphic area displays a background image with colored ONS 15454 SDH icons. The icon colors indicate the node status (Figure 2-12). Green lines show DCC connections between the nodes. Selecting a node or span in the graphic area displays information about the node and span in the status area.

Figure 2-12   A two-node network displayed in CTC network view

2.10.1 Network View Node Color Definitions

The colors of nodes displayed in network view show alarm status.

Table 2-14   Node Status in Network View

Color of Node Icon  Alarm Status 


No alarms


Minor alarms

Orange (Amber)

Major alarms


Critical alarms

Grey with node name

Node is initializing

Grey with IP address

Node is initializing, or a problem exists with IP routing from node to CTC

2.10.2 Network View User Options

Right-click the network view graphic area or a node, span, or domain (domains are described in the "Create and Manage Domains in the Network View" procedure) to display shortcut menus. Table 2-15 lists the actions that are available from the network view.

Table 2-15   Network View User Options from the Node Icon

Action  Procedure 

When you right-click a node icon, or use the Ctrl key you can perform these actions:

Open a node

Any of the following:

  • Double-click a node icon
  • Right-click a node icon, choose Open Node from the shortcut menu
  • Click a node and from the View menu choose Go to Selected Object View
  • From the View menu, choose Go to Other Node. Select a node from the Select Node dialog box
  • Double-click a node alarm or event in the Alarms or History tabs

Reset the default node icon position

Right-click a node and choose Reset Node Position from the shortcut menu. The node icon moves to the position defined by the longitude and latitude fields set in node view on the Provisioning > General tabs.

Provision a circuit

Right-click a node. From the shortcut menu, choose Provision Circuit To and select the node where you want to provision the circuit. For circuit creation procedures, see the "Creating VC High-Order Path Circuits" procedure, or "Creating VC Low-Order Path Tunnels for Port Grouping" procedure.

Update circuits with new node

Right-click a node and choose Update Circuits With New Node from the shortcut menu. Use this command when you add a new node and want to pass circuits through it.

Move a node icon

Press the Ctrl key and the left mouse button simultaneously and drag the node icon to a new location.

Table 2-16   Network View User Options from the Span Icon

Action  Procedure 

Display span properties

Any of the following:

  • Move mouse over a span; properties display above the span
  • Click a span; properties display in the upper left corner of the window
  • Right-click a span; properties display at the top of the shortcut menu

When you right-click a span (straight lines between nodes), you can perform these actions:

Perform an SNCP protection switch for an entire span

Right-click a network span and click Circuits. See "Perform SNCP Span Switching" for SNCP span switching procedures.

Upgrade a span

Right-click a span and choose Span Upgrade from the shortcut menu.

Note For detailed span upgrade information and instructions, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide.

Display a link end point

Right-click a span. On the shortcut menu, select Go To [node/slot/port] for the drop port you want to view. CTC displays the card in card view.

Table 2-17   Network View User Options from the Graph Menu

Action  Procedure 

When you right-click a map or background image you can perform these actions:

Create a new domain

Choose Create New Domain. See the "Create and Manage Domains in the Network View" procedure.

Center the map

Any of the following:

  • Right-click on the map in the background and choose Center Graph
  • Click and drag the vertical and horizontal scroll bars framing the map image
  • Click the arrow buttons at the ends of the vertical and horizontal scroll bars framing the map image

Stretch the map to fit into the network view window

Right-click on the map in the background and choose Fit Graph to Window.

Reset map to default view

Right-click on the map in the background and choose Reset Zooming (1:1).

Enlarge the map

Any of the following:

  • Click the Zoom In icon
  • Right-click on the map in the background and choose Zoom In

Reduce the map size

Any of the following:

  • Click the Zoom Out icon
  • Right-click on the map in the background and choose Zoom Out

Enlarge a selected area of the map

Any of the following:

  • Click the Zoom Selected Area icon. Left-click the desired start point on the map and drag the mouse to the desired end point of the map and release the mouse.
  • Right-click on the map in the background and choose Zoom Selected Area. Left-click the desired start point on the map and drag the mouse to the desired end point of the map and release the mouse.

Change the color behind the map image

Right-click on the map in the background and choose Set Background Color. The Choose Color menu appears with three tabs: Swatches, HSB, and RGB. Make a selection using your mouse, then click OK. For more information, see the "Modify the Network or Domain Background Color" procedure.

Set a user-defined background image

Right-click on the map or image in the background and choose Set Background Image. From the menu, select any JPEG or GIF image that is accessible on a local or network drive. For more information, see the "Change the Network View Background Image" procedure.

Remove a map or user-defined background image

Right-click on the map or image in the background and choose Remove Background Image.

Procedure: Create and Manage Domains in the Network View


Domains are groups of ONS 15454 SDHs displayed as icons on the network view map. Adding domains to the network view map makes networks with many nodes easier to manage. After you create a domain, you can drag and drop ONS 15454 SDH icons into it (Figure 2-14). The ONS 15454 SDHs are hidden until you open the domain. Figure 2-15 shows an example of an opened domain. You must have super user login access to create, delete, or rename a domain, add a node to a domain, or remove a node from a domain.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Logging into CTC" procedure


Onsite or remote

Note    Domains you create will be seen by all CTC users on the network. When you create a domain and add a node, other CTC users may see the node disappear momentarily from the network view. Also, when the domain view is open, CTC switches to the network view if the domain is removed by another CTC user.

Step 1   Right-click the network map and choose Create New Domain from the shortcut menu. When the domain icon appears on the map, type the domain name.

Figure 2-13   Creating a domain

Step 2   Drag a node icon to the domain icon. Release the mouse button when the node icon is over the domain icon. Repeat this step for each node you want to add to the domain.

After you add a node to a domain, the span lines leading to nodes within the domain become thicker. The thick lines may represent multiple spans. The thick line is green if all spans it represents are active, and grey if any one span it represents has errors. The domain icon color reflects the highest alarm severity of any node within it. For node color and alarm status, see Table 2-14.

Figure 2-14   Adding nodes to a domain

Step 3   Open the domain by double-clicking the domain icon, or right-clicking the domain and choose Open Domain. Verify the selected nodes are within the domain as shown in Figure 2-15.

Within the domain, external nodes and domains that are directly connected to nodes inside the domain are displayed in a dimmed color. DCC links with one or two ends inside the domain are also displayed.

Figure 2-15   Nodes displayed within the domain

Step 4   Right-click the domain view area and choose Go to Parent View from the shortcut menu to return to the network view.

You manage ONS 15454 SDH nodes that reside within a domain the same way you manage ONS 15454 SDH nodes on the network map. Table 2-18 shows the domain actions.

Table 2-18   Managing Domains

Action  Procedure 

A domain must be created before the following domain menu options are available:

Move a domain

Pressing Ctrl, drag the domain icon to the new location.

Move a node out of a domain back to the network map

From the domain view, right-click a node and choose Move Node Back to Parent View.

When you right-click a domain you can perform these actions:

Open a domain

Right-click the domain icon and choose Open Domain.

Show domain overview

Right-click the domain icon and choose Show Domain Overview. The domain icon shows a small preview of the nodes in the domain. To turn off the domain overview, select Show Domain Overview again.

Rename a domain

Right-click the domain icon and choose Rename Domain from the shortcut menu. Type the new name in the domain name field.

Remove domain

Right-click the domain icon and choose Remove Domain. Any nodes residing in the domain are returned to the network map.

Procedure: Modify the Network or Domain Background Color


You can change the color of the background for the network view and the domain view (the area displayed when you open a domain). If you modify background colors, the change is stored in your CTC user profile on the computer. The change does not affect other CTC users.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Running the CTC Setup Wizard" procedure


Onsite or remote

Step 1   From the network view, right-click the domain map area or background color and choose Set Background Color from the shortcut menu.

Step 2   On the Choose Color dialog box, select the Swatches, HSB, or RGB tab.

Figure 2-16   Choosing a swatch from the Color Menu

Figure 2-17   Choosing hue, saturation, or brightness from the Color Menu

Figure 2-18   Choosing red, blue, or green from the Color Menu

Procedure: Change the Network View Background Image


You can replace the background map image displayed in network view with any JPEG or GIF image that is accessible on a local or network drive. If you want to position nodes on the map based on the node coordinates, you will need the longitudes and latitudes for the edges of the map. However, if you will use your mouse to position nodes, coordinates for the image edges are not necessary. The change does not affect other CTC users.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Logging into CTC" procedure


Onsite or remote

Note   You can obtain the longitude and latitude for cities from the Latitude and Longitude of World Cities website (

Caution   Before you begin this procedure, verify that the image file you want to use is located on your hard drive and is in JPEG or GIF format. CTC may stop responding in the Network view or Circuit tab if you link to a file that is not JPEG or GIF, or if you provide an incorrect path.

Step 1   In network view, choose Edit > Preferences. (You can also right-click the network or domain map and select Set Background Image.)

Step 2   On the General tab of the Preferences dialog box (Figure 2-19) you can:


Figure 2-19   Changing the background image from the Preferences Dialog screen

Step 3   (Optional) Enter the coordinates for the map image edges in the longitude and latitude fields on the Preferences dialog box. CTC uses the map's longitude and latitude to position the node icons based on the node coordinates entered for each node on the Provisioning > General tabs. Coordinates only need to be precise enough to place ONS node icons in approximate positions on the image. You can also drag and drop nodes to position them on the network view map.

Step 4   Click Apply and then click OK.

Step 5   At the network view, use the CTC toolbar Zoom buttons (or right-click the graphic area and select a Zoom command from the shortcut menu) to set the area of the image you can view.

2.10.3 View CTC Software Versions on the Network

CTC software is pre-loaded on the ONS 15454 SDH TCC-I cards; therefore, you do not need to install software on the TCC-I. When a new CTC software version is released, you must follow procedures provided by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) on the web at to upgrade the ONS 15454 SDH software.

When you upgrade CTC software, the TCC-I stores the older CTC version as the protect CTC version, and the newer CTC release becomes the working version. To view software versions on one node, see the "View CTC Software Versions on One Node" procedure.

2.11 Using the Card View

Card view (Figure 2-20) displays information about individual ONS 15454 SDH cards. Use this view to perform card-specific maintenance, provisioning, and performance monitoring. A graphic of the selected card is shown in the graphic area. The status area displays the node name, slot, number of alarms, equipment type, and card status—Active, Not Present, or Failed—for the card. The information that is displayed and the actions you can perform depend on the card.

Note   CTC displays a card view for all ONS 15454 SDH cards except the FMECS, TCC-I, and XC10G cards.

Figure 2-20   CTC card view showing a DS3i card

2.11.1 Card View Card and Port Color Definitions

The graphic area of the CTC window depicts the ONS 15454 SDH shelf assembly. The colors of the card and port(s) in the graphic reflect the real-time status of the physical card and port(s) (Table 2-19).

Table 2-19   Card View Card and Port Colors

Upper Shelf FMEC Color   Status 



FMECs do not display a card view

Lower Shelf Card Color in Card View  Status 


A functioning card is installed


A minor alarm condition exists with the card

Orange (Amber)

A major alarm condition exists with the card


A critical alarm condition exists with the card

Port Color Status


Port is out of service


Port is in service

Note    Port graphics showing loopbacks and card resets do not appear on the card view level. Proceed to node view to see special port graphics.

2.11.2 Card View Card Shortcuts

If you move your mouse over the port graphic, tooltips displays additional information about the port including the port status (active or standby), and the alarm profile. Right-clicking the card view graphic reveals a shortcut menu, which you can use to go to the parent view (node view).

2.11.3 Card View Tabs

Use the card view tabs and subtabs, shown in Table 2-20, to provision and manage the ONS 15454 SDH.

Table 2-20   Card View Tabs and Subtabs

Tab  Description  Subtabs 


Lists current alarms (CR, MJ, MN) for the card and updates them in real-time


Displays a list of standing conditions on the card


Provides a history of card alarms including date, object, port, and severity of each alarm.

Session, Card: The Session subtab displays alarms and events for the current session. The Card subtab displays alarms and events retrieved from a fixed-size log on the card.


Create, delete, edit, and search circuits


Provision an ONS 15454 SDH card

Line, Thresholds (different threshold options are available for electrical and optical cards), VC4 or SDH Thresholds, Alarm Behavior


Perform maintenance tasks for the card

Loopback, Info, Protection


Perform performance monitoring for the card

2.12 Navigating CTC

Different navigational methods are available within the CTC window to access views and perform management actions. Commands on the View menu and CTC toolbar allow you to quickly move between network, node, and card views. You can double-click and right-click objects in the graphic area and move the mouse over nodes, cards, and ports to view popup status information (Figure 2-21).

Figure 2-21   CTC node view showing popup information

Different methods for navigating within the CTC window are described in Table 2-21.

Table 2-21   CTC Window Navigation

Technique  Description 
View menu and Toolbar

Provide commands to display:

  • The previous view (available after you navigate to two or more views)
  • The next view (available after you navigate to previous views)
  • The parent of the currently-selected view. Network is the parent of node view; node view is the parent of card view.
  • The currently selected object. For example, selecting a card on the node view graphic displays the card in card view; selecting a node on the network view map displays the node in node view.
  • Home view (the node you initially logged into)
  • Network view
  • Other node (View menu only)
  • Different zoom levels (toolbar only)
  • A node in network view displays the node in node view
  • A card in node view displays the card in card view
  • Network view graphic area—Displays a menu where you can create a new domain, change the position and zoom level of the graphic image, and change the background image and color.
  • Node in network view—Displays a menu where you can open the node, provision circuits, update circuits with a new node, and reset the node icon position to the longitude and latitude set on the Provisioning > General tabs.
  • Span in network view—Displays a menu where you can view information about the source and destination ports, the span's protection scheme, and the span's optical or electrical level. You can also display the Circuits on Span dialog box, which displays additional span information and allows you to perform SDH SNCP protection switching.
  • Card in node view—Displays a menu where you can open, delete, reset, and change cards. The card that is selected determines the commands that are displayed.
Move Mouse Cursor
  • Over node in network view—Displays a summary of node alarms and provides a warning if the node icon has been moved out of the map range.
  • Over span in network view—Displays circuit (node, slot, port) and protection information
  • Over card in node view—Displays card type and card status
  • Over card port in node view—Displays port number and port status

2.13 Viewing CTC Table Data

Much of the ONS 15454 SDH data that CTC displays, such as alarms, alarm history, circuits, and inventory, is displayed in tables. You can change the way the CTC tables are displayed. For example, you can:

2.13.1 Change the CTC Table Display

To change the display of a CTC table, left-click or right-click a column header in the table. Right-click a column header to display a shortcut menu that has table column display options (Figure 2-22).

Figure 2-22   Table shortcut menu that customizes table appearance

Table 2-22 lists the options that you can use to customize information display in CTC tables.

Table 2-22   Table Display Options

Task  Click  Right-Click Shortcut Menu 

Resize column

Drag header separator to the right or left

Rearrange column order

Drag column header to the right or left

When you right-click a column header you can perform these actions:

Reset sorting

Choose Reset Sorting

Sort table (primary)

Click a column header; each click changes sort order (ascending or descending)

Choose Sort Column

Sort table (secondary sorting keys)

Press the Shift key and simultaneously click the column header

Choose Sort Column (incremental)

Hide column

Choose Hide Column

Display a hidden column

Choose Show Column > [Num or Ref]

Revert to default columns

Choose Use Default Columns Order/Visibility

Reset column order & display all hidden columns

Choose Reset Columns Order/Visibility

View table row count

Choose Row count; it is the last item on the shortcut menu

Posted: Thu Jul 24 11:30:21 PDT 2003
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