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ALW Commands
This chapter provides allow (ALW) commands for the Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 15310-CL,
Cisco ONS 15310-MA, and Cisco ONS 15600.2.1 ALW-CONSOLE-PORT
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15310-MA) The Allow Console Port (ALW-CONSOLE-PORT) command is used to turn on the console port for the ML1000-2, ML100T-12 and ML-100T-8 cards.
Usage Guidelines
Input Parameters
Access identifier. Values are in the "EQPT" section.
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15327, ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15310-MA, ONS 15600) The Allow Message All (ALW-MSG-ALL) command instructs the NE to enter a mode where all the REPT ALM and REPT EVT autonomous messages are transmitted. Use the INH-MSG-ALL command to inhibit these autonomous messages. When a TL1 session starts, the REPT ALM and REPT EVT messages are allowed by default.
Usage Guidelines
If this command is issued twice in the same session, the SAAL (Status, Already Allowed) error message will be returned. The optional fields in the block are not supported.
Input FormatALW-MSG-ALL:[<TID>]:[<AID>]:<CTAG>[::,,];
Input Parameters
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15327, ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15310-MA, ONS 15600) The Allow Database Change Message (ALW-MSG-DBCHG) command enables REPT DBCHG. When a TL1 session starts, the REPT DBCHG messages are not allowed by default.
This command is not defined in the GR.
Usage Guidelines
Input FormatALW-MSG-DBCHG:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::,,];
Input ExampleALW-MSG-DBCHG:CISCO::123;
Input ParametersNone.
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15327, ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15310-MA, ONS 15600) The Allow Message Security (ALW-MSG-SECU) command enables the REPT EVT SECU and REPT ALM SECU autonomous messages.
Usage Guidelines
Input FormatALW-MSG-SECU:[<TID>]::<CTAG>[::,,];
Input ExampleALW-MSG-SECU:PETALUMA::123;
Input ParametersNone.
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15327, ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15310-MA, ONS 15600) The Allow Performance Report All (ALW-PMREPT-ALL) command resumes the processing of all the PM reports that are inhibited. The allowance of the PM reporting is session-based, which means the command is only effective to the TL1 session that issues this command.
Usage Guidelines
Input FormatALW-PMREPT-ALL:[<TID>]::<CTAG>;
Input ParametersNone
(Cisco ONS 15454) The Allow Switch Duplex Equipment (ALW-SWDX-EQPT) command allows automatic or manual switching on a duplex system containing duplexed or redundant equipment. To inhibit an NE from switching to duplex, use the INH-SWDX-EQPT command.
Usage Guidelines
ALW-SWDX-EQPT is not used for SONET line or electrical card protection switching. For SONET line or path protection switching commands, see the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands. For electrical card protection switching, see the SW-TOWKG-EQPT and SW-TOPROTN-EQPT commands.
This command applies to the XCVT, XC10G, and XC-VXC-10G equipment units only in this release.
Input FormatALW-SWDX-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::];
Input ExampleALW-SWDX-EQPT:CISCO:SLOT-8:1234;
Input Parameters
Access identifier for the XCVT, XC10G, or XC-VXC-10G card from the "EQPT" section.
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15310-MA) The Allow Switch to Protection Equipment (ALW-SWTOPROTN-EQPT) command allows automatic or manual switching of an equipment unit back to a protection status. Use the INH-SWTOPROTN-EQPT command to inhibit an NE from switching to protection.
Usage Guidelines
ALW-SWTOPROTN-EQPT is used for electrical line cards, for example, DS-1, DS-3, DS3XM, and EC-1. DS-1, DS-3, and DS3XM cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. EC-1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection. When this command is given to a working unit, the working unit will be allowed to switch to the protection unit. When this command is given to a protection unit, any working unit in the protection group is allowed to switch to the protection unit.
The standing condition of INHSWPR on the unit specified by the AID will be cleared.
This command only supports only the BTH value of the <DIRN> parameter. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message is returned.
This command is not used for the common control cards (TCC2/TCC2P, XCVT, XC10G, and XC-VXC-10G). A command on a common control card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
This command is not used for OC-N cards. A command on a SONET card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access identifier) error message. To use a SONET card switching command, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message is returned.
If this command is used on a card that is not in the inhibit state, the SAAL (Status, Already Allowed) error message is returned.
As long as none of the previous error conditions apply, you are allowed to send this command to cards that have been uninstalled. This will not generate any error response.
Input Parameters
Access identifier. This parameter can either be the protection unit for which carrying traffic will be allowed (release of lockout) or the working unit for which switching to protect will be allowed (release of lock-on). Values are in the "EQPT" section.
Optional. The switching direction relative to the entity defined in the AID field. This command only supports the BTH value of the DIRN parameter. Defaults to BTH.
The parameter type is DIRECTION—transmit and receive directions.
Both transmit and receive directions.
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15310-MA) The Allow Switch to Working Equipment (ALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT) command allows automatic or manual switching of an equipment unit back to a working status. Use the INH-SWTOWKG-EQPT command to inhibit an NE from switching to working.
Usage Guidelines
ALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT is used for electrical line cards, for example, DS-1, DS-3, DS3XM, and EC-1. DS-1, DS-3 and DS3XM cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. EC-1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection.
When this command is given to a working unit, the working unit will be allowed to carry traffic. In the case of revertive protection, the traffic will switch immediately from the protection unit to the working unit regardless of the reversion time setting.
When this command is given to a protection unit, the protection unit will be allowed to switch back to the working unit currently protected as long as the working unit has not raised INHSWWKG. In the case of revertive protection, the traffic will switch immediately from the protection unit to the working unit regardless of the reversion time setting. In the case of nonrevertive protection, the protection unit will continue to carry the traffic.
The standing condition of INHSWWKG on the unit specified by the AID will be cleared.
This command only supports the BTH value of the <DIRN> parameter. A command with any other value is an incorrect use of the command. An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message is returned.
This command is not used for the common control cards (TCC2/TCC2P, XCVT, XC10G, and XC-VXC-10G). A command on a common control card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the common control card switching commands, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.
This command is not used for OC-N cards. A command on an optical card will receive an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. For OC-N cards, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.
If this command is used on a card that is not in a protection group, the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message is returned.
If this command is used on a card that is not in the inhibit state, the SAAL (Status, Already Allowed) error message is returned.
As long as none of the previous error conditions apply, you are allowed to send this command to cards that have been uninstalled. This will not generate any error response.
Input FormatALW-SWTOWKG-EQPT:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[::<DIRN>];
Input Parameters
Access identifier. This parameter can either be the protection unit for which carrying traffic will be allowed (release of lockout) or the working unit for which switching to protect will be allowed (release of lock-on). Values are in the "EQPT" section.
Optional. The switching direction relative to the entity defined in the AID field. This command only supports the BTH value of the DIRN parameter. Defaults to BTH.
The parameter type is DIRECTION—transmit and receive directions.
Both transmit and receive directions.
(Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15327, ONS 15310-CL, ONS 15310-MA, ONS 15600) The Allow User Security (ALW-USER-SECU) command enables a user ID that has been disabled using the INH-USER-SECU command so the user can reestablish a session with the NE.
Usage Guidelines
Input FormatALW-USER-SECU:[<TID>]::<CTAG>::<UID>;
Input Parameters
The user identifier (user ID) of the person logged in. UID can be a list of user IDs separated by "&". The keyword ALL cannot be used to specify all users on an NE. UID is a string.
Posted: Tue Jul 10 11:12:04 PDT 2007
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