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Table Of Contents
DLP-A507 View OC-N PM Parameters
DLP-A509 Provision CE-1000-4 Ethernet Ports
DLP-A510 Provision a DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination
DLP-A512 Change Node Access and PM Clearing Privilege
DLP-A513 Provision CE-100T-8 Ethernet Ports
DLP-A514 Provision CE-100T-8 and CE-1000-4 POS Ports
DLP-A517 View Alarm or Event History
DLP-A518 Create a New or Cloned Alarm Severity Profile
DLP-A519 Apply Alarm Profiles to Ports
DLP-A520 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles
DLP-A521 Modify Alarm, Condition, and History Filtering Parameters
DLP-A522 Suppress Alarm Reporting
DLP-A523 Discontinue Alarm Suppression
DLP-A524 Download an Alarm Severity Profile
DLP-A526 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3i-N-12 Cards
DLP-A527 Change the OC-N Card ALS Maintenance Settings
DLP-A528 Change the Default Network View Background Map
DLP-A529 Delete Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds
DLP-A530 Install the Tie-Down Bar
DLP-A533 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds
DLP-A534 Provision OSI Routing Mode
DLP-A535 Provision or Modify TARP Operating Parameters
DLP-A536 Add a Static TID to NSAP Entry to the TARP Data Cache
DLP-A537 Remove a Static TID to NSAP Entry from the TARP Data Cache
DLP-A538 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry
DLP-A539 Provision OSI Routers
DLP-A540 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses
DLP-A541 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN Interface
DLP-A542 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
DLP-A543 Remove a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry
DLP-A544 Change the OSI Routing Mode
DLP-A545 Edit the OSI Router Configuration
DLP-A546 Edit the OSI Subnetwork Point of Attachment
DLP-A547 Edit an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
DLP-A548 Delete an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
DLP-A549 View IS-IS Routing Information Base
DLP-A550 View ES-IS Routing Information Base
DLP-A551 Manage the TARP Data Cache
DLP-A552 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap Size
DLPs A500 to A599
The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.
DLP-A507 View OC-N PM Parameters
Step 1
In node view, double-click the OC-N card where you want to view PM counts. The card view appears.
Step 2
Click the Performance tab ( Figure 22-1).
Figure 22-1 Viewing OC-N Card Performance Monitoring Information
Step 3
In the Port drop-down list, click the port you want to monitor.
Step 4
Click Refresh.
Step 5
View the PM parameter names that appear in the Param column. The PM parameter values appear in the Curr (current), and Prev-n (previous) columns. For PM parameter definitions, refer to the "Performance Monitoring" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
Step 6
To monitor another port on a multiport card, choose another port from the Port drop-down list and click Refresh.
Step 7
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A509 Provision CE-1000-4 Ethernet Ports
You can provision SONET contiguous concatenated (CCAT) or virtual concatenated (VCAT) circuits for the CE-1000-4 before or after provisioning the card's Ethernet ports and/or packet-over-SONET (POS) ports. See the "NTP-A257 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit" procedure on page 6-38 or the "NTP-A264 Create an Automatically Routed VCAT Circuit" procedure on page 6-82, as needed.
Step 1
In node view, double-click the CE-1000-4 card graphic to open the card.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Ether Ports tabs.
Step 3
For each CE-1000-4 port, provision the following parameters:
Port Name— If you want to label the port, enter the port name.
Admin State— Select the service state for the port. See the "DLP-A214 Change the Service State for a Port" task on page 19-9 for more information.
Flow Control— Select the flow control for the port. Possible values are None, Symmetrical, and Pass Through.
Auto Negotiation— Click this check box to enable autonegotiation on the port (default). If you do not want to enable autonegotiation control, uncheck the box.
MTU— If you want to permit the acceptance of jumbo size Ethernet frames, choose 10004(default). If you do not want to permit jumbo size Ethernet frames, choose 1548.
Watermark— Select the flow control watermark for the port. To provision the Low Latency flow control watermark, choose Low Latency from the drop-down list. The Flow Ctrl Lo and Flow Ctrl Hi values change. To provision a Custom flow control watermark, choose Custom from the drop-down list. Enter values in the Flow Ctrl Hi and Flow Ctrl Lo columns. The Flow Ctrl Lo value has a valid range from 1 to 510 and the Flow Ctrl Hi value has a valid range from 2 to 511. The Flow Ctrl Lo value must be lower than the Flow Ctrl Hi value.
Step 4
Click Apply.
Step 5
Refresh the Ethernet statistics:
Click the Performance > Ether Ports > Statistics tabs.
Click Refresh.
Reprovisioning an Ethernet port on the CE-1000-4 card does not reset the Ethernet statistics for that port.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A510 Provision a DS-3 Circuit Source and Destination
After you have selected the circuit properties in the Circuit Source dialog box according to the specific circuit creation procedure, you are ready to provision the circuit source.
Step 1
From the Node drop-down list, choose the node where the source will originate.
Step 2
From the Slot drop-down list, choose the slot containing the DS-3 card where the circuit will originate. If you are configuring a DS-3 circuit with a transmux card, choose the DS3XM-6 or DS3XM-12 card.
Step 3
From the Port drop-down list, choose the source DS-3, DS3/EC1-48, DS3XM-6, or DS3XM-12 card as appropriate.
Step 4
If you need to create a secondary source, for example, a path protection bridge/selector circuit entry point in a multivendor path protection, click Use Secondary Source and repeat Steps 1 through 3 to define the secondary source. If you do not need to create a secondary source, continue with Step 5.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
From the Node drop-down list, choose the destination (termination) node.
Step 7
From the Slot drop-down list, choose the slot containing the destination card. The destination is typically a DS3XM-6 or DS-3 card. You can also choose an OC-N card to map the DS-3 circuit to a synchronous transport signal (STS).
Step 8
Depending on the destination card, choose the destination port or STS from the drop-down lists that appear based on the card selected in Step 2. See Table 6-2 on page 6-3 for a list of valid options. Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) does not display ports, STSs, Virtual Tributaries (VTs), or DS3s if they are already in use by other circuits. If you and another user who is working on the same network choose the same port, STS, VT, port, or DS3 simultaneously, one of you receives a Path in Use error and is unable to complete the circuit. The user with the partial circuit needs to choose new destination parameters.
Step 9
If you need to create a secondary destination, for example, a path protection bridge/selector circuit exit point in a multivendor path protection, click Use Secondary Destination and repeat Steps 6 through 8 to define the secondary destination.
Step 10
Click Next.
Step 11
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A512 Change Node Access and PM Clearing Privilege
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > Security > Access tabs.
Step 2
In the Access area, provision the following:
LAN access—Choose one of the following options to set the access paths to the node:
No LAN Access—Allows access to the node only through data communications channel (DCC) connections. Access through the TCC2/TCC2P RJ-45 port and backplane is not permitted.
Front only—Allows access through the TCC2/TCC2P RJ-45 port. Access through the DCC and the backplane is not permitted.
Backplane only—Allows access through DCC connections and the backplane. Access through the TCC2/TCC2P RJ-45 port is not allowed.
Front and Backplane—Allows access through DCC, TCC2/TCC2P RJ-45, and backplane connections.
Restore Timeout—Sets a time delay for enabling of front and backplane access when DCC connections are lost and "DCC only" is chosen in LAN Access. Front and backplane access is enabled after the restore timeout period has passed. Front and backplane access is disabled as soon as DCC connections are restored.
Step 3
In the Shell Access area, set the shell program used to access the node:
Access State: Allows you to set the shell program access mode to Disable (disables shell access), Non-Secure, Secure. Secure mode allows access to the node using the Secure Shell (SSH) program. SSH is a terminal-remote host Internet protocol that uses encrypted links.
Telnet Port: Allows access to the node using the Telnet port. Telnet is the terminal-remote host Internet protocol developed for the Advanced Agency Research Project Network (ARPANET). Port 23 is the default.
Enable Shell Password: If checked, enables the SSH password. To disable the password, you must uncheck the check box and click Apply. You must type the password in the confirmation dialog box and click OK to disable it.
Step 4
In the TL1 Access area, select the desired level of TL1 access. Disabled completely disables all TL1 access; Non-Secure, Secure allows access using SSH.
Step 5
In the PM Clearing Privilege field, choose the minimum security level that can clear node PM data: PROVISIONING or SUPERUSER.
Step 6
Select the Enable Craft Port check box to turn on the shelf controller serial ports.
Step 7
Select the EMS access state from the list. Available states are Non-Secure and Secure (allows access using SSH).
In the TCC CORBA (IIOP/SSLIOP) Listener Port area, choose a listener port option:
Default - TCC Fixed—Uses Port 57790 to connect to ONS 15454s on the same side of the firewall or if no firewall is used (default). This option can be used for access through a firewall if Port 57790 is open.
Standard Constant—Uses Port 683 (IIOP) or Port 684 (SSLIOP), the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) default port number.
Other Constant—If the default port is not used, type the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) or SSLIOP port specified by your firewall administrator.
Step 8
In the SNMP Access area, set the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) access state to Non-Secure or Disabled (disables SNMP access).
Step 9
Click Apply.
Step 10
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A513 Provision CE-100T-8 Ethernet Ports
You can provision SONET contiguous concatenated (CCAT) or virtual concatenated (VCAT) circuits for the CE-100T-8 before or after provisioning the card's Ethernet ports and/or packet-over-SONET (POS) ports. See the "NTP-A257 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit" procedure on page 6-38 or the "NTP-A264 Create an Automatically Routed VCAT Circuit" procedure on page 6-82, as needed.
Step 1
In node view, double-click the CE-100T-8 card graphic to open the card.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Ether Ports tabs.
Step 3
For each CE-100T-8 port, provision the following parameters:
Port Name—If you want to label the port, enter the port name.
Admin State—Choose IS to put the port in service.
Expected Speed—Choose the expected speed of the device that is or will be attached to the Ethernet port. If you know the speed, choose 100 Mbps or 10 Mbps to match the attached device. If you do not know the speed, choosing Auto enables autonegotiation for the speed of the port, and the CE-100T-8 port will attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable speed with the attached device.
Expected Duplex—Choose the expected duplex of the device that is or will be attached to the Ethernet port. If you know the duplex, choose Full or Half to match the attached device. If you do not know the duplex, choosing Auto enables autonegotiation for the duplex of the port, and the CE-100T-8 port will attempt to negotiate a mutually acceptable duplex with the attached device.
Enable Flow Control—Click this check box to enable flow control on the port (default). If you do not want to enable flow control, uncheck the box. The CE-100T-8 attempts to negotiate symmetrical flow control with the attached device.
802.1Q VLAN CoS—For a class-of-service (CoS)-tagged frame, the CE-100T-8 can map the eight priorities specified in CoS for either priority or best effort treatment. Any CoS class higher than the class specified in CTC is mapped to priority, which is the treatment geared towards low latency. By default, the CoS is set to 7, which is the highest CoS value. The default results in all traffic being treated as best effort.
IP ToS—The CE-100T-8 can also map any of the 256 priorities specified in IP type-of-service (ToS) to either priority or best effort treatment. Any ToS class higher than the class specified in CTC is mapped to priority, which is the treatment geared towards low latency. By default, the ToS is set to 255, which is the highest ToS value. This results in all traffic being sent to the best effort queue by default.
Untagged traffic is treated as best effort.
If traffic is tagged with both CoS and IP ToS, then the CoS value is used, unless the CoS value is 7.
Step 4
Click Apply.
Step 5
Refresh the Ethernet statistics:
Click the Performance > Ether Ports > Statistics tabs.
Click Refresh.
Reprovisioning an Ethernet port on the CE-100T-8 card does not reset the Ethernet statistics for that port.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A514 Provision CE-100T-8 and CE-1000-4 POS Ports
You can provision SONET CCAT or VCAT circuits for the CE-100T-8 or CE-1000-4 before or after provisioning the card's Ethernet ports and/or POS ports. See the "NTP-A257 Create an Automatically Routed Optical Circuit" procedure on page 6-38 or the "NTP-A264 Create an Automatically Routed VCAT Circuit" procedure on page 6-82, as needed.
Step 1
In node view, double-click the CE-100T-8 or CE-1000-4 card graphic to open the card.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > POS Ports tabs.
Step 3
For each CE-100T-8 or CE-1000-4 port, provision the following parameters:
Port Name—If you want to label the port, enter the port name.
Admin State—Choose IS to put the port in service.
Framing Type—Choose GPF-F POS framing (the default) or HDLC POS framing. The framing type needs to match the framing type of the POS device at the end of the SONET circuit.
Encap CRC—With GFP-F framing, the user can configure a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) (the default) or none (no CRC). HDLC framing provides a set 32-bit CRC. The CRC should be set to match the CRC of the POS device on the end of the SONET circuit.
For more details about the interoperabilty of Optical Networking System (ONS) Ethernet cards, including information on encapsulation, framing, and CRC, refer to the "POS on ONS Ethernet Cards" chapter of the Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide for the Cisco ONS 15454, Cisco ONS 15454 SDH, and Cisco ONS 15327.
The CE-100T-8 and CE-1000-4 cards use LEX encapsulation, which is the primary POS encapsulation used in ONS Ethernet cards.
Step 4
Click Apply.
Step 5
Refresh the POS statistics:
Click the Performance > POS Ports > Statistics tabs.
Click Refresh.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A517 View Alarm or Event History
Step 1
Decide whether you want to view the alarm message history at the node, network, or card level.
Step 2
To view node alarm history:
Click the History > Session tabs to view the alarms and conditions (events) raised during the current session.
Click the History > Shelf tabs.
If you check the Alarms check box, the node's alarm history appears. If you check the Events check box, the node's Not Alarmed and transient event history appears. If you check both check boxes, you will retrieve node history for both alarms and events.
Click Retrieve to view all available messages for the History > Shelf tabs.
Alarms can be unreported when they are filtered out of the display using the Filter button in either tab. See the "DLP-A225 Enable Alarm Filtering" task on page 19-17 for information.
Double-click an alarm in the alarm table or an event (condition) message in the history table to display the view that corresponds to the alarm message. For example, double-clicking a card alarm takes you to card view. In network view, double-clicking a node alarm takes you to node view.
Step 3
To view network alarm history, from node view:
From the View menu choose Go to Network View.
Click the History tab.
Alarms and conditions (events) raised during the current session appear.
Step 4
To view card alarm history from node view:
From the View menu choose Go to Previous View.
Double-click a card on the shelf graphic to open the card-level view.
TCC2/TCCP cards and cross-connect (XCVT, XC10G, or XC-VXL-10G) cards do not have a card view.
Click the History > Session tab to view the alarm messages raised during the current session.
Click the History > Card tab to retrieve all available alarm messages for the card and click Retrieve.
If you check the Alarms check box, the node's alarm history appears. If you check the Events check box, the node's Not Alarmed and transient event history appears. If you check both check boxes, you will retrieve node history for both alarms and events.
The ONS 15454 can store up to 640 critical alarm messages, 640 major alarm messages, 640 minor alarm messages, and 640 condition messages. When any of these limits is reached, the ONS 15454 discards the oldest events in that category.
Raised and cleared alarm messages (and events, if selected) appear.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A518 Create a New or Cloned Alarm Severity Profile
Step 1
To access the alarm profile editor from network view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles tabs.
Step 2
To access the profile editor from node view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Profile Editor tabs ( Figure 22-2).
Figure 22-2 Node View Alarm Profile Editor
Step 3
To access the profile editor from a card view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Profile Editor tabs.
Step 4
If you want to create a new profile based upon the default profile in use, click New. Then go to Step 10.
Step 5
If you want to create a profile using an existing profile located on the node, click Load and From Node in the Load Profile(s) dialog box.
Click the node name you are logged into in the Node Names list.
Click the name of an existing profile in the Profile Names list, such as Default. Then go to Step 7.
Step 6
If you want to create a profile using an existing profile located in a file that is stored locally or on a network drive, click From File in the Load Profile(s) dialog box.
Click Browse.
Navigate to the file location in the Open dialog box.
Click Open.
All default or user-defined severity settings that are Critical (CR) or Major (MJ) are demoted to Minor (MN) in Non-Service-Affecting (NSA) situations as defined in Telcordia GR-474.
Step 7
Click OK.
The alarm severity profile appears in the Alarm Profiles window. The alarm profile list contains a master list of alarms that is used for a mixed node network. Some of these alarms might not be used in all ONS nodes.
Step 8
Right-click anywhere in the profile column to view the profile editing shortcut menu. (Refer to Step 11 for further information about the Default profile.)
Step 9
Click Clone in the shortcut menu.
To see the full list of profiles, including those available for loading or cloning, click Available. You must load a profile before you can clone it.
Step 10
In the New Profile or Clone Profile dialog box, enter a name in the New Profile Name field.
Profile names must be unique. If you try to import or name a profile that has the same name as another profile, CTC adds a suffix to create a new name. Long file names are supported.
Step 11
Click OK.
A new alarm profile (named in Step 10) is created. This profile duplicates the default profile severities and appears at the right of the previous profile column in the Alarm Profiles window. You can select it and drag it to a different position.
Up to 10 profiles, including the two reserved profiles, Inherited and Default, can be stored in CTC.
The Default profile sets severities to standard Telcordia GR-253-CORE settings. If an alarm has an Inherited profile, it inherits (copies) its severity from the same alarm's severity at the higher level. For example, if you choose the Inherited profile from the network view, the severities at the lower levels (node, card and port) will be copied from this selection. A card with an Inherited alarm profile copies the severities used by the node that contains the card. (If you are creating profiles, you can apply these separately at any level. To do this, complete the "DLP-A117 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes" task.)
Step 12
Modify (customize) the new alarm profile:
In the new alarm profile column, click the alarm severity you want to change in the custom profile.
Choose a severity from the drop-down list.
Repeat Steps a and b for each severity you want to customize. Refer to the following guidelines when you view the alarms or conditions after making modifications:
All Critical (CR) or Major (MJ) default or user-defined severity settings are demoted to Minor (MN) in Non-Service-Affecting (NSA) situations as defined in Telcordia GR-474.
Default severities are used for all alarms and conditions until you create and apply a new profile.
Changing a severity to inherited (I) or unset (U) does not change the severity of the alarm.
Step 13
After you have customized the new alarm profile, right-click the profile column to highlight it.
Step 14
Click Store.
Step 15
In the Store Profile(s) dialog box, click To Node(s) and go to Step a or click To File and go to Step b ( Figure 22-3).
Figure 22-3 Store Profiles Dialog Box
Choose the nodes where you want to save the profile:
If you want to save the profile to only one node, click the node in the Node Names list.
If you want to save the profile to all nodes, click Select All.
If you do not want to save the profile to any nodes, click Select None.
If you want to update alarm profile information, click (Synchronize).
Save the profile:
Click Browse and navigate to the profile save location.
Enter a name in the File name field.
Click Select to choose this name and location. Long file names are supported. CTC supplies a suffix of *.pfl to stored files.
Click OK to store the profile.
Step 16
As needed, perform any of the following actions:
Click the Hide Identical Rows check box to configure the Alarm Profiles window to view rows with dissimilar severities.
Click the Hide Reference Values check box to configure the Alarm Profiles window to view severities that do not match the Default profile.
Click the Only show service-affecting severities check box to configure the Alarm Profiles window not to display Minor and some Major alarms that will not affect service.
Step 17
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A519 Apply Alarm Profiles to Ports
This task applies a custom or default alarm severity profile to a port or ports.
Prerequisite Procedures
A518 Create a New or Cloned Alarm Severity Profile
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Security Level
Provisioning or higher
Step 1
In the node view, double-click a card to open the card view.
You can also apply alarm profiles to cards using the "DLP-A117 Apply Alarm Profiles to Cards and Nodes" task.
The card view is not available for the TCC2/TCCP or cross-connect cards.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Behavior tabs.
Figure 22-4 shows the alarm profiles of DS1/E1-56 card ports. CTC shows Parent Card Profile: Inherited.
Figure 22-4 DS1-N-14 Card Alarm Behavior Tab
Go to Step 3 to apply profiles to a port. Go to Step 4 to apply profiles to all ports on a card.
Step 3
To apply profiles on a port basis:
In card view, click the port row in the Profile column.
Choose the new profile from the drop-down list.
Click Apply.
Step 4
To apply profiles to all ports on a card:
In card view, click the Force all ports to profile drop-down arrow at the bottom of the window.
Choose the new profile from the drop-down list.
Click Force (still need to "Apply").
Click Apply.
In node view the Port Level Profiles column indicates port-level profiles with a notation such as "exist (1)" ( Figure 18-3).
Step 5
To reapply a previous alarm profile after you have applied a new one, select the previous profile and click Apply again.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A520 Delete Alarm Severity Profiles
Step 1
To access the alarm profile editor from network view, go to network view and click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles tabs.
Step 2
To access the profile editor from node view, go to node view and click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Profile Editor tabs.
Step 3
To access the profile editor from a card view, double-click the card to display the card view and click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Profile Editor tabs.
Step 4
Click the profile you are deleting to select it.
Step 5
Click Delete.
The Select Node/Profile Combination for Delete dialog box appears ( Figure 22-5).
Figure 22-5 Select Node/Profile Combination For Delete Dialog Box
You cannot delete the Inherited or Default alarm profiles.
A previously created alarm profile cannot be deleted unless it has been stored on the node. If the profile is visible on the Alarm Profiles tab but is not listed in the Select Node/Profile Combinations to Delete dialog box, continue with Step 9.
Step 6
Click the node names in the Node Names list to highlight the profile location.
If you hold the Shift key down, you can select consecutive node names. If you hold the Ctrl key down, you can select any combination of nodes.
Step 7
Click the profile names you want to delete in the Profile Names list.
Step 8
Click OK.
Click Yes in the Delete Alarm Profile dialog box.
If you delete a profile from a node, it still appears in the network view
Provisioning > Alarm Profile Editor window unless you remove it using the following step.Step 9
To remove the alarm profile from the window, right-click the column of the profile you deleted and choose Remove from the shortcut menu.
If a node and profile combination is selected but does not exist, a warning appears: "One or more of the profile(s) selected do not exist on one or more of the node(s) selected." For example, if node A has only profile 1 stored and the user tries to delete both profile 1 and profile 2 from node A, this warning appears. However, the operation still removes profile 1 from node A.
The Default and Inherited special profiles cannot be deleted and do not appear in the Select Node/Profile Combination for Delete Window.
Step 10
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A521 Modify Alarm, Condition, and History Filtering Parameters
This task changes alarm and condition reporting in all network nodes.
Prerequisite Procedures
DLP-A225 Enable Alarm Filtering, page 19-17
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Security Level
Retrieve or higher
Step 1
At the node, network, or card view, click the Alarms tab, Conditions tab, or History tab.
Step 2
Click the Filter button at the lower-left of the bottom toolbar.
The filter dialog box appears, displaying the General tab. Figure 22-6 shows the Alarm Filter dialog box; the Conditions and History tabs have similar dialog boxes.
Figure 22-6 Alarm Filter Dialog Box General Tab
In the General tab Show Severity box, you can choose which alarm severities will show through the alarm filter and provision a time period during which filtered alarms show through the filter. To change the alarm severities shown in the filter, go to Step 3. To change the time period filter for the alarms go to Step 4.
Step 3
In the Show Severity area, click the check boxes for the severities [Critical (CR), Major (MJ), Minor (MN), or Not-Alarmed (NA)] you want to be reported at the network level. Leave severity check boxes deselected (unchecked) to prevent those severities from appearing.
When alarm filtering is disabled, all alarms show.
Step 4
In the Time area, click the Show alarms between time limits check box to enable it. Click the up and down arrows in the From Date, To Date, and Time fields to modify what period of alarms are shown.
To modify filter parameters for conditions, continue with Step 5. If you do not need to modify them, continue with Step 6.
Step 5
Click the filter dialog box Conditions tab ( Figure 22-7).
Figure 22-7 Alarm Filter Dialog Box Conditions Tab
When filtering is enabled, conditions in the Show list are visible and conditions in the Hide list are invisible.
To move conditions individually from the Show list to the Hide list, click the > button.
To move conditions individually from the Hide list to the Show list, click the < button.
To move conditions collectively from the Show list to the Hide list, click the >> button.
To move conditions collectively from the Hide list to the Show list, click the << button.
Conditions include alarms.
Step 6
Click Apply and OK.
Alarm and condition filtering parameters are enforced when alarm filtering is enabled (see the "DLP-A225 Enable Alarm Filtering" task on page 19-17), and the parameters are not enforced when alarm filtering is disabled (see the "DLP-A227 Disable Alarm Filtering" task on page 19-18).
Step 7
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A522 Suppress Alarm Reporting
CautionIf multiple CTC/TL1 sessions are open, suppressing alarms in one session suppresses the alarms in all other open sessions.
Alarm suppression at the node level does not supersede alarm suppression at the card or port level. Suppression can exist independently for all three entities, and each entity will raise separate alarms suppressed by the user command (AS-CMD) alarm.
Step 1
If you are in node view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Behavior tabs.
Step 2
To suppress alarms for the entire node:
Check the Suppress Alarms check box.
Click Apply.
All raised alarms for the node will change color to white in the Alarms window and their status will change to cleared. After suppressing alarms, clicking Synchronize in the Alarms window will remove cleared alarms from the window. However, an AS-CMD alarm will show in node or card view to indicate that node-level alarms were suppressed, and the word System will appear in the Object column.
The only way to suppress BITS, power source, or system alarms is to suppress alarms for the entire node. These cannot be suppressed separately, but the shelf backplane can be.
Step 3
To suppress alarms for individual cards:
Locate the card row (using the Location column for the slot number or the Eqpt Type column for the equipment name).
Check the Suppress Alarms column check box on that row.
Alarms that directly apply to this card will change appearance as described in Step 2. For example, if you suppressed raised alarms for an OC-48 card in Slot 16, raised alarms for this card will change in node or card view. The AS-CMD alarm will show the slot number in the Object number. For example, if you suppressed alarms for a Slot 16 OC-48 card, the AS-CMD object will be "SLOT-16."
Click Apply.
Step 4
To suppress alarms for individual card ports, double-click the card in node view.
Step 5
Click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Behavior tabs.
Step 6
Check the Suppress Alarms column check box for the port row where you want to suppress alarms ( Figure 22-4).
Step 7
Click Apply.
Alarms that apply directly to this port will change appearance as described in Step 2. (However, alarms raised on the entire card will remain raised.) A raised AS-CMD alarm that shows the port as its object will appear in either alarm window. For example, if you suppressed alarms for Port 1 on the Slot 16 OC-48 card, the alarm object will show "FAC-16-1."
Step 8
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A523 Discontinue Alarm Suppression
CautionIf multiple CTC sessions are open, discontinuing suppression in one session will discontinue suppression in all other open sessions.
Step 1
To discontinue alarm suppression for the entire node:
In node view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Behavior tab.
Uncheck the Suppress Alarms check box.
Suppressed alarms will reappear in the Alarms window. (They might have previously been cleared from the window using the Synchronize button.) The AS-CMD alarm with the System object will be cleared in all views.
Step 2
To discontinue alarm suppression for individual cards:
In the node view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Behavior tabs.
Locate the card that was suppressed in the slot list.
Uncheck the Suppress Alarms column check box for that slot.
Click Apply.
Suppressed alarms will reappear in the Alarms window. (They might have previously been cleared from the window using the Synchronize button.) The AS-CMD alarm with the slot object (for example, SLOT-16) will be cleared in all views.
Step 3
To discontinue alarm suppression for ports, double-click the card to open the card view and click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Behavior tabs.
Step 4
Uncheck the Suppress Alarms check box for the port(s) you no longer want to suppress.
Step 5
Click Apply.
Suppressed alarms will reappear in the Alarms window. (They might have previously been cleared from the window using the Synchronize button.) The AS-CMD alarm with the port object (for example, FAC-16-1) will be cleared in all views.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A524 Download an Alarm Severity Profile
Step 1
To access the alarm profile editor from network view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles tabs.
Step 2
To access the profile editor from node view, click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Profile Editor tabs.
Step 3
To access the profile editor from a card view, double-click the card to open the card view and click the Provisioning > Alarm Profiles > Alarm Profile Editor tabs.
Step 4
Click Load.
Step 5
If you want to download a profile that exists on the node, click From Node in the Load Profile(s) dialog box.
Click the node name you are logged into in the Node Names list.
Click the name of the profile in the Profile Names list, such as Default.
Step 6
If you want to download a profile that is stored locally or on a network drive, click From File in the Load Profile(s) dialog box.
Click Browse.
Navigate to the file location in the Open dialog box.
Click Open.
The Default alarm profile list contains alarm and condition severities that correspond when applicable to default values established in Telcordia GR-253-CORE.
All default or user-defined severity settings that are Critical (CR) or Major (MJ) are demoted to Minor (MN) in Non-Service-Affecting (NSA) situations as defined in Telcordia GR-474.
Step 7
Click OK.
The downloaded profile appears at the right side of the Alarm Profiles window.
Step 8
Right-click anywhere in the downloaded profile column to view the profile editing shortcut menu.
Step 9
Click Store.
Step 10
In the Store Profile(s) dialog box, click To Node(s).
Choose the nodes where you want to save the profile:
If you want to save the profile to only one node, click the node in the Node Names list.
If you want to save the profile to all nodes, click Select All.
If you do not want to save the profile to any nodes, click Select None.
If you want to update alarm profile information, click (Synchronize).
Click OK.
Step 11
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A526 Change Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3i-N-12 Cards
For the default values and domains of user-provisionable card settings, refer to the "Network Element Defaults" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
Step 1
In node view, double-click the DS3i-N-12 card where you want to change the line or threshold settings.
Step 2
Click the Provisioning tab.
Step 3
Depending on the setting you need to modify, click the Line, Line Thresholds, Elect Path Thresholds, or SONET Thresholds subtab.
See Chapter 8, "Manage Alarms" for information about the Alarm Profiles tab.
If you want to modify a threshold setting, it might be necessary to click on the available directional, type, and interval (15 Min, 1 Day) radio buttons and then click Refresh. This will display the desired threshold setting.
Step 4
Modify the settings found under these subtabs by clicking in the field you want to modify. In some fields you can choose an option from a drop-down list; in others you can type a value.
Step 5
Click Apply.
Step 6
Repeat Steps 3 through 5 for each subtab that has parameters you want to provision.
For definitions of the line settings, see Table 22-1. For definitions of the line threshold settings, see Table 22-2. For definitions of the electrical path threshold settings, see Table 22-3. For definitions of the SONET threshold settings, see Table 22-4.
Table 22-1 describes the values on the Provisioning > Line tabs for the DS3i-N-12 cards.
Table 22-1 Line Options for the DS3i-N-12 Cards
Parameter Description OptionsPort
(Display only) Port number.
1 to 12
Port Name
Sets the port name.
User-defined, up to 32 alphanumeric/ special characters. Blank by default.
See the "DLP-A314 Assign a Name to a Port" task on page 20-8.
Sets the signal fail bit error rate.
Sets the signal degrade bit error rate.
Line Type
Defines the line framing type.
C Bit
Auto Provisioned
Detected Line Type
Displays the detected line type.
C Bit
Line Coding
(Display only) Defines the DS3E transmission coding type.
Line Length
Defines the distance (in feet) from backplane connection to the next termination point.
0 - 225 (default)
226 - 450
Admin State
Sets the port administrative service state unless network conditions prevent the change.
IS—Puts the port in-service. The port service state changes to IS-NR.
IS,AINS—Puts the port in automatic in-service. The port service state changes to OOS-AU,AINS.
OOS,DSBLD—Removes the port from service and disables it. The port service state changes to OOS-MA,DSBLD.
OOS,MT—Removes the port from service for maintenance. The port service state changes to OOS-MA,MT.
Service State
(Display only) Identifies the autonomously generated state that gives the overall condition of the port. Service states appear in the format: Primary State-Primary State Qualifier, Secondary State.
IS-NR—(In-Service and Normal) The port is fully operational and performing as provisioned.
OOS-AU,AINS—(Out-Of-Service and Autonomous, Automatic In-Service) The port is out-of-service, but traffic is carried. Alarm reporting is suppressed. The ONS node monitors the ports for an error-free signal. After an error-free signal is detected, the port stays in OOS-AU,AINS state for the duration of the soak period. After the soak period ends, the port service state changes to IS-NR.
OOS-MA,DSBLD—(Out-of-Service and Management, Disabled) The port is out-of-service and unable to carry traffic.
OOS-MA,MT—(Out-of-Service and Management, Maintenance) The port is out-of-service for maintenance. Alarm reporting is suppressed, but traffic is carried and loopbacks are allowed.
Sets the automatic in-service soak period.
Duration of valid input signal, in hh.mm format, after which the card becomes in service (IS) automatically
0 to 48 hours, 15-minute increments
Table 22-2 describes the parameters on the Provisioning > Line Thresholds tabs for the DS3i-N-12 cards.
Table 22-3 describes the parameters on the Provisioning > Elect Path Thresholds tabs for the DS3i-N-12 cards.
Table 22-4 describes the values on the Provisioning > SONET Thresholds tabs for the DS3i-N-12 cards.
The threshold value appears after the circuit is created.
Step 7
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A527 Change the OC-N Card ALS Maintenance Settings
For the default values and domains of user-provisionable card settings, refer to the "Network Element Defaults" appendix in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
Step 1
In node view, double-click the OC-N card where you want to change the ALS maintenance settings.
Step 2
Click the Maintenance > ALS tabs.
Step 3
Modify any of the settings described in Table 22-5 by clicking in the field you want to modify. In some fields you can choose an option from a drop-down list; in others you can type a value or select or deselect a check box. The provisionable parameters are listed in the options column in the table.
Step 4
Click Apply. If the change affects traffic, a warning message displays. Click Yes to complete the change.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A528 Change the Default Network View Background Map
This task changes the default map of the CTC network view.
Prerequisite procedures
Required/As needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Security Level
If you modify the background image, the change is stored in your CTC user profile on the computer. The change does not affect other CTC users.
Step 1
From the Edit menu, choose Preferences > Map and check the Use Default Map check box.
Step 2
In the node view, click the Provisioning > Defaults tabs.
Step 3
In the Defaults Selector area, choose CTC and then network.
Step 4
Click the Default Value field and choose a default map from the drop-down list. Map choices are: Germany, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, United Kingdom, and the United States (default).
Step 5
Click Apply. The new network map appears.
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 7
If the ONS 15454 icons are not visible, right-click the network view and choose Zoom Out. Repeat until all the ONS 15454 icons are visible. (You can also choose Fit Graph to Window.)
Step 8
If you need to reposition the node icons, drag and drop them one at a time to a new location on the map.
Step 9
If you want to change the magnification of the icons, right-click the network view and choose Zoom In. Repeat until the ONS 15454 icons are displayed at the magnification you want.
Step 10
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A529 Delete Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds
This task deletes remote monitoring (RMON) threshold crossing alarms for Ethernet ports.
Prerequisite Procedures
A533 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds
Required/As Needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Security Level
Provisioning or higher
The ONS 15454 ML-Series cards use the Cisco IOS command line interface (CLI) to manage RMON.
Step 1
Double-click the Ethernet card where you want to delete the RMON alarm thresholds.
Step 2
In card view, click the Provisioning > Ether Ports > RMON Thresholds tabs.
For the CE-Series, click the Provisioning > Ether Ports > RMON Thresholds tabs or Provisioning > POS Ports > RMON Thresholds tabs.
Step 3
Click the RMON alarm threshold you want to delete.
Step 4
Click Delete. The Delete Threshold dialog box appears.
Step 5
Click Yes to delete the threshold.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A530 Install the Tie-Down Bar
This task installs the tie-down bar used to secure cabling on the rear of the ONS 15454. The tie-down bar can be used to provide a diverse path for redundant power feeds and cables.
Tie-down bar
Screws (4)
Prerequisite Procedures
DLP-A5 Mount the Shelf Assembly in a Rack (One Person), page 17-5
DLP-A6 Mount the Shelf Assembly in a Rack (Two People), page 17-6
Required/As Needed
As needed
Security Level
Step 1
Align the ends of the tie-down bar with the four screw holes located 1 RU below the ONS 15454.
Figure 22-8 shows the tie-down bar, the ONS 15454, and the rack.
Figure 22-8 Tie-Down Bar
Step 2
Install the four screws into the rack.
Step 3
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A531 Print CTC Data
Step 1
Click the tab (and subtab, if present) containing the information you want to print. For example, click the Alarms tab to print Alarms window data.
The print operation is available for all network, node, and card view windows.
Step 2
From the File menu choose Print.
Step 3
In the Print dialog box, click a printing option ( Figure 22-9).
Entire Frame—Prints the entire CTC window including the graphical view of the card, node, or network. This option is available for all windows.
Tabbed View—Prints the lower half of the CTC window containing tabs and data. The printout includes the selected tab (on top) and the data shown in the tab window. For example, if you print the History window Tabbed View, you print only history items appearing in the window. This option is available for all windows.
Table Contents—Prints CTC data in table format without graphical representations of shelves, cards, or tabs. This option does not apply to the following windows:
Provisioning > General tab (General, Power Monitor, and Multishelf Config) windows
Provisioning > Network > General windows
Provisioning > Security > Policy, Access, and Legal Disclaimer windows
Provisioning > SNMP window
Provisioning > Timing > General and BITS Facilities windows
Provisioning > Cross-Connect window
Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup, TARP windows
Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Node Setup window
Maintenance > Cross-Connect > Cards window
Maintenance > Database window
Maintenance > Diagnostic window
Maintenance > Protection window
Maintenance > Timing > Source window
The Table Contents option prints all the data contained in a table and the table column headings. For example, if you print the History window Table Contents view, you print all data included in the table whether or not items appear in the window.
When you print using the Tabbed View option, it can be difficult to distinguish whether the printout applies to the network, node, or card view. To determine the view, compare the tabs on the printout. The network, node, and card views are identical except that network view does not contain an Inventory tab or Performance tab.
Figure 22-9 Selecting CTC Data For Print
Step 4
Click OK.
Step 5
In the Windows Print dialog box, click a printer and click OK.
Step 6
Repeat this task for each window that you want to print.
Step 7
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A532 Export CTC Data
Step 1
Click the tab containing the information you want to export (for example, the Alarms tab or the Circuits tab).
Step 2
If you want to export detailed circuit information, complete the following:
In the Circuits window, choose a circuit and click Edit to open it in the Edit Circuits window.
In the Edit Circuits window, choose the desired tab: Drops, UPSR Selectors, UPSR Switch Counts, State, or Merge. (Depending on your configuration, you may or may not see all of these tabs.)
Step 3
From the File menu, choose Export.
Step 4
In the Export dialog box, click a data format ( Figure 22-10):
As HTML—Saves data as a simple HTML table file without graphics. The file must be viewed or edited with applications such as Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or other applications capable of opening HTML files.
As CSV—Saves the CTC table as comma-separated values (CSV). This option does not apply to the Maintenance > Timing > Report window.
As TSV—Saves the CTC table as tab-separated values (TSV).
Figure 22-10 Selecting CTC Data For Export
Step 5
If you want to open a file in a text editor or word processor application, procedures vary. Typically, you can use the File > Open command to view the CTC data, or you can double-click the file name and choose an application such as Notepad.
Text editor and word processor applications format the data exactly as it is exported, including comma or tab separators. All applications that open the data files allow you to format the data.
Step 6
If you want to open the file in spreadsheet and database management applications, procedures vary. Typically, you need to open the application and choose File > Import, then choose a delimited file to format the data in cells.
Spreadsheet and database management programs also allow you to manage the exported data.
An exported file cannot be opened in CTC.
The export operation does not apply to the following tabular (Save as TSV) data:
Circuits (Edit option, General and Monitor windows)
Provisioning > General > General, Power Monitor, and Multishelf Config windows
Provisioning > Network > General windows
Provisioning > Security > Policy, Access, and Legal Disclaimer windows
Provisioning > SNMP window
Provisioning > Timing > General and BITS FAcilities windows
Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup window and OSI > TARP > Config window
Provisioning > Cross-Connect window
Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Node Setup window
Maintenance > Cross-Connect > Cards window
Maintenance > Database window
Maintenance > Diagnostic window
Maintenance > Protection window
Maintenance > Timing > Source windows
Maintenance > DWDM > ROADM Power Monitoring window
Step 7
Click OK.
Step 8
In the Save dialog box, enter a name in the File name field using one of the following formats:
filename.html for HTML files
filename.csv for CSV files
filename.tsv for TSV files
Step 9
Navigate to a directory where you want to store the file.
Step 10
Click OK.
Step 11
Repeat the task for each window that you want to export.
Step 12
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A533 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds
The ONS 15454 ML-Series cards use the Cisco IOS CLI to manage RMON.
Step 1
Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-68 at the node where you want to set up RMON. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2
Double-click the Ethernet card where you want to create the RMON alarm thresholds.
Step 3
In card view, click the Provisioning > RMON Thresholds tabs.
For CE- and ML-Series Ethernet cards, click the Provisioning > Ether Ports > RMON Thresholds tabs or Provisioning > POS Ports > RMON Thresholds tabs.
Step 4
Click Create.
The Create Ether Threshold dialog box appears ( Figure 22-11).
Figure 22-11 Creating RMON Thresholds
Step 5
From the Port drop-down list, choose the applicable port on the Ethernet card you selected.
Step 6
From the Variable drop-down list, choose the variable. See Table 22-6 and Table 22-7 for a list of the Ethernet and POS threshold variables available in this field.
Step 7
From the Alarm Type drop-down list, indicate whether the event will be triggered by the rising threshold, falling threshold, or both the rising and falling thresholds.
Step 8
From the Sample Type drop-down list, choose either Relative or Absolute. Relative restricts the threshold to use the number of occurrences in the user-set sample period. Absolute sets the threshold to use the total number of occurrences, regardless of time period.
Step 9
Type in an appropriate number of seconds for the Sample Period.
Step 10
Type in the appropriate number of occurrences for the Rising Threshold.
For a rising type of alarm, the measured value must move from below the falling threshold to above the rising threshold. For example, if a network is running below a rising threshold of 1000 collisions every 15 seconds and a problem causes 1001 collisions in 15 seconds, the excess occurrences trigger an alarm.
Step 11
Enter the appropriate number of occurrences in the Falling Threshold field. In most cases a falling threshold is set lower than the rising threshold.
A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences is above the rising threshold and then drops below a falling threshold, it resets the rising threshold. For example, when the network problem that caused 1001 collisions in 15 minutes subsides and creates only 799 collisions in 15 minutes, occurrences fall below a falling threshold of 800 collisions. This resets the rising threshold so that if network collisions again spike over a 1000 per 15-minute period, an event again triggers when the rising threshold is crossed. An event is triggered only the first time a rising threshold is exceeded (otherwise, a single network problem might cause a rising threshold to be exceeded multiple times and cause a flood of events).
Step 12
Click OK to complete the procedure.
Step 13
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A534 Provision OSI Routing Mode
CautionDo not complete this task until you confirm the role of the node within the network. It will be either an ES, IS Level 1, or IS Level 1/Level 2. This decision must be carefully considered. For additional information about OSI provisioning, refer to the "Management Network Connectivity" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
CautionLink State Protocol (LSP) buffers must be the same at all NEs within the network, or loss of visibility might occur. Do not modify the LSP buffers unless you confirm that all NEs within the OSI have the same buffer size.
CautionLSP buffer sizes cannot be greater than the LAP-D maximum transmission unit (MTU) size within the OSI area.
For ONS 15454 nodes, three virtual routers can be provisioned. The node primary NSAP address is also the Router 1 primary manual area address. To edit the primary NSAP, you must edit the Router 1 primary manual area address. After you enable Router 1 on the Routers subtab, the Change Primary Area Address button is available to edit the address.
Step 1
Complete the "DLP-A60 Log into CTC" task on page 17-68 at the node where you want to provision the OSI routing mode. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup tabs.
Step 3
Choose a routing mode:
End System—The ONS 15454 performs OSI end system (ES) functions and relies upon an intermediate system (IS) for communication with nodes that reside within its OSI area.
The End System routing mode is not available if more than one virtual router is enabled.
Intermediate System Level 1—The ONS 15454 performs OSI IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It depends upon an IS L1/L2 node to communicate with IS and ES nodes that reside outside its OSI area.
Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2—The ONS 15454 performs IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It also communicates with IS L1/L2 nodes that reside in other OSI areas. Before choosing this option, verify the following:
The node is connected to another IS Level 1/Level 2 node that resides in a different OSI area.
The node is connected to all nodes within its area that are provisioned as IS L1/L2.
Step 4
If needed, change the LSP data buffers:
L1 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 1 link state PDU buffer size. The default is 512. It should not be changed.
L2 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 2 link state PDU buffer size. The default is 512. It should not be changed.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A535 Provision or Modify TARP Operating Parameters
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > Config tabs.
Step 2
Provision the following parameters, as needed:
TARP PDUs L1 Propagation—If checked (default), TARP Type 1 PDUs that are received by the node and are not excluded by the LDB are propagated to other NEs within the Level 1 OSI area. (Type 1 PDUs request a protocol address that matches a target identifier [TID] within a Level 1 routing area.) The propagation does not occur if the NE is the target of the Type 1 PDU, and PDUs are not propagated to the NE from which the PDU was received.
The TARP PDUs L1 Propagation parameter is not used when the Node Routing Area (Provisioning > OSI > Main Setup tab) is set to End System.
TARP PDUs L2 Propagation—If checked (default), TARP Type 2 PDUs received by the node that are not excluded by the LDB are propagated to other NEs within the Level 2 OSI areas. (Type 2 PDUs request a protocol address that matches a TID within a Level 2 routing area.) The propagation occurs if the NE is not the target of the Type 2 PDU, and PDUs are not propagated to the NE from which the PDU was received.
The TARP PDUs L2 Propagation parameter is only used when the Node Routing Area is provisioned to Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2.
TARP PDUs Origination—If checked (default), the node performs all TARP origination functions including:
TID to Network Service Access Point (NSAP) resolution requests (originate TARP Type 1 and Type 2 PDUs)
NSAP to TID requests (originate Type 5 PDUs)
TARP address changes (originate Type 4 PDUs)
TARP Echo and NSAP to TID is not supported.
TARP Data Cache—If checked (default), the node maintains a TARP data cache (TDC). The TDC is a database of TID to NSAP pairs created from TARP Type 3 PDUs received by the node and modified by TARP Type 4 PDUs (TID to NSAP updates or corrections). TARP 3 PDUs are responses to Type 1 and Type 2 PDUs. The TDC can also be populated with static entries entered on the TARP > Static TDC tab.
This parameter is only used when the TARP PDUs Origination parameter is enabled.
L2 TARP Data Cache—If checked (default), the TIDs and NSAPs of NEs originating Type 2 requests are added to the TDC before the node propagates the requests to other NEs.
The TARP Data Cache parameter is designed for Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2 nodes that are connected to other Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2 nodes. Enabling the parameter for Intermediate System Level 1 nodes is not recommended.
LDB—If checked (default), enables the TARP loop detection buffer. The LDB prevents TARP PDUs from being sent more than once on the same subnet.
The LDP parameter is not used if the Node Routing Mode is provisioned to End System or if the TARP PDUs L1 Propagation parameter is not enabled.
LAN TARP Storm Suppression—If checked (default), enables TARP storm suppression. This function prevents redundant TARP PDUs from being unnecessarily propagated across the LAN network.
Send Type 4 PDU on Startup—If checked, a TARP Type 4 PDU is originated during the initial ONS 15454 startup. Type 4 PDUs indicate that a TID or NSAP change has occurred at the NE. (The default setting is not enabled.)
Type 4 PDU Delay—Sets the amount of time that will pass before the Type 4 PDU is generated when Send Type 4 PDU on Startup is enabled. 60 seconds is the default. The range is 0 to 255 seconds.
The Send Type 4 PDU on Startup and Type 4 PDU Delay parameters are not used if TARP PDUs Origination is not enabled.
LDB Entry—Sets the TARP loop detection buffer timer. The LDB buffer time is assigned to each LDB entry for which the TARP sequence number (tar-seq) is zero. The default is 5 minutes. The range is 1 to 10 minutes.
LDB Flush—Sets the frequency period for flushing the LDB. The default is 5 minutes. The range is 0 to 1440 minutes.
T1—Sets the amount of time to wait for a response to a Type 1 PDU. Type 1 PDUs seek a specific NE TID within an OSI Level 1 area. The default is 15 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.
T2—Sets the amount of time to wait for a response to a Type 2 PDU. TARP Type 2 PDUs seek a specific NE TID value within OSI Level 1 and Level 2 areas. The default is 25 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.
T3—Sets the amount of time to wait for an address resolution request. The default is 40 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.
T4—Sets the amount of time to wait for an error recovery. This timer begins after the T2 timer expires without finding the requested NE TID. The default is 20 seconds. The range is 0 to 3600 seconds.
The T1, T2, and T4 timers are not used if TARP PDUs Origination is not enabled.
Step 3
Click Apply.
Step 4
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A536 Add a Static TID to NSAP Entry to the TARP Data Cache
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > Static TDC tabs.
Step 2
Click Add Static Entry.
Step 3
In the Add Static Entry dialog box, enter the following:
TID—Enter the TID of the NE. (For ONS nodes, the TID is the Node Name parameter on the node view Provisioning > General tab.)
NSAP—Enter the OSI NSAP address in the NSAP field or, if preferred, click Use Mask and enter the address in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box.
Step 4
Click OK to close the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box, if used, and then click OK to close the Add Static Entry dialog box.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A537 Remove a Static TID to NSAP Entry from the TARP Data Cache
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > Static TDC tabs.
Step 2
Click the static entry that you want to delete.
Step 3
Click Delete Static Entry.
Step 4
In the Delete TDC Entry dialog box, click Yes.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A538 Add a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry
Step 1
In the node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > MAT tabs.
Step 2
Click Add.
Step 3
In the Add TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry dialog box, enter the following:
Level—Sets the TARP Type Code that will be sent:
Level 1—Indicates that the adjacency is within the same area as the current node. The entry generates Type 1 PDUs.
Level 2—Indicates that the adjacency is in a different area than the current node. The entry generates Type 2 PDUs.
NSAP—Enter the OSI NSAP address in the NSAP field or, if preferred, click Use Mask and enter the address in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box.
Step 4
Click OK to close the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box, if used, and then click OK to close the Add Static Entry dialog box.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A539 Provision OSI Routers
Router 1 must be enabled before you can enable and edit the primary manual area addresses for Routers 2 and 3.
The Router 1 manual area address, System ID, and Selector "00" create the node NSAP address. Changing the Router 1 manual area address changes the node's NSAP address.
The System ID for Router 1 is the node MAC address. The System IDs for Routers 2 and 3 are created by adding 1 and 2 respectively to the Router 1 System ID. You cannot edit the System IDs.
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Setup tabs.
Step 2
Chose the router you want provision and click Edit. The OSI Router Editor dialog box appears.
Step 3
In the OSI Router Editor dialog box:
Check Enable Router to enable the router and make its primary area address available for editing.
Click the manual area address, then click Edit.
In the Edit Manual Area Address dialog box, edit the primary area address in the Area Address field. If you prefer, click Use Mask and enter the edits in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box. The address (hexadecimal format) can be 8 to 24 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-f) in length.
Click OK successively to close the following dialog boxes: Masked NSAP Entry (if used), Edit Manual Area Address, and OSI Router Editor.
Step 4
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A540 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Setup tabs.
Step 2
Chose the router where you want provision an additional manual area address and click Edit. The OSI Router Editor dialog box.
Step 3
In the OSI Router Editor dialog box:
Check Enable Router to enable the router and make its primary area address available for editing.
Click the manual area address, then click Add.
In the Add Manual Area Address dialog box, enter the primary area address in the Area Address field. If you prefer, click Use Mask and enter the address in the Masked NSAP Entry dialog box. The address (hexadecimal format) can be 2 to 24 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-f) in length.
Click OK successively to close the following dialog boxes: Masked NSAP Entry (if used), Add Manual Area Address, and OSI Router Editor.
Step 4
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A541 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN Interface
OSI subnetwork points of attachment are enabled on DCCs when you create DCCs. See the "DLP-A377 Provision Section DCC Terminations" task on page 20-69 and the "DLP-A378 Provision Line DCC Terminations" task on page 20-71.
The OSI subnetwork point of attachment cannot be enabled for the LAN interface if the OSI routing mode is set to ES (end system).
If Secure Mode is on, the OSI Subnet is enabled on the backplane LAN port, not the front TCC2P port.
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Subnet tabs.
Step 2
Click Enable LAN Subnet.
Step 3
In the Enable LAN Subnet dialog box, complete the following fields:
ESH—Sets the End System Hello (ESH) propagation frequency. End system NEs transmit ESHs to inform other ESs and ISs about the NSAPs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds.
ISH—Sets the Intermediate System Hello PDU propagation frequency. Intermediate system NEs send ISHs to other ESs and ISs to inform them about the IS NETs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds.
IIH—Sets the Intermediate System to Intermediate System Hello PDU propagation frequency. The IS-IS Hello PDUs establish and maintain adjacencies between ISs. The default is 3 seconds. The range is 1 to 600 seconds.
IS-IS Cost—Sets the cost for sending packets on the LAN subnet. The IS-IS protocol uses the cost to calculate the shortest routing path. The default IS-IS cost for LAN subnets is 20. It normally should not be changed.
DIS Priority—Sets the designated intermediate system (DIS) priority. In IS-IS networks, one router is elected to serve as the DIS (LAN subnets only). Cisco router DIS priority is 64. For the ONS 15454 LAN subnet, the default DIS priority is 63. It normally should not be changed.
Step 4
Click OK.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A542 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
CautionIP-over-CLNS tunnels require two end points. You will create one point on an ONS 15454. The other end point is generally provisioned on non-ONS equipment including routers and other network elements (NE). Before you begin, verify that you have the capability to create an OSI over IP tunnel on the other equipment location.
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Tunnels tabs.
Step 2
Click Create.
Step 3
In the Create IP Over OSI Tunnel dialog box, complete the following fields:
Tunnel Type—Choose a tunnel type:
Cisco—Creates the proprietary Cisco IP tunnel. Cisco IP tunnels add the CLNS header to the IP packets.
GRE—Creates a Generic Routing Encapsulation tunnel. GRE tunnels add the CLNS header and a GRE header to the IP packets.
The Cisco proprietary tunnel is slightly more efficient than the GRE tunnel because it does not add the GRE header to each IP packet. The two tunnel types are not compatible. Most Cisco routers support the Cisco IP tunnel, while only a few support both GRE and Cisco IP tunnels. You generally should create Cisco IP tunnels if you are tunneling between two Cisco routers or between a Cisco router and an ONS node.
CautionAlways verify that the IP-over-CLNS tunnel type you choose is supported by the equipment at the other end of the tunnel.
IP Address—Enter the IP address of the IP-over-CLNS tunnel destination.
IP Mask—Enter the IP address subnet mask of the IP-over-CLNS destination.
OSPF Metric—Enter the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) metric for sending packets across the IP-over-CLNS tunnel. The OSPF metric, or cost, is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. The default is 110. Normally, it is not be changed unless you are creating multiple tunnel routes and want to prioritize routing by assigning different metrics.
NSAP Address—Enter the destination NE or OSI router NSAP address.
Step 4
Click OK.
Step 5
Provision the other tunnel end point using the documentation.
Step 6
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A543 Remove a TARP Manual Adjacency Table Entry
CautionIf TARP manual adjacency is the only means of communication to a group of nodes, loss of visibility will occur when the adjacency table entry is removed.
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > TARP > MAT tabs.
Step 2
Click the MAT entry that you want to delete.
Step 3
Click Remove.
Step 4
In the Delete TDC Entry dialog box, click OK.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A544 Change the OSI Routing Mode
This task changes the OSI routing mode.
Prerequisite procedures
Required/As needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Security Level
Provisioning or higher
CautionDo not complete this procedure until you confirm the role of the node within the network. It will be either an ES, IS Level 1, or IS Level 1/Level 2. This decision must be carefully considered. For additional information about OSI provisioning, refer to the "Management Network Connectivity" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
CautionLSP buffers must be the same at all NEs within the network, or loss of visibility could occur. Do not modify the LSP buffers unless you are sure that all NEs within the OSI have the same buffer size.
CautionLSP buffer sizes cannot be greater than the LAP-D MTU size within the OSI area.
Step 1
Verify the following:
All L1/L2 virtual routers on the NE must reside in the same area. This means that all neighboring virtual routers must have at least one common area address.
For OSI L1/L2 to ES routing mode changes, only one L1/L2 virtual router and no more than one subnet can be configured.
For OSI L1 to ES routing mode changes, only one L1 virtual router and no more than one subnet can be configured.
Step 2
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI tabs.
Step 3
Choose one of the following routing modes:
End System—The ONS 15454 performs OSI IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It depends upon an IS L1/L2 node to communicate with IS and ES nodes that reside outside its OSI area.
Intermediate System Level 1/Level 2—The ONS 15454 performs IS functions. It communicates with IS and ES nodes that reside within its OSI area. It also communicates with IS L1/L2 nodes that reside in other OSI areas. Before choosing this option, verify the following:
The node is connected to another IS Level 1/Level 2 node that resides in a different OSI area.
The node is connected to all nodes within its area that are provisioned as IS L1/L2.
Changing a routing mode should be carefully considered. Additional information about OSI ESs and ISs and the ES-IS and IS-IS protocols are provided in the "Management Network Connectivity" chapter of the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual.
Step 4
Although Cisco does not recommend changing the LSP (Link State Protocol Data Unit) buffer sizes, you can adjust the buffers in the following fields:
L1 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 1 link state PDU buffer size.
L2 LSP Buffer Size—Adjusts the Level 2 link state PDU buffer size.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A545 Edit the OSI Router Configuration
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Setup tabs.
Step 2
Chose the router you want provision and click Edit.
Step 3
In the OSI Router Editor dialog box:
Check or uncheck the Enabled box to enable or disable the router.
Router 1 must be enabled before you can enable Routers 2 and 3.
For enabled routers, edit the primary area address, if needed. The address can be between 8 and 24 alphanumeric characters in length.
If you want to add or edit an area address to the primary area, enter the address at the bottom of the Multiple Area Addresses area. The area address can be 2 to 26 numeric characters (0-9) in length. Click Add.
Click OK.
Step 4
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A546 Edit the OSI Subnetwork Point of Attachment
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Routers > Subnet tabs.
Step 2
Choose the subnet you want to edit, then click Edit.
Step 3
In the Edit <subnet type> Subnet <slot/port> dialog box, edit the following fields:
ESH—The End System Hello PDU propagation frequency. An end system NE transmits ESHs to inform other ESs and ISs about the NSAPs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds.
ISH—The Intermediate System Hello PDU propagation frequency. An intermediate system NE sends ISHs to other ESs and ISs to inform them about the NETs it serves. The default is 10 seconds. The range is 10 to 1000 seconds.
IIH—The Intermediate System to Intermediate System Hello PDU propagation frequency. The IS-IS Hello PDUs establish and maintain adjacencies between ISs. The default is 3 seconds. The range is 1 to 600 seconds.
The IS-IS Cost and DIS Priority parameters are provisioned when you create or enable a subnet. You cannot change the parameters after the subnet is created. To change the DIS Priority and IS-IS Cost parameters, delete the subnet and create a new one.
Click OK.
Step 4
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A547 Edit an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
This task allows you to edit the parameters of an IP-over-CLNS tunnel.
Prerequisite procedures
A542 Create an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
Required/As needed
As needed
Onsite or remote
Security Level
Provisioning or higher
CautionChanging the IP or NSAP addresses or an IP-over-CLNS tunnel can cause loss of NE visibility or NE isolation. Do not change network addresses until you verify the changes with your network administrator.
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Tunnels tabs.
Step 2
Click Edit.
Step 3
In the Edit IP Over OSI Tunnel dialog box, complete the following fields:
Tunnel Type—Choose a tunnel type:
Cisco—Creates the proprietary Cisco IP tunnel. Cisco IP tunnels add the CLNS header to the IP packets.
GRE—Creates a Generic Routing Encapsulation tunnel. GRE tunnels add the CLNS header and a GRE header to the IP packets.
The Cisco proprietary tunnel is slightly more efficient than the GRE tunnel because it does not add the GRE header to each IP packet. The two tunnel types are not compatible. Most Cisco routers support the Cisco IP tunnel, while only a few support both GRE and Cisco IP tunnels. You generally should create Cisco IP tunnels if you are tunneling between two Cisco routers or between a Cisco router and an ONS node.
CautionAlways verify that the IP-over-CLNS tunnel type you choose is supported by the equipment at the other end of the tunnel.
IP Address—Enter the IP address of the IP-over-CLNS tunnel destination.
IP Mask—Enter the IP address subnet mask of the IP-over-CLNS destination.
OSPF Metric—Enter the OSPF metric for sending packets across the IP-over-CLNS tunnel. The OSPF metric, or cost, is used by OSPF routers to calculate the shortest path. The default is 110. Normally, it is not be changed unless you are creating multiple tunnel routes and want to prioritize routing by assigning different metrics.
NSAP Address—Enter the destination NE or OSI router NSAP address.
Step 4
Click OK.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A548 Delete an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel
CautionDeleting an IP-over-CLNS tunnel might cause the nodes to loose visibility or cause node isolation. If node isolation occurs, onsite provisioning might be required to regain connectivity. Always confirm tunnel deletions with your network administrator.
Step 1
In node view, click the Provisioning > OSI > Tunnels tabs.
Step 2
Choose the IP-over-CLNS tunnel that you want to delete.
Step 3
Click Delete.
Step 4
Click OK.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A549 View IS-IS Routing Information Base
Step 1
In the node view, click the Maintenance > OSI > IS-IS RIB tabs.
Step 2
View the following RIB information for Router 1:
Subnet Type—Indicates the OSI subnetwork point of attachment type used to access the destination address. Subnet types include SDCC, LDCC, GCC, OSC, and LAN.
Location—Indicates the OSI subnetwork point of attachment. For DCC subnets, the slot and port are displayed. LAN subnets are shown as LAN.
Destination Address—The destination NSAP (network service access point) of the IS.
MAC Address—For destination NEs that are accessed by LAN subnets, the NE's Media Access Control address.
Step 3
If additional routers are enabled, you can view their RIBs by choosing the router number in the Router field and clicking Refresh.
Step 4
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A550 View ES-IS Routing Information Base
Step 1
In node view, click the Maintenance > OSI > ES-IS RIB tabs.
Step 2
View the following RIB information for Router 1:
Subnet Type—Indicates the OSI subnetwork point of attachment type used to access the destination address. Subnet types include SDCC, LDCC, GCC, OSC, and LAN.
Location—Indicates the subnet interface. For DCC subnets, the slot and port are displayed. LAN subnets are shown as LAN.
Destination Address—The destination IS NSAP (network service access point).
MAC Address—For destination NEs that are accessed by LAN subnets, the NE's Media Access Control address.
Step 3
If additional routers are enabled, you can view their RIBs by choosing the router number in the Router field and clicking Refresh.
Step 4
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A551 Manage the TARP Data Cache
Step 1
In node view, click the Maintenance > OSI > TDC tabs.
Step 2
View the following TARP data cache information:
TID—The target identifier of the originating NE. For ONS 15454s, the TID is the name entered in the Node Name/TID field on the Provisioning > General tab.
NSAP/NET—The Network Service Access Point or Network Element Title of the originating NE.
Type—Indicates how the TARP data cache entry was created:
Dynamic—The entry was created through the TARP propagation process.
Static—The entry was manually created and is a static entry.
Step 3
If you want to query the network for an NSAP that matches a TID, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 4.
The TID to NSAP function is not available if the TARP data cache is not enabled on the Provisioning > OSI > TARP subtab.
Click the TID to NSAP button.
In the TID to NSAP dialog box, enter the TID you want to map to an NSAP.
Click OK, then click OK on the information message.
On the TDC tab, click Refresh.
If TARP finds the TID in its TDC it returns the matching NSAP. If not, TARP sends PDUs across the network. Replies will return to the TDC later, and a check TDC later message is displayed.
Step 4
If you want to delete all the dynamically-generated TDC entries, click the Flush Dynamic Entries button. If not, continue with Step 5.
Step 5
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-A552 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap Size
Step 1
Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Windows Control Panel appears.
Step 2
Double-click System. The System Properties window appears.
Step 3
Click the Advanced tab.
Step 4
Click Environmental Variables. The Environmental Variables window appears.
Step 5
In the User Variables area, click New. The New User Variable window appears.
Step 6
Type "CTC_HEAP" in the Variable Name field.
Step 7
Type "512" in the Variable Value field.
Step 8
Click OK.
Step 9
Reboot your PC.
Step 10
Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
Posted: Mon Oct 29 05:04:03 PDT 2007
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