
Table Of Contents

CLI Commands

Configuration Commands

srom cfg boot display Command

srom cfg boot modify Command

srom cfg ip display Command

srom cfg ip modify Command

pdm busmode display Command

pdm busmode modify Command

pdm cfg threshold display Command

pdm cfg threshold bus modify Command

gain gain display Command

gain gain modify Command

voa power input display Command

Administrative Commands

clear Command

exit Command

help Command

history Command

login and logoff Commands

processor reset Command

Shell Commands

shell lines set Command

shell more disable and enable Commands

shell rows set Command

shell status display Command

FFS Commands

SNMP Commands

snmp attribute get Command

snmp attribute list Command

snmp attribute set Command

snmp mib display Command

snmp mib get Command

snmp mib list Command

snmp row display Command

snmp row get Command

snmp row set Command

snmp session community get Command

snmp session community set Command

snmp session transmission get Command

snmp session transmission set Command

snmp session version get Command

snmp subtree display Command

snmp subtree get Command

snmp subtree list Command

snmp table display Command

snmp table get Command

snmp table list Command

snmp tree attribute list Command

User Commands

user entry create Command

user entry delete Command

user file display and user name display Command

user passwd set Command

user active list Command

user active message send Command

Manufacturing Information Access

snmp table display local entPhysicalEntry Command

snmp table display cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry Command

Restore Commands

manufacturers restore defaults passwords Command

manufacturer restore defaults all Command

Manufacturer Mode

CLI Commands

This chapter is a reference of all CLI commands that are used in advanced setup and troubleshooting. For provisioning the ONS 15216 EDFA2, see Chapter 4, "Provisioning".

The commands discussed in this chapter are available to default users. There are four default users, operator, Cisco15 (admin), root, and monitor. Each user level has a different password and a different set of commands available. For default user and password for user levels, see Table 3-5 on page 3-11.

Table 6-1 lists all CLI commands supported by the ONS 15216 EDFA2. Each command is discussed in more detail after the table.

Table 6-1 ONS 15216 EDFA2 Supported Commands 


srom cfg boot display

Displays the serial ROM boot content. See srom cfg boot display Command.

srom cfg boot modify

Modifies the serial ROM boot contents. See srom cfg boot modify Command.

srom cfg ip display

Displays the serial ROM IP contents. See srom cfg ip display Command.

srom cfg ip modify

Modifies the serial ROM IP contents. See srom cfg ip modify Command

pdm busmode display

Displays the bus mode (simplex or duplex). See pdm busmode display Command

pdm busmode modify

Modifies the bus mode (simplex or duplex). See pdm busmode modify Command

pdm cfg threshold display

Displays power voltage threshold. See pdm cfg threshold display Command

pdm cfg threshold bus modify

Modifies power bus voltage. See pdm cfg threshold bus modify Command


Clears the shell screen. See clear Command.


Exits the shell. See exit Command.


Gives help about commands. See help Command.


Displays the history list. See history Command.


Allows the user to log into shell. See login and logoff Commands.


Allows the user to log off of the shell. See login and logoff Commands.

processor reset

Resets the CPU. See processor reset Command.

shell lines set

Sets the number of shell lines. See shell lines set Command.

shell more disable

Disables more. See shell more disable and enable Commands.

shell more enable

Enables more. See shell more disable and enable Commands.

shell rows set

Sets the number of shell rows. See shell rows set Command.

shell status display

Displays the shell status. See shell status display Command.

snmp attribute get

Gets an attribute. See snmp attribute get Command.

snmp attribute list

Lists an attribute. See snmp attribute list Command.

snmp attribute set

Sets an attribute. See snmp attribute set Command.

snmp mib display

Displays a MIB. See snmp mib display Command.

snmp mib get

Gets a MIB. See snmp mib get Command.

snmp mib list

Lists a MIB. See snmp mib list Command.

snmp row display

Displays a row. See snmp row display Command.

snmp row get

Gets a row. See snmp row get Command.

snmp row set

Sets a row. See snmp row set Command.

snmp session community get

Displays the default SNMP session communities. See snmp session community get Command.

snmp session community set

Sets the default SNMP session communities. See snmp session community set Command.

snmp session transmission get

Displays the default SNMP session parameters. See snmp session transmission get Command.

snmp session transmission set

Sets the default SNMP session parameters. See snmp session transmission set Command.

snmp session version get

Displays the default SNMP session version. See snmp session version get Command.

snmp subtree display

Displays a subtree. See snmp subtree display Command.

snmp subtree get

Gets a subtree. See snmp subtree get Command.

snmp subtree list

Lists a subtree. See snmp subtree list Command.

snmp table display

Displays a table. See snmp table display Command.

snmp table get

Gets a table. See snmp table get Command.

snmp table list

Lists a table. See snmp table list Command.

snmp tree attribute list

Lists the attributes in the MIB. See snmp tree attribute list Command.

user entry create

Creates a new user. See user entry create Command.

user entry delete

Deletes the user. See user entry delete Command.

user file display

Displays the user names and information. See user file display and user name display Command.

user name display

Displays the user name. See user file display and user name display Command.

user active list

Lists the active users. See user active list Command.

user active message send

Sends the message to all active users. See user active message send Command.

user password set

Sets the user password. See user passwd set Command.

gain gain modify

Modifies gain setting. See gain gain modify Command.

voa power input display

Dsiplays VOA power input. See voa power input display Command.


Configuration Commands

The following commands are useful in configuring the ONS 15216 EDFA2:

srom cfg boot display Command

srom cfg boot modify Command

srom cfg ip display Command

srom cfg ip modify Command

pdm busmode display Command

pdm busmode modify Command

pdm cfg threshold display Command

pdm cfg threshold bus modify Command

Administrative Commands

gain gain modify Command

voa power input display Command

srom cfg boot display Command

Command: srom cfg boot display
Syntax: srom cfg boot display
Description: Displays the serial ROM boot contents. Data displayed includes the IP address and file names. See Example 6-1.

Example 6-1 srom cfg boot display Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> srom cfg boot display

Boot Count 4
Boot Record 0 type 2 Flash
IP Address
Filename 15216EdfaSw_x.x.x_bin
Boot Record 1 type 2 Flash
IP Address
Filename 15216EdfaSw_y.y.y_bin
Boot Record 2 type 2 Flash
IP Address
Boot Record 3 type 2 Flash
IP Address
CRC-32 8bd3cb56

srom cfg boot modify Command

Command: srom cfg boot modify
Syntax: srom cfg boot modify
Description: Modifies the contents of the ROM boot. See Example 6-2.

Example 6-2 srom cfg boot modify Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> srom cfg boot modify

Boot Count = 4

Boot Record 0 type 1 TFTP
Filename = users/name/15216EdfaSw_x.x.x_bin
Boot Record 1 type 2 Flash
Filename = orion427
Boot Record 2 type 2 Flash

Boot Record 3 type 2 Flash

Note Boot type = TFTP and boot type 2 = Flash.

srom cfg ip display Command

Command: srom cfg ip display
Syntax: srom cfg ip display
Description: Displays the serial ROM IP contents. The ROM IP contents are shown, including IP address, subnet mask, default router address, and hostname. See Example 6-3.

Example 6-3 srom cfg ip display Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> srom cfg ip display

Shelf ID = 1
IP Address =
Subnet Mask =
Default Router IP Address =
Hostname = hostname
SW Config = 0x00000000
CRC32 = 0x54f863a2

srom cfg ip modify Command

Command: srom cfg ip modify
Syntax: srom cfg ip modify
Description: Modifies the serial ROM IP contents. The user is prompted, row by row, to change the items listed in Example 6-4 .

Example 6-4 srom cfg ip modify Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> srom cfg ip modify

Shelf ID = 1

IP Address =

Subnet Mask =

Default Router IP Address =

Hostname = hostname

SW Config = 0x00000000

pdm busmode display Command

Command: pdm busmode display
Syntax: pdm busmode display
Description: Displays power bus mode (simplex or duplex).

pdm busmode modify Command

Command: pdm busmode modify
Syntax: pdm busmode modify {simplex | duplex}
Description: Modifies power bus mode to simplex (single power source-Bus A) or duplex (redundant power source-Bus A and B).

pdm cfg threshold display Command

Command: pdm cfg threshold display
Syntax: pdm cfg threshold display
Description: Displays the minimum and maximum allowable power bus DC voltage.

pdm cfg threshold bus modify Command

Command: pdm cfg threshold bus modify
Syntax: pdm cfg threshold modify
Description: Modifies minimum and maximum allowable power bus DC voltage.

gain gain display Command

Command: gain gain display
Syntax: gain gain display
Description: Displays the gain setting for the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

gain gain modify Command

Command: gain gain modify
Syntax: gain gain modify
Description: Modifies the gain setting for the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

voa power input display Command

Command: voa power input display
Syntax: voa power input display
Description: Displays voa power input.

Administrative Commands

The following commands are useful in administering the ONS 15216 EDFA2:

clear Command

exit Command

clear Command

history Command

login and logoff Commands

login and logoff Commands

processor reset Command

clear Command

Command: clear
Syntax: clear
Description: Clears content from the terminal window. An empty screen with a cursor appears.

exit Command

Command: exit
Syntax: exit
Description: Ends the session with the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

help Command

Command: help
Syntax: help
Description: Displays a list of all CLI commands for current user security level. See Example 6-5.

Example 6-5 help Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> help

history Command

Command: history
Syntax: history
Description: Displays a list of commands issued by the user during that specific session. See Example 6-6.

Example 6-6 history Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> history

user active list
user active message send hi
user file display
user entry create
user entry delete albert
user file display
user name display
user passwd set

login and logoff Commands

Command: login or logoff
Syntax: login or logoff
Description: Used to access and exit communication with the ONS 15216 EDFA2. Logging into the module requires both a user name and a password. Only use these commands if you have stopped the booting process or are displaying the format for logging into the module. Type the command, the first few letters of the attribute, and press the Tab key to view a list of attributes that can be set. See Example 6-7.

Example 6-7 login Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> login

user_name (string[0..16]) name of user
password (string[0..16]) password of user

processor reset Command

Command: processor reset
Syntax: processor reset
Description: Resets the processor on the CLI card. Although the performance of the amplifier is not affected, communication with the module is ended and the user must log in again.

Shell Commands

The following commands are useful in working with the shell within the ONS 15216 EDFA2 SNMP manager:

shell lines set Command

shell more disable and enable Commands

shell more disable and enable Commands

shell rows set Command

shell status display Command

shell lines set Command

Command: shell lines set
Syntax: shell lines set lines
Description: Sets the number of lines when working within the shell.

shell more disable and enable Commands

Command: shell more enable or shell more disable
Syntax: shell more {enable | disable}
Description: The shell more enable command enables the more function, limiting the output that appears on the screen. When the more function is enabled, press Enter to view additional information on the screen.

The shell more disable command disables the more function.

shell rows set Command

Command: shell rows set
Syntax: shell rows set row
Description: Sets the number of rows of data that can be viewed on the screen without pressing Enter. Up to 40 lines per screen can be set.

shell status display Command

Command: shell status display
Syntax: shell status display
Description: Displays the current shell settings, including the number of shell lines, the number of shell rows, and whether the more setting is enabled or disabled. See Example 6-8.

Example 6-8 shell status display Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> shell status display

Shell Lines: 22
Shell Rows : 80
More : On

FFS Commands

The FFS file command allows the user to manage the number of files that are on the ONS 15216 EDFA2 Flash memory. Never erase the following files:

2 current versions of software (15216EdfaSw_x.x.x)


Because the snmp.cfg file contains important SNMP attributes, deleting this file would mean that the community and view tables would have to be reset before a remote user could access the ONS 15216 EDFA2 via SNMP.

Note EDFA software image files are named using a special naming convention. Do not to change the file name when image files are downloaded from an FTP server onto the box in the field when using the FTP command shell of the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

SNMP Commands

The SNMP commands are useful in working with the SNMP protocol to provision and configure the ONS 15216 EDFA2. When issuing these SNMP commands, the command syntax requires that the command must be followed by either the ONS 15216 EDFA2 IP address or the word "local".

SNMP commands are listed as follows:

snmp attribute get Command

snmp attribute list Command

snmp attribute set Command

snmp mib display Command

snmp mib get Command

snmp row display Command

snmp row get Command

snmp row set Command

snmp session community get Command

snmp session community set Command

snmp session transmission set Command

snmp session transmission get Command

snmp session version get Command

snmp subtree display Command

snmp subtree get Command

snmp table display Command

snmp table get Command

snmp table list Command

snmp attribute get Command

Command: snmp attribute get
Syntax: snmp attribute get hostname {attribute_name | index}
Description: Accesses and displays a specific MIB attribute. See Example 6-9.

Example 6-9 snmp attribute get Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp attribute get local sysDescr
sysDescr "ONS15216 vx.x.x ONS15216 vx.x.x, Serial No
00000000100520, MAC Addr 0010b4000b12"

Type the command, the first few letters of the attribute, and press Tab to view a list of attributes that can be set. See Example 6-10.

Example 6-10 snmp attribute get Command List

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp attribute get local cerent


snmp attribute list Command

Command: snmp attribute list
Syntax: snmp attribute list {hostname attribute_name}
Description: Lists the attribute value of an attribute for all table rows. See Example 6-11.

Example 6-11 snmp attribute list Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp attribute list local cerent15216EdfaAlarmID
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.1 = lcrnt1;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.2 = lcrnt2;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.3 = ltmp1;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.4 = ltmp2;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.5 = lpout;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.6 = lpin;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.7 = gain;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.8 = ctmp;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.9 = powerBusA;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.10 = powerBusB;
cerent15216EdfaAlarmID.11 = isolationDiode;
Systest:ONS15216 EDFA2>

snmp attribute set Command

Command: snmp attribute set
Syntax: snmp attribute set hostname {attribute_name | index | new_value}
Description: Sets the attribute for a MIB item. Type the command, the first few letters of the attribute, and press Tab to view a list of attributes that can be set. See Example 6-12.

Example 6-12 snmp attribute set Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp attribute set local cerent15216EdfaAgentTrapEnable enabled

snmp mib display Command

Command: snmp mib display
Syntax: snmp mib display {hostname | -all}
Description: Displays all writable MIB attributes (or all accessible attributes if the -all option is used).

snmp mib get Command

Command: snmp mib get
Syntax: snmp mib get hostname
Description: Displays all MIB attributes. The data is output in two columns. The first column lists the attributes and indices and the second column lists the data. See Example 6-13.

Example 6-13 snmp mib get Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp mib get local

sysDescr "mntuboot v0.0.0 ONS15216 EDFA2 v1.3.0, MAC Addr 0010b4000525"
sysObjectID cerent15216EdfaNode
sysUpTime 24703705
sysContact ""
sysName "Username"
sysLocation ""
sysServices 0
sysORLastChange 90

sysORIndex 1
sysORID snmpBasicCompliance
sysORDescr ""
sysORUpTime 24704075

snmp mib list Command

Command: snmp mib list
Syntax: snmp mib list {hostname}
Description: Displays the values of all attributes supported by the SNMP agent. Example 6-14.

Example 6-14 snmp mib list Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp mib list local

sysDescr.0 = "Cisco-2.1 v5.3.0 Cisco v0.0.0, Serial No 00000000100520, MAC Add
r 0010b4000b12";
sysObjectID.0 = { cerent15216EdfaHwProdCisco };
sysUpTime.0 = 1226870;
sysContact.0 = "";
sysName.0 = "Cisco";
sysLocation.0 = "";
sysServices.0 = 0;
sysORLastChange.0 = 175;
sysORID.1 = { snmpBasicCompliance };
sysORID.2 = { rs232Compliance };
sysORDescr.1 = "";
sysORDescr.2 = "";
sysORUpTime.1 = 1226875;
sysORUpTime.2 = 1226875;
ifIndex.300 = 300;
ifIndex.302 = 302;
ifIndex.350 = 350;

snmp row display Command

Command: snmp row display
Syntax: snmp row display hostname {row_name | index}
Description: Displays a row. Use this command to obtain information to use with other commands. Type the command, the first few letters of the attribute, and press Tab to view a list of attributes that can be set. Type an attribute from the list to view its row data. See Example 6-15.

Example 6-15 snmp row display Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp row display local cerent15216Edfa

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp row display local cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup

CLASS CERENT-MIB.cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup ::=
cerent15216EdfaCfgSaved = true;
cerent15216EdfaLpoutSetpoint = 1000;
cerent15216EdfaLpoutDeviation = 200;
cerent15216EdfaLpoutHysteresis = 100;
cerent15216EdfaLOSThreshold = -2400;
cerent15216EdfaLOSHysteresis = 100;
cerent15216EdfaCtmpMin = 5;
cerent15216EdfaCtmpMinHysteresis = 1;
cerent15216EdfaCtmpMax = 65;
cerent15216EdfaCtmpMaxHysteresis = 1;

snmp row get Command

Command: snmp row get

Syntax: snmp row get hostname {row_name | index}

Description: Accesses a row. Use this command to obtain information to use with other commands. See Example 6-16.

Example 6-16 snmp get row Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp row get local cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup

CfgSa Lpo Lpo Lpo LOST LOS C C Ct C
true 1000 200 100 -2400 100 5 1 65 1

snmp row set Command

Command: snmp row set
Syntax: snmp row set hostname {row_name | index}
Description: Sets data within a row. Use the snmp row display command first to view the contents of data within a row. See Example 6-17.

Example 6-17 snmp row set Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp row set local cerent15216EdfaAlarmEntry 1

cerent15216EdfaAlarmEnableStatus disabled

snmp session community get Command

Command: snmp session community get
Syntax: snmp session community get hostname
Description: Displays the default SNMP session communities. See Example 6-18.

Example 6-18 snmp session community get Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp session community get local

host name: local
read string: public
write string: private

snmp session community set Command

Command: snmp session community set
Syntax: snmp session community set hostname write_community read_community
Description: Sets the default SNMP session communities. See Example 6-19.

Example 6-19 snmp session community set Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp session community set local private public
write (string[0..32]) write community string

snmp session transmission get Command

Command: snmp session transmission get
Syntax: snmp session transmission get hostname
Description: Displays the default SNMP session parameters. The number of retries is the number of the attempts made to log in. The time-out period is in minutes. See Example 6-20.

Example 6-20 snmp session transmission get Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp session transmission get local

host name:
number of retries: 2
timeout period: 2

snmp session transmission set Command

Command: snmp session transmission set
Syntax: snmp session transmission set hostname retries timeout
Description: Sets the number of login retries and the time-out period for the module.

snmp session version get Command

Command: snmp session version get
Syntax: snmp session version get hostname
Description: Displays the SNMP version for the session. See Example 6-21.

Example 6-21 snmp session version get Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp session version get local

version v1

snmp subtree display Command

Command: snmp subtree display
Syntax: snmp subtree display hostname subtree
Description: Displays the attributes below a node in a SNMP tree. See Example 6-22.

Example 6-22 snmp subtree display Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp subtree display local

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp subtree display local Root

BEGIN-HOST "testhost" "write"
CLASS SNMPv2-MIB.system ::=
sysDescr = "ONS15216 vx.x.x orion1 vx.x.x, Serial No 00000000100520, MAC A
ddr 0010b4000b12";
sysObjectID = { cerent15216EdfaHwProdOrion1 };
sysUpTime = 25248245;
sysContact = "";
sysName = "";
sysLocation = "";
sysServices = 0;
sysORLastChange = 175;
CLASS SNMPv2-MIB.sysOREntry ::=
sysORIndex = 1;
sysORID = { snmpBasicCompliance };
sysORDescr = "";
sysORUpTime = 25248470;

snmp subtree get Command

Command: snmp subtree get
Syntax: snmp subtree get hostname subtree
Description: Accesses a subtree. See Example 6-23.

Example 6-23 snmp subtree get Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp subtree get local sysDescr
sysORIndex 1
sysORID snmpBasicCompliance
sysORDescr ""
sysORUpTime 25254295
sysORIndex 2
sysORID rs232Compliance
sysORDescr ""
sysORUpTime 25254295

snmp subtree list Command

Command: snmp subtree list
Syntax: snmp subtree list hostname
Description: Lists the attributes below a node in a SNMP tree. See Example 6-24.

Example 6-24 snmp subtree list Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp subtree list local


hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp subtree list local internet

sysDescr.0 = "ONS15216 v5.3.0 orion1 v0.0.0, Serial No 00000000100520, MAC Add
r 0010b4000b12";
sysObjectID.0 = { anHwProdCisco };
sysUpTime.0 = 25256805;
sysContact.0 = "";
sysName.0 = "";
sysLocation.0 = "";
sysServices.0 = 0;
sysORLastChange.0 = 175;
sysORID.1 = { snmpBasicCompliance };

snmp table display Command

Command: snmp table display
Syntax: snmp table display hostname
Description: Displays table data for the ONS 15216 EDFA2. Example 6-25 displays the command entered without a table. After typing the command without a table and pressing the Tab key, a list of tables appears. Type the command with a table name to display the table and its data. Data displayed using this command are per rows. Attributes are grouped together in rows. See Example 6-25.

Example 6-25 snmp table display Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp table display local

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp table display local system

CLASS SNMPv2-MIB.system ::=
sysDescr = "orion-2.1 v5.3.0 orion1 v0.0.0, Serial No 00000000100520, MAC A
ddr 0010b4000b12";
sysObjectID = { cerent15216EdfaHwProdCisco };
sysUpTime = 324230;
sysContact = "";
sysName = "orion-2.0";
sysLocation = "";
sysServices = 0;
sysORLastChange = 175;

snmp table get Command

Command: snmp table get
Syntax: snmp table get hostname table
Description: Accesses table data. See Example 6-26.

Example 6-26 snmp table get Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp table get local system
sysDescr "ONS15216 vx.x.x ONS15216 v0.0.0, Serial No
00000000100520, MAC Addr 0010b4000b12"
sysObjectID anHwProdOrion1
sysUpTime 327550
sysContact ""
sysName "orion-2.0"
sysLocation ""
sysServices 0
sysORLastChange 175

snmp table list Command

Command: snmp table list
Syntax: snmp table list
Description: Lists all the data within a table. Example 6-27 below displays the command for the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) table. This command displays data by attribute.

Example 6-27 snmp table list Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp table list local udp

udpInDatagrams.0 = 11341;
udpNoPorts.0 = 135;
udpInErrors.0 = 1983;
udpOutDatagrams.0 = 9233;
udpLocalAddress. =;
udpLocalAddress. =;
udpLocalPort. = 7;
udpLocalPort. = 161;

snmp tree attribute list Command

Command: snmp tree attribute list
Syntax: snmp tree attribute list
Description: L ists all the attributes implemented by the SNMP agent. See Example 6-28.

Example 6-28 snmp tree attribute list Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp tree attribute list


User Commands

The following commands are useful in setting up and maintaining user accounts for the ONS 15216 EDFA2:

user entry create Command

user entry delete Command

user file display and user name display Command

user file display and user name display Command

user passwd set Command

user active list Command

user active message send Command

user entry create Command

Command: user entry create
Syntax: user entry create name level password type
Description: Creates new users. The following parameters are required to create a new user:
user name, user level, password, type.

Each user has a privilege level. The privilege level is set by entering a number between 0 and 100. By entering the number 100, the user is granted the maximum privileges for the ONS 15216 EDFA2. Each user also has a type. Although there are two types of users;
run _forms and run_shell, select run_shell when creating a user. See Example 6-29.

Example 6-29 user entry create Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user entry create

user_name (string[0..16]) name of user
user_level (integer[0..100]) privilege level
password (string[0..16]) password of user
type (string[0..16]) type of user
hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user entry create john 50 rosebud
hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user entry create john 50 rosebud run_shell

user entry delete Command

Command: user entry delete
Syntax: user entry delete name
Description: Delete users. See Example 6-30.

Example 6-30 user entry delete Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user entry delete

user_name (string[0..16]) name of user
hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user entry delete username

user file display and user name display Command

Command: user file display or user name display
Syntax: user file display or user name display
Description: Type the user file display command to display a list of all the users and user information. Type the user name display command to display the name of the current user. There can be up to 100 different security levels. The number 100 sets the maximum level of privileges and the number 0 sets the lowest level of privileges.
For information about user levels, see Table 3-5 on page 3-11.
The password for each user should be changed immediately after logging in as that default user. See Example 6-31.

Example 6-31 user file display and user name display Commands

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user file display

User Level Type
root 50 run_shell
monitor 20 run_forms
operator 30 run_forms
admin 40 run_forms
CISCO15 40 run_forms

user passwd set Command

Command: user passwd set
Syntax: user passwd set old_password new_password
Description: Sets the password. To change a password, type the active password, a space, and then the new password. Typing the command without the passwords displays the parameters for this command. Type the command, the first few letters of the attribute, and press Tab to view a list of attributes that can be set. See Example 6-32.

Example 6-32 user passwd set Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user passwd set rw secret

user active list Command

Command: user active list
Syntax: user active list
Description: Displays a list of the active users. See Example 6-33.

Example 6-33 user active list Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user active list


user active message send Command

Command: user active message send
Syntax: user active message send message
Description: Sends a message to all current users on the system. See Example 6-34.

Example 6-34 user active message send Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user active message send

message (string[0..32]) message to send

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> user active message send "hello world"

*** Broadcast Message:
*** hello world

Manufacturing Information Access

snmp table display local entPhysicalEntry Command

Command: snmp table display local entPhysicalEntry
Syntax: snmp table display local cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry
Description: Displays the trap destination database. See Example 6-35.

Example 6-35 snmp table display local cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry Command

hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp table display local cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry

CLASS ENTITY-MIB.entPhysicalEntry ::=
entPhysicalIndex = 1;
entPhysicalDescr = "ONS15216 EDFA2";
entPhysicalVendorType = { cerent15216EdfaChassis };
entPhysicalContainedIn = 0;
entPhysicalClass = chassis;
entPhysicalParentRelPos = -1;
entPhysicalName = "hostname";
entPhysicalHardwareRev = "v3.0.0";
entPhysicalFirmwareRev = "v1.2.0";
entPhysicalSoftwareRev = "v1.3.0";
entPhysicalSerialNum = "DIT0533000P";
entPhysicalMfgName = "Cisco";
entPhysicalModelName = "511112";
entPhysicalAlias = "";
entPhysicalAssetID = "";
entPhysicalIsFRU = true;

snmp table display cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry Command

Command: snmp table display cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry
Syntax: snmp table display cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry
Description: Displays specific manufacturing information.

Restore Commands

manufacturers restore defaults passwords Command

Command: manufacturer restore defaults passwords
Syntax: manufacturer restore defaults passwords
Description: Restores the manufacturing factory default passwords to the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

manufacturer restore defaults all Command

Command: manufacturer restore defaults all
Syntax: manufacturer restore defaults all
Description: Restores the manufacturing factory settings to the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

Manufacturer Mode

The user root has a manufacturer mode enable command that raises the root access level to the fifth and highest manufacturer level to allow undocumented commands that are used only for manufacturing purposes.

Warning Customers are strongly cautioned not to use this mode.


Posted: Sun Apr 2 12:24:38 PDT 2006
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