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Table Of Contents

New and Changed Features

New and Changed Features

This document contains a summary of the new and changed features for the Cisco Metro 1500 Series system for the January, 2001 release.

Table 1 lists the new and changed features in the Cisco Metro 1500 Series Hardware Installation Guide.

Note There are no new software features contained in this release of the Cisco Metro 1500 Series Software Configuration Guide. However, this guide has been significantly rewritten and reorganized from the previous (June, 2000) release. For details about the new organization of this guide, see the Cisco Metro 1500 Series Software Configuration Guide.

Table 1 New and Changed Features in the Cisco Metro 1500 Series Hardware Installation Guide

Chapter or Section

TDM 4 X ESCON (TDM4E) wavelength channel module (WCM)

A new high-performance WCM that uses TDM technology

Chapter 1, "Product Overview,"
in the "TDM4E Wavelength Channel Modules" section on page 1-30.

Appendix A, "Specifications" in the "TDM4E and WCM Specifications" table.

Power supply replacement instructions

The instructions for replacing the power supply are now found in this guide instead of the discontinued Cisco Metro 1500 Series Spares Installation Note.

Chapter 3, "Installing the Chassis,"
in the "Removing the Power Supply"
section on page 3-15.

Optical isolator patch cable

The instructions for installing and using the optical isolator patch cable are now found in this guide instead of the discontinued Cisco Metro 1500 Series Optical Isolator Configuration Note.

Chapter 5, "Connecting Optical Cables,"
in the "Connecting Optical Isolators"
section on page 5-14.

High-speed 850-nm multiclock WCM

A new high-performance WCM that operates in the 850-nm transmission wavelength.

Appendix A, "Specifications," in the
"High-Speed WCM with 850-nm Multiclock" section on page A-14.


Posted: Thu Aug 30 06:54:52 PDT 2007
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