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Table Of Contents
Example Topologies and Shelf Configurations
Unprotected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
Splitter Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
Line Card Protected 16-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
Line Card Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring Configuration
Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring Configuration
Splitter Protected Meshed Ring Configuration
Line Card Protected Meshed Ring Configuration
Meshed Ring Topologies with Unprotected Channels
Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels Configuration
Line Card Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels Configuration
Example Topologies and Shelf Configurations
The requirements of a particular topology determine what components must be used and how they are interconnected. This chapter provides examples of shelf configurations, optical power budget calculations, and optical mux/demux module cabling specific to each of the main types of topologies supported by the Cisco ONS 15540. This chapter contains the following major sections:
Meshed Ring Topologies with Unprotected Channels
Point-to-Point Topologies
The following criteria should be used in determining the equipment needed for a point-to-point topology:
Number of channels at deployment and in the future
Distance between nodes
Potential topology changes in the future (such as migration to ring)
Presence of OSC
There are many optical mux/demux module combinations that can satisfy the requirements of a network design. For example, a shelf can support 32 channels using eight 4-channel mux/demux modules, four 8-channel mux/demux modules, or two 16-channel mux/demux modules. However, certain configurations can prove costly as network requirements change.
The 16-channel mux/demux modules are ideally suited for a point-to-point topology. They impose less optical link loss than cascading the 4-channel and 8-channel modules, thereby maximizing the distance between nodes. Price per channel is also less if the current or future channel requirement is near 16 or 32. However, if future plans include migrating to a ring environment, the 16-channel mux/demux module is not ideal. If, for example, a point-to-point topology using 16-channel mux/demux modules at each end were migrated to a hubbed ring, the node that became an add/drop node could not use the 16-channel module (though the hub node could use that module). If the migration were to a meshed ring, neither node could use the 16-channel module.
Unprotected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
Figure 5-1 shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by data channels 17-32, which have the greatest amount of loss, and for the OSC. This configuration uses the east or west line card motherboards.
Figure 5-1 Optical Power Budget for Unprotected Point-to-Point Topology
In an unprotected point-to-point topology, the Cisco ONS 15540 can support up to 32 unprotected channels on a single fiber pair.
Figure 5-2 shows how the shelf for each node is populated to support a 32-channel unprotected configuration using two 16-channel mux/demux modules. Since those modules are installed in the west mux/demux motherboard (slot 0), the line card motherboards are all west motherboards.
Figure 5-2 Shelf Configuration for Unprotected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Figure 5-3 shows how the terminal mux/demux modules are cabled for the 32-channel unprotected point-to-point configuration.
Figure 5-3 Terminal Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Unprotected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Splitter Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
In a splitter protected point-to-point topology, the Cisco ONS 15540 can support up to 32 protected channels on two fiber pairs.
Figure 5-4 shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by data channels 17-32, which have the greatest amount of loss, and for the OSC. This configuration uses the splitter protected line card motherboards.
Figure 5-4 Optical Power Budget for Splitter Protected Point-to-Point Topology
Figure 5-5 shows the shelf configuration for both nodes in a 32-channel splitter protected point-to-point topology. For splitter protection, the splitter protected line card motherboards are used, along with terminal mux/demux modules in both west and east mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-5 Shelf Configuration for Splitter Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Figure 5-6 shows how the terminal mux/demux modules are cabled for the 32-channel splitter protected point-to-point configuration.
Figure 5-6 Terminal Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Splitter Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Line Card Protected 16-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
In a line card protected point-to-point topology, a single Cisco ONS 15540 shelf can support up to 16 protected channels on two fiber pairs.
Figure 5-7 shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by the 16 data channels and the OSC, along with the resulting power budget. This configuration uses the east and west line card motherboards.
Figure 5-7 Optical Power Budget for Line Card Protected 16-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Figure 5-8 shows the shelf configuration for both nodes in a 16-channel line card protected point-to-point topology. For line card protection, the west line card motherboards are used in slots 2-5 (corresponding to the terminal mux/demux module in slot 0), and the east line card motherboards are used in slots 8-11 (corresponding to the terminal mux/demux module in slot 1).
Figure 5-8 Shelf Configuration for Line Card Protected 16-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Figure 5-9 shows how the terminal mux/demux modules are cabled for the 16-channel line card protected point-to-point configuration.
Figure 5-9 Terminal Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Line Card Protected 16-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Line Card Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration
By cascading two Cisco ONS 15540 shelves, 32 channels can be supported in a line card protected point-to-point configuration. Shelf 1 is configured for channels 1-16 with OSC, while shelf 2 is configured for channels 17-32 without OSC. The terminal mux/demux modules are patched between the two shelves as if they were in the same shelf. In this configuration, shelf 2 cannot support the OSC, which means that a separate Ethernet connection to that shelf is required for management purposes.
The optical power budget for this configuration is the same as for a 32-channel unprotected configuration, shown in Figure 5-1.
It is possible to use the 8-channel add/drop mux/demux modules in two shelves for a 32-channel line card protected configuration. However, we do not recommend this configuration because of the high optical power loss.
The configuration and terminal mux/demux cabling for shelf 1 in the line card protected 32-channel configuration are the same as for the line card protected 16-channel configuration, shown in Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9. The configuration for shelf 2 is shown in Figure 5-10. As in shelf 1, the west line card motherboards are used in slots 2-5, and the east line card motherboards are used in slots 8-11.
Figure 5-10 Shelf 2 Configuration for Line Card Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Figure 5-11 shows how the terminal mux/demux modules are cabled between the two shelves to support all 32 channels on both the east and west sides.
Figure 5-11 Terminal Mux/Demux Module Cabling with Two Shelves for Line Card Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Topology
Hubbed Ring Topologies
As described in the "Hubbed Ring" section, in a hubbed ring architecture one node serves as the hub (or terminal) node, while all other nodes perform add/drop functions. This type of topology is also sometimes called hub and spoke, because each of the spoke nodes is logically connected to only the hub node. In a hubbed ring, the hub can use terminal mux/demux modules, while each of the spoke nodes must be equipped with add/drop mux/demux modules.
Figure 5-12 shows the channel plan for a 16-channel hubbed ring where a band of four channels is dropped at each spoke node. The hub node in this example uses the 16-channel terminal mux/demux modules. The nodes communicate as follows:
Nodes 1-2 over band A
Nodes 1-3 over band B
Nodes 1-4 over band C
Nodes 1-5 over band D
Figure 5-12 Hubbed Ring Channel Plan
Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring Configuration
Assuming that all nodes were equidistant in the ring, the path with the greatest optical link loss (the "worst path") would be the path for band A between node 1 and node 2. This path is shown in Figure 5-12 by the black line connecting node 1 to node 2 by way of nodes 5, 4, and 3.
Figure 5-13 shows the optical power loss through each of the components from node 1 to node 2 for band A, and for the OSC. This configuration uses the splitter protected line card motherboards.
Figure 5-13 Optical Power Budget for Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-14 shows how the hub node shelf is populated in the 16-channel splitter protected hubbed ring topology. Splitter protected line card motherboards are installed in slots 2-5, and the 16-channel terminal mux/demux modules are used in the east and west mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-14 Shelf Configuration for 16-Channel Hub Node in Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-15 shows how the 16-channel terminal mux/demux modules are cabled for the hub node in the splitter protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-15 Terminal Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for 16-Channel Hub Node in Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-16 shows the shelf configuration for node 2 in the hubbed ring. A splitter protected line card motherboard is used in slot 2, and 4-channel mux/demux modules are used in subslot 0 of the east and west mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-16 Shelf Configuration for Node 2 in Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-17 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 2 in the splitter protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-17 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 2 in Splitter Protected
Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-18 shows the shelf configuration for node 3 in the hubbed ring. A splitter protected line card motherboard is used in slot 5, and 4-channel mux/demux modules are used in subslot 1 of the east and west mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-18 Shelf Configuration for Node 3 in Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-19 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 3 in the splitter protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-19 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 3 in Splitter Protected
Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-20 shows the shelf configuration for node 4 in the hubbed ring. A splitter protected line card motherboard is used in slot 8, and 4-channel mux/demux modules are used in subslot 2 of the east and west mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-20 Shelf Configuration for Node 4 in Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-21 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 4 in the splitter protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-21 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 4 in Splitter Protected
Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-22 shows the shelf configuration for node 5 in the hubbed ring. A splitter protected line card motherboard is used in slot 11, and 4-channel mux/demux modules are used in subslot 3 of the east and west mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-22 Shelf Configuration for Node 5 in Splitter Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-23 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 4 in the splitter protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-23 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 5 in Splitter Protected
Hubbed Ring
Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring Configuration
With line card protection, a single Cisco ONS 15540 shelf can support a maximum of16 channels at the hub node in a hubbed ring. Using two cascaded shelves, 32 channels can be supported. The configuration for the two shelves that form the hub node is the same as the one described in the "Line Card Protected 32-Channel Point-to-Point Configuration" section.
Figure 5-24 shows the optical power budget for the hubbed ring with line card protection. The figure shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by the channels in band A from node 1 to node 2 over nodes 5, 4, and 3 (see Figure 5-12). Assuming that the nodes are equidistant, this would be the worst path. This configuration uses the east and west line card motherboards.
Figure 5-24 Optical Power Budget for Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-25 shows the shelf configuration for the hub node in this hubbed ring example. The line card motherboards in slots 2-5 are west motherboards, corresponding to the 16-channel mux/demux module in the west mux/demux slot; the line card motherboards in slots 8-11 are east motherboards, corresponding to the 16-channel mux/demux module in the east mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-25 Shelf Configuration for Hub Node in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-26 shows how the 16-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for the hub node in the line card protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-26 Terminal Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Hub Node in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-27 shows the shelf configuration for node 2 in the line card protected hubbed ring. Slot 2 uses a west line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the west mux/demux slot; slot 4 uses an east line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the east mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-27 Shelf Configuration for Node 2 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-28 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 2 in the line card protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-28 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 2 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-29 shows the shelf configuration for node 3 in the hubbed ring. Slot 3 uses an east line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the east mux/demux slot; slot 5 uses a west line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the west mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-29 Shelf Configuration for Node 3 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-30 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 3 in the line card protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-30 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 3 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-31 shows the shelf configuration for node 4 in the line card protected hubbed ring. Slot slot 8 uses a west line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the west mux/demux slot; slot 10 uses an east line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the east mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-31 Shelf Configuration for Node 4 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-32 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 4 in the line card protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-32 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 4 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-33 shows the shelf configuration for node 5 in the line card protected hubbed ring. Slot 9 uses an east line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the east mux/demux slot; slot 11 uses a west line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the west mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-33 Shelf Configuration for Node 5 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Figure 5-34 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 5 in the line card protected hubbed ring.
Figure 5-34 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 5 in Line Card Protected Hubbed Ring
Meshed Ring Topologies
As explained in the "Meshed Ring" section, in a full logical mesh, every node can communicate with every other node. In some cases, this is not necessary and a partial mesh is formed.
Figure 5-35 shows the channel plan for a 16-channel partial meshed ring. The nodes communicate as follows:
Nodes 1-2 over band A (path of greatest optical power loss, assuming all nodes are equidistant)
Nodes 1-3 over band B
Nodes 1-4 over band C
Nodes 3-4 over band D
Figure 5-35 Channel Plan for Meshed Ring
Band allocation and the ordering of the optical mux/demux modules becomes especially important in a mesh environment because of the increased possibility of multiple mux/demux modules at a particular node. The example in Figure 5-35 shows the network configured exclusively with 4-channel add/drop mux/demux modules.
Band allocation can have an effect on both the cost and optical power budget of the network. In this example, it is possible to replace the 4-channel mux/demux modules for bands A and B in node 1 with the 8-channel AB band mux/demux modules. Likewise, the 4-channel mux/demux modules in node 4 could be replaced with 8-channel modules. The effect of this swap would be to lower the cost, but also to decrease the optical power budget, as the add and drop loss for an 8-channel module is greater than that for a 4-channel module.
The concept of ordering can become prominent in mesh topologies. As indicated by the black line in Figure 5-35, the path with the most loss (assuming equidistant nodes on the ring) is the one for band A from the west mux/demux motherboard of node 1 to the east motherboard of node 2, traversing nodes 4 and 3. Notice that in the west direction the add/drop mux/demux module for band A on node 1 is positioned closer to the trunk than bands B or C. As a result, band A does not pass through any of the other add/drop mux/demux modules located at node 1. Band B channels must pass through the band A mux/demux, while band C must pass through the mux/demux modules for both band B and band A.
Splitter Protected Meshed Ring Configuration
Figure 5-36 shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by the channels in band A from node 1 to node 2 over nodes 4 and 3. This configuration uses the splitter protected line card motherboards.
Figure 5-36 Optical Power Budget for Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-37 shows the shelf configuration for node 1 in the splitter protected meshed ring. Splitter protected line card motherboards are used to couple the signal to the add/drop mux/demux modules in both west and east mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-37 Shelf Configuration for Node 1 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-38 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 1 in the splitter protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-38 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 1 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-39 shows the shelf configuration for node 2 in the splitter protected meshed ring. Slot 2 uses the splitter protected line card motherboard, which couples the signal to the add/drop mux/demux modules in both west and east mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-39 Shelf Configuration for Node 2 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-40 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 2 in the splitter protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-40 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 2 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-41 shows the shelf configuration for node 3 in the splitter protected meshed ring. Slots 5 and 11 use splitter protected line card motherboards, which couple the signal to the add/drop mux/demux modules in both west and east mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-41 Shelf Configuration for Node 3 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-42 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 3 in the splitter protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-42 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 3 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-43 shows the shelf configuration for node 4 in the splitter protected meshed ring. Slots 8 and 11 use the splitter protected line card motherboards, which couple the signal to the add/drop mux/demux modules in both the west and east mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-43 Shelf Configuration for Node 4 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-44 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 4 in the splitter protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-44 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 4 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring
Line Card Protected Meshed Ring Configuration
Figure 5-45 shows the optical power budget for the hubbed ring with line card protection. The figure shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by the channels in band A between node 1 and node 2 over node 4 and node 3 (see Figure 5-35). Assuming the nodes in the ring are equidistant, this would be the worst path. This configuration uses the east and west line card motherboards.
Figure 5-45 Optical Power Budget for Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-46 shows the shelf configuration for node 1 using line card protection in the example meshed ring. Slots 2, 5, and 8 use west line card motherboards, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux modules in the west mux/demux slot; slots 3, 4, and 10 use east line card motherboards, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux modules in the east mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-46 Shelf Configuration for Node 1 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-47 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 1 in the line card protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-47 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 1 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-48 shows the shelf configuration for node 2 in the line card protected meshed ring. Slot 2 uses the west line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the west mux/demux slot; slot 4 uses the east line card motherboard, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux module in the east mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-48 Shelf Configuration for Node 2 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-49 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 2 in the line card protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-49 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 2 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-50 shows the shelf configuration for node 3 in the line card protected meshed ring. Slots 5 and 11 use the west line card motherboards, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux modules in the west mux/demux slot; slots 3 and 9 use the east line card motherboards, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux modules in the east mux/demux slot.
Figure 5-50 Shelf Configuration for Node 3 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-51 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for the line card protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-51 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 3 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-52 shows the shelf configuration for node 4 in the line card protected meshed ring. Slots 8 and 11 use the west line card motherboards, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux modules in the west mux/demux slots; slots 9 and 10 use the east line card motherboards, corresponding to the add/drop mux/demux modules in the east mux/demux slots.
Figure 5-52 Shelf Configuration for Node 4 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Figure 5-53 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 4 in the line card protected meshed ring.
Figure 5-53 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling with OSC for Node 4 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring
Meshed Ring Topologies with Unprotected Channels
It is possible to configure a ring in which one or more bands are unprotected. If a splitter protected or line card protected ring topology has already been configured, adding unprotected channels is straightforward.
To add unprotected channels to an existing ring configuration, follow these steps:
Step 1
Determine the nodes that will be logically connected by the unprotected channels.
Step 2
Determine the direction around the ring in which the unprotected channels will travel. This will determine whether an east or west line card motherboard should be used.
Step 3
Choose a channel band that is not already in use.
Step 4
Confirm that the shelf at both nodes can support the selected channel band.
Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels Configuration
Figure 5-54 uses the same channel plan as the 16-channel partial meshed ring example (see the "Meshed Ring Topologies" section), but adds an unprotected band between node 2 and node 3. The nodes communicate as follows:
Nodes 1-2 over band A (path of greatest optical power loss, assuming equidistant nodes)
Nodes 1-3 over band B
Nodes 1-4 over band C
Nodes 3-4 over band D
Nodes 2-3 over band E (unprotected)
Figure 5-54 Channel Plan for Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Figure 5-55 shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by the channels in band A between node 1 and node 2 over node 4 and node 3, and for the OSC. All nodes use the 4-channel mux/demux modules. The splitter protected line card motherboards are used.
Figure 5-55 Optical Power Budget for Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
The shelf configuration and optical mux/demux module cabling for node 1 and node 4 are the same as for the 16-channel partial meshed ring example with splitter protection. See the following figures for these configurations:
Node 1 shelf configuration, Figure 5-37
Node 1 optical mux/demux module cabling, Figure 5-38
Node 4 shelf configuration, Figure 5-43
Node 4 optical mux/demux module cabling, Figure 5-44
Figure 5-56 shows the shelf configuration for node 2 in the splitter protected meshed ring with unprotected channels. Slot 2 uses the splitter protected line card motherboard, which couples the signal to the add/drop mux/demux modules in subslot 0 of both west and east mux/demux slots. Slot 4, which supports the unprotected channels, uses an east line card motherboard.
Figure 5-56 Shelf Configuration for Node 2 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Figure 5-57 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 2 in the splitter protected meshed ring with unprotected channels.
Figure 5-57 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling for Node 2 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Figure 5-58 shows the shelf configuration for node 3 in the splitter protected meshed ring with unprotected channels. Slot 5 and slot 11 use splitter protected line card motherboards, which couple the signal to the add/drop mux/demux modules in subslot 1 and subslot 3, respectively, of both west and east mux/demux slots. Slot 8, which supports the unprotected channels, uses a west line card motherboard.
Figure 5-58 Shelf Configuration for Node 3 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Figure 5-59 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 3 in the splitter protected meshed ring with unprotected channels.
Figure 5-59 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling for Node 3 in Splitter Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Line Card Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels Configuration
The topology and channel plan described in the "Meshed Ring Topologies with Unprotected Channels" section and shown in Figure 5-54 can be configured with line card protection.
Figure 5-60 shows the optical power loss for each of the components traversed by the channels in band A between node 1 and node 2 over node 4 and node 3, and for the OSC. All nodes use the 4-channel mux/demux modules. The east and west line card motherboards are used.
Figure 5-60 Optical Power Budget for Line Card Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
The shelf configuration and optical mux/demux cabling for node 1 and node 4 are the same as for the 16-channel partial meshed ring example with line card protection. See the following figures for these configurations:
Node 1 shelf configuration, Figure 5-46
Node 1 optical mux/demux module cabling, Figure 5-47
Node 4 shelf configuration, Figure 5-52
Node 4 optical mux/demux module cabling, Figure 5-53
Figure 5-61 shows the shelf configuration for node 2 in the line card protected meshed ring with unprotected channels. Channels 1-4 are line card protected using a west line card motherboard in slot 2 and an east line card motherboard in slot 4. Slot 8 uses an east line card motherboard for the unprotected channels.
Figure 5-61 Shelf Configuration for Node 2 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Figure 5-62 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 2 in the line card protected meshed ring with unprotected channels.
Figure 5-62 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling for Node 2 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Figure 5-63 shows the shelf configuration for node 3 in the line card protected meshed ring with unprotected channels. Channels 5-8 are line card protected using an east line card motherboard in slot 3 and a west line card motherboard in slot 5. Channels 13-16 are line card protected using an east line card motherboard in slot 9 and a west line card motherboard in slot 11. Slot 8 uses a west line card motherboard for the unprotected channels.
Figure 5-63 Shelf Configuration for Node 3 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Figure 5-64 shows how the 4-channel mux/demux modules are cabled for node 3 in the line card protected meshed ring with unprotected channels.
Figure 5-64 Add/Drop Mux/Demux Module Cabling for Node 3 in Line Card Protected Meshed Ring with Unprotected Channels
Posted: Thu May 19 00:19:23 PDT 2005
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