
Table of Contents

Command Reference
atm bind pvc vlan
atm clock internal
atm ds3-scramble
atm framing
atm ilmi-enable
atm ilmi-keepalive
atm lbo
atm preferred phy
atm pvc
atmsig close
atm sonet
atm traffic-shape rate
atm uni-version
atm vc-per-vp
clear mpoa client cache
client-atm-address name
debug mpoa client
lane auto-config-atm-address
lane bus-atm-address
lane client
lane client-atm-address
lane client mpoa client name
lane client qos
lane config-atm-address
lane config database
lane database
lane le-arp
lane qos database
lane qos iptos trust
lane register
lane server-atm-address
lane server-bus
mpoa client config name
mpoa client name
mpoa server config name
show atm ilmi-status atm
show atm interface atm0
show atm traffic
show atm vc
show atm vlan
show history
show lane
show lane bus
show lane client
show lane config
show lane default-atm-addresses
show lane le-arp
show lane qos database
show lane server
show mpoa client
show mpoa client cache
show mpoa client statistics
show mpoa default-atm-addresses
show sscop
show version—ATM
sscop cc-timer
sscop keepalive-timer
sscop max-cc
sscop max-stat
sscop poll-timer
sscop receive-window
sscop send-window
write terminal

Command Reference

This chapter contains an alphabetical reference for all ATM commands available on the Catalyst 5000 and 6000 family switches.


Use the atm-address command to override the control ATM address. To revert to the default value, use the no form of this command.

[no] atm-address atm-address [ubr+ pcr value mcr value]

Syntax Description


Control ATM address.


Keyword to specify an unavailable bit rate+ VCC.


Peak cell rate; value is specified in kpbs.


Minimum cell rate; value is specified in kpbs.


The default is an autogenerated ATM address.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command specifies the control ATM address used when it is associated with a hardware interface. The ubr+ pcr value mcr value optional command arguments are used to set a CoS to QoS mapping on a specific interface.


The following example specifies the ATM address:

ATM(config-if)#atm-address 47.0091810000000061705C2B01.00E034553024.00

The following example shows how to enter CoS to QoS mappings using PCR and MCR values on a specific ATM address. This command is entered from the lane qos database configuration mode.

ATM(lane-qos)# atm-address 47.0091810000000061705B0C01.00E0B0951A40.0A cos 7 pcr 500000 mcr 100000

Related Commands

show atm interface atm0
lane client qos
lane qos database

atm bind pvc vlan

Use the atm bind pvc vlan command to bind a PVC to a specified VLAN.

[no] atm bind pvc vlan vcd vlan_num

Syntax Description


Virtual circuit descriptor; a unique number for each switch that identifies which VPI/VCI to use for a particular packet.


Number of the VLAN.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

You can bind any number of PVCs to the same VLAN. To prevent loops, each PVC must uniquely connect a VLAN group between two Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switches.


This example shows how to bind PVC 10 to VLAN 5 and PVC 11 to VLAN 5:

ATM(config-if)#atm bind pvc vlan 10 5
ATM(config-if)#atm bind pvc vlan 11 5

Related Commands

show atm vc

atm clock internal

Use the atm clock internal command to cause the ATM module on the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switches to generate the transmit clock from its internal source. Enter the no form of this command to set the clock generation mode to receive timing from an external source.

[no] atm clock internal

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The ATM module generates the transmit clock signal from its internal source. The default is loop-timed clock mode for the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168).

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The atm clock internal and the no atm clock internal commands are not supported by the ATM dual PHY OC-12 module.


This example shows how to set the ATM module to generate the transmit clock from its internal source:

ATM(config-if)#atm clock internal

This example shows how to set the ATM module to generate the transmit clock from an external source:

ATM(config-if)#no atm clock internal

atm ds3-scramble

Use the atm ds3-scramble command to enable scrambling on the current port. Enter the no form of this command to disable scrambling.

Note   All devices speaking to each other must have the same scramble setting (on or off) to be able to communicate.

[no] atm ds3-scramble

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default is scrambling not enabled.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Because ATM network equipment can exhibit sensitivity to certain bit patterns, scrambling is used to randomize such patterns to guarantee cell synchronization. This command applies to DS3 interfaces only.


This example shows how to enable scrambling:

ATM(config)#interface atm0
ATM(config-if)#atm ds3-scramble

atm framing

Use the atm framing command to change the default DS3 line framing from C-bit with ATM direct mapping (ADM) to one of the following:

Enter the no form of this command to use the default value.

[no] atm framing [m23adm | cbitplcp | m23plcp]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Keyword to specify M23 ADM.


(Optional) Keyword to specify C-bit with PLCP framing.


(Optional) Keyword to specify M23 with PLCP framing.


The default value is C-bit with ADM.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command is not available to the OC-3 ATM module.

The atm framing command applies to DS3 interfaces only.

This command allows you to set the DS3 framing mode to either M23 ADM, M23 PLCP, C-bit PLCP, or C-bit ADM (default value).


This example shows how to select m23adm frame as the frame type:

ATM(config-if)#atm framing m23adm

atm ilmi-enable

Use the atm ilmi-enable command to enable the ILMI on a port. To disable the ILMI, use the no form of this command.

[no] atm ilmi-enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default is ILMI is enabled.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The ILMI is enabled by default; however, if the peer does not support ILMI, you should turn off the ILMI using this command. When you use the no form of this command, the switch is disabled only after restart.


This example shows how to enable the ILMI:

ATM(config-if)#atm ilmi-enable

This example shows how to disable the ILMI:

ATM(config-if)#no atm ilmi-enable

Related Commands

show atm vc

atm ilmi-keepalive

Use the atm ilmi-keepalive command to enable ILMI keepalives. To disable ILMI keepalives, use the no form of this command.

[no] atm ilmi-keepalive seconds

Syntax Description


Number of seconds between keepalives.


The default is 3 seconds. Values less than 3 seconds are rounded to 3 seconds. There is no upper boundary to the range of values.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to set the number of seconds between ILMI keepalives:

ATM(config-if)#atm ilmi-keepalive 5

Related Commands

show atm vc

atm lbo

Use the atm lbo command to set the line buildout corresponding to the cable length. This command is specific to DS3 and is not available in the OC-3 ATM module.

atm lbo {short | long}

Syntax Description


Keyword to set the line buildout (cable length) up to 255 feet (77.4 meters).


Keyword to set the line buildout (cable length) over 255 feet (77.4 meters).


The default is short.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The atm lbo command applies to DS3 interfaces only.


This example sets the line buildout (cable length) to over 255 feet (77.4 meters):

ATM(config-if)#atm lbo long

Related Commands

show atm vc

atm preferred phy

Use the atm preferred phy command to change the preferred PHY to the one not currently in use.

atm preferred phy {A | B}

Syntax Description


Keyword to indicate PHY A.


Keyword to indicate PHY B.


The default is PHY A.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command only with the OC-12 dual PHY ATM module connected to the same or different switches.


This example shows how to specify PHY A as the preferred PHY:

ATM#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with Ctrl-Z.
ATM(config)#interface atm0
ATM(config-if)#atm preferred phy A

Related Commands

show lane default-atm-addresses

atm pvc

Use the atm pvc command to create a PVC on the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switch interface. The no form of this command deletes the specified PVC.

[no] atm pvc vcd vpi vci [aal5snap | ilmi | qsaal]

Note   The following version of the atm pvc command is available only in ATM software
release 50.1(1) and later and 51.1(1) and later.

[no] atm pvc vcd vpi vci [aal5snap | ilmi | qsaal] [peak_rate average_rate [burst_size]]
oam seconds]

Note   The following version of the atm pvc command is available only in ATM software
release 11.3(6)WA4(9b) and later.

[no] atm pvc aal5snap vcd vpi vci pcr scr mbs

Syntax Description


Number of the VCD that identifies which VPI/VCI to use for a particular packet.


VPI for the PVC. The range of vpi is from 0 to 255.


VCI for the PVC. The range is from 0 to 4096.


(Optional) Keyword to specify the use of AAL5 with LLC/SNAP encapsulation.


(Optional) Keyword to specify the use of ILMI.


(Optional) Keyword to specify signaling AAL.


(Optional) Maximum rate (in kbps) at which this virtual circuit can transmit. The range is from 0 to 155000. Available in ATM PVC traffic-shaping software release 50.1(1) and later. The maximum rate for peak_rate in ATM PVC traffic-shaping software release 51.1(1) and later is 45000 kbps. The maximum rate for peak_rate in ATM PVC traffic-shaping Release 11.3(6)WA4(9b) and later is 155000 kbps.


(Optional) Average rate (in kbps) at which this virtual circuit can transmit. The range is from 0 to 1000. Available in ATM PVC traffic-shaping software
release 50.1(1) and later and 51.1(1) and later.


(Optional) Burst cell size in number of cells. Acceptable values are 0 to 1. Available in ATM PVC traffic-shaping software release 50.1(1) and later and 51.1(1) and later.

oam seconds

(Optional) Keyword that specifies how often to generate an OAM 5 loopback cell from this virtual circuit. Available in ATM PVC traffic-shaping software release 50.1(1) and later and 51.1(1) and later.


(Peak cell rate) Maximum rate (in kbps) at which this virtual circuit can transmit. Valid values are 0 to 622000 for the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162) and the ATM fabric integration module (WS-X5165); 0 to 155,000 for the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168).


(Sustainable cell rate) Average rate (in kbps) at which this virtual circuit transmits. Valid values are 0 to 622000 for the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162) and the ATM fabric integration module (WS-X5165); 0 to 155,000 for the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168).


(Maximum burst size) Value that relates to the maximum number of ATM cells the virtual circuit (VC) can transmit to the network at the peak rate of the PVC. Valid values are 0 and 2 to 255.

1The minimum pcr rate is 64 kbps. If you specify a pcr greater than 0 and less than 64 kbps, the rate specified to the SAR is 64 kbps.

2The minimum scr rate is 64 kbps. If you specify an scr greater than 0 and less than 64 kbps, the rate specified to the SAR is 64 kbps.


If you omit the pcr argument, the PVC defaults to the highest bandwidth rate queue available
(622,000 kbps). By default, the VC is configured to run as fast as possible. If you omit the oam keyword, OAM cells are not generated. If you use the oam keyword without specifying seconds, the default value of 10 seconds is used.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The atm pvc command creates a PVC and attaches it to the VPI and VCI specified. You cannot specify both vpi and vci as 0.

The VPI is an 8-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VPI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network.

The VCI is a 16-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VCI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network.

The allowed VPI and VCI ranges vary depending on the value specified by the atm vc-per-vp command. The atm vc-per-vp command sets the VCI bits, and the number of VCI bits set determines the allowable VPI range.

If you are configuring an SVC, you must use this command to configure the PVC that handles the SVC call setup and termination. In this case, specify the qsaal keyword.

The peak_rate argument determines the size of the rate queue used. ATM PVC traffic-shaping software release 50.1(1) and later and 51.1(1) and later create rate queues dynamically to satisfy the specifications of atm pvc commands. When an atm pvc command specifies a peak rate that does not match any use-configured rate queue, a rate queue is created dynamically.

The oam keyword causes the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switch to generate and echo OAM F5 loopback cells to verify connectivity. After OAM cell generation is enabled, OAM cells are transmitted periodically. The remote end must respond by echoing back the cells.

The atm pvc command on the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162), the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168), and the ATM fabric integration module (WS-X5165) supports RFC 1483 Ethernet-bridged AAL5/SNAP encapsulation only.

For the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162) and the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168), and the ATM fabric integration module (WS-X5165) with ATM module Release 11.3(6)WA4(9b) and later, traffic shaping supports multiple traffic classes:

When configuring a PVC, if you enter a zero value for PCR and SCR (or do not specify any value), the channel is opened with a service type of UBR (with a maximum line rate).

While configuring a PVC, if you enter a zero value for SCR and non-zero PCR, the channel is opened with a service type of CBR at 1/PCR.

Note    The maximum burst size (MBS) specified is not relevant for this case.

While configuring a PVC, if you enter non-zero values for PCR and SCR, the channel is opened with a service type of VBR.

Note    The MBS should be a value between 2 and 255. If you specify an MBS of 1, the channel is opened as 1/PCR rate-shaped.

The atm pvc command creates a PVC and attaches it to the specified VPI and VCI. The vpi and vci values cannot both be specified as 0. For example, if vpi is 0, then vci cannot be 0, and conversely, if vci is 0, then vpi cannot be 0.

The pcr, scr, and mbs arguments are only supported on the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162), the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168), and the ATM fabric integration module (WS-X5165).

Maximum pcr values are 0 to 622,000 for the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules (WS-X5161 and WS-X5162) and the ATM fabric integration module (WS-X5165); 0 to 155,000 for the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules (WS-X5167 and WS-X5168).

The minimum pcr or scr is 64 kbps. If you specify a pcr or scr greater than 0 and less than 64 kbps, the rate specified to the SAR is 64 kbps.


This example shows how to create a PVC to be used for ATM signaling for an SVC, using VPI 0
and VCI 5:

ATM(config-if)#atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal

This example shows how to create a PVC in ATM PVC traffic-shaping software release 50.1, specifying the peak and average rates and OAM cell generation:

ATM(config-if)#atm pvc 1 0 5 aal5snap 155000 1000 oam

This example shows how to create a PVC in ATM PVC traffic-shaping Release 11.3(6)WA4(9b), specifying the PCR, SCR, and MBS:

ATM(config-if)#atm pvc 0 34 interface atm0/0/0 0 34

Related Commands

atm vc-per-vp
show atm vc

atmsig close

Use the atmsig close command to disconnect a particular SVC.

atmsig close atm0 vcd

Syntax Description


Keyword to specify the atm0 interface number to close the SVC, because VCs are numbered per interface.


Virtual circuit descriptor of the SVC to close.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to close SVC 2 on the ATM module:

ATM#atmsig close atm0 2

atm sonet

Use the atm sonet command to set the mode of operation and control type for cell-rate decoupling on the SONET PLIM. To revert to the default value, use the no form of this command.

[no] atm sonet {stm-1 | sts-3c} {stm-4 | sts-12c}

Syntax Description


Keyword to specify synchronous transport module level 1 (STM-1) operation. Supported by the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules.


Keyword to specify synchronous transport signal level 3, concatenated (STS-3c) operation. Supported by the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules.


Keyword to specify synchronous transport module level 4 (STM-4) operation. Supported by the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules.


Keyword to specify synchronous transport signal level 12, concatenated (STS-12c) operation. Supported by the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules.


The default is STS-3c operation for the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules and STS-12c operation for the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies only to the ATM dual PHY OC-3 and OC-12 modules.

The no atm sonet command is the same as the atm sonet sts-3c command for the ATM dual PHY OC-3 modules and the atm sonet sts-12c command for the ATM dual PHY OC-12 modules.


This example shows how to set the mode for cell-rate decoupling on the SONET PLIM to stm-1:

ATM (config-if)#atm sonet stm-1
ATM (config-if)#

atm traffic-shape rate

Use the atm traffic-shape rate command to configure output throttling on your Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switch ATM module. The no form of this command returns the output rate to the default.

[no] atm traffic-shape rate 1-155

Syntax Description


Number between 1 and 155 indicating Mbps.


The default is 155 Mbps.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command is not supported by the ATM dual PHY OC-12 module.


This example shows how to set the output throttle to 50:

ATM(config-if)#atm traffic-shape rate 50

atm uni-version

Use the atm uni-version command to specify the UNI version (3.0 or 3.1) the switch should use when ILMI link autodetermination is unsuccessful or ILMI is disabled. The no form of this command restores the version to the default.

[no] atm uni-version version_num

Syntax Description


UNI version for the interface. Valid values are 3.0 or 3.1.


The default UNI version is 3.0.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Global configuration.


This example shows how to set the UNI version to 3.1:

ATM(config)#atm uni-version 3.1

atm vc-per-vp

Use the atm vc-per-vp command to set the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI. The no form of this command restores the default value.

[no] atm vc-per-vp num

Syntax Description


Maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI. Valid values are 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024.


The default is that the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI is 1024.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command controls the memory allocation in the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switches for the VCI table. It defines the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI; it does not designate the VCI numbers. Use the atm pvc command to designate the VCI number.

An invalid VCI causes a warning message to display.


This example shows how to set the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI to 512:

ATM(config-if)#atm vc-per-vp 512

clear mpoa client cache

Use the clear mpoa client cache command to clear the ingress and egress cache entries of one or all MPCs.

clear mpoa client [name mpc-name] cache [ingress | egress] [ip-address ip-address]

Syntax Description

name mpc-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of the MPC with the specified name.


(Optional) Keyword to clear ingress cache entries associated with the MPC.


(Optional) Keyword to clear egress cache entries associated with the MPC.

ip-address ip-address

(Optional) Keyword to clear matching cache entries with the specified IP address.


The system defaults are:

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to clear the ingress and egress cache entries for the MPC named ip_mpc:

ATM#clear mpoa client name ip_mpc cache

Related Commands

show mpoa client cache

client-atm-address name

Use the client-atm-address name command to add a LANE address entry to the configuration server's database. The no form of this command removes a client address entry from the table.

[no] client-atm-address atm-address-template name elan-name

Syntax Description


Template that specifies an ATM address explicitly or a specific part of an ATM address and uses wildcard characters for other parts of the ATM address.

Wildcard characters can replace any nibble or group of nibbles in the prefix, the ESI, or the selector fields of the ATM address.


Keyword to specify the name of the ELAN.


Name of the ELAN; the maximum length of elan-name is 32 characters.


The default is that no address and no ELAN name are configured.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Database configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command binds to the specified ELAN any client whose address matches the specified template. When a client comes up, it consults the LANE configuration server, which responds with the ATM address of the LANE server for the ELAN. The client then initiates join procedures with the LANE server.

You must create the ELAN specified by the elan-name argument using the name server-atm-address command before you use the client-atm-address command.

If an existing entry in the configuration server's database binds the LANE client ATM address to a different ELAN, the new command is rejected.

This command affects only the bindings in the named configuration server database. It has no effect on the LANE components themselves.

A LANE ATM address has the same syntax as an NSAP but is not a network-level address:

LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single character and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters.

In LANE, a prefix template matches the prefix explicitly but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector fields. An ESI template matches the ESI field explicitly but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector.

In our implementation of LANE, the prefix corresponds to the specific subinterface of the interface.


This example uses an ESI template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to an interface. This template allows any client on any subinterface of the interface that corresponds to the displayed ESI value, no matter which switch the router is connected to, to join the engineering ELAN:

ATM(lane-config-database)#client-atm-address ...0800.200c.1001.** name engineering

This example uses a prefix template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the switch. This template allows any client on the subinterface of any interface connected to the switch that corresponds to the displayed prefix to join the marketing ELAN:

ATM(lane-config-database)#client-atm-address 47.000014155551212f.00.00... name marketing

Related Commands

lane database

debug mpoa client

Use the debug mpoa client command to display MPC debug information.

[no] debug mpoa client {all | data | egress | general | ingress | keep-alives | platform-specific}
name mpc-name]

Syntax Description


Keyword to show debugging information for all MPC activity.


Keyword to show debugging information for data plane activity only. This keyword applies only to routers.


Keyword to show debugging information for egress functionality only.


Keyword to show general debugging information only.


Keyword to show debugging information for ingress functionality only.


Keyword to show debugging information for keepalive activity only.


Keyword to show debugging information for specific platforms only. This keyword applies only to the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series ATM module.

name mpc-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of the MPC with the specified name.


The default is debugging is turned on for all MPCs.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to turn on debugging for the MPC ip_mpc:

ATM#debug mpoa client all name ip_mpc

Related Commands

show mpoa client cache


Use the default-name command to provide an ELAN name in the configuration server's database for those client MAC addresses and client ATM addresses that do not have explicit ELAN name bindings. Use the no form of this command to remove the default name.

[no] default-name elan_name

Syntax Description


ELAN name for any LANE client MAC address or LANE client ATM address not explicitly bound to any ELAN name. The maximum length of elan-name is 32 characters.


The default is that no name is configured.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Database configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command affects only the bindings in the configuration server's database. It has no effect on the LANE components themselves.

The named ELAN must already exist in the configuration server's database before this command is used. If the default name-to-ELAN name binding already exists, the new binding replaces it.

Related Commands

client-atm-address name
lane database


Use the disable command to exit privileged EXEC mode and return to user EXEC mode. After executing this command, the angle-bracket (>) prompt appears.

disable [level]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Option to reduce the privilege level.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command with the level option to reduce the privilege level. If you do not specify a level, it defaults to the user EXEC mode, which is level 1.


This example shows how to cause the system to exit privileged EXEC mode and return to user EXEC mode, as indicated by the angle bracket (>) prompt:


Related Commands



Use the display-databases command to display all the LECS database tables.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Database configuration.


This example shows how to display all the LECS database tables:

display-databases <----- config table in context


Use the editing command to enable enhanced editing mode. Use the no form of this command to disable enhanced editing mode.

[no] editing

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.


The default is enabled.

Command Modes

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Table 7-1 describes the keys used to enter and edit commands. Ctrl indicates the Control key. You must press Ctrl simultaneously with the associated letter key. Esc indicates the Escape key. You must press Esc first, followed by the associated letter key. Keys are not case sensitive.

Table 7-1   Editing Command Keys

Keys Function


Completes a partial command name entry. When you enter a unique set of characters and press the Tab key, the system completes the command name. If you enter a set of characters that could indicate more than one command, the system beeps to indicate an error. Enter a question mark (?) immediately following the partial command (no space). The system lists the commands that begin with that string.

Delete or Backspace

Erases the character to the left of the cursor.


Processes a command when you are at the command line. At the ---More--- prompt on a terminal screen, pressing the Return key scrolls down a line.


Allows you to see more output on the terminal screen. Press the Spacebar when you see ---More--- on the screen to display the next screen.

Left Arrow1

Moves the cursor one character to the left. When you enter a command that extends beyond a single line, you can press the left arrow key repeatedly to scroll back to the system prompt and verify the beginning of the command entry.

Right Arrow1

Moves the cursor one character to the right.

Up Arrow1 or Ctrl-P

Recalls commands in the history buffer, beginning with the most recent command. Repeat the key sequence to recall older commands.

Down Arrow1 or Ctrl-N

Returns to more recent commands in the history buffer after recalling commands with the up arrow or Ctrl-P. Repeat the key sequence to recall more recent commands.


Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.


Moves the cursor back one character.


Deletes the character at the cursor.


Moves the cursor to the end of the command line.


Moves the cursor forward one character.


Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the command line.

Ctrl-L or Ctrl-R

Redisplays the system prompt and command line.


Transposes the character to the left of the cursor with the character located at the cursor.

Ctrl-U or Ctrl-X

Deletes all characters from the cursor back to the beginning of the command line.

Ctrl-V or Esc Q

Inserts a code to indicate to the system that the keystroke immediately following should be treated as a command entry, not as an editing key.


Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.


Recalls the most recent entry in the delete buffer. The delete buffer contains the last ten items you deleted or cut. Ctrl-Y can be used with
Esc Y.


Ends configuration mode and returns to the EXEC prompt.

Esc B

Moves the cursor back one word.

Esc C

Capitalizes from the cursor to the end of the word.

Esc D

Deletes from the cursor to the end of the word.

Esc F

Moves the cursor forward one word.

Esc L

Changes to lowercase from the cursor to the end of the word.

Esc U

Capitalizes from the cursor to the end of the word.

Esc Y

Recalls the next buffer entry. The buffer contains the last ten items you deleted. Press Ctrl-Y first to recall the most recent entry. Then press
Esc Y up to nine times to recall the remaining entries in the buffer. If you bypass an entry, press Esc Y to cycle back to it.

1The arrow keys function only with ANSI-compatible terminals such as VT100.


This example shows how to disable enhanced editing mode on virtual terminal line 3:

ATM#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with Ctrl-Z.
ATM(config)#line vty 3
ATM(config-line)#no editing

Related Commands



Use the enable command to enter privileged EXEC mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

If the system administrator has set a password with the enable password command, you are prompted to enter the password before gaining access to privileged EXEC mode. The password is case sensitive. The default password on the ATM module is atm.


This example shows how to cause the system to enter privileged command mode, as indicated by the pound sign (#):

Password: <password>

Related Commands



Use the end command to exit configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

You can also press Ctrl-Z to exit configuration mode.


This example shows how to exit configuration mode and return to EXEC mode:


Related Commands



Use the exit command at the system prompt to exit any command mode or close an active terminal session and terminate the EXEC.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Available in all command modes.

Usage Guidelines

When you enter the exit command at the EXEC level, the EXEC session is ended. Use the exit command at the configuration level to return to privileged EXEC mode. Use the exit command in interface and line command modes to return to global configuration mode. Use the exit command in subinterface configuration mode to return to interface configuration mode. You can also press Ctrl-Z in any configuration mode to return to privileged EXEC mode.


This example shows how to exit an active session:


Related Commands



Use the help command to display a brief description of the help system.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Available in all ATM command modes.

Usage Guidelines

To list all commands available for a particular command mode, enter a question mark (?) at the
system prompt.

To obtain commands that begin with a particular character string, enter the abbreviated command entry and then a question mark (?). This form of help is called word help, because it lists only the keywords or arguments that begin with the abbreviation you entered.

To list associated keywords or arguments for a command, enter a question mark (?) in place of a keyword or argument on the command line. This form of help is called command syntax help, because it lists the keywords or arguments that apply based on the command, keywords, and arguments you have already entered.


This example shows how to display a brief description of the help system:

Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering
a question mark '?'. If nothing matches, the help list will
be empty and you must backup until entering a '?' shows the
available options.
Two styles of help are provided:
1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a
command argument (e.g. 'show ?') and describes each possible
2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered
and you want to know what arguments match the input
(e.g. 'show pr?'.)

This example shows how to use word help to display the privileged EXEC commands that begin with the letters co:

configure copy


Use the history command to enable the command history function or to change the command history buffer size for a particular line. Use the no form of this command to disable the command history feature.

[no] history [size number-of-lines]

Syntax Description

size number-of-lines

(Optional) Keyword to specify the number of command entries that the system will record in its history buffer. The range of number-of-lines is 0 to 256.


The default is number-of-lines is set to 10.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Line configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The history command provides a record of EXEC commands you have entered. This feature is useful for recalling long or complex commands or entries, such as access lists.

The history command enables the history function with the last buffer size specified or with the default of ten lines if there was no prior setting. The history size number-of-lines command sets the number of command entries stored in the command history buffer.

The no history command disables the history feature but remembers the buffer size if it was set to a value other than the default. The no history size command resets the buffer size to the default.

Table 7-2 lists the keys and functions you can use to recall commands from the command history buffer.

Table 7-2   History Keys

Key Function

Up Arrow or Ctrl-P1

Recalls commands in the history buffer in a backward sequence, beginning with the most recent command. Repeat the key sequence to recall older commands.

Down Arrow or Ctrl-N1

Returns to more recent commands in the history buffer after recalling commands with the up arrow or Ctrl-P. Repeat the key sequence to recall more recent commands.

1The arrow keys function only with ANSI-compatible terminals such as VT100s.


This example shows how to configure virtual terminal line 4 with a history buffer size of 35 lines:

ATM#config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with Ctrl-Z.
ATM(config)#line vty 4
ATM(config-line)#history size 35

Related Commands

show history


Use the interface command within privileged EXEC mode to enter the interface configuration mode.

interface atm_num[.sub_interface_num mul] | loopback_num

Syntax Description


Number of the ATM interface; valid values are from 0 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Number of the subinterface.


(Optional) Keyword to specify multipoint.


Loopback interface number; valid values are from 0 to 2147483647.


This command has no default settings.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration and subinterface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If you do not specify the mul keyword when entering a subinterface number, the CLI does not accept the command.


This example shows how to enter interface configuration mode for interface atm0:

ATM(config)#interface atm0

This example shows how to enter subinterface configuration mode for subinterface atm0.1:

ATM(config-if)#interface atm0.1

lane auto-config-atm-address

Use the lane auto-config-atm-address command to specify that the ATM address is computed automatically for the LECS or the LES and LEC, depending on whether the config keyword is used. Use the no form of this command to remove the previously assigned ATM address.

[no] lane [config] auto-config-atm-address

Syntax Description


(Optional) Keyword to specify the LECS ATM address.


The default is that no specific ATM address or method is set.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

When the config keyword is not present, this command causes the LES and LEC on the subinterface to use the automatically assigned ATM address for the LECS.

When the config keyword is present, this command assigns the automatically generated ATM address to the LECS configured on the interface. Multiple commands that assign ATM addresses to the LECS can be issued on the same interface to assign different ATM addresses to the LECS. Commands that assign ATM addresses to the LECS include lane auto-config-atm-address, lane config-atm-address, and lane fixed-config-atm-address.


This example shows how to associate the LECS with the database named network1 and how to specify that the LECS ATM address is automatically assigned:

ATM(config-if)#lane config auto-config-atm-address
lane database network1
name eng server-atm-address 39.0000014155551211.0800.AA00.1001.02
name mkt server-atm-address 39.0000014155551211.0800.AA00.4001.01
lane config network1
lane auto-config-atm-address

Related Commands Related Commands

lane config database
lane config-atm-address

lane bus-atm-address

Use the lane bus-atm-address command to define the ATM address for the LANE BUS. Use the no form of this command to remove the ATM address for the BUS.

[no] lane bus-atm-address bus_name atm-addr

Syntax Description


Name of the BUS.


ATM address of the BUS.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to define the ATM address for the LANE BUS:

ATM(config-if)#lane bus-atm-address

lane client

Use the lane client command to activate a LANE client on the specified subinterface. Use the no form of this command to remove a previously activated LANE client on the subinterface.

[no] lane client [ethernet vlan_num [elan-name]]

Syntax Description


Keyword to indicate the type of ELAN attached to the interface.


Number of the VLAN that corresponds to the specified ELAN.


(Optional) Name of the ELAN. This argument is optional because the client obtains its ELAN name from the configuration server. Maximum length for elan-name is 32 characters.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If you already entered a lane client command on the subinterface for a different ELAN, the client initiates termination procedures for that ELAN and joins the new ELAN.

If you do not provide an elan-name value, the client contacts the server to find which ELAN to join. If you provide an elan-name value, the client consults the configuration server to ensure that no conflicting bindings exist.


This example shows how to activate the LANE client for a VLAN 3 called eng:

ATM(config-subif)#lane client ethernet vlan 3 eng

Related Commands Related Command

lane client-atm-address

lane client-atm-address

Use the lane client-atm-address command to specify an ATM address and to override automatic ATM address assignment for the LANE client on the specified subinterface. Use the no form of this command to remove the ATM address previously specified for the LANE client on the specified subinterface and revert to automatic address assignment.

[no] lane client-atm-address atm-address-template

Syntax Description


ATM address or a template in which wildcard characters are replaced by any nibble or group of nibbles of the prefix bytes, the ESI bytes, or the selector byte of the automatically assigned ATM address.


The default is automatic ATM address assignment.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If you use this command on a selected subinterface, but with a different ATM address than was used previously, it replaces the LANE client's ATM address.

A LANE ATM address has the same syntax as an NSAP (but it is not a network-level address):

LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single character and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters. The values of the characters replaced by wildcards come from the automatically assigned ATM address.

In LANE, a prefix template matches the ATM address prefix explicitly but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector fields. An ESI template matches the ESI field explicitly but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector.

In our implementation of LANE, the prefix corresponds to the switch, the ESI corresponds to the ATM interface, and the Selector field corresponds to the specific subinterface of the interface.


This example shows how to use an ESI template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the interface; the remaining parts of the ATM address come from automatic assignment, designated by the double asterisks:

ATM(config-if)#lane client-atm-address...0800.200C.1001.**

This example shows how to use a prefix template to specify the part of the ATM address corresponding to the switch; the remaining parts of the ATM address come from automatic assignment, designated by the ellipses:

ATM(config-if)#lane client-atm-address 47.000014155551212f.00.00...

Related Commands Related Command

lane client

lane client mpoa client name

Use the lane client mpoa client name command to bind a LEC to the named MPC. Use the no form of this command to unbind the named MPC from a LEC.

[no] lane client mpoa client name mpc-name

Syntax Description


Name of the specific MPC.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

When you enter this command, the named MPC binds to a LEC. The named MPC must exist before this command is accepted. If you enter this command before a LEC is configured (not necessarily running), a warning message is issued.


This example shows how to bind a LEC on a subinterface to the MPC:

ATM (config-subif)#lane client mpoa client name ip_mpc
ATM (config-subif)#

Related Commands Related Command

show mpoa client

lane client qos

Use the lane client qos database_name command to apply the database to an interface. Use the no form of this command to remove the database from the interface.

[no] lane client qos database_name

Syntax Description


Name of the QoS database.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to apply a LANE QoS database to a subinterface:

ATM (config-subif)#lane client qos fred
ATM (config-subif)#

Related Commands Related Command

lane qos database
show lane qos database

lane config-atm-address

Use the lane config-atm-address command to specify the ATM address of a given configuration server. Use the no form of this command to remove an assigned ATM address.

[no] lane config-atm-address atm-address-template

Syntax Description


ATM address or template in which wildcard characters are replaced by any nibble or group of nibbles of the prefix bytes, the ESI bytes, or the selector byte of the automatically assigned ATM address.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

C isco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command causes the LANE client on the subinterface to use the specified ATM address (rather than the ATM address provided by the ILMI) to locate the configuration server.

A LANE ATM address has the same syntax as an NSAP (but it is not a network-level address):

LANE ATM address templates can use two types of wildcards: an asterisk (*) to match any single character and an ellipsis (...) to match any number of leading or trailing characters. The values of the characters replaced by wildcards come from the automatically assigned ATM address.

In LANE, a prefix template explicitly matches the ATM address prefix but uses wildcards for the ESI and selector fields. An ESI template explicitly matches the ESI field but uses wildcards for the prefix and selector.

In our implementation of LANE, the prefix corresponds to the switch, the ESI corresponds to the ATM interface, and the Selector field corresponds to the specific subinterface of the interface.


This example shows how to specify the ATM address of the LANE configuration server:

ATM(config-subif)#lane config-atm-address 39.000000000000014155551211.0800200c1001.00

Related Commands Related Command

show lane

lane config database

Use the lane config database command to associate a named configuration table (database) with the configuration server on the selected ATM interface. Use the no form of this command to remove the association between a named database and the configuration server.

[no] lane config database database-name

Syntax Description


Name of the LANE database.


The default is that no configuration server is defined, and no database name is provided.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command is valid only on a major interface, not a subinterface, because only one LANE configuration server can exist for a switch cloud.

The named database must exist before you enter the lane config database command. See the lane database command for more information.

You cannot enter multiple lane config database commands on the same interface. You must delete an existing association using the no form of this command before you can enter a new association.

Activating a LANE client requires the lane config database command and one of these commands: lane fixed-config-atm-address, lane auto-config-atm-address, or lane config-atm address.


This example shows how to associate a named configuration database with the configuration server:

ATM(config)#interface atm0
ATM(config-if)#lane config database test

Related Commands Related Commands

lane auto-config-atm-address
lane config-atm-address
lane database

lane database

Use the lane database command to create a named configuration database that can be associated with a configuration server when one is configured. Use the no form of this command to delete all entries in the specified database.

[no] lane database database-name

Syntax Description


Database name (32 characters maximum).


The default is that no name is provided.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

A LANE database contains entries that bind an ELAN name to the ATM address of the LANE server, bind LANE client MAC addresses to an ELAN name, and bind LANE client ATM address templates to an ELAN name.

Entering the lane database command places you in database configuration mode, in which you can enter the client-atm-address name, default name, mac-address name, and name server-atm-address commands to create entries in the specified database. When you are done creating entries, type Ctrl-Z or exit to return to global configuration mode.


This example shows how to create a configuration database named test:

ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)#lane qos database test

Related Commands Related Commands

client-atm-address name

lane le-arp

Use the lane le-arp command to add a static entry to the LE ARP table of the LANE client configured on the subinterface. Use the no form of this command to remove a static entry.

[no] lane le-arp mac-addr atm-addr

Syntax Description


MAC address to bind to the specified ATM address.


ATM address to bind to the specified MAC address.


The default is that no static address bindings are provided.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command only adds or removes a static entry binding a MAC address to an ATM address. It does not add or remove dynamic entries. Removing the static entry for a specified ATM address from an LE ARP table does not release Data Direct VCCs established to that ATM address. However, clearing a static entry clears any fast-cache entries that were created from the MAC address-to-ATM address binding.

Static LE ARP entries are not aged and are not removed automatically.

To remove dynamic entries from the LE ARP table of the LANE client on the specified subinterface, enter the clear lane le-arp command.


This command adds a static entry to the LE ARP table:

ATM(config-if)#lane le-arp 0800.aa00.0101 47.000014155551212f.00.00.0800.200C.1001.01

Related Commands Related Command

show lane le-arp

lane qos database

Use the lane qos database command to create the LANE QoS database. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified database.

[no] lane qos database name

Syntax Description


Database name (32 characters maximum).


The default is that no name is provided.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Global configuration.


This example shows how to create a configuration database named test:

ATM# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM(config)#lane qos database test

Related Commands Related Commands

lane client qos
show lane qos database

lane qos iptos trust

Use the lane qos iptos trust global configuration command to change the LANE QoS mode to trusted. Use the no form of the command to change the LANE QoS mode to untrusted.

[no] lane qos iptos trust

Syntax Description


Keyword to specify the IP Type of Service header.


Keyword to specify the trusted command mode.


The default LANE QoS command mode is untrusted.

Command Modes

Global configuration.


This example shows how to set the mode to trusted:

ATM(config)# lane qos iptos trust


Related Commands Related Commands

lane client qos
show lane qos database

lane register

Use the lane register command to register a LANE client connected by a PVC to the LANE server on the subinterface. Use the no form of this command to remove a prior entry.

[no] lane register vcd mac-addr atm-addr

Syntax Description


Virtual channel descriptor of the Server Direct PVC through which the LANE client is connected to the LANE server.


MAC address of the LANE client.


ATM address of the LANE client.


The default is that no PVC is defined, and no MAC address and ATM address are provided.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Ordinarily, SVCs are used instead of PVCs for communications within ELANs, and registration occurs dynamically via the LANE protocol. Use the lane register command only when you use PVCs.

If you use PVCs instead of SVCs for Server Direct circuits between the LANE server and LANE clients, use this command on the LANE server to identify the MAC address and the ATM address of the LANE client at the other end of a virtual circuit. If the client at the other end has a different ATM address, it is not allowed to join the ELAN.

Use the lane pvc command on a LANE client and the lane register command on a LANE server to enable PVCs, instead of SVCs alone, for LANE. The vcd value in the lane register command must match the vcd value in a lane pvc command and in an atm pvc command.

If you use PVCs for the Control Direct VCCs, you must also use PVCs for the Control Distribute VCCs. If you use PVCs for the Multicast Send VCCs, you must also use PVCs for the Multicast Forward VCCs.


This example shows how to register a LANE client connected by a PVC to the LANE server on the subinterface:

ATM(config)#interface atm0.1
ATM(config-subif)#lane register 98 0800.aa00.0101 47.000014155551212f.00.00.0800.200C.1001.01

Related Commands Related Command

show lane

lane server-atm-address

Use the lane server-atm-address command to configure the LES ATM address. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified LES.

[no] lane server-atm-address les_name atm-address-template

Syntax Description


Name of the LES.

atm-address- template

ATM address or template in which wildcard characters are replaced by any nibble or group of nibbles of the prefix bytes, the ESI bytes, or the selector byte of the automatically assigned ATM address.


The default is Ethernet.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

For complete information on using ATM address templates, refer to the "Configuring ATM LANE Emulation" chapter in the Software Configuration Guide for your switch.


This example shows how to configure the LES ATM address:

ATM(config-if)#lane server-atm-address 39.000000000000014155551211.0800200c1001.00.

lane server-bus

Use the lane server-bus command to configure the LES and BUS for the specified ELAN on the subinterface. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified LES/BUS.

[no] lane server-bus {ethernet | tokenring} elan_name [elan-id id]

Syntax Description


Keyword to specify an Ethernet network.


Keyword to specify a Token Ring network.


Name of the ELAN.


(Optional) Keyword to specify the ELAN ID.


ELAN ID of the ELAN.


The default is Ethernet.

Note   Only emulated Ethernet LANs are supported.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The LES/BUS of an ELAN must be co-located.

The maximum length of the elan_name is 32 characters.

If you have already entered the lane server-bus command on the subinterface for a different ELAN, the LES terminates procedures with all LECs and appears as the LES for the new ELAN.

To participate in MPOA, a LEC must have an ELAN ID. The lane server-bus command enables the LEC to obtain the ELAN ID from the LES when the LEC bypasses the LECS phase.

Caution   If an ELAN ID is supplied, ensure that it corresponds to the same ELAN ID value specified in the LECS for the same ELAN.

You can also enter the name elan-id command to obtain the ELAN ID from the LECS. The no form of this command removes a previously configured LES/BUS on the subinterface.


This example shows how to enable the LES/BUS for an Ethernet ELAN:

ATM(config-subif)#lane server-bus ethernet default

Related Commands Related Commands

lane server-atm-address


Use the mac-address command to set the MAC layer address.

mac-address ieee-address

Syntax Description


48-bit IEEE MAC address written as a dotted triplet of 4-digit hexadecimal numbers.


The default is no MAC layer address is set.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

If you have a LECS, LES, or BUS configured on an ATM module, and you replace the supervisor engine or move the ATM module from one slot to another, you can enter the mac-address command to modify the default ATM address network service access points (NSAPs). This way, if you replace the supervisor engine or move the ATM module from one slot to another, the NSAP is taken from the MAC address instead of the supervisor engine.


This example shows how to set the MAC layer address, where xx.xxxx is an appropriate second half of the MAC address to use:

ATM(config-if)#mac-address 5000.5axx.xxxx

mpoa client config name

Use the mpoa client config name command to define an MPC with a specified name. Use the no form of this command to delete the MPC.

[no] mpoa client config name mpc-name

Syntax Description


Name of the specific MPC.


The system defaults are as follows:

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

When you enter this command, you are placed in the MPC configuration/definition mode. From here, you can enter subcommands to define or change MPC variables specific only to this MPC. Note that the MPC is not functional until it is attached to a hardware interface.


This example shows how to create or modify the MPC named ip_mpc:

ATM> enable
ATM (config)#mpoa client config name ip_mpc

Related Commands Related Commands


mpoa client name

Use the mpoa client name command to attach an MPC to a major ATM interface. Use the no form of this command to break the attachment.

[no] mpoa client name mpc-name

Syntax Description


Name of the specific MPC.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The mpoa client name command provides an interface to the MPC through which the MPC can set up and receive calls.

When you enter this command on a major interface that is up and operational, the named MPC becomes operational. After the MPC is fully operational, it can register its ATM address.


This example shows how to attach the MPC ip_mpc to an interface:

ATM (config)#mpoa client config name ip_mpc
mpoa-client-config#interface atm 1/0
config-if#mpoa client name ip_mpc

Related Commands Related Commands

show mpoa client
mpoa client config name
show mpoa default-atm-addresses

mpoa server config name

Use the mpoa server config name command to define an MPS with the specified name. Use the no form of this command to delete an MPS.

[no] mpoa server config name mps-name

Syntax Description


Name of the specific MPS.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The mpoa server config name command defines an MPS with the specified name. The MPS does not start functioning until it is attached to a specific hardware interface. Once that attachment is complete, the MPS starts functioning. When you configure or create an MPS, you automatically enter the MPS configuration mode.

You can define the MPS variables specific to an MPS, only after that MPS is defined with a specified name. After you enter this command, you may enter further commands to change MPS variables that are specific only to this MPS.


This example shows how to attach the MPC ip_mpc to an interface:

ATM (config)#mpoa client config name ip_mpc
mpoa-client-config#interface atm 1/0
config-if#mpoa client name ip_mpc

Related Commands Related Commands

show mpoa client
mpoa client config name
show mpoa default-atm-addresses


Use the mtu command to set the interface MTU.

mtu size

Syntax Description


MTU size in bytes. Valid values are from 64 to 17944. Valid ATM values are 1500, 4528, and 9218 for Ethernet; and 4490 and 9180 for Token Ring.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

This command is not supported by these modules:


This example shows how to set the MTU to 1500 for an Ethernet module:

ATM (config-if)#mtu 1500
ATM (config-if)#

Related Commands Related Command

show vlan


Use the name command to assign a unique ELAN name to an LES and to configure an ELAN. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified ELAN name.

[no] name elan-name elan-id id {local-seg-id | new-name | preempt | restricted | server-atm-address | un-restricted} atm-addr

Syntax Description


Name of the ELAN.


Keyword to specify the ELAN ID of the ELAN.


ELAN ID of the ELAN.


Keyword to specify the local segment number for this emulated TR LAN.


Keyword to introduce a new name for this ELAN.


Keyword to turn on higher priority LES preemption.


Keyword to close this ELAN to access by name only.

server-atm- address

Keyword to specify the LES-NSAP address for this ELAN.


Keyword to open this ELAN to access by name only.


ATM address of the LANE client.


The default has higher priority LES preemption off.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Database configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when setting up the LECS database on Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switches or when configuring the address of a LES/BUS.

When you enter the name elan-name elan-id id preempt command to turn on higher priority LES preemption, if the primary LANE server (LES) fails, a switchover to a secondary LES occurs. But when a LES that is ranked higher in the priority list becomes active, the active LES is switched to the new LES (with the higher priority).

If you use the default configuration, the second switchover to the new LES does not occur, regardless of the priority. Use the no form of the command to turn off higher priority LES preemption.

The new-name and preempt keywords are supported in Catalyst 5000 and 2926G series ATM software release 3.2(8) and later.


This example shows how to configure the LES ATM NSAP address for the default ELAN:

ATM(lane-config-database)#name default server-atm-address 47.0091810000000061705b7701.00400BFF0011.00

Related Commands Related Commands

lane database


Use the reload command to halt and perform a cold restart on the module.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

The reload command halts the ATM module. If you set the ATM module to restart on error, it reboots itself. Use the reload command after you enter configuration information into a file and save to the startup configuration.

Once you have confirmed the reload, you are logged out of the session and returned to the
Console> prompt.

You cannot reload from a virtual terminal if the system is not set up for automatic booting. This restriction prevents the system from dropping to the ROM monitor and taking the system out of the remote user's control.

If you modify your configuration file, the system prompts you to save the configuration. During a save operation, the system asks you if you want to proceed with the save if the CONFIG_FILE environment variable points to a startup configuration file that no longer exists. If you say "yes" in this situation, the system goes to setup mode upon reload.


This example shows how to reload the system from the privileged EXEC prompt:

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: y
Building configuration...
Proceed with reload? [confirm]


Use the shortcut-frame-count command to specify the maximum number of times a packet can be routed to the default router within the shortcut-frame time before an MPOA resolution request is sent. Use the no form of this command to restore the default shortcut-setup frame count value.

[no] shortcut-frame-count count

Syntax Description


Shortcut-setup frame count.


The default is 10 frames.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

MPC configuration.


This example shows how to set the shortcut-setup frame count to 5 for the MPC:

mpoa-client-config#shortcut-frame-count 5

Related Commands Related Commands

mpoa client config name


Use the shortcut-frame-time command to set the shortcut-setup frame time (in seconds) for the MPC. Use the no form of this command to restore the default shortcut-setup frame-time value.

[no] shortcut-frame-time time

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shortcut-setup frame time in seconds.


The default is 1 second.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

MPC configuration.


This example shows how to set the shortcut-setup frame time to 7 for the MPC:

mpoa-client-config#shortcut-frame-time 7

Related Commands Related Commands

mpoa client config name

show atm ilmi-status atm

Use the show atm ilmi-status atm command to display ILMI-related information.

show atm ilmi-status atm mod_num/subcard_num/port_num

Syntax Description


Number of the module.


Number of the submodule.


Number of the port for the ATM interface.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display ILMI-related information.

ATM#show atm ilmi-status atm 0/0/3
Interface : ATM0/0/3 Interface Type : Private UNI (Network-side)
ILMI VCC : (0, 16) ILMI Keepalive : Enabled (5 Seconds)
Addr Reg State: UpAndNormal
Peer IP Addr:
Peer MaxVPIbits: 8 Peer MaxVCIbits: 14
Configured Prefix(s) :

Table 7-3 describes the fields shown in the show atm ilmi-status atm output.

Table 7-3   show atm ilmi-status Command Output Fields

Field Description


Number of the module, submodule, and port of the specified ATM interface.

Interface Type

Type of interface for the specified ATM interface.


Number of the current ILMI VCC for the specified ATM.

ILMI Keepalive

Status and the set time for the ILMI for the specified ATM.

Configured Prefix

Prefix for the ATM.

show atm interface atm0

Use the show atm interface atm0 command to display information about the ATM interface.

show atm interface atm0

Note   The interface number atm0 must always be used for the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series ATM module.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display statistics on the ATM module:

ATM#show atm interface atm0
ATM interface ATM0:
AAL enabled: AAL5 , Maximum VCs: 4096, Current VCCs: 2
Tx buffers 32, Rx buffers 32, Exception Queue: 32, Raw Queue: 32
VP Filter: 0x0, VCIs per VPI: 1024, Max. Datagram Size:1580
PLIM Type:SONET - 155Mbps, TX clocking: LINE
0 input, 0 output, 0 IN fast, 0 OUT fast
Config. is ACTIVE

Table 7-4 describes the fields in the show atm interface atm0 output.

Table 7-4   show atm interface atm0 Command Output Fields

Field Description

ATM interface

ATM interface number.

AAL enabled

AAL type currently enabled.

Maximum VCs

Maximum number of virtual connections this interface can support.

Current VCCs

Number of virtual connections currently active on the interface.

Tx buffers

Number of transmit buffers on the interface.

Rx buffers

Number of receive buffers on the interface.

VCIs per VPI

Maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI (as configured using the atm vc-per-vp command).

Max. Datagram Size

Maximum datagram size supported by the interface.


PLIM type and speed.

TX clocking

Transmit clocking method used on the interface.


Number of packets received from process switch.


Number of packets sent to process switch.

IN fast

Number of packets received from fast process switch.

OUT fast

Number of packets sent to fast process switch.

Config. is

Status of the configuration: ACTIVE or VALID in n SECONDS. ACTIVE indicates that the current Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switch configuration has been loaded into the switch and is being used. VALID in n SECONDS indicates that the configuration will be active in n seconds. There is a 5-second inactive period whenever a new configuration is sent to the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series switch.

show atm traffic

Use the show atm traffic command to display current global ATM traffic information to and from all ATM networks connected to the ATM module.

show atm traffic

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows sample output from the show atm traffic command:

ATM#show atm traffic
949 Input packets
948 Output packets
0 Broadcast packets
0 Packets received on non-existent VC
0 Packets attempted to send on non-existent VC
0 OAM cells received
0 OAM cells sent

Table 7-5 describes the fields in the show atm traffic output.

Table 7-5   show atm traffic Command Output Fields

Field Description

Input packets

Total number of input ATM packets.

Output packets

Total number of nonbroadcast output ATM packets.

Broadcast packets

Total number of broadcast output ATM packets.

Packets received on nonexistent VC

Number of packets received addressed to a virtual connection that is not configured.

Packets attempted to send on nonexistent VC

Number of packets attempted to send to a virtual connection that is not configured.

OAM cells received

Number of OAM cells received.

OAM cells sent

Number of OAM cells sent.

Related Commands Related Command

atm pvc

show atm vc

Use the show atm vc command to display the active ATM virtual connections (PVCs and SVCs) and traffic information.

show atm vc [vcd]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the virtual connection for which information is displayed.


If you do not specify a vcd, the command displays information for all SVCs. The output is in summary form (one line per VC).

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display statistics for all VCs:

ATM#show atm vc
AAL / Peak Avg. Burst
Interface VCD VPI VCI Type Encapsulation Kbps Kbps Cells Status

Table 7-6 describes the fields in the show atm vc output.

Table 7-6   show atm vc Command Output Fields

Field Description


Interface on which the VC is configured.


VCD of the VC.


VPI of the VC.


VCI of the VC.


Type of virtual connection (PVC or SVC).


AAL type and encapsulation type configured for the virtual connection.


Status of the virtual connection (ACTIVE or INACTIVE).

show atm vlan

Use the show atm vlan command to display the active VLAN-to-PVC bindings.

show atm vlan [vlan_num]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the VC about which information is displayed. The range of vlan_num is 1 to 1023.


If you do not specify a vlan_num, all active VLAN-to-PVC bindings are displayed.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC.


After entering the show atm vlan command, you see this display:

ATM#show atm vlan
10 5
11 5

The display shows the VCD of the VC and the VLAN-ID of the VLAN to which the VC belongs.

show history

Use the show history command to list the commands you have entered in the current EXEC session.

show history

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

The command history feature provides a record of EXEC commands you have entered. The number of commands the history buffer records is determined by the history size line configuration command or the terminal history size EXEC command.

Table 7-7 lists the keys and functions you can use to recall commands from the command history buffer.

Table 7-7   History Keys

Key Function

Up arrow or Ctrl-P 1

Recalls commands in the history buffer in a backward sequence, beginning with the most recent command. Repeat the key sequence to recall older commands.

Down arrow or Ctrl-N 1

Returns to more recent commands in the history buffer after recalling commands with Ctrl-P or the up arrow. Repeat the key sequence to recall more recent commands.

1The arrow keys function only with ANSI-compatible terminals such as VT100s.


This example shows how to list the command history:

ATM#show history
show atm traffic
show atm vlan
show lane
show history

show lane

Use the show lane command to display global and per-VCC LANE information for all the LANE clients configured on an interface, a subinterface, or an ELAN.

show lane [interface atm0[.subinterface] | name elan-name] [brief]

Note   This command displays exactly the same information as the show lane client command.

Syntax Description

interface atm0

(Optional) Keyword to specify ATM interface 0.


(Optional) Number of the subinterface; the period (.) is required.

name elan-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of an ELAN; the maximum length of elan-name is 32 characters.


(Optional) Keyword to display only global information, not per-VCC information.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows sample output of the show lane command:

ATM#show lane
LE Client ATM0.2 ELAN name: blue Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 1
HW Address: 0040.0bf0.0020 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 39.000000550055005500550055.00400BF00020.02
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C2.00
14 3 4 direct 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C0.01
15 1 0 distribute39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C0.01
16 0 8 send 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C1.01
17 14 0 forward 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C1.01
18 25 28 data 39.000000550055005500550055.00400BF00420.00

Table 7-8 describes the fields in the show lane output.

Table 7-8   show lane Command Output Fields

Field Description

LE Client

Interface or subinterface this LANE client is on.

ELAN name

Name of the ELAN this client is linked to.


Status of this LANE client. Possible states include initialState, lecsConnect, configure, join, busConnect, and operational.

HW Address

MAC address, in dotted hexadecimal notation, assigned to this LANE client.


ELAN type.

Max Frame Size

Maximum frame size on this ELAN.

ATM Address

ATM address of the LANE client.


VCD for the VCCs established for this LANE client.


Number of frames received on the VCC.


Number of frames transmitted on the VCC.


Type of VCC. Possible VCC types are configure, direct, distribute, send, forward, and data.

ATM Address

ATM address of the LANE component at the other end of the VCC.

Related Commands Related Commands

show lane bus
show lane client
show lane config
show lane default-atm-addresses
show lane le-arp
show lane server

show lane bus

Use the show lane bus command to display LANE information for the BUSs configured on all servers, on a specified interface, or on an ELAN.

show lane bus [interface atm0[.subinterface] | name elan-name] [brief]

Syntax Description

interface atm0

(Optional) Keyword to specify ATM interface 0.


(Optional) Number of the subinterface; the period (.) is required.

name elan-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify an ELAN; the maximum length of elan-name is 32 characters.


(Optional) Keyword to display only global information, not per-VCC information.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display information about all LANE BUSs:

ATM#show lane bus
LE BUS ATM0.1 ELAN name: default Admin: up State: operational
type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM address: 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020012.01
data forward: vcd 16, 4 members, 31324 packets, 0 unicasts
lecid vcd pkts ATM Address
1 13 0 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020010.01
2 19 0 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B010040.01
3 22 31321 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400BC5D430.01
4 171 3 47.0091810000000061705B8301.0060705B8302.00

Table 7-9 describes the fields in the show lane bus output.

Table 7-9   show lane bus Output Fields

Field Description


Interface or subinterface on which the BUS is configured.

ELAN name

Name of the ELAN with which the BUS is associated.


State of the BUS.


Type of ELAN.

Max Frame Size

Maximum frame size allowed on the ELAN.

ATM address

ATM address of the BUS.

data forward

Information about data forwarding performed by the BUS.

Related Commands Related Commands

show lane
show lane client
show lane config
show lane default-atm-addresses
show lane le-arp
show lane server

show lane client

Use the show lane client command to display global and per-VCC LANE information for all the LANE clients configured on an interface, a subinterface, or an ELAN.

show lane client [interface atm0[.subinterface] | name elan-name] [brief]

Note   This command displays the same output as the show lane command.

Syntax Description

interface atm0

(Optional) Keyword to specify ATM interface 0.


(Optional) Number of the subinterface. The period (.) is required.

name elan-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of an ELAN. The maximum length of elan-name is 32 characters.


(Optional) Keyword to display only global information,
not per-VCC information.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display LANE client information:

ATM#show lane client
LE Client ATM0.2 ELAN name: blue Admin: up State: operational
Client ID: 1
HW Address: 0040.0bf0.0020 Type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM Address: 39.000000550055005500550055.00400BF00020.02
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C2.00
14 3 4 direct 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C0.01
15 1 0 distribute39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C0.01
16 0 8 send 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C1.01
17 14 0 forward 39.000000550055005500550055.00000C0425C1.01
18 25 28 data 39.000000550055005500550055.00400BF00420.00

For a description of the fields in the show lane client command output, see Table 7-13.

Related Commands Related Commands

show lane
show lane bus
show lane config
show lane default-atm-addresses
show lane le-arp

show lane config

Use the show lane config command to display LANE information about the LECS.

show lane config [interface atm0] [brief]

Syntax Description

interface atm0

(Optional) Keyword to specify the ATM interface.


(Optional) Keyword to display only global information, not per-VCC information.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display information about the LECS:

ATM#show lane config
LE Config Server ATM0 config table: test
Admin: up State: operational
LECS Mastership State: active master
list of global LECS addresses (0 seconds to update):
47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020013.00 <-------- me
47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B010043.00 connected outgoing call (vcd 24)
ATM Address of this LECS: 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020013.00 (auto)
vcd rxCnt txCnt callingParty
7 4 4 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020011.01 LES default 0 active
26 0 0 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B010041.01 LES default 1 backup
cumulative total number of unrecognized packets received so far: 0
cumulative total number of config requests received so far: 151
cumulative total number of config failures so far: 143
cause of last failure: no configuration
culprit for the last failure: 47.0091810000000061705B8301.0060705B8302.00

Table 7-10 describes the fields in the show lane config output.

Table 7-10   show lane config Output Fields

Field Description

LE Config Server ATM0 config table

LECS table.


Operational state of the LECS.

LECS Mastership State

Master state of the LECS.

list of global LECS addresses (0 seconds to update)

ATM addresses of the LECS on the network (and the number of seconds until the list is next updated).

ATM Address of this LECS

ATM address of the LECS configured on this interface.

cumulative total number of unrecognized packets received so far

Number of unrecognized packets received by the LECS.

cumulative total number of config requests received so far

Number of configuration requests received by the LECS.

cause of last failure

Cause of the last configuration failure.

culprit for the last failure

ATM address of the device that caused the last configuration failure.

Related Commands Related Commands

show lane
show lane bus
show lane client
show lane default-atm-addresses
show lane le-arp
show lane server

show lane default-atm-addresses

Use the show lane default-atm-addresses command to display default ATM addresses for the LEC, LES/BUS, and LECS.

show lane default-atm-addresses

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

If the two PHYs of the ATM dual PHY card connect to different switches, and if you configure the ATM card to have a LES/BUS or LECS, you must determine the addresses to be used if the first PHY goes down. See the atm preferred phy command for more information.


After entering the show lane default-atm-addresses command, you see this display:

ATM#show lane default-atm-addresses
interface ATM0:
LANE Client: ...00E0B06F1840.**
LANE Server: ...00E0B06F1841.**
LANE Bus: ...00E0B06F1842.**
LANE Config Server: ...00E0B06F1843.00
note: ** is the subinterface number byte in hex

The display shows the last 12 digits of the default LEC, LES, BUS, and LECS ATM addresses (followed by the subinterface number).

Related Commands Related Commands

atm preferred phy
show lane default-atm-addresses

show lane le-arp

Use the show lane le-arp command to display the LE ARP table of the LANE client configured on an interface or any of its subinterfaces, on a specified subinterface, or on an ELAN.

show lane le-arp [interface atm0[.subinterface] | name elan-name]

Syntax Description

interface atm0

(Optional) Keyword to specify ATM interface 0.


(Optional) Number of the subinterface; the period (.) is required.

name elan-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of an ELAN; the maximum length of elan-name is 32 characters.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display the LANE ARP table of the LEC:

ATM#show lane le-arp
Hardware Addr ATM Address VCD Interface
0000.0c15.a2b5 39.000000000000000000000000.00000C15A2B5.01 39 ATM 0.1
0000.0c15.f3e5 39.000000000000000000000000.00000C15F3E5.01 25* ATM 0.1

Table 7-11 describes the fields in the show lane le-arp output.

Table 7-11   show lane le-arp Command Output Fields

Field Description

Hardware Addr

MAC address, in dotted hexadecimal notation, assigned to the LANE component at the other end of the specified VCD.

ATM Address

ATM address of the LANE component at the other end of the specified VCD.


Virtual channel descriptor.


Interface or subinterface used to reach the specified component.

Related Commands Related Commands

show lane
show lane le-arp

show lane qos database

Use the show lane qos database command to display the contents of a specific LANE QoS database.

show lane qos database name

Syntax Description


LANE QoS database to display.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display the contents of a LANE QoS database:

ATM# show lane qos database fred
QOS: fred
configured cos values: 4-7, usage: 1
dst nsap: 47.0091810000000061705B0C01.00E0B0951A40.0A
cos: 7, pcr: 500000, mcr: 100000

Related Commands Related Commands

lane qos database
lane client qos

show lane server

Use the show lane server command to display LANE information for the LESs configured on all servers, on a specified interface, or on an ELAN.

show lane server [interface atm0[.subinterface] | name elan-name] [brief]

Syntax Description

interface atm0

(Optional) Keyword to specify ATM interface 0.


(Optional) Number of the subinterface; the period (.) is required.

name elan-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify an ELAN; the maximum length of elan-name is 32 characters.


(Optional) Keyword to display only global information, not per-VCC information.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display LANE information for the LES:

ATM#show lane server
LE Server ATM0.1 ELAN name: default Admin: up State: operational
type: ethernet Max Frame Size: 1516
ATM address: 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020011.01
LECS used: 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020013.00 connected, vcd 8
control distribute: vcd 12, 4 members, 9086 packets
proxy/ (ST: Init, Conn, Waiting, Adding, Joined, Operational, Reject, Term)
lecid ST vcd pkts Hardware Addr ATM Address
1P O 9 2 0040.0b02.0010 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B020010.01
2P O 18 2 0040.0b01.0040 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400B010040.01
3P O 21 9084 0040.0bc5.d430 47.0091810000000061705B8301.00400BC5D430.01
4 O 170 2 0060.705b.8302 47.0091810000000061705B8301.0060705B8302.00

Table 7-12 describes the fields in the show lane server output.

Table 7-12   show lane server Command Output Fields

Field Description

LE Server

LES for this interface.

ELAN name

Name of the ELAN associated with this LES.


Operational state of the LES.


ELAN type.

Max Frame Size

Maximum frame size allowed on the ELAN.

ATM address

ATM address of the LES.

LECS used

ATM address of the LECS used by the LES, the connection state, and the VCD used.

Related Commands Related Commands

show lane
show lane server

show mpoa client

Use the show mpoa client command to display a summary of information regarding one or all MPCs.

show mpoa client [name mpc-name] [brief]

Syntax Description

name mpc-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of the MPC.


(Optional) Keyword to specify the output limit of the command.


The default is that all MPC information is displayed.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

If you omit the name keyword, the command displays information for all MPCs.


This example shows output from the show mpoa client command:

ATM#show mpoa client name ip_mpc brief
MPC Name: ip_mpc, Interface: ATM1/0, State: Up
MPC actual operating address: 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.0010A6943825.00
Shortcut-Setup Count: 1, Shortcut-Setup Time: 1
Lane clients bound to MPC ip_mpc: ATM1/0.1
Discovered MPS neighbours kp-alv vcd rxPkts txPkts
47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.006070174824.00 59 30 28 2
Remote Devices known vcd rxPkts txPkts
47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000C5A0C5D.00 35 0 10

Table 7-13 describes the fields in the show mpoa client output.

Table 7-13   show mpoa client Command Output Fields

Field Description

MPC Name

Name specified for the MPC.


Interface to which the MPC is attached.


Current state of the MPC.

MPC actual operating address

ATM address of the MPC.

Shortcut-Setup Count

Current number specified by the shortcut-frame-count command.

Shortcut-Setup Time

Current value specified by the shortcut-frame-time command.

Lane clients bound to MPC ip_mpc

List of LANE clients currently bound to the MPC ip_mpc.

Discovered MPS neighbours

List of learned MPS addresses.


Number of seconds until the next keepalive message should be received.


Number that identifies the virtual connection.


Number of packets received from the learned MPS.


Number of packets transmitted to the learned MPS.

Remote Devices known

List of other devices (typically other MPCs) not in this ELAN.


Number that identifies the virtual connection to that MPC.


Number of packets received from the learned remote device.


Number of packets transmitted to the learned remote device.

Related Commands Related Command

mpoa client name

show mpoa client cache

Use the show mpoa client cache command to display the ingress or egress cache entries matching the IP addresses for the MPCs.

show mpoa client [name mpc-name] cache [ingress | egress] [ip-address ip-address]

Syntax Description

name mpc-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of the MPC.


(Optional) Keyword to display ingress cache entries associated with an MPC.


(Optional) Keyword to display egress cache entries associated with an MPC.

ip-address ip-address

(Optional) Keyword to display cache entries that match the specified IP address.

Defaults s

The system defaults are:

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

The more optional parameters specified, the more filtering is applied to the show command.


This example shows output from the show mpoa client cache command for a specific MPC:

ATM#show mpoa client ip_mpc cache
MPC Name: ip-mpc, Interface: ATM1/0, State: Up
MPC actual operating address: 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.0010A6943825.00
Shortcut-Setup Count: 1, Shortcut-Setup Time: 1
Number of Ingress cache entries: 1
MPC Ingress Cache Information:
Dst IP addr State vcd Expires Egress MPC Atm address RSVLD 35 11:38 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000C5A0C5D.00
Number of Egress cache entries: 1
MPC Egress Cache Information:
Dst IP addr Dst MAC Src MAC MPSid Elan Expires CacheId Tag 0000.0c5a.0c58 0060.7017.4820 9 2 11:55 1 1

Table 7-14 describes the fields in the show mpoa client cache output.

Table 7-14   show mpoa client cache Command Output Fields

Field Description

MPC Name

Name specified for the MPC.


Interface to which the MPC is attached.


Current state of the MPC (up or down).

MPC actual operating address

ATM address of the MPC.

Shortcut-Setup Count

Current number specified by the shortcut-frame-count command.

Number of Ingress cache entries

Number of entries in the ingress cache.

MPC Ingress Cache Information:

      Dst IP addr

IP address of the destination.


State of the ingress cache entry1.


Number that identifies the virtual connection.


Time in minutes/seconds until the ingress cache entry expires.

      Egress MPC       Atm address

ATM address of the egress MPC.

      Number of Egress cache entries

Number of entries in the egress cache.

MPC Egress Cache Information:

      Dst IP addr

IP address of the destination.

      Dst MAC

MAC address of the destination.

      Src MAC

MAC address of the source.


Unique number representing the egress MPS.


ELAN identifier of the ELAN serving this destination IP address.


Time in minutes/seconds until the egress cache entry expires.


Cache identifier.


Tag identifier.

1Valid states are initialized, trigger, refresh, hold_down, resolved, and suspended.

Related Commands Related Command

clear mpoa client cache

show mpoa client statistics

Use the show mpoa client statistics command to display all the statistics collected by an MPC.

show mpoa client [name mpc-name] statistics

Syntax Description

name mpc-name

(Optional) Keyword to specify the name of the MPC.


The defaults are that all the statistics collected by an MPC are displayed.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command displays all the statistics collected by an MPC.


This example shows output from the show mpoa client statistics command for the MPC ip_mpc:

ATM#show mpoa client name ip_mpc statistics
MPC Name: ip_mpc, Interface: ATM1/0, State: Up
MPC actual operating address: 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.0010A6943825.00
Shortcut-Setup Count: 1, Shortcut-Setup Time: 1
                            Transmitted Received
MPOA Resolution Requests 2 0
MPOA Resolution Replies 0 2
MPOA Cache Imposition Requests 0 0
MPOA Cache Imposition Replies 0 0
MPOA Cache Purge Requests 0 0
MPOA Cache Purge Replies 0 0
MPOA Trigger Request 0 0
NHRP Purge Requests 0 0
Invalid MPOA Data Packets Received: 0

Related Commands Related Command

show mpoa client

show mpoa default-atm-addresses

Use the show mpoa default-atm-addresses command to display the default ATM addresses for the MPC.

show mpoa default-atm-addresses

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows output from the show mpoa default-atm-addresses command when the switch prefix is NOT available:

ATM#show mpoa default-atm-addresses
interface ATM1/0:
MPOA Server: ...006070174824.**
MPOA Client: ...006070174825.**
note: ** is the MPS/MPC instance number in hex
interface ATM2/0:
MPOA Server: ...006070174844.**
MPOA Client: ...006070174845.**
note: ** is the MPS/MPC instance number in hex

This example shows output from the show mpoa default-atm-addresses command when the switch prefix is available:

ATM#show mpoa default-atm-addresses
interface ATM1/0:
MPOA Server: 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.006070174824.**
MPOA Client: 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.006070174825.**
note: ** is the MPS/MPC instance number in hex
interface ATM2/0:
MPOA Server: 47.100000000000000000000000.006070174844.**
MPOA Client: 47.100000000000000000000000.006070174845.**
note: ** is the MPS/MPC instance number in hex

Related Commands Related Command


show sscop

Use the show sscop command to show SSCOP details for all ATM interfaces.

show sscop

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows sample output from the show sscop command:

ATM#show sscop
SSCOP details for interface ATM0
Current State = Idle, Uni version = 3.0
Send Sequence Number: Current = 0, Maximum = 10
Send Sequence Number Acked = 0
Rcv Sequence Number: Lower Edge = 0, Upper Edge = 0, Max = 10
Poll Sequence Number = 0, Poll Ack Sequence Number = 0
Vt(Pd) = 0
Connection Control: timer = 1000
Timer currently Inactive
Timer_Keepalive = 30000
Current Retry Count = 0, Maximum Retry Count = 10
AckQ count = 0, RcvQ count = 0, TxQ count = 0
Local connections currently pending = 0
Max local connections allowed pending = 50
Statistics -
Pdu's Sent = 0, Pdu's Received = 0, Pdu's Ignored = 0
Begin = 0/0, Begin Ack = 0/0, Begin Reject = 0/0
End = 0/0, End Ack = 0/0
Resync = 0/0, Resync Ack = 0/0
Sequenced Data = 0/0, Sequenced Poll Data = 0/0
Poll = 0/0, Stat = 0/0, Unsolicited Stat = 0/0
Unassured Data = 0/0, Mgmt Data = 0/0, Unknown Pdu's = 0

Table 7-15 describes the possible fields (depending on the port type queried) in the show sscop output.

Note   Interpreting the output of the show sscop command requires a thorough understanding of SSCOP. This information is used by Cisco technicians to help diagnose network problems.

Table 7-15   show sscop Command Output Fields

Field Description

SSCOP details for interface

Interface for which details are returned.

Current State

Current SSCOP state for the interface.

Uni version

Version of UNI configured on the interface.

Send Sequence Number

Current and maximum send sequence number.

Send Sequence Number Acked

Sequence number of packets already acknowledged.

Rcv Sequence Number

Sequence number of packets received.

Poll Sequence Number

Current poll sequence number.

Poll Ack Sequence Number

Poll sequence number already acknowledged.


Number of Pd frames sent that triggers the sending of a Poll frame.

Connection Control

Timer value for establishing and terminating SSCOP, and indicates whether the timer is active or inactive.


Timer value used to send keepalives on an idle link.

Current Retry Count

Current count of the retry counter.

Maximum Retry Count

Maximum number of retries allowed.

AckQ count

Current value of the acknowledgment queue count.

RcvQ count

Current value of the receive queue count.

TxQ count

Current value of the transmit queue count.

Local connections currently pending

Current number of local connections pending.

Max local connections allowed pending

Maximum number of pending local connections.

Pdu's Sent

Total number of SSCOP frames sent.

Pdu's Received

Total number of SSCOP frames received.

Pdu's Ignored

Number of invalid SSCOP frames ignored.


Number of Begin frames sent/received.

Begin Ack

Number of Begin Ack frames sent/received.

Begin Reject

Number of Begin Reject frames sent/received.


Number of End frames sent/received.

End Ack

Number of End Ack frames sent/received.


Number of Resync frames sent/received.

Resync Ack

Number of Resync Ack frames sent/received.

Sequenced Data

Number of Sequenced Data frames sent/received.

Sequenced Poll Data

Number of Sequenced Poll Data frames sent/received.


Number of Poll frames sent/received.


Number of Stat frames sent/received.

Unsolicited Stat

Number of Unsolicited Stat frames sent/received.

Unassured Data

Number of Unassured Data frames sent/received.

Mgmt Data

Number of Mgmt Data frames sent/received.

Unknown Pdu's

Number of Unknown SSCOP frames sent/received.

Related Commands Related Commands

sscop cc-timer
sscop keepalive-timer
sscop max-cc
sscop poll-timer
sscop receive-window
sscop send-window

show version—ATM

Use the show version ATM command to display version information for the ATM module.

show version

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command has no default setting.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to display version information for the ATM module:

ATM#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) C5kATM Software (ALC-A-M), Version 11.2(11P), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 02-Mar-98 13:46 by integ
Image text-base: 0x40010000, data-base: 0x401CB9E0
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 3.2(11P), SOFTWARE
ATM uptime is 4 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, 17 minutes
System restarted by power-on
Running default software
cisco C5kALC (68ec030) processor (revision 0x00) with 11264K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID 1610612736, with hardware revision
Last reset from
Authorized for ATM software set. (0x0)
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
1 ATM network interface(s)
127K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
Configuration register is 0x1901

Table 7-16 describes the fields in the show version output.

Table 7-16   show version Command Output Fields

Field Description


Version information for the Catalyst 5000 family and 2926G series ATM module software.


Date and time the software was compiled.

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version

Bootstrap version.

ATM Module uptime is

Amount of uninterrupted time that the system has been up and running.

System restarted by

Status on how the system was last booted, either as a result of normal system startup or of system error.

For example, an attempt to access a nonexistent address results in this bus error:

System restarted by bus error at PC 0xC4CA, address 0x210C0C0

Running default software

If the software was booted over the network, the Internet address of the boot host is shown. If the software was loaded from onboard ROM, this line reads "Running default software." In addition, the names and sources of the host and network configuration files are shown.


The remaining output shows the hardware configuration and any nonstandard software options.

Configuration register is

Configuration register contents, displayed in hexadecimal notation.


Use the shutdown command to shut down a physical interface. Use the no form of this command to restart the interface.

[no] shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The interface is enabled.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to access and shut down the atm0 interface:

ATM(config)#interface atm0

This example shows how to access and then restart the atm0 interface:

ATM(config)#interface atm0
ATM(config-if)#no shutdown

sscop cc-timer

Use the sscop cc-timer command to change the SSCOP connection control timer value. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

[no] sscop cc-timer msecs

Syntax Description


Number of microseconds between Begin messages; the range of msecs is from 1 to 60000.


The default SSCOP connection control timer value is 10 seconds.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The SSCOP connection control timer determines the time between transmission of SSCOP BGN, END, or RS PDUs as long as an acknowledgment has not been received.


This example shows how to set the SSCOP connection control timer value to 15 microseconds:

ATM(config-if)#sscop cc-timer 15

Related Commands Related Command

show sscop

sscop keepalive-timer

Use the sscop keepalive-timer command to change the SSCOP keepalive timer value. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

[no] sscop keepalive-timer msecs

Syntax Description


Number of microseconds the ATM module waits between transmission of poll PDUs when no SD or SDP PDUs are queued for transmission or are outstanding pending acknowledgments. The range of msecs is from 1 to 60000.


The default SSCOP keepalive timer value is 30 seconds.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to set the SSCOP keepalive timer to 15 microseconds:

ATM(config-if)#sscop keepalive-timer 15

Related Commands Related Command

show sscop

sscop max-cc

Use the sscop max-cc command to change the SSCOP connection control retry count. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

[no] sscop max-cc retries

Syntax Description


Number of times that SSCOP attempts to transmit BGN (establishment), END (release), or RS (resynchronization) PDUs as long as an acknowledgment has not been received; the range of retries is from 1 to 127.


The default SSCOP connection control retry count is 10 retries.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to set the SSCOP connection control retry count to 20:

ATM(config-if)#sscop max-cc 20

Related Commands Related Command

show sscop

sscop max-stat

Use the sscop max-stat command to change the SSCOP number of entries in a Stat frame. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

[no] sscop max-stat entries

Syntax Description


Number of entries in a Stat frame; the range of entries is from 1 to 255.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to set the SSCOP entries in a Stat frame to 50:

ATM(config-if)#sscop max-stat 50

Related Commands Related Command

show sscop

sscop poll-timer

Use the sscop poll-timer command to change the SSCOP poll timer value. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

[no] sscop poll-timer msecs

Syntax Description


Number of microseconds the ATM module waits between transmission of POLL PDUs; the range of msecs is from 1 to 60000.


The default SSCOP poll timer value is 10 seconds.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The SSCOP poll timer controls the maximum time between transmission of POLL PDUs when SD or SDP PDUs are queued for transmission or are outstanding pending acknowledgments.


This example shows how to set the SSCOP poll timer to 15 microseconds:

ATM(config-if)#sscop poll-timer 15

Related Commands Related Command

show sscop

sscop receive-window

Use the sscop receive-window command to change the size of the SSCOP receiver window. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

[no] sscop receive-window packets

Syntax Description


Number of packets the interface receives before it sends an acknowledgment to the ATM switch; the range of packets is from 1 to 127.


The default size of the SSCOP receiver window is 7 packets.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to set the size of the SSCOP receiver window to 10 packets:

ATM(config-if)#sscop receive-window 10

Related Commands Related Command

show sscop

sscop send-window

Use the sscop send-window command to change the size of the SSCOP transmitter window. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value.

[no] sscop send-window packets

Syntax Description


Number of packets the interface can send before it must receive an acknowledgment from the ATM switch; the range of packets is from 1 to 127.


The default size of the SSCOP transmitter window is 7 packets.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes

Interface configuration.


This example shows how to set the size of the SSCOP transmitter window to 10 packets:

ATM(config-if)#sscop send-window 10

Related Commands Related Command

show sscop


Use the terminal command to set the number of lines displayed on-screen. Use the no form of this command to return the screen length to the default.

[no] terminal length [screen-length]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of lines to display on-screen. The range of screen-length is from 0 to 512. A value of 0 disables pausing between screens of output.


The default screen length is 24 lines.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to set the terminal length to 0 so that output scrolls on the screen without pausing:

ATM> terminal length 0


Use the ubr+cos command to map the CoS value or range of values to a UBR+ VCC. Use the no form of this command to remove the configuration.

[no] ubr+ cos {value | range}

Syntax Description


Single CoS value


Range of CoS values.


The default CoS range for a UBR+ VCC is from 4 to 7.

Command Types

Cisco IOS ATM command.

Command Modes



This example shows how to map traffic with CoS values between 5 and 7 to a UBR+ VCC:

ATM(lane-qos)# ubr+ cos 5-7

write terminal

Use the write terminal command to display the configuration information currently in running memory.

write terminal

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Types

Switch command.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC.

Usage Guidelines

You can also use this command in ATM EXEC mode to display the current ATM configuration information.


This example shows how to display the current ATM configuration information:

ATM#write terminal
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
version 11.2
hostname ATM
interface ATM0
atm preferred phy A
atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal
atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi
lane client ethernet 100
line con 0
line vty 0 4
no login

Posted: Sat Jan 18 07:57:15 PST 2003
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