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This section explains how to configure Voice-over-IP (VoIP) routing on the supported interface cards of your Catalyst 4224 Access Gateway Switch. (You need to perform the software configuration only for the cards that you have installed.) To configure a voice interface, you must use configuration mode. In this mode, you enter Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) commands at the Gateway prompt.
This section includes the following topics:
Use a voice interface card (VIC) for a voice connection. For information about installing these components in a Catalyst 4224, refer to the Cisco Catalyst 4224 Access Gateway Switch Hardware Installation Guide. For an explanation about how these components work and how they are identified, see the "First-Time Configuration" section.
When you start a Catalyst 4224, it automatically detects the voice network modules and VICs that have been installed. The first time you use a Catalyst 4224, you need to configure each voice port that you want to enable. If you replace a card after you configure each port, the gateway will recognize the new hardware component and use the previous configuration settings.
If you replace a module that was already configured, the gateway recognizes it and brings up the interface in the existing configuration.
To configure the Catalyst 4224 to boot in a new configuration, perform the following steps:
Step 2 Power on the Catalyst 4224. If the current configuration is no longer valid, you see the following prompt within about one minute:
Step 3 Enter no. You now enter the normal operating mode of the gateway.
Step 4 After a few seconds, you see the user EXEC prompt (c4224>). Enter enable and the password to enter privileged EXEC mode, as follows:
Configuration changes can be made only in privileged EXEC mode. When you enter privileged EXEC mode, the prompt changes to the host name followed by a pound sign (#), such as c4224#.
Step 5 Enter the commands required to configure the VICs installed in the Catalyst 4224.
Step 6 When you finish configuring the voice interfaces, return to global configuration mode using the exit command and return to enable mode by pressing Ctrl-Z.
Step 7 To see the current operating configuration, including any changes you just made, enter the show running-config command:
To see the configuration currently stored in non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM), enter the show startup-config command at the enable prompt:
Step 8 The results of the show running-config and show startup-config commands differ from each other if you have changed the configuration but have not yet written the changes to NVRAM. To write your changes to NVRAM and make them permanent, enter the copy running-config startup-config command at the enable prompt:
If you want to use Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), configuration of the Catalyst 4224 differs depending on whether you are using it with Cisco CallManager 3.0 or 3.1.
With Cisco CallManager 3.1 and later, you can create the MGCP gateway configuration on the Cisco CallManager server and download the configuration to the Catalyst 4224. For the details of this configuration procedure, refer to the Cisco CallManager 3.1 online help and to Configuring Cisco IP Telephony Gateways, available online at Cisco.com.
With Cisco CallManager 3.0, you must configure each voice port for MGCP on the Catalyst 4224 and then duplicate this configuration in Cisco CallManager Administration.
This section contains the following Catalyst 4224 configuration topics:
For more information on using MGCP with Cisco CallManager 3.0, refer to the Cisco CallManager 3.0 online help and to Configuring Cisco IP Telephony Gateways.
To configure the Catalyst 4224 so that it can be controlled by Cisco CallManager Release 3.0 using MGCP, you must identify the primary server and any backup Cisco CallManager servers in case the primary server becomes unavailable. You must also configure each voice gateway as an MGCP gateway in Cisco CallManager, as described in the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide. Finally, you must configure the voice ports installed on your gateway.
To enable generic MGCP support on a Cisco voice gateway, enter the following commands from the global configuration mode prompt:
where hostname identifies the Cisco CallManager server (or possibly a generic MGCP call agent).
To enable support for Cisco CallManager within MGCP, enter the following command:
Cisco CallManager controls dial-plan-related configuration elements, and they should not be configured in the Cisco voice gateway for MGCP-managed endpoints (those with application MGCPAPP in the dial-peer statement). You should not configure any of the following elements when using MGCP:
To identify up to two backup Cisco CallManager servers, enter the following command:
where hostname1 identifies the first backup Cisco CallManager server using the DNS host name or dotted decimal format, and hostname2 identifies the second backup Cisco CallManager server.
If you configure one or two backup Cisco CallManager servers, you can control how the gateway behaves if the primary server becomes unavailable at some point and then later becomes available again. This is called switchback.
To configure gateway switchback, enter the following command:
During switchover and switchback, Cisco CallManager maintains active connected calls. Transient calls (calls in progress or on hold without an active voice connection) are torn down. An exception applies for PRI interfaces that MGCP controls, in which case both active and transient calls are torn down during switchover and switchback. Table 5-1 describes each switchback option.
Table 5-1 Switchback Command Options
You can also manually redirect a Cisco voice gateway to the backup Cisco CallManager server by entering the following command:
The switchover occurs immediately with a manual redirect. This command does not switch the gateway to the backup Cisco CallManager server if you have the switchback option set to immediate and the primary Cisco CallManager server is still running.
To view the current configuration of a Cisco voice gateway, enter the show ccm-manager command from privileged EXEC mode. Example 5-1 illustrates a typical display that appears in response to this command.
You use the same commands to configure both Foreign Exchange Service (FXS) and Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) ports. The gateway recognizes the type of voice interface card that is installed in each voice network module and applies the configuration you enter based on the port position you specify in the command.
To enable FXS or FXO ports with MGCP, enter the following commands:
To use these commands, replace number with a unique numeric ID, and replace portnumber with the port identifier in the form slot#/voice module#/port#. Use the application MGCPAPP command to place the port under control of the Cisco CallManager MGCP call agent.
For example, the following command string configures voice port 0 in voice interface card 1 with MGCP:
You can use MGCP with the following emulation types:
To configure T1-CAS E&M emulation with MGCP using Cisco CallManager Administrator, perform the following steps and configure the route pattern and dial plan:
Step 2 Assign time slots to the DS-0 group and identify the emulation type.
You can define each DS-0 group to use FXS, FXO, or E&M, using the following command:
ds0-group group groupnumber timeslots <timeslotnumber> type emulationtype
Replace emulationtype with e&m-wink-start or e&m-delay-dial.
Replace groupnumber with the DS-0 group number and replace timeslotnumber with the number of DS-0 time slots to allocate to the group. For example, the following command configures the first DS-0 group with one time slot using FXS emulation in loop-start mode:
You can configure DS-0 hunt groups by assigning a range of time slots to a DS-0 group and then configuring multiple voice peers with the same destination pattern pointing to multiple voice ports.
For example, the following command assigns 12 time slots to DS-0 group 1:
Step 3 Enable MGCP for the port by entering the following commands:
Replace portnumber with the port number on the voice gateway you are configuring and ds0group with the DS0 group number.
Example 5-2 shows typical use of commands for configuring T-1 CAS E&M Emulation for MGCP.
To configure an E1/T1 multiflex interface with ISDN-PRI signaling, use the Cisco IOS command line interface to perform the procedures in this section.
To configure a new T1 interface or to change the configuration of an existing interface, perform the following procedure:
This example configures a T1 interface in slot 1 and unit 0.
Set the clock source to use internal clocking only for testing the network. Set one end of the T1 line to internal.
Step 2 Configure parameters for the voice interface.
For multiflex trunk interfaces, you can configure only channel 0.
Step 3 Configure the PRI port by entering the following command:
Step 4 Bind Layer 3 to the Cisco CallManager for PRI Q.931:
This command backhauls (tunnels) ISDN Layer 3 and above to the Cisco CallManager.
PRI/Q.931 signaling backhaul transports signals (Q.931 and higher layers) for processing from a PRI trunk to a MGCP call agent. The PRI trunk must be physically connected to an MGCP gateway.
The ISDN lower layer information (Q.921 and below) is terminated and processed on the gateway. The Layer 3 information (Q.931 and above) is transported over TCP to the Cisco CallManager (MGCP call agent).
Step 5 Enable MGCP for the port by entering the following commands:
Replace portnumber with the port number on the voice gateway you are configuring and ds0group with the DS0 group number.
Step 6 To view the status of the PRI line, enter the following command:
This command displays information about the status of the TCP backhaul link and the status of any PRI D-channels in the gateway. Example 5-3 shows the type of information the system displays.
The following example shows the overall configuration required to enable MGCP on a T1/PRI line:
Use the following procedure to configure a new E1 interface (balanced or unbalanced) or to change the configuration of an existing interface:
a. Choose the E1/PRI interface to configure by entering the following command from Global configuration mode:
This example configures an E1 interface in slot 1 and unit 0.
Step 2 Configure parameters for the voice interface.
Step 3 Configure the PRI port by entering the following command:
Step 4 Bind Layer 3 to the Cisco CallManager for PRI Q.931:
This command backhauls (tunnels) ISDN Layer 3 and above to the Cisco CallManager.
PRI/Q.931 signaling backhaul transports signals (Q.931 and higher layers) for processing a PRI trunk that is physically connected to an MGCP call agent.
The ISDN lower layer information (Q.921 and below) is terminated and processed on the gateway. The Layer 3 information (Q.923 and above) is transported over TCP to the Cisco CallManager (MGCP call agent).
Step 5 Enable MGCP for the port by entering the following commands:
Replace portnumber with the port number on the voice gateway you are configuring and ds0group with the DS0 group number.
Step 6 To view the status of the PRI line, enter the following command:
This command displays information about the status of the PRI backhaul link and the status of any PRI D channels in the gateway. The following example shows the type of information the system displays.
The following example shows the overall configuration required to enable MGCP on a E1/PRI line:
At this point, make sure that Cisco CallManager is properly configured to provision the voice gateway and to configure MGCP endpoints or H.323 route patterns as required. Refer to the documentation and online help provided with Cisco CallManager. Refer to the Cisco IOS software configuration guide and command reference publications for more advanced configuration topics. For troubleshooting information, refer to the system error messages and debug command reference publications.
Access these publications on the Documentation CD-ROM that came with your gateway, or on the World Wide Web from the Cisco home page.
Compared to Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), H.323 requires more configuration on a gateway because the gateway must maintain the dial plan and route pattern. The gateway must have enough information to direct calls to the correct end point, which must be an H.323-capable device.
When using H.323, ensure that you configure Cisco CallManager correctly to provision the Catalyst 4224 as an H.323 gateway, with route patterns configured to route calls to a Catalyst 4224.
To provision the gateway using Cisco CallManager Administration, select the Add a New Gateway option from Device > Gateway. Assign the Gateway Type as H.323 Gateway, and the Device Protocol as H.225.
To configure a route pattern using CCM Administrator, select Route Plan > Route Pattern and enter the route pattern. Then, select Cisco Catalyst 4224 gateway from a drop-down list, click the Route this option button for the Route Option, and check the Provide Outside Dial Tone box for Offnet (the default is OnNet).
Perform the following steps to complete H.323 configuration:
Step 2 Configure parameters for the voice interface you are using, as described in the section referred to above.
Step 3 Configure H.323 endpoints connected to the Catalyst 4224 voice ports.
To configure plain old telephone service (POTS) dial peers, use the following command strings:
For example, the following commands could be used to route all calls with the prefix 222 to the DS-0 hunt group 1 of controller T1 1/0:
The prefix command at the end is required to replace the digits that the Catalyst 4224 strips off from the dialed digit string based on the wildcard destination pattern.
Step 4 Configure H.323 endpoints connected to the Catalyst 4224 Ethernet port.
To configure H.323 endpoints, use the following command strings:
If you use the IP address, it must be preceded by the parameter ipv4. If you use the DNS host name, this must be preceded by the parameter dns, and the host name must resolve correctly to the IP address of the target. Finally, you must identify the coder-decoder (codec) used by the Voice over IP (VoIP) dial peer.
For example, the following commands assign extension 2001 to the IP device with the network address
Step 5 Direct calls using wildcard destination patterns, as needed.
You can use wildcard destination patterns to simplify your dial plan configuration. For instance, you can direct all incoming calls starting with specific digits, such as 525, to a Cisco CallManager configured as an H.323 endpoint. You might direct all calls starting with a 9 to voice ports connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), or direct all calls beginning with an 8 to a private branch exchange (PBX).
For example, the following command directs all calls starting with 525 to a Cisco CallManager with the DNS host name CCM30:
The number of digits that you substitute for pattern plus the number of periods in the wildcard (...) must match the total number of digits configured for use by the Catalyst 4224 in Cisco CallManager Administration. Also, remember that the numbers that you substitute for pattern are removed by the Catalyst 4224. When the call is forwarded to the destination number, only the digits in the position of the wildcard pattern (...) are received by the destination endpoint. If you want to replace the digits that are stripped off (or add a different set of digits), use the prefix command.
Step 6 Complete and save the configuration by entering the following commands:
You can connect the T1-CAS (channel-associated signaling) port on a Catalyst 4224 to one of the following:
To configure T1-CAS analog emulation with H.323 T1, perform the following steps. After completing these steps, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section.
Step 2 Assign time slots to the DS-0 group and identify the emulation type.
You can define each DS-0 group to use FXS, FXO, or E&M, using the following command:
Emulation Type | Function |
For example, the following command configures the first DS-0 group with one time slot using FXS emulation in loop-start mode:
You can configure DS-0 hunt groups by assigning a range of time slots to a DS-0 group, and then configuring multiple voice peers with the same destination pattern pointing to multiple voice ports.
For example, the following command assigns 12 time slots to DS-0 group 1:
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Note After completing these steps, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section. |
When using the FXO ports on a Catalyst 4224, set the input gain to a value provides adequate audio quality for Cisco IP voice applications or the Cisco 7960 IP Phone. Input gain values higher than 12 may cause dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) recognition difficulties.
Cisco recommends that you use the Cisco CallManager graphical user interface to set the input gain. However, you can also enter the following series of commands from the Cisco IOS command line to set input gain:
Permitted entries for value are from -6 to 14.
By connecting the T1-CAS port on a Catalyst 4224 to a T1 channel bank using FXS emulation, you can achieve high port density when connecting POTS and VoIP endpoints. You can configure the dial plan for this configuration by treating Cisco CallManager as the only H.323 endpoint, or by configuring H.323 endpoints on a Catalyst 4224. If you configure Cisco CallManager as an H.323 endpoint, you must use Cisco CallManager Administration to define the route patterns required to route calls to the Catalyst 4224.
The following example illustrates how to configure a single DS-0 group. Repeat the relevant commands to configure additional groups. This example is for a scenario in which all of the POTS devices connected to a T1 channel bank are configured with a destination number beginning with 526. In this example, Cisco CallManager has the host name CCM30 and is configured as an H.323 endpoint that manages all the telephones and other devices on the IP network. The devices on the IP network have numbers beginning with 525.
To use FXO emulation to connect the T1-CAS port to the PSTN, you must have Direct Inward Dialing (DID) enabled on incoming DS-0 groups. DID allows the gateway or Cisco CallManager to identify the extension to which each call on an incoming DS-0 group is directed. Because DID only works on incoming connections, you must have separate DS-0 groups allocated for incoming and outgoing calls. To configure the gateway to accept DID information, enter the following command:
The first and last parts of the configuration are the same as for the FXO example. However, you must configure your DS-0 groups for FXS by changing the emulation type and enabling direct inward dialing (DID). Then, enter the destination patterns required for routing voice calls to and from the PSTN. The commands required to make these changes are shown below:
To connect the T1-CAS port to a trunk (tie) line using E&M emulation, you can enable one of the following modes:
The first and last parts of the configuration are the same as for the FXO example. However, you must configure your DS-0 groups for E&M by changing the emulation type. Then, enter the destination patterns required for routing voice calls to and from the PBX to which the gateway is connected. The commands required to make these changes are shown below (all the extensions on the PBX begin with the prefix 625):
To configure an ISDN BRI interface, perform the following steps. After completing these steps, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section.
See Table 5-3 for a list of ISDN switch types.
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Note Switch types configured in interface configuration mode override this setting for the configured interface. |
Region | ISDN Switch Type | Description |
Step 2 Assign the switch type to the interface by entering the following commands. The following example assigns the switch type basic-5ess:
For details about configuring Cisco CallManager, refer to the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
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Note After completing these steps, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section. |
Before using a Catalyst 4224 with an ISDN BRI interface, you must order a correctly configured ISDN BRI line from your local telecommunications service provider.
The ordering process varies from provider to provider and from country to country; however, here are some general guidelines:
ISDN BRI provisioning refers to the types of services provided by the ISDN BRI line. Although provisioning is performed by your ISDN BRI service provider, you must tell the provider what you want.
Table 5-4 lists the provisioning you should order for your Catalyst 4224 for each switch type.
Table 5-4 ISDN Provisioning by Switch Type
1Service profile identifier
2Terminal endpoint identifier |
Some service providers assign service profile identifiers (SPIDs) to define the services to which an ISDN device subscribes. If your service provider requires SPIDs, your ISDN device cannot place or receive calls until it sends a valid SPID to the service provider when initializing the connection.
A SPID is usually a seven-digit telephone number plus some optional numbers, but service providers might use different numbering schemes. SPIDs have significance at the local access ISDN interface only; remote Catalyst 4224s are never sent the SPID.
Currently, only DMS-100 and NI-1 switch types require SPIDs. Two SPIDs are assigned for the DMS-100 switch type, one for each B channel. The AT&T 5ESS switch type might support SPIDs, but Cisco recommends that you set up that ISDN service without SPIDs.
If your service provider assigns you SPIDs, you must define these SPIDs on the Catalyst 4224. To define SPIDs and the local directory number (LDN) on the gateway for both ISDN BRI B channels, use the following isdn spid commands:
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Note Although the LDN is an optional parameter in the command, you might need to enter it so the gateway can answer calls made to the second directory number. |
For further information on configuring ISDN, refer to the chapters "Configuring ISDN" and "Configuring DDR" in the Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide.
The example illustrated in Figure 5-1 shows how to configure a BRI port for direct-inward dialing (DID). This configuration allows the called number information from the ISDN Q.931 setup message to be used for routing on an ISDN line.
In this example, a call comes in to Catalyst 4224 1 on the BRI port. The DID information allows the Catalyst 4224 to route the call based on the called number. If the called number is 2xxx, the call is routed to Catalyst 4224 2000; if the called number is 3xxx, the call is routed to Catalyst 4224 3000.
Figure 5-1 illustrates the topology of this connection example.
To configure an ISDN PRI interface or T1/E1 multiflex trunk interface on your Catalyst 4224, use configuration mode.
This section contains the following topics:
Use the following procedure to configure a new T1 interface or to change the configuration of an existing interface. After completing these steps, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section.
This example configures a T1 interface in slot 1 and unit 0.
The clock source should be set to use internal clocking only for testing the network or if the full T1 line is used as the channel group. Only one end of the T1 line should be set to internal.
Step 2 Configure parameters for the voice interface.
For multiflex trunk interfaces, only channel 0 can be configured.
c. Specify the T1 interface, unit number, and channel group to modify, as in the following example input:
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Note After completing these steps, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section. |
Use the following procedure to configure a new E1 or CE1/PRI interface (balanced or unbalanced) or to change the configuration of an existing interface.
a. Select the CE1/PRI interface to configure by entering the following command from global configuration mode. This example configures an E1 interface in slot 1 and unit 0.
Step 2 Configure parameters for the voice interface.
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Note After completing these steps, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section. |
The section illustrates how to configure VoIP to link PBX users with E&M trunk lines.
This section contains the following topics:
Suppose that a company wants to connect two offices: one in San Jose, California, and the other in Salt Lake City, Utah. Each office has an internal telephone network using a PBX connected to the voice network with an E&M interface. Both the Salt Lake City and the San Jose offices are using E&M Port Type II, with four-wire operation and ImmediateStart signaling. Each E&M interface connects to the gateway using two voice interface connections. Users in San Jose dial 8-569 and then the extension number to reach a destination in Salt Lake City. Users in Salt Lake City dial 4-527 and then the extension number to reach a destination in San Jose.
Figure 5-2 illustrates the topology of this configuration.
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Note This scenario assumes that the company already has established a working IP connection between its two remote offices. |
When using an H.323 T1-CAS E&M port on the Catalyst 4224, Incoming Caller ID Digits may not be processed correctly by Cisco CRA, such as Cisco IP Auto-Attendant.
Depending on the T1-CAS line provisioning, incoming dialed number identification service (DNIS) digits received by the Catalyst 4224 after its first wink to the Central Office (CO) are treated as user-entered digits and are sent to the remote endpoint as out-of-band DTMF digits. If the remote endpoint is a Cisco CRA application, the out-of-band digits will be interpreted as a user entry and will change the application response.
There are two ways to handle this situation:
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Note The PBXs should be configured to pass all DTMF signals to the gateway.
Cisco recommends that you do not configure "store-and-forward" tone. If you change the gain or the telephony port, make sure that the telephony port still accepts DTMF signals. |
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Note After completing E&M configuration, configure the route pattern and dial plan and save your configuration, as described in the "H.323 Gateway Configuration" section. |
At this point in the configuration process, make sure that Cisco CallManager is properly configured to provision the Catalyst 4224 and to configure MGCP endpoints or H.323 route patterns, as required. Refer to the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide or to the online help for the application.
Refer to the Cisco IOS configuration guides and command references for details about specific VoIP commands and options.
Posted: Sat Apr 5 04:02:13 PST 2003
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