
Table Of Contents

The ICM Databases


Types of Data

Configuration and Script Data

Historical Data

Real-Time Data

Central Database

Database Sizing and Creation

Database Updates and Changes

Distributor AW Local Database

Database Creation and Initialization

Real-Time Data

Temporary Database

Historical Data Server


The ICM Databases

ICM software stores configuration information and call routing scripts in a central database that is part of the Central Controller. You cannot directly alter data in the central database. Instead, you work with a copy of the configuration and script data that resides in the local database of the Distributor AW. When you make changes to these data, (for example, by using the Configure ICM or Script Editor tools,) the changes are applied to the Distributor AW's local database and automatically to the central database on the Logger.

In addition to safeguarding the integrity of data in the central database, the Distributor AW's local database stores real-time performance statistics. For example, it stores data such as the current Average Delay in Queue, Longest Call in Queue, and the number of Available Agents for each service. This information is updated approximately every ten seconds. Monitor ICM real-time reports can read this data continuously.

ICM software stores historical performance data in the central database and, if required, in a special Historical Data Server (HDS) database on the Distributor AW. Monitor ICM historical reports can read data from either of these databases.

This chapter provides an overview of the ICM databases. In particular, it focuses on the types of data contained in each database and how these data are kept current.


Figure 3-1 shows the ICM databases and how changes made to the Distributor AW local data are automatically applied to the central database.

Figure 3-1 The ICM Databases

The Initialize Local Database tool copies data from the central database to the local database on the Distributor AW. This tool is used to update the local database on the Distributor AW when the AW is first installed. Optionally, you can use this tool to update the local database at any time.

Subsequently, the Update AW process forwards to the local database any changes made to the central database. Changes made to configuration data and scripts are automatically copied from the local database back to the central database.

To make access to the real-time data as efficient as possible, the data are stored in memory in temporary tables. These temporary tables actually reside in the TEMPDB database; however, you can access them as if they were tables within the AWDB database.

A Distributor AW that serves as an Historical Database Server (HDS) has a special database to store historical data it receives from the central database. Client AWs can then access historical data from the HDS rather than from the central database.

See " Historical Data Server," later in this chapter, for more information on the HDS option.

In a network service provider (NSP) environment, a single machine might serve multiple customers. In this case, each customer has its own database. For example, if a Logger machine runs separate instances for each of 10 customers, then it contains 10 central databases. If a Distributor AW needs access to those 10 customers, it needs 10 local databases.

Regardless of the number of databases, only one instance of SQL Server runs on each machine. One set of SQL Server processes maintain all the databases on the machine.

The Cisco Network Applications Manager (NAM) Product Description and the Cisco Network Applications Manager (NAM) Setup and Configuration provide more information on multiple customer environments.

Types of Data

ICM software handles three types of data:

Configuration data is stored in the central, HDS, and local databases.

Historical data is stored in the central database and the HDS database (if used).

Real-time data is stored in the local database.

Configuration and Script Data

Configuration data describe your call center enterprise. For example, all of your peripherals, services, dialed numbers, routes, and peripheral targets are part of the configuration data. Configuration data can also include data that has been imported from other systems, such as workforce scheduling data.

In duplexed Central Controller systems, configuration data is kept duplexed on both Loggers. It is always resynchronized when a Logger is restarted.

Script data is also kept on both Loggers. Script data include all call routing and administrative scripts that ICM software uses in call routing (both current and previous versions).

Historical Data

Historical data fall into four categories: five-minute snapshots, half-hour summaries, call detail records, and events. Historical data is stored in the following tables:

Five minute tables:







Half hour tables:







Call detail tables:

Route_Call_Detail Termination_Call_Detail

Other tables:

Admin Application_Event


Event Import_Log

Logger_Meters Schedule Import

The five-minute tables contain snapshot data, which are values that are derived from real-time data. Snapshot data provides a view of call center activity at a particular instant. Since the five-minute values change frequently, they are not synchronized across the central databases of a duplexed Central Controller.

Real-Time Data

Real-time data are stored in the following tables:












Central Database

The central database on the Logger contains the following types of data:

Full configuration information for the enterprise

All routing scripts—current and, if you choose to save them, past versions

Event data

Call detail data

Five-minute summary data

Half-hour historical data

The ICM central database maintains 5-minute summary and half-hour historical data for each:



Skill group

Trunk group

It also maintains five-minute summary data for Routing Clients and Scripts and half-hour data for Application Gateways and Network Trunk Groups. Although you can view these data in reports, you cannot modify them directly or indirectly.

For specific information on the tables of the ICM databases, see the Cisco ICM Software Database Schema Handbook or the on-line ICM Schema Help.

The central ICM database resides with the Logger itself. If the Logger is duplexed, each physical logger has its own copy of the database. If the Logger services multiple customers, each machine has a separate database for each customer.

The name of the central database has the form inst_sideX, where inst is an up-to-five-character instance name and X indicates the side of the central controller (A or B). For example, the central database for cus01 on the Side A Logger is named cus01_sideA.

Database Sizing and Creation

When you first install the Logger software on a machine, you must also create the central database. If you install multiple instances of the Logger software (for multiple customers), you must create a central database for each instance.

Before creating the database, you must determine how much space it requires. The size of the database depends on a number of factors, including the size of your configuration, the expected call load, and how long you want to retain historical data.

To prevent the database from growing indefinitely, old records are automatically purged from the historical tables on a regular basis. You can work with Cisco Customer Support to decide how long you want to retain historical data in the central database.

For specific information on sizing and creating the database, see Chapter 4, "Database Administration."

Database Updates and Changes

Each Distributor AW has a copy of the central database configuration data and scripts in its local database. All AWs use the Distributor AW's local database copy to make changes to configuration and script data. When you change the ICM configuration by using the Configuration Manager, or you create scripts with the Script Editor, you are actually modifying the data in the Distributor AW's local database. Any changes you make are then automatically applied to the central database.

In the Configuration Manager tool, the central database is updated every time you apply changes within a configuration window (that is, when you click Apply or Done).

In the Script Editor, the central database is updated when you perform a Save or Save All operation. Every time you save a script, those changes are applied immediately to the central database. Changes to call organization data (call types and schedules) are applied to the central database when you explicitly perform a Save All operation.

As changes are made to the data in the central database, the UpdateAW process copies the changes to all Distributor AWs. This ensures that the local database copy is up-to-date with the central database. If you use the Historical Data Server (HDS) option, the Logger forwards any changes in historical data to the HDS machine.

Distributor AW Local Database

The Distributor AW local database contains the following information:

Configuration information (copied from the central database)

Scripts (copied from the central database)

Real-time data

For specific information on the tables of the ICM databases, see the Cisco ICM Software Database Schema Handbook or the on-line ICM Schema Help.

Database Creation and Initialization

The local database is created automatically and initialized when you install the Distributor AW software. Its name has the form inst_awdb, where inst is an up to five-character instance name. For example, the local database for instance ins01 is named ins01_awdb.

Real-Time Data

The real-time client process on the Distributor AW keeps the real-time data in the local database up-to-date. It receives real-time data from the real-time server every 10 seconds. Old real-time data is constantly overwritten by new real-time data. Use Monitor ICM to view the real-time data in reports.

For information on how real-time data is delivered, see Chapter 2, "Fault Tolerance."

Temporary Database

Because real-time data are written and read frequently, the real-time tables are stored in memory as temporary tables. Although these tables physically reside in the temporary database, TEMPDB, you can access them as if they were in AWDB.

Historical Data Server

Admin Workstations need to access historical data (half hour data, call detail, etc.) for historical reporting in Monitor ICM, the Script Editor, or in third-party tools. ICM software normally stores historical data in the central database on the Logger. Optionally, you can designate the Distributor Admin Workstation to act as the Historical Data Server (HDS).

With the Historical Data Server (HDS) option, one Distributor AW at each admin site is an HDS machine. The Central Controller forwards historical records to the HDS machine for storage in a special local database. Other Admin Workstations at the local site can retrieve historical data from the HDS machine without having to access the central site (see Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2 Historical Data Server Architecture

To set up a Historical Data Server, you must configure the Logger to perform historical data replication. You must also configure the Distributor Admin Workstation to be a Historical Data Server. You can use the ICM Setup tool to create an HDS database on the real-time distributor.

For specific information about setting up an HDS database, see Chapter 4, "Database Administration."

Information from the Distributor Admin Workstation tells each client Admin Workstation where to obtain historical data. If the Distributor AW is a Historical Data Server, then it instructs the clients to get historical data from its own HDS database. Otherwise, it instructs the clients to get historical data from the Logger database.


ICM software uses locks for some types of data to prevent users from changing the same data simultaneously:

Script Lock. Used to lock a single script version.

Master. Used to lock all configuration data and scripts.

When you make changes to configuration data, ICM software automatically locks just the database rows you are changing, applies your changes, and then releases the locks. When you edit a script, the Script Editor automatically acquires the script lock. The script lock applies to only one script.

The Master lock is provided only for compatibility with previous ICM releases. The Master lock provides exclusive access to all configuration data and scripts. If a user holds the Master lock, no one can acquire any other locks. You must explicitly acquire and release the Master lock through Lock Admin. It is recommended that you use one of the more specific lock types instead.

The Lock Admin tool displays the status of all locks:

To release a lock:

Step 1 Select the lock by clicking on its name in the Type column.

Step 2 To release the lock, click the Release button


Posted: Mon Dec 6 11:50:16 PST 2004
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