
Table of Contents

About This Guide

About This Guide

This section describes:

Document Objectives

This guide explains how to install, configure, and use the Cisco Micro Webserver 200. The Micro Webserver 200's primary objective is to serve Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) pages to a Java-enabled Web browser on the Internet.


This guide is intended for system and network administrators who are responsible for setting up, configuring, managing, and maintaining Web sites. You should already have some familiarity with Web servers, networks, and the Internet to use this guide. In particular, you should know what a server, browser, and network is and how each functions with regard to the Internet and any Web site you would like to build.

Document Organization

This guide is organized in the order that you would set up, install, administer, and configure your Micro Webserver 200. It includes five chapters:

Document Conventions

This guide uses the specific conventions to represent information in text and tables.

Command descriptions use these conventions:

Examples use these conventions:

Copyright 1989-1998 © Cisco Systems Inc.