
Table Of Contents

LocalDirector Failover

Failover Setup

Failover Command Summary

Failover Examples

Basic Failover Implementation

Stateful Failover Implementation

Fault-Tolerant Failover Implementation

Failover Interface Tests

Failover SYSLOG Messages

Show Failover Command Output

Frequently Asked Questions

LocalDirector Failover

This chapter describes LocalDirector failover and contains the following sections:

Failover Setup

Failover Command Summary

Failover Examples

Failover Interface Tests

Failover SYSLOG Messages

Show Failover Command Output

Frequently Asked Questions

If you set up two LocalDirectors with the same configuration (same model, interface connections, and software release), they can provide backup capabilities for each other, should one fail. This redundant configuration, in conjunction with the hardware and software to set up, monitor, and provide the switch from the failed unit to the backup unit, is called LocalDirector failover.

In a failover configuration, one LocalDirector unit is considered the "primary" unit, while the other is considered the "secondary" unit. The primary unit is also the active unit by default, and it performs normal network functions. The backup unit (standby) only monitors the communication between the failover units, ready to take control should the active unit fail. When a failure occurs, the units toggle operations as one picks up for the other and exchange Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, but they do not redesignate themselves from "primary" to "secondary," or vice versa.

Note   Use identical LocalDirector units as failover pairs. Make sure that the hardware platform, and the number and type of interfaces on each unit, are the same.

The active unit uses the system IP address and the MAC address of the primary unit. The standby unit uses the failover IP address and the secondary MAC address. Because the active unit uses the same IP and MAC addresses (regardless of which physical unit it is), no Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries need to change or time out anywhere on the network.

Failover monitors the failover communications, power status of the other unit, interface line status, and hello packets that are received on each interface. A failure of any of these parameters on the active unit causes the standby unit to take active control. When a failure or switch occurs, SYSLOG messages are generated indicating the cause of the failure.

To take a unit out of the "failed" state, cycle the power or use the failover reset command. The failover reset command also clears failover timers and counters for the LocalDirector unit. When a failed primary unit is brought back online, it does not automatically resume as the active unit because it could immediately enter a failed state again. However, if a failure is due to a lost signal on a network interface card, failover "autorecovers" when the network is available again.

Use the failover active command to initiate a failover switch from the standby unit, or the no failover active command from the active unit to initiate a failover switch. You can use this feature to force an active unit offline for maintenance.

Note   Because configuration replication is automatic from the active unit to the standby unit, you should enter configuration changes only from the active unit.

By default, the standby unit does not keep state information on each connection; all active connections are dropped and must be reestablished by the clients. However, if you configure stateful failover on LocalDirectors, the standby LocalDirector not only has copies of the active LocalDirector configuration, but also has copies of the tables that show the active connections and their state. If the active unit fails, these connections are still valid, and users continue an active session with the server. Use the replicate command to configure stateful failover on a per-virtual basis.

The configuration of the primary unit is copied to the secondary unit in the following conditions:

When the standby unit completes its initial bootup, the active unit replicates its entire configuration to the standby unit.

As commands are entered on the active unit, they are sent across to the standby unit. (The commands are sent via the failover cable.)

Using the write standby command on the active unit forces the entire configuration to the standby unit.

Failover Setup

Follow this procedure to set up a failover configuration. shows the physical connections for the primary and secondary units.

Figure 5-1 Basic Failover Implementation on a LocalDirector 416

Step 1 Attach the end of the LocalDirector failover cable labeled PRIMARY to the LocalDirector that is to be the primary unit (the failover cable is shown in ).

Step 2 Attach the other end of the cable to the LocalDirector that is to be the secondary unit.

Figure 5-2 Failover Cable

Note   Do not use the LocalDirector failover cable if it is connected to only one LocalDirector. Make sure each end of the cable is connected to a LocalDirector.

Step 3 Connect the interface cables to the appropriate hardware:

Connect matching interfaces on each LocalDirector unit to the hub or switch that goes to the outside network (for example, connect interface 0 on each unit to the outbound hub or switch).

Connect another interface on each LocalDirector unit to the hub or switch that connects to your servers.

If you want to set up stateful failover, connect a crossover cable to the third interface on each LocalDirector unit.

Any interface that is not used should be configured as down (using the shutdown command) to prevent the units from failing themselves.

Step 4 Power up the primary unit.

Step 5 Use the failover ip address command to set the IP address for the standby unit.

To take advantage of multiple IP addresses or dispatched mode, or allow the failover unit to be on a different network than the real servers, use the failover alias ip address command to set up an alias on the standby failover unit. A maximum of 256 aliases are allowed.

Step 6 If you want to configure stateful failover, use the replicate command. See the replicate command descriptions in Chapter 6, " Command Reference," for more information.

Step 7 Write the primary configuration to a floppy disk or a TFTP server.

Note   The standby unit does not write the configuration it receives from the primary unit into memory; the configuration needs to be backed up outside the LocalDirector pair to protect against memory failure on the primary unit.

Step 8 Power up the standby unit.

Step 9 Reboot the primary unit to start the configuration replication to the secondary unit and start failover monitoring.

Step 10 Check your configuration:

Use the show failover command to display the status of the failover cable and the unit that is active. See the section " Show Failover Command Output" later in this chapter for more information about this command.

Use the show ip address command to display the current IP address of the unit. If the unit is active, the system IP address displays; if the unit is standby, the failover IP address displays.

Failover Command Summary

lists the commands that are used for failover configurations. For complete descriptions of these commands, refer to Chapter 6, "Command Reference."

Table 5-1 Failover Command Summary



Sets up failover configuration.

failover active

Forces LocalDirector to active state.

failover alias ip address

Sets failover alias IP address.

failover ip address

Sets failover IP address.

failover reset

Resets a failed LocalDirector.


Sets up stateful connections.

show failover

Shows status.

show ip address

Displays IP address. For the active unit, the system IP address displays; for the standby unit, the failover IP address displays.

Failover Examples

This section describes the following examples of failover configurations:

Basic Failover Implementation

Stateful Failover Implementation

Fault-Tolerant Failover Implementation

Basic Failover Implementation

showed a basic failover implementation. Note that the third interface on LocalDirector 416 is not being used. In this example, the shutdown command must be used to disable the interface; otherwise the unit is seen as failed.

Note   Turn off unused interfaces with the shutdown command.

Stateful Failover Implementation

shows stateful failover with a dedicated interface, provided by the crossover cable.

Use the replicate interface command to identify the dedicated interface, as follows:

ld(config)# replicate interface 3

The ports on the 4-port interface are numbered 0 to 3. This command dedicates the bottom port on the card to stateful failover.

Note   Turn off unused interfaces with the shutdown command.

Figure 5-3 Stateful Failover on a LocalDirector 430 with a Dedicated Interface

Fault-Tolerant Failover Implementation

Many sites employ LocalDirectors in situations of heavy traffic loads, where redundant switches are used to route incoming traffic to multiple locations, including LocalDirectors. shows a LocalDirector configuration that is fault tolerant.

The configuration in produces the following results, given any component failure:

Router failure makes Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) designate the other router active, and the switches identify the backup router as active, based on the activity showing up on its switch ports. The LocalDirectors stay in the nonfailover state, and traffic to the active LocalDirector is maintained by the Inter-Switch Link (ISL). Downstream traffic to the servers is sent as in the nonfailover state.

Switch failure causes the LocalDirector attached to that switch to produce failover if it is active because it perceives the interface as dead (no hello packets). If that LocalDirector is not active, nothing happens except that the switches identify the failed switch using ISL, and the switch attached to the active LocalDirector takes over the load.

LocalDirector failure causes failover in the LocalDirectors. The newly active LocalDirector starts sending and receiving traffic, and the switches move the MAC addresses used by the LocalDirector to other ports. The switches communicate this information via the ISL. If the switches are part of a spanning-tree group, they block these packets for twice the time period of the forward delay parameter.

Note that in the configuration, failure of a server-side switch removes access to the servers attached to it. This situation can be minimized by utilizing servers with dual LAN ports, such as exist on some LAN cards designed for redundant links.

Figure 5-4 Fault-Tolerant Failover Configuration

Redundant Power Planning

In planning for redundant Web sites, it is wise to plan for power failures, so that equipment affected is backed up by other equipment that is not on the same power circuit.

It also makes sense to not provide power in such a way that multiple failovers occur at the same time; for example, having a gateway router and a switch served by the same power circuit or supply. This situation would mean that a switch and router would both try to converge their routes at the same time, which would cause problems in a heavily loaded network.

Failover Interface Tests

If there is a loss of network communication over an interface, failover begins a series of tests to determine which unit failed. These tests begin when hello messages are not heard for six consecutive 5-second intervals. Hello messages are sent over both network interfaces and the serial cable every 5 seconds.

The tests generate network traffic to determine which (if either) unit is failed. At the start of each test, each unit clears its received packet count for its interfaces. At the conclusion of each test, each unit checks if it has received any traffic. If it has, the interface is considered operational. If one unit receives traffic for a test and the other unit does not, the unit that received no traffic is considered failed. If neither unit has received traffic, they go to the next test.

Note   If the failover IP address has not been set, failover does send hello messages over each interface, and the network activity, ARP, and broadcast ping tests are not performed.

The following lists the failover interface tests:

Link up/down test

This is a test of the network interface card. If an interface card is not plugged into an operational network, it is considered failed (for example, the hub or switch is failed, has a failed port, or a cable is unplugged).

Network activity test

This is a received network activity test. The unit counts all received packets for up to
5 seconds. If any packets are received at any time during this interval, the interface is considered operational and testing stops. If neither unit receives traffic, the ARP test begins.

ARP test

The ARP test consists of reading the ARP cache for the ten most recently acquired ARP entries. One at a time, the unit sends ARP requests to these servers attempting to stimulate network traffic. After each request, each unit counts all received traffic for up to 5 seconds. If traffic is received, the interface is considered operational. If no traffic is received by either unit, an ARP request is sent to the next server. After tying the ten entries, if no traffic has been received, the ping broadcast test begins.

Broadcast ping test

The broadcast ping test consists of sending out a broadcast ping request. Each unit then counts all received packets for up to 5 seconds. If any packets are received at any time during this interval, the interface is considered operational and testing stops. If no traffic is received, the testing starts over again with the ARP test.

Failover SYSLOG Messages

Failover messages always have a SYSLOG priority level of 2, which indicates a critical condition. All failover SYSLOG messages are also sent as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) SYSLOG traps.

To receive SNMP SYSLOG traps (SNMP failover traps), the SNMP agent must be configured to send SNMP traps to SNMP management stations, define a SYSLOG host, and also compile the Cisco SYSLOG MIB into your SNMP management station. See the snmp-server and syslog command descriptions in Chapter 6, " Command Reference," for more information.

The SYSLOG messages sent to record failover events are listed in the " SYSLOG and SNMP Messages" section of Appendix A, " ."

Show Failover Command Output

The following is the normal output of the show failover command. Note that the IP address that each unit is using is displayed.

ld-prim(config)# show failover
Failover On
Cable status: Normal
This host: Primary - Active
Active time: 6885 (sec)
Interface 0 ( Normal
Interface 1 ( Normal
Other host: Secondary - Standby
Active time: 0 (sec)
Interface 0 ( Normal
Interface 1 ( Normal

Failover does not start monitoring the network interfaces until it has heard the sixth hello packet from the other unit on that interface, which should happen within 30 to 60 seconds.

If the unit is attached to a switch running spanning tree, the start of failover monitoring takes twice the forward delay time configured in the switch (typically 15 seconds) plus
30 seconds. This delay is because at bootup (and immediately following a failover event) the network switch detects a temporary bridge loop. When this bridge loop is detected, the switch stops forwarding packets for the duration of the forwarding delay time. It then enters "listen" mode for an additional forward delay time while the switch is listening for bridge loops but still not forwarding traffic (including failover hello packets).

After twice the forward delay time (30 seconds), traffic should resume. LocalDirector remains in "waiting" mode until it hears six hello packets (1 every 5 seconds for a total of 30 seconds). During this time, LocalDirector is passing traffic and does not fail the unit based on not hearing the hello packets. All other failover monitoring continues (power, interface, and failover cable hello).

Note   If a failover IP address has not been entered, use of the show failover command displays for the IP address, and monitoring of the interfaces remains in "waiting" state. A failover IP address must be set for failover to work.

The following example shows the output if failover has not started monitoring the network interfaces:

ld-prim(config)# show failover
Failover On
Cable status: Normal
This host: Primary - Active
Active time: 6930 (sec)
Interface 0 ( Normal (Waiting)
Interface 1 ( Normal (Waiting)
Other host: Secondary - Standby
Active time: 15 (sec)
Interface 0 ( Normal (Waiting)
Interface 1 ( Normal (Waiting)

Note   Waiting indicates that monitoring of the network interfaces of the other unit has not yet started, and the site is not protected by the failover feature.

The following example shows that a failure has been detected. Note that interface 1 on the primary unit is the source of the failure. The units are back in waiting mode because of the failure. The failed unit has removed itself from the network (interfaces are down) and it is no longer sending hello packets on the network. The active unit remains in the waiting state until the failed unit is replaced and failover communications start again.

ld-prim(config)# show failover
Failover On
Cable status: Normal
This host: Primary - Standby (Failed)
Active time: 7140 (sec)
Interface 0 ( Normal (Waiting)
Interface 1 ( Failed (Waiting)
Other host: Secondary - Active
Active time: 30 (sec)
Interface 0 ( Normal (Waiting)
Interface 1 ( Normal (Waiting)

Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains some frequently asked questions about the failover feature.

Can the failover feature work when the failover cable is not used?

No, failover does not work without the cable. If you run without the failover cable, you are essentially running two separate LocalDirectors, which results in a bridge loop and floods the network. The failover cable is an essential part of failover.

How is startup initialization accomplished between two units?

When a unit boots up, it defaults to Failover Off and Secondary unless the failover cable is present or failover has been saved in the configuration. The configuration from the active unit is also copied to the standby unit. If the cable is not present, the unit automatically becomes the active unit. If the cable is present, the unit that has the primary end of the failover cable plugged into it becomes the primary unit by default, unless the secondary unit is already active.

Can modems be used to extend the length of the failover cable?

No, the cable cannot be extended using modems or other EIA/TIA-232 line extenders. Part of what the failover cable does is indicate the presence and power status of the other unit. When you place line extenders in this path, you are relaying the status of the line extender rather than the status of the other LocalDirector unit.

What happens when failover is triggered?

A switch can be initiated by either unit. When a switch takes place, each unit changes state. The newly active unit assumes the IP address and MAC address of the previously active unit and begins accepting traffic for it. The new standby unit assumes the IP address and MAC address of the unit that was previously the standby unit.

Is connection state shared between LocalDirector units?

Use the replicate command to maintain connection state on a per-virtual basis. If the replicate command is not used, active connections are dropped when a failover switch occurs, and clients must reestablish the connections through the newly active unit. It is best to maintain state on connections with a longer connection time. Although it is possible to maintain state on connections that are short-lived such as HTTP, it is not recommended.

How can both units be configured the same without the configuration being manually entered twice?

The configuration is automatically replicated and can be forced with the write standby command.

What happens if a primary unit has a power failure?

When the primary active LocalDirector experiences a power failure, the standby LocalDirector comes up in active mode. If the primary unit is powered up again, it becomes the standby unit.

What happens if an interface card is disconnected?

When the primary active LocalDirector is failed by disconnecting the network interface (cable pull), the standby LocalDirector comes up in active mode as it should. When the interface is plugged back in, the unit automatically recovers; however, it does not take over as the active unit. It becomes the standby unit.

Does failover work in a switched environment?

Yes, if you are running LocalDirector Version 1.6.3 or greater on both units.

What constitutes a failure?

Fault detection is based on the following:

— Failover hello packets are received on each interface. If hello packets are not heard for six consecutive 5-second intervals, the interface is tested to determine which unit is at fault.
— Cable errors. The cable is wired so that each unit can distinguish between a power failure in the other unit and an unplugged cable. If the standby unit detects that the active unit is powered down (or resets) it takes active control. If the cable is unplugged, a SYSLOG message is generated but no switching occurs. An exception is at boot-up, at which point an unplugged cable forces the unit active. If both units are powered up without the failover cable installed, they both become active, creating a duplicate IP address conflict on your network. The failover cable must be installed for failover to work correctly.
— Failover communication. The two units share information every 5 seconds. If the standby unit does not hear from the active unit in six communication attempts (and the cable status is OK), the standby unit takes over as active.

How long does a failure take to detect?

— Network errors are detected within 30 seconds.
— Power failure (and cable failure) is detected within 5 seconds.
— Failover communications errors are detected within 30 seconds.

What maintenance is required?

SYSLOG messages are generated when any errors or switches occur. Evaluate the failed unit and repair or replace it.

What LocalDirector software versions are compatible between LocalDirector failover units?

Always use the same version of software on both LocalDirector units.

Note   Use identical LocalDirector units as failover pairs. Make sure that the hardware platform and the number and type of interfaces on each unit are the same.

What is the recommended procedure for upgrading software in failover configurations?

See "Software Upgrade," for failover upgrade instructions.

What are the cable pinouts for the failover cable, and how long is the cable?

The failover cable is shown in , and the pinouts for the failover cable are shown in . The cable is 6 feet (2 meters) long, and both ends are receptacle DB-15. The EIA/TIA-232 standard specifies that cables can be up to 75 feet (22 meters) long.

Figure 5-5 Failover Cable Pinouts


Posted: Wed Nov 10 22:45:22 PST 2004
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