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Shutdown Through V Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2



snmp-server community

snmp-server contact

snmp-server enable traps

snmp-server host

snmp-server ifindex persist

snmp-server location

snmp-server queue-length

snmp trap link-status





tag-switching request-tags for


vpdn domain-delimiter

vpdn enable


vpdn outgoing

vpdn source-ip

Shutdown Through V Commands for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2

This chapter documents commands that you use to configure Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2. Commands in this chapter are listed alphabetically. For information on how to configure DSL features, refer to the Configuration Guide for Cisco DSLAMs with NI-2.

Note Commands that are identical to those documented in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference and the ATM and Layer 3 Switch Router Command Reference have been removed from this chapter.

This chapter discusses the following commands:



snmp-server community

snmp-server contact

snmp-server enable traps

snmp-server host

snmp-server ifindex persist

snmp-server location

snmp-server queue-length

snmp trap link-status





tag-switching request-tags for


vpdn domain-delimiter

vpdn enable


vpdn outgoing

vpdn source-ip


To disable a port, use the shutdown command. To enable a port, use the no form of the command.


no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


Enabled (no shutdown)

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use shutdown to disable a port. Use no shutdown to enable a disabled port.


In this example, the command enables slot 20, port 1:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 20/1 DSLAM(config-if)# no shutdown

Related Commands



To provision a slot for a specific card type, or to change the line coding for a flexi line card, use the slot command.

slot slot# cardtype

Syntax Description


The number of the slot you want to provision. The range is 1 to 34.

Note The number of slots varies by chassis. The Cisco 6015 has 6 slots, the Cisco 6160 has 32 slots, and the Cisco 6260 has 30 slots.


The line card type for which you want to configure the slot. The valid card types are:

ATUC-1-4DMT—4xDMT card

ATUC-1-4DMT-I—4xDMT over ISDN card

ATUC-4FLEXICAP—4xflexi card configured as CAP

ATUC-4FLEXIDMT—4xflexi card configured as DMT

ATUC-1-DMT8—8xDMT card

ATUC-1-DMT8-I—8xDMT over ISDN card

ATUC-8-DMT-1-H—8xDMT OSP card

ITUC-1-8IDSL—8xIDSL card

STUC-4-2B1Q-DIR-1—4xSDSL card


Note Some line cards do not function in all NI-2 DSL systems. Consult the hardware documentation for your DSL system to determine which line cards it supports.


There is no default value for this command.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


New card types were added.


New card types were added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the slot command to provision a slot for a line card, and to provision a flexi line card for CAP or DMT line coding.

A card mismatch error condition can occur if the specified slot contains one type of card but is provisioned for another type.

If you attempt to provision an empty slot, the major alarm PROVISIONED SLOT IS EMPTY appears.

Note You must provision a 4xflexi line card for CAP or DMT line coding before it operates. After you provision the flexi card for CAP or DMT, the system downloads line card firmware to the flexi card. The download process takes about a minute. Do no remove the card, reboot the card, or reboot the system during the download.

The 4xflexi line card and the 8xDMT line card are spectrally incompatible with both the 8xIDSL line card and the 4xSDSL (STU-C) line card. If you install spectrally incompatible cards in the same side of the chassis, the lines served by those cards can suffer reduced performance. For best performance in a chassis with a mixture of line card types, always install flexi or DMT cards on one side of the chassis and install IDSL and SDSL cards on the opposite side.


The command in this example provisions slot 30 for a 4xflexi DMT line card.

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# slot 30 ATUC-4FLEXIDMT

Related Commands


show hardware

Displays information about the physical modules in the chassis.

snmp-server community

To set up the community access string to permit access to the SNMP, use the snmp-server community global configuration command. The no form of this command removes the specified community string.

snmp-server community string [view view-name] [ro | rw] [number]

no snmp-server community string

Syntax Description


Community string that acts like a password and permits access to the SNMP.

view view-name

(Optional) Name of a previously defined view. The view defines the objects available to the community.


(Optional) Specifies read-only access. Authorized management stations are only able to retrieve MIB objects.


(Optional) Specifies read-write access. Authorized management stations are able to both retrieve and modify MIB objects.


(Optional) Integer from 1 to 99 that specifies an access list of IP addresses that are allowed to use the community string to gain access to the SNMP agent.


(Optional) Integer from 1300 to 1999 that specifies an expanded access list of IP addresses that are allowed to use the community string to gain access to the SNMP agent.


By default, an SNMP community string permits read-only access to all objects.

Note If you do not use the snmp-server community command during the SNMP configuration session, this command is automatically added to the configuration after the snmp-server host command. In this case, the default password (string) for the snmp-server community is taken from the snmp-server host command.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The no snmp-server command disables all versions of SNMP (SNMPv1, SNMPv2C, SNMPv3).

The first snmp-server command that you enter enables all versions of SNMP.


The following example assigns the string comaccess to SNMP, allowing read-only access, and specifies that IP access list 4 can use the community string:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server community comaccess ro 4

The following example assigns the string mgr to SNMP allowing read-write access to the objects in the restricted view:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server community mgr view restricted rw

The following example removes the community comaccess:

DSLAM(config)# no snmp-server community comaccess

The following example disables all versions of SNMP:

DSLAM(config)# no snmp-server

Related Commands



Configures the access list mechanism to filter frames by protocol type or vendor code.

snmp-server contact

To set the system contact (sysContact) string, use the snmp-server contact global configuration command. Use the no form of the command to remove the system contact information.

snmp-server contact text

no snmp-server contact

Syntax Description


String that describes the system contact information.


No system contact string is set.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows a system contact string:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server contact Dial System Operator at beeper # 27345

Related Commands


snmp-server location

Sets the system location string.

snmp-server enable traps

To enable the DSLAM to send SNMP traps or informs (SNMP notifications), use the snmp-server enable traps global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable SNMP notifications.

snmp-server enable traps [notification-type] [notification-option]

no snmp-server enable traps [notification-type] [notification-option]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Type of notification to enable. If you do not specify a type, the software sends all notifications available on your device. The notification type can be one of the following keywords:

alarms—Sends alarm notifications

atm-accounting—Sends ATM Accounting notifications

atm-soft—Sends ATM SoftVC notifications

config—Sends configuration notifications.

entity—Sends entity MIB modification notifications.

rtr—Sends Service Assurance Agent/Response Time Reporter (RTR) notifications.

snmp [authentication]—Sends RFC 1157 SNMP notifications. Use of the authentication keyword produces the same effect as not using the authentication keyword. Both the snmp-server enable traps snmp and snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication forms of this command globally enable (or, if you use the no form, disable) the following SNMP traps:

authentication failure

cold start




syslog—Sends error message notifications (Cisco Syslog MIB). Specify the level of messages to be sent with the logging history level command.


This command is disabled by default. Most notification types are disabled. However, you cannot control some notification types with this command.

If you enter this command with no notification-type keywords, the default is to enable all notification types that are controlled by this command.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

SNMP notifications are sent as traps or inform requests. This command enables both traps and inform requests for the specified notification types. To specify whether the notifications should be sent as traps or informs, use the snmp-server host [traps | informs] command.

If you do not enter an snmp-server enable traps command, no notifications controlled by this command are sent. In order to configure the DSLAM to send these SNMP notifications, enter at least one snmp-server enable traps command. If you enter the command with no keywords, all notification types are enabled. If you enter the command with a keyword, only the notification type related to that keyword is enabled. To enable multiple types of notifications, issue a separate snmp-server enable traps command for each notification type and notification option.

The snmp-server enable traps command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server host command. Use the snmp-server host command to specify which host or hosts receive SNMP notifications. To send notifications, configure at least one snmp-server host command.

For a host to receive a notification controlled by this command, both the snmp-server enable traps command and the snmp-server host command for that host must be enabled. If the notification type is not controlled by this command, only the appropriate snmp-server host command must be enabled.

The notification types used in this command all have associated MIB objects that allow them to be globally enabled or disabled. Not all of the notification types available in the snmp-server host command have notificationEnable MIB objects, so some of these notification types cannot be controlled with the snmp-server enable command.


The following example enables the DSLAM to send all traps to the host specified by the name myhost.cisco.com, using the community string defined as public:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com public

The following example enables the DSLAM to send Frame Relay and environmental monitor traps to the host myhost.cisco.com using the community string public:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps frame-relay DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps envmon temperature DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com public

The following example does not send traps to any host. The BGP traps are enabled for all hosts, but the only traps enabled to be sent to a host are ISDN traps (which are not enabled in this example).

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps bgp DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host bob public isdn

The following example enables the DSLAM to send all inform requests to the host at the address myhost.cisco.com, using the community string defined as public:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com informs version 2c public

The following example sends HSRP MIB traps to the host myhost.cisco.com using the community string public.

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable hsrp DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com traps version 2c public hsrp

Related Commands


snmp-server host

Specifies the recipient of an SNMP notification operation.

snmp-server informs

Specifies inform request options.

snmp-server trap-source

Specifies the interface (and hence the corresponding IP address) from which an SNMP trap should originate.

snmp-server host

To specify the recipient of an SNMP notification operation, use the snmp-server host global configuration command. To remove the specified host, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server host host-addr [traps | informs] [version {1 | 2c | 3 [auth | noauth | priv]}] community-string [udp-port port] [notification-type]

no snmp-server host host [traps | informs]

Syntax Description


Name or Internet address of the host (the targeted recipient).


(Optional) Send SNMP traps to this host. This is the default.


(Optional) Send SNMP informs to this host.


(Optional) Version of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) used to send the traps. Version 3 is the most secure model, because it allows packet encryption with the priv keyword. If you use the version keyword, specify one of the following options:

1—SNMPv1. This option is not available with informs.


3—SNMPv3. The following three optional keywords can follow the version 3 keyword:

auth (optional). Enables Message Digest 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) packet authentication

noauth (default). The noAuthNoPriv security level. This is the default if the [auth | noauth | priv] keyword choice is not specified.


Password-like community string sent with the notification operation. Though you can set this string using the snmp-server host command by itself, we recommend that you define this string using the snmp-server community command before you use the snmp-server host command.

udp-port port

UDP port of the host to use. The default is 162.


(Optional) Type of notification to be sent to the host. If no type is specified, all notifications are sent. The notification type can be one or more of the following keywords:

alarms—Sends alarm notifications

atm-accounting—Sends ATM Accounting notifications

atm-soft—Sends ATM SoftVC notifications

config—Sends configuration notifications.

entity—Sends entity MIB modification notifications.

rtr—Sends Service Assurance Agent (RTR) notifications.

snmpSends Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notifications (as defined in RFC 1157).

syslog—Sends error message notifications (Cisco Syslog MIB). Specify the level of messages to be sent with the logging history level command.

tty—Sends Cisco enterprise-specific notifications when a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection closes.

udp-port—The notification host UDP port number


This command is disabled by default. No notifications are sent.

If you enter this command with no keywords, the default is to send all trap types to the host. No informs are sent to this host.

If no version keyword is present, the default is version 1. The no snmp-server host command with no keywords disables traps, but not informs, to the host. To disable informs, use the no snmp-server host informs command.

Note If you do not define the community-string with the snmp-server community command before you use this command, the default form of the snmp-server community command is automatically inserted into the configuration. The password (community-string) used for this automatic configuration of the snmp-server community is the same as that specified in the snmp-server host command. This is the default behavior for IOS Release 12.0(3) and later.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

SNMP notifications can be sent as traps or inform requests. Traps are unreliable because the receiver does not send acknowledgments when it receives traps. The sender cannot determine if the traps were received. However, an SNMP entity that receives an inform request acknowledges the message with an SNMP response protocol data unit (PDU). If the sender never receives the response, the inform request can be sent again. Thus, informs are more likely to reach their intended destination.

However, informs consume more resources in the agent and in the network. Unlike a trap, which is discarded as soon as it is sent, an inform request must be held in memory until a response is received or the request times out. Also, traps are sent only once, but an inform can be retried several times. The retries increase traffic and contribute to a higher overhead on the network.

If you do not enter an snmp-server host command, no notifications are sent. In order to configure the DSLAM to send SNMP notifications, enter at least one snmp-server host command. If you enter the command with no keywords, all trap types are enabled for the host.

To enable multiple hosts, issue a separate snmp-server host command for each host. You can specify multiple notification types in the command for each host.

When you issue multiple snmp-server host commands for the same host and kind of notification (trap or inform), each succeeding command overwrites the previous command. Only the last snmp-server host command is in effect. For example, if you enter an snmp-server host inform command for a host and then enter another snmp-server host inform command for the same host, the second command replaces the first.

The snmp-server host command is used with the snmp-server enable command. Use the snmp-server enable command to specify which SNMP notifications are sent globally. For a host to receive most notifications, enable at least one snmp-server enable command and the snmp-server host command for that host.

However, some notification types cannot be controlled with the snmp-server enable command. Some notification types are always enabled. Other notification types are enabled by a different command. For example, the linkUpDown notifications are controlled by the snmp trap link-status command. These notification types do not require an snmp-server enable command.

The availability of a notification-type option depends on the DSLAM type and Cisco IOS software features supported on the DSLAM. For example, the envmon notification-type is available only if the environmental monitor is part of the system.


If you want to configure a unique SNMP community string for traps, but you want to prevent SNMP polling access with this string, the configuration should include an access-list. In the following example, the community string is named "comaccess" and the access list is numbered 10:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server community comaccess ro 10 DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host comaccess DSLAM(config)# access-list 10 deny any

The following example sends the SNMP traps to the host specified by the name myhost.cisco.com. The community string is defined as comaccess.

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com comaccess snmp

The following example sends the SNMP and Cisco environmental monitor enterprise-specific traps to address

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host public snmp envmon

The following example enables the DSLAM to send all traps to the host myhost.cisco.com using the community string public:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com public

The following example will not send traps to any host. The BGP traps are enabled for all hosts, but only the ISDN traps are enabled to be sent to a host.

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps bgp DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host bob public isdn

The following example enables the DSLAM to send all inform requests to the host myhost.cisco.com using the community string public:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable traps DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com informs version 2c public

The following example sends HSRP MIB traps to the host specified by the name myhost.cisco.com. The community string is defined as public.

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server enable hsrp DSLAM(config)# snmp-server host myhost.cisco.com traps version 2c public hsrp

Related Commands


snmp-server host

Specifies the recipient of an SNMP notification operation.

snmp-server informs

Specifies inform request options.

snmp-server trap-source

Specifies the interface (and hence the corresponding IP address) from which an SNMP trap should originate.

snmp-server trap-timeout

Specifies the frequency for resending trap messages on the retransmission queue.

snmp-server ifindex persist

To globally enable ifIndex values to remain constant across reboots for use by SNMP, use the snmp-server ifindex persist command in global configuration mode. To globally disable ifIndex persistence, use the no form of this command in global configuration mode.

snmp-server ifindex persist

no snmp-server ifindex persist

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Interface Index Persistence means that ifIndex values in the IF-MIB persist across reboots, allowing for consistent identification of specific interfaces that use SNMP.

The snmp-server ifindex persist global configuration command does not override an interface-specific configuration. Interface-specific configuration of ifIndex persistence is performed with the [no] snmp ifindex persist and snmp ifindex clear interface configuration commands.

The [no] snmp-server ifindex persist global configuration command enables and disables ifIndex persistence for all interfaces on the DSLAM using ifDescr and ifIndex entries in the ifIndex table of the IF-MIB.


In the following example, ifIndex persistence is enabled for all interfaces:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server ifindex persist

In this example, if ifIndex persistence was previously disabled for a specific interface through the use of the no snmp ifindex persist interface configuration mode command, ifIndex persistence remains disabled for that interface. The global ifIndex command does not override the interface-specific commands.

Related Commands


snmp ifindex persist

Enables or disables ifIndex values in the IF-MIB that persist across reboots (ifIndex persistence) only on a specific interface.

snmp-server ifindex clear

Clears any interface-specific configuration of ifIndex persistence.

snmp-server location

To set the system location string, use the snmp-server location global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the location string.

snmp-server location text

no snmp-server location

Syntax Description


String that describes the system location information.


No system location string is set.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows a system location string:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server location Building 3/Room 214

Related Commands


snmp-server contact

Sets the system contact (sysContact) string.

snmp-server queue-length

To establish the message queue length for each trap host, use the snmp-server queue-length global configuration command.

snmp-server queue-length length

Syntax Description


Integer that specifies the number of trap events that can be held before the queue must be emptied.


10 events

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command defines the length of the message queue for each trap host. Once a trap message is successfully transmitted, the software continues to empty the queue, but never faster than at a rate of 4 trap messages per second.


The following example establishes a message queue that traps four events before it must be emptied:

DSLAM(config)# snmp-server queue-length 4

Related Commands


snmp trap link-status

To enable SNMP link trap generation, use the snmp trap link-status interface configuration command. To disable SNMP link traps, use the no form of this command.

snmp trap link-status

no snmp trap link-status

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


SNMP link traps are sent when an interface goes up or down.

Command Modes

Interface and profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default, SNMP link traps are sent when an interface goes up or down. For interfaces that are expected to go up and down during normal usage, such as ISDN interfaces, the output that these traps generate might not be useful. The no form of this command disables these traps.


The following example disables the sending of SNMP link traps related to the atm 0/1 interface:

DSLAM(config)# interface atm 0/1 DSLAM(config)# no snmp trap link-status

Related Commands



To modify the framing mode for the interface, use the sonet interface configuration command.

sonet [stm-1 | sts-3c] [protection | working | <cr>]

Syntax Description


Synchronous transfer mode-1.


Synchronous transport signal-3.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 11.


The fiber that is local to the NI-2 card in slot 10.


Both protection and working fibers.


Default value is sts-3c.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example sets the framing mode to stm-1 on both the working and protection fibers:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 0/1 DSLAM(config-if)# sonet stm-1

Related Commands


show controllers

Displays information on working and protection fibers.


To specify an alternate IP address for a VPDN tunnel that is different from the physical IP address used to open the tunnel, use the source-ip VPDN group command. To remove the alternate IP address, use the no form of this command.

source-ip ip-address

no source-ip

Syntax Description


Alternate IP address (that is, different from the physical IP address used to open the VPDN tunnel) that the DSLAM uses to identify the tunnel.



Command Modes

VPDN group mode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can configure each VPDN group on a DSLAM with a unique source-ip command.


The following example configures an L2TP access concentrator (LAC) to accept L2TP dial-out calls using the alternate IP address, which is different from the physical IP address used to open the L2TP tunnel.

DSLAM(config)# vpdn-group 3 DSLAM(config-vpdn)# accept-dialout DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-out)# protocol l2tp DSLAM(config-vpdn-acc-out)# exit DSLAM(config-vpdn)# source-ip

Related Commands



Accepts requests to create either L2F or L2TP tunnels for dial-in.


Accepts requests to tunnel L2TP dial-out calls.


Enables a DSLAM to request either L2F or L2TP tunnels for dial-in.


Enables a DSLAM to request L2TP tunnels for dial-out calls.


To enter the redundancy submode to specify redundancy on NI-2s, use the redundancy global configuration command.

redundancy split-mode

Syntax Description


Logically disconnect the secondary unit from the primary unit. This command is useful when you are performing software upgrades and other maintenance procedures. Use the no form of the command to reconnect the secondary unit and reset the standby unit.


The default is no split-mode.

Command Modes

Redundancy submode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you use the redundancy command, you enter redundancy privileged EXEC submode (config-red). Within this submode, you can configure the redundancy-specific parameter for putting the system in split mode. To exit redundancy privileged EXEC submode, type exit.

If you disable split mode, the standby card is reloaded.


The following example puts the system into simplex mode:

DSLAM> enable DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# redundancy DSLAM(config-red)# split-mode This command will place the system in SIMPLEX mode. [confirm] y Secondary auto-sync disabled due to split-mode

Related Commands


show redundancy states

Display the state of the primary and secondary NI-2s, and identify which NI-2 is active.


To set the subtend node identifier, use the subtend-id command.

subtend-id node#

Syntax Description


The identifier that you assign to this subtend node or to the specified subtend interface. The range is 0 to 12.


The default subtend ID is 0 (zero).

Command Modes

Global configuration or interface configuration. See the Usage Guidelines below for details.

Command History



This command was introduced.


The ability to assign a subtend ID to an interface was added.

Usage Guidelines

Assign to each subtended node a subtend identifier that is unique within its local subtend tree. If this condition is not met, some subscribers might not have fair access to the network.

The node at the top of the subtend tree—that is, the node that is connected to the trunk—must have the subtend ID 0. (Subtend ID 0 is the default.)

You can use the subtend-id command in global configuration mode or in interface configuration mode:

Use it in global configuration mode to set the subtend ID of this chassis.

Use it in interface configuration mode to assign a subtend ID to a subtended interface that is connected to a device that is not capable of assigning a subtend ID to itself—for example, a Cisco 6100 DSLAM. All the traffic that comes in through this interface will be tagged with the subtend ID that you assign to the interface, just as if the subtend ID had been assigned to the device connected to the interface. This feature allows otherwise incompatible devices to participate in a subtend tree.


The command in this example sets the subtend node identifier of this chassis to 12:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# subtend-id 12

The command in this example sets the subtend node identifier to 6 on port 0/2:

DSLAM# configure terminal DSLAM(config)# interface atm 0/2 DSLAM(config-if)# subtend-id 6

Related Commands


tag-switching request-tags for

To restrict the creation of LVCs through the use of access lists on the LSC or label edge router, use the tag-switching request-tags for global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

tag-switching request-tags for access list

no tag-switching request-tags for

Syntax Description

access list

A named or numbered standard IP access list.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command includes the following usage guidelines:

You can specify either an access list number or a name.

When you create an access list, the end of the access list contains an implicit deny statement for everything if the software did not find a match before reaching the end.

If you omit the mask from an IP host address access list specification, is assumed to be the mask.


This example shows how to prevent headend LVCs from being established from the LSC to all 198.x.x.x destinations. Add the following commands to the LSC configuration:

DSLAM(config)# tag-switching request-tags for 1 DSLAM(config)# access-list 1 deny DSLAM(config)# access-list 1 permit any

Related Commands


access list

Creates access lists.

ip access-list

Permits or denies access to IP addresses.


To specify which virtual template to use to clone virtual-access interfaces, use the virtual-template accept-dialin command. To remove the virtual template from an accept-dialin VPDN subgroup, use the no form of this command.

virtual-template template-number

no virtual-template

Syntax Description

template number

Number of the virtual template to use to clone virtual-access interfaces.



Command Modes

Accept-dialin mode

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Each accept-dialin group can clone virtual-access interfaces using only one virtual template. If you enter a second virtual-template command on an accept-dialin subgroup, it replaces the first virtual-template command.

You must first enable a tunneling protocol on the accept-dialin VPDN subgroup (using the protocol command) before you can enable the virtual-template command. If you remove or modify the protocol command, the virtual-template command is removed from the request-dialin subgroup.


The following example enables the LNS to accept an L2TP tunnel from a LAC named "mugsy." A virtual-access interface will be cloned from virtual template 1:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn enable DSLAM(config)# vpdn-group 1 (config-vpdn)# accept-dialin (config-vpdn-acc-in)# protocol l2tp (config-vpdn-acc-in)# virtual-template 1

Related Commands



Accepts requests to create either L2F or L2TP tunnels for dial-in.

vpdn domain-delimiter

To specify the characters to be used to delimit the domain prefix or domain suffix, use the vpdn domain-delimiter global configuration command.

vpdn domain-delimiter delimiter-characters [suffix | prefix]

Syntax Description


One or more specific characters to be used as suffix or prefix diameters. Available characters are %, -, @, \ , #, and /.

If a backslash (\) is the last delimiter in the command line, enter it as a double backslash (\\).

suffix | prefix

(Optional) Usage of the delimiter characters specified.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can enter one vpdn domain-delimiter command to list the suffix delimiters and another vpdn domain-delimiter command to list the prefix delimiters. However, no character can be both a suffix delimiter and a prefix delimiter.

This command allows the network access server to parse a list of home gateway DNS domain names and addresses sent by an AAA server. The AAA server can store domain names or IP addresses in the following AV pair:

cisco-avpair = "lcp:interface-config=ip address", cisco-avpair = "lcp:interface-config=ip address bigrouter@excellentinc.com,


The following example lists three suffix delimiters and three prefix delimiters:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn domain-delimiter %-@ suffix DSLAM(config)# vpdn domain-delimiter #/\\ prefix

Related Commands


vpdn enable

Enables VPDN on the DSLAM and informs the DSLAM to look for tunnel definitions in a local database and on a remote authorization server (LNS).

vpdn search-order

Specifies how the service provider network access server is to perform VPDN tunnel authorization searches.

vpdn enable

To enable VPDN on the DSLAM and inform the DSLAM to look for tunnel definitions in a local database, use the vpdn enable global configuration command. To disable VPDN, use the no form of this command.

vpdn enable

no vpdn enable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.



Command Modes

Global configuration.

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example enables VPDN on the router:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn enable

Related Commands



To define a local, unique group number identifier, use the vpdn-group global configuration command. To remove a group number, use the no form of this command.

vpdn-group group-number

no vpdn-group group-number

Syntax Description


Local group number. Valid group numbers range from 1 to 3000.


VPDN group number assignments are not defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The vpdn-group command defines a local, unique identifier for each VPDN group.


The following example establishes local VPDN group number 1 for which other variables, such as force-local chap, can be assigned:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn enable DSLAM(config)# vpdn group-number 1

Related Commands


vpdn outgoing

To specify use of a domain name when selecting a tunnel for forwarding traffic to the remote host (the home gateway) on a virtual private dialup network, use the vpdn outgoing global configuration command.

vpdn outgoing {domain-name} local-name ip ip-address

Syntax Description


Case-sensitive name of the domain to which traffic is forwarded.


Case-sensitive local name to use when authenticating the tunnel to the remote host.

ip ip-address

IP address of the remote host (home gateway).



Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The request-dialin command replaces this command.

The domain-name and local-name arguments are case sensitive.

This command is usually used on a network access server, not on a home gateway.

You can use the domain name to choose a tunnel destination. For example, if a user dials in as joe@company-a.com, where joe is the username and company-a.com is the domain name, you can select a tunnel destination based on the domain (company-a.com).

Note The vpdn outgoing command is still valid for defining tunnels; however, after you save the configuration, the user interface converts this command to the new syntax (the request-dialin command).


The following example selects a tunnel destination based on the domain name:

DSLAM(config)# vpdn enable DSLAM(config)# vpdn outgoing chicago-main go-blue ip

Related Commands


vpdn enable

Enables VPDN on the DSLAM and informs the DSLAM to look for tunnel definitions in a local database and on a remote authorization server (LNS).

vpdn history failure table-size

Specifies the size of the user failure table.

vpdn source-ip

To set the source IP address of the network access server, use the vpdn source-ip global configuration command.

vpdn source-ip address

Syntax Description


IP address of the network access server.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

One source IP address is configured on the network access server. The source IP address is configured per network access server, not per domain.


The following example enables VPDN on the network access server and sets an IP source address of

DSLAM(config)# vpdn enable DSLAM(config)# vpdn source-ip

Related Commands



Posted: Mon May 10 22:15:22 PDT 2004
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