
Table of Contents

Command Line Interface Reference

Command Line Interface Reference

The Command Line Interface (CLI) enables displaying and setting the various ONS 15190 options and general management of the system, including definition of nodes and configuration of logical rings, as well as viewing the status of the system. All available commands are described in this chapter. Use of these commands to configure your ONS 15190 and examples of their use are presented in the chapter "Configuring the ONS 15190."

The command line interface reference is presented in the following sections:

Using the CLI

In general, the ONS 15190 CLI is very similar to the Cisco IOS software. This section describes a number of general features of Cisco IOS that are implemented in the ONS 15190 CLI as well. For a more detailed explanation of Cisco IOS, see the Cisco IOS documentation.

(For information on the conventions used in the Cisco IOS documentation set, see the "About the Cisco IOS Software Documentation" chapter in the "Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.")

Command Modes

The Cisco IOS user interface is divided into many different modes. The commands available to you at any given time depend on which mode you are currently in. Entering a question mark (?) at the system prompt allows you to obtain a list of commands available for each command mode.

When you log in to the Cisco IOS software, you begin in user mode, often called EXEC mode. Only a limited subset of the commands are available in EXEC mode. To have access to all commands, you must enter privileged EXEC mode. Normally, you must enter a password to enter privileged EXEC mode. From privileged mode, you can enter any EXEC command or enter global configuration mode. Most of the EXEC commands are one-time commands, such as show commands, which show important status information, and clear commands, which clear counters or interfaces. The EXEC commands are not saved when the networking device reboots.

The configuration modes allow you to make changes to the running configuration. In the ONS 15190 there are two separate configuration modes:

Main Command Modes

The various command modes of the ONS 15190, follow in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1: ONS 15190 Command Modes
Command Mode Access Method Prompt Exit Method


Log in


Use the logout command

Privileged EXEC

From user EXEC mode, use the enable EXEC command.


To exit back to user EXEC mode, use the disable command.

To enter global configuration mode, use the configure terminal privileged EXEC command.

Global configuration

From privileged EXEC mode, use the configure terminal privileged EXEC command.


To exit privileged EXEC mode, use the exit or end command or press Ctrl-Z.

To enter interface configuration mode, use an interface configuration command.

Interface configuration

From global configuration mode, enter by specifying an interface with an interface command.


To exit to global configuration, use the exit command

To exit to privileged EXEC mode, use the end command or press Ctrl-Z.

Rconf configuration

From privileged EXEC mode, use the rconf privileged EXEC command.


To exit to privileged EXEC mode, use either the end or exit command.

Line configuration

From global configuration mode, enter by specifying a line with the line command.


To exit to global configuration, use the exit command.

To exit to privileged EXEC mode, use the end command or press Ctrl-Z.

Getting Help

Entering a question mark (?) at the system prompt displays a list of commands available for each command mode. You can also get a list of keywords and arguments associated with any command by using the context-sensitive help feature.

To get help specific to a command mode, a command, a keyword, or an argument, use one of the following commands:

Command Description


Presents a brief description of the help system in any command mode.


Lists all commands that begin with a particular character string. (No space between command and question mark.)


Completes a partial command name.


Lists all commands available for a particular command mode.

command ?

Lists the keywords or arguments that you must enter next on the command line. (Space between command and question mark.)

The following example illustrates how the context-sensitive help feature enables you to create a new node using the node rconf configuration command. To list all possible keywords and a brief explanation of each, enter a question mark (?) at the system prompt.

ons15190(rconf)#? apply Apply current configuration changes default Reset connection configuration to factory default discard Discard current connection configuration changes display Display configuration end exit from rconf mode exit exit from rconf mode help Description of the interactive help system no Negate a command or set its defaults node Node configuration pos POS connection configuration raw Raw (low-level) configuration ring Ring configuration sniff Sniffing configuration

Each successive keyword can be followed by a question mark (?) to determine the format of the options to follow.

ons15190(rconf)#node ? all All nodes autodetect Auto-detect nodes create Create new node io-autodetect Inner/Outer Auto-detect nodes NODE Node identifier Lag32 Lag33 GSR_Left GSR_Right Gil Gali ons15190(rconf)#node create ? aps APS node fiber Fiber node pos POS node sniff Sniffer node srp SRP node srp-inner SRP Inner node srp-outer SRP Outer node ons15190(rconf)#node create srp ? STRING SRP node name

No Commands

Many configuration commands also have a no form. In general, use the no form to disable a function. Use the command without the keyword no to reenable a disabled function or to enable a function that is disabled by default.

For example, E-IPS functionality is disabled by default. To enable E-IPS, use the eips enable command and specify no eips enable to disable it.

Command Line Editing

The ONS 15190 CLI editing features are, to a great extent, taken from features used in UNIX, EMACS, and 4NT systems. The CLI supports VT100 emulation. In order to use the arrow keys, the VT100 arrows option in the Telnet terminal configuration must be enabled.

Line Cursor Movements

Use the following keyboard commands to move the line cursor on the screen:

Keyboard command Move Cursor

Æ (right arrow) or Ctrl-F

One character to the right.

¨ (left arrow) or Ctrl-B

One character to the left.


To the start of the line.


To the end of the line.


Forward one letter.


Backward one letter.

History Cursor Movements

Use the following keyboard commands to move the cursor between commands:

Keyboard command Action

¦ (up arrow) or Ctrl-P

Move cursor to the previous command with the same prefix as the current command. Up to 40 previous commands are maintained in the history buffer.

Ø (down arrow) or Ctrl-N

Move cursor to the next command with the same prefix as the original command.

Ctrl-L or Ctrl-R

Redisplay the current command line.


Use these commands to edit at the command line:

Command Action


Delete the character where the cursor is located.


Delete the word where the cursor is located (from the cursor position to the end of the word).

Backspace, Ctrl-H

Delete the character before the current location of the cursor.


Delete the entire line (from the cursor position to the end of the line).

Ctrl-U, Ctrl-X

Delete all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the command line.


Delete the word to the left of the cursor.


Recall the last item deleted.

Shell Commands

Similar to UNIX systems, the ONS 15190 CLI supports some shell processing, such as history and modification commands.

Action Result


Execute the previous command


Execute command number # (command numbers are displayed with the history command)


Execute the command that was executed # number of times ago


Execute the previous command, starting with the str prefix


Replace the first occurrence of string1 in the previous command with string2, and then execute the modified command

:p at all shell commands 1

Add the command to the history buffer without executing the command

1For example, !5:p

Error Messages

Whenever an error is entered, the location of the problem will be indicated by the display of a small arrow (^). Whenever a command is incomplete, an appropriate error message will be displayed.


All valid ONS 15190 commands are described in this section. Commands appear in alphabetical order.

Command Description Command Mode

aaa authentication enable

Specifies default enable authentication methods


aaa authentication login

Specifies default login authentication methods


aaa authorization commands

Enables user EXEC and privileged EXEC command authorization


aaa authorization config-commands

Enables configuration command authorization



Applies the current draft configuration changes to the running configuration



Automatically detects all connected SRP nodes and configures them into default rings

privileged EXEC

banner motd

Specifies a message to be used as the message-of-the-day


calendar set

Sets the system calendar

privileged EXEC

clear arp-cache

Deletes all dynamic entries from the ARP cache on the Ethernet interface

privileged EXEC

clear counters

Clears the POS counters

privileged EXEC

clear interface

Resets the hardware logic on an interface

privileged EXEC

clear line vty

Returns a terminal line to the idle state

privileged EXEC

clear logging

Clears messages from the logging buffer

privileged EXEC

clock set

Sets the system clock

privileged EXEC


Enters global configuration mode

privileged EXEC


Logs on to a host that supports Telnet



Copies any file from a source to a destination

privileged EXEC


Completely resets all connection configurations



Exits privileged EXEC command mode and returns to user EXEC mode

privileged EXEC


Discards all current draft configuration changes


display draft

Displays the draft configuration (the configuration that has not yet been applied)


display running

Displays the current running configuration which was last applied


eips enable

Enables enhanced-IPS capabilities


eips wtr-timer

Specifies a wait-to-restore period for SRP nodes



Enters privileged EXEC command mode

user EXEC

enable secret

Sets a local password to control access to privileged EXEC mode



Exits configuration modes

global, interface, rconf, line

erase nvram:

Erases the system startup configuration

privileged EXEC


Sets the interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits until user input is detected



Exits command mode or closes active terminal session and terminates the EXEC



Displays a brief description of the help system



Specifies or modifies the host name of the system


hw-module blink

Causes all LEDs associated with a particular slot or interface to blink

privileged EXEC

hw-module reload

Resets a specific card in the system

privileged EXEC

hw-module shutdown

Disables a specific slot in the chassis



Enters interface configuration mode



Automatically detects all connected inner-outer SRP nodes and configures them into default rings

privileged EXEC

ip address

Sets the IP address for an interface


ip default-gateway

Defines a default gateway


ip domain-name

Defines a default domain name that is used to complete unqualified host names


ip name-server

Specifies the address of one or more name servers



Changes the switching control for APS nodes

privileged EXEC


Enters line configuration command mode



Logs messages to a syslog server host


logging buffered

Logs messages to an internal buffer


logging console

Limits messages logged to the console based on severity


logging maint

Limits messages logged to the maintenance port based on severity


logging monitor

Limits messages logged to terminal lines based on severity


logging trap

Limits messages logged to the system servers based on severity



Places an interface into loopback mode



Displays the message-of-the-day


node autodetect

Automatically detects new nodes


node create

Configures a new node


node interfaces

Defines the interfaces to which a node is connected


node rename

Renames a node


node set ais

Specifies the AIS properties for a node


node set clock-source

Specifies the clock source for a node


node set framing

Specifies whether a node is configured for SDH or SONET


node set threshold

Specifies the BER threshold for a signal degrade or signal fail


node set aps

Specifies the switching mode of APS nodes to be revertive



Specifies that the pathtrace message (PTM) reflect the PTM of the connected node



Pings a host


pos connect

Connects two POS or APS nodes.


raw clear

Disconnects all interfaces


raw connect

Bidirectionally connects two interfaces


raw enable

Enables the use of raw rconf configuration commands


raw direct

Manually connects a source interface to a destination interface in one direction only


raw set ais

Specifies the AIS properties for an interface in raw mode


raw set clock-source

Specifies the clock source for an interface in raw mode


raw set framing

Specifies whether an interface is configured for SDH or SONET in raw mode


raw set protocol

Specifies whether an interface is configured for POS or SRP in raw mode


raw set threshold

Specifies the BER threshold for signal degrade or signal fails



Enters rconf configuration command mode

privileged EXEC


Halts the system and performs a cold restart

privileged EXEC

ring add

Adds nodes to a ring


ring autoorder

Optimizes the order of nodes in an SRP ring


ring create

Defines a new SRP ring


ring nodes

Defines the nodes of a ring


ring rename

Renames a ring



Sends messages to one or all Telnet sessions

privileged EXEC


Initially configures the network parameters, enable secret and configuration file

privileged EXEC

show 15190

Displays information about the chassis


show aps node

Displays status information for APS nodes


show arp

Displays the entries in the ARP table


show banner motd

Displays the current settings of the MOTD banner


show calendar

Displays the calendar hardware setting


show controllers

Displays the SONET indications


show eips

Displays whether E-IPS is enabled or not


show history

Lists the commands you entered in the current EXEC session


show hw-module

Displays status information about a card


show interfaces

Displays the current status for an interfaces


show interfaces data

Displays the POS counters for an interface


show interfaces ethernet

Displays information about the Ethernet interface


show interfaces laser

Displays the laser monitor status for an interface


show interfaces performance-monitor

Displays the packet monitoring counters for an interface


show interface rx-pathtrace

Displays the received pathtrace messages


show ip route

Displays the current state of the routing table


show logging

Displays the contents of the logging buffer

privileged EXEC

show node

Displays information about the configuration of the node


show redundancy

Display information about system redundancy


show running-config

Displays the running configuration

privileged EXEC

show snmp

Displays the status of SNMP communications


show sntp

Displays the current UTC and SNTP server


show tech-support

Displays general information about the system to be used for troubleshooting


show temperature-protect

Displays whether or not the temperature protection mechanism is enabled


show terminal

Displays information about the terminal configuration parameter settings


show users

Displays information about the active lines


show version

Displays the configuration of the system hardware, software version, names and sources of configuration files and boot images


sniff connect

Configures a node to be monitored by a sniff node


snmp-server chassis-id

Provides a message line identifying the chassis serial number


snmp-server contact

Sets the system contact


snmp-server enable traps

Enables the system to send SNMP traps and informs


snmp-server host

Specifies the recipient of an SNMP notification


snmp-server location

Sets the system location


sntp server

Configures the system to use SNTP to request and accept NTP traffic from a time server



Sets the terminal baud rate


tacacs-server host

Specifies a TACACS+ server host


tacacs-server key

Sets the encryption key to be used for TACACS+ communications


tacacs-server timeout

Specifies a timeout value for communications with the TACACS+ servers



Logs on to a host that supports Telnet

user EXEC

temperature-protect disable

Disables the temperature protection capability


tnetd set mirror

Begins or ends mirroring of a Telnet session

privileged EXEC

tnetd set state

Enables or disables additional Telnet sessions

privileged EXEC

write erase

Erases all system configurations and resets the factory defaults

privileged EXEC

write memory

Writes the currently running configuration to Flash memory

privileged EXEC

write network

Writes the contents of the configuration file to a TFTP server

privileged EXEC

write terminal

Writes the contents of the running configuration to the terminal

privileged EXEC

aaa authentication enable

To enable AAA authentication to determine if a user can access the privileged command level, use the aaa authentication enable command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable AAA authentication.

aaa authentication enable default method1 [method2...]

no aaa authentication enable default

Syntax Description


Uses the listed authentication methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods when a user tries to access the privileged command level.


At least one of the keywords described in Table 6-2.


If the default list is not set, only the enable password is checked. This has the same effect as the command in the following example:

aaa authentication enable default enable

On the console, the enable password is used if it exists. If no password is set, the process will succeed anyway.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the aaa authentication enable command to create a series of authentication methods that are used to determine whether a user can access the privileged command level. Method keywords are described in Table 6-2. The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To specify that the authentication should succeed even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in the command line.

Table 6-2: aaa authentication enable Default Methods
Keyword Description


Uses the enable password for authentication.


Uses no authentication.


Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for authentication.

Note   The tacacs+ method refers to a set of previously defined TACACS+ servers. Use the tacacs-server host command to configure the host servers.


This example creates an authentication list that first tries to contact a TACACS+ server. If no server can be found, AAA tries to use the enable password. If this attempt also returns an error (because no enable password is configured on the server), the user is allowed access with no authentication.

aaa authentication enable default tacacs enable none

Related Commands

Command Description

aaa authorization

Sets parameters that restrict access to specific commands.

enable secret

Sets a local password to control access to various privilege levels.

aaa authentication login

To set AAA authentication at login, use the aaa authentication login command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable AAA authentication.

aaa authentication login default method1 [method2...]

no aaa authentication login default

Syntax Description


Uses the listed authentication methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods when a user logs in.


At least one of the keywords described in Table 6-3.


The default login authentication method is enable (using the enable secret). For this reason it is not possible to login to the system via the network (Telnet) until either the enable secret has been set or the aaa authentication login has been changed. This has the same effect as the command in the following example:

aaa authentication login default enable

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The aaa authentication login command is similar to the aaa authentication login command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.3.

The method argument identifies the list of methods that the authentication algorithm tries, in the given sequence. Method keywords are described in Table 6-3.

The additional methods of authentication are used only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails. To ensure that the authentication succeeds even if all methods return an error, specify none as the final method in the command line.

Table 6-3: aaa authentication login Default Methods
Keyword Description


Uses the enable secret for login authentication.


Uses no authentication.


Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for login authentication.

Note   In Table 6-3, the tacacs+ method refers to a set of previously defined TACACS+ servers. Use the tacacs-server host command to configure the host servers.


The following example creates an authentication list that first tries to contact a TACACS+ server. If no server can be found, AAA tries to use the enable password. If this attempt also returns an error (because no enable password is configured on the server), the user is allowed access with no authentication.

aaa authentication login default tacacs+ enable none

Related Commands

Command Description

aaa authorization

Sets parameters that restrict access to specific commands.

enable secret

Sets a local password to control access to the privileged EXEC mode.

aaa authorization commands

To set parameters that restrict command-level access to a user, use the aaa authorization commands command in global configuration mode. To disable authorization for a command level, use the no form of this command.

aaa authorization commands level default method1 [method2...]

no aaa authorization commands level default

Syntax Description


Command level number of commands to be authorized. Levels may be 1 for user EXEC mode and 15 for privileged EXEC mode.


Uses the listed authorization methods that follow this argument as the default list of methods for authorization.

method1 [method2...]

One of the keywords listed in Table 6-4.


Authorization is disabled for all actions (equivalent to the method keyword none).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

Use the aaa authorization command to enable authorization and to create methods lists, defining authorization methods that can be used when a user accesses the specified function. Method lists for authorization define the ways authorization will be performed and the sequence in which these methods will be performed. A method list describes the authorization methods to be used (such as TACACS+), in sequence. Method lists enable you to designate a security protocol to be used for authorization, thus ensuring a backup system in case the initial method fails. Cisco IOS software uses the first method listed to authorize users for specific network services; if that method fails to respond, the Cisco IOS software selects the next method listed in the method list. This process continues until there is successful communication with a listed authorization method, or all methods defined are exhausted.

Authorization is not performed on the console interface.

Note   The Cisco IOS software attempts authorization with the next listed method only when there is no response from the previous method. If authorization fails at any point in this cycle—meaning that the security server responds by denying the user services—the authorization process stops and no other authorization methods are attempted.

Method keywords are described in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4: aaa authorization commands Default Methods
Keyword Description


Allows the user to access the requested function if the user is authenticated.


Uses no authentication.


Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for authentication. When used, the network access server exchanges authorization information with the TACACS+ security daemon. TACACS+ authorization defines specific rights for users by associating attribute-value (AV) pairs, which are stored in a database on the TACACS+ security server, with the appropriate user.

Note   In Table 6-4, the tacacs+ method refers to a set of previously defined TACACS+ servers. Use the tacacs-server host command to configure the host servers.


The following example specifies that the TACACS+ server is used to authorize all commands of level 15. If there is no response from the TACACS+ server, all authenticated users are authorized. If both of these methods return errors, then the user is authorized anyway as the last method listed is none.

aaa authorization commands 15 default tacacs+ if-authenticated none

Related Commands

Command Description

aaa authentication

Sets parameters that restrict network access to a user.

enable secret

Sets a local password to control access to various privilege levels.

aaa authorization config-commands

To enable AAA configuration command authorization in the configuration mode, use the aaa authorization config-commands command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable command authorization in the configuration mode.

aaa authorization config-commands

no aaa authorization config-commands

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Disabled by default

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

If the aaa authorization commands command is enabled for level 1 and 15, all commands except configuration commands are authorized. In order to authorize configuration commands, use the aaa authorization config-commands command.

After the no form of this command has been entered, AAA authorization of configuration commands is completely disabled. Care should be taken before entering the no form of this command because it potentially reduces the amount of administrative control on configuration commands.

The methods used for global command authorization are the same as those you specified for level 15 commands using the aaa authorization commands 15 default command.


The following example specifies TACACS+ authorization for level 15 commands and the AAA authorization of configuration commands is enabled:

aaa authorization commands 15 default tacacs none
aaa authorization config-commands

Related Commands

Command Description

aaa authorization

Sets parameters that restrict access to specific commands.


To apply the current draft configuration changes to the running configuration, use the apply rconf configuration command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The draft configuration only becomes operational after it is applied. If the active controller car is reset or malfunctions before the configuration is applied, all changes will be lost.

Related Commands

Command Description

display draft

Displays information concerning the draft configuration that has not yet been applied.

display running

Displays information concerning the currently running configuration.


Discards all current connection, node, and ring configuration changes.


Use the autoconnect privileged EXEC command to automatically detect all SRP nodes that are physically connected to the ONS 15190 and to configure them into default rings.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

When used, the command displays all detected nodes and you are prompted to apply the configuration. The autoconnect command ignores all non-SRP nodes and all one-sided SRP nodes. To connect one-sided SRP nodes to rings, use the io-autoconnect command.

If the trace-mode is set to transparent (pathtrace-mode command) for SRP connections, and the ONS 15190 unit that you perform the autoconnect command on is connected to a second ONS 15190 unit, any nodes connected to the second ONS 15190 unit will not be identified.

Related Commands

Command Description


Specifies the trace-mode of the connection to be transparent.


Automatically detects one-sided SRP nodes that are physically connected to the ONS 15190 and configures them into default rings.


Following is an illustration of the results of using the command autoconnect.

ons15190#autoconnect Sniff configuration: Sniffer Port Sniffed node Port -------------------- ----- -------------------- ---------- No sniffer nodes. POS connections: Node IP Address Ports Type Other -------------------- --------------- -------------- ---- ---------- 12000_left-2 L5.1 OC12 12000_Right-2 L7.1 OC12 Ring configuration (nodes in order of outer ring): Ring Name Nodes IP Address A-Port B-Port Type Other ---------- ------------- ------------- ------ ------ ---- --------- ring1 12000_left L1.2 L1.1 OC12 12000_Right L4.1 L2.1 OC12 7200_center L4.2 L8.1 OC12 7200_left L5.2 L6.1 OC12 Apply configuration? y Configuration applied.

banner motd

To specify a message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner, use the banner motd global configuration command. The no form of this command deletes the MOTD banner.

banner motd d message d

Syntax Description


Delimiting character of your choice—a pound sign (#), for example. You cannot use the delimiting character in the banner message.


Message text. You can enter multiple lines as long as the delimiter is entered at the beginning and the end of the message


No MOTD banner is specified

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the banner motd command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Follow this command with one or more blank spaces and a delimiting character of your choice. Then enter one or more lines of text, terminating the message with the second occurrence of the delimiting character.

After the MOTD is defined, you must enable the display of the MOTD with the motd-banner command.


The following example copies the file named motd.txt from the host to be used as the current MOTD message:

ons15190#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15190(config)#banner motd % Enter text message. End with the character `%' first line second line %

Related Commands

Command Description


Enables the display of the MOTD.

copy tftp:\\host\banner.txt motd

Copies the contents of a text file from a TFTP server to be used as the login message of the system.

calendar set

To set the system calendar, use one of the formats of the calendar set privileged EXEC command.

calendar set hh:mm:ss day month year

calendar set hh:mm:ss month day year

Syntax Description


Current time in hours, minutes, and seconds (military format).


Current day in the month (a decimal between 01 to 31).


Current month (by name).


Current year as four digit number between 1970 to 2030.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the calendar set command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The calendar in the ONS 15190 is identical to the system clock.


The following example manually sets the system calendar to 1:32 p.m. on July 23, 2001:

ons15190#calendar set 13:32:00 23 july 2001

Related Commands

Command Description

clock set

Set system clock.

clear arp-cache

To delete all dynamic entries from the ARP cache on the Ethernet interface, use the clear arp-cache privileged EXEC command.

clear arp-cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command acts the same as the clear arp-cache command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example removes all dynamic entries from the ARP cache:

ons15190#clear arp-cache

Related Commands

Command Description

show arp

Display the ARP table.

clear counters

To clear the POS counters, use the clear counters privileged EXEC command.

clear counters interface-id

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2). If no interface-identifier is specified, the counters for all interfaces are cleared.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the clear counters command which first appeared in cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example clears the POS counters for first interface on the third line card:

ons15190#clear counters l3/1 Port L3/1 accumulated counters were reset.

clear interface

To reset the hardware logic on an interface, use the clear interface privileged EXEC command.

clear interface [interface-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2). If no interface-identifier is specified, all interfaces are cleared.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the clear interface command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0. Reseting the interface does not reset the counters or statistics.


The following example resets the second interface on the forth line card:

ons15190#clear interface L4/2

The following example resets all interfaces in the chassis:

ons15190#clear interface

clear line vty

To return a virtual terminal line to idle state, use the clear line privileged EXEC command.

clear line vty line-number

Syntax Description


Absolute line number to be cleared (0-4).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the clear line vty command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Use this command to log out of a specific session running on another line.


The following example resets line 3 to the idle state:

ons15190#clear line vty 3

clear logging

To clear messages from the logging buffer, use the clear logging privileged EXEC command.

clear logging

Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the clear logging command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

Related Commands

Command Description


Specifies remote logging station address.

logging buffered

Specifies which if any messages are to be saved to the logging buffer.

logging console

Specifies which if any messages are to be sent to the console.

logging maint

Specifies which if any messages are to be sent to the maintenance port.

logging monitor

Specifies which if any messages are to be sent to the monitor terminal line.

logging trap

Specifies which if any messages are to be saved to the system servers.

show logging

Displays the contents of the logging buffer.

clock set

To manually set the system clock, use one of the formats of the clock set privileged EXEC command.

clock set hh:mm:ss day month year

clock set hh:mm:ss month day year

Syntax Description


Current time in hours, minutes, and seconds (military format).


Current day (decimal from 01 to 31) in the month.


Current month (by name).


Current year (four-digit number between 1970 to 2030).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the clock set command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0. This command is also the same as the calendar set command.


The following example manually sets the system clock to 1:32 p.m. on July 23, 2001:

ons15190#clock set 13:32:00 23 July 2001

Related Commands

Command Description

calendar set

Specifies the calendar (date and time) for the system.


To enter global configuration mode, use the configure privileged EXEC command. You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.

configure terminal

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Syntax Description


Specifies that configuration commands are to be executed from the terminal.

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the configure command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0. This command executes configuration commands from the terminal.


To log on to a host that supports Telnet, use the connect EXEC command.

connect host [port]

Syntax Description


A host name or an IP address.


(Optional) Specifies the server port on which to connect.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the connect command which first appeared in a release prior to Cisco IOS Release 10.0; however this command supports only Telnet.


The following example establishes a Telnet session from the ONS 15190 to a remote host named host1:

ons15190#connect host1


To copy any file from a source to a destination, use the copy privileged EXEC command.

copy source-url destination-url

Syntax Description


The location of the source file or directory to be copied.


The destination of the copied file or directory.

The source-url can be an address on a TFTP server of the format tftp:\\host[\dir]\filename, or it may be a keyword as shown in Table 6-5.

Table 6-5: copy source-url Keywords
Keyword Description


Copies the current running configuration file.


Copies the current startup configuration file from the Flash memory.

The destination-url can be an address on a TFTP server of the format tftp:\\host[\dir]\filename, or it may be a keyword as shown in Table 6-6.

Table 6-6: copy destination-url Keywords
Keyword Description


Copies the file to the image file to replace the currently running software image.


Copies the file to the startup configuration in the Flash memory.


Copies the contents of a text file from a TFTP server to be used as the message-of-the-day for the system.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is a subset of the copy command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.3T.

When a file is copied to the startup configuration, it only becomes active after you reset the system.

The copy of the startup-config to a TFTP server is the same as executing the privileged EXEC command write network. The command copy running-config startup-config effectively saves the currently running configuration to Flash memory. It is the same as executing the privileged EXEC command write or write memory.


The following example downloads the configuration file conf in the directory confiles to the ONS 15190 startup configuration. The file conf will then be used to configure the system the next time it is booted.

ons15190#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15190(config)#copy tftp:\\\confiles\conf startup-config

The following example saves the currently running configuration to Flash memory:

ons15190(config)#copy running-config startup-config

The following example downloads and installs a new version of software to the ONS 15190 unit.

ons15190(config)#copy tftp:\\\ver30 image

The following example copies the file named motd.txt from the host to be used as the current MOTD message:

ons15190(config)#banner motd tftp:\\\motd-dir\motd.txt

Related Commands

Command Description

write [memory]

Saves the contents of the running configuration to Flash memory.

write network

Saves the startup configuration to a TFTP server.

show running-config

Displays the currently running configuration to the terminal.


Enables the display of the MOTD.


To completely reset all connection configurations, use the default rconf configuration command.


Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command resets the connection configuration to the factory defaults. In other words, there will be no defined nodes or rings.

Related Commands

Command Description


Discards draft connection configurations. The configuration remains as defined the last time the configuration was applied.

display draft

Displays information concerning the draft configuration, in other words, the configuration that has not yet been applied.

display running

Displays information concerning the currently running configuration.


To exit privileged EXEC mode and return to user EXEC mode, enter the disable privileged EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the disable command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


In the following example, entering the disable command causes the system to exit privileged EXEC mode and return to user EXEC mode as indicated by the angle bracket (>):

ons15190#disable ons15190>


To discard all current draft configuration changes, use the discard rconf configuration command.


Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the ONS 15190. After executing this command, the draft configuration will be as defined the last time the configuration was applied (using the apply command). In other words, all draft configuration changes will be discarded.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

display running

Displays information concerning the currently running configuration.

display draft

Displays information concerning the draft configuration.

display draft

To display information concerning the draft configuration that has not yet been applied (with the apply command), use the display draft rconf configuration command.

display draft

Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the ONS 15190. This command only displays information concerning the draft configuration that was defined since the last use of the apply command.


The following example illustrates sample output from the display draft command.

ONS15190(rconf)#display draft Current shadow (editable) connection configuration: Sniff configuration: Sniffer Port Sniffed node Port -------------------- ----- -------------------- ---------- No sniffer nodes. POS connections: Node IP Address Ports Type Other -------------------- --------------- -------------- ---- ------------------- GSR_Back_Left-002 (AT) OC48 GSR_Back_Right-002 (AT) OC48 Ring configuration (nodes in order of outer ring): AB Rings: Ring Name Nodes IP Address A B Type Other ---------- -------------------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- default GSR_Right (AT) (AT) OC12 GSR_Back_Left (AT) (AT) OC12 GSR_Left (AT) (AT) OC12 GSR_Back_Right (AT) (AT) OC12 No Inner rings defined. No Outer rings defined. Free SRP/Fiber nodes: No Free AB nodes. No Free Inner nodes. No Free Outer nodes. No Free Fiber nodes.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

display running

Displays information concerning the currently running configuration.

display running

To display information concerning the current configuration, which was last applied (using the apply command), use the display running rconf configuration command.

display running

Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command only applies to the ONS 15190. This command displays information about the currently running configuration only. To display information about the draft configuration, use the display draft command.

Related Commands

Command Description

display draft

Displays information concerning the draft configuration.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

eips enable

To enable the enhanced intelligent protection switching (E-IPS) capability of the ONS 15190, use the eips enable global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable the E-IPS capability of the ONS 15190.

eips enable

no eips enable

Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.


E-IPS is not enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The eips enable command is only relevant to the ONS 15190. When enabled, the E-IPS capability applies to all SRP nodes.

When enabled, the ONS 15190 can detect and bypass a faulty node, which is defined as an SRP node in which both of its ports (A and B) have failed. Without the E-IPS functionality, in the event of a router failure, all remaining routers will be connected by a single wrapped ring according to the SRP protocol. With the E-IPS functionality, if there is a signal failure on both sides of a connected router, the ONS 15190 will bypass the failed node. Failed nodes are removed from the ring within 5 mSec of detection.


In the following example, the E-IPS option is disabled.

ons15190(config)#no eips enable

Related Commands

Commands Description

eips wtr-timer

Specifies the WTR period for E-IPS capability on the ONS 15190.

show eips

Indicates whether the E-IPS option is enabled and displays the specified wait-to-restore value.

eips wtr-timer

To specify the wait-to-restore (WTR) period for SRP nodes, use the eips wtr global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to restore the wait-to-restore default value.

eips wtr-timer seconds

no eips wtr-timer

Syntax Description


The amount of time to wait before returning a bypassed node to the ring, after the node is detected as being functional.


6 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The eips wtr-timer command is only relevant to the ONS 15190 where the eips enable command has been executed. When the E-IPS capability is enabled, failed nodes are removed from the ring within 5 mSec of detection. A bypassed node is returned to the ring after a wait-to-restore period (WTR) in seconds has passed since the node was detected as being functional.


In the following example, the wait-to-restore time is set to 10 seconds:

ons15190(config)#eips wtr-timer 10

Related Commands

Command Description

eips enable

Enables the E-IPS capability in the ONS 15190.

show eips

Indicates whether the E-IPS option is enabled and displays the specified WTR value.


To enter privileged EXEC mode, use the enable user EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command contains no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the enable command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Because many of the privileged commands set operating parameters, privileged access should be password-protected to prevent unauthorized use. If the system administrator has set a password with the enable secret global configuration command or the TACACS server requests an enable secret, you are prompted to enter it before being allowed access to privileged EXEC mode. The password is case sensitive.


In the following example, the privileged EXEC command mode is entered after the correct password is provided:

ons15190>enable password: ons15190#

enable secret

To set a local password to control access to various privilege levels, use the enable secret global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the password requirement.

enable secret [0 | 5] password

no enable secret

Syntax Description


(Optional) Encryption type for password. 0 (default) indicates that an unencrypted password will follow; 5 indicates that an encrypted password will follow.


Password users type to enter enable mode. This should be encrypted or unencrypted depending on the use of the encryption type. If no encryption type is specified, the password is unencrypted.


No password is defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the enable secret command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.0.

Use this command to define a password for the enable command. After you specify the password, give the password to the users who need to access the privileged EXEC command mode.

An enable password is defined as follows:

When the system prompts you to enter the enable password, you need not precede the question mark with the Ctrl-V; you can simply enter abc?123 at the password prompt.


The following example enables the password pswd2:

ons15190(config)#enable secret pswd2

Related Commands

Command Description


Enter privileged EXEC mode.


Exit privileged EXEC mode.

aaa authentication

Enables AAA authentication.


To exit configuration mode, or any of the configuration submodes, use the end global configuration command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Global configuration and configuration submodes

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the end command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

You can also press Ctrl-Z to exit configuration mode.

Related Commands

Command Description


Enters global configuration mode.

erase nvram:

To erase the system startup configuration, use the erase nvram: privileged EXEC command.

erase nvram:

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is a subset of the erase command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.0. The erase nvram: command replaces the write erase command.

When the NVRAM is erased, all system startup configurations are lost.


The following example erases the NVRAM, including the startup configuration located there:

ons15190#erase nvram:

Related Commands

Command Description

write erase

Erases all system configurations.


To set the interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits until user input is detected, use the exec-timeout line configuration command. The timeout is set for the specific line being configured (for example, console, maintenance, vty). Use the no form of this command to remove the timeout definition.

exec-timeout minutes

no exec-timeout

Syntax Description


Integer between 0 to 10,000 that specifies the timeout in minutes. An interval of zero specifies no timeouts.

Command Modes

Line configuration


5 minutes

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the exec-timeout command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

A value of 0 disables the timeout facility.


The following example sets a time interval of 5 minutes:

ons15190(config)#line console 0 ons15190(config-line)#exec-timeout 5

Related Commands

Command Description


Enters line configuration command mode from the global configuration mode.


To exit any configuration mode or close an active terminal session and terminate the EXEC, use the exit command at the system prompt.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Available in all command modes.

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the exit command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Use the exit command at the EXEC levels to exit the EXEC mode. Use the exit command at the configuration level to return to privileged EXEC mode. Use the exit command in interface, line, rconf, and rconf command modes to return to global configuration mode. You also can press Ctrl-Z, or use the end command, from any configuration mode to return to privileged EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command Description


Exit configuration mode, or any of the configuration submodes.


To display a brief description of the help system, enter the help EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the help command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The help command provides a brief description of the context-sensitive help system.


In the following example, the output from the help command is displayed:

ons15190#help Enter '?' at any place in the command line for help Two styles of help are supported: - Argument help (e.g. 'command ?') : describes each possible argument. - Partial help (e.g. 'command pr?') : describes all matching arguments.


To specify or modify the host name for the ONS 15190 system, use the hostname global configuration command. The host name is used in prompts and show commands. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default host name (ons15190).

hostname name

no hostname

Syntax Description


String representing the new host name for the system.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the hostname command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The name must also follow the rules for ARPANET host names. They must start with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and have as interior characters only letters, digits, and hyphens. Names must be 63 characters or fewer. For more information, refer to RFC 1035, Domain Names—Implementation and Specification.


The following example changes the host name to sandbox:

ons15190(config)#hostname sandbox

hw-module blink

To cause all LEDs associated with a particular slot or interface to blink, use the hw-module blink privileged EXEC command. Use the no form of this command to stop the LEDs from blinking.

hw-module {slot slot-identifier | interface interface-identifier} blink [number]

no hw-module {slot slot-identifier | interface interface-identifier} blink

Syntax Description


Specifies a slot in the system to control.


Specifies the slot, which can be one of C1, C2 (controllers), S1-S5 (switch cards), or L1-L8 (line cards).


Specifies an interface in the system to control.


Specifies the interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).


(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds the LEDs should blink. If no value is specified, the LEDs will blink for 10 seconds.


LEDs blink for 10 seconds.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. This command is useful to identify interfaces/slots for technicians at a remote location.


The following example resets the line card located in slot L1.

ons15190#hw-module slot l1 blink 20

Related Commands

Command Description

show hw-module

Displays status information about a specific card in a slot.

hw-module shutdown

(Global configuration) Disables a specific slot in the system.

hw-module reload

(Privileged EXEC) Resets a specific card in the system.

hw-module reload

To reset a specific card in the system, use the hw-module reload privileged EXEC command.

hw-module slot slot-identifier reload

Syntax Description


Specifies a card in a particular slot is to be reset.


Specifies the slot, which can be one of C1, C2 (controllers), S1-S5 (switch cards), or L1-L8 (line cards).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the hw-module command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 12.1.

This command performs a reset on the card located in the slot identified by slot-identifier. The reset is performed immediately.


The following example resets the line card located in slot L1.

ons15190#hw-module slot l1 reload

Related Commands

Command Description

show hw-module

Displays status information about a specific card in a slot.


(Global configuration) Disables a specific slot in the system.

hw-module shutdown

To disable a specific slot in the ONS 15190 chassis, use the hw-module shutdown global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to enable a specific slot.

hw-module slot slot-identifier shutdown

no hw-module slot slot-identifier shutdown

Syntax Description


Specifies a particular slot is to be shutdown.


Specifies the slot, which can be one of C1, C2 (controllers), S1-S5 (switch cards), or L1-L8 (line cards).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the hw-module command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 12.1.

This command disables the specified slot, regardless of the card located in that slot. Even if the card is removed and replaced, the slot will continue to be disabled until the no form of the command is used.


The following example disables slot S5:

ons15190(config)#hw-module slot s5 shutdown

Related Commands

Command Description

show hw-module

Displays status information about a specific card in a slot.


(Privileged EXEC) Resets the specific card in the system.


Use the interface global configuration command to configure a specific interface and enter interface configuration mode.

interface ethernet 0

interface interface-id

Syntax Description


Specifies that the Ethernet interface is to be configured.


The interface identifier for the Ethernet interface.


Specifies the interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the interface command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0 for the Cisco 7000 series routers and in Cisco IOS Release 11.0 for the Cisco 4000 series routers.


The following example sets the IP address for the Ethernet interface to be

ons15190(config)#interface ethernet 0 ons15190(config-if)#ip address

The following example configures interface L3.1 to line loopback mode:

ons15190(config)#interface l3/1 ons15190(config-if)#loopback line

Related Commands

Command Description

show interfaces

Displays information about the interfaces.


Use the io-autoconnect privileged EXEC command to automatically detect all one-sided SRP nodes that are physically connected to the ONS 15190 and to configure them into default rings. This command is used to automatically connect rings being configured on two redundant ONS 15190 units. The command must be entered on both units.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

When executed, all detected nodes are displayed, and you are prompted to apply the configuration. The io-autoconnect command operates on srp-inner and srp-outer nodes. The command must be entered on both ONS 15190 units for SRR redundancy to be effective. To obtain complete system redundancy, all connected devices must support SRR.

If the trace-mode is set to transparent (pathtrace-mode command) for SRP nodes, and the ONS 15190 unit that you perform the autoconnect command on is connected to a second ONS 15190 unit, any nodes connected to the second ONS 15190 unit will not be identified.


The following example performs an io-autoconnect. After performing the autoconnect, you must execute the write command to save the configuration to Flash memory.

ons15190#io-autoconnect Configuration contains SRP rings definition, and may be discarded. Continue? y Sniff configuration: Sniffer Interface Sniffed node Interface -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- No sniffer nodes. POS connections: Node IP Address Interfaces Type Other -------------------- --------------- -------------- ---- ------------------- PoSiTiOn25 L5/3 OC12 pOsItIoN26 L1/2 OC12 Ring configuration (nodes in order of outer ring): AB Rings: Ring Name Nodes IP Address A B Type Other ---------- -------------------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- PILOT Abi L1/4 L5/2 OC12 Babi L5/4 L8/2 OC12 Gabi L8/1 L1/3 OC12 Dabi L8/3 L5/1 OC12 Inner Rings: Ring Name Nodes IP Address A/I B Type Other ---------- -------------------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- i-default I_GSR_Back_Right L6/2 OC48 I_GSR_Back_Left L7/2 OC48 I_GSR_Right L3/1 OC48 I_GSR_Left L2/1 OC48 Outer Rings: Ring Name Nodes IP Address A/O B Type Other ---------- -------------------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ------------- o-default O_GSR_Back_Right L3/2 OC48 O_GSR_Back_Left L2/2 OC48 O_GSR_Right L4/2 OC48 O_GSR_Left L7/1 OC48 Free SRP/Fiber nodes: No Free AB nodes. No Free Inner nodes. No Free Outer nodes. No Free Fiber nodes. Apply configuration? y Configuration applied. ons15190#write Building configuration... [OK]

Related Commands

Command Description


Specifies the trace-mode of the node to be transparent.


Saves the currently running-configuration to Flash memory.

ip address

To set the IP address for an interface, use the ip address interface configuration command. To remove the specified addresses, use the no form of this command.

ip address address mask

no ip address

Syntax Description


IP address.


Network mask for the associated IP addresses.


No default IP address.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the ip address command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example sets the IP address for the Ethernet interface to be and the mask to be

ons15190(config)#interface ethernet 0 ons15190(config-if)#ip address

Related Commands

Command Description

ip default-gateway

Specifies the default gateway for the ONS 15190 unit.

ip default-gateway

To define a default gateway, use the ip default-gateway global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ip default-gateway ip-address

no ip default-gateway ip-address

Syntax Description


IP address of the ONS 15190.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the ip default-gateway command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example defines the IP address as the default gateway:

ons15190(config)#ip default-gateway

Related Commands

Command Description

ip address

Specifies the IP address of ONS 15190 unit.

ip domain-name

To define a default domain name that the ONS 15190 uses to complete unqualified host names (names without a dotted-decimal domain name), use the ip domain-name global configuration command. To disable use of the DNS, use the no form of this command.

ip domain-name name

no ip domain-name

Syntax Description


Default domain name used to complete unqualified host names. Do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name from the domain name.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the ip domain-name command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Any IP host name that does not contain a domain name (that is, any name without a dot), will have the dot and appended to it before being added to the host table.


The following example defines as the default domain name:

ons15190(config)#ip domain-name

Related Commands

Command Description

ip name-server

Specifies the address of one or more name servers to use for name resolution.

ip name-server

To specify the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution, use the ip name-server global configuration command. To remove the addresses specified, use the no form of this command.

ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2]

no ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2]

Syntax Description


IP address of the name server.


(Optional) Secondary address of the name server.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the ip name-server command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example specifies host as the primary name server and host as the secondary server:

ons15190(config)#ip name-server

Related Commands

Command Description

ip domain-name

Specifies a default domain name.


To change the switching control for an APS node, use the l-aps privileged EXEC command. To disable the switching control, use the no form of this command.

l-aps aps-node force {0 | 1}

no l-aps aps-node force {0 | 1}

l-aps aps-node lockout

no l-aps aps-node lockout

l-aps aps-node manual {0 | 1}

no l-aps aps-node manual {0 | 1}

Syntax Description


Name of the APS node for which to change the switching control.


Forces a switch away from the specified link (0 or 1). When P (protection) is the forced link, the working link (W) remains active irrespective of the condition of its link. When W is the forced link (that is, P is active), control will return to the W link if there is a signal failure on the P link.

0 | 1

The link to switch away from, where
0 indicates to switch away from the protection link to the working link;
1 indicates to switch away from the working link to the protection link.


Lockout of protection. That is, the working link is forced to be active, irrespective of the condition of the links.


Manually switches from either the working link (link=1) or protection link (link=0). If a problem (signal fail or signal degradation) is detected on the active link, a manual switch will be discarded, and an automatic switch will occur.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. The l-aps command is used for user-initiated switching of APS nodes. Such nodes should be previously defined and configured using the node create aps command. Also, the trace-mode of APS nodes (pathtrace-mode command) should be set to transparent (default).


The following example causes a switch away from the protection (0) link to the working (1) link. In this case, the working link remains active irrespective of the condition of its link.

ons15190#l-aps node1 force 0

Related Commands

Command Description

node create aps

Defines a new APS node.

node set aps

Specifies APS parameters of a node.


Specifies the trace-mode of the node to be transparent.


To identify a specific line for configuration and start the line configuration command mode, use the line global configuration command.

line console 0

line maint 0

line vty minimum maximum

Syntax Description

console 0

Specifies that the first (and only) console terminal line is to be configured.

maint 0

Specifies that the first (and only) maintenance line is to be configured.


Specifies that the virtual terminal for remote console access (Telnet) is to be configured.


The relative number of the terminal line (or the first line in a contiguous group) that you want to configure when the line type is specified. Numbering begins with zero.


(Optional) The relative number of the last line in a contiguous group that you want to configure. If you omit the keyword, line-number and ending-line-number are absolute rather than relative line numbers.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the line command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

You can address a single line or a consecutive range of lines with the line command. A line number is necessary, though, and you will receive an error message if you do not include it. For console and maint, the line number is always zero.

The line number is a relative line number. For instance, the following example refers to the second vty line.

line vty 1


The following example starts configuration for virtual terminal lines 0 to 4:

ons15190(config)#line vty 0 4

The following example starts configuration for the console line:

ons15190(config)#line console 0

Related Commands

Command Description

show users

Displays current Telnet sessions.


To log messages to a syslog server host, use the logging global configuration command. The no form of this command deletes the syslog server with the specified address from the list of syslogs.

logging host

no logging host

Syntax Description


Name or IP address of the host to be used as a syslog server.


No messages are logged to a syslog server host.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the logging host command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

This command identifies a syslog server host to receive logging messages. By issuing this command more than once, you build a list of syslog servers that receive logging messages.


The following example logs messages to a host named cis12:

ons15190(config)#logging host cis12

Related Commands

Command Description

show logging

Displays the logging buffer.

logging buffered

To log messages to an internal buffer, use the logging buffered global configuration command. The no form of this command cancels the use of the buffer.

logging buffered severity

no logging buffered

Syntax Description


Specifies the severity of messages that are to be logged. The severity value may be a keyword or decimal as described in Table 6-7.


By default the software logs messages of severity warnings (4) or above to the internal buffer.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the logging buffered command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0. This command provides the ability to specify a severity level for the messages to be logged as described in Table 6-7.

Table 6-7: Error Message Logging Severities
Severity Keyword Severity Description



System is unusable



Immediate action is needed



Critical conditions



Error conditions



Warning conditions



Normal but significant conditions



Information messages



Debugging messages

This command copies logging messages to an internal buffer. The buffer is circular in nature, so newer messages overwrite older messages after the buffer is filled.

To display the messages that are logged in the buffer, use the EXEC command show logging. The first message displayed is the oldest message in the buffer.


The following example specifies to log messages to the internal buffer of severity 5 or greater (notifications):

ons15190(config)#logging buffered 5

Related Commands

Command Description

show logging

Displays the contents of the logging buffer.

logging console

To limit messages logged to the console based on severity, use the logging console global configuration command. The no form of this command disables logging to the console terminal.

logging console severity

no logging console

Syntax Description


Specifies the severity of messages that are to be logged. The severity value may be a keyword or decimal as described in Table 6-8.


By default, the software logs messages of severity warnings (4) or above to the console.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the logging console command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Specifying a severity causes messages at that severity and numerically lower levels to be displayed at the console terminal. The severity may be specified by the keyword or decimal equivalent.

The EXEC command show logging displays the addresses and severities associated with the current logging setup, as well as any other logging statistics. (See Table 6-8 following.)

Table 6-8: Error Message Logging Severities
Severity Keyword Severity Description



System is unusable



Immediate action needed



Critical conditions



Error conditions



Warning conditions



Normal but significant conditions



Information messages



Debugging messages


The following example specifies that all messages of severity 4 or greater (warnings) are logged to the console port:

ons15190(config)#logging console 4

Related Commands

Command Description

show logging

Displays the contents of the logging buffer.

logging maint

To limit messages logged to the maintenance port based on severity, use the logging maint global configuration command. The no form of this command disables logging to the maintenance port.

logging maint severity

no logging maint

Syntax Description


Specifies the severity of messages that are to be logged. The severity value may be a keyword or decimal as described in Table 6-9.


By default the software logs messages of severity warnings (4) or above to the maintenance port.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

Specifying a severity causes messages at that severity and numerically lower levels to be displayed at the console terminal. The severity may be specified by the keyword or decimal equivalent. (See Table 6-9 following.


Table 6-9: Error Message Logging Severities
Severity Keyword Severity Description



System is unusable



Immediate action needed



Critical conditions



Error conditions



Warning conditions



Normal but significant conditions



Information messages



Debugging messages

The EXEC command show logging displays the addresses and severities associated with the current logging setup, as well as any other logging statistics.


The following example specifies to log messages of severity 3 or greater (errors) to the maintenance port:

ons15190(config)#logging maint errors

Related Commands

Command Description

show logging

Displays the contents of the logging buffer.

logging monitor

To limit messages logged to the terminal lines based on severity, use the logging monitor global configuration command. This command limits the messages logged to terminal lines to messages with a level at or above severity. The no form of this command disables logging to terminal lines other than the console line.

logging monitor severity

no logging monitor

Syntax Description


Specifies the severity of messages which are to be logged. The severity value may be a keyword or decimal as described in Table 6-10:


By default the software logs messages of severity warnings (4) or above to the terminal lines.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the logging monitor command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Specifying a severity causes messages at that severity and numerically lower levels to be displayed to the terminal lines. This does not include the console line.The severity may be specified by the keyword or decimal equivalent. (See Table 6-10 following.)

Table 6-10: Error Message Logging Severities
Severity Keyword Severity Description



System is unusable



Immediate action needed



Critical conditions



Error conditions



Warning conditions



Normal but significant conditions



Information messages



Debugging messages


The following example logs messages of severity 2 or greater (critical) to the internal buffer:

ons15190(config)#logging monitor critical

Related Commands

Command Description

show logging

Displays the contents of the logging buffer.

logging trap

To limit messages logged to the system servers based on severity, use the logging trap global configuration command. The command limits the logging of error messages sent to system servers to only those messages at the specified level. Use the no form of this command to disable logging to system servers.

logging trap severity

no logging trap

Syntax Description


Specifies the severity of messages that are to be logged. The severity value may be a keyword or decimal as described in Table 6-11.


By default, the software logs messages of severity warnings (4) or above to the system servers.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the logging trap command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Specifying a severity causes messages at that severity and numerically lower levels to be logged to the servers. The severity may be specified by the keyword or decimal equivalent. (See Table 6-11 following.)

Table 6-11: Error Message Logging Severities
Severity Keyword Severity Description



System is unusable



Immediate action needed



Critical conditions



Error conditions



Warning conditions



Normal but significant conditions



Information messages



Debugging messages


The following example logs messages of severity 2 or greater (critical) to the system servers:

ons15190(config)#logging trap critical

Related Commands

Command Description

show logging

Displays the contents of the logging buffer.


To place a Cisco ONS 15190 interface into loopback mode, use the loopback interface configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable the loopback mode for the interface.

loopback {internal | line}

no loopback

Syntax Description


Places the interface into internal loopback. Data that is transmitted by the interface is also looped back in as if received from an outside source.


Places the interface into external loopback at the line. Data received through the interface is mirrored back out to the network. This is the default.



Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the loopback command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.0.

This command is useful for testing because it loops all packets from the interface back to the interface in addition to directing the packets to the network.


The following example loops all packets back to the interface on interface L1/1:

ons15190(config)#interface L1/1 ons15190(config-if)#loopback line

Related Commands

Command Description

show interfaces

Displays information about the interfaces.


To display message-of-the-day (MOTD) banners, use the motd-banner global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to suppress the MOTD banners.


no motd-banner

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the motd-banner line configuration command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.1.

This command determines whether the ONS 15190 will display the MOTD banner when an EXEC session is created. The MOTD banner is defined with the banner motd command. By default, the MOTD banner is enabled. Disable the MOTD banner by using the no motd-banner command.


The following example suppresses the MOTD banner:

ons15190(config)#no motd-banner

Related Commands

Command Description

banner motd

Copies the contents of a text file to be used as the login message.

node autodetect

To automatically detect new nodes, use the node autodetect rconf command.

node autodetect

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The node autodetect command detects all new nodes. Nodes that were previously defined are retained if they do not contradict newly detected nodes. All physically connected node configurations are retained.

Note   If the trace-mode is set to transparent, and the ONS 15190 unit that you perform the node autodetect command on is connected to a second ONS 15190 unit, any nodes connected to the second ONS 15190 unit will not be detected.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node create

To configure a new node, use the node create rconf configuration command. Use the no form of the command to delete the node.

node create {aps | fiber | pos | sniff | srp | srp-inner | srp-outer} node-name interface-id1 interface-id2 [oc12 | oc48]

no node create {aps | fiber | pos | sniff | srp | srp-inner | srp-outer} node-name

Syntax Description


Specifies an automatic protection switching (APS) node. APS nodes are connected to the ONS 15190 via 2 interfaces where interface-id1 is the working link (W) and interface-id2 is the protection link (P). Once defined, an APS node may be connected to another APS or POS node using the pos connect command.


Specifies a fiber node that is to be used in the future for cascading multiple ONS 15190 units together.


Specifies a Packet over SONET (POS) node. POS nodes are connected via a single interface interface-id1. Once defined, a POS node may be connected to another APS or POS node using the pos connect command.


Specifies a sniffer node for monitoring traffic through a particular interface in the ONS 15190. Sniff nodes are connected through a single interface interface-id1. To define which interface is to be monitored (sniffed), use the sniff connect command.


Specifies an SRP node. SRP nodes are connected via 2 interfaces: interface-id1 and interface-id2 (connected to the A and B sides of the node, respectively). After the nodes are defined, they can be connected into ring(s) by using the command ring create.


Specifies one side of an SRP node. Such connections are required when configuring two redundant ONS 15190 units. In this event, all inner fibers are connected to one ONS 15190 unit and all outer fibers are connected to the second ONS 15190 unit.

One-sided SRP nodes are connected via one interface: interface-id1. After the nodes are defined, they can be connected into ring(s) by using the command ring create on both ONS 15190 units.


Node identifier.

interface-id1 interface-id2

Interfaces to which the node is physically connected. Interfaces must be of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).

oc12 | oc48

(Optional if the line cards are installed.) Specifies the speed of the node. If the line cards to which the node is to be connected are present, the node speed is set automatically. Otherwise, you must specify the speed of the node.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. Nodes are defined according to their use in the network (APS, POS, SRP, and so forth). Give each new node a name, and specify the physical interface or interfaces to which it is connected in the ONS 15190 unit. POS, SRR (srp-inner, srp-outer) and sniff nodes are attached via only one interface. All other nodes are attached via two interfaces.

If the line cards containing specified interfaces are installed in the ONS 15190 system at the time the node is defined, the speed of the interface is detected automatically. Otherwise, you must specify the speed of the node.


The following example creates an SRP node of name srp-line1, connected to interfaces L3/1 and L4/2. The the line cards are installed in the ONS 15190 system, so the node is automatically configured as OC-12c/STM-4.

ons15190(rconf)#node create srp srp-line1 L3/1 L4/2 OC12 SRP node srp-line1 created.

The following example creates a POS node of name pos-1, connected to interface L3/2:

ons15190(rconf)#node create pos pos-1 L3/2 OC12 POS node pos-1 created.

The following example deletes the POS node created in the previous example:

ons15190(rconf)#no node create pos pos-1 Node pos-1 deleted.

The following example creates an OC-12c/STM-4 APS node connected to interfaces L2/1 and L3/2:

ons15190(rconf)#node create aps aps-1 L2/1 L3/2 oc12 OC12 APS node aps-1 created.

Related Commands

Command Description

pos connect

Connects two POS nodes together.

ring create

Creates a new ring with the specified nodes.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node interfaces

To change the interfaces to which a node is connected, use the node interfaces rconf configuration command.

node node-name interfaces interface-id1 interface-id2

Syntax Description


Node identifier.

interface-id1 interface-id2

Interfaces to which the node is physically connected. Interfaces must be of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The specified interfaces, interface-id1 and interface-id2 become the new interfaces to which the node is connected. When changing the defined interface for sniff or fiber ports, only one interface (interface-id1) is required.


The following example changes the defined interfaces for node srp-line1 to be L3/1 and L4/2:

ons15190(rconf)#node srp-line1 interfaces L3/1 L4/2 Node srp-line1 modified.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create

Configures a new node.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node rename

To rename a node, use the node rename rconf configuration command.

node node-name rename new-name

Syntax Description


Node identifier of the specific node.


New node identifier of the specific node.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

You must use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example renames the node aps-1 to aps-node:

ons15190(rconf)#node aps-1 rename aps-node Node aps-1 renamed to aps-node.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node set ais

To specify the alarm indication signal (AIS) properties for a node, use the node set ais rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return the AIS setting to the default (auto).

node {node-name | all} set ais {always | auto | never}

no node {node-name | all} set ais {always | never}

Syntax Description


Node identifier of a specific node.


Change the AIS properties for all nodes.


Specifies that the node interfaces generate a constant AIS signal.


Specifies that the node interfaces mirror the AIS signal automatically.


Specifies that the node interfaces never generate an AIS signal.



Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

Before specifying the AIS parameters of a node, you must first create the node using the node create command. You must use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example specifies that node srp-1 will mirror the AIS signal automatically:

ons15190(rconf)#node srp-1 set ais auto Node srp-1 AIS setting set to Auto.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create

Configures a new node.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node set clock-source

To specify the clock source for the node, use the node set clock-source rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command with no parameters to return the clock-source setting to the default (internal). If parameters are specified with the no form of this command, the clock-source setting is reversed.

node {node-name | all} set clock-source {internal | line}

no node {node-name | all} set clock-source [internal | line]

Syntax Description


Node identifier of a specific node.


Change the clock source properties for all nodes.


Specifies the clock source to be internal clock.


Specifies the clock source to be line-recovered clock.



Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. Before specifying the clock source of a node, you must first create the node using the node create command. You must use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example sets the clock-source to be line-recovered:

node all set clock-source line

The following example returns the clock-source to be internal clock:

no node all set clock-source

Related Commands

Command Description

node create

Configures a new node.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node set framing

To specify whether nodes are configured for SDH or SONET, use the node set framing rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command with no parameters to return the framing setting to the default (SONET). If parameters are specified with the no form of this command, the framing setting is reversed.

node {node-name | all} set framing {sdh | sonet}

no node {node-name | all} set framing [sdh | sonet]

Syntax Description


Node identifier of a specific node.


Specifies to change the framing properties for all nodes.

sdh | sonet

Specifies whether the node is configured for SDH or SONET.



Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. Before specifying the mode of a node, you must first create the node using the node create command. You must use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create

Configures a new node.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node set threshold

To specify the BER threshold for the definition of a signal degrade (sd) or signal fail (sf), use the node set threshold rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return the thresholds to their default values.

node {node-name | all} set threshold {sd-ber | sf-ber} threshold

no node {node-name | all} set threshold {sd-ber | sf-ber} threshold

Syntax Description


Node identifier of a specific node.


Specifies to change the signal degrade or signal fail threshold properties for all nodes.


Indicates whether to define the threshold for a signal degrade or signal fail.


Specifies the BER threshold. Values for a signal degrade may be 5 to 9 as follows:
5 for 1e-5
6 for 1e-6
7 for 1e-7
8 for 1e-8
9 for 1e-9

Values for a signal fail may be 3 to 5 as follows:
3 for 1e-3
4 for 1e-4
5 for 1e-5


The default for signal degrade is 6; the default for signal fail is 3 for OC-12/STM-4 and 5 for OC-48/STM-16.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. Before specifying the mode of a BER threshold for a signal degrade, you must first create the node using the node create command. You must execute the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example sets the BER threshold for a signal degrade to be 1e-5 for the SRP node srp-1:

ons15190(rconf)#node create srp srp-1 L4/2 L3/1 OC12 SRP node srp-1 created. ons15190(rconf)#node srp-1 set threshold sd-ber 5 Node srp-1 SD BER set to 1e-5.

The following example sets the BER threshold for a signal failure to be 1e-3 for the SRP node srp-1:

ons15190(rconf)#node create srp srp-1 L4/2 L3/1 OC12 SRP node srp-1 created. ons15190(rconf)#node srp-1 set threshold sf-ber 3 Node srp-1 SF BER set to 1e-3.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create

Configures a new node.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

node set aps

To specify the switching mode of APS nodes to be revertive, use the node set aps rconf configuration command. Use the no form of the command to specify non-revertive switching.

node {node-name | all} set aps revert [wait-to-restore]

no node {node-name | all} set aps revert

Syntax Description


Node identifier of a specific node.


All nodes.


Specifies that control returns to the working link (W) when the link becomes functional.


(Optional) Number of minutes the system waits after the working link is functional before reverting to it.


Revertive. The default wait-to-restore time is 5 minutes.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

In revertive mode, control will return to the working link wait-to-restore minutes after the link becomes functional. The no form of this command specifies that control remains wherever it is as long as the link is functional.

Before specifying the switching mode of an APS node, you must first create the node using the node create command. You must then use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example specifies the switching mode for the node aps-1 to be revertive with a wait-to-restore time of 2 minutes.

ons15190(rconf)#node aps-1 set aps revert 2 Node aps-1 set to revertive, WTR = 2 minutes.

The following example specifies the switching mode for the node aps-1 to be non-revertive.

ons15190(rconf)#no node aps-1 set revert Node aps-1 set to non-revertive.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create

Configures a new node.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.


To specify that the pathtrace message (PTM) for the specified nodes reflect the PTM of the connected node and not that of the ONS 15190 unit, use the pathtrace-mode global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to send PTMs that identify the ONS 15190.

pathtrace-mode {pos | raw | sniff | srp} transparent

no pathtrace-mode {pos | raw | sniff | srp} transparent

Syntax Description

pos | raw | sniff | srp

Specifies the type of nodes for which to set the path trace message.


Specifies that the PTMs sent by the ONS 15190 reflect the connected node.


pathtrace-mode pos transparent
pathtrace-mode sniff transparent
no pathtrace-mode srp transparent
no pathtrace-mode raw transparent

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. When node A is connected to node B via the ONS 15190 in transparent mode, the path trace message delivered to B will be that of A and not that of the ONS 15190. By default, the ONS 15190 sends its own path trace message to each connected node.

Note   If the pathtrace-mode is set to transparent, and you execute either a autoconnect or node autodetect command on an ONS 15190 unit that is connected to a second ONS 15190 unit, any nodes connected to the second ONS 15190 unit will not be detected.


The following example sets the PTM for all SRP nodes to be that of the connected node:

ons15190(config)#pathtrace-mode srp transparent SRP connections Trace mode set to Transparent.

The following example sets the PTM for all POS nodes to be that of the ONS 15190:

ons15190(config)#no pathtrace-mode pos transparent POS connections Trace mode set to Normal.

Related Commands

Command Description


Specifies switching control for APS nodes


Automatically configures connected nodes.


To ping a host, use the ping EXEC command.

ping {host | address}

Syntax Description


Host name of system to ping.


Address of system to ping.

Command Modes

EXEC and privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the ping command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The ping program sends an echo request packet to an address, then awaits a reply, the ping output can help you evaluate path-to-host reliability, delays over the path, and whether the host can be reached or is functioning.


The following example pings the host

ons15190#ping resolving PING 56 data bytes 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=257. ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1. time=278. ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2. time=258. ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3. time=258. ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4. time=259. ms ---- PING Statistics---- 5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 257/262/278

pos connect

To connect two POS or two APS nodes, use the pos connect global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disconnect two POS or two APS nodes.

pos connect node-id1 node-id2

no pos connect node-id1

Syntax Description

node-id1, node-id2

Node identifiers of nodes to connect.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is applicable only to the ONS 15190. Before you can connect two nodes together, you must define them using the node create command. The nodes being connected must be defined as POS or APS nodes. To disconnect two nodes, it is sufficient to specify either one of the connected nodes.


The following example creates two APS nodes and connects them:

ons15190(rconf)#node create aps aps1 l4/1 l5/2 OC12 APS node aps1 created. ons15190(rconf)#node create aps aps2 l3/3 l4/4 OC12 APS node aps2 created. ons15190(rconf)#pos connect aps1 aps2 Nodes connected.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create aps

Configures a new APS node.

node create pos

Configures a new POS node.

raw clear

To disconnect all interfaces, use the raw clear rconf configuration command.

raw clear

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw clear command is enabled only after you run the raw enable command. The raw rconf configuration commands define low-level connections between interfaces and clear all high-level configurations performed with the node, pos, ring and sniff rconf configuration commands.


The following example disconnects all interfaces.

ons15190(rconf)#raw clear All interfaces disconnected and set to default.

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables use of raw rconf configuration commands.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

raw connect

To bidirectionally connect two interfaces, use the raw connect rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disconnect two interfaces.

raw connect interface-id1 interface-id2

no raw connect interface-id1

Syntax Description

interface-id1 interface-id2

Interfaces that are to be physically connected. Interfaces must be of the format Lcard/interface, where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw connect command performs a low-level bidirectional connection within the ONS 15190, thereby overriding any high-level connections (made using the node or ring commands). Before you can use the raw direct command, you must execute the raw enable command.

To disconnect two interfaces, it is sufficient to specify one of the connected interfaces.


The following example connects interface 4/1 to interface 5/1

ons15190(rconf)#raw connect l4/1 l5/1 Interface L4/1 connected to interface L5/1.

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables use of raw rconf configuration commands.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

raw enable

To enable use of the low-level draft configuration commands, use the raw enable command. Use the no form of this command to disable the use of raw rconf configuration commands.

raw enable

no raw enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw connect command is only enabled after executing the raw enable command. The raw rconf configuration commands define low-level connections between interfaces and clear all high-level configurations performed with the node, pos, ring and sniff rconf configuration commands.

When you use the raw enable command, you are informed that current high-level configurations will be erased from the draft configuration. Similarly, if you use the command no raw enable without executing the apply command, all low-level draft configurations are erased.


The following example enables use of the raw low-level configuration commands:

ons15190(rconf)#raw enable Enabling raw configuration will erase current high-level configuration. Are you sure? y Raw configuration enabled.

The following example, disables the use of the raw low-level configuration commands:

ons15190(rconf)#no raw enable Changes made in current raw configuration will be lost. Are you sure? y Raw configuration disabled.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

raw direct

To manually connect a source interface to a destination interface in one direction only, use the raw direct rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disconnect the source interface from the destination interface.

raw direct source-interface dest-interface

no raw direct source-interface dest-interface

Syntax Description


Source interface of the connection, of the format Lcard/interface, where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).


Destination interface of the connection, of the same format described for source-interface.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw direct command performs a low-level draft connection within the ONS 15190, thereby overriding any high-level connections (made using the node or ring commands). Before you can use the raw direct command, you must use the raw enable command.

Note   If a source port (for example, L1/1) is directed to two separate destination ports (for example, for port monitoring), the second port on the source port pair (for example, L1/2) cannot also be duplicated to two destination ports.


The following example configures one-directional traffic from interface L1/1 to interface L1/2:

ons15190(rconf)#raw enable Enabling raw configuration will erase current high-level configuration. Are you sure? y Raw configuration enabled. ons15190(rconf)#raw direct L1/1 L1/2

The following example disconnects the one-directional connection between L3/1 and L4/2:

ons15190(rconf)#no raw direct L3/1 L4/2

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables the capability of executing low-level configuration commands.

raw set ais

To specify the alarm indication signal (AIS) properties for an interface in low-level mode, use the raw set ais rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return the AIS setting to the default (auto).

raw set {interface-id | all} ais {always | auto | never}

no raw set {interface-id | all} ais [always | never]

Syntax Description


Interface identifier, of the format Lcard/interface, where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).


Sets AIS properties for all interfaces.


Specifies that the interface generate a constant AIS signal.


Specifies that the interface mirror the AIS signal automatically.


Specifies that the interface never generate an AIS signal.



Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw set ais command is a low-level draft configuration command that configures an individual interface. Before you can use the raw set ais command, you must use the raw enable command. The raw rconf configuration commands define low-level connections between interfaces and clear all high-level configurations performed with the node, pos, ring, and sniff rconf configuration commands.


The following example specifies that interface L1/1 will mirror the AIS signal automatically:

ons15190(rconf)#raw set L1/1 ais auto Interface L1/1 AIS setting set to Auto.

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables the capability of executing low-level configuration commands.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

raw set clock-source

To specify the clock source for an interface in low-level draft configuration mode, use the raw set clock-source rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command with no parameters to return the clock-source setting to the default (internal). If parameters are specified with the no form of this command, the clock-source setting is reversed.

raw set {interface-id | all} clock-source {internal | line}

no raw set {interface-id | all} clock-source [internal | line]

Syntax Description


Interface identifier, of the format Lcard/interface, where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).


Changes the clock source properties for all interfaces.


Specifies the clock source to be internal clock.


Specifies the clock source to be line-recovered clock.



Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw set clock-source command is a low-level draft configuration command that configures an individual interface. Before you can use the raw set clock-source command, you must use the raw enable command. The raw rconf configuration commands define low-level draft connections between interfaces and clear all high-level configurations performed with the node, pos, ring, and sniff rconf configuration commands.


The following example sets the clock source for interface L1/1 to be line-recovered.

ons15190(rconf)#raw set L1/1 clock-source line Interface L1/1 clock source set to Line.

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables the capability of executing low-level configuration commands.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

raw set framing

To specify whether an interface is configured for SDH or SONET in low-level draft configuration mode, use the raw set framing rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command with no parameters to return the framing setting to the default (SONET). If parameters are specified with the no form of this command, the framing setting is reversed.

raw set {interface-id | all} framing {sdh | sonet}

no raw set {interface-id | all} framing [sdh | sonet]

Syntax Description


Interface identifier, of the format Lcard/interface, where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).


Changes the mode properties for all interfaces.

sdh | sonet

Specifies whether the interface is configured for SDH or SONET.



Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw set mode command is a low-level draft configuration command that configures an individual interface. Before you can use the raw set mode command, you must execute the raw enable command. The raw rconf configuration commands define low-level connections between interfaces and clear all high-level configurations performed with the node, pos, ring, and sniff rconf configuration commands.


The following example sets interface L3/2 to work with SONET.

ons15190(rconf)#raw set L3/2 mode sonet Interface L3/2 mode set to SONET.

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables the capability of executing low-level configuration commands.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

raw set protocol

To specify whether an interface is configured for POS or SRP in low-level draft configuration mode, use the raw set protocol rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command with no parameters to return the protocol setting to the default (SRP). If parameters are specified with the no form of this command, the protocol setting is reversed.

raw set {interface-id | all} protocol {srp | pos}

no raw set {interface-id | all} protocol [srp | pos]

Syntax Description


Interface identifier, of the format Lcard/interface, where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).


Changes the mode properties for all interfaces.

srp |pos

Specifies whether the interface is configured for SRP or POS.



Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw set protocol command is a low-level draft configuration command that configures an individual interface. Before you can use the raw set protocol command, you must use the raw enable command. The raw rconf configuration commands define low-level connections between interfaces and clear all high-level configurations performed with the node, pos, ring, and sniff rconf configuration commands.


The following example sets interface L3/2 to work with SRP.

ons15190(rconf)#raw set L3/2 protocol srp Interface L3/2 protocol set to SRP.

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables the capability of executing low-level configuration commands.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

raw set threshold

To define the BER threshold for a signal degrade (sd) or signal fail (sf), use the raw set threshold rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to return the thresholds to their default values.

raw set {interface-id | all} threshold {sd-ber | sf-ber} threshold

no raw set {interface-id | all} threshold {sd-ber | sf-ber}

Syntax Description


Interface identifier, of the format Lcard/interface, where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2).


Specifies to change the threshold properties for all interfaces.


Specifies whether to define the threshold for a signal degrade or signal fail.


Specifies the BER threshold. Values for a signal degrade may be 5 to 9 as follows:
5 for 1e-5
6 for 1e-6
7 for 1e-7
8 for 1e-8
9 for 1e-9

Values for a signal fail may be 3 to 5 as follows:
3 for 1e-3
4 for 1e-4
5 for 1e-5


The default for signal degrade is 6; the default for signal fail is 3 for OC-12/STM-4 and 5 for OC-48/STM-16.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

The raw set threshold command is a low-level draft configuration command that configures an individual interface. Before you can use the raw set threshold command, you must use the raw enable command. The raw rconf draft configuration commands define low-level connections between interfaces and clear all high-level draft configurations performed with the node, pos, ring, and sniff rconf configuration commands.


The following example sets the signal degrade threshold for interface L3/1 to be 1e-5:

ons15190(rconf)#raw set l3/1 threshold sd-ber 5 Interface L3/1 SD BER set to 1e-5.

The following example sets the signal failure threshold for interface L3/1 to be 1e-3:

ons15190(rconf)#raw set l3/1 threshold sf-ber 3 Interface L3/1 SD BER set to 1e-3.

Related Commands

Command Description

raw enable

Enables the capability of executing low-level configuration commands.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.


To enter rconf configuration mode, use the rconf privileged EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

The command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

To perform all node and ring configurations, you must enter the rconf configuration mode. Changes made in this mode are only made to the draft configuration, until the apply command is executed. After the apply command is used, the draft configuration becomes the running configuration. To save the running configuration to the startup configuration, use the write command. If configuration changes are not saved to the startup configuration and a reset is performed, any changes made to the running configuration will be lost.

Only one user at a time may enter rconf mode.

To view the current draft configuration, use the display draft rconf configuration command. To view the running configuration, use the display running rconf configuration command.


The following example enters rconf configuration mode from Privileged EXEC mode. The (rconf) prompt indicates rconf configuration mode:

ons15190#rconf ons15190(rconf)#

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

display draft

Displays the contents of the current draft configuration.

display running

Displays the contents of the current running configuration.


Saves current running configuration to be the startup configuration.


To halt and perform a cold restart on the system controller, use the reload privileged EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the reload command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The reload command halts the system. If the startup configuration is different than the running configuration, the system prompts you to save the running configuration to the startup configuration.


The following example resets the active controller:

ons15190#reload Running-config is different from startup-conf.
Save running to startup? [Yes/No]:N
Controller will be reset.
Are you sure?

ring add

To add an individual node or all nodes to an SRP ring, use the ring add rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove a node from the ring.

ring ring-name add {node-name | all}

no ring ring-name add {node-name | all}

Syntax Description


Ring identifier.


Node identifier.


Add all nodes to the ring or delete all nodes from the ring.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

Before you can add nodes to a ring, you must first create the ring using the ring create command and create the nodes using the node create command. You must use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example creates the SRP ring ring-t1 and adds the node srp-south to this ring.

ons15190(rconf)#ring create ring-t1 SRP ring ring-t1 created. ons15190(rconf)#ring ring-t1 add srp-south Node srp-south added.

The following example deletes the node srp-north from the ring ring-t1.

ons15190(rconf)#no ring ring-t1 add srp-north Node srp-north removed from ring ring-t1.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

ring create

Configures a new ring.

node create

Configures a new node.

ring autoorder

To optimize the node order of nodes in an SRP ring for maximum redundancy, use the ring autoorder rconf configuration command.

ring ring-name autoorder

Syntax Description


Ring identifier of the ring to reorder.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

This command reorders the nodes in the ring for maximum redundancy. To view the current order of the nodes, use the display draft command. You must run the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example optimizes the node order for the ring ring-t1.

ons15190(rconf)#ring ring-t1 autoorder Ring ring-t1 reordered.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

display draft

Displays information about the current draft configuration, including the defined rings and their respective nodes.

ring add

Adds a node to a ring.

ring create

Configures a new ring.

ring nodes

Adds multiple nodes to a ring according to outer ring order.

ring create

To define a new SRP ring, use the ring create rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to delete an SRP ring from the draft configuration.

ring create ring-name

no ring create ring-name

Syntax Description


Ring identifier of the ring to reorder.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

A ring created with this command has no nodes defined. You must add nodes to the ring using the ring nodes or ring add command. You must use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example defines the new ring ring-t2 and adds node srp-south to this ring.

ons15190(rconf)#ring create ring-t2 SRP ring ring-t2 created. ons15190(rconf)#ring ring-t2 add srp-south Node srp-south added.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

display draft

Displays information about the current draft configuration, including the defined rings and their respective nodes.

ring add

Adds a node to a ring.

ring nodes

Adds multiple nodes to a ring according to outer ring order.

ring nodes

To define the nodes of a ring, use the ring nodes rconf configuration command.

ring ring-name nodes node-name1 [node-name2 node-name3 ...]

Syntax Description


Ring identifier.

node-name1 node-name2 node-name3 ...

Node identifiers of nodes to add to the ring. Nodes may be SRP nodes or one-sided SRP nodes (srp-inner, srp-outer).

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

You can add as many nodes to the ring as required. Nodes are added in the order specified, according to the outer ring order. Nodes cannot be removed implicitly using this command. To remove nodes, use the no ring add command. You must execute the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example specifies that the ring ring-t2 be comprised of the nodes srp-south, srp-north and srp-west.

ons15190(rconf)#ring ring-t2 nodes srp-south srp-north srp-west Ring ring-t2 node list set.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

display draft

Displays information about the current draft configuration, including the defined rings and their respective nodes.

ring add

Adds a node to a ring.

ring create

Configures a new ring.

ring nodes

Adds multiple nodes to a ring according to outer ring order.

ring rename

To rename a ring, use the ring rename rconf configuration command.

ring ring-name rename ring-name2

Syntax Description


Ring identifier.


New ring identifier.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

This command renames a ring to the new name ring-name2. You must use the apply command before any configuration changes take affect.


The following example changes the name of ring-t2 to ring-ny.

ons15190(rconf)#ring ring-t2 rename ring-ny Ring ring-t2 renamed to ring-ny.

Related Commands

Command Description


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

display draft

Displays information about the current draft configuration, including the defined rings and their respective nodes.

ring create

Configures a new ring.


To send messages to one or all Telnet sessions, use the send privileged EXEC command.

send {session-number | *} message

Syntax Description


Session number of the telnet session to which the message will be sent.


Sends the message to all telnet sessions.


Message to be sent enclosed in quotes.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is a subset of the send command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

The message text must be enclosed in quotes.


The following example sends a message to the first Telnet session on the system:

ons15190#send 0 "The system will be shut down in 10 minutes for repairs"

The following message is then sent to the first telnet session:

**** Incoming Message **** The system will be shut down in 10 minutes for repairs **************************


To initially configure the network parameters and the privileged EXEC secret and initial configuration, use the setup privileged EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

When you enter this command, a setup wizard guides you through the initial setup of the system. Information you will need to enter includes the host name of the unit, the IP address of the unit, the desired privileged EXEC secret, and whether to perform an autoconnect or use the existing configuration file. You may abort the setup wizard at any time by pressing Ctrl-c. When the wizard has received all required information, the configuration is displayed for your confirmation.


The following example shows sample output from the setup command.

ons15190#setup --- System Configuration Dialog --- Refer to the 'ONS 15190 documentation' Guide for additional help. Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Default settings are in square brackets '[]'. Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?[yes]:yes Configuring global parameters: Enter host name [ons15190]:ons15190 The enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret. Enter enable secret:xxxxx Configuring interface Ethernet0: Is this interface in use? [yes]:yes IP address for this interface []: Number of bits in subnet field [6]:6 6 subnet bits; mask is Start SRP/POS nodes discovery procedure[yes]:yes Configuration contains SRP rings definition, and may be discarded. Continue? y Sniff configuration: Sniffer Interface Sniffed node Interface -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- No sniffer nodes. POS connections: Node IP Address Interfaces Type Other -------------------- --------------- -------------- ---- ------------------- No POS connections. Ring configuration (nodes in order of outer ring): No AB rings defined. No Inner rings defined. No Outer rings defined. Free SRP/Fiber nodes: No Free AB nodes. No Free Inner nodes. No Free Outer nodes. No Free Fiber nodes. Node GSR_Left is connected only to interface L1/1. Node GSR_Back_Right is connected only to interface L1/2. Node GSR_Back_Left is connected only to interface L2/1. Node GSR_Right is connected only to interface L2/2. Node GSR_Left was not detected, discarding. Node GSR_Back_Right was not detected, discarding. Node GSR_Back_Left was not detected, discarding. Node GSR_Right was not detected, discarding. Apply configuration? Y Building configuration... [OK] Press RETURN to get started!

show 15190

To display information about ONS 15190 chassis population and operation, use the show 15190 EXEC command.

show 15190

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example shows the output from the show 15190 command.

ons15190>show 15190 +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |CTRL|LINE|LINE|LINE|LINE| SW | SW | SW | SW | SW |LINE|LINE|LINE|LINE|CTRL| | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 2 | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |OPER|OPER|OPER| | |OPER|OPER|OPER|OPER|OPER| |OPER|OPER|OPER|OPER| |i960|OC12|OC12| | | | | | | | |OC12|OC12|OC12|i960| |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| |ACT |L1.1|L2.1| | | | | | | | |L6.1|L7.1|L8.1| | | |OPER|OPER| | | | | | | | |OPER|OPER|OPER| | |THIS| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |CTRL|UNEQ|UNEQ| | | | | | | | |UNEQ|UNEQ|UNEQ| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |L1.2|L2.2| | | | | | | | |L6.2|L7.2|L8.2| | | |OPER|OPER| | | | | | | | |OPER|OPER|OPER| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |UNEQ|UNEQ| | | | | | | | |UNEQ|UNEQ|UNEQ| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |L6.3| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |OPER| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |UNEQ| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |L6.4| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |OPER| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |UNEQ| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+

show aps node

To display status information for the specified APS node, use the show aps node EXEC command.

show aps node [node-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Node identifier of the node about which to display the status information. If no node is specified, the status of all APS nodes is displayed.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

This command displays status information about APS nodes only. If other nodes are specified, an error message appears.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create aps

Defines a new APS node.


Specifies switching control for APS nodes.

show arp

To display the entries in the ARP table, use the show arp EXEC command.

show arp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the show arp command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example shows the output from the show arp command.

ons15190>show arp LINK LEVEL ARP TABLE destination gateway flags Refcnt Use Interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:96:3a:97:1 405 1 0 ei0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Related Commands

Command Description

clear arp-cache

Deletes all dynamic entries from the ARP cache.

show banner motd

To display the current settings of the MOTD banner, use the show banner motd EXEC command.

show banner motd

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. Use this command to display the current contents of the MOTD banner and indicate whether the MOTD is enabled or not.

Related Commands

Command Description

banner motd

Copies the contents of a text file to be used as the login message.


Enables the display of the MOTD.

show calendar

To display the calendar hardware setting, use the show calendar EXEC command:

show calendar

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the show calendar command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

The calendar is the same as the system clock.


In the following example, the date is shown to be Thursday, February 1, 2001.

ons15190>show calendar THU FEB 01 12:44:31 2001

Related Commands

Command Description

calendar set

Sets the system calendar.

clock set

Sets the system clock.

show controllers

To display the SONET indications, use the show controllers EXEC command.

show controllers [{pos | srp} interface]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Display the Packet over SONET (POS) framer state for a particular interface.


(Optional) Display the SRP controller information for a particular interface.


Specifies the interface for which to display the SONET indications.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. Use the command show controllers with no keywords to display the SONET indications for all interfaces.


The following example displays the SONET indications for all interfaces


The following example displays the SRP controller information for interface L1.2:

ons15190>show controllers srp l1.2 Sonet Indications : Section LOS - ON. Section LOF - OFF. Section OOF - OFF. Line AIS - OFF. Line RDI - OFF. Line SF - OFF. Line SD - OFF. Path AIS - OFF. Path LOP - OFF. Path RDI - OFF. Path Unequipped - OFF. Path Label Mismatch - OFF.

The show controllers fields are described in Table 6-12:

Table 6-12: show controllers Field Descriptions
Field Description


Interface in the ONS 15190 system.


Section loss of signal.


Section loss of framing.


Section out of framing.


Line alarm indication signal.


Line remote defect indication.


Line signal failure.


Line signal degration.


Path alarm indication signal.


Path low order path.


Path remote defect indication.


Path unequipped.


Path label mismatch.

Related Commands

Command Description

clear counters

Clears the SONET and POS counters.

show eips

To show whether the enhanced intelligent protection switching (E-IPS) option is enabled or not and to display the specified wait-to-restore time, use the show eips EXEC command.

show eips

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example indicates that the E-IPS option is enabled and that the wait-to-restore time is 10 seconds:

ons15190#show eips EIPS state = enabled wtr = 10 seconds

Related Commands

Command Description

eips enable

Enables the E-IPS option for the system.

eips wtr-timer

Specifies the amount of time to wait before returning a bypassed node to the ring.

show history

To list the commands you entered in the current EXEC session, use the show history EXEC command.

show history [number]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Decimal number of commands to display.


20 commands are displayed

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the show history command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

If no number is specified, the command displays the last 40 commands (0 to 39), where 39 is the last command used.

show hw-module

To display status information about a specific card in the system, use the show hw-module EXEC command.

show hw-module [status] slot slot-id

Syntax Description


Displays status of specified card. If status is not specified, a wide variety of information is displayed about the card.


Displays information about a card in a specific slot in the system.


Specifies the slot identifier of the slot about which to display the information

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

If you use the status keyword, only the status of the slot is displayed. Otherwise, identifying information and the temperature status is displayed.


The following example displays all information concerning the controller card in slot C1:

ons15190#show hw-mo slot c1 Controller Card 1 (This controller): Subtype: Controller (CPU) card State: Operational Active state: Active Catalog number: RS-CTL Serial number: 000104 Board version: B1-B0 CPU type: i960jx RAM size (MB): 16 Flash size (MB): 20 Temperature Status: Normal Temperature 1: 36.0 degC (96.8 degF) Temperature 2: 33.5 degC (92.3 degF)

The following example displays all information concerning line card L1:

ons15190#show hw-module slot l1 Line Card 1: Subtype: Single Mode IR SC OC12c/STM4 SRP line card w/2 ports # of ports: 2 State: Operational Catalog number: OC12/STM4-SM-IR-SRP Serial number: 1086-003 Board version: B0 Temperature Status: Normal Temperature 1: 38.5 degC (101.3 degF) Temperature 2: 27.5 degC (81.5 degF)

The following example displays all information concerning the switch card S1:

ons15190#show hw-mo slot s1 Switch Card 1: Subtype: Switch card State: Operational Catalog number: RS-SWT Serial number: 1029-011 Board version: B1 Temperature Status: Normal Temperature 1: 30.0 degC (86.0 degF) Temperature 2: 29.5 degC (85.1 degF)

The following example indicates that the controller card located in slot C1 is enabled:

ons15190#show hw-mo status slot c1 Controller Card 1 slot: Status: Enabled

The show hw fields are described in Table 6-13:

Table 6-13: show hw Field Descriptions
Field Description


Type of card contained in the slot.


Operational status of the card.

Catalog number

Catalog number of the card.

Serial number

Serial number of the card.

Board version

Hardware version of the card.

CPU type

(Controller only)

RAM size

(Controller only)

Flash size

(Controller only)

Temperature status

Indicates whether the temperature of the card is within normal range.

Temperature 1/2

Temperature readings of the card.

Related Commands

Command Description


(Global configuration) Disables the specified slot within the system.


(Privileged EXEC) Resets the card within the specified slot.

show interfaces

To display the current status for all interfaces or for a specific interface, use the show interfaces EXEC command:

show interfaces [interface-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2). If no interface-id is specified, the status of all interfaces is displayed.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example displays status information for interface L1/1:

ons15190#show interfaces l1/1 Port L1/1: General: Type: OC12 Internal number: 0 Physical location: Linecard 1, port 1 (L1/1) State: Operational Configuration: Enabled: Yes Internal data source: Port L1/1 Side: None Mode: SONET Protocol: SRP Coding: NRZ SES Threshold: Bellcore 1991 Clock Source: Internal SF Threshold: 1e-3 SD Threshold: 1e-6 AIS Setting: Auto Status: Link: Down Current AIS status: L-AIS Generated Loopback: None

show interfaces data

To display the Packet over SONET (POS) or SRP counters for a specific interface or all interfaces, use the show interfaces data EXEC command.

show interfaces data current [interface-id]

show interfaces data history time-interval [interface-id]

show interfaces data total {interface-id | bytes | errors | frames}

Syntax Description


Displays the POS counters for the current 15-minute interval.


Interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2). If no interface-id is specified, the POS counters for all interfaces are displayed.


Displays the POS counters for prior time intervals.


Time interval for which to display the POS counters. Up to 96 time intervals may be displayed, where 1 is the 15 minute interval before the current interval, and 96 is 24 hours ago.


Displays the accumulated POS information to date, since the last reset.

bytes | errors | frames

Specifies whether to display bytes, frames, or errors when total information for all ports is to be displayed.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example displays the POS counters for the current interval for interface L3/2:

ONS15190>show interfaces data-current L3/2 POS current statistics: RX Statistics: Bytes = 363,980,372 Frames = 6,499,897 RX Errors: FCS-Error Frames = 0 Dropped = 0 Too Short = 0 Too Long = 0 Aborted = 0 TX Statistics: Bytes = 0 Frames = 0 TX Errors: User-Aborted = 0 Underruns = 0

The following example displays the total accumulated bytes for all interfaces:

ons15190>show interfaces data-total bytes POS accumulated bytes statistics: Interface  RX Bytes TX Bytes ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- L1.1 0 0 L1.2 5,222,666,052,245 222,083,756,726 L2.1 221,897,219,756 5,235,724,101,464 L2.2 0 0 L2.3 222,083,756,726 5,222,666,051,005 L2.4 5,235,724,101,464 221,897,219,756 L3.1 208,704,806,738 280,923,228,285 L3.2 280,923,228,229 208,704,806,346 L3.3 5,235,436,066,928 222,013,127,960 L3.4 222,013,129,976 5,235,436,068,944 L4.1 0 0 L4.2 0 0 L5.1 0 0 L5.2 0 0 L6.1 0 0 L6.2 0 0 L7.1 0 0 L7.2 0 0 L8.1 0 0 L8.2 0 0

show interfaces ethernet

To display information about the Ethernet interface, use the show interfaces ethernet EXEC command.

show interfaces ethernet 0

Syntax Description


The interface identifier for the Ethernet interface.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example shows the output from the show interfaces ethernet command:

ons15190#show interfaces ethernet 0 Hardware is Ethernet ei (unit number 0): Flags: (0x8063) UP BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP RUNNING Type: ETHERNET_CSMACD Internet address: Broadcast address: Netmask 0xff000000 Subnetmask 0xffffffc0 Ethernet address is 00:d0:04:00:01:04 Metric is 0 Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500 13002 packets received; 6297 packets sent 6896 multicast packets received 105 multicast packets sent 0 input errors; 0 output errors 0 collisions; 0 dropped

Related Commands

Command Description

interface ethernet

Configures the Ethernet interface.

show interfaces laser

To display the laser monitor status of the various interfaces, use the show interfaces laser EXEC command.

show interfaces laser

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example shows the output from the show interfaces laser command for interface L5/1:

ons15190#show interfaces laser l5/1 Optical Power Monitor (values in dBm): Interface Type Output Power Input Power ---------- ----- ------------ ----------------- L5/1 OC12 -11.1 No Rx signal (Link Down)

show interfaces performance-monitor

To display the packet monitoring counters for a specific interface or all interfaces, use the show interfaces performance-monitor EXEC command.

show interfaces performance-monitor current [interface-id]

show interfaces performance-monitor history time-interval [interface-id]

Syntax Description


Displays the packet monitor counters for the current 15-minute interval.


Specifies the interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2). If no interface-id is specified, the packet monitor counters for all interfaces are displayed.


Displays the packet monitor counters for prior time intervals.


Time interval for which to display the packet monitor counters. Up to 96 time intervals may be displayed, where 1 is the 15 minute interval before the current interval, and 96 is 24 hours ago.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example displays the current packet monitor counters for interface L3/2:

ons15190>show interfaces performance-monitor current L3/2 Sonet current statistics Elapsed time = 195, Valid intervals 96 Interval Start Time: MON FEB 12 12:49:16 2001 Section Statistics : Errored Seconds = 0 Severely Errored Seconds = 0 Coding violations (B1) = 0 Severely Err. Framing Sec. = 0 Line Statistics : Errored Seconds = 0 Severely Errored Seconds = 0 Coding violations (B2) = 0 Unavailable Seconds = 0 Far-End Line Statistics : Errored Seconds = 0 Severely Errored Seconds = 0 Coding violations (M0) = 0 Unavailable Seconds = 195 Path Statistics : Errored Seconds = 0 Severely Errored Seconds = 0 Coding violations (B3) = 0 Unavailable Seconds = 0 Far-End Path Statistics : Errored Seconds = 0 Severely Errored Seconds = 0 Coding violations (G1) = 0 Unavailable Seconds = 195

show interface rx-pathtrace

To display received pathtrace messages, use the show interface rx-pathtrace EXEC command.

show interface rx-pathtrace [interface-id]

Syntax Description


Specifies the optional interface of the format Lcard/interface where card is the card number (1 to 8) and interface is the interface number (1 or 2). If no interface-id is specified, the received pathtrace messages for all interfaces are displayed.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

Related Commands

Command Description


Specifies that the pathtrace reflect that of the connected device and not the ONS 15190 unit.

show ip route

Use the show ip route EXEC command to display the current state of the routing table.

show ip route

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the show ip route command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example shows the output from the show ip route command.

ons15190>show ip route ROUTE NET TABLE destination gateway flags Refcnt Use Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------          3 4 19694 ei0 101 0 0 ei0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUTE HOST TABLE destination gateway flags Refcnt Use Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------           5 1 70626 sl0           5 0 0 lo0            5 0 0 lo0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Related Commands

Command Description

ip address

Specifies the IP address for an interface.

ip default-gateway

Specifies the default-gateway for the ONS 15190 unit.

ip domain-name

Specifies the domain name that the ONS 15190 uses to complete unqualified host names.

show logging

To display the contents of the logging buffer, use the show logging EXEC command.

show logging [offset] [amount]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Decimal offset from the last message to start dumping from. A value of 1 displays the last message only.


(Optional) Number of messages to display.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. If no offset is specified, all messages in the logging buffer are displayed.


The following example displays 3 messages, beginning 5 messages from the end:

ons15190>show logging 5 3 MON MAR 19 13:16:15 2001 Interface L5/3 - Operational. MON MAR 19 13:16:15 2001 Interface L5/4 - Operational. MON MAR 19 13:16:15 2001 Line Card 5 - Operational.

Related Commands

Command Description

logging buffered

Specify to log messages to flash memory.

show node

To display basic information about the configuration of the node, use the show node EXEC command.

show node [node-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) String which represents the name of the node.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190. If no node-id is specified, the information for all nodes is displayed.


The following is an example output from the show node command for the node named gsr_right48:

ons15190>show node gsr_right48 Node GSR_Right48: Type: SRP Inner Int:           L6.1 Port Type: OC48 Mode: SONET Clock Source: Internal SD Threshold: 1e-6 SF Threshold: 1e-3 AIS Setting: Auto

Related Commands

Command Description


The various node commands are used to create and configure nodes within the ONS 15190.

show redundancy

To display information concerning the redundancy status of the ONS 15190 system, use the show redundancy EXEC command.

show redundancy

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the show redundancy command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.3.


The following is an example output from the show redundancy command:

ons15190>show redundancy Redundancy status: Controller :fully redundant switch (oc12 dual port) :fully redundant switch (oc12 quad port) :fully redundant switch (oc48) :not present switch (oc192) :not present pem :no redundancy

Related Commands

Command Description

show 15190

Displays information about the ONS 15190 chassis population.

show running-config

To display the running configuration, use the show running-config privileged EXEC command:

show running-config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following is an example output of the show running-config command.

ons15190#show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! hostname ons15190 ! enable secret 5 $1$QD3.$By.2Cs4oceLDADz560d.f. ! ! eips enable ! interface Ethernet 0 ip address ! ip default-gateway ! pathtrace-mode pos transparent pathtrace-mode sniff transparent no pathtrace-mode srp transparent no pathtrace-mode raw transparent ! logging console warnings logging maint warnings logging buffered warnings logging trap notifications logging monitor errors sntp server time-zone +2:00:00 ! no snmp-server enable traps ! snmp-server chassis-id "Description" snmp-server location "Location" ! ! line console 0 exec-timeout 0 speed 9600 line maint 0 exec-timeout 5 speed 9600 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 ! end

Related Commands

Command Description

display draft

Displays draft configuration (which has not yet been applied).

display running

Displays running configuration (within rconf mode).

show snmp

To display a list of SNMP servers to which the ONS 15190 sends SNMP traps, use the show snmp EXEC command.

show snmp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the show snmp EXEC command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Related Commands

Command Description


Add the SNMP server to the list of servers to receive SNMP traps.

show sntp

To display the current SNTP server address, time and time zone, use the show sntp EXEC command.

show sntp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example displays sample output from the show sntp command:

ons15190#show sntp SNTP server IP address : UTC time : MON FEB 12 13:10:01 2001 UTC Time Zone : +03:00:00

Related Commands

Command Description

sntp server

Configures the system to use SNTP.

show tech-support

To display general information about the ONS 15190 when reporting a problem, use the show tech-support EXEC command.

show tech-support

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the show tech-support command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

This command displays a huge amount of information to the console. Log the results of this display to a text file and send it to a technical support engineer together with any requests for assistance.

show temperature-protect

To determine whether or not the temperature protection mechanism is enabled for the system, use the show temperature-protect EXEC command.

show temperature-protect

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example indicates that the temperature protection capability is enabled:

ons15190#show temperature-protect Automatic card temperature protection is enabled.

Related Commands

Command Description


Enables or disables the temperature protection feature for the system.

show terminal

To obtain information about the terminal configuration parameter settings for the current terminal line, use the show terminal EXEC command.

show terminal

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the show terminal command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following is a sample output from the show terminal command. There is one Telnet session.

ons15190>show terminal Telnet CLI: [0] Session times out after 40 minutes.

Related Commands

Command Description


Specifies the timeout for a Telnet session.

show users

To display information about the active lines and line mirroring on the ONS 15190, use the show users user EXEC command.

show users

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar tot he show users command that first appeared in a release prior to Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

This command displays the session number and the terminal location (IP address).


In the following example there is one user connected to the ONS 15190 at IP address

ons15190>show users open telnet sessions (max allowed: 5): [+0]

Related Commands

Command Description

line vty

Configures the Telnet lines.

show version

To display the configuration of the system hardware, the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images, use the show version EXEC command.

show version

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the show version command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following is example output from the show version command:

ons15190#show version    System uptime: 5d, 2:56:16.112 System time: MON MAR 19 13:10:36 2001 Name: ons15190 Description: Location: Contact: Running image: Release: 3.0.11 Created on: Fri Mar 09 03:22:03 2001 Created by: Cisco Systems Length: 1099879 Signature: 0x21143E04 Software build: 3.0.22 Software created on: Mar 9 2001, 03:14:26 Bootstrap version: 3.0 Backplane info: Description: RingStar 8000 chassis Catalog number: RINGSTAR-8000 Serial number: 1160-001 Board version: B0 PEM 1: Status: Absent PEM 2: Status: Operational Description: Power Entry Module Catalog number: RS-PEM Serial number: 354-025 Board version: B1 Fans: Fan 1 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 2 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 3 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 4 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 5 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 6 [Tray 1]: Operational

The show version fields are described in Table 6-14:

Table 6-14: show version Field Descriptions
Field Description

System uptime

Amount of time since the controller was reloaded (days, hours:minutes:seconds).

System time

System clock or calendar.


Name of ONS 15190 system specified by the hostname command.


Description of ONS 15190 system specified by the snmp-server command.


Location of ONS 15190 system specified by the snmp-server command.


ONS 15190 system contact specified by the snmp-server command.

Running image

Summarizes information about the current running configuration.


Software release currently running on the system.

Created on

Date software release was compiled.

Created by

Company who compiled the software release.


Size of software build in bytes.


Signature of software build for verification of software ID.

Software build

Software version currently running on the system.

Software created on:

Date software version was compiled.

Bootstrap version

Version of boot application

Backplane info

Summarizes backplane information.


Short description of the board or card.

Catalog number

Catalog number of the card.

Serial number

Serial number of the card.

Board version

Version of the board.

PEM 1/2

Summarizes the PEM information.

Fan 1-6 (Tray1)

Specifies the status of the specific fan.

Related Commands

Command Description


Resets the active controller.

sniff connect

To configure a node to be monitored by a sniff node, use the sniff connect Rconf configuration command. Use the no form of this command to end the monitoring of a node.

sniff connect sniff-node node-id interface-side

no sniff connect sniff-node

Syntax Description


Identifier of defined sniff node to be used to monitor another node in the system.


Node identifier of node to be monitored.


Indicates which data stream to monitor. Options follow:

  • a-rx (A side, RX of SRP node)

  • a-tx (A side, Tx of SRP node)

  • b-rx (B side, Rx of SRP node)

  • b-tx (B side, Tx of SRP node)

  • w-rx (working link, Rx of APS node)

  • w-tx (working link, Tx of APS node)

  • p-rx (protection link, Rx of APS node)

  • p-tx (protection link, Tx of APS node)

  • rx (Rx of POS node)

  • tx (Tx of POS node)

The rx/tx indications are from the point of view of the node. That is, for SRP nodes, if b-rx is indicated, the stream transmitted from the ONS 15190 to the B-side of the node will be duplicated.

Note When four-port line cards are used, only one node can be monitored by a sniff-node.

Command Modes

Rconf configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example connects the sniff node sniffer to monitor the POS node node-ny on the receive side:

ons15190(rconf)#node create sniff sniffer l1/1 OC12 Sniff node sniffer created. ons15190(rconf)#sniff connect sniffer node-ny rx Sniffer connected.

The following example ends monitoring by the sniff node sniffer:

ons15190(rconf)#no sniff connect sniffer Sniffer disconnected.

Related Commands

Command Description

node create sniff

Configures a new sniff node.


Copies the draft configuration to become the running configuration.

snmp-server chassis-id

To provide a message line identifying the chassis serial number, use the snmp-server chassis-id global configuration command.

snmp-server chassis-id id

Syntax Description


String containing the system description.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the snmp-server chassis-id command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


In the following example, the SNMP server chassis ID is set to be ONS15190-TA:

ons15190#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15190(config)#snmp-server chassis-id ONS15190-TA

Related Commands

Command Description

snmp-server contact

Specifies a contact for the system.

snmp-server location

Specifies a location for the system.

snmp-server contact

To set the system contact, use the snmp-server contact global configuration command.

snmp-server contact contact

Syntax Description


String that describes the system contact information.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the snmp-server contact command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.


The following example sets the system contact to be jopopulas_ta:

ons15190#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15190(config)#snmp-server contact jopopulas_ta

Related Commands

Command Description

snmp-server chassis-id

Specifies a description for the system.

snmp-server location

Specifies a location of the system.

snmp-server enable traps

To enable the ONS 15190 to send SNMP traps, use the snmp-server enable traps global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable SNMP notifications.

snmp-server enable traps

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


SNMP traps are disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the snmp-server enable traps command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.1.

This command is useful for disabling notifications that are generating a large amount of uninteresting or useless noise.

Notifications controlled by this command are only sent if you enter an snmp-server enable traps command.

The snmp-server enable traps command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server host command. Use the snmp-server host command to specify which host or hosts receive SNMP notifications. In order to send notifications, you must configure at least one snmp-server host command.


The following example enables the ONS 15190 to send all traps to the host

ons15190(config)#snmp-server enable traps ons15190(config)#snmp-server host

Related Commands

Command Description

snmp-server host

Specifies a location for the SNMP traps to be sent.

snmp-server host

To specify the recipient of an SNMP notification operation, use the snmp-server host global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified host.

snmp-server host host

Syntax Description


Name or Internet address of the host.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the snmp-server host command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

If you do not enter an snmp-server host command, no notifications are sent.

The snmp-server host command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server enable command. Use the snmp-server enable command to specify which SNMP notifications are sent globally. For a host to receive most notifications, the snmp-server enable command and the snmp-server host command for that host must be enabled.


The following example enables the ONS 15190 to send all traps to the host

ons15190(config)#snmp-server enable traps ons15190(config)#snmp-server host

Related Commands

Command Description

snmp-server enable traps

Enables the sending of SNMP traps.

snmp-server location

To set the system location string, use the snmp-server location global configuration command.

snmp-server location location

Syntax Description


String that describes the system location information.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the snmp-server location command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

If the string contains spaces, use quotes to deliminate the string.


The following example illustrates a system location string:

ons15190(config)#snmp-server location "Building 3/Room 214"

Related Commands

Command Description

snmp-server contact

Specifies a contact for the system.

snmp-server chassis-id

Specifies a description for the system.

sntp server

Use the sntp server global configuration command to configure the ONS 15190 to use the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) to request and accept Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic from a time server. The no form of the command removes a server from the list of NTP servers.

sntp server address time-zone

Syntax Description


Specifies the SNTP server to retrieve the coordinated universal time (UTC).


Specifies the UTC time zone, in the format ±HH:MM:SS.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the sntp server command that appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.2.

SNTP is a compact, client-only version of the Network Time Protocol (NTP). SNMP can only receive the time from NTP servers; it cannot be used to provide time services to other systems.

Enter this command once for each NTP server.

You must configure the ONS 15190 with this command in order enable SNTP.


The following example enables the ONS 15190 to request and accept NTP packets from the server at and shows sample show sntp command output:

ons15190#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15190(config)#sntp server +03:00:00 ons15190(config)#exit ons15190#show sntp SNTP server IP address : UTC time : MON FEB 05 15:59:00 2001 UTC Time Zone : +03:00:00

Related Commands

Command Description

show sntp

Displays the SNTP server and UTC time zone information.


To set the terminal baud rate, use the speed line configuration command. This command sets both the transmit (to terminal) and receive (from terminal) speeds.

speed bps

Syntax Description


Baud rate in bits per second (bps).

Command Modes

Line configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is similar to the speed command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

Set the speed to match the transmission rate of whatever device you have connected to the port. Valid baud rates are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.


The following example sets the speed of the maintenance line to be 19200 bps:

ons15190(config)#line maint 0 ons15190(config-line)#speed 19200

tacacs-server host

To specify a TACACS+ host, use the tacacs-server host command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified address.

tacacs-server host hostname [port integer] [timeout integer] [key string]

no tacacs-server host hostname

Syntax Description


IP address of the TACACS+ server.


(Optional) Indicates that a port number is being specified. This option overrides the default, which is port 49.


Decimal TCP port number to be used when making a connection to the TACACS+ daemon. Valid port numbers range from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) Indicates that a timeout value is being specified. This overrides the global timeout value set with the tacacs-server timeout command for this server only.


Period of time (in seconds) that the ONS 15190 waits for a response from a TACACS+ daemon before it times out and declares an error. Valid values range from 1 to 1000.


(Optional) Indicates that an encryption key is being specified. Specifying this key overrides the key set by the global command tacacs-server key for this server only.


Character string specifying encryption key. This must match the key used by the TACACS+ daemon.


No TACACS+ host is specified.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is a subset of the tacacs-server host command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 10.0.

You can use multiple tacacs-server host commands to specify additional hosts. The Cisco IOS software searches for hosts in the order in which you specify them. Use the port, timeout, and key options only when running a AAA/TACACS+ server.

Because some of the parameters of the tacacs-server host command override global settings made by the tacacs-server timeout and tacacs-server key commands, you can use this command to enhance security on your network by uniquely configuring individual routers.


The following example specifies a TACACS+ host of IP address

ons15190#tacacs-server host

Related Commands

Command Description

tacacs-server key

Specifies an encryption key for the ONS 15190 communications with all TACACS+ servers.

tacacs-server timeout

Specifies a timeout value for a response from the TACACS+ daemon.

aaa authentication

Enables AAA authentication.

aaa authorization

Sets parameters that restrict access to specific commands.

tacacs-server key

To set the authentication encryption key used for all TACACS+ communications between the ONS 15190 and the TACACS+ daemon, use the tacacs-server key global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to disable the key.

tacacs-server key string

no tacacs-server key

Syntax Description


Key used to set encryption. This key must match the key used on the TACACS+ daemon.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is a subset of the tacacs-server key command which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.1.

The key entered at the ONS 15190 must match the key used on the TACACS+ daemon. The key must consist of alphanumeric characters; spaces are not allowed.


The following example sets the authentication and encryption key to dare-to-go:

ons15190#tacacs-server key dare-to-go

Related Commands

Command Description

tacacs-server host

Specifies a TACACS+ host.

aaa authentication

Enables AAA authentication.

aaa authorization

Sets parameters that restrict network access to a user.

tacacs-server timeout

To specify a TACACS+ timeout, use the tacacs-server timeout command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete the specified timeout.

tacacs-server timeout timeout

no tacacs-server timeout

Syntax Description


Period of time (in seconds) that the ONS 15190 waits for a response from a TACACS+ daemon before it times out and declares an error. Valid values range from 1 to 1000.


No TACACS+ timeout is specified.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The tacacs-server timeout command globally sets the timeout for all TACACS+ hosts. You can override the timeout for a specific host by using the tacacs-server host command with the timeout keyword.


The following example specifies a TACACS+ timeout of 60 seconds:

ons15190#tacacs-server timeout 60

Related Commands

Command Description

tacacs-server host

Specifies a TACACS+ host.

tacacs-server key

Specifies an encryption key for the ONS 15190 communications with all TACACS+ servers.

aaa authentication

Enables AAA authentication.

aaa authorization

Sets parameters that restrict access to specific commands.


To log on to a host that supports Telnet, use the telnet EXEC command.

telnet host [port]

Syntax Description


Host name or IP address.


(Optional) Decimal TCP port number; the default is the Telnet router port (decimal 23) on the host.

Command Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is a subset of the telnet command that first appeared in Cisco Release 10.0.


The following example creates a Telnet connection with the host at


Related Commands

Command Description


Connects to the specified IP address via Telnet.

temperature-protect disable

To disable the temperature-protection capability of the ONS 15190, use the temperature-protect disable global configuration command. Use the no form of this command to enable the temperature protection capability after it is disabled.

temperature-protect disable

no temperature-protect disable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example disables the temperature protection capability for the system:

ons15190#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15190(config)#temperature-protect disable Automatic card temperature protection disabled.

Related Commands

Command Description

show temperature-protect

Displays whether the temperature protection capability is enabled.

tnetd set mirror

To begin or end mirroring a Telnet session, use the tnetd set mirror privileged EXEC command.

tnetd set mirror {session | off}

Syntax Description


Session number to mirror.


End to mirroring.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.

When a session is mirrored, all commands entered and executed by that session are displayed. This feature may be helpful to instruct users at remote locations.

Related Commands

Command Description

show users

Displays all Telnet users and their session numbers.

tnetd set state

To enable or disable additional Telnet sessions to the system, use the tnetd set state privileged EXEC command.

tnetd set state {on | off}

Syntax Description


Specifies whether to enable or disable additional Telnet sessions to the system.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is only applicable to the ONS 15190.


The following example disables any additional Telnet sessions:

ons15190#tnetd set state off

Related Commands

Command Description

tnetd set mirror

Specifies to begin mirroring a Telnet session.

write erase

To erase all system configurations and reset the factory defaults, use the write erase privileged EXEC command.

write erase

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is replaced by the erase nvram: command.

Related Commands

Command Description

erase nvram:

Erases NVRAM, including the configuration file.

write memory

To write the currently running configuration to Flash memory, use the write or write memory privileged EXEC command.

write [memory]

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

This command is the same as the copy running-config startup-config command that first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 11.3. The write command must be executed to save any changes to the running configuration to the startup configuration. Any unsaved changes will be lost when the system is reset or powered down.

Related Commands

Command Description

copy running-config startup-config

Copies the contents of the running configuration to the startup configuration.

write network

To write the contents of the running configuration file to a TFTP server, use the write network privileged EXEC command.

write network address

Syntax Description


TFTP server address of the format tftp:\\host[\dir]\file, where host is a host name, dir is the directory within the host, and file is the file name to which to write.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

The write network command is used to upload a configuration file to a TFTP server. This is useful to back up the configuration file in the event the configuration file is subsequently damaged or changed inadvertently. This command is the same as the copy running-config privileged EXEC command.


The following example writes the configuration file to the file conf.bac on the server at location

ons15190#write network tftp:\\\conf.bac

Related Commands

Command Description

copy startup-config

Saves the contents of the startup configuration file to a TFTP server.

write terminal

To write the contents of the running configuration to the terminal, use the write terminal privileged EXEC command.

write terminal

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Usage Guidelines

The command is the same as the show running-config privileged EXEC command.


To display the running configuration, use the command as in the following example:

ons15190#write terminal

Related Commands

Command Description

show running-config

Display the currently running configuration to the terminal.

Posted: Tue May 29 02:18:59 PDT 2001
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