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ONS 15190 Boot Application

ONS 15190 Boot Application

In the rare event that it is impossible to boot the ONS 15190, the boot application is provided as a means of repairing the system by downloading a new image file. The boot application is presented in the following sections:

Caution   The boot application should only be entered in emergency situations where it is not possible to boot the application software, so as not to cause damage to the running image.

Entering the Boot Application

To enter the boot application, do the following:

Step 1   Connect to one of the controllers, via the maintenance port.

Step 2   Physically reset the system while pressing the Enter key until the boot application opens. The following screen is displayed:

    *********************************************** ******* Ring Star8000 BOOT Menu ********** ******* Copyright 2000 Pentacom Ltd. ******* ******* Version : 3              ******* ******* Built: Jan 2 2000, 14:38:33 ******* *********************************************** 0) Set IP parameters 1) Set default image 2) Download application image 3) Download utility image 4) Format unprotected flash partitions 5) Set baud rate 6) Exit and run image Choose an option:

Step 3   Enter the number corresponding to the option that you want to perform.

Setting the IP Parameters

Before you can download an image file by means of TFTP, you need to provide the system with the networking parameters of the ONS 15190. Select the Set IP Parameters option by entering 0 at the prompt. You will be prompted to enter the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway of your unit.

    SET IP PARAMETERS: ================== IP address[]: Subnet mask[]: Default gateway[]:

Specifying an Image File Type

Before downloading can begin, you must specify the file type. Enter 1 at the prompt and verify that Application (0) is set. Utility should only be specified for special debugging situations that might be indicated by technical support staff.

    SET DEFAULT IMAGE ================== 0) Application 1) Utility 2) Cancel Choose an option[Application]:

Downloading an Image File

In order to begin downloading the new image file, do the following:

Step 1   Select option 2 at the prompt.

Step 2   Specify the networking protocol to be used. Enter 0 for TFTP or 1 for Xmodem. If TFTP is selected, you will be prompted for the TFTP server IP address and the remote file name.

    DOWNLOAD APPLICATION ==================== 0) TFTP 1) Xmodem 2) cancel Choose an option:0 TFTP Server IP[]: Remote file[]: ver 1.1 Continue with TFTP download? [y/n] y

Step 3   Enter y when prompted to continue with the download. The file will be downloaded into the system Flash memory.

If Xmodem is chosen, you must begin uploading the file from within your RS-232C terminal application. If you do not start your Xmodem application within 10 to 15 seconds of selecting Xmodem in the boot application, the boot application will timeout.

Setting the Baud Rate

When using Xmodem, it is recommended to set the baud rate (option 5 in the main menu) to be faster than the default (9600) to improve the download speed. Similarly, you must configure the Xmodem application that you are using to work at this baud rate.

Formatting the Flash

In the rare event that the contents of the Flash memory are corrupted, you may be advised by the technical support staff to format the Flash. Enter 4 at the prompt. You will be prompted to format the non-write protected areas of the flash. When this is complete, a new image file can be downloaded to repair the flash.

Caution   All configurations will be lost when the Flash is formatted.

Exiting the Boot Application

When the download is completed, enter 6 at the prompt to exit the boot application, run the new image file and the ONS 15190. At this point, you may proceed with the image as usual.

Note   If the baud rate of the terminal was changed, it should be restored to the default value of 9600 to ensure proper functioning of the image.

Posted: Thu May 24 13:57:31 PDT 2001
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