
Table Of Contents

Configuring the VPN Acceleration Module


Configuration Tasks

Using the EXEC Command Interpreter

Configuring IKE

Configuring IPSec

Configuration Examples

Configuring IKE Policies Example

Configuring IPSec Configuration Example

Basic IPSec Configuration Illustration

Router A Configuration

Router B Configuration

Troubleshooting Tips

Monitoring and Maintaining the VAM

Configuring the VPN Acceleration Module

This chapter contains the information and procedures needed to configure the VPN Acceleration Module (VAM) in the Cisco 7100 series routers, Cisco 7200 series routers, and Cisco 7401ASR routers. This chapter contains the following sections:


Configuration Tasks

Configuration Examples

Verifying the Configuration

Basic IPSec Configuration Illustration

Monitoring and Maintaining the VAM


The VAM provides encryption services for any interface in Cisco 7100 series, Cisco 7200 series routers, and Cisco 7401ASR routers. If you have previously configured IPSec on the router and you install the VAM, the VAM automatically performs encryption services.

Note There are no interfaces to configure on the VAM.

This section only contains basic configuration information for enabling encryption and IPSec tunneling services. Refer to the "IP Security and Encryption" part of the Security Configuration Guide and the appropriate IOS Release version of the Security Command Reference guide for detailed configuration information on IPSec, IKE, and CA.

Configuration Tasks

On power up if the enabled LED is on, the VAM is fully functional and does not require any configuration commands. However, for the VAM to provide encryption services, you must complete the steps in the following sections:

Using the EXEC Command Interpreter (required)

Configuring IKE (required)

Configuring IPSec (required)

Note You can configure a static crypto map, create a dynamic crypto map, or add a dynamic crypto map into a static crypto map. Refer to the online publication, Configuring the VPN Acceleration Module.

Optionally, you can configure Certification Authority (CA) interoperability (refer to the "Configuring Certification Authority Interoperability" chapter in the Security Configuration Guide).

Using the EXEC Command Interpreter

You modify the configuration of your router through the software command interpreter called the EXEC (also called enable mode). You must enter the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter with the enable command before you can use the configure command to configure a new interface or change the existing configuration of an interface. The system prompts you for a password if one has been set.

The system prompt for the privileged level ends with a pound sign (#) instead of an angle bracket (>). At the console terminal, use the following procedure to enter the privileged level:

Step 1 At the user-level EXEC prompt, enter the enable command. The EXEC prompts you for a privileged-level password as follows:

Router> enable

Step 2 Enter the password (the password is case sensitive). For security purposes, the password is not displayed.
When you enter the correct password, the system displays the privileged-level system prompt (#):


This completes the procedure for entering the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter.

Configuring IKE

To configure IKE, you would perform the following tasks:

If you do not specify a value for a parameter, the default value is assigned. For information on default values, refer to the "IP Security and Encryption" chapter of the Security Command Reference publication.

To configure a policy, use the following commands, starting in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

crypto isakmp policy priority

Identifies the policy to create, and enters config-isakmp command mode.

Step 2 

encryption {des | 3des}

Specifies the encryption algorithm.

Step 3 

group {1 | 2}

Specifies the Diffie-Hellman group identifier.

For detailed information on creating IKE policies, refer to the "Configuring Internet Key Exchange Security Protocol" chapter in the Security Configuration Guide publication.

Specifying an RSA Authentication Method

When you configure IKE policies, you specify one of the following RSA authentication methods:

RSA Signatures Method—Using this method, you configure peers to obtain certificates from a certification authority (CA). (Note: You first configure the CA to issue certificates, as described in the "Configuring Certification Authority Interoperability" chapter of the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide for your Cisco IOS Release.)

Peers use certificates to exchange public keys securely; each peer has the remote peer's public signature key. When both peers have valid certificates, they automatically exchange public keys as part of any IKE negotiation in which RSA signatures are used.

Or, you can exchange public keys manually (see "Manually Configuring RSA Keys" section).

RSA Encrypted Nonces Method—Using this method, each peer has the public keys of the other peers. Unlike RSA signatures, the RSA encrypted nonces method does not use certificates to exchange public keys. Instead, you use one of the following methods:

Manually configure RSA keys (see "Manually Configuring RSA Keys" section).

Ensure that an IKE exchange, using RSA signatures with certificates, has already occurred between the peers. (The peer public keys are exchanged during the RSA-signatures-based IKE negotiations, if certificates are used.)

You specify two policies: a higher-priority policy with RSA encrypted nonces, and a lower-priority policy with RSA signatures. RSA signatures are used the first time because peers do not yet have each other's public keys. Future IKE negotiations use RSA encrypted nonces because public keys have been exchanged.

Note This alternative requires that you have CA support configured.

Note The RSA encrypted nonces feature on VAM cards became enabled beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(10).

Preshared Keys Authentication Method—Using this method, you configure preshared keys as described in the "Configuring Preshared Keys" section.

If RSA encryption is configured and signature mode is negotiated (and certificates are used for signature mode), the peer requests both signature and encryption keys. The router requests as many keys as the configuration will support. If RSA encryption is not configured, it will just request a signature key.

Manually Configuring RSA Keys

When you specify the RSA encrypted nonces authentication method, and you are not using a certification authority, you manually configure the RSA keys by performing the following tasks at each IPSec peer that uses RSA encrypted nonces in an IKE policy:

Generating RSA Keys

Setting ISAKMP Identity

Specifying Other Peers RSA Public Keys

Generating RSA Keys

To generate RSA keys, use the following commands starting in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Router (config)# crypto key generate rsa [usage-keys]

Generates RSA keys.

Step 2 

Router# show crypto key mypubkey rsa

Displays the generated RSA public key (in EXEC mode).

Repeat the above tasks at each peer (without CA support) that uses RSA encrypted nonces in an IKE policy.

Setting ISAKMP Identity

This topic describes how to set the ISAKMP identity for each peer that uses pre-shared keys in an IKE policy.

When two peers use IKE to establish IPSec security associations, each peer sends its identity to the remote peer. Each peer sends either its host name or its IP address, depending on how you have the router's ISAKMP identity set.

By default, a peer's ISAKMP identity is the peer's IP address. If appropriate, you could change the identity to be the peer's host name instead. As a general rule, set all peers' identities the same way—either all peers should use their IP address, or all peers should use their host name. If some peers use their host name and some peers use their IP address to identify themselves to each other, IKE negotiations could fail if a remote peer's identity is not recognized and a DNS lookup is unable to resolve the identity.

To set a peer's ISAKMP identity, use the following commands in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Router (config)# crypto isakmp identity {address | hostname}

At the local peer: Specifies the peer's ISAKMP identity by IP address or by host name.1

Step 2 

Router (config)# ip host hostname address1 [address2...address8]

At all remote peers: If the local peer's ISAKMP identity was specified using a host name, maps the peer's host name to its IP address(es) at all the remote peers. (This step might be unnecessary if the host name/address is already mapped in a DNS server.)

1 See the crypto isakmp identity command description for guidelines for when to use the IP address vs. the host name.

Repeat these tasks for each peer that uses pre-shared keys in an IKE policy.

Specifying Other Peers RSA Public Keys

At each peer, specify the other peers RSA public keys by using the following commands starting in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Router (config)# crypto key pubkey-chain rsa

Enters public key chain configuration mode.

Step 2 

Router (config-pubkey-c)# named-key key-name [encryption | signature]
Router (config-pubkey-c)# addressed-key key-address [encryption | signature]

Indicates which remote peer's RSA public key you are going to specify. Enters public key configuration mode.

If the remote peer uses its host name as its ISAKMP identity, use the named-key command and specify the remote peer's fully qualified domain name (such as as the key-name.

If the remote peer uses its IP address as its ISAKMP identity, use the addressed-key command and specify the remote peer's IP address as the key-address.

Step 3 

Router (config-pubkey-k)# address ip-address

If you used a fully qualified domain name to name the remote peer in Step 2 (using the named-key command), you can optionally specify the remote peer's IP address.

Step 4 

Router (config-pubkey-k)# key-string key-string

Specifies the remote peer RSA public key. This is the key viewed by the remote peer's administrator previously when he generated his router RSA keys.

Step 5 

Router (config-pubkey-k)# quit

Returns to public key chain configuraiton mode.

Step 6 


Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to specify the RSA public keys of all the other IPSec peers that use RSA encrypted nonces in an IKE policy.

Step 7 

Router (config-pubkey-c)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Repeat the above tasks at each peer that uses RSA encrypted nonces in an IKE policy.

To view RSA public keys while or after you configure them, use the following command in EXEC mode:


Step 1 

Router# show crypto key pubkey-chain rsa {name key-name | address key-address}

Displays a list of all the RSA public keys stored on your router, or displays details of a particular RSA public key stored on your router.

Configuring Preshared Keys

To configure preshared keys, perform these tasks at each peer that uses preshared keys in an IKE policy:

First, set the ISAKMP identity of each peer. Each peer's identity should be set to either its host name or by its IP address. By default, a peer's identity is set to its IP address. Setting ISAKMP identities is described in the section "Setting ISAKMP Identity."

Next, specify the shared keys at each peer. Note that a given preshared key is shared between two peers. At a given peer you could specify the same key to share with multiple remote peers; however, a more secure approach is to specify different keys to share between different pairs of peers.

To specify preshared keys at a peer, use the following commands in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

Router(config)# crypto isakmp key keystring address peer-address


Router(config)# crypto isakmp key keystring hostname peer-hostname

At the local peer: Specifies the shared key to be used with a particular remote peer.

If the remote peer specified its ISAKMP identity with an address, use the address keyword in this step; otherwise use the hostname keyword in this step.

Step 2 

Router(config)# crypto isakmp key keystring address peer-address


Router(config)# crypto isakmp key keystring hostname peer-hostname

At the remote peer: Specifies the shared key to be used with the local peer. This is the same key you just specified at the local peer.

If the local peer specified its ISAKMP identity with an address, use the address keyword in this step; otherwise use the hostname keyword in this step.

Step 3 

Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each remote peer.

Remember to repeat these tasks at each peer that uses preshared keys in an IKE policy.

Configuring IPSec

After you have completed IKE configuration, configure IPSec at each participating IPSec peer. This section contains basic steps to configure IPSec and includes the tasks discussed in the following sections:

Creating Crypto Access Lists (required)

Defining Transform Sets (required)

Verifying the Configuration (optional)

For detailed information on configuring IPSec, refer to the "Configuring IPSec Network Security" chapter in the Security Configuration Guide publication.

Creating Crypto Access Lists

Crypto access lists define which IP traffic will be protected by encryption.

Note IKE uses UDP port 500. The IPSec Encapsulation Security Protocol (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH) protocols use protocol numbers 50 and 51. Ensure that your interface access lists are configured so that protocol numbers 50, 51, and UDP port 500 traffic are not blocked at interfaces used by IPSec. In some cases you might need to add a statement to your access lists to explicitly permit this traffic.

To create crypto access lists, use the following commands in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [log]
ip access-list extended name

Specifies conditions to determine which IP packets are protected.1 (Enable or disable encryption for traffic that matches these conditions.)

We recommend that you configure "mirror image" crypto access lists for use by IPSec and that you avoid using the any keyword.

Step 2 

Add permit and deny statements as appropriate.

Adds permit or deny statements to access lists.

Step 3 


Exits the configuration command mode.

1 You specify conditions using an IP access list designated by either a number or a name. The access-list command designates a numbered extended access list; the ip access-list extended command designates a named access list.

For detailed information on configuring access lists, refer to the "Configuring IPSec Network Security" chapter in the Security Configuration Guide publication.

Defining Transform Sets

A transform set is a combination of security protocols and algorithms. During the IPSec security association negotiation, peers agree to use a specific transform set to protect a particular data flow.

To define a transform set, use the following commands, starting in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

crypto ipsec transform-set transform-set-name transform1 [transform2 [transform3]]

Defines a transform set and enter crypto transform configuration mode.

Note   Complex rules define which entries you can use for the transform arguments. These rules are explained in the command description for the crypto ipsec transform-set command, and Table 4-1 provides a list of allowed transform combinations.

Step 2 

mode [tunnel | transport]

Changes the mode associated with the transform set. The mode setting is applicable only to traffic whose source and destination addresses are the IPSec peer addresses; it is ignored for all other traffic. (All other traffic is in tunnel mode only.)

Step 3 


Exits the crypto transform configuration mode to enabled mode.

Step 4 

clear crypto sa
clear crypto sa peer {ip-address | peer-name}
clear crypto sa map map-name
clear crypto sa spi destination-address protocol spi

Clears existing IPSec security associations so that any changes to a transform set take effect on subsequently established security associations (SAs). (Manually established SAs are reestablished immediately.)

Using the clear crypto sa command without parameters clears out the full SA database, which clears out active security sessions. You may also specify the peer, map, or entry keywords to clear out only a subset of the SA database.

: Table 4-1 shows allowed transform combinations.

Table 4-1 Allowed Transform Combinations 

AH Transform1
ESP Encryption Transform 1
ESP Authentication Transform2


AH with MD5 (HMAC variant) authentication algorithm


ESP with 168-bit Triple DES encryption algorithm


ESP with MD5 (HMAC variant) authentication algorithm


AH with SHA (HMAC variant) authentication algorithm


ESP with 56-bit DES encryption algorithm


ESP with SHA (HMAC variant) authentication algorithm



ESP transform without cipher


1 Pick one transform option.

2 Pick one transform option, but only if you selected esp-null or ESP encrypting transform.

To create crypto map entries that use IKE to establish the security associations, use the following commands, starting in global configuration mode:


Step 1 

crypto map map-name seq-num ipsec-isakmp

Creates the crypto map and enters crypto map configuration mode.

Step 2 

match address access-list-id

Specifies an extended access list. This access list determines which traffic is protected by IPSec and which is not.

Step 3 

set peer {hostname | ip-address}

Specifies a remote IPSec peer. This is the peer to which IPSec-protected traffic can be forwarded.

Repeat for multiple remote peers.

Step 4 

set transform-set transform-set-name1 [transform-set-name2...transform-set -name6]

Specifies which transform sets are allowed for this crypto map entry. Lists multiple transform sets in order of priority (highest priority first).

Step 5 


Exits crypto map configuration mode.

Step 6 

Repeat these steps to create additional crypto map entries as required.

Verifying the Configuration

Some configuration changes take effect only after subsequent security associations are negotiated. For the new settings to take effect immediately, clear the existing security associations.

To clear (and reinitialize) IP Sec security associations, use one of the commands in Table 4-2 in global configuration mode:

Table 4-2 Commands to Clear IP Sec Security Associations


clear crypto sa
clear crypto sa peer {ip-address | peer-name}
clear crypto sa map map-name
clear crypto sa spi destination-address protocol spi

Clear IPSec security associations (SAs).

Using the clear crypto sa command without parameters clears out the full SA database, which clears out active security sessions. You may also specify the peer, map, or spi keywords to clear out only a subset of the SA database.

The following steps provide information on verifying your configurations:

Step 1 Enter show crypto ipsec transform-set to view your transform set configuration:

Router# show crypto ipsec transform-set
Transform set combined-des-md5: {esp-des esp-md5-hmac}
will negotiate = {Tunnel,},
Transform set t1: {esp-des esp-md5-hmac}
will negotiate = {Tunnel,},
Transform set t100: {ah-sha-hmac}
will negotiate = {Transport,},
Transform set t2: {ah-sha-hmac}
will negotiate = {Tunnel,},
will negotiate = {Tunnel,},

Step 2 Enter show crypto map [interface interface | tag map-name] to view your crypto map configuration:

Router# show crypto map
Crypto Map: "router-alice" idb: Ethernet0 local address:
Crypto Map "router-alice" 10 ipsec-isakmp
Peer =
Extended IP access list 141
access-list 141 permit ip
source: addr =
dest: addr =
Current peer:
Security-association lifetime: 4608000 kilobytes/120 seconds
PFS (Y/N): N
Transform sets={t1,}

Step 3 Enter show crypto ipsec sa [map map-name | address | identity | detail | interface] to view information about IPSec security associations.

Router# show crypto ipsec sa
interface: Ethernet0
Crypto map tag: router-alice, local addr.
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 10, #pkts encrypt: 10, #pkts digest 10
#pkts decaps: 10, #pkts decrypt: 10, #pkts verify 10
#send errors 10, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
path mtu 1500, media mtu 1500
current outbound spi: 20890A6F
inbound esp sas:
spi: 0x257A1039(628756537)
transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac,
in use settings ={Tunnel,}
slot: 0, conn id: 26, crypto map: router-alice
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4607999/90)
IV size: 8 bytes
replay detection support: Y
inbound ah sas:
outbound esp sas:
spi: 0x20890A6F(545852015)
transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac,
in use settings ={Tunnel,}
slot: 0, conn id: 27, crypto map: router-alice
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4607999/90)
IV size: 8 bytes
replay detection support: Y
outbound ah sas:
interface: Tunnel0
Crypto map tag: router-alice, local addr.
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
#pkts encaps: 10, #pkts encrypt: 10, #pkts digest 10
#pkts decaps: 10, #pkts decrypt: 10, #pkts verify 10
#send errors 10, #recv errors 0
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
path mtu 1500, media mtu 1500
current outbound spi: 20890A6F
inbound esp sas:
spi: 0x257A1039(628756537)
transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac,
in use settings ={Tunnel,}
slot: 0, conn id: 26, crypto map: router-alice
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4607999/90)
IV size: 8 bytes
replay detection support: Y
inbound ah sas:
outbound esp sas:
spi: 0x20890A6F(545852015)
transform: esp-des esp-md5-hmac,
in use settings ={Tunnel,}
slot: 0, conn id: 27, crypto map: router-alice
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4607999/90)
IV size: 8 bytes
replay detection support: Y
outbound ah sas:

For a detailed description of the information displayed by the show commands, refer to the "IP Security and Encryption" chapter of the Security Command Reference publication.

Configuration Examples

This section provides the following configuration examples:

Configuring IKE Policies Example

Configuring IPSec Configuration Example

Configuring IKE Policies Example

In the following example, three IKE policies are created, with policy 15 as the highest priority, policy 20 as the next priority, and the existing default priority as the lowest priority. It also creates a preshared key to be used with policy 20 with the remote peer whose IP address is, and a RSA encryption key with policy 30.

crypto isakmp policy 15
encryption 3des
hash md5
authentication rsa-sig
group 2
lifetime 5000
crypto isakmp policy 20
authentication pre-share
lifetime 10000
crypto isakmp key 1234567890 address
crypto isakmp policy 30
encr 3des
authentication rsa-encr
crypto key pubkey-chain rsa
305C300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 00034B00 30480241 009E227B F7F489E2
E980D39F 4A981644 C8A103F4 3CB1EFB1 CE8EDCC5 8E7BFDFC 6C4BCB3D 62BE76F3
5E5F7F43 F0841163 D234138C 09725BA6 B30F50C5 63615E0B 45020301 0001

Configuring IPSec Configuration Example

The following example shows a minimal IPSec configuration where the security associations will be established via IKE:

An IPSec access list defines which traffic to protect:

access-list 101 permit ip

A transform set defines how the traffic will be protected. In this example, transform set "myset1" uses DES encryption and SHA for data packet authentication:

crypto ipsec transform-set myset1 esp-des esp-sha

Another transform set example is "myset2," which uses Triple DES encryptions and MD5 (HMAC variant) for data packet authentication:

crypto ipsec transform-set myset2 esp-3des esp-md5-hmac

A crypto map joins together the IPSec access list and transform set and specifies where the protected traffic is sent (the remote IPSec peer):

crypto map toRemoteSite 10 ipsec-isakmp
match address 101
set transform-set myset2
set peer

The crypto map is applied to an interface:

interface Serial0
ip address
crypto map toRemoteSite

Note In this example, IKE must be enabled.

Basic IPSec Configuration Illustration

The following is an example of an IPSec configuration in which the security associations are established through IKE. In this example an access list is used to restrict the packets that are encrypted and decrypted. In this example, all packets going from IP address to IP address are encrypted and decrypted and all packets going from IP address to IP address are encrypted and decrypted. Also, one IKE policy is created.

Figure 4-1 Basic IPSec Configuration

Router A Configuration

Specify the parameters to be used during an IKE negotiation:

crypto isakmp policy 15
  encryption des
  hash md5
  authentication pre-share
  group 2
  lifetime 5000

crypto isakmp key 1234567890 address
crypto isakmp identity address

Note In the above example, the encryption DES of policy 15 would not appear in the written configuration because this is the default value for the encryption algorithm parameter.

A transform set defines how the traffic will be protected:

crypto ipsec transform-set auth1 ah-md5-hmac esp-des esp-md5-hmac
  mode tunnel

A crypto map joins the transform set and specifies where the protected traffic is sent (the remote IPSec peer):

crypto map toRemoteSite 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set auth1

The crypto map is applied to an interface:

  interface Serial0
  ip address
crypto map toRemoteSite

An IPSec access list defines which traffic to protect:

access-list 101 permit ip host host
access-list 101 permit ip host host

Router B Configuration

Specify the parameters to be used during an IKE negotiation:

crypto isakmp policy 15
  encryption des
  hash md5
  authentication pre-share
  group 2
  lifetime 5000

crypto isakmp key 1234567890 address
crypto isakmp identity address

A transform set defines how the traffic will be protected:

crypto ipsec transform-set auth1 ah-md5-hmac esp-des ah-md5-hmac
  mode tunnel

A crypto map joins the transform set and specifies where the protected traffic is sent (the remote IPSec peer):

crypto map toRemoteSite 10 ipsec-isakmp
  set peer
  set transform-set auth1

The crypto map is applied to an interface:

interface Serial0
  ip address
  crypto map toRemoteSite

An IPSec access list defines which traffic to protect:

access-list 101 permit ip host host
access-list 101 permit ip host host

Troubleshooting Tips

To verify that Cisco IOS software has recognized VAM, enter the show diag command and check the output. For example, when the router has the VAM in slot 1, the following output appears:

Router# show diag 1

Slot 1:
VAM Encryption/Compression engine. Port adapter
Port adapter is analyzed
Port adapter insertion time 00:04:45 ago
EEPROM contents at hardware discovery:
Hardware Revision :1.0
PCB Serial Number :15485660
Part Number :73-5953-04
Board Revision :
RMA Test History :00
RMA Number :0-0-0-0
RMA History :00
Deviation Number :0-0
Product Number :CLEO
Top Assy. Part Number :800-10496-04
CLEI Code :
EEPROM format version 4
EEPROM contents (hex):
0x00:04 FF 40 02 8A 41 01 00 C1 8B 31 35 34 38 35 36
0x10:36 30 00 00 00 82 49 17 41 04 42 FF FF 03 00 81
0x20:00 00 00 00 04 00 80 00 00 00 00 CB 94 43 4C 45
0x30:4F 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
0x40:20 C0 46 03 20 00 29 00 04 C6 8A FF FF FF FF FF

To see if the VAM is currently processing crypto packets, enter the show pas vam interface command. The following is sample output:

Router# show pas vam interface
Interface VAM 1/1 :
ds:0x632770C8 idb:0x62813728
Statistics of packets and bytes that through this interface:
18 packets in 18 packets out
2268 bytes in 2268 bytes out
0 paks/sec in 0 paks/sec out
0 Kbits/sec in 0 Kbits/sec out
83 commands out 83 commands acknowledged
ppq_full_err :0 ppq_rx_err :0
cmdq_full_err :0 cmdq_rx_err :0
no_buffer :0 fallback :0
dst_overflow :0 nr_overflow :0
sess_expired :0 pkt_fragmented :0
out_of_mem :0 access_denied :0
invalid_fc :0 invalid_param :0
invalid_handle :0 output_overrun :0
input_underrun :0 input_overrun :0
key_invalid :0 packet_invalid :0
decrypt_failed :0 verify_failed :0
attr_invalid :0 attr_val_invalid :0
attr_missing :0 obj_not_wrap :0
bad_imp_hash :0 cant_fragment :0
out_of_handles :0 compr_cancelled :0
rng_st_fail :0 other_errors :0
633 seconds since last clear of counters

When the VAM processes packets, the "packets in" and "packets out" counter changes. Counter "packets out" represents the number of packets directed to the VAM. Counter "packets in" represents the number of packets received from the VAM.

Note In versions prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.2(5)T and Cisco IOS Release 12.1 (10)E, upon reboot trap configurations are lost and need to be re-entered.

To see if the IKE/IPSec packets are being redirected to the VAM for IKE negotiation and IPSec encryption and decryption, enter the show crypto eli command. The following is sample output when Cisco IOS software redirects packets to VAM:

Router# show crypto eli
Encryption Layer: ACTIVE
Number of crypto engines = 1.
CryptoEngine-0 (slot-1) details.
Capability-IPSec :IPPCP , 3DES, RSA
IKE-Session : 0 active, 5120 max, 0 failed
DH-Key : 0 active, 5120 max, 0 failed
IPSec-Session : 0 active, 10230 max, 0 failed

When the software crypto engine is active, the show crypto eli command yields no output.

During bootup or OIR, when the Cisco IOS software agrees to redirect crypto traffic to the VAM, it prints a message similar to the following:

%ISA-6-INFO:Recognised crypto engine (0) at slot-1
...switching to hardware crypto engine

To disable the VAM, use the configuration mode crypto card shut command, as follows:

Router(config)# crypto card shut 1
3w4d:%ISA-6-SHUTDOWN:VAM shutting down
3w4d:%ISA-6-INFO:Crypto Engine 0 in slot 1 going DOWN
3w4d:...switching to software crypto engine

Monitoring and Maintaining the VAM

Use the commands below to monitor and maintain the VAM:


Router# show pas isa interface

Displays the ISA interface configuration.

Router# show pas isa controller

Displays the ISA controller configuration.

Router# show pas vam interface

Verifies the VAM is currently processing crypto packets.

Router# show pas vam controller

Displays the VAM controller configuration.

Router# Show version

Displays integrated service adapter as part of the interfaces.


Posted: Thu Mar 9 22:56:03 PST 2006
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