
Table Of Contents

Installing Cisco QAM Gateway Manager

Minimum System Requirements

Installing Software

Before Using Cisco QAM Gateway Manager

Telnet Password

SNMP Setup

Setting Up Input Video Traffic

Removing Software

Removing Cisco QAM Gateway Manager from the PC

Removing Java Software from the PC

Installing Cisco QAM Gateway Manager

This chapter describes the tasks that should be performed prior to using Cisco QAM Gateway Manager (Cisco QGM).

Minimum System Requirements

Installing Software

Before Using Cisco QAM Gateway Manager

Removing Software

Minimum System Requirements

Table 2-1 lists the minimum system requirements for Cisco QGM running on the Microsoft Windows platform. Table 2-2 lists Java system requirements.

Table 2-1 Microsoft Windows System Requirements



600 MHz

Operating system

Microsoft Windows 2000

Available disk space

10 MB


256 MB

Additional software

Zip/unzip utility

Table 2-2 Java System Requirements


Java 2 Platform

Standard Edition, V.1.4.2 (Includes Java Web Start 1.2)

Available disk space required for Java software

70 MB

Installing Software

Cisco QGM uses the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Both Cisco QGM and JRE can be downloaded without charge from the Internet.

This section presents the following tasks:

Downloading and Starting Cisco QAM Gateway Manager

Downloading and Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Note The following instructions assume the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Downloading and Starting Cisco QAM Gateway Manager

To download the Cisco QAM Gateway Manager application from

Step 1 Access the Cisco QGM installation file.

a. Go to the following URL:

b. Click on the following file:

The unzip window appears.

Step 2 Select all files by choosing Actions > Select All.

Step 3 Click Extract

Step 4 Enter a destination drive and directory where you want the files to be located, for example, C:\cqm_install.

Step 5 Click Extract.

To install and start Cisco QAM Gateway Manager:

Step 1 Ensure that the appropriate Java software is installed on the PC. (See Downloading and Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).) Cisco QGM cannot be used until the Java software is installed.

Step 2 Use Windows Explorer to find and open the C:\cqm_install directory.

Step 3 Click on the cqm.bat file.

The Cisco QGM application is installed and started.

Note Start the application each time by clicking on cqm.bat in the C:\cqm_install directory.

If you prefer to launch Cisco QGM from the desktop, copy the cqm.bat file from the directory by right-clicking on the file and choosing Copy, then right-clicking on the desktop and choosing Paste Shortcut.

Downloading and Installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Before using Cisco QAM Gateway Manager, you must have Java Standard Edition, version 1.4.2 installed.

Step 1 Confirm whether your PC already has Java installed, and if so, which version.

a. Open a command prompt window (Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt) and enter the following:

java -version

b. Confirm that the following appears:

java version "1.4.2_05" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_05-b04) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_05-b04, mixed mode)

c. If the above appears, you have the correct version of Java. Proceed to Downloading and Starting Cisco QAM Gateway Manager.

d. If the above does not appear, or a different version of Java is listed, proceed to Step 2, below.

Step 2 Access the appropriate JRE file.

Note You may be prompted by multiple security warnings. Choose Yes when prompted.

a. Go to the following URL:

b. Choose Download J2SE JRE.

c. Accept the License Agreement.

The download options appear.

d. In the Microsoft Windows platform section choose Windows Installation, Multi-Language.

The File Download window appears.

Step 3 Download the Java JRE software.

a. Choose Save this program to disk.

b. For convenience, save the file to your desktop.

Step 4 Install the Java software.

a. Double-click the file you saved in Step 3b above. The name of the file is j2re-1_4_2_05-windows-i586-p-iftw.exe.

An installer window appears.

b. Accept the defaults and choose Typical Install.

Before Using Cisco QAM Gateway Manager

This section summarizes the minimum configuration required before using Cisco QGM. These tasks would normally be completed in advance by the network or device administrator using the device command line interface (CLI).

To see the detailed steps for completing each of these tasks, refer to the Cisco uMG9820 QAM Gateway or Cisco Catalyst 4500 series switch documentation listed in Related Documentation.

Before using Cisco QGM, ensure you have the following information for each device to be managed:

Telnet password

IP address

SNMP community string

(Cisco Catalyst switches only) VLAN information:

VLAN numbers

IP addresses

Telnet Password

A Telnet password should be set to control access to the device through the Telnet window in Cisco QAM Gateway Manager. You will need to know this password to use the application's Telnet function.

SNMP Setup

Cisco QAM Gateway Manager uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and a special management information base (MIB) to manage Cisco QAM gateway devices. The MIBs are included in the software releases shown in Table 1-1.

Ethernet Port for SNMP Configuration

An IP address must be configured for each device for SNMP use. You must have this information when adding devices to the device list in Cisco QAM Gateway Manager.

SNMP Community String

The SNMP community string authenticates access to MIB objects, and functions as an embedded password. You must have this information when adding devices to the device list in Cisco QAM Gateway Manager. Cisco uMG9820 QAM Gateways and Cisco Catalyst switches must be configured with SNMP community strings before using Cisco QAM Gateway Manager to monitor or configure these devices.

Setting Up Input Video Traffic

Video input specifications must be set and, for Cisco Catalyst switches, any required VLANs must be configured on the device before using Cisco QAM Gateway Manager.

Removing Software

Removing Cisco QAM Gateway Manager from the PC

To remove Cisco QAM Gateway Manager from the PC, use Windows Explorer to find and delete the C:\cqm_install directory.

Removing Java Software from the PC

To remove the Java software from the PC, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and select the Java application.


Posted: Mon Oct 18 13:57:32 PDT 2004
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