
Table Of Contents

Managing the SCMP

About SCMP

SCMP Terminology

Deployment Scenarios

SCMP Peer Devices

SCMP Subscriber Management

How to Configure the SCMP

How to Configure SCMP Parameters

How to Add an SCMP Peer Device

How to Delete Subscribers Managed by an SCMP Peer Device

How to Delete an SCMP Peer Device

How to Define the Subscriber ID

How to Configure the RADIUS Client

How to Monitor the SCMP Environment

How to Monitor the SCMP

How to Monitor the RADIUS Client

Managing the SCMP

This module provides an overview of the Service Control Management Protocol (SCMP) capabilities. It also explains the various procedures for configuring and monitoring SCMP.

About SCMP 

How to Configure the SCMP 

How to Monitor the SCMP Environment 

About SCMP

The Service Control Management Protocol (SCMP) is a protocol that integrates the SCE platform and the ISG (Intelligent Service Gateway) functionality of the Cisco routers, thereby providing a mechanism that allows the ISG and the SCE platform to manage subscriber sessions together without requiring coordination and orchestration by additional components.

SCMP Terminology 

Deployment Scenarios 

SCMP Peer Devices 

SCMP Subscriber Management 

The SCMP is a Cisco proprietary protocol that uses the RADIUS protocol with CoA (Change of Authorization) support as a transport layer. The SCMP provides connection management messages, subscriber management and subscriber accounting messages. Each subscriber in the SCE platform represents a session in the SCMP peer (as defined by the ISG terminology).

Connection management

The SCE platform initiates the connection to the peer device. On SCMP connection establishment, the SCE platform and ISG negotiate the following details:

Introduction mode - whether the SCMP peer must send a session-provisioning message on session creation.

Keep-alive message interval

Protocol version

Subscriber Management

The SCMP peers can work in either of two introduction modes. These introduction modes affect only how and when a session is created on the SCE platform:

The SCMP peer provisions the session to the SCE platform when it is created in the peer device (push)

The SCE platform queries the SCMP peer regarding unmapped IP traffic (pull).

The SCMP uses queries as a backup to the push introduction mode, to be robust to issues such as networking problems and SCE platform reboot.

In addition to session creation, the SCMP supports the following operations:

Change of session policy and network IDs using the update-session message

Removal of the session when the user logs-out

Activate-policy, which changes the session policy

Deactivate-policy, which sets the policy value of the related anonymous-group template (based on the session manager)

Subscriber Accounting

On session creation, the SCE platform sends an accounting start message for the session and on logout, it sends an accounting stop message for the session. In addition, for each SCA BB service-counter an accounting-session is maintained (start, interim and stop messages), which provides information regarding the relevant volume, flow-count and duration.

The accounting messages are based on the new Subscriber-Accounting RDR and are sent according to the interval defined in the PQB configuration.

SCMP Terminology

SCMP terminology is similar to, but not identical to, existing SCE platform terminology. It is derived from the ISG terminology, since every SCE subscriber is actually an ISG session.

subscriber - The client who is purchasing service from the Service Provider and is receiving the bill.

User - A member, employee or guest at the subscriber household or business using the service.

Session - A logically identifiable entity on the service gateway that represents communication with a peer. It is based on a unique combination of one or more Identity Keys such as an IP address, a subnet, a MAC address, a tunnel termination interface (PPP) or a port.

Each session is assigned a unique identifier.

Flow - Characterized by several parameters identifiable from the traffic such as source IP address, destination IP address, source port, destination port, protocol and in some cases direction.

SCMP Peer - A Cisco device running IOS with the ISG module enabled.

Identity Key - One of the keys that help identify a Session. The identity keys that are relevant to the SCE-ISG control-bus are:

IP Address/Subnet

IP Subnet

Policy - Defines all aspects of subscriber session processing. A policy consists of conditions and actions. Traffic conditions will classify traffic and allow policing actions to be applied to the traffic. Policies may be provisioned, updated and removed. Policies may also be activated for a session or deactivated for a session. A policy may be referred to by name.

Deployment Scenarios

Single ISG Router with a Single SCE Platform (1xISG - 1xSCE) 

Single ISG Router with Two Cascaded SCE Platforms (1xISG - 2xSCE) 

Multiple ISG Routers with Two Cascaded SCE Platforms (NxISG - 2xSCE) 

Multiple ISG Routers with Multiple SCE Platforms via Load Balancing (NxISG - MxSCE) 

The following sections illustrate the basic types of SCMP deployment scenarios.

1xISG - 1xSCE

1xISG - 2xSCE (SCE cascade)

NxISG - 2xSCE (SCE cascade)

NxISG - MxSCE Via Load Balancing (MGSCP)

Single ISG Router with a Single SCE Platform (1xISG - 1xSCE)

The following diagram illustrates a deployment using one ISG router with a single SCE platform.

Figure 14-1 Single ISG Router with a Single SCE Platform

Note the following:

The red dotted lines depict the control path communication.

A deployment of this type might be used with ISG running on a service gateway or BRAS terminating a large number of subscribers. However, note that deploying only one SCE platform results in a single point of failure, which is not generally acceptable in an actual deployment.

Single ISG Router with Two Cascaded SCE Platforms (1xISG - 2xSCE)

The following diagram illustrates a deployment using one ISG router with two cascaded SCE platforms.

Figure 14-2 Single ISG Router with Two Cascaded SCE Platforms

This scenario is similar to the previous one, with ISG running on a service gateway or BRAS terminating a large number of subscribers, however a second SCE platform has been added to provide redundancy. This redundancy scheme assumes that SCE platforms are connected in a cascade, with one active SCE platform and one backup.

Please note the following:

When cascaded SCE platforms are connected to one or more ISG devices, only the active SCE platform maintains a connection to the ISG devices.

You can configure the cascaded SCE platforms to receive session info from the SCMP peer on session creation or pull the session info when the subscribers traffic traverses the SCE platform.

An ISG device cannot push sessions to two SCE platforms at the same time

Multiple ISG Routers with Two Cascaded SCE Platforms (NxISG - 2xSCE)

The following diagram illustrates a deployment using multiple ISG routers with two cascaded SCE platforms.

Figure 14-3 Multiple ISG Routers with Two Cascaded SCE Platforms

Many SPs require an edge platform with MPLS functionality to support L2 and L3 VPN services for business customers, with the possibility of running subscriber management functions for residential and business subscribers terminating on the same platform. If advanced services requiring deep packet inspection are offered, we recommend locating the SCE platforms centrally, just before traffic requiring such services exits the SP network, since not all traffic needs to be processed by SCE platforms. Please note the following:

When cascaded SCE platforms are connected to one or more ISG devices, only the active SCE platform maintains a connection to the ISG devices.

You can configure the cascaded SCE platforms to receive session info from the SCMP peer on session creation or pull the session info when the subscribers traffic traverses the SCE platform.

An ISG device cannot push sessions to two SCE platforms at the same time.

Multiple ISG Routers with Multiple SCE Platforms via Load Balancing (NxISG - MxSCE)

The following diagram illustrates a deployment using multiple ISG routers with multiple SCE platforms via load balancing. This is the scenario required for a MGSCP deployment.

Figure 14-4 Multiple ISG Routers with Multiple SCE Platforms via Load Balancing

This scenario includes several SCE platforms connected to the 7600/6500 switch. For efficient control of subscriber flows, the same SCE platform must process both directions of each subscriber flow, since the SCE platform keeps the subscriber context. The 7600/6500 switch to which the SCE platforms are connected acts as a dispatching element, distributing subscriber flows between SCE platforms and guaranteeing that all flows of a specific subscriber will pass through the same SCE platform.

This scenario assumes that one (or sometimes more) of the devices in the cluster is redundant.

Please note the following:

An ISG device cannot push sessions to two SCE platforms at the same time.

You must configure multiple SCE platforms with load-balancing (MGSCP) to work in pull integration mode.

SCMP Peer Devices

An SCMP peer device is a Cisco device running IOS with the ISG module enabled. The SCE platform supports the ability to communicate with several SCMP peer devices at the same time. However, each peer device manages its own subscribers and the corresponding subscriber network IDs. The SCE platform recognizes which subscribers belong to which peer device. There are two mechanisms that accomplish this:

Login operation

Each SCMP peer device is assigned a unique ID called the Manager-Id. This ID is attached to each subscriber from the moment it is created in the subscriber database, based on the SCMP peer that logged-in the subscriber.

Anonymous groups

An anonymous group is a specified IP range, possibly assigned a subscriber template (see Anonymous Groups and Subscriber Templates ).

SCMP associates each SCMP peer device with at least one anonymous group. SCMP generates subscribers for this anonymous group when it detects traffic from the SCMP peer device that is not mapped to any subscriber. SCMP assigns the SCMP peer manager-Id to this generated anonymous-subscriber. If you have assigned a subscriber template to the group, the anonymous subscribers generated have properties as defined by that template. If you have not assigned a subscriber template, the default template is used.

One SCE platform supports a maximum of 20 SCMP peer devices.

Connection Management

The SCMP attempts to maintain an open connection to each peer device.

The following figure illustrates the SCMP connection state functionality.

Figure 14-5 SCMP Connection State Functionality

The loss-of-sync timeout prevents the SCE platform from retaining sessions that are obsolete and whose identity-keys have been replaced or moved to other sessions thus miss-classification risk is limited.

SCMP Subscriber Management

GUID and Subscriber ID 

Subscriber virtualization allows multiple SCMP peer devices to simultaneously manage subscribers in the SCE platform without interfering with each other. (Note that each device must handle a distinct set of subscribers and network IDs.)

The following mechanisms support subscriber virtualization:

SCMP adds the Manager-Id field to each subscriber record in the database.

All SCMP subscriber provisioning operations include the Manager-Id parameter for each subscriber.

SCMP performs synchronizations in the context of the Manager-Id.

SCMP dispatches queries according to the configuration of the anonymous subscriber groups.

GUID and Subscriber ID

The SCMP requires the use of a globally unique identifier (GUID) that is created by and identifies each SCMP peer device. The GUID is a 16-character-long ASCII string. The SCE platform uses the GUID for all communication with the SCMP peer.

SCMP creates the SCE subscriber ID from the concatenation of any or all the following user-related RADIUS attributes, with the GUID as the suffix.




The user defines this subscriber ID structure via CLI.

How to Configure the SCMP

How to Configure SCMP Parameters 

How to Add an SCMP Peer Device 

How to Delete Subscribers Managed by an SCMP Peer Device 

How to Delete an SCMP Peer Device 

How to Define the Subscriber ID 

How to Configure the RADIUS Client 

How to Configure SCMP Parameters

How to Enable the SCMP 

How to Disable the SCMP 

How to Configure the SCMP Peer Device to Push Sessions 

How to Configure the SCMP Peer Device to Force Each Subscriber to Single SCE Platform 

How to Define the Keep-alive Interval Parameter 

How to Define the Reconnect Interval Parameter 

How to Define the Loss-of-Sync Timeout Parameter 

You can configure the following options for the SCMP:

Enable the SCMP

Configure the SCMP peer device to push sessions to the SCE platform

Allow the SCMP peer device to provision each subscriber to only one SCE platform.

Define the SCMP keep-alive interval

Define the SCMP reconnect interval

Define the loss-of-sync timeout

Define the subscriber ID structure

How to Enable the SCMP

By default, the SCMP is disabled.

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type scmp and press Enter.

How to Disable the SCMP

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type no scmp and press Enter.

How to Configure the SCMP Peer Device to Push Sessions

How to Disable Pushing Sessions 

When SCMP establishes a connection with an SCMP peer device, it informs the device whether the SCMP is configured to push sessions or to wait till the sessions are pulled by the SCE platform.

Use this command to specify push mode. Use the no form of the command to specify pull mode. This configuration takes effect only after the connection is re-established.

Default is disabled (pull mode).

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type scmp subscriber send-session-start and press Enter.

How to Disable Pushing Sessions

Use this command to disable pushing sessions to the SCE platform. This means that the SCE platform will pull all sessions from the SCMP peer.

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type no scmp subscriber send-session-start and press Enter.

How to Configure the SCMP Peer Device to Force Each Subscriber to Single SCE Platform

How to Disable Forcing Each Subscriber to Single SCE Platform 

When SCMP establishes a connection with an SCMP peer device, it informs the device whether the SCMP is configured to allow each subscriber to be provisioned to only one SCE platform.

Use this command to configure the SCMP peer device to verify that each subscriber is provisioned to only one SCE platform. If a subscriber was provisioned to a different SCE platform, the SCMP removes it from the previous SCE platform and provisions it to the new SCE platform. This configuration is required in MGSCP topology where, if a fail-over between SCE platforms, subscribers might move from one SCE platform to another. If transferred subscribers are not cleared from the previous SCE platform, it can cause capacity issues.

Use the no form of the command to allow SCMP to provision subscribers to more than one SCE platform .

This configuration takes effect only after the connection is re-established.

Default is disabled (subscribers can be provisioned to more than one SCE platform).

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type scmp subscriber force-single-sce and press Enter.

How to Disable Forcing Each Subscriber to Single SCE Platform

Use this command to disable forcing each subscriber to only one SCE platform. This allow subscribers to be provisioned to more than one SCE platform.

Step 1 SFrom the SCE(config)# prompt, type no scmp subscriber force-single-sce and press Enter.

How to Define the Keep-alive Interval Parameter


The keep-alive interval is the amount of time between keep-alive messages to the SCMP peer device. If the SCMP does not receive a response from the SCMP peer device within the defined interval, the connection is assumed to be down; and the SCMP changes the connection state to false and begins attempts to reconnect.


The following options are available:

interval — Interval between keep-alive messages from the SCE platform to the SCMP peer device in seconds

Default = 5 seconds

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type scmp keepalive-interval intervaland press Enter.

How to Define the Reconnect Interval Parameter


The reconnect interval is the amount of time between attempts by the SCE platform to reconnect with an SCMP peer. The SCE platform attempts to reconnect to the SCMP peer device at the defined intervals by sending an establish-peering-request message.


The following options are available:

interval — Interval between attempts by the SCE platform to reconnect with an SCMP peer, in seconds

Default = 30 seconds

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type scmp reconnect-interval intervaland press Enter.

How to Define the Loss-of-Sync Timeout Parameter


The loss of sync timeout interval is the amount of time between loss of connection between the SCE platform and an SCMP peer device and the loss-of-sync event. (To prevent miss-classification, loss-of-sync event removes all subscribers that were provisioned by the relevant SCMP peer device.)


The following options are available:

interval — Loss of sync timeout interval in seconds

Default = 90 seconds

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type scmp loss-of-sync-timeout intervaland press Enter.

How to Add an SCMP Peer Device

How to Define an SCMP Peer Device 

How to Assign the SCMP Peer Device to an Anonymous Group 

Adding an SCMP peer device is a two-step process:

1. Define the device, configuring the following parameters:

device name


RADIUS shared secret authorization

port number (optional)

accounting port number (optional)

2. Associate the device with one or more unmapped anonymous groups.

How to Define an SCMP Peer Device



The following options are available:

peer_device_name — User-assigned name of the SCMP peer device

radius_hostname — IP address or host-name of the RADIUS host (if a host-name is used, it must be valid at time of the configuration)

shared_secret — RADIUS shared secret

auth-portnumber (optional) — authorization port number

acct-portnumber (optional) — accounting port number


auth-port# — 1812

acct-port# — 1813

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type scmp name peer_device_nameradius radius_hostnamesecret shared_secret[auth-port auth-portnumberacct-port acct-portnumber] and press Enter.

How to Assign the SCMP Peer Device to an Anonymous Group

How to Remove an Anonymous Group from the SCMP Peer Device 


This command defines the specified anonymous group to be the IP range of the SCMP peer device. You must define the specified SCMP peer device before assigning the anonymous group.


The following options are available:

group-name — Name of the anonymous subscriber group to be associated with the specified SCMP peer device.

range (optional) — IP range defined for the anonymous group

template (optional) — group template assigned to the anonymous group

peer-device-name — User-assigned name of the SCMP peer device

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber anonymous-group name group-nameIP-range range[template template] scmp name peer-device-nameand press Enter.

How to Remove an Anonymous Group from the SCMP Peer Device

This command defines the specified anonymous group to be the IP range of the SCMP peer device. You must define the specified SCMP peer device before assigning the anonymous group.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber anonymous-group name group-nameand press Enter.

How to Delete Subscribers Managed by an SCMP Peer Device

Use this command to clear all the subscribers that are managed by a specified SCMP peer device.



The following options are available:

peer_device_name — User-assigned name of the SCMP peer device

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber scmp name peer-device-nameall and press Enter.

How to Delete an SCMP Peer Device

You cannot delete an SCMP peer device that has anonymous groups assigned to it. You must remove all associated anonymous groups before deleting the device.


1. First remove all anonymous groups assigned to the device:

2. Repeat this step for all anonymous groups assigned to the SCMP peer device.

3. When all anonymous groups have been removed from the device, exit LineCard Interface Configuration mode

4. Delete the device


Step 1 First remove all anonymous groups assigned to the device:

SCE(config if)# no subscriber anonymous-group name group-name [IP-range range ][template template ] scmp name peer-device-name

Step 2 Repeat this step for all anonymous groups assigned to the SCMP peer device.

Step 3 When all anonymous groups have been removed from the device, exit LineCard Interface Configuration mode

SCE(config if)# exit

Step 4 Delete the device

SCE(config)#no scmp name peer_device_name

How to Define the Subscriber ID


You can define the structure of the subscriber ID via this command by specifying which of the following elements to include and in which order:




The GUID is always appended at the end of the subscriber ID as defined by this command.

Note You must disable the SCMP interface before executing this command.


The following options are available:

1st element — any one of the following:




2nd element (optional) — any one of the following (if specified, usually not the option specified as the first element):




3rd element (optional) — any one of the following (if specified, usually the remaining option not specified as either of the first two elements):




Default = no elements concatenated with the GUID


1. Disable the SCMP.

2. Define the subscriber ID:

3. Enable the SCMP.


Step 1 Disable the SCMP.

SCE(config)#no scmp

Step 2 Define the subscriber ID:

SCE(config)#scmp subscriber id append-to-guid radius-attributes Calling-Station-Id | NAS-Port-Id | User-Name [Calling-Station-Id | NAS-Port-Id | User-Name] [Calling-Station-Id | NAS-Port-Id | User-Name]

Step 3 Enable the SCMP.


How to Configure the RADIUS Client

You can configure the following options for the RADIUS client

Define the parameters for retransmitting unacknowledged messages.


The RADIUS client polls the sockets to receive the next message and calls the SCMP engine to handle it, based on the type of the received message. Messages that were not acknowledged can be retransmitted up to the configured maximum number of retries.


The following options are available:

times — The maximum number of times the RADIUS client can try unsuccessfully to send a message.

Default = 3

timeout (optional) — Timeout interval for retransmitting a message, in seconds

Default = 1 second

Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type ip radius-client retry limit times[timeout timeout] and press Enter.

How to Monitor the SCMP Environment

How to Monitor the SCMP 

How to Monitor the RADIUS Client 

You can monitor the following components of the SCMP environment:


RADIUS client

How to Monitor the SCMP


How to display the general SCMP configuration 

How to display the configuration all currently defined SCMP peer devices 

How to display the configuration for a specified SCMP peer device 

How to display the statistics for all SCMP peer devices 

How to display the statistics for a specified SCMP peer device 

Use the following commands to monitor the SCMP. These commands provide the following information:

General SCMP configuration

Configuration of all currently defined SCMP peer devices.

Configuration of a specified SCMP peer device.

Statistics for either all SCMP peer devices or a specified SCMP peer device.


The following options are available:

device-name — The name of the specific SCMP peer device for which to display the configuration or statistics.

How to display the general SCMP configuration

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show scmp and press Enter.


SCE>show scmp SCMP enabled: yes Keep-alive interval: 5 seconds Loss of synchronization timeout: 90 seconds from disconnection Reconnection interval: 30 seconds Force subscriber on a single SCE: no Peer sends subscriber data on session start Subscriber Id structure: GUID

How to display the configuration all currently defined SCMP peer devices

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show scmp all and press Enter.

How to display the configuration for a specified SCMP peer device


Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show scmp name device-nameand press Enter.


SCE>show scmp name isg SCMP Connection 'isg' status: auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 Connection state: Connected Peer protocol-version: 1.0 Keep-alive interval: 5 seconds Force single SCE: No Send session start: Yes Time connected: 9 seconds

How to display the statistics for all SCMP peer devices

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show scmp all counters and press Enter.

How to display the statistics for a specified SCMP peer device

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show scmp name peer_device_namecounters and press Enter.


SCE>show scmp name isg counters SCMP Connection 'isg' counters: Total messages sent: 72 Total messages received: 72 Establish requests sent: 1 Establish replies received: 1 Accounting requests sent: 20 Accounting replies received: 20 Subscriber queries sent: 0 Subscriber query response recv: 0 Request retry exceeded: 0 Requests replied with errors: 0 Subscriber requests received: 50 Subscriber responses sent: 50 Failed Requests: 0 Keep-alive sent: 1 Keep-alive received: 1

How to Monitor the RADIUS Client

Use the following command to monitor the SCMP RADIUS client. This command displays the general configuration of the RADIUS client.

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show ip radius-client and press Enter.


Posted: Wed May 30 08:43:04 PDT 2007
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