
Table Of Contents

Managing Subscribers

Information About Subscribers

What is a Subscriber?

Subscriber Modes in Service Control Solutions

Aging Subscribers

Synchronizing Subscriber Information in a Cascade System

Anonymous Groups and Subscriber Templates

Information About Subscriber Files

How to Import and Export Subscriber Information


How to Import Subscriber Information

How to Export Subscriber Information

How to Import a Subscriber Template

How to Export a Subscriber Template

How to Remove Subscribers and Templates

How to Remove a Specific Subscriber

How to Remove All Introduced Subscribers

How to Remove a Specific Anonymous Subscriber

How to Remove All Anonymous Subscriber Groups

How to Remove All Anonymous Subscribers

How to Remove All Subscriber Templates

How to Remove Subscribers with Tunnel Mappings

How to Remove Subscribers by Device

How to Import and Export Anonymous Groups

How to Import Anonymous Groups

How to Export Anonymous Groups

How to Monitor Subscribers

How to Monitor the Subscriber Database

How to Display Subscribers

How to Display Subscriber Information

How to Display Anonymous Subscriber Information

Subscriber Traffic Processor IP Ranges

Information About Traffic Processor IP Ranges

How to Reserve Rules for TIRs

How to Configure TIRs

How to Remove TIRs and Subscriber Mappings

How to Import and Export TIRs

How to Monitor TIRs

How to Configure Subscriber Aging

How to Enable Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers

How to Enable Aging for Introduced Subscribers

How to Disable Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers

How to Disable Aging for Introduced Subscribers

How to Set the Aging Timeout Period for Anonymous Group Subscribers

How to Set the Aging Timeout Period for Introduced Subscribers

How to Display Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers

How to Display Aging for Introduced Subscribers

How to Configure the SCE Platform/SM Connection


How to Configure the Behavior of the SCE Platform in Case of Failure of the SM

How to Configure the SM-SCE Platform Connection Timeout

Managing Subscribers

The SCE platform is subscriber aware, that is, it can relate traffic and usage to specific customers. This ability to map between IP flows and a specific subscriber allows the system to do the following:

Maintain the state of each subscriber transmitting traffic through the platform

Provide usage information for specific subscribers

Enforce the appropriate policy on subscriber traffic (each subscriber can have a different policy)

Information About Subscribers 

How to Import and Export Subscriber Information 

How to Remove Subscribers and Templates 

How to Import and Export Anonymous Groups 

How to Monitor Subscribers 

Subscriber Traffic Processor IP Ranges 

How to Configure Subscriber Aging 

How to Configure the SCE Platform/SM Connection 

Information About Subscribers

What is a Subscriber? 

Subscriber Modes in Service Control Solutions 

Aging Subscribers 

Synchronizing Subscriber Information in a Cascade System 

Anonymous Groups and Subscriber Templates 

Information About Subscriber Files 

What is a Subscriber?

In the Service Control solution, a subscriber is defined as a managed entity on the subscriber side of the SCE Platform to which accounting and policy are applied individually.

The following table lists several examples of subscribers in Service Control solutions.

Table 9-1 Subscriber Examples

The Subscriber

Subscriber Characteristics


Managed Entity

Subscriber (Entity) Identified By

DSL residential subscriber

DSL residential user IP address

The list of IP addresses is allocated by a Radius server

Cable residential subscriber

Cable residential user

IP address

The list of IP addresses of the CPEs is allocated dynamically by a DHCP server

Owner of a 3G-phone that is subscribed to data services

3G-phone owner

The MS-ISDN, which is dynamically allocated by a Radius server.

A corporate/enterprise customer of the service provider

The corporate/enterprise and the traffic it produces

The set of NAT-ed IP addresses, which are allocated statically


The CMTS and the broadband traffic of the Cable Modem users that connect to the Internet through the CMTS

A range of IP addresses

A group of VLAN tags


MPLS/VPN subscriber

All traffic of that VPN customer, which is aggregated into a single VPN subscriber

SCMP subscriber

SCMP subscriber

IP address or range Manager-Id of the SCMP peer device and Subscriber ID including the GUID. Each subscriber is assigned a Manager-Id based on the management entity that created the subscriber. The possible managers are the SM, CLI and an SCMP peer device.

Subscriber Modes in Service Control Solutions

Service Control solutions support several modes of handling subscribers:

Subscriber-less mode

Anonymous subscriber mode

Static subscriber aware mode

Dynamic subscriber aware mode

Note that not all the Service Control solutions support all modes.

The most basic mode is Subscriber-less mode. In this mode, there is no notion of subscriber in the system, and the entire link where the SCE platform is deployed is treated as a single subscriber. Global Application level analysis (such as total p2p, browsing) can be conducted, as well as global control (such as limiting total p2p to a specified percentage). From a configuration stand point, this is a turnkey system and there is no need to integrate or configure the system from a subscriber perspective.

In Anonymous subscriber mode, analysis is performed on an incoming network ID (IP address, VLAN or MPLS/VPN ID), as the SCE platform creates an 'anonymous/on-the-fly' record for each subscriber. This permits analyzing traffic at an individual network ID level (for example, to identify/monitor what a particular 'subscriber' IP is currently doing) as well as control at this level (for example, to limit each subscriber's bandwidth to a specified amount, or block, or redirect). Anonymous-subscriber allows quick visibility into application and protocol usage without OSS integration, and permits the application of a uniform control scheme using predefined templates.

There are two possible Subscriber Aware modes. In these modes, subscriber IDs and currently used network IDs are provisioned into the SCE platform. The SCE platform can then bind usage to a particular subscriber, and enforce per-subscriber policies on the traffic. Named reports are supported (such as top subscribers with the OSS IDs), quota-tracking (such as tracking a subscriber-quota over time even when network IDs change) as well as dynamic binding of packages to subscribers. The two Subscriber Aware modes are:

Static subscriber aware — The network IDs are static. The system supports the definition of static-subscribers directly to the SCE platform. This is achieved by using the SCE platform CLI, and defining the list of subscribers, their network IDs and policy information using interactive configuration or import/export operations.

Dynamic subscriber aware — The network IDs change dynamically for each subscriber login into the Service Provider's network. In this case, subscriber awareness is achieved by integrating with external provisioning systems (either directly or through the SM) to dynamically learn network-ID to subscriber mappings, and distribute them to the SCE platforms.

MPLS/VPN subscribers are supported only in the dynamic subscriber aware mode. The system must dynamically map the internal MPLS label and the MAC address of the PE to the correct VPN subscriber.

Aging Subscribers

Subscribers can be aged automatically by the SCE platform. `Aging' is the automatic removal of a subscriber, performed when no traffic sessions assigned to it have been detected for a certain amount of time. The most common usage for aging is for anonymous subscribers, since this is the easiest way to ensure that anonymous subscribers that have logged-out of the network are removed from the SCE platform and are no longer occupying resources. Aging time can be configured individually for introduced subscribers and for anonymous subscribers.

Synchronizing Subscriber Information in a Cascade System

In a hot standby, cascade setup with full redundancy, the external provisioning server updates only the active SCE platform. However, the standby SCE platform must always be updated with the latest subscriber-related information (login, logout). This is required to minimize information loss if fail-over. In general, the only entity that is allowed to change subscriber information in the standby SCE platform is the active SCE platform. The standby SCE platform does not accept any subscriber operations (it returns a STANDBY_VIOLATION error instead), and it also does not generate any asynchronous subscriber notifications (such as pull-response or logout-notification).

There are only two exceptions to this rule:

Standby SCE platform can change subscriber information of the default subscriber.

Standby SCE platform can perform subscriber aging.

Therefore, when working as a pair, the active SCE platform constantly updates the standby SCE platform with external data information. In addition, the standby SCE platform constantly requests external data information from the active SCE platform. The synchronization is bi-directional to ensure that the subscriber databases in both SCE platforms are identical.

Note that external data is only relevant for introduced subscribers (both static and dynamic). It has no meaning for anonymous subscribers or the default subscriber. No more than two minutes of external data information will be lost by the standby SCE platform if a fail-over.

The following subscriber information is considered as external data:

subscriber name

mappings (all supported types - IPs, VLANs, MPLS/VPN)


manager name

aging time

lease time

is-static flag

Only the active SCE platform communicates with the SM. The SM is aware of the active/standby state of each SCE platform, and is also aware of a fail-over.

Specifically, this means the following:

In push mode, the SM pushes events to the active SCE platform, which updates the standby SCE platform.

In pull mode, only the active SCE platform pulls subscribers from the SM.

The standby SCE platform can create anonymous subscribers based on the updates received from the active SCE platform, but does not generate pull-response for them.

If SCE-SM connection failure, the SM handles the SCE recovery of the active SCE platform only. The active SCE platform propagates the information to the standby SCE platform.

Anonymous Groups and Subscriber Templates

An anonymous group is a specified IP range, possibly assigned a subscriber template. When an anonymous group is configured, the SCE platform generates anonymous subscribers for that group when it detects traffic with an IP address that is in the specified IP range. If a subscriber template has been assigned to the group, the anonymous subscribers generated have properties as defined by that template. If no subscriber template has been assigned, the default template is used.

The SCE platform can support a maximum of 1000 anonymous groups. Subscriber templates are identified by a number from 0-199.

Subscriber templates 1-199 are defined in csv formatted subscriber template files. However, template #0 cannot change; it always contains the default values.

If an anonymous group is not explicitly assigned a template, the group uses template #0.

Information About Subscriber Files

Subscriber Files 

Subscriber default csv file format 

Subscriber anonymous groups csv file format 

Subscriber Files

Note MPLS/VPN subscribers cannot be defined, imported, or exported by a subscriber file.

Individual subscribers, anonymous groups, and subscriber templates may all be defined in csv files. A csv file is a text file in a comma-separated-values format. Microsoft Excel™ can be used to view and create such files. The subscriber data is imported into the system using the appropriate CLI command. The SCE platform can also export the currently configured subscribers, subscriber templates and anonymous groups to csv-formatted files.

Subscriber csv files and subscriber template csv files are application-specific. Refer to the relevant application documentation for the definition of the file format.

Each line in a csv file should contain either a comment (beginning with the character `#'), or a list of comma-separated fields.

Subscriber csv files are application-specific, but a default format is defined by the SCE, which is used when the application does not choose to over-ride it. The application might over-ride the format when additional data is desired for each subscriber or subscriber template. Refer to the relevant Service Control Application documentation to see if the application defines a different format.

Subscriber template csv files are application-specific. Refer to the relevant Service Control Application documentation of the file format.

Anonymous groups csv files are not application specific. Their format is described below.

Subscriber default csv file format

Each line has the following structure:

name, mappings, packageId

Name — is the subscriber name

Mappings — contains one or more mappings, specifying the Tunnel IDs or IP addresses mapped to this subscriber. Multiple mappings are separated by semi-colon. Tunnel IDs and IP address/range cannot be specified for the same subscriber. The following mapping formats are supported:

Tunnel ID — A number in the range 0-1023. Example: 4

Note Currently only VLAN IDs are supported.

Tunnel ID range — A range of tunnel Ids. Example: 4-8

IP address — in dotted decimal notation. Example:

IP address range — dotted decimal, followed by the amount of significant bits. Note that the non-significant bits (As determined by the mask) must be set to zero. Example: Example for a bad range: (Should be

packageId — the ID of the package to which the subscriber is assigned

Here is an example of a subscriber csv file in the default format:

# A comment line sub7,, 1 sub8,, 1 sub9, 5, 2 sub10, 13-17, 2 sub11, 39;41, 1 sub12,;, 2

Subscriber anonymous groups csv file format

Each line has the following structure:

name, IP-range, template-index, manager-name(optional)

name — is the anonymous group name

IP-range — dotted decimal, followed by the amount of significant bits. Example:

template-index — is the index of the subscriber template to be used by subscribers belonging to this anonymous group.

manager-name (optional) — is either SM or the name of the SCMP peer. Use "SM" to pull subscribers from the SM (if it exists). If not specified, "SM" is assumed.

Here is an example of an anonymous groups csv file:

# Yet another comment line anon1,, 1, SCMP1 anon2,, 2, SCMP2 anon3,, 3, SCMP3 anon4,, 3, SCMP3 anon5,, 2, SM anon6,, 1, SM anon7,, 1, SM

How to Import and Export Subscriber Information


How to Import Subscriber Information 

How to Export Subscriber Information 

How to Import a Subscriber Template 

How to Export a Subscriber Template 

Use the following commands to import subscriber data from csv files and to export subscriber data to these files:

subscriber import csv-file

subscriber export csv-file

subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file

subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file

subscriber template import csv-file

subscriber template export csv-file

These subscriber management commands are LineCard interface commands. Make sure that you are in LineCard Interface command mode.

Note MPLS/VPN subscribers cannot be defined, imported, or exported by a subscriber file.


The following option is available:

filename — the name of the csv file.

How to Import Subscriber Information

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber import csv-file filenameand press Enter.

Imports the subscriber information from the specified file.

Imported subscriber information is added to the existing subscriber information. It does not overwrite the existing data.

If the information in the imported file is not valid, the command will fail during the verification process before it is actually applied.

How to Export Subscriber Information

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber export csv-file filenameand press Enter.

Exports the subscriber information to the specified file.

How to Import a Subscriber Template

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber template import csv-file filenameand press Enter.

Imports the subscriber template from the specified file.

How to Export a Subscriber Template

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber template export csv-file filenameand press Enter.

Exports the subscriber template to the specified file.

How to Remove Subscribers and Templates

How to Remove a Specific Subscriber 

How to Remove All Introduced Subscribers 

How to Remove a Specific Anonymous Subscriber 

How to Remove All Anonymous Subscriber Groups 

How to Remove All Anonymous Subscribers 

How to Remove All Subscriber Templates 

How to Remove Subscribers with Tunnel Mappings 

How to Remove Subscribers by Device 

Use the following commands to remove all subscribers, anonymous groups, or subscriber templates from the system.

no subscriber all

no subscriber anonymous-group all

clear subscriber anonymous

default subscriber template all

Use the following commands to remove a specific subscriber or anonymous group from the system.

no subscriber name

no subscriber anonymous-group name

These subscriber management commands are LineCard interface commands (with the exception of the clear subscriber anonymous command, which is a Privileged Exec command). Make sure that you are in LineCard Interface command mode, and that the SCE(config if)# prompt appears in the command line.

How to Remove a Specific Subscriber



The following option is available:

subscriber-name — the name of the subscriber to be removed

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber name subscriber-nameand press Enter.

Removes the specified subscriber.

How to Remove All Introduced Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber all and press Enter.

Removes all introduced subscribers.

How to Remove a Specific Anonymous Subscriber



The following option is available:

group-name — the name of the anonymous subscriber group to be removed

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber anonymous-group name group-nameand press Enter.

Removes the specified anonymous subscriber group.

How to Remove All Anonymous Subscriber Groups

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber anonymous-group all and press Enter.

Removes all anonymous subscriber groups.

How to Remove All Anonymous Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type clear interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous all and press Enter.

Removes all anonymous subscribers.

Note The clear subscriber anonymous command is a Privileged Exec command.

How to Remove All Subscriber Templates

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type default subscriber template all and press Enter.

Removes all subscriber templates.

All anonymous subscribers will be assigned to the default subscriber template.

How to Remove Subscribers with Tunnel Mappings

About Subscribers with Tunnel Mappings 

About Subscribers with Tunnel Mappings

All subscribers with tunnel mappings must be cleared in order to change the tunneling mode. If there are subscribers that have either MPLS/VPN or VLAN mappings, and the SM cannot remove them for some reason (for example, if there is no communication between the SM and the SCE platform), use this command.

This command allows you to switch out of MPLS/VPN mode without reload when the SM is down.

Note Use this command ONLY when the SCE platform is disconnected from the SM.

Step 1 From the SEC(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber all with-tunnel-mappings and press Enter.

Clears all subscribers with tunnel mappings .

How to Remove Subscribers by Device

How to Remove Subscribers from the SM 

How to Remove Subscribers from a Specified SCMP Peer Device 

You can remove all subscribers managed by a specified device. The device can be either of the following:

The SM

A specified SCMP peer device

How to Remove Subscribers from the SM

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber sm all and press Enter.

Clears all subscribers from the SM.

How to Remove Subscribers from a Specified SCMP Peer Device



The following option is available:

peer-device-name — the name of the SCMP peer device from which to clear the subscribers.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber scmp name peer-device-nameall and press Enter.

Clears all subscribers from the specified SCMP peer device.

How to Import and Export Anonymous Groups

How to Import Anonymous Groups 

How to Export Anonymous Groups 

How to Import Anonymous Groups



The following option is available:

filename — name of the csv file.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber anonymous-group import csv-file filenameand press Enter.

Creates anonymous groups by importing anonymous subscribers from the specified csv file.

Imported anonymous subscriber information is added to the existing anonymous subscriber information. It does not overwrite the existing data.

The SCE platform can support a maximum of 1000 anonymous groups.

How to Export Anonymous Groups



The following option is available:

filename — name of the csv file.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber anonymous-group export csv-file filenameand press Enter.

Exports all existing anonymous groups to the specified csv file.

How to Monitor Subscribers

How to Monitor the Subscriber Database 

How to Display Subscribers 

How to Display Subscriber Information 

How to Display Anonymous Subscriber Information 

The CLI provides several commands that allow you to monitor subscribers. These commands can be used to display information regarding the following:

Subscriber Database

All subscribers meeting various criteria

Individual subscriber information, such as properties and mappings

Anonymous subscribers

Subscribers may be introduced to the SCE platform via the SCE platform CLI or via the Subscriber Manager. The monitoring commands may be used to monitor all subscribers and subscriber information, regardless of how the subscribers were introduced to the system.

Note that these commands are all in Viewer mode. Make sure that you are in the proper mode and that the SCE>prompt appears in the command line. Note also that you must specify `linecard 0' in these commands.

How to Monitor the Subscriber Database

How to Display the Subscriber Database Counters 

Clearing the Subscriber Database Counters 

Use the following commands to display statistics about the subscriber database, and to clear the " total " and " maximum " counters.

show interface linecard 0 subscriber db counters

The following counters are displayed:

Current number of subscribers

Current number of introduced subscribers

Current number of anonymous subscribers

Current number of active subscribers (with active traffic sessions)

Current number of subscribers with mappings

Current number of IP mappings

Current number of vlan mappings

Max number of subscribers that can be introduced

Max number of subscribers with mappings

Max number of subscribers with mappings date / time

Total aggregated number introduced

Total number of aged subscribers

Total number of pull events

Number of traffic sessions currently assigned to the default subscriber

clear interface linecard 0 subscriber db counters

How to Display the Subscriber Database Counters

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber db counters and press Enter.

Displays the subscriber database counters.

Monitoring the Subscriber Database: Example

The following example shows the output from this command.

SCE#show interface linecard 0 subscriber db counters Current values: =============== Subscribers: 555 used out of 99999 max. Introduced subscribers: 555. Anonymous subscribers: 0. Subscribers with mappings: 555 used out of 79999 max. IP mappings: 555 used. VLAN Entries: 0 used. Subscribers with open sessions: 0. Subscribers with TIR mappings: 0. Sessions mapped to the default subscriber: 0. Peak values: ============ Peak number of subscribers with mappings: 555 Peak number occurred at: 17:55:20 UTC THU December 15 2005 Peak number cleared at: 13:28:49 UTC THU December 15 2005 Event counters: =============== Subscriber introduced: 555. Subscriber pulled: 0. Subscriber aged: 0. Pull-request notifications sent: 0. State notifications sent: 0. Logout notifications sent: 0. Subscriber mapping TIR contradictions: 0.

Clearing the Subscriber Database Counters

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type clear interface linecard 0 subscriber db counters and press Enter.

Clears the " total " and " maximum " counters..

How to Display Subscribers

Displaying Subscribers: All Current Subscriber Names 

Displaying Subscribers: By Subscriber Property or Prefix 

How to Display Subscribers: By Mapping (IP Address, VLAN ID, or MPLS/VPN) 

You can display the names of all subscribers.

You can also display specific subscriber name(s) that meet various criteria:

A subscriber property is equal to, larger than, or smaller than a specified value

Subscriber name matches a specific prefix or suffix

Mapped to a specified IP address range

Mapped to a specified VLAN ID

Mapped to a specified MPLS/VPN

Use the following commands to display subscribers:

show interface linecard 0 subscriber all-names

show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] [prefix `prefix'] [property `propertyname' equals|greater-than|less-than `property-val']

show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] prefix `prefix' show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] suffix `suffix' show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping IP `iprange'

show interface linecard 0 subscriber [amount] mapping intersecting IP `iprange'

show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping VLANid `vlanid'

show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping MPLS-VPN PE-ID 'pe-id' BGP-label 'bgp-label'

Displaying Subscribers: All Current Subscriber Names

You can display the names of all subscribers currently in the SCE subscriber database.

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber all-names and press Enter.

Displays the names of all subscribers currently in the SCE subscriber database.

Displaying Subscribers: By Subscriber Property or Prefix

You can search for all subscribers that match a specified value of one of the subscriber properties, or are greater than or less than the specified value. You can also search for all subscribers that match a specified prefix. You can also find out how many subscribers match any one of these criteria, rather than displaying all the actual subscriber names.

How to display subscribers that match a specified value of a subscriber property 

How to display subscribers that are greater than or less than a specified value of a subscriber property 

How to display subscribers that match a specified prefix 

How to display subscribers that match a specified suffix 

How to display the number of subscribers that match a specified value of a subscriber property 

How to display the number of subscribers that are greater than or less than a specified value of a subscriber property 

How to display the number of subscribers that match a specified prefix 

How to display subscribers that match a specified value of a subscriber property



The following options are available:

propertyname — name of the subscriber property to match

property-val — value of that subscriber property to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber property propertynameequals property-valand press Enter.

How to display subscribers that are greater than or less than a specified value of a subscriber property



The following options are available:

propertyname — name of the subscriber property to match

property-val — value of that subscriber property to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber property propertynamegreater-than|less-than property-valand press Enter.

How to display subscribers that match a specified prefix



The following options are available:

prefix — subscriber prefix to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber prefix prefixand press Enter.

How to display subscribers that match a specified suffix



The following options are available:

suffix — subscriber suffix to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber suffix suffixand press Enter.

How to display the number of subscribers that match a specified value of a subscriber property



The following options are available:

propertyname — name of the subscriber property to match

property-val — value of that subscriber property to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount property propertynameequals property-valand press Enter.

How to display the number of subscribers that are greater than or less than a specified value of a subscriber property



The following options are available:

propertyname — name of the subscriber property to match

property-val — value of that subscriber property to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount property propertynamegreater-than|less-than property-valand press Enter.

How to display the number of subscribers that match a specified prefix



The following options are available:

prefix — subscriber prefix to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount prefix prefixand press Enter.

How to Display Subscribers: By Mapping (IP Address, VLAN ID, or MPLS/VPN)

How to display subscribers that are mapped to a specified IP address, or range of IP addresses 

How to display subscribers that are mapped to IP addresses that are included in a given IP address or IP range 

How to display subscribers that are mapped to a specified VLAN ID 

How to display subscribers that are mapped to a specified MPLS/VPN 

How to display subscribers with no mapping 

How to display the number of subscribers that are mapped to a specified VLAN ID 

How to display the number of subscribers with no mapping 

You can display the subscribers who are mapped to any of the following:

A specified IP address, or range of IP addresses

IP addresses intersecting a given IP address or IP range

A specified VLAN ID

A specified MPLS/VPN

no mapping

You can also display just the number of subscribers with a specified mapping, rather than listing the actual subscribers.

How to display subscribers that are mapped to a specified IP address, or range of IP addresses



The following options are available:

ip-range — IP address (x.x.x.x) or range of IP addresses (x.x.x.x/y) to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping IP ip-rangeand press Enter.

How to display subscribers that are mapped to IP addresses that are included in a given IP address or IP range



The following options are available:

ip-range — IP address (x.x.x.x) or range of IP addresses (x.x.x.x/y) to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping included-in IP ip-rangeand press Enter.

How to display subscribers that are mapped to a specified VLAN ID



The following options are available:

vlanid — VLAN ID to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping VLAN-id vlanidand press Enter.

How to display subscribers that are mapped to a specified MPLS/VPN



The following options are available:

pe-id — loopback IP address of the relevant PE router

bgp-label — label of the relevant BGP LEG

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping MPLS-VPN PE-ID pe-idbgp-labelBGP-label and press Enter.

How to display subscribers with no mapping

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping none and press Enter.

How to display the number of subscribers that are mapped to a specified VLAN ID



The following options are available:

vlanid — VLAN ID to match

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount mapping VLAN-id vlanidand press Enter.

How to display the number of subscribers with no mapping

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount mapping none and press Enter.

How to Display Subscriber Information

How to display a listing of subscriber properties 

How to display complete information for a specified subscriber 

How to display values of subscriber properties for a specified subscriber 

How to display mappings for a specified subscriber 

How to display OS counters for a specified subscriber 

You can display the following information about a specified subscriber:

values of the various subscriber properties

mappings (IP address, VLAN-ID or MPLS/VPN)

OS counters:

current number of flows


Use the following commands to display subscriber information:

show interface linecard 0 subscriber properties

show interface linecard 0 subscriber name `name'

show interface linecard 0 subscriber name `name' mappings

show interface linecard 0 subscriber name `name' counters

show interface linecard 0 subscriber name `name' properties

show interface linecard 0 subscriber name `name' vas-servers

How to display a listing of subscriber properties

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber properties and press Enter.

How to display complete information for a specified subscriber

Use this command to display complete information for a specified subscriber, including all values of subscriber properties and mappings.



The following options are available:

name — subscriber name

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber name nameand press Enter.

How to display values of subscriber properties for a specified subscriber



The following options are available:

name — subscriber name

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber name nameproperties and press Enter.

How to display mappings for a specified subscriber



The following options are available:

name — subscriber name

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber name namemappings and press Enter.

How to display OS counters for a specified subscriber



The following options are available:

name — subscriber name

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber name namecounters and press Enter.

How to Display Anonymous Subscriber Information

How to display currently configured anonymous groups 

How to display currently configured templates for anonymous groups 

How to display current configuration for a specified anonymous group 

How to display subscribers in a specified anonymous group 

How to display all subscribers currently in anonymous groups 

How to display the number of subscribers in a specified anonymous group 

How to display the total number of subscribers in all anonymous groups 

You can display the following information regarding the anonymous subscriber groups:

aging (see How to Display Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers )

currently configured anonymous groups

currently configured subscriber templates

configuration of a specified anonymous group

number of subscribers in a specified anonymous group, or in all anonymous groups

Use the following commands to display anonymous subscriber information:

show interface linecard 0 subscriber templates [index]

show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous-group [all] [name `groupname']

show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount anonymous [name `groupname']

show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous [name `groupname']

How to display currently configured anonymous groups

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous-group all and press Enter.

How to display currently configured templates for anonymous groups

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber templates and press Enter.

How to display current configuration for a specified anonymous group



The following options are available:

group-name — name of the anonymous subscriber group

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous-group name group-nameand press Enter.

How to display subscribers in a specified anonymous group



The following options are available:

group-name — name of the anonymous subscriber group

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous name group-nameand press Enter.

How to display all subscribers currently in anonymous groups

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber anonymous and press Enter.

How to display the number of subscribers in a specified anonymous group



The following options are available:

group-name — name of the anonymous subscriber group

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount anonymous name group-nameand press Enter.

How to display the total number of subscribers in all anonymous groups

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount anonymous and press Enter.

Subscriber Traffic Processor IP Ranges

Information About Traffic Processor IP Ranges 

How to Reserve Rules for TIRs 

How to Configure TIRs 

How to Remove TIRs and Subscriber Mappings 

How to Import and Export TIRs 

How to Monitor TIRs 

Information About Traffic Processor IP Ranges

Subscriber Mapping Modes 

Subscriber Mapping Conflicts 

Subscriber Rules for TIRs 

Note Traffic Processor IP Range functionality is relevant only for IP-based subscribers. This functionality is not relevant for VLAN or MPLS/VPN subscribers.

In a Cable environment, the SCE platform supports the capability of associating all CPE machines in a single home network (i.e. behind a single cable modem) to a single subscriber-context and applying a single policy to this subscriber context. This is also relevant for cases where each CPE uses multiple global IP addresses (as opposed to a residential gateway that performs NAT and allows all CPE machines to share an IP address).

The SCE platform places no limit on the number of subscribers that can have multiple IP addresses. To achieve this, all IP addresses used by each CPE must use a common pool of addresses (usually that assigned with their downstream CMTS device/blade), and the subscriber that uses all these CPEs should be configured to a single traffic processor (a single PPC in the SCE platform).

Assigning subscribers to a specific traffic processor can be implemented in either of the following scenarios:

All the IP ranges of a given CMTS/BRAS are configured to be processed by the same traffic processor. This can only be done if one SCE platform is handling several CMTS/BRAS (otherwise there is a load-balancing issue).

The service provider can control the IP range from which the subscriber IP address is allocated based on additional criteria such as the subscriber type. In this case, the range can be used by the SCE platform to assign subscribers to a particular traffic processor, independent of the definition of the subscriber network ID.

In such cases the SCE platform (based on management configuration) can ensure that the various IP addresses (either ranges or single IPs) of each subscriber will actually be handled by the same traffic processor. This is accomplished by assigning a subscriber IP range (or specific IP address) to a configured Traffic Processor IP Range (TIR). Since each TIR is assigned to a traffic processor, the relevant subscriber IP range is also assigned to the matching traffic processor. Note that all ranges and single IPs of a specific subscriber must be assigned to the same traffic processor at any given time.

It is assumed that editing TIR configuration (addition or removal) is done infrequently. Also, that it is generally done either before the relevant IP ranges are in use or after they are no longer in use.

Subscriber Mapping Modes

The introduction of the TIR functionality provides two possible modes of subscriber mapping:

Legacy subscriber mapping — ensures that all mappings of a single subscriber reach the same traffic processor by internal means, using a hash on the subscriber IP and/or using specific subscriber rules on the IP/range when required

TIR subscriber mapping — generally (regarding any relevant subscribers) configures all mappings in a specific range to reach the same traffic processor, reducing the need for internal specific rule resources per subscriber.

TIRs functionality is not necessarily applicable to all subscribers. Therefore, while the user may choose to assign relevant subscribers to traffic processors via TIRs (TIRs subscriber mapping), the remaining subscribers are processed as usual (legacy subscriber mapping).

Subscriber Mapping Conflicts

It is important to note that while both subscriber mapping modes can co-exist in one deployment, any individual subscriber can be processed only in one mode or the other. The same subscriber cannot be processed partially using TIRs subscriber mappings and partially using legacy subscriber mappings. The resulting conflicting subscriber mappings will be rejected.

Another cause of conflicting subscriber mappings is when a subscriber is assigned a new range or single IP that is associated with a traffic processor, different from that with which the subscriber is already associated.

Conflicting mapping are rejected (any other subscriber mappings are accepted as is) in both cases below:

Conflict between mappings of a single mapping request.

Additive subscriber mappings that conflict with existing mappings.

Subscriber Rules for TIRs

The number of reserved rules for potential TIRs is configurable, and is at the expense of explicit subscriber rules. The total number of subscriber rules available is approximately 8000.

The maximum number of allowed reserved rules is 4096. The remaining rules are reserved for explicit subscriber mappings usage (used by the SCE platform to enable the legacy internal OS allocation of subscribers to traffic processors).

By default 0 (zero) rules are reserved for TIRs.

Updating this configuration is a major system event and can only be performed when no subscriber mappings or TIRs are configured.

How to Reserve Rules for TIRs

Use these commands to reserve rules for TIRs and to restore default subscriber rule allocation.



The following options are available:

#rules — number of subscriber rules to be reserved for TIRs

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber TP-mappings max-TP-IP-ranges #rulesand press Enter

Allocates the specified number of rules for TIRs, decreasing the number of explicit subscriber rules available.

To restore all rules as explicit subscriber rules, with no rules reserved for TIRs (default), use the following command:

default subscriber TP-mappings

How to Configure TIRs


How to Create or Update a TIR 

How to update a TIR even if subscriber mappings exist 


The following options are available:

tir-name — meaningful name assigned to this traffic processor IP range

ip-address/mask — IP address and mask defining the IP range

traffic-processornumber — number of the traffic processor to which this TIR is to be assigned

remove-subscriber-mappings — Editing TIRs is permitted only if there are no subscriber mappings within the relevant IP ranges. Therefore, by default, if subscriber mappings already exist for the either an updated or an existing IP range, the command will fail. However, you can use this keyword to specify that any existing subscriber mappings in the IP range should be removed.

In this case the command will execute successfully even if subscriber mappings exist.

How to Create or Update a TIR

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber TP-IP-range name tir-nameIP-range ip-address/masktarget-TP traffic-processornumberand press Enter.

Creating — Creates a TIR with the specified name and IP range and assigns it to the specified traffic processor

Updating — Updates the IP range and/or assigned traffic processor for the specified TIR.

Updating the IP range — If subscriber mappings exist for either the new or the old IP range, the command will fail.

How to update a TIR even if subscriber mappings exist

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber TP-IP-range name tir-nameIP-range ip-address/masktarget-TP traffic-processornumberremove-subscriber-mappingsand press Enter.

If subscriber mappings exist for either the new or the old IP range, they will be removed and the command will execute successfully.

How to Remove TIRs and Subscriber Mappings

How to Remove a Specified TIR 

How to Remove All TIRs 

How to Remove Mappings from a Specified TIR 

How to Remove Mappings from a Specified IP Range 

Use these commands to remove existing TIRs and subscriber mappings. You can perform the following operations:

Remove a specified TIR

Remove all TIRs

Remove all subscriber mappings assigned to a specified TIR

Remove all subscriber mappings assigned to a specified IP range

As with updating a TIR, by default, if subscriber mappings already exist for the specified IP range, the command will fail. However, you can specify that any existing subscriber mappings in the IP range should be removed (remove-subscriber-mappings keyword). In this case the command will execute even if subscriber mappings exist.

How to Remove a Specified TIR

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber TP-IP-range name tir-name[remove-subscriber-mappings]and press Enter.

If subscriber mappings exist for this IP range, the command will fail. Specify remove-subscriber-mappingsto remove any existing subscriber mappings for this IP range, and the command will execute successfully.

How to Remove All TIRs

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber TP-IP-range all [remove-subscriber-mappings]and press Enter.

If subscriber mappings exist for this IP range, the command will fail. Specify remove-subscriber-mappingsto remove any existing subscriber mappings for this IP range, and the command will execute successfully.

How to Remove Mappings from a Specified TIR

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber mappings included-in TP-IP-range name tir-nameand press Enter.

The remove-subscriber-mappingsoption is not applicable to this command.

How to Remove Mappings from a Specified IP Range

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber mappings included-in IP-range ip-address/maskand press Enter.

The remove-subscriber-mappingsoption is not applicable to this command.

How to Import and Export TIRs

Use these commands to import TIR definitions from a csv file and to export TIR definitions to a csv file.

About TIR csv Files 


How to Import TIRs from a csv File 

How to Export TIRs to a csv File 

About TIR csv Files

Following is the format of the csv file:

range name, ip-address/mask-length, target-TP

range name — The name of the to which the IP addresses will be assigned

ip-address/mask-length — individual IP address of range of IP addresses indicated by IP address/mask

target-TP — traffic processor to which the specified range will be assigned

remove-subscriber-mappings — When importing TIR definitions, by default, if subscriber mappings already exist for any specified IP range, those IP ranges will not be updated by the import. However, you can use this keyword to specify that any existing subscriber mappings in the IP range should be removed.

In this case the command will execute successfully even if subscriber mappings exist.


The following option is available:

filename — the name of the csv file.

How to Import TIRs from a csv File

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber TP-IP-range import csv-file file-name[remove-subscriber-mappings] and press Enter.

Imports the TIR definitions from the specified csv file.

If the remove-subscriber-mappingskeyword is specified, if subscriber mappings exist for any specified IP range, they will be removed and the command will execute successfully. Otherwise, if subscriber mappings exist for any IP range, those IP ranges will not be updated.

How to Export TIRs to a csv File


1. From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber TP-IP-range export csv-file file-nameand press Enter.


Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber TP-IP-range export csv-file file-nameand press Enter.

Exports current TIR definitions to the specified csv file.

The remove-subscriber-mappingsoption is not applicable to this command.

How to Monitor TIRs

How to Display Traffic Processor Mappings State 

How to Display Configuration of a Specified TIR 

How to Display Configuration of All TIRs 

How to Display Mappings Related to a Specified TIR 

How to Display the Number of Subscribers with Mappings Related to a Specified TIR 

How to Display Complete Subscriber Information 

How to Display All Subscribers Mapped to a Specified IP Range 

How to Display the Number of Subscribers Mapped to a Specified IP Range 

Use these commands to monitor TIRs and subscriber mappings. You can view the following:

Traffic processor mappings state, including the partitioning between subscriber and TIR mappings, and the utilization of each.

Configuration of a specified TIR Configuration of all TIRs

All subscriber mappings related to a specified TIR

Number of subscribers with mappings related to a specified TIR

Information for a specified subscriber, including assigned TIR, where applicable

All subscriber mappings in a specified IP range

Number of subscribers with mappings in a specified IP range

How to Display Traffic Processor Mappings State

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber TP-mappings statistics and press Enter.

How to Display Configuration of a Specified TIR

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber TP-IP-range name tir-nameand press Enter.

How to Display Configuration of All TIRs

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber TP-IP-range all and press Enter.

How to Display Mappings Related to a Specified TIR

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping included-in TP-IP-range name tir-nameand press Enter.

How to Display the Number of Subscribers with Mappings Related to a Specified TIR

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount mapping included-in TP-IP-range name tir-nameand press Enter.

How to Display Complete Subscriber Information

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber name nameand press Enter.

Displays complete subscriber information, including which TIR the subscriber belongs to (if applicable).

How to Display All Subscribers Mapped to a Specified IP Range

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber mapping included-in TP-IP-range ip-address/maskand press Enter.

How to Display the Number of Subscribers Mapped to a Specified IP Range

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber amount mapping included-in TP-IP-range ip-address/maskand press Enter.

How to Configure Subscriber Aging

How to Enable Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers 

How to Enable Aging for Introduced Subscribers 

How to Disable Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers 

How to Disable Aging for Introduced Subscribers 

How to Set the Aging Timeout Period for Anonymous Group Subscribers 

How to Set the Aging Timeout Period for Introduced Subscribers 

How to Display Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers 

How to Display Aging for Introduced Subscribers 

As explained previously ( Aging Subscribers, aging is the automatic removal of a subscriber when no traffic sessions assigned to it have been detected for a certain amount of time. Aging may be enabled or disabled, and the aging timeout period (in minutes) can be specified.

Aging can be configured separately for introduced subscribers and for anonymous subscribers.

Use the following commands to configure and monitor aging.

[no] subscriber aging

subscriber aging timeout

show interface linecard 0 subscriber aging

How to Enable Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber aging anonymous and press Enter.

How to Enable Aging for Introduced Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber aging introduced and press Enter.

How to Disable Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber aging anonymous and press Enter.

How to Disable Aging for Introduced Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber aging introduced and press Enter.

How to Set the Aging Timeout Period for Anonymous Group Subscribers



The following option is available:

aging-time — the time interval, in minutes, after which an inactive subscriber sill be aged.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber aging anonymous timeout aging-timeand press Enter.

How to Set the Aging Timeout Period for Introduced Subscribers



The following option is available:

aging-time — the time interval, in minutes, after which an inactive subscriber sill be aged.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no subscriber aging introduced timeout aging-timeand press Enter.

How to Display Aging for Anonymous Group Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber aging anonymous and press Enter.

How to Display Aging for Introduced Subscribers

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 subscriber aging introduced and press Enter.

How to Configure the SCE Platform/SM Connection


How to Configure the Behavior of the SCE Platform in Case of Failure of the SM 

How to Configure the SM-SCE Platform Connection Timeout 

The user can configure the behavior of the SCE platform in case of failure of the Subscriber Manager (SM):

If SM functionality is critical to the operation of the system — configure the desired behavior of the SCE platform if any loss of connection with the SM (may be due either to failure of the SM or failure of the connection itself).

If SM functionality is not critical to the operation of the system — no action needs to be configured.


The following options are available:

action — the action to take in case of failure of the SCE platform/SM connection

force-failure — force failure of SCE platform. The SCE platform then acts according to the behavior configured for the failure state.

remove-mappings — remove all current subscriber mappings.

shut — the SCE platform shuts down and quits providing service.

none (default) — take no action.

interval — the time interval, in minutes, after which the connection is timed out

How to Configure the Behavior of the SCE Platform in Case of Failure of the SM

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber sm-connection-failure action force-failure|none|remove-mappings|shut and press Enter.

How to Configure the SM-SCE Platform Connection Timeout

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type subscriber sm-connection-failure action timeout interval and press Enter.


Posted: Wed May 30 08:50:10 PDT 2007
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