
Table Of Contents

Identifying and Preventing Distributed-Denial-Of-Service Attacks

Information About Attack Filtering and Attack Detection

Attack Filtering

Specific Attack Filtering

Attack Detection

Attack Detection Thresholds

Attack Handling  

Hardware Filtering

How to Configure Attack Detectors

About Configuring Attack Detectors

How to Enable Specific-IP Detection

How to Configure the Default Attack Detector

Specific Attack Detectors

Sample Attack Detector Configuration

How to Configure Subscriber Notifications

About Subscriber Notifications

How to Configure the Subscriber Notification Port

How to Remove the Subscriber Notification Port

Preventing and Forcing Attack Detection


Preventing Attack Filtering

Forcing Attack Filtering

How to Monitor Attack Filtering

Monitoring Attack Filtering Using SNMP Traps

Monitoring Attack Filtering Using CLI Commands

Viewing the Attack Log

Identifying and Preventing Distributed-Denial-Of-Service Attacks

This module describes the ability of the SCE platform to identify and prevent DDoS attacks, and the various procedures for configuring and monitoring the Attack Filter Module.

Information About Attack Filtering and Attack Detection 

How to Configure Attack Detectors 

How to Configure Subscriber Notifications 

Preventing and Forcing Attack Detection 

How to Monitor Attack Filtering 

Information About Attack Filtering and Attack Detection

Attack Filtering 

Specific Attack Filtering 

Attack Detection 

Attack Detection Thresholds 

Attack Handling 

Hardware Filtering 

Attack Filtering

The SCE platform includes extensive capabilities for identifying DDoS attacks, and protecting against them.

Attack filtering is performed using specific-IP attack detectors. A specific-IP attack detector tracks the rate of flows (total open and total suspected) in the SCE platform for each combination of IP address (or pair of IP addresses), protocol (TCP/UDP/ICMP/Other), destination port (for TCP/UDP), interface and direction. When the rates satisfy user-configured criteria, it is considered an attack, and a configured action can take place (report/block, notify subscriber, send SNMP trap).

This mechanism is enabled by default, and can be disabled and enabled for each attack type independently.

There are 32 different attack types:

1 — TCP flows from a specific IP address on the subscriber side, regardless of destination port

2 — TCP flows to a specific IP address on the subscriber side, regardless of destination port

3-4 — Same as 1 and 2, but for the opposite direction (subscriber network)

5 — TCP flows from a specific IP address on the subscriber side to a specific IP address on the network side

6 — Same as 5, but for the opposite direction (from the network side to the subscriber side)

7-12 — Same as 1-6 but with a specific destination port common to all flows of the attack (1-6 are port-less attack types, 7-12 are port-based attack types)

13-24 — Same as 1-12 but for UDP instead of TCP

25-28 — Same as 1-4 but for ICMP instead of TCP

29-32 — Same as 1-4 but for Other protocols instead of TCP

Specific Attack Filtering

When the specific IP attack filter is enabled for a certain attack type, two rates are measured per defined entity:

Rate of new flows

Rate of suspected flows (In general, suspected flows are flows for which the SCOS did not see proper establishment (TCP) or saw only a single packet (all other protocols)).

Separate rate meters are maintained both for each IP address separately (single side) and for IP address pairs (the source and destination of a given flow), so when a specific IP is attacking a specific IP, this pair of IP addresses defines a single incident (dual-sided).

Based on these two metrics, a specific-IP attack is declared if either of the following conditions is present:

The new flows rate exceeds a certain threshold

The suspected flows rate exceeds a configured threshold and the ratio of suspected flows rate to total new flow rate exceeds a configured threshold.

When the rates stop satisfying this criterion, the end of that attack is declared.

Note that specific attack filtering is configured in two steps:

Enabling specific IP filtering for the particular attack type.

Configuring an attack detector for the relevant attack type. Each attack detector specifies the thresholds that define an attack and the action to be taken when an attack is detected.

In addition to specific attack detectors, a default detector exists that can be configured with user-defined thresholds and action, or system defaults may be retained.

In addition, the user can manually override the configured attack detectors to either force or prevent attack filtering in a particular situation.

Specific IP filtering for selected attack types is enabled with the following parameters. These parameters control which of the 32 attack types are being filtered for:

Protocol — TCP, UDP, ICMP, or Other

Attack direction — The direction of the attack may be identified by only one IP address or by two IP addresses:

single side — The attack is identified by either the source IP address or the destination address only.

The filter definition may specify the specific side, or may include any single side attack, regardless of side (both).

dual side (TCP and UDP protocols only) — The attack is identified by both the source and destination IP addresses. In other words, when a specific IP attacks a specific IP, this is detected as one incident rather than as two separate incidents.

Destination port (TCP and UDP protocols only) — Defines whether specific IP detection is enabled or disabled for port-based or port-less detections. Enable port-based detection for TCP/UDP attacks that have a fixed destination port or ports.

The list of destination ports for port-based detection is configured separately. (See Specific Attack Detectors.)

Attack Detection

Specific IP detections are identified with the following parameters:

Specific IP address (or two IP addresses for dual-sided detections)

Protocol — TCP, UDP, ICMP or Other

Port — For TCP/UDP attacks that have a fixed destination port

Side — Interface (Subscriber/Network) from which attack packets are sent

Attack-direction — If a single IP address is specified, the IP address is an attack-source or an attack-destination address.

The system can identify a maximum of 1000 independent, simultaneous attacks.

Once an attack is identified, the system can be instructed to perform any of the following actions:

Report — By default, the attack beginning and end are always reported.

Block — The system will block all attack traffic for the duration of the attack. (The traffic is from or to the attack IP address, depending on whether the IP address is an attack-source or attack-destination)

Notify — Subscriber notification. When the IP address identified is mapped to a particular subscriber context, the system can be configured to notify the subscriber of the fact that he is under an attack (or a machine in his network is generating such an attack), using HTTP

Redirect. Alarm — The system will generate an SNMP trap each time an attack starts and stops.

Attack detection and handling are user-configurable. The remainder of this chapter explains how to configure and monitor attack detection.

Attack Detection Thresholds

There are three thresholds that are used to define an attack. These thresholds are based on meters that are maintained by the SCE platform for each IP address or pair of addresses, protocol, interface and attack-direction.

open flow rate — A flow for which some traffic was seen. Any packet seen for a new flow is enough to declare this flow an open flow.

The rate is measured in new flows per second.

suspected flow rate — A suspected flow is one that was opened, but did not become an established flow.

The rate is measured in new flows per second.

suspected flow ratio — The ratio of the suspected flow rate to the open flow rate.

As explained above, a specific-IP attack is declared if either of the following conditions is present:

The open flows rate exceeds the threshold

The suspected flows rate exceeds the threshold and the suspected flows ratio exceeds the threshold.

The values for each attack type will have a separate configured default value.

In general, for a given protocol, the suspected flows rate threshold should be lower for a port-based detection than for a port-less detection. This is because flows with a given IP address and a common destination port are metered twice:

By themselves — to detect a port-based attack

Together with flows with the same IP address and different destination ports — to detect a port-less attack

If a port-based attack occurs, and the rate of flows is above both thresholds (port-based thresholds and the port-less thresholds), it is desirable for the port-based attack to be detected before the port-less attack. Similarly, this threshold should be lower for dual-IP detections then for single-IP detections.

The user may define values for these thresholds that override the preset defaults. It is also possible to configure specific thresholds for certain IP addresses and ports (using access lists and port lists). This enables the user to set different detection criteria for different types of network entities, such as a server farm, DNS server, or large enterprise customer.

Attack Handling  

Attack handling can be configured as follows

Configuring the action:

Report — Attack packets are processed as usual, and the occurrence of the attack is reported.

Block — Attack packets are dropped by the SCE platform, and therefore do not reach their destination.

Regardless of which action is configured, two reports are generated for every attack: one when the start of an attack is detected, and one when the end of an attack is detected.

Configuring subscriber-notification (notify):

Enabled — If the subscriber IP address is detected to be attacked or attacking, the subscriber is notified about the attack.

Disabled — The subscriber is not notified about the attack.

Configuring sending an SNMP trap (alarm):

Enabled — An SNMP trap is sent when attack begins and ends.

The SNMP trap contains the following information fields:

A specific IP address or

Protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP or Other)

Interface (User/Network) behind which the detected IP address is found. This is referred to below as the attack `side'

Attack direction (whether the IP address is the attack source or the attack destination).

Type of threshold breached (open- flows / ddos- suspected- flows) [` attack- start' traps only]

Threshold value breached [` attack- start' traps only]

Action taken (report, block) indicating what was the action taken by the SCE platform in response to the detection

Amount of attack flows blocked/ reported providing the total number of flows detected during the attack [` attack- stop' traps only]

Disabled — No SNMP trap is sent

Subscriber Notification

When an attack is identified, if the IP address is detected on the subscriber side and is mapped to a subscriber, the system notifies the application about the attack. This enables the application to notify the subscriber about the attack on-line by redirecting HTTP requests of this subscriber to a server that will notify it of the attack.

In addition, when blocking TCP traffic, the system can be configured not to block a specified port to make this redirection possible. This port is then considered to be un-blockable.

Note that subscriber-notification can only function if supported by the Service Control Application currently loaded to the SCE platform, and the application is configured to activate this capability. To verify whether the application you are using supports attack subscriber notification, and for details about enabling attack subscriber notification in the application, please refer to the documentation of the relevant Service Control Application.

Hardware Filtering

The SCE platform has two ways of handling an attack: by software or by hardware. Normally, attacks are handled by software. This enables the SCE platform to accurately measure the attack flows and to instantly detect that an attack has ended.

However, very strong attacks cannot be handled successfully by the software. If the software cannot adequately handle an attack, the resulting high CPU load will harm the service provided by the SCE platform (normal traffic classification and control). An attack that threatens to overwhelm the software will, therefore, be automatically filtered by the hardware.

When the hardware is used to filter the attack, the software has no knowledge of the attack packets, and therefore the following side effects occur:

The number of attack flows is greatly under-estimated by the software. This means that the total amount of flows in the attack reported by the CLI (show interface linecard attack-filter current-attacks) is considerably lower than the actual amount.

Similarly, the reported attack flow rate (also reported by the CLI) is also considerably lower than the actual rate. Usually a rate of 0 is measured by the software.

There is considerable delay in detecting the end of the attack. The delay in detecting the end of attack is limited by two upper bounds.

The first upper bound depends on the configured action, as follows:

Report — a delay of no more than 8 minutes

Block — a delay of no more than 64 minutes

A second upper bound for the delay is one minute more than actual duration of the attack (for example, maximum delay for detecting the end of an attack lasting three minutes is four minutes).

The following examples illustrate the interaction of these two upper bounds:

For an attack lasting two minutes, the maximum delay in detecting the end will be three minutes, regardless of configured action

For an attack lasting two hours whose configured action is 'report', the maximum delay in detecting the end will be eight minutes

For an attack lasting two hours whose configured action is 'block', the maximum delay in detecting the end will be 64 minutes

Hardware attack filtering is an automatic process and is not user-configurable. However, due to the effects of hardware attack filtering on attack reporting, it is important to be aware of when hardware processing has been activated, and so monitoring of hardware filtering is essential. There are two ways to do this (see How to Monitor Attack Filtering ):

Check the " HW-filter " field in the show interface linecard attack-filter current-attacks command.

Check the " HW-filter " field in the attack log file.

How to Configure Attack Detectors

About Configuring Attack Detectors 

How to Enable Specific-IP Detection 

How to Configure the Default Attack Detector 

Specific Attack Detectors 

Sample Attack Detector Configuration 

About Configuring Attack Detectors

The Cisco attack detection mechanism is controlled by defining and configuring special entities called Attack Detectors.

There is one attack detector called `default', which is always enabled, and 99 attack detectors (numbered 1-99), which are disabled by default. Each detector (both the default and detectors 1-99) can be configured with a separate action and threshold values for all 32 possible attack types.

When detectors 1-99 are disabled, the default attack detector configuration determines the thresholds used for detecting an attack, and the action taken by the SCE platform when an attack is detected. For each attack type, a different set of thresholds and action can be set. In addition, subscriber-notification and SNMP traps (alarm) can be enabled or disabled in the same granularity.

The default attack detector should be configured with values that reflect the desired SCE platform behavior for the majority of the traffic flows flowing through it. However, it is not feasible to use the same set of values for all the traffic that traverses through the SCE platform, since there might be some network entities for which the characteristics of their normal traffic should be considered as an attack when coming from most other network elements. Here are two common examples:

A DNS server is expected to be the target of many short DNS queries. These queries are typically UDP flows, each flow consisting of two packets: The request and the response. Normally, the SCE platform considers all UDP flows that are opened to the DNS server as DDoS-suspected flows, since these flows include less than 3 packets. A DNS server might serve hundreds of DNS requests per second at peak times, and so the system should be configured with a suitable threshold for DDoS-suspected flows for protocol = UDP and direction = attack-destination. A threshold value of 1000 flows/second would probably be suitable for the DNS server. However, this threshold would be unsuitable for almost all other network elements, since, for them, being the destination of such large rate of UDP flows would be considered an attack. Therefore setting a threshold of 1000 for all traffic is not a good solution.

The subscriber side of the SCE platform might contain many residential subscribers, each having several computersconnected through an Internet connection, and each computer having a different IP address. In addition, there might be a few business subscribers, each using a NAT that hides hundreds of computers behind a single IP address. Clearly, the traffic seen for an IP address of a business subscriber contains significantly more flows than the traffic of an IP address belonging to a residential subscriber. The same threshold cannot be adequate in both cases.

To let the SCE platform treat such special cases differently, the user can configure non-default attack detectors in the range of 1-99. Like the default attack detector, non-default attack detectors can be configured with different sets of values of action and thresholds for every attack type. However, to be effective, a non-default attack detector must be enabled and must be assigned an ACL (access control list). The action and thresholds configured for such attack detector are effective only for IP addresses permitted by the ACL. Non-default attack-detectors can be assigned a label for describing their purpose, such as `DNS servers' or `Server farm'.

Non-default attack detectors are effective only for attack types that have been specifically configured. This eliminates the need to duplicate the default attack detector configuration into the configuration non-default attack detectors, and is best illustrated with an example: Suppose an HTTP server on the subscriber side of the SCE platform is getting many requests, which requires the use of a non-default attack detector for configuring high threshold values for incoming TCP flow rates. Assume attack detector number 4 is used for this purpose; hence it is enabled, and assigned an ACL which permits the IP address of the HTTP server. Also suppose that it is desirable to protect subscribers from UDP attacks, hence the default attack detector is configured to block UDP attacks coming from the network (The default configuration is only to report attacks, not block them). If the HTTP server is attacked by a UDP attack from the network , the configuration of the default attack detector will hold for this HTTP server as well, since attack detector number 4 was not configured for UDP attacks.

For each of the non-default attack detectors, for each of the 32 attack types, there are four configurable settings:





Each of these four settings can be either configured (with a value or set of values) or not configured. The default state is for all them is not configured.

For each attack type, the set of enabled attack detectors, together with the default attack detector, forms a database used to determine the threshold and action to take when an attack is detected. When the platform detects a possible attack, it uses the following algorithm to determine the thresholds for attack detection.

Enabled attack detectors are scanned from low to high numbers.

If the IP address is permitted by the ACL specified by the attack detector, and a threshold is configured for this attack type, then the threshold values specified by this attack detector are used. If not, the scan continues to the next attack detector.

If no attack detector matches the IP address/protocol combination, then the values of the default attack detector are used.

The same logic is applied when determining the values to use for the remaining settings: action, subscriber-notification and alarm. The value that is used is the one specified by the lowest-numbered enabled attack detector that has a configured value for the attack type. If none exists, the configuration of the default attack detector is used.

Use the following commands to configure and enable attack detection:

[no] attack-filter protocol protocolattack-direction direction

attack-detector (default| number) protocol protocolattack-direction directionside sideaction action[open-flows numbersuspected-flows-rate numbersuspected-flows-ratio number]

attack-detector (default| number) protocol protocolattack-direction directionside side(notify-subscriber|don't-notify-subscriber)

attack-detector (default| number) protocol protocolattack-direction directionside side(alarm|no-alarm)

default attack-detector (default| number) protocol protocolattack-direction directionside side

default attack-detector default

default attack-detector number

default attack-detector (all-numbered|all)

attack-detector numberaccess-list comment

attack-detector number(TCP-dest-ports|UDP-dest-ports) (all|( port1[port2...]))

[no] attack-filter subscriber-notification ports port1

How to Enable Specific-IP Detection

By default, specific-IP detection is enabled for all attack types. You can configure specific IP detection to be enabled or disabled for a specific, defined situation only, depending on the following options:

For a selected protocol only.

For TCP and UDP protocols, for only port-based or only port-less detections.

For a selected attack direction, either for all protocols or for a selected protocol.


The following options are available:

protocol — The specific protocol for which specific IP detection is to be enabled or disabled.

Default — all protocols (no protocol specified)

attack direction — Defines whether specific IP detection is enabled or disabled for single sided or dual sided attacks.

Default — all directions

destination port ( TCP and UDP protocols only) — Defines whether specific IP detection is enabled or disabled for port-based or port-less detections.

Default — both port-based or port-less

Use the no form of the command to disable the configured specific-IP detection.

How to Enable Specific-IP Detection

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-filter [protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not-specific|both)])|ICMP|other)] [attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all)] and press Enter.

How to Enable Specific-IP Detection for the TCP Protocol Only for all Attack Directions

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-filter protocol TCP and press Enter.

How to Enable Specific-IP Detection for the TCP Protocol for Port-based Detections Only for Dual-sided Attacks

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-filter protocol TCP dest-port specific attack-direction dual-sided and press Enter.

How to Disable Specific-IP Detection for Protocols Other than TCP, UDP, and ICMP for all Attack Directions

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no attack-filter protocol other and press Enter.

How to Disable Specific-IP Detection for ICMP for Single-sided Attacks Defined by the Source IP

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no attack-filter protocol ICMP attack-direction single-side-source and press Enter.

How to Configure the Default Attack Detector


How to Define the Default Action and Optionally the Default Thresholds 

How to Reinstate the System Defaults for a Selected Set of Attack Types 

How to Reinstate the System Defaults for All Attack Types 

Use these commands to configure the values for the default attack detector for the following parameters:

Attack handling action


Subscriber notification

Sending an SNMP trap

If a specific attack detector is defined for a particular attack type, it will override the configured default attack detector.


The following options are available:

attack-detector — The attack detector being configured; in this case, the default attack detector.

protocol — Defines the protocol to which the default attack detector applies.

attack-direction — Defines whether the default attack detector applies to single sided or dual sided attacks.

destination port {TCP and UDP protocols only) — Defines whether the default attack detector applies to port-based or port-less detections.

side — Defines whether the default attack detector applies to attacks originating at the subscriber or network side.

action — Default action:

report (default) — Report beginning and end of the attack by writing to the attack-log.

block — Block all further flows that are part of this attack, the SCE platform drops the packets.

Thresholds :

open-flows-rate — Default threshold for rate of open flows. suspected-flows-rate — Default threshold for rate of suspected DDoS flows.

suspected-flows-ratio — Default threshold for ratio of suspected flow rate to open flow rate.

Use the appropriate keyword to enable or disable subscriber notification by default:

notify-subscriber — Enable subscriber notification.

don't-notify-subscriber — Disable subscriber notification.

Use the appropriate keyword to enable or disable sending an SNMP trap by default:

alarm — Enable sending an SNMP trap.

no-alarm — Disable sending an SNMP trap.

How to Define the Default Action and Optionally the Default Thresholds



The default values for the default attack detector are:

Action — Report

Thresholds — Varies according to the attack type

Subscriber notification — Disabled

Sending an SNMP trap — Disabled

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector default protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both) [action (report|block)] [open-flows-rate numbersuspected-flows-rate ratesuspected-flows-ratio ratio] and press Enter.

Configures the default attack detector for the defined attack type.

Step 2 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector default protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both) (notify-subscriber|don't-notify-subscriber) and press Enter.

Enables or disables subscriber notification by default for the defined attack type.

The attack type must be defined the same as in Step 1.

Step 3 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector default protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction(single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both)(alarm|no-alarm) and press Enter.

Enables or disables sending an SNMP trap by default for the defined attack type.

The attack type must be defined the same as in Step 1.

How to Reinstate the System Defaults for a Selected Set of Attack Types

Use the following command to delete user-defined default values for action, thresholds, subscriber notification, and sending an SNMP trap for a selected set of attack types, and reinstate the system defaults.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type default attack-detector default protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both) and press Enter.

Reinstates the system defaults for the defined attack types.

How to Reinstate the System Defaults for All Attack Types

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type default attack-detector default and press Enter.

Reinstates the system defaults for the defined attack types.

Specific Attack Detectors

Use these commands to define thresholds, actions, subscriber notification setting, and sending an SNMP trap for a specific attack detector for selected set of attack types.


How to Enable a Specific Attack Detector and Assign it an ACL 

How to Define the Action and Optionally the Thresholds for a Specific Attack Detector 

How to Define the Subscriber Notification Setting for a Specific Attack Detector 

How to Define the SNMP Trap Setting for a Specific Attack Detector 

How to Define the List of Destination Ports for TCP or UDP Protocols for a Specific Attack Detector 

How to Delete User-Defined Values 

How to Disable a Specific Attack Detector 

How to Disable All Non-default Attack Detectors 

How to Disable All Attack Detectors 


A specific attack detector may be configured for each possible combination of protocol, attack direction, and side. The SCE platform supports a maximum of 100 attack detectors. Each attack detector is identified by a number (1-100). Each detector can be either disabled (default) or enabled. An enabled attack detector must be configured with the following parameters:

access-list — The number of the Access-Control List (ACL) associated with the specified attack detector. The ACL identifies the IP addresses selected by this detector. (See Access Control Lists.)

For dual-ip detections, the destination IP address is used for matching with the ACL.

Use the "none" keyword to indicate that all IP addresses are permitted by this attack-detector.

This option is useful when using the command to define a port list, and the desired configuration should be set for all IP addresses.

comment — For documentation purposes.

In addition, an enabled attack detector may contain the following settings:

TCP-port-list/UDP-port-list — Destination port list for the specified protocol. TCP and UDP protocols may be configured for specified ports only. This is the list of specified destination ports per protocol.

Up to 15 different TCP port numbers and 15 different UDP port numbers can be specified.

Configuring a TCP/UDP port list for a given attack detector affects only attack types that have the same protocol (TCP/UDP) and are port-based (i.e. detect a specific destination port). Settings for other attack types are not affected by the configured port list(s).

The following settings are configurable for each attack type in each attack detector. Each setting can either be in a 'not configured' state (which is the default), or be configured with a specific value.

action — action:

report (default) — Report beginning and end of the attack by writing to the attack-log.

block — Block all further flows that are part of this attack, the SCE platform drops the packets.

Thresholds :

open-flows-rate — Default threshold for rate of open flows. suspected-flows-rate — Default threshold for rate of suspected DDoS flows.

suspected-flows-ratio — Default threshold for ratio of suspected flow rate to open flow rate.

Use the appropriate keyword to enable or disable subscriber notification by default:

notify-subscriber — Enable subscriber notification.

don't-notify-subscriber — Disable subscriber notification.

Use the appropriate keyword to enable or disable sending an SNMP trap by default:

alarm — Enable sending an SNMP trap.

no-alarm — Disable sending an SNMP trap.

How to Enable a Specific Attack Detector and Assign it an ACL

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector numberaccess-list ( aclnumber|none) [comment comment] and press Enter.

Enables the attack detector and assigns it the specified ACL.

How to Define the Action and Optionally the Thresholds for a Specific Attack Detector

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector numberprotocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both) [action (report|block)] [open-flows-rate numbersuspected-flows-rate ratesuspected-flows-ratio ratio] and press Enter.

Defines the action of the specified attack detector

How to Define the Subscriber Notification Setting for a Specific Attack Detector

Use the following command to set the subscriber notification setting for a given attack detector and selected set of attack types.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector numberprotocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both) (notify-subscriber|don't-notify-subscriber) and press Enter.

Defines the subscriber notification setting for the specified attack detector

How to Define the SNMP Trap Setting for a Specific Attack Detector

Use the following command to enable or disable sending an SNMP trap for a given attack detector and selected set of attack types.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector numberprotocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both) (alarm|no-alarm) and press Enter.

Defines the SNMP trap setting for the specified attack detector.

How to Define the List of Destination Ports for TCP or UDP Protocols for a Specific Attack Detector

Use the following command to define the list of destination ports for specific port detections for TCP or UDP protocols.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector numberTCP-port-list|UDP-port-list (all|( port1[ port2, port3...]) and press Enter.

Defines the port list for the specified protocol and attack detector.

How to Delete User-Defined Values

Use the following command to remove settings of action, thresholds, subscriber notification, and sending an SNMP trap for a specific attack detector and selected set of attack types.

Removing these settings for a given attack type restores them to the default 'not configured' state, which means that the attack detector does not take part in determining the response for attacks of this attack type.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type default attack-detector numberprotocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port (specific|not- specific|both)])|ICMP|other|all) attack-direction (single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both|dual-sided|all) side (subscriber|network|both) and press Enter.

Defines the action of the specified attack detector.

How to Disable a Specific Attack Detector

Use the following command to disable a specific attack detector, configuring it to use the default action, threshold values and subscriber notification for all protocols, attack directions and sides.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type default attack-detector numberand press Enter.

Disables the specified attack detector.

How to Disable All Non-default Attack Detectors

Use the following command to disable all non-default attack detectors, configuring them to use the default values.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type default attack-detector all-numbered and press Enter.

Disables all non-default attack detectors.

How to Disable All Attack Detectors

Use the following command to disable all attack detectors, configuring them to use the default values.

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type default attack-detector all and press Enter.

Disables all attack detectors.

Sample Attack Detector Configuration

The following configuration changes the default user threshold values used for detecting ICMP attacks, and configures an attack-detector with high thresholds for UDP attacks, preventing false detections of two DNS servers ( and as being attacked.


1. From the SCE(config)# prompt, type interface linecard 0 and press Enter.

2. From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector default protocol ICMPattack-direction single-side-sourceaction reportopen-flow-rate 1000suspected-flows-rate 100suspected-flows-ratio 10and press Enter.

3. From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector 1access-list 3UDP-ports-list 53comment "DNS servers"and press Enter.

4. From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector 1protocol UDPdest-port specificattack-direction single-side-destinationaction report open-flow-rate 1000000suspected-flows-rate 1000000and press Enter.

5. From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector 1protocol UDPdest-port specificattack-direction single-side-destination side subscribernotify-subscriberand press Enter.

6. From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type exit and press Enter.

7. Configure ACL #3, which has been assigned to the attack detector. .


Step 1 From the SCE(config)# prompt, type interface linecard 0 and press Enter.

Enters linecard interface configuration mode

Step 2 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector default protocol ICMPattack-direction single-side-sourceaction reportopen-flow-rate 1000suspected-flows-rate 100suspected-flows-ratio 10and press Enter.

Configures the default ICMP threshold and action.

Step 3 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector 1access-list 3UDP-ports-list 53comment "DNS servers"and press Enter.

Enables attack detector #1, assigns ACL #3 to it, and defines the list of UDP destination ports with one port, port 53.

Step 4 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector 1protocol UDPdest-port specificattack-direction single-side-destinationaction report open-flow-rate 1000000suspected-flows-rate 1000000and press Enter.

Defines the thresholds and action for attack detector #1

Step 5 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-detector 1protocol UDPdest-port specificattack-direction single-side-destination side subscribernotify-subscriberand press Enter.

Enables subscriber notification for attack detector #1.

Step 6 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type exit and press Enter.

Exits the linecard interface configuration mode.

Step 7 Configure ACL #3, which has been assigned to the attack detector. .

SCE(config)# access-list 3 permit SCE(config)# access-list 3 permit

How to Configure Subscriber Notifications

About Subscriber Notifications 

How to Configure the Subscriber Notification Port 

How to Remove the Subscriber Notification Port 

About Subscriber Notifications

Subscriber notification is a capability used- for notifying a subscriber in real-time about current attacks involving IP addresses mapped to that subscriber. Subscriber notification is configured on a per-attack-detector level, as explained above, and must also be enabled and configured by the application loaded to the SCE platform, as explained in the appropriate Service Control Application user guide.

In the current solutions, the SCE Platform notifies the subscriber about the attack by redirecting HTTP flows originating from the subscriber to the service provider's server, that should notify the subscriber that he is under attack. This raises a question regarding TCP attacks originating from the subscriber that are configured with block action. Such attacks cannot normally be notified to the subscriber using HTTP redirection, since all HTTP flows originating from the subscriber are TCP flows, and they are therefore blocked along with all other attack flows. To enable effective use of HTTP redirect, there is a CLI command that prevents blocking of TCP flows originating from the subscriber to a specified TCP port, even when the above scenario occurs.

How to Configure the Subscriber Notification Port

You can define a port to be used as the subscriber notification port. The attack filter will never block TCP traffic from the subscriber side of the SCE platform to this port, leaving it always available for subscriber notification.



The following option is available:

portnumber — the number of the port to be used as the subscriber notification port

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-filter subscriber-notification ports portnumber and press Enter.

How to Remove the Subscriber Notification Port

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no attack-filter subscriber-notification ports and press Enter.

Preventing and Forcing Attack Detection


Preventing Attack Filtering 

Forcing Attack Filtering 

After configuring the attack detectors, the SCE platform automatically detects attacks and handles them according to the configuration. However, there are scenarios in which a manual intervention is desired, either for debug purposes, or because it is not trivial to reconfigure the SCE platform attack-detectors properly. For example:

The SCE platform has detected an attack, but the user knows this to be a false alarm. The proper action that should be taken by the user is to configure the system with higher thresholds (for the whole IP range, or maybe for specific IP addresses or ports). However, this might take time, and, if attack handling is specified as `Block', the user may wish to stop the block action for this specific attack quickly, leaving the configuration changes for a future time when there is time to plan the needed changes properly.

Use the don't-filtercommand described below for this type of case.

An ISP is informed that one of his subscribers is being attacked by a UDP attack from the network side. The ISP wants to protect the subscriber from this attack by blocking all UDP traffic to the subscriber, but unfortunately the SCE platform did not recognize the attack. (Alternatively, it could be that the attack was recognized, but the configured action was `report' and not `block').

Use the force-filter command described below for this type of case.

The user can use the CLI attack filtering commands to do the following:

Configure a don't-filtercommand to prevent or stop filtering of an attack related to a specified IP address

Configure a force-filter command to force filtering (with a specific action) of an attack related to a specified IP address

Use the following commands to either force or prevent attack filtering:

[no] attack-filter don't-filter

[no] attack-filter force-filter


In addition to the attack detector options described above, the following options are available:

ip-address — the IP address for which to prevent attack filtering.

If attack -direction is dual-sided, an IP address must be configured for both the source ( source-ip-address) and the destination ( dest-ip-address) sides.

Preventing Attack Filtering

Attack filtering can be prevented for a specified IP address and attack type by executing a don't-filter CLI command. If filtering is already in process, it will be stopped. When attack filtering has been stopped, it remains stopped until explicitly restored by another CLI command (either force-filter or no don't-filter).

How to Configure a don't-filter Setting for a Specified Situation 

How to Remove a don't-filter Setting from a Specified Situation 

How to Remove All don't-filter Settings 

How to Configure a don't-filter Setting for a Specified Situation

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-filter don't-filter protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port ( port-number |not-specific))|ICMP|other) attack-direction (((single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both) (ip ip-address )|(dual-sided source-ip source-ip-address destination-ip dest-ip-address )) side (subscriber|network|both) and press Enter.

How to Remove a don't-filter Setting from a Specified Situation

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no attack-filter don't-filter protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port ( port-number |not-specific))|ICMP|other) attack-direction (((single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both) (ip ip-address )|(dual-sided source-ip source-ip-address destination-ip dest-ip-address )) side (subscriber|network|both) and press Enter.

How to Remove All don't-filter Settings

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no attack-filter don't-filter all and press Enter.

Forcing Attack Filtering

Attack filtering can be forced for a specified IP address/protocol. If filtering is already in process, it will be stopped. Forced attack filtering will continue until undone by an explicit CLI command (either no force-filter or don't-filter).

How to Configure a force-filter Setting for a Specified Situation 

How to Remove a force-filter Setting from a Specified Situation 

How to Remove All force-filter Settings 

How to Configure a force-filter Setting for a Specified Situation

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type attack-filter force-filter protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port ( port-number |not-specific))|ICMP|other) attack-direction (((single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both) (ip ip-address )|(dual-sided source-ip source-ip-address destination-ip dest-ip-address )) side (subscriber|network|both)[notify-subscriber] and press Enter.

How to Remove a force-filter Setting from a Specified Situation

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no attack-filter force-filter protocol (((TCP|UDP) [dest-port ( port-number |not-specific))|ICMP|other) attack-direction (((single-side-source|single-side-destination|single-side-both) (ip ip-address )|(dual-sided source-ip source-ip-address destination-ip dest-ip-address )) side (subscriber|network|both) and press Enter.

How to Remove All force-filter Settings

Step 1 From the SCE(config if)# prompt, type no attack-filter force-filter all and press Enter.

How to Monitor Attack Filtering

Monitoring Attack Filtering Using SNMP Traps 

Monitoring Attack Filtering Using CLI Commands 

Viewing the Attack Log 

There are three options for monitoring attack filtering and detection:

CLI show commands

SNMP attack detection traps

Attack log

Monitoring Attack Filtering Using SNMP Traps

The system sends a trap at the start of a specific attack detection event, and also when a specific detection event ends, as follows:

STARTED_FILTERING trap - String with the attack information


String with the attack information

String with the reason for stopping

The format of the attack-information string sent when an attack begins is:

If attack was detected in the traffic:

Attack detected: Attack 'IP-info>from 'side>side, protocol 'protocol>. 'rate1>open flows per second detected, 'rate2' Ddos-suspected flows per second detected. Action is: 'action'.

If attack was declared as a result of a force-filtercommand:

Attack Filter: Forced 'forced-action' 'IP-info' from 'side' side, protocol 'protocol'. Attack forced using a force-filter command.

The format of the attack-information string sent when an attack ends is:

If attack was detected in the traffic:

End-of-attack detected: Attack 'IP-info' from 'side' side, protocol 'protocol'. Action is: 'action' Duration 'duration' seconds, 'total-flows' 'hw-filter'

If the end of the attack was declared as a result of a no force-filter command or a new don't-filtercommand:

Attack Filter: Forced to end 'action2' 'IP-info' from 'side' side, protocol 'protocol'. Attack end forced using a 'no force-filter' or a 'don't-filter' command.

The format of the reason string sent when an attack begins is:

If attack end was detected in the traffic:

Detected attack end

If the end of the attack was declared as a result of a no force-filter command or a new don't-filtercommand:

Forced attack end

Following are the possible values that may appear in the fields indicated in the information strings (''):




'forced-action' is one of the following values, depending on the configured force-filter action.

block of flows


'IP-info' is in one of the following formats, depending on the direction of the attack, and whether one or two IP addresses were detected

from IP address A.B.C.D

on IP address A.B.C.D

from IP address A.B.C.D to IP address A.B.C.D









'rate1' and 'rate2' are numbers

'duration' is a number.

'total-flows' is one of the following strings, depending on the attack action:

If 'action' is block: 'number' flows blocked.

If 'action' is report: attack comprised of 'number' flows.


If the attack was not filtered by a hardware filter: empty string

If the attack was filtered by a hardware filter: HW filters used, actual attack duration is probably smaller than reported above, actual amount of flows handled is probably larger than reported above.

Monitoring Attack Filtering Using CLI Commands

How to display a specified attack detector configuration 

How to display the default attack detector configuration 

How to display all attack detector configurations 

How to display filter state (enabled or disabled) 

How to display configured threshold values and actions 

How to display the current counters 

How to display all currently handled attacks 

How to display all existing force-filter settings 

How to display all existing don't-filter settings 

How to display the list of ports selected for subscriber notification 

How to find out whether hardware attack filtering has been activated 

Use these commands to monitor attack detection and filtering:

show interface linecard 0 attack-detector

show interface linecard 0 attack-filter

show interface linecard 0 attack-filter query

show interface linecard 0 attack-filter current-attacks

show interface linecard 0 attack-filter don't-filter

show interface linecard 0 attack-filter force-filter

show interface linecard 0 attack-filter subscriber-notification ports

How to display a specified attack detector configuration



The following information is displayed:

Protocol Side — Whether the attack detector applies to attacks originating at the subscriber or network side.

Direction — Whether the attack detector applies to single sided or dual sided attacks. Action to take if an attack is detected.


open-flows-rate — Default threshold for rate of open flows (new open flows per second).

suspected-flows-rate — Default threshold for rate of suspected DDoS flows (new suspected flows per second).

suspected-flows-ratio — Default threshold for ratio of suspected flow rate to open flow rate.

Subscriber notification — enabled or disabled.

Alarm: sending an SNMP trap enabled or disabled.


The following option is available:

number — the number of the attack detector to display

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-detector numberand press Enter.


SCE>show interface LineCard 0 attack-detector 1 Detector #1: Comment: 'Sample' Access-list: 1 Effective only for TCP port(s) 21,23,80 Effective for all UDP ports Protocol|Side|Direction ||Action| Thresholds |Sub- |Alarm | | || |Open flows|Ddos-Suspected flows|notif| | | || |rate |rate |ratio | | --------|----|-----------||------|----------|------------|-------|-----|----- TCP |net.|source-only|| | | | | | TCP |net.|dest-only || | | | | | TCP |sub.|source-only|| | | | | | TCP |sub.|dest-only || | | | | | TCP |net.|source+dest|| | | | | | TCP |sub.|source+dest|| | | | | | TCP+port|net.|source-only||Block | | | | |Yes TCP+port|net.|dest-only || | | | | | TCP+port|sub.|source-only||Block | | | | |Yes TCP+port|sub.|dest-only || | | | | | TCP+port|net.|source+dest|| | | | | | TCP+port|sub.|source+dest|| | | | | | UDP |net.|source-only|| | | | | | UDP |net.|dest-only || | | | | | UDP |sub.|source-only|| | | | | | UDP |sub.|dest-only || | | | | | UDP |net.|source+dest|| | | | | | UDP |sub.|source+dest|| | | | | | UDP+port|net.|source-only|| | | | | | UDP+port|net.|dest-only || | | | | | UDP+port|sub.|source-only|| | | | | | UDP+port|sub.|dest-only || | | | | | UDP+port|net.|source+dest|| | | | | | UDP+port|sub.|source+dest|| | | | | | ICMP |net.|source-only|| | | | | | ICMP |net.|dest-only || | | | | | ICMP |sub.|source-only|| | | | |Yes | ICMP |sub.|dest-only || | | | | | other |net.|source-only|| | | | | | other |net.|dest-only || | | | | | other |sub.|source-only|| | | | | | other |sub.|dest-only || | | | | | Empty fields indicate that no value is set and configuration from the default attack detector is used. SCE#>

How to display the default attack detector configuration

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-detector default and press Enter.


SCE>show interface LineCard 0 attack-detector default Default detector: Protocol|Side|Direction ||Action| Thresholds |Sub- |Alarm | | || |Open flows|Ddos-Suspected flows|notif| | | || |rate |rate |ratio | | --------|----|-----------||------|----------|------------|-------|-----|----- TCP |net.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP |net.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP |sub.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP |sub.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP |net.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No TCP |sub.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No TCP+port|net.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP+port|net.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP+port|sub.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP+port|sub.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No TCP+port|net.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No TCP+port|sub.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No UDP |net.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP |net.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP |sub.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP |sub.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP |net.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No UDP |sub.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No UDP+port|net.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP+port|net.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP+port|sub.|source-only||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP+port|sub.|dest-only ||Report| 1000| 500|50 |No |No UDP+port|net.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No UDP+port|sub.|source+dest||Report| 100| 50|50 |No |No ICMP |net.|source-only||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No ICMP |net.|dest-only ||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No ICMP |sub.|source-only||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No ICMP |sub.|dest-only ||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No other |net.|source-only||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No other |net.|dest-only ||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No other |sub.|source-only||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No other |sub.|dest-only ||Report| 500| 250|50 |No |No SCE#>

How to display all attack detector configurations

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-detector all and press Enter.

How to display filter state (enabled or disabled)

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter and press Enter.


SCE>show interface LineCard 0 attack-filter Enabled state : ------------------ Protocol |Direction |State ----------|------------|------------ TCP |source-only |enabled TCP |dest-only |enabled TCP |dest+source |enabled TCP+port |source-only |enabled TCP+port |dest-only |enabled TCP+port |dest+source |enabled UDP |source-only |enabled UDP |dest-only |enabled UDP |dest+source |enabled UDP+port |source-only |enabled UDP+port |dest-only |enabled UDP+port |dest+source |enabled ICMP |source-only |enabled ICMP |dest-only |enabled other |source-only |enabled other |dest-only |enabled SCE#>

How to display configured threshold values and actions

Use this command to display the configured threshold values and actions a specified IP address (and port), taking into account the various specific attack detector access list configurations




In addition to the attack detector options described above, the following options are available:

ip-address — the IP address for which to display information.

If attack -direction is dual-sided, an IP address must be configured for both the source ( source-ip-address) and the destination ( dest-ip-address) sides.

portnumber — the port number for which to display information.

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter query ((single-sided ip ip-address)|(dual-sided source-IP source-ip-addressdestination-IP dest-ip-address)) [dest-port portnumber] configured and press Enter.


Example 1 

Example 2 

Example 1

This example shows a query for a single IP address.

SCE#>show interface linecard 0 attack-filter query single-sided ip configured Protocol|Side|Dir.|Action| Thresholds |don't- |force-|Sub- |Alarm | | | |Open flows|Ddos-Susp. flows|filter|filter|notif| | | | |rate |rate |ratio| | | | --------|----|----|------|----------|----------|-----|----- |------|-----|----- TCP |net.|src.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No TCP |net.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No TCP |sub.|src.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No TCP |sub.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP |net.|src.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP |net.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP |sub.|src.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP |sub.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No ICMP |net.|src.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | No| No ICMP |net.|dst.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | No| No ICMP |sub.|src.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | Yes| No | | | | | | | | | (1)| ICMP |sub.|dst.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | No| No other |net.|src.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | No| No other |net.|dst.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | No| No other |sub.|src.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | No| No other |sub.|dst.|Report| 500| 250| 50|No |No | No| No (N) below a value means that the value is set through attack-detector #N. SCE#>

Example 2

This example shows a query for a single IP address, with a specified port.

SCE#>show interface linecard 0 attack-filter query single-sided ip dest-port 21 configured Protocol|Side|Dir.|Action| Thresholds |don't- |force-|Sub- |Alarm | | | |Open flows|Ddos-Susp. flows|filter|filter|notif| | | | |rate |rate |ratio| | | | --------|----|----|------|----------|----------|-----|----- |------|-----|----- TCP+port|net.|src.|Block | 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| Yes | | |(1) | | | | | | | (1) TCP+port|net.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No TCP+port|sub.|src.|Block | 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| Yes | | |(1) | | | | | | | (1) TCP+port|sub.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP+port|net.|src.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP+port|net.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP+port|sub.|src.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No UDP+port|sub.|dst.|Report| 1000| 500| 50|No |No | No| No (N) below a value means that the value is set through attack-detector #N. SCE#>

How to display the current counters

Use this command to display the current counters for the specified attack detector for attack types for a specified IP address.

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter query ((single-sided ip ip-address)|(dual-sided source-IP source-ip-addressdestination-IP dest-ip-address)) [dest-port portnumber] current and press Enter.

How to display all currently handled attacks


Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter current-attacks and press Enter.

How to display all existing force-filter settings

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter force-filter and press Enter.

How to display all existing don't-filter settings

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter don't-filter and press Enter.

How to display the list of ports selected for subscriber notification

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter subscriber-notification ports and press Enter.

How to find out whether hardware attack filtering has been activated

Step 1 From the SCE>prompt, type show interface linecard 0 attack-filter current-attacks and press Enter.

In the output from this command, look for the "HW-filter" field. If this field is "yes", the user must take into account the probable inaccuracies in the attack reporting.

Note that this information also appears in the attack log file.

---|---------------|-----------|------------|----------|------|------|------ #|Source IP ->|Side / |Open rate / |Handled |Action|HW- |force- | Dest IP|Protocol |Susp. rate | flows / | |filter|filter | | | |Duration | | | ---|---------------|-----------|------------|----------|------|------|------ 1| |Subscriber | 523| 4045|Report|No |No | *|TCP | 0| 9| | | ---|---------------|-----------|------------|----------|------|------|------

Viewing the Attack Log

The Attack Log 

How to View the Attack Log 

How to Copy the Attack Log to a File 

The Attack Log

The attack-log contains a message for each specific-IP detection of attack beginning and attack end. Messages are in CSV format.

The message for detecting attack beginning contains the following data:

IP address (Pair of addresses, if detected)

Protocol Port number (If detected)

Attack-direction (Attack-source or Attack-destination)

Interface of IP address (subscriber or network)

Open-flows-rate, suspected-flows-rate and suspected-flows-ratio at the time of attack detection

Threshold values for the detection

Action taken

The message for detecting attack end contains the following data:

IP address (Pair of addresses, if detected)

Protocol Port number (If detected)

Attack-direction (Attack-source or Attack-destination)

Interface of IP address

Number of attack flows reported/blocked

Action taken

As with other log files, there are two attack log files. Attack events are written to one of these files until it reaches maximum capacity, at which point the events logged in that file are then temporarily archived. New attack events are then automatically logged to the alternate log file. When the second log file reaches maximum capacity, the system then reverts to logging events to the first log file, thus overwriting the temporarily archived information stored in that file.

The following SNMP trap indicates that the attack log is full and a new log file has been opened


Note When the attack log is large, it is not recommended to display it. Copy a large log to a file to view it.

How to View the Attack Log

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type more line-attack-log and press Enter.

How to Copy the Attack Log to a File

Step 1 From the SCE# prompt, type more line-attack-log redirect filenameand press Enter.

Writes the log information to the specified file.


Posted: Wed May 30 08:40:55 PDT 2007
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