
Table Of Contents

Installing the SOAP LEG

Installing the SOAP LEG Software

Uninstalling the SOAP LEG

Upgrading the SOAP LEG

Installing the SOAP LEG

This module describes the installation process for installing the SOAP LEG. It also describes the uninstall procedure.

The SOAP LEG is an external component (PQI) that should be installed on the SM. The SOAP LEG distribution is part of the SM LEG distribution.

The SOAP LEG installation package includes a set of configuration files, a WSDL file containing a query definition, and the Command-Line Utility (CLU).

Installing the SOAP LEG Software 

Uninstalling the SOAP LEG 

Upgrading the SOAP LEG 

Installing the SOAP LEG Software

Note Before installation, verify that the Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB) is installed on all SM and SCE devices. If the application has not been installed, install the application as described in the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide .

Note After the installation of the PQI file, the SM will automatically restart.


1. Install the PQI file of the SOAP LEG

2. Edit the configuration files of the SOAP LEG

3. Load the configuration file to the SM


Step 1 Install the PQI file of the SOAP LEG

Run the p3inst command line utility from the SM CLU <sm-inst-dir>/sm/server/bin ( sm-inst-dir refers to the SM installation directory):

>p3inst --install -f soapleg.pqi

Step 2 Edit the configuration files of the SOAP LEG

The SOAP LEG includes two configuration files under the configuration folder of the SM ( <sm-inst-dir>/sm/server/root/config ):

soap_leg.cfg —Configures the general attributes of the LEG

soap_pkg.cfg —Configures the rules for package assignment

Note It is recommended to familiarize yourself with these files immediately after the first installation and edit them according to your specific needs. See Configuring the SOAP LEG, page 3-1 for more information.

Step 3 Load the configuration file to the SM

Run the p3smcommand line utility from the SM CLU:

>p3sm --load-config

This command-line utility loads the new configuration to the SM and activates it.

Note After the install process has successfully completed, the SM will automatically restart.

Uninstalling the SOAP LEG

Step 1 Run the p3instcommand line utility from the SM CLU

>p3inst --uninstall -f soapleg.pqi

Note After the uninstall process has successfully completed, the SM will automatically restart.

Upgrading the SOAP LEG

The SOAP LEG and SM versions must be identical; therefore, the SOAP LEG must be upgraded as part of the SM upgrade process. The upgrade for the SOAP LEG should be performed together with the upgrade process of the SM.


1. Backup the configuration files of the SOAP LEG

2. Uninstall the SOAP LEG by running the p3instfollowing CLU

3. Perform an upgrade of the SM as described in the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide .

4. Install the new version of the SOAP LEG by running the p3instCLU

5. Restore the configuration files of the SOAP LEG using the backup configuration files from Step 1.

6. Load the new configuration of the SM by running the p3smCLU


Step 1 Backup the configuration files of the SOAP LEG

The original configuration files are deleted by the uninstall process in the next step.

Step 2 Uninstall the SOAP LEG by running the p3instfollowing CLU

>p3inst --uninstall -f <soapleg.pqi>

Note After the uninstall process has successfully completed, the SM automatically restarts.

Step 3 Perform an upgrade of the SM as described in the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide .

Step 4 Install the new version of the SOAP LEG by running the p3instCLU

>p3inst --install -f <soapleg.pqi>

Step 5 Restore the configuration files of the SOAP LEG using the backup configuration files from Step 1.

Step 6 Load the new configuration of the SM by running the p3smCLU

>p3sm --load-config


Posted: Tue Jan 22 00:43:08 PST 2008
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