
Table Of Contents

Configuring the SOAP LEG

Information About Configuring the SOAP LEG Settings

Configuring the SOAP LEG Settings

Configuration File Example

Information about Configuring the Package Association

Configuring the Package Assocation

Package Association Example

Configuring the SOAP LEG

This module provides the configuration instructions to configure the SOAP LEG.

The SOAP LEG is configured using two configuration files, soap_leg.cfg and soap_pkg.cfg , which reside in the sm-inst-dir/sm/server/root/config directory ( sm-inst-dir refers to the SM installation directory). The configuration file is loaded only upon SCMS SM SOAP LEG startup.

The configuration files consist of sections headed by a bracketed section title; for example, [SOAP-LEG] for the SOAP LEG configuration section. Each section consists of one or more parameters having the format parameter=value. The number sign ("#") at the beginning of a line signifies that it is a comment.

The general configuration of the SOAP LEG resides in soap_leg.cfg. The dynamic package association configuration resides in soap_pkg.cfg.

Information About Configuring the SOAP LEG Settings 

Information about Configuring the Package Association 

Information About Configuring the SOAP LEG Settings

Configuring the SOAP LEG Settings 

Configuration File Example 

Configuring the SOAP LEG Settings

The [SOAP-LEG] section in the configuration file defines the behavior of the SOAP LEG and contains the following parameters:


Defines whether to start the LEG at SM startup.

Possible values for this parameter are trueand false.

The default value is false.


The URL of the policy server the LEG will query.

There is no default value.

This parameter must be configured for proper LEG functioning.


Defines whether the LEG will log messages that are issued for failed queries.

Possible values for this parameter are trueand false.

The default value is true.


Defines whether the LEG will log messages for every query sent and any reply received.

Possible values for this parameter are trueand false.

The default value is false.

Note This parameter should only be set to truewhen troubleshooting.

The [Package] section in the configuration file contains the following parameter:


Defines the configuration file to be used by the converter. The path must be relative to the config directory.

The default value is soap_pkg.cfg.

Configuration File Example

The following example illustrates the SOAP LEG configuration file:

[SOAP-LEG] server_url= log_failed_queries=true log_all_queries=false [Package] pkg_cfg_file=soap_pkg.cfg

Information about Configuring the Package Association

Note The configuration described in this section is optional.

Configuring the Package Assocation 

Package Association Example 

Configuring the Package Assocation

This configuration file is intended for the customization of the output produced by the SOAP LEG.

The LEG concatenates the data extracted from the configured labels and creates a package name.

To extract the package information data from the SOAP package, the soap_pkg.cfg configuration file must define the conversion map of package-names to the package IDs of the SCA BB application.

The [SOAP.Policy.Package] section of the configuration file contains the following parameters:


This parameter is a comma-separated list that specifies the labels that contain the data from which the policy name is comprised. The LEG converter searches for the labels within the received arguments and concatenates them according to the specified order. A value of LABEL_A, LABEL_Bindicates that the SOAP LEG needs to concatenate values that reside under the LABEL_A and LABEL_B labels.

There is no default value for this parameter.


Defines the separator value to use when concatenating options.

The default value is '_'.


Defines the default value to use when it is not possible to associate the created policy name with any of the configured policy names.

There is no default value for this parameter.


Defines whether a login can be performed when no policy is found for assignment.

Possible values for this parameter are trueor false.

The default value is true.


Defines the package property key to use for policy assignment.

The default value is packageId.


A set of values (key,value) used to map the package information determined by the SOAP LEG and the package ID index that the SCA BB application uses.

Note Every policy name is preceded by the mapping_table. key. For example:

mapping_table.PolicyLabel1=11 mapping_table.PolicyLabel2=12

The [SOAP.Policy Logging] section of the configuration file contains the following parameters:


Defines whether log messages will be issued when no policy was found.

Possible values for this parameter are trueor false.

The default value is false.


Defines whether to write detailed user-log messages for all policy association events.

Possible values for this parameter are trueor false.

The default value is false.

Note Set the log_all parameter to true only when troubleshooting.


Defines whether to write a user-log message for every assignment of the default value (as defined in default_value )

Possible values for this parameter are trueor false.

The default value is false.

Package Association Example

Assuming that the package information appears inside labels TYPE and DOMAIN, configure the order of the labels for the policy name format as follows:


Assuming that label TYPE (returned as a query reply) contains the type of package (gold, silver, or bronze) and label DOMAIN (passed as an input parameter) contains domain information (the package type has a different meaning in different domains). If the separator value is configured to the default value, configure the package names as follows:

[SOAP.Policy.Package] mapping_table.gold_domain1=11 mapping_table.gold_domain2=12 mapping_table.silver_domain1=13 mapping_table.silver_domain2=14

This configuration means that if the SOAP LEG received a query reply with the value 'gold' under the label "TYPE", and the value 'domain1' was passed to the SOAP LEG by the SM core under the label "DOMAIN", the package ID that will be associated to the subscriber in the SM will have the value 11.

The following is an example of the entire configuration file:

[SOAP.Policy Logging] log_missing_policy_name=false log_all=false log_default_policy_assignment=false [SOAP.Policy.Package] policy_name_format=TYPE,DOMAIN name_seperator_value=_ policy_property_name=packageId # default package configuration default_value=1 allow_login_with_no_policy=false # Mapping table mapping_table.gold_domain1=11 mapping_table.gold_domain2=12 mapping_table.silver_domain1=13 mapping_table.silver_domain2=14


Posted: Tue Jan 22 00:42:33 PST 2008
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