
Table Of Contents


SCE Logging

Default Log Messages

Subscriber Operations Log Messages

API Client Logging

API Client Log Messages


This module describes the usage of the API logging abilities for troubleshooting the integration with the API. API logging enables the user to monitor the operations being called including the received parameters both at the API client and at the SCE side.

SCE Logging 

API Client Logging 

SCE Logging

The SCE platform provides the ability to log all of the operations called by the Policy Server into the SCE user-log file.

Default Log Messages 

Subscriber Operations Log Messages 

Default Log Messages

The SCE issues the following messages by default without any further configuration:

For connect operation:

<client-name>- connect operation was called, registered listeners: <type of the listeners that were registered>

For disconnect operation:

<client-name>- disconnected

For registerLoginPullListener operation:

<client-name>- registered a Login Pull Listener

For unregisterPullListener operation:

<client-name>- unregistered a Pull Listener

For registerLogoutListener operation:

<client-name>- registered a Logout Listener

For unregisterLogoutListener operation:

<client-name>- unregistered a Logout Listener

For registerQuotaListener operation:

<client-name>- registered Quota Listener

For unregisterQuotaListener operation:

<client-name>- unregister Quota Listener

For synchronizePushStart operation:

<client-name>- synchronize Push Start

For synchronizePushEnd operation:

<client-name>- synchronize Push End

For synchronizePullStart operation:

<client-name>- synchronize Pull Start

For synchronizePullEnd operation:

<client-name>- synchronize Pull End

Subscriber Operations Log Messages

A special flag activates subscriber operation log messages. To receive these messages, enable the flag.

To enable logging, use the following CLI at the SCE platform:

(config)# management-agent sce-api logging

To view the USERLOG file, use the following CLI at the SCE platform:

#>logger get user-log FILE NAME

Note Enabling logging causes performance degradation. Therefore, it is advisable to use logging only for troubleshooting purposes.

To disable logging, use the following CLI at the SCE platform:

(config)#>no management-agent sce-api logging

To view whether the logging is enabled, use the following CLI at the SCE platform:

#>show management-agent sce-api

When the logging flag is enabled, the message below is issued for the following operations:

login operation

networkIDUpdate operation

logout operation

quotaUpdate operation

loginPullResponse operation

profileUpdate operation

getQuotaStatus operation

<operation name>operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <subscriber ID> anonymousSubscriberID - <anonymousSubscriberID > mappings - <mappings list> mappings types - <mapping types list> policy - <policy properties list> quota - <quota operation/quota buckets list>

For the following bulk operations:

loginBulk operation

networkIDUpdateBulk operation

logoutBulk operation

quotaUpdateBulk operation

loginPullBulkResponse operation

profileUpdateBulk operation

getQuotaStatuBulkRequest operation


The following message is issued:

<operation name>operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>

The following messages are issued for the LoginPullListener:

For loginPullRequest:

loginPullRequest operation was called with parameters: anonymousSubscriberID - <anonymous subscriber ID> mappings - <mappings list> mapping types - <mapping types>

For loginPullRequestBulk:

loginPullRequestBulk operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>


getSubscribersBulkResponse operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>

The following messages are issued for the LogoutListener:

For logoutIndication:

logoutIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <anonymous subscriber ID>

For logoutBulkIndication:

logoutBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>

The following messages are issued for the QuotaListenerEx:

For quotaStatusIndication:

quotaStatusIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaBelowThresholdIndication:

quotaBelowThresholdIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaDepletedIndication:

quotaDepletedIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaStateRestore:

quotaStateRestore operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaStatusBulkIndication:

quotaStatusBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>

For quotaBelowThresholdBulkIndication:

quotaBelowThresholdBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>

For quotaDepletedBulkIndication:

quotaDepletedBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>

For quotaStateBulkRestore:

quotaStateBulkRestore operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>

API Client Logging

The API provides the ability to log every activated operation into the apilog file located under ${user.home} directory. The logging parameters are configured using the Log4J properties files. To enable the logging make sure this file is in the application's CLASSPATH. This file is read at startup of the application so after changing it you must restart the application.

The following is the content of the log4.properies file:

# default Log4j configuration for SCE Subscriber API log4j.rootCategory=INFO, apiStdout # In order to enable the logging to the file Replace the above # line with the following: # log4j.rootCategory=INFO, files # stdout is set to be a ConsoleAppender. log4j.appender.apiStdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.apiStdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.apiStdout.layout.ConversionPattern=+ %d{dd-MMM HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5p %c%n%m%n # files is set to be a RollingFileAppender. #log4j.appender.files=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender #log4j.appender.files.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout #log4j.appender.files.layout.ConversionPattern=+ %d{dd-MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5p %c %x\n%m\n #log4j.appender.files.File=${user.home}/apilog #log4j.appender.files.Threshold=INFO #log4j.appender.files.ImmediateFlush=true #log4j.appender.files.MaxFileSize=1MB #log4j.appender.files.MaxBackupIndex=4 # In order to enable debug logging uncomment the following line

To enable the debug logging, uncomment the last line in the file. By default, the logging is performed to the standard output. To direct the logging to the file, uncomment the # log4j.rootCategory=INFO, files line as explained in the file.

API Client Log Messages

The API client issues the following messages after properly configuring the file:

For API constructor:

PRPC_SCESubscriberApi constructor was called with the following parameters:
apiName - <apiName>
host - <sceHost>
port - <scePort>
auto-reconnect - <autoReconnectInterval>

For init operation:

init operation was called with parameters <properties>

For setConnectionListener:

setConnectionListener operation was called

For setRedundancyStateListener:

setRedundancyStateListener operation was called

For isConnected:

isConnected operation was called

For getAPIVersion:

getAPIVersion operation was called

For the following operations:

login operation

networkIDUpdate operation

logout operation

quotaUpdate operation

loginPullResponse operation

profileUpdate operation

getQuotaStatus operation

The following message is issued:

<operation name>operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <subscriber ID> anonymousSubscriberID - <anonymousSubscriberID> mappings - <mappings list> mappings types - <mapping types list> policy - <policy properties list> quota - <quota operation/quota buckets list>

For the following bulk operations:

loginBulk operation

networkIDUpdateBulk operation

logoutBulk operation

quotaUpdateBulk operation

loginPullBulkResponse operation

profileUpdateBulk operation

getQuotaStatuBulkRequest operation

getSubscribersBulk operation

The following message is issued:

operation name>operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>

For connect operation:

connect operation was called, registered listeners: <type of the listeners that were registered>

For disconnect operation:

disconnect operation was called

For registerLoginPullListener operation:

registerLoginPullListener operation was called

For unregisterPullListener operation:

unregisterPullListener operation was called

For registerLogoutListener operation:

registerLogoutListener operation was called

For unregisterLogoutListener operation:

unregisterLogoutListener operation was called

For registerQuotaListener operation:

registerQuotaListener operation was called

For unregisterQuotaListener operation:

unregisterQuotaListener operation was called

For synchronizePushStart operation:

synchronizePushStart operation was called

For synchronizePushEnd operation:

synchronizePushEnd operation was called

For synchronizePullStart operation:

synchronizePullStart operation was called

For synchronizePullEnd operation:

synchronizePullEnd operation was called

The following messages are issued for the LoginPullListener listener callback methods:

For loginPullRequest:

loginPullRequest operation was called with parameters: anonymousSubscriberID - <anonymous subscriber ID> mappings - <mappings list> mapping types - <mapping types>

For loginPullRequestBulk:

loginPullRequestBulk operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>

For getSubscribersBulkResponse:

getSubscribersBulkResponse operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>

The foillowing messages are issued for the LogoutListener listener callback methods:

For logoutIndication:

logoutIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <anonymous subscriber ID>

For logoutBulkIndication:

logoutBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: bulk size - <bulk size>

The following messages are issued for the QuotaListenerEx listener callback methods:

For quotaStatusIndication:

quotaStatusIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaBelowThresholdIndication:

quotaBelowThresholdIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaDepletedIndication:

quotaDepletedIndication operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaStateRestore:

quotaStateRestore operation was called with parameters: subscriberID - <Subscriber ID> quota - <subscriber quota>

For quotaStatusBulkIndication:

quotaStatusBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>

For quotaBelowThresholdBulkIndication:

quotaBelowThresholdBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>

For quotaDepletedBulkIndication:

quotaDepletedBulkIndication operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>

For quotaStateBulkRestore:

quotaStateBulkRestore operation was called with parameters: subs - <bulk size>


Posted: Thu May 31 01:01:15 PDT 2007
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