
Table Of Contents

Programming with the SCE Subscriber API

Information About API Classes

Package com.scms.api.sce.prpc

Package com.scms.api.sce

Package com.scms.common

Programming Guidelines

Programming with Callback Methods

PRPC_SCESubscriberApi Class

API Construction

Information About Indications Listeners

Information About the LoginPullListener Interface Class

Information About the LogoutListener Interface Class

Information About the QuotaListenerEx Interface Class

Information About Connection Monitoring

ConnectionListener Interface

Disconnect Listener: Example

Information About SCE Cascade Topology Support

isRedundancyStatusActive Method

Information About the RedundancyStateListener Interface

Configuring the SCE to Ignore Cascade Violation Errors

Information About Result Handling

Information About the OperationResultHandler Interface

Information About Subscriber Provisioning Operations

Information About the login Operation

Information About the loginBulk Operation

Information About the loginPullResponse Operation

Information About the loginPullResponseBulk Operation

Information About the logout Operation

Information About the logoutBulk Operation

Information About the networkIdUpdate Operation

Information About the networkIdUpdateBulk Operation

Information About the profileUpdate Operation

Information About the profileUpdateBulk Operation

Information About the quotaUpdate Operation

Information About the quotaUpdateBulk Operation

Information About the getQuotaStatus Operation

Information About the getQuotaStatusBulk Operation

Information About SCE-API Synchronization

Information About the Push Model Synchronization Procedure

Information About the Pull Model Synchronization Procedure

Information About Advanced API Programming

Implementing High Availability

API Code Examples

Login and Logout

Login-pull Request and login-pull Response

Programming with the SCE Subscriber API

This module provides a detailed description of the API programming structure, classes, methods, and interfaces.

Information About API Classes 

Programming Guidelines 

PRPC_SCESubscriberApi Class 

Information About Indications Listeners 

Information About Connection Monitoring 

Information About SCE Cascade Topology Support 

Information About Result Handling 

Information About Subscriber Provisioning Operations 

Information About SCE-API Synchronization 

Information About Advanced API Programming 

API Code Examples 

Information About API Classes

The following list maps the classes provided by the API.

Package com.scms.api.sce.prpc 

Package com.scms.api.sce 

Package com.scms.common 

Package com.scms.api.sce.prpc

PRPC_SCESubscriberApi Class —Main API class.

Package com.scms.api.sce

Indications Listeners 

Connection Monitoring 

SCE Cascade Topology Support 

Operations Result Handling 

Indications Listeners

Information About the LoginPullListener Interface Class (interface)

Information About the LogoutListener Interface Class (interface)

Information About the QuotaListenerEx Interface Class (interface)

Connection Monitoring

ConnectionListener Interface (interface)

SCE Cascade Topology Support

Information About the RedundancyStateListener Interface (interface)

Operations Result Handling

OperationException Class (class)

SCESubscriberApi (interface)—Contains error codes constants that can be received inside OperationException

Information About the OperationArguments Class (class)

Information About the OperationResultHandler Interface (interface)

Package com.scms.common

com.scms.common package contains all data types used by the API.

Login_BULK Class 

LoginPullResponse_BULK Class 

NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK Class 

PolicyProfile_BULK Class 

SubscriberID_BULK Class 

SubscriberData (class)

SCAS_BB_Quota (class)

SCAS_BB_QuotaOperation (class)

Information About Network ID Mappings NetworkID class

PolicyProfile Class 

Programming Guidelines

Programming with Callback Methods 

Programming with Callback Methods

As described in previous sections, many of the API operations are based on callback methods. The user provides a "listener", which is called when certain events occur. The following warning defines the main guideline for programming with callback methods.

Do not perform long operations within the thread of the callback method. Long operations should be performed from a separate thread . Moreover, not following this recommendation might result in resource leakage on the client's side.

This caution applies to the following operations:

LoginPullListener callback methods

LogoutListener callback methods

QuotaListenerEx callback methods

ConnectionListener callback methods

PRPC_SCESubscriberApi Class

The PRPC_SCESubscriberAPI class (resides in a com.scms.sce.api.prpc package) is the main API class that provides the following functionality:

Constructing the API

Connecting the API to exactly one SCE (configuring the connection attributes)

Registering/unregistering indications listeners

Setting the connection listener

Performing subscriber provisioning operations

Disconnecting from the SCE

API Construction

The PRPC_SCESubscriberAPI provides the following constructors:


public PRPC_SCESubscriberApi(String apiName, String sceHost) throws UnknownHostException public PRPC_SCESubscriberApi(String apiName, String sceHost, long autoReconnectInterval) throws UnknownHostException public PRPC_SCESubscriberApi(String apiName, String sceHost, int scePort, long autoReconnectInterval) throws UnknownHostException


The following is a description of the constructor arguments for the API constructors:

apiName —Specifies an API name.

Note The API name should be unique per SCE. If you construct more than one API with the same name and connect it to a single SCE, the SCE platform will handle the APIs as one API client. Use this feature only when high-availability is supported. For more information about high availability, see the Implementing High Availability section.

sceHost —Can be either an IP address or a reachable hostname.

scePort —PRPC protocol TCP port to connect to the SCE (default value is 14374)

autoReconnectInterval —Defines the interval (in milliseconds) for attempting reconnection by the reconnection task, as follows:

If the value is 0 or less, the reconnection task is not activated (no auto-reconnect is attempted).

If the value is greater than 0 and a connection failure exists, the reconnection task will be activated every <autoReconnectInterval>milliseconds.

Default value: -1 (no auto-reconnect is attempted)

Note To enable the auto-reconnect support, the connect method of the API must be called at least once.


The following code constructs an API with an auto-reconnection interval of 10 seconds:

PRPC_SCESuscriberAPI sceApi = new PRPC_SCESuscriberAPI("MyApi", "", 10000); sceApi.connect();

The following code constructs an API without auto-reconnection support:

PRPC_SCESuscriberAPI sceApi = new PRPC_SCESuscriberAPI("MyApi", ""); sceApi.connect();

Listeners Setup Operations

After initializing the API, it should be set-up with the utilized listeners based on the type of application using the API, and the topology used. For more information about topologies, see the Supported Topologies section.

The listeners setup operations may include:

Setting a connection listener, described in more detail in Information About Connection Monitoring section:

public void setConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener)

Setting a login-pull listener, described in more detail in Information About the LoginPullListener Interface Class section:

public void registerLoginPullListener(LoginPullListener listener)

Setting a logout listener, described in more detail in Information About the LogoutListener Interface Class section:

public void registerLogoutListener(LogoutListener listener)

Setting a quota listener, described in more detail in Information About the QuotaListenerEx Interface Class section:

public void registerQuotaListener(QuotaListener listener)

Setting a redundancy state listener, described in more detail in Information About the RedundancyStateListener Interface section:

public void setRedundancyStateListener(RedundancyStateListener listener)

Note The listener registration to the API causes resource allocations in the SCE to support reliable delivery of messages to the listener. Even if the application that uses the API crashes and restarts after a short time the messages are kept and sent to the SCE when the API reconnects.

Advanced Setup Operations

The API enables initializing certain internal properties for API customization. The initialization is done using the API init method.

Note For settings to take effect, the init method must be called before the connect method.

The following properties can be set:

Output queue size—The internal buffer size defining the maximum number of requests that can be accumulated by the API until they are sent to the SCE (Default: 1024)

Operation timeout—A suggested time interval about the desired timeout (in milliseconds) on a non-responding PRPC protocol connection (Default: 45 seconds)


The syntax for the init method is as follows:

public void init(Properties properties)


properties (java.util.Properties)—Enables setting the properties described in Advanced Setup Operations :

To set the output queue size, use prpc.client.output.machinemode.recordnum as a property key

To set the operation timeout, use com.scms.api.sce.prpc.regularInvocationTimeout or com.scms.api.sce.prpc.listenerInvocationTimeout as a property key

Note com.scms.api.sce.prpc.listenerInvocationTimeout is used for operations that may be invoked from listener callback. This timeout should be shorter than com.scms.api.sce.prpc.regularInvocationTimeout to avoid deadlocks.

Customize Properties: Example

This example shows how to customize properties during initialization:

// API construction PRPC_SCESuscriberAPI sceApi = new PRPC_SCESuscriberAPI("MyApi", "",10000); // API initialization java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties(); p.setProperty("prpc.client.output.machinemode.recordnum", 2048+""); api.init(p); // connect to the API sceApi.connect();

Note The init method is called before the connect method.

Connecting to the SCE

After setting up the API, you should attempt to connect to the SCE. If the auto-reconnect feature is activated, the API will handle any disconnection from this point on.

To connect to the SCE, use the following methods:

public void connect() throws Exception

At any time during the API operation, you can check if the API is connected to the SCE by using the method isConnected() :

public boolean isConnected()

Note Every API instance supports a connection to exactly one SCE platform.

Information About getApiVersion




public String getApiVersion()


This method queries the API version. Version is a string formatted as <Major Version.Minor Version>.

API Finalization

To free the resources of both server and client, call the disconnect method:

public void disconnect()

The call to the disconnect method frees the resources in the SCE that manages the reliability of the connection from the SCE to the API. If the application is restarting and you do not want to lose any messages, do not use the disconnect method.

It is recommended that you use a finally statement in your main class. For example:

public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception { PRPC_SCESubscriberApi sceapi = new PRPC_SCE_SubscriberApi ("myApi", "sceHost"); try { ... // Your code goes here } finally { sceapi.disconnect(); } }

Information About Indications Listeners

The SCE platform issues several types of indications when certain events occur. There are three types of indications:

Login-pull indications

Logout indications

Quota indications

The indications are sent only if there are listeners that are registered to listen to those indications. For every type of indications, a separate listener may be registered. For descriptions about the events that trigger these indications, see the API Events chapter.

Information About the LoginPullListener Interface Class

The LoginPullListener interface defines a set of callback functions that are used only in the pull model.

Policy Servers that are responsible for the Network ID management part of the Subscriber Provisioning process and intend to work in the pull model should register a LoginPullListener to enable to respond to the login-pull requests from the SCE and to synchronize the SCE platform.

To enable listening to those indications, the API allows a listener to be set for these types of indications:

public void registerLoginPullListener(LoginPullListener listener) public void unregisterLoginPullListener(LoginPullListener listener)

Note The API supports one LoginPullListener at a time. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended not to have more than one API that has registered a LoginPullListener. This can lead to non-synchronized SCE platforms if both SCEs respond to the same login-pull request.

LoginPullListener is an interface that is implemented to enable to register a login-pull indications listener. It is defined as follows:

public interface LoginPullListener { public void loginPullRequest (String anonymousSubscriberID, NetworkID networkID) public void loginPullRequestBulk(NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK subs) public void getSubscribersBulkResponse( NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK subs, SubscriberBulkResponseIterator iterator) }

Information About the loginPullRequest Callback Method

When the SCE encounters an unknown IP address's subscriber-side traffic, it issues a request for the subscriber login information based on the IP address (see Pull Model ). The SCE expects the policy server to respond with the configuration data of the subscriber data to which this IP was allocated.

This request is dispatched to the registered listener and triggers the loginPullRequest callback function. Upon this callback, the listener should retrieve the subscriber information of the subscriber matching this IP address and activate loginPullResponse to deliver the information to the SCE (see Information About the loginPullResponse Operation ). If no information exists for this IP address, no response is issued.

The following diagram illustrates the loginPullRequest callback method:

Figure 5-1 LoginPullRequest Callback Method


anonymousSubscriberID —This anonymous subscriber ID must be supplied to the loginPullResponse operation (see Information About the loginPullResponse Operation ). Also see the Anonymous Subscriber ID.

networkID —The network identifier of the unknown subscriber. See the Network ID section for more information.

Information About the loginPullRequestBulk Callback Method

This callback function is the bulk version of the loginPullRequest callback function that is described in the previous section.


subs —Contains pairs of NetworkIDs and anonymous IDs of several subscribers. See the Parameters section of the loginPullRequest callback method for more information.

The Policy Server can respond to this request by the loginPullBulkResponse method activation or by activating the loginPullResponse method for each NetworkID in the bulk. See Information About the loginPullResponseBulk Operation and Information About the loginPullResponse Operation. To iterate over the data contained in the subs parameter use the next() iteration method provided by the bulk class, see Bulk Iterator.

GetSubscribersBulkResponse Callback Method

This callback method is used during the SCE synchronization process in the pull model. For a detailed description, see Information About SCE-API Synchronization.

Information About the LogoutListener Interface Class

Policy Servers that are responsible for the Network ID management part of the Subscriber Provisioning process might want to register a LogoutListener to be notified when certain subscribers are actually removed from the SCE platform.

The API allows setting a LogoutListener to be able to receive logout indications.

public void registerLogoutListener(LogoutListener listener) public void unregisterLogoutListener(LogoutListener listener)

Note The API supports one LogoutListener at a time.

The following sections describe callback functions of the LogoutListener interface.

Information About the logoutIndication Callback Method 

Information About the logoutBulkIndication Callback Method 

Information About the logoutIndication Callback Method

When the SCE platform identifies the logout of the last Network-ID of the subscriber identified by the subscriberID, it issues the logout indication. This triggers a call to the logoutIndication callback function of all registered logout indications listeners.

public void logoutIndication(String subscriberID)


subscriberID —A unique identifier of the subscriber. See Subscriber ID for more information. The SCE no longer handles this subscriber ID.

Information About the logoutBulkIndication Callback Method

When the SCE platform identifies the logout of the last NetworkID of the group of subscribers, it issues the logout bulk indication. This triggers a call to the logoutBulkIndication callback function of all registered logout indications listeners.

public void logoutBulkIndication(SubscriberID_BULK subs)


subs —Contains subscriber IDs of the subscribers that were logged out. See the SubscriberID_BULK Class section for more information.

Information About the QuotaListenerEx Interface Class

Note From version 3.0.5, the QuotaListener interface is deprecated and should be replaced with QuotaListenerEx. For backwards compatibility, the QuotaListener interface still exists, but you should use the QuotaListenerEx interface when integrating with version 3.0.5 of the API.

Policy Servers that are responsible for the Quota management operations in the Subscriber Provisioning Process should be able to receive quota-related indications issued by the SCE platform.

The API allows setting the QuotaListener to be able to receive quota indications.

public void registerQuotaListener(QuotaListener listener) public void unregisterQuotaListener(QuotaListener listener)

Note The API supports one QuotaListener at a time.

Note The QuotaListener interface is used for backward compatibility, but it is recommended to pass an object that implements QuotaListenerEx.

The following sections describe the callback functions of the QuotaListenerEx interface.

Note The Bulk versions of the quota callback methods are not used in this release of the API.

Information About the quotaStatusIndication Callback Method 

Information About the quotaStatusBulkIndication Callback Method 

Information About the quotaBelowThresholdIndication Callback Method 

Information About the quotaBelowThresholdIBulkndication Callback Method 

Information About the quotaDepletedIndication Callback Method 

Information About the quotaDepletedBulkIndication Callback Method 

Information About the quotaStateRestore Callback Method 

Information About the quotaStateBulkRestore Callback Method 

Information About the quotaStatusIndication Callback Method

Quota status indication delivers the remaining value of the specified set of the quota buckets for a specific subscriber. This indication is issued by the SCE periodically or upon a call to the getQuotaStatus operation (see the Information About the getQuotaStatus Operation section) and is distributed to the registered listener by activating a quotaStatusIndication callback function.

public void quotaStatusIndication(String subscriberID, Quota quota)


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for more information.

quota —Quota of the subscriber. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information.

Information About the quotaStatusBulkIndication Callback Method

Quota status bulk indication delivers the remaining value of the specified set of the quota buckets for a group of subscribers. This indication is issued by SCE periodically or upon a call to the getQuotaStatusBulk operation (see the Get Quota Status Event section) and is distributed to the registered listener by activating a quotaStatusBulkIndication callback function.

public void quotaStatusBulkIndication(Quota_BULK subs)

You can configure the period for periodically issued indications. For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide .


subs —Contains quota data of the bulk of the subscribers. See the Quota_BULK Class section for more information.

Information About the quotaBelowThresholdIndication Callback Method

When the quota of a subscriber drops below a pre-configured threshold, the SCE platform issues an indication that is distributed to the registered listener by activating a quotaBelowThresholdIndication callback function.

public void quotaBelowThresholdIndication(String subscriberID, Quota quota)


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for more information.

quota —Quota of the subscriber. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information.

Information About the quotaBelowThresholdIBulkndication Callback Method

When the quota of a group of subscribers drops below a pre-configured threshold, the SCE platform issues an indication that is distributed to the registered listener by activating a quotaBelowThresholdBulkIndication callback function.

public void quotaBelowThresholdBulkIndication(Quota_BULK subs)


subs —Contains quota data of the bulk of the subscribers. See the Quota_BULK Class section for more information.

Information About the quotaDepletedIndication Callback Method

When the quota of a subscriber is depleted, the SCE platform issues an indication that is distributed to the registered listener by activating a quotaDepletedIndication callback function.

public void quotaDepletedIndication(String subscriberID, Quota quota)


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for more information.

quota —Quota of the subscriber. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information.

Information About the quotaDepletedBulkIndication Callback Method

When the quota of a group of subscribers is depleted, the SCE platform issues an indication that is distributed to the registered listener by activating a quotaDepletedBulkIndication callback function.

public void quotaDepletedBulkIndication (SubscriberID_BULK subs)


subs —Contains names of the subscribers whose quota was depleted. See the SubscriberID_BULK Class section for more information.

Information About the quotaStateRestore Callback Method

When a subscriberlogs in to the policy server, the policy server performs a login operation to the SCE. The SCE issues a request to the policy server to restore the subscriber quota in the SCE by activating a quotaStateRestore callback function. The policy server should respond to this function with a Quota Update Event.

public void quotaStateRestore(String subscriberID, Quota quota)


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for more information.

quota —Quota of the subscriber. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information. The bucket IDs array is of size 0 because when this indication is created all the quota buckets are empty.

Information About the quotaStateBulkRestore Callback Method

When a group of subscribers log in to the policy server, the policy server performs a login operation to the SCE. The SCE issues a request to the policy server to restore the subscriber quota in the SCE by activating a quotaStateBulkRestore callback function. The policy server should respond to this function with a Quota Update Event.

public void quotaStateBulkRestore(SubscriberID_BULK subs)


subs —Contains names of the subscribers whose quota was depleted. See the SubscriberID_BULK Class section for more information.

Information About Connection Monitoring

The SCMS SCE Subscriber API monitors the connection to the SCE platform. A Policy Server requesting to perform certain operations on connection establishment or disconnection from the SCE can implement a ConnectionListener interface.

ConnectionListener Interface 

Disconnect Listener: Example 

ConnectionListener Interface

The API allows setting a connection listener.

setConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener)

The connection listener is an interface that is defined as follows:

public interface ConnectionListener { /** * called when the connection with the SCE is down. */ public void connectionIsDown(); /** * called when the connection with the SCE is established. */ public void connectionEstablished(); }

The connection establishment callback is used to start the SCE synchronization. See Information About SCE-API Synchronization for more information.

Disconnect Listener: Example

This example is a simple implementation of a disconnect listener that prints a message to stdout and returns.

import com.scms.api.sce.ConnectionListener; public class MyConnectionListener implements ConnectionListener { public void connectionIsDown(){ System.out.println("Message: connection is down."); return; } public void connectionEstablished(){ System.out.println("Message: connection is established."); // activate thread that starts SCE synchronization } }

Information About SCE Cascade Topology Support

The SCMS SCE Subscriber API supports SCE cascade topologies. A Policy Server connected to a cascade SCE platform is required to know which of the SCEs in the cascade setup is active and which is standby. The Policy Server should send logon operations only to the active SCE. Similarly, the Policy Server should perform subscriber synchronization with only the active SCE.

The standby SCE learns about the subscribers from the active SCE, which allows stateful fail-over. The Policy Server should be able to identify a fail-over event and synchronize the SCE that became active so that it will receive the most updated subscriber information.

In order to know which SCE is active, the Policy Server can implement a RedundancyStateListener interface.

isRedundancyStatusActive Method 

Information About the RedundancyStateListener Interface 

Configuring the SCE to Ignore Cascade Violation Errors 

isRedundancyStatusActive Method

The API provides the isRedundnacyStatusActive method in conjunction with the RedundancyStateListener interface in order to monitor the SCE redundancy status.

public boolean isRedundancyStatusActive()

This return value from this method has the following meaning:

TRUE—If the SCE current status is active.


It is recommended to use this method when first connecting to the cascade SCE in order to verify whether the SCE is active and prior to sending any logon operation to the SCE.

Information About the RedundancyStateListener Interface

In order to be able to monitor cascade SCE state changes, the API allows setting a redundancy state listener.

setRedundancyStateListener(RedundancyStateListener listener)

The redundancy state listener defines a callback method that is called when the cascade SCE redundancy status changes from active to standby and vice versa.

The redundancy state listener is an interface that is defined as follows:

public interface RedundancyStateListener { public void redundancyStateChanged(SCESubscriberApi sceApi, boolean isActive); }

Note The Policy Server should perform a synchronization procedure on the SCE that became active. This should be similar to the procedure that is performed by the Policy Server on connection establishment to the SCE.

Note The API provides a connection to one SCE platform for each API instance. Therefore, for cascade setups, two SCE Subscriber API instances are required.


sceApi —The API instance that represents the SCE whose status changed. This parameter enables you to implement one listener for several SCEs.

isActive —TRUE if the SCE became active. FALSE if the SCE became non-active.

Configuring the SCE to Ignore Cascade Violation Errors

The SCE 3.1.0 is configured by default to return an error when a logon operation is performed on a standby SCE. Use the ignore-cascade-violation CLI on the SCE in order to change this behavior.

To configure the SCE to ignore the cascade violation, use the following CLI on the SCE platform:

(config)#>management-agent sce-api ignore-cascade-violation

To view whether the the cascade violation is ignored, use the following CLI on the SCE platform:

#>show management-agent sce-api

To configure the SCE to issue the errors in case of the cascade violation, use the following CLI on the SCE platform:

(config)#>no management-agent sce-api ignore-cascade-violation

To configure the flag to the default value (to issue errors in case of the cascade violation) use the following CLI on the SCE platform:

(config)#>default management-agent sce-api ignore-cascade-violation

Note It is recommended to configure the SCE to ignore cascade violation only for backward compatibility with the existing SCE API code. In order to fully utilize the cascade feature, the SCE redundancy status should be monitored and used.

Information About Result Handling

The API enables setting a result handler for every operation allowing handling operations results in a different manner.

The OperationResultHandler interface's handleOperationResult callback is called when a result of an operation, which ran on the SCE, returns to the API.

If no result handling is required for a specific operation, insert null in the handler argument.

Note The same operation result handler can be passed to all operations.

Information About the OperationResultHandler Interface

This interface is implemented to receive results of operations performed through the API.

The operation result handler is called with the following single method:

public interface OperationResultHandler { /** * handle a result */ public void handleOperationResult(Object[] result, OperationArguments handback); }

You should implement this interface if you want to be informed about the results of operations performed through the API.

Note The OperationResultHandler interface is the only way to retrieve results. The results cannot be returned immediately after the API method has returned to the caller. To enable to receive operation results, set the result handler of each operation at the time of the operation call (as displayed in the examples).

The following is the data returned from the OperationResultHandler interface:

result —The actual result of the operation - each entry within the array can be one of the following:

NULL —indicates success of the operation.

OperationException —indicates operation failure (see below). For non-bulk operations, the result array will have only one entry.

For bulk operations, each entry of the result array corresponds to the relevant entry in the bulk operation.

handback —The API automatically provides this object to every operation call. It contains the information about the operation that was called, including all arguments that were passed at the time of the call. The input arguments of the operation are retrieved by the argument name in the API documentation. For example, this data can be used to inspect/output the parameters after the operation failed or to repeat the operation call.

Note In operations involving bulk objects, even if the operation fails for any specific element in the bulk, the processing of the bulk will continue until the end of the bulk.

Information About the OperationArguments Class

Use the following methods to retrieve the operation name:

public String getOperationName()

Use the following methods to retrieve the arguments names:

public String[] getArgumentNames()

Use the following method to retrieve the specific operation argument. Use the operation's arguments' names from the operation signature as an argument:

public Object getArgument(String name)


Sample implementation of the OperationResultHandler interface:

public class MyOperationHandler implements OperationResultHandler { long sucessCounter = 0; long errorCounter = 0; public void handleOperationResult(Object[] result, OperationArguments handback) { for (int index=0; index <result.length; index++) { if (result[index]==null) { // success successCounter++; } else { // failure errorCounter++; // Extract error details OperationException ex = (OperationException)result[index]; // Extract operation name String operationName = handback.getOperationName(); // Print operation name and error message System.out.println("Error for operation "+ operationName +":" + ex.getErrorMessage()); // Print operation arguments String[] argNames = handback.getArgumentNames(); if (argNames!=null) { for (int j=0; j<argNames.length; j++) { System.out.println(argNames[j]+ "="+ handback.getArgument(argNames[j])); } } } } } }

Note The above sample implementation can be used for both regular and bulk operations.

The following example demonstrates login operation sample result handler:

public class LoginOperationHandler implements OperationResultHandler { public void handleOperationResult(Object[] result, OperationArguments handback) { for (int index=0; index <result.length; index++) { if (result[index]!=null) { // failure // Extract error details OperationException ex = (OperationException)result[index]; // Print operation name and error message System.out.println("Error for login operation "+ ":" + ex.getErrorMessage()); // Print subscriber ID parameter value System.out.println("subscriberID"+ handback.getArgument("subscriberID")); } } } }

OperationException Class

The com.scms.api.sce.OperationException Java class provides all of the functional errors of the SCMS SCE Subscriber API, which is contrary to the normal Java usage. This "contrary" approach was chosen because of the required "cross-language and cross-protocol" nature of the SCMS SCE Subscriber API, which should allow all future SCE API implementations to appear the same (Java, C, C++). Each OperationException exception provides the following information:

A unique error code ( long )

An informative message ( java.lang.String )

A server-side stack trace ( java.lang.String )

See List of Error Codes for more details about error codes and their meaning.

Information About Subscriber Provisioning Operations

This section lists the methods of the API that can be used for Subscriber Provisioning purposes. The signature of each method is followed by a description of its input parameters and its return values.

All the methods return a java.lang.IllegalStateException when called before a connection with the SCE is established.

Information About the login Operation 

Information About the loginBulk Operation 

Information About the loginPullResponse Operation 

Information About the loginPullResponseBulk Operation 

Information About the logout Operation 

Information About the logoutBulk Operation 

Information About the networkIdUpdate Operation 

Information About the networkIdUpdateBulk Operation 

Information About the profileUpdate Operation 

Information About the profileUpdateBulk Operation 

Information About the quotaUpdate Operation 

Information About the quotaUpdateBulk Operation 

Information About the getQuotaStatus Operation 

Information About the getQuotaStatusBulk Operation 

Information About the login Operation




Error Codes 



void login(String subscriberID, NetworkID networkID, boolean networkIdAdditive, PolicyProfile policy, QuotaOperation quotaOperation, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation adds or updates the subscriber to the SCE. The operation is performed according to the following algorithm:

If the subscriber ID does not exists in the SCE, a new subscriber is added with all the data supplied

If the subscriber ID exists:

If the networkIdAdditive flag is set to TRUE, the supplied NetworkID is added to the existing networkIDs of the subscriber. Otherwise, the supplied networkID replaces the existing networkIDs.

policy —Policy is updated with the new policy values. Subscriber Policy entries that are not provided within the PolicyProfile remain unchanged or created with default values.

quota —The quota is updated according to the bucket values and the operations provided, see Information About Subscriber Quota.

If there is a networkID congestion with another subscriber, the networkID of the other subscriber is logged out implicitly and the new subscriber is logged in.

For relevant events description, see Push Model.


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for the subscriber ID format description.

networkID —The network identifier of the subscriber. See Information About Network ID Mappings for more information.

networkIDAdditive —If this flag is set to TRUE, the supplied NetworkID is added to the existing networkIDs of the subscriber. Otherwise, the supplied networkID replaces the existing networkIDs.

policy —Policy profile of the subscriber. See Information About SCA BB Subscriber Policy Profile for more information.

quota —Quota of the subscriber. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.


This example adds the IP address to an existing subscriber named john without affecting any existing mappings:

login( "john", // subscriber name new NetworkID(new String[]{""}, SCESubscriberApi.ALL_IP_MAPPINGS), true, // isMappingAdditive is true null, // no policy null); // no quota

This example adds the IP address overriding previous mappings:

login( "john", // subscriber name new NetworkID(new String[]{""}, SCESubscriberApi.ALL_IP_MAPPINGS), false, // isMappingAdditive is false null, // no policy null); // no quota

For more examples, see the Login and Logout section.

Information About the loginBulk Operation




Error Codes 


void loginBulk(Login_BULK subsBulk, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation applies the logic described in the login operation for each subscriber in the bulk.


subsBulk —See the Login_BULK Class section.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the loginPullResponse Operation




Error Codes 


void loginPullResponse(String subscriberID, String anonymousSubscriberID, NetworkID networkID, PolicyProfile policy, QuotaOperation quota, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation sends subscriber login information to the SCE as a response to a loginPullRequest call from the SCE or a loginPullBulkRequest.

For relevant events description, see Pull Model.


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for the subscriber ID format description.

anonymousSubscriberID —The identifier of the anonymous subscriber. This is sent by the SCE within the loginPullRequest/loginPullBulkRequest indication (see Information About the LoginPullListener Interface Class ). See the Anonymous Subscriber ID section for more information.

networkID —The network identifier of the subscriber. See Information About Network ID Mappings for more information. This must include the network ID received by the loginPullRequest. If this subscriber in the SCE already has other network IDs, this network ID is added to the existing ones.

policy —Policy profile of the subscriber. See Information About SCA BB Subscriber Policy Profile for more information.

quota —Quota of the subscriber. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the loginPullResponseBulk Operation




Error Codes 


void loginPullResponseBulk(LoginPullResponse_BULK subsBulk, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation applies the logic described in loginPullResponse operation for each subscriber in the bulk.

For relevant events description, see Pull Model.


subsBulk—See the LoginPullResponse_BULK Class section.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the logout Operation




Error Codes 


void logout(String subscriberID, NetworkID networkID, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation removes the specified networkID of the subscriber from the SCE. If this is the last networkID of the specified subscriber, the subscriber is removed from the SCE. If no subscriber ID is specified, the supplied network ID is removed from the SCE regardless to which subscriber this network ID belongs. If no network ID is supplied, all Network IDs of this subscriber are removed.

If the subscriber record is not in the SCE, the logout operation will succeed.

For relevant events description, see Logout Events.


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for the subscriber ID format description.

networkID —The network identifier of the subscriber. See Information About Network ID Mappings for more information.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:



For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the logoutBulk Operation




Error Codes 


void logoutBulk(NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK subsBulk, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation applies the logic described in logout operation for each subscriber in the bulk.

For relevant events description, see Logout Events.


subsBulk —See the NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK Class section.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:



For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the networkIdUpdate Operation




Error Codes 


void networkIDUpdate(String subscriberID, NetworkID networkID, boolean networkIdAdditive, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation adds or replaces an existing subscriber's network ID.

Note This operation is effective only if the subscriber record exists in the SCE. Otherwise, the operation will fail.

For relevant events description, see Network ID Update Event.


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for the subscriber ID format description.

networkID —The network identifier of the subscriber. See Information About Network ID Mappings for more information.

networkIDAdditive —If this flag is set to TRUE, the supplied NetworkID is added to the existing networkIDs of the subscriber. Otherwise, the supplied networkID replaces the existing networkIDs.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:







For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the networkIdUpdateBulk Operation




Error Codes 


void networkIDUpdateBulk(NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK subsBulk, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation applies the logic described in networkIDUpdate operation for each subscriber in the bulk.

For relevant events description, see Network ID Update Event.


subsBulk —See the NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK Class section.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:







For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the profileUpdate Operation




Error Codes 


void profileUpdate(String subscriberID, PolicyProfile policy, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation modifies an existing subscriber's policy profile. If the subscriber record does not exist in the SCE, this operation will fail.

For relevant events description, see Profile Update Event.


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for the subscriber ID format description.

policy —Policy profile of the subscriber. See Information About SCA BB Subscriber Policy Profile for more information.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the profileUpdateBulk Operation




Error Codes 


void profileUpdateBulk(PolicyProfile_BULK subsBulk, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation applies the logic described in profileUpdate operation for each subscriber in the bulk.

For relevant events description, see Profile Update Event.


subsBulk —See the PolicyProfile_BULK Class section.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the quotaUpdate Operation




Error Codes 


void quotaUpdate(String subscriberID, QuotaOperation quotaOperation, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation performs an operation of updating the subscriber's quota.

For relevant event description, see Quota Update Event.


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for the subscriber ID format description.

quotaOperations —Quota operation to perform on the quota of the subscriber. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the quotaUpdateBulk Operation




Error Codes 


void quotaUpdateBulk(QuotaOperation_BULK subsBulk, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation applied the logic of the quotaUpdate operation on each subscriber in the bulk.

For relevant event description, see Quota Update Event.


subsBulk —See the QuotaOperation_BULK Class section.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the getQuotaStatus Operation




Error Codes 


void getQuotaStatus(String subscriberID, Quota quota, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This operation places the request to query the current remaining quota amount of the specified set of quota buckets. The getQuotaStatusIndication including the queried data follows this request ( asynchronously ). See Information About the quotaStatusIndication Callback Method.

For relevant events description, see Get Quota Status Event.


subscriberID —The unique ID of the subscriber. See the Subscriber ID section for the subscriber ID format description.

quota —Includes the list of names (without values) of the quota buckets to retrieve. See Information About Subscriber Quota for more information about how to construct with buckets' names only.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About the getQuotaStatusBulk Operation




Error Codes 


void getQuotaStatuBulk(Quota_BULK subsBulk, OperationResultHandler handler) throws Exception


This method is a bulk version of the getQuotaStatus method described in the previous section.

For relevant events description, see Get Quota Status Event.


subsBulk —See the Quota_BULK Class section.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Error Codes

The following is the list of error codes that this method might return:






For a description of error codes, see List of Error Codes.

Information About SCE-API Synchronization

In cases when the SCE and the Policy Server have a conflict in the data about a subscriber because of disconnection, loss of logon messages, or reboot, several problems can arise. These problems can cause a misclassification of one the subscriber's traffic as if it was another subscriber, enforcement of the wrong service on the subscriber's traffic, or loss of resources.

It is possible to prevent such conflicts by keeping the communication channels as reliable as possible by performing synchronization of the subscribers' data between the SCE and the Policy Server using the API. The Policy Server, by using the API, is always the initiator of the synchronization.

Note Performing the synchronization process from several Policy Servers at the same time will cause the subscriber information in the SCE to be inconsistent with all servers.

The following list describes the synchronization guidelines the Policy Server must adhere to while implementing synchronization:

Information About the Push Model Synchronization Procedure 

Information About the Pull Model Synchronization Procedure 

Information About the Push Model Synchronization Procedure

1. The Policy Server indicates to the SCE that it is starting to synchronize the SCE.

2. The Policy Server logs-in all of the subscribers the SCE should handle. Preferably, the login operations are performed in bulks.

3. The Policy Server notifies the SCE that the synchronization has ended.

4. The SCE removes all of the subscriber data that was not part of the synchronization process.

Figure 5-2 Push Model Synchronization Procedure

Note During the synchronization process, the regular logon operations can be performed.

The following sections describe the methods provided for use for the synchronization procedure in the push model.

Information About synchronizePushStart 

Information About synchronizePushEnd 

Information About synchronizePushStart





void synchronizePushStart(OperationResultHandler handler)


Use this operation in the push model only to signal the SCE that synchronization with the server is about to begin. The SCE marks all of the subscriber data with a "dirty-bit", which is reset if this data is re-applied as part of the synchronization process. Every call to this method restarts the synchronization process.


handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Information About synchronizePushEnd





void synchronizePushEnd(boolean success, OperationResultHandler handler)


Use this operation in the push model only to signal the SCE that synchronization with the server has ended. The SCE scans the entire subscriber database for data with the "dirty-bit" assigned at synchronizePushStart and removes it.


success —A flag indicating that the synchronization was successful to the SCE.

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Information About the Pull Model Synchronization Procedure

1. The Policy Server indicates to the SCE that it is starting to synchronize the SCE

2. The Policy Server retrieves from the SCE all of the subscribers IDs and network-IDs it is currently handling

3. The Policy Server fixes any miss-synchronization.


Use the following algorithm template when planning the synchronization procedure:

For each retrieved subscriber (<SubscriberID, IP address>):

If <SubscriberID, IP address >exists in the Policy Server database:

send a policy profile and networkID update to the SCE


send a logout with the Subscriber IP to the SCE

Steps 2 and 3 are performed as a bulk at one time.

Figure 5-3 Pull Model Synchonization Procedure

Note During the synchronization process, the regular logon operations can be performed.

The following sections describe the methods provided for use for the synchronization procedure in the pull model.

Information About synchronizePullStart 

Information About synchronizePullEnd 

Information About getSubscribersBulk 

Information About synchronizePullStart





void synchronizePullStart(OperationResultHandler handler)


Use this operation in the pull model only to signal the SCE that synchronization with the server should be started.


handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Information About synchronizePullEnd


void synchronizePullEnd(boolean success, OperationResultHandler handler)


Use this operation in the pull model only to signal the SCE that synchronization with the server has ended.


handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

success —A flag to the SCE indicating that the synchronization was successful.

Information About getSubscribersBulk


void getSubscribersBulk(int bulkSize, SubscribersBulkResponseIterator iterator, OperationResultHandler handler)


Use this operation in the pull model synchronization process to retrieve a bulk of subscribers the SCE is currently handling (see Information About the Pull Model Synchronization Procedure ).

Upon receiving this request ( getSubscribersBulk ), the SCE issues asynchronously the getSubscribersBulkResponse indication containing subscriberIDs and corresponding NetworkIDs (see the LoginPullListener Interface Class section). This method supplies an iterator that is passed to the next call of getSubscribersBulk. To signal the end of iterations, the iterator of the last bulk is null.

Figure 5-4 Get Subscribers Bulk Description


bulkSize —The size of the bulk to retrieve. Maximum bulk size is limited to 100 entries.

iterator —Iterator of the subscribers at the SCE side. This iterator is received in getSubscribersBulkResponseIndication and it should be passed to the next call to getSubscribersBulk method. When calling the getSubscribersBulk method for the first time, use null as an iterator (using null indicates that you want to start from the beginning).

handler —Result handler for this operation. See Information About Result Handling for a description of the OperationResultHandler interface.

Information About Advanced API Programming

Implementing High Availability

High availability support provided by the API assumes that the high-availability scheme of the policy server is a type of two-node cluster where only one server is active at every given time. The other server (standby) is not connected to the SCE.

When the active server fails, it is the responsibility of the user's two-node cluster scheme to perform a fail-over to the standby server.

Note High-availability can be implemented separately for every policy server provisioning the SCE platform at the same time.

In order to implement high-availability with the SCMS SCE Subscriber API, you must do the following:

Set up a two-node cluster for two policy servers.

Construct two API instances with the same API name each one on the different server (node) within the cluster (For constructors description, see the API Construction section). During cluster runtime, only one API instance should be connected to the SCE platform. When a fail-over occurs, the failed server should disconnect from the SCE and the standby server should become active and re-connect to the SCE within the pre-defined timeout (see the Configuring the API Disconnection Timeout section). Because of identical API names, the SCE will behave as if the same API was re-connected and no information will be lost.

Note Do not call the unregisterXXXListener methods implicitly in the API used on the failed policy server as this will cause the loss of data. Calling the disconnect() method does not unregister the listeners.

API Code Examples

This section gives several code examples for the API usage:

Login and Logout 

Login-pull Request and login-pull Response 

Login and Logout

The following example logs in a predefined number of subscribers to the SCE, and then logs them out. This example uses auto-reconnect support; therefore, it does not define a connection listener.

The following code outline contains a sample implementation of a result handler that counts success and failure results:

// Class responsible for operations result handling import com.scms.api.sce.OperationArguments; import com.scms.api.sce.OperationException; import com.scms.api.sce.OperationResultHandler; public class MyOperationResultHandler implements OperationResultHandler { long count = 0; public void handleOperationResult(Object[] result, OperationArguments handback) { for (int index=0; index <result.length; index++) { count++; if (result[index]==null) { //print success every 100 operations //if (++count%100 == 0) { System.out.println("\tsuccess "+count); } } else // error - print every error { // failure count++; // Extract error details OperationException ex = (OperationException)result[index]; // Extract operation name String operationName = handback.getOperationName(); // Print operation name and error message System.out.println("Error for operation "+ operationName+": "+ ex.getMessage()); } } } public synchronized void waitForLastResult(int lastResult) { while (count<lastResult) { try { wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } } }

Class that contains a simple LogoutListener implementation that counts the number of received logout indications:

import com.scms.api.sce.LogoutListener; import com.scms.common.NetworkAndSubscriberID_BULK; import com.scms.common.SubscriberID_BULK; class MyLogoutListener implements LogoutListener { long count = 0; public void logoutIndication(String subscriberID) { increaseCounter(1); } synchronized void increaseCounter(long value) { count = count + value; } synchronized long getCounter() { return count; } //waits for result number 'last result' to arrive public synchronized void waitForLastResult(int lastResult) { while (count<lastResult) { try { wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } } public void logoutBulkIndication(SubscriberID_BULK subs) { increaseCounter(subs.getSize()); } }

Class that contains the main method:

import com.scms.api.sce.prpc.PRPC_SCESubscriberApi; import com.scms.common.*; public class LogonPolicyServer { public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception { int numSubscribersToLogin = 500; //instantiate an API with reconnect interval of 5 seconds PRPC_SCESubscriberApi api = new PRPC_SCESubscriberApi( "myAPI", args[0], // IP of the SCE 5000); try { // instantiate operation result handler // we will use one handler for all operations MyOperationResultHandler resultHandler = new MyOperationResultHandler(); // instantiate logout listener MyLogoutListener listener = new MyLogoutListener(); // register to logout indications api.registerLogoutListener(listener); // connect to the SCE api.connect(); //login System.out.println("login of "+numSubscribersToLogin+ " subscribers"); PolicyProfile pp = new PolicyProfile( new String[]{"packageId=1", "monitor=1"}); for (int i=0; i<numSubscribersToLogin; i++) { api.login("sub"+i, new NetworkID(getMappings(i), // generate ip NetworkID.ALL_IP_MAPPINGS), true, // additive flag pp, // policy null, // no quota resultHandler); } // wait for subscribers to log in resultHandler.waitForLastResult(numSubscribersToLogin); // logout all subscribers System.out.println("logout of "+numSubscribersToLogin+ " subscribers"); for (int i=0; i<numSubscribersToLogin; i++) { NetworkID nid = new NetworkID(getMappings(i), NetworkID.ALL_IP_MAPPINGS); api.logout("sub"+i,nid,resultHandler); } // wait for all subscribers to be logged out - // but this time use // logout listener to count the results listener.waitForLastResult(numSubscribersToLogin); } finally { api.unregisterLogoutListener api.disconnect(); } } //'automatic' mapping generator for the sample program private static String[] getMappings(int i) { return new String[]{ "10." +((int)i/65536)%256 + "." + ((int)(i/256))%256 + "." + (i%256)}; } }

Login-pull Request and login-pull Response

The following code fragment demonstrates a login-pull request and login-pull response manipulations:

This class is a sample implementation of the listener for the logout and login pull indications:

import java.util.Iterator; // result handler from the previous example import MyOperationResultHandler; import com.scms.api.sce.*; import com.scms.common.*; class MyListener implements LoginPullListener, LogoutListener { // indications counters long logoutCount = 0; long pullCount=0; // api instance - used to send login-pull responses to the SCE PRPC_SCESubscriberApi api = null; // construct operation handler - // from previous (Login and Logout) example MyOperationResultHandler h = new MyOperationResultHandler(); public MyListener(PRPC_SCESubscriberApi api) { this.api = api; } // Increase logout counter public void logoutIndication(String subscriberID) { increaseLogoutCounter(1); System.out.println("Got logout notification " + getLogoutCounter()); } // Increase logout counter public void logoutBulkIndication(SubscriberID BULK subs) { System.out.println("Got logout notification"); increaseLogoutCounter(subs.getSize()); } public void loginPullRequest (String anonymousSubscriberID, NetworkID networkID) { try { increasePullCounter(1); System.out.println("Got pull request" + getPullCounter()); // prepare policy PolicyProfile pp = new PolicyProfile( new String[]{"packageId=1", "monitor=1"}); // Answer with pull response // retrieve subscriber name - for example from your // policy server database // In this example we use fixed names based on the // subscribers counter api.loginPullResponse(anonymousSubscriberID, "sub"+getPullCounter(), networkID, pp, // policy null, // no quota h); // handler from previous example } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } public void loginPullRequestBulk(NetworkAndSubscriberID BULK subs) { try { increasePullCounter(subs.getSize()); System.out.println("Got pull request" + getPullCounter()); // Answer with pull response in bulk form PolicyProfile pp = new PolicyProfile( new String[]{"packageId=1", "monitor=1"}); LoginPullResponse_BULK responseBulk = new LoginPullResponse_BULK(); Iterator subsIterator = subs.getIterator(); // iterate of the received bulk (IPs and anonymous IDs) // and build a response bulk int count=0; while(subsIterator.hasNext()) { // retrieve subscriber name - for example from your // policy server database // In this example we use fixed names based on the // subscribers counter String subName = "sub_"+count; SubscriberData sub = (SubscriberData); // Extract subscriber mappings from the bulk and // constract a new NetworkID based on those mappings NetworkID subNetId = new NetworkID(sub.getMappings(), NetworkID.ALL_IP_MAPPINGS); responseBulk.addEntry(sub.getAnonymousSubscriberID(), subName, subNetId, true, pp, null); count++; } //use the bulk constructed above in the bulk response //use handler from the previous example api.loginPullBulkResponse(responseBulk,h); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } public void getSubscribersBulkResponse( NetworkAndSubscriberID BULK subs, SubscruberBulkResponseIterator iterator) { // not implemented in this example } synchronized void increaseLogoutCounter(long value) { logoutCount = logoutCount + value; } synchronized void increasePullCounter(long value) { pullCount = pullCount + value; } synchronized long getPullCounter() { return pullCount; } synchronized long getLogoutCounter() { return logoutCount; } //waits for result number 'last result' to arrive public synchronized void waitForPullResult(int lastResult) { while (pullCount<lastResult) { try { wait(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } } public synchronized void waitForLogoutResult(int lastResult) { while (logoutCount<lastResult) { try { wait(100); } catch (catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } } }

Class that contains the main method:

import java.util.Iterator; import com.scms.api.sce.*; import com.scms.common.*; public class LogonPolicyServer { static PRPC_SCESubscriberApi api = null; // This sample program waits for pull requests from the SCE // and answers to them with pull response // The program exists after all 500 were logged in public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception { int numSubscribersToLogin = 500; //instantiate an API with reconnect interval of 5 seconds api = new PRPC_SCESubscriberApi("myAPI","",5000); // construct an operation result handler (from the // previous example MyOperationResultHandler handler = new MyOperationResultHandler(); // instantiate logout and login-pull listener MyListener listener = new MyListener(api); try { // register to logout indications api.registerLogoutListener(listener); api.registerLoginPullListener(listener); // connect to the SCE api.connect(); // wait for login-pull requests from the SCE // they will be issued if you have traffic for unknown // subscribers at the SCE System.out.println("Waiting for pull requests for "+ numSubscribersToLogin+ " subscribers"); // wait for all subscribers to be logged in listener.waitForPullResult(numSubscribersToLogin); //logout all subscribers System.out.println("logout of "+numSubscribersToLogin+ " subscribers"); for (int i=0; i<numSubscribersToLogin; i++) { api.logout("sub"+i,null,handler); } // wait for all subscribers to be logged out listener.waitForLogoutResult(numSubscribersToLogin); } finally { api.unregisterLoginPullListener(); api.unregisterLogoutListener(); api.disconnect(); } } }


Posted: Thu May 31 01:01:50 PDT 2007
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