
Table Of Contents

Using the Quota Manager CLU

Information About the Quota Manager CLU

Viewing the Quota Manager Configuration

Viewing the Current Quota Status

Viewing the Quota Manager Statistics

Viewing the SCE Connections

Setting a Subscriber's Quota

Adding to a Subscriber's Quota

Replenishing Subscriber Quota

Getting Subscriber Quota

Using the Quota Manager CLU

This module describes the Quota Manager CLU.

Information About the Quota Manager CLU

The quota manager CLU (p3qm) displays the Quota Manager configuration, status, and statistics. The command format is p3qm <operation>. The following table lists the p3qm operations.

Table 4-1 p3qm Operations



--show-config[--package packageId]

Displays all the Quota Manager profiles. Use the --package option to display only a certain profile.

--show-quota-s subscriber name

Displays the quota status of a specific subscriber. Use the -s option to specify the subscriber name.

--replenish-quota-s subscriber name

Replenishes the quota buckets for a specific subscriber without starting a new aggregation period. Use the -s option to specify the subscriber name.

Use this CLU in cases when it is required to bypass the Quota Manager internal replenishment logic.

--get-quota-s subscriber name

Triggers a remaining quota indication to be sent from the SCE for a specific subscriber. Use the -s option to specify the subscriber name.

After using this CLU, the output is the same as the show-quota CLU. However, after using this get-quota CLU, the Quota Manager is up-to-date with the SCE and so the displayed information is the latest available. Use this CLU if the quota dosage is large and the rate of the remaining quota indications is low.

--set-quota-s subscriber name-b/--bucket bucket ID=bucket value

Sets the quota for a specific bucket of a subscriber. After the quota has been set, the QM initiates a remaining quota RDR from the SCE; therefore, if the subscriber was breached, new quota is available immediately.

--add-quota-s subscriber name-b/--bucket bucket ID=bucket value

Adds quota to a specific bucket of a subscriber. After the quota has been added, the QM initiates a remaining quota RDR from the SCE; therefore, if the subscriber was breached, new quota is available immediately.

--enable-logging-s subscriber name

Use this CLU for debugging or troubleshooting. It adds all quota events and quota provisions that are related to a specific subscriber to the user log. Use the -s option to specify the subscriber name. There is no output from this CLU.

--disable-logging-s subscriber name

Use this CLU to disable logging of quota events and quota provisions that are related to a specific subscriber to the user log. Use the -s option to specify the subscriber name. There is no output from this CLU.


Displays counters of Quota Manager messages handled. Use the -n option to display the statistics of a specific SCE.


Resets counters of Quota Manager messages handled. Use the -n option to reset the counters of a specific SCE.


Displays all of the SCE connections to the Quota Manager along with their connection status. Use the -n option to display the connection status of a specific SCE.


Displays a list of available operations and arguments, with a short explanation of their meanings.

Viewing the Quota Manager Configuration

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the show-configoperation:

>p3qm --show-configQuota-profile1: Bucket Sizes = 1000,1000 Dosage Sizes = 10,10 Aggregation Period = Daily Day of Week = Sunday Time of Day = 00:00 Aggregation Period Gap = 0 Modification Timestamp = Thu Aug 17 14:50:300 IDT 2006 Command terminated successfully >

Viewing the Current Quota Status

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the show-quotaoperation:

>p3qm --show-quota -s subscriber namePackage ID = 1 Last SCE that consumed quota = Aggregation Period: Last Replenish Time = Thu Aug 17 15:41:23 IDT 2006 Aggregation Period End = Fri Aug 18 00:00:00 IDT 2006 Quota Buckets: Bucket 1 - Remaining Quota 495 (Last quota reported by SCE is 5) Bucket 2 - Remaining Quota 1000 (Last quota reported by SCE is 10) Command terminated successfully >

Viewing the Quota Manager Statistics

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the show-statisticsoperation, the number in parenthesis is the rate:

>p3qm --show-statisticsQuota Manager Statistics: ========================= SCE2000 ( : connected Quota State Restore Notifications: 34 (0.4) Quota Status Notifications: 0 (0) Quota Below Threshold Notifications: 10 (0) Quota Depleted Notifications: 0 (0) Quota Update Sent: 128 (45.4) Quota Update Success Acknowledge: 128 (45.4) Quota Update Failure Acknowledge: 0 (0) Command terminated successfully >

Viewing the SCE Connections

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the show-connectionsoperation:

>p3qm --show-connectionssce1 ( : connected sce2 ( : not connected Command terminated successfully >

Setting a Subscriber's Quota

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the set-quotaoperation:

>p3qm --set-quota -s sub1 -b 1=1000,2=2000Command terminated successfully >

This command sets sub1's quota bucket 1 to 1000 and quota bucket 2 to 2000.

Adding to a Subscriber's Quota

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the add-quotaoperation:

>p3qm --add-quota -s sub1 -b 1=1000,2=2000Command terminated successfully >

This command adds 1000 to sub1's quota bucket 1 and 2000 to sub1's quota bucket 2.

Replenishing Subscriber Quota

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the replenish-quotaoperation:

>p3qm --quota-replenish -s subscriber nameQuota was replenished: Bucket 1: 1000 Bucket 2: 500 Command terminated successfully >

Getting Subscriber Quota

The following is an example using the p3qmcommand-line utility with the get-quotaoperation:

>p3qm --get-quota -s subscriber nameQuota status was sent from SCE: Package ID = 1 Last SCE that consumed quota = Aggregation Period: Last Replenish Time = Thu Aug 17 15:41:23 IDT 2006 Aggregation Period End = Fri Aug 18 00:00:00 IDT 2006 Quota Buckets: Bucket 1 - Remaining Quota 495 (Last quota reported by SCE is 5) Bucket 2 - Remaining Quota 1000 (Last quota reported by SCE is 10) Command terminated successfully >

Note The --get-quotaCLU is different from the --show-quotaCLU in that it requests the SCE to send a remaining quota indication, waits for the response, and displays the quota. The --show-quotaCLU displays the quota without getting the latest update from the SCE. Therefore, the --get-quotaCLU gives more accurate results.


Posted: Thu Jan 24 11:15:23 PST 2008
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