
Table Of Contents

Configuring the Quota Manager

Information About Configuring the Quota Manager

Configuration Guidelines

Configuring the Quota Manager in the SM

Configuring the Subscriber Manager

How to Configure the SCA BB Application

Setting Quota Management and Buckets

Setting Breach Handling Rules

Setting Quota Bucket Service Consumption

Setting the Quota RDRs

Enabling the RDR Formatter to Issue Quota-Related Indications

Configuring the Quota Manager

This module describes how to configure the Quota Manager

Information About Configuring the Quota Manager 

How to Configure the SCA BB Application 

Information About Configuring the Quota Manager

This section describes how to configure the Quota Manager. Both the SCE platform and the SM must be properly configured.

Configuration Guidelines 

Configuring the Quota Manager in the SM 

Configuring the Subscriber Manager 

Configuration Guidelines

When configuring the Quota Manager, make sure that the following conditions are met:

Anonymous subscribers should be assigned a package that is not managed by an external quota server.

For different packages, it is possible to configure different quota management modes (external or internal). However, packages with internal quota management should not have a quota profile configured in the Quota Manager. Quota indications are issued for internal quota management packages (for billing purposes), and the Quota Manager ignores them if no quota profile is assigned for them.

Buckets of type "Number of Sessions" should have a dosage value that is equal to the maximum bucket size. Quota Below Threshold indications are not generated for this type of bucket, so quota provisioning cannot be split into dosages (otherwise the subscriber would get breached between subsequent dosage provisions).

The threshold value of the Quota Below Threshold indication must be configured to a lower value than the minimal quota dosage of all volume buckets.

Configuring the Quota Manager in the SM

The Quota Manager is configured with the p3qm.cfg configuration file, which resides in the sm-inst-dir /sm/server/root/config directory ( sm-inst-dir refers to the SM installation directory).

The configuration file consists of sections headed by a bracketed section title, for example [QuotaProfile.<QUOTA-PROFILE-NAME>]. Each section contains the definition for a single quota profile given by QUOTA-PROFILE-NAME and consists of several parameters having the format parameter=value. The number sign ("#") at the beginning of a line signifies that it is a remark.

Configuring the Quota Profile Settings 

Configuring the Quota Profile Example 

Configuring the Quota Profile Settings

The [QuotaProfile.QUOTA-PROFILE-NAME] section in the Quota Manager configuration file contains the following parameters:


A comma separated list that defines, for each bucket, the quota limits within an aggregation period. You must order the list such that the first number is for bucket 1, the second number is for bucket 2, and so on. The units must also be of the correct corresponding type; "Volume (L3 KBytes)" or "Number of Sessions". The minimal bucket size is 1.

There is no default value for this parameter.


A comma separated list that defines how much quota should be in each bucket after each quota provisioning operation. You must order the list in the same way as the bucket_sizes parameter and the list must be of the same length. The minimal dosage size is 1 and the maximum is 1048576 (1 GB L3 KBytes or 1 million sessions).

There is no default value for this parameter.


Defines the aggregation period; i.e., the period of time for which an amount of quota or number of sessions will be granted to the subscriber.

Possible values are hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.

The default value is daily.


Defines on which day of the month the aggregation period will start.

Possible values for this parameter are 1to 31. The default value is 1.

Note This parameter is valid only if aggregation_period is set to monthly.


Defines on which day of the week the aggregation period will start.

Possible values are sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, or saturday. The default value is sunday.

Note This parameter is valid only if aggregation_period is set to weekly.


Defines the time of day at which the aggregation period will start. This parameter is applicable for all values of aggregation_period.

The format of this parameter is HH:mm where the hours portion is based on a 24-hour clock.

Possible values are: hours 0to 23, minutes 0to 59. The default value is 00:00.

Note If aggregation_period is set to hourly, only the minute value is relevant.


Defines the distribution of the aggregation period start time between different subscribers. Distributing the aggregation period start times helps to avoid bursts of network activity when a new aggregation period begins.

Possible values are 0to 100, where a gap of 0 means the aggregation period starts at the same time for all subscribers (no distribution) and a gap of 100 means the aggregation period start time is uniformly distributed over the entire aggregation period.

The default value is 0.

For example, if the aggregation period is daily and starts at midnight (00:00) a gap of 50 means that the update messages will be sent between midnight and midday (12:00). If the gap is 25, the update messages will be sent between midnight and 06:00.


Defines the packages that will be associated with this profile.

There is no default value for this parameter.

Configuring the Quota Profile Example

The following is an example of a configuration file:

[QuotaProfile.Profile1] bucket_sizes=1000,2000,3000 dosage_sizes=10,50,100 aggregation_period=weekly day_of_week=monday time_of_day=00:00 gap=25

Configuring the Subscriber Manager

In order to use the quota manager within the SM, you must configure the SM configuration file p3sm.cfg. This configuration file resides in the sm-inst-dir /sm/server/root/config directory ( sm-inst-dir refers to the SM installation directory). The configuration file consists of sections headed by a bracketed section title, for example [Quota Manager].

Configuring the Quota Manager Section

The [Quota Manager] section in the SM configuration file contains the following parameters:


Defines whether to start the Quota Manager or not.

Possible values are yesand no. The default value is no.


Defines whether the Quota Manager should add messages about failures to the user log.

Possible values are trueand false. The default value is true.


Defines whether the Quota Manager should add all messages to the user log.

Possible values are trueand false. The default value is false.

Configuring the Quota Manager Section Example

The following is an example of a [Quota Manager] section from the SM configuration file:

[Quota Manager] start=yes log_failures=yes log_all=no

How to Configure the SCA BB Application

In order for the SCA BB application to use the quota manager in the SM properly, it must be configured correctly, specifically the following are required:

Packages configuration

Quota management should be set to "external"

When configuring buckets, the appropriate bucket type should be set. Available types are "Volume (L3 KBytes)" or "Number of Sessions"

In the usage limit definitions for the appropriate service rules, the appropriate buckets should be selected. Service traffic consumes quota from the selected buckets

The rule's breach handling action can be used to configure the level of service to assign to this traffic while the bucket is depleted


Set which quota RDRs should be generated and the rate for the remaining quota RDRs

Note To enable the application to issue quota-related indications, it should be enabled in the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband GUI. See the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide for configuration description.

Setting Quota Management and Buckets

This section describes how to set the quota management mode and quota buckets.

Step 1 From the Package Settings dialog box, set the quota management mode to External - replenished on external request.

Step 2 From the Package Settings dialog box set each quota bucket type accordingly.

Each bucket can be of type Volumeor Session.

The following figure shows the Package Settings dialog.

Figure 3-1 Package Settings Dialog

Setting Breach Handling Rules

This section describes how to set the breach handling rules.

Step 1 From the Edit Rule for Service dialog box, set the rules to apply upon quota breach.

The following figure shows the Edit Rule for Service dialog.

Figure 3-2 Edit Rule for Service - Breach Handling

Setting Quota Bucket Service Consumption

This section describes how to set the quota buckets from which service is consumed.

Step 1 From the Edit Rule for Service dialog box, select the bucket to use for upstream and downstream traffic and select a quota bucket for session-based packages.

The following figure shows the Edit Rule for Service dialog.

Figure 3-3 Edit Rule for Service - Usage Limits

Setting the Quota RDRs

This section describes how to set the quota RDRs.


1. From the RDR Settings dialog box, select the Quota RDRs tab.

2. Select the quota RDRs to be generated.

3. Quota Breach RDRs should be generated if you wish to generate an RDR when the quota is breached. It is recommended to set this.

4. Remaining Quota RDRs should be generated if you wish to keep the Quota Manager updated with the remaining quota.

5. Quota Threshold RDRs should be generated if you wish to generate an RDR when subscriber quota drops below the defined threshold.

6. Quota State Restore RDRs must be generated. These RDRs are generated by the SCE in response to a subscriber login event.


Step 1 From the RDR Settings dialog box, select the Quota RDRs tab.

The following figure shows the RDR Settings dialog.

Figure 3-4 RDR Settings

Step 2 Select the quota RDRs to be generated.

a. Quota Breach RDRs should be generated if you wish to generate an RDR when the quota is breached. It is recommended to set this.

b. Remaining Quota RDRs should be generated if you wish to keep the Quota Manager updated with the remaining quota.

It is possible to set how often these RDRs are generated and how many should be generated per second.

Note A high generation rate for these RDRs results in increased accuracy of the remaining subscriber quota; however, there is a performance penalty for having a high generation rate.

c. Quota Threshold RDRs should be generated if you wish to generate an RDR when subscriber quota drops below the defined threshold.

d. Quota State Restore RDRs must be generated. These RDRs are generated by the SCE in response to a subscriber login event.

Enabling the RDR Formatter to Issue Quota-Related Indications

This section describes how to enable the RDR formatter to issue quota-related indications by configuring the RDR formatter on the SCE.

Step 1 Configure the RDR formatter destination

#>RDR-formatter destination port 33001 category number 4 priority 100

By default, Quota RDRs tags are mapped to category 4. If another category is required, use the following CLI command:

#>RDR-formatter rdr-mapping add tag-IDtag numbercategory-numbernumber

Note For Quota RDR tag IDs, see the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide .


Posted: Thu Jan 24 11:15:56 PST 2008
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