
Table Of Contents


Information About the MPLS/VPN BGP LEG CLU

BGP LEG Status

BGP LEG Detailed Status


This module describes the MPLS/VPN BGP LEG CLU.

Information About the MPLS/VPN BGP LEG CLU

The p3bgp utility controls the operation of the BGP LEG and displays its status. The command format is the following:

p3bgp <operation>[parameter]

Table 5-1 lists the p3bgp operations:

Table 5-1 p3bgp Operations


Starts the BGP LEG


Stops the BGP LEG


Restarts the BGP LEG


Displays a short status line for each PE/RR


Displays a detailed status for a specific PE/RR


Displays a detailed status for each PE/RR


Sends a refresh request to specific PE/RR to receive updated information on all routes


Sends a refresh request to all PE/RR to receive updated information on all routes. Use this operation when the PE/RR is disconnected from the LEG and you want to make sure that all the BGP information is propagated to the SCE boxes. The refresh is for new information only; obsolete labels are not checked for validity.


Used together with --refresh-all. Sends a refresh request to all PE/RR to receive updated information on all routes, and then synchronizes this information with all SCE boxes. After this operation is completed, the SCE boxes are updated with the BGP information. Use this operation when the PE/RR is disconnected from the LEG and you want to make sure that all the BGP information is propagated to the SCE boxes. This operation also makes sure that obsolete labels are removed from the SCE boxes.


Loads the configuration file to the BGP LEG. This operation also restarts the BGP LEG.


Displays the available p3bgpcommands

BGP LEG Status

The following is an example of the p3bgp command-line utility using the status operation:

Peer IP
PE Name
Updates recv
Notify recv
K.Alive sent
K.Alive recv
Hold Time

The following list is a description of the status operation output:

Peer IP—The IP of the PE/RR that is connected to the LEG

PE name—The name of the PE/RR as configured in the configuration file

Updates recv—A counter for all the BGP updates received from this PE/RR

Notify recv—A counter for all the BGP notifications received from this PE/RR

K.Alive sent—A counter for all the BGP keep alives sent to this PE/RR

K.Alive recv—A counter for all the BGP keep alives received from this PE/RR

Hold Time—The remaining time-out for the next keep alive

BGP LEG Detailed Status

The following is an example of the p3bgpcommand line utility using the showoperation on a specific PE router named PE101:

1 : PE101
connects : 1
recv UPDATE : 150
recv KEEPALIVE : 57
sent KEEPALIVE : 58
recv NOTIFY : 0
current holdtime : 157
TCP sndwnd : 16384
TCP rcvwnd : 87380
Connection up time : 0 Days, 1 Hrs, 7 Min, 59 Sec
refresh requests : 2
recv PE AddRoute messages : 2
send SM AddRoute messages : 10
send SM not connected : 0
BGP state : Established

The following list is a description of the show operation output:

connects—The number of successful connections established with this PE/RR since the LEG is up.

recv UPDATE—A counter for all the BGP updates received from this PE/RR

recv KEEPALIVE—A counter for all the BGP keep alives received from this PE/RR

sent KEEPALIVE—A counter for all the BGP keep alives sent to this PE/RR

recv NOTIFY—A counter for all the BGP notifications received from this PE/RR

current holdtime—The remaining time-out for the next keep alive

TCP sndwnd—The TCP send window buffer size

TCP rcvwnd—The TCP receive window size

Connection up time—The time since the connection to this PE/RR was established

refresh requests—A counter for the number of refresh requests requested for this PE/RR

recv PE AddRoute messages—A counter for BGP add-route messages received from the PE/RR

send SM AddRoute message—A counter for successful add routes invocations performed on the SM for this PE/RR

send SM not connected—A counter for SM invocations that were kept in an internal buffer due to disconnected SM

BGP state—The state of the BGP connection to this PE/RR


Posted: Tue Jan 22 00:38:14 PST 2008
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