
Table Of Contents

Managing MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Adding MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Adding MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Adding VPN Sites to Existing Subscribers

Displaying an MPLS/VPN Subscriber

Removing MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Removing an MPLS/VPN Subscriber

Removing a VPN Site from a Subscriber

Removing all MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Managing MPLS/VPN Subscribers

This module describes how to manage MPLS/VPN subscribers.

You use a set of Command-Line Utilities (CLU) to control the SM. The p3subs is the CLU that manages the SM subscribers. A detailed description of the SM CLU can be found in the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide .

This module covers the information relevant for MPLS/VPN subscribers.

Adding MPLS/VPN Subscribers 

Displaying an MPLS/VPN Subscriber 

Removing MPLS/VPN Subscribers 

Adding MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Adding MPLS/VPN Subscribers 

Adding VPN Sites to Existing Subscribers 

Adding MPLS/VPN Subscribers

A set of [VPN-ID, PE-IP] pairs defines each subscriber. The VPN-ID is the RD or RT that identifies the subscriber, and the PE-IP is the loopback IP address of the PE router that is connected to the VPN site.

Note You must add MPLS/VPN subscribers to the SM before starting the BGP LEG. Otherwise, the BGP labels of the subscribers will not be added to the SM, and you will have to send a route refresh request to the PE.

Note To add multiple MPLS/VPN subscribers, prepare a CSV file containing the subscriber information, and use the CLU p3subsdb --import. The network-ID of the MPLS/VPN subscribers is VPN-ID@PE-IP, as described previously.

Step 1 From the shell prompt, use the p3subs --add command.

The command should be of the following general format:

p3subs--add--subscriber=Subscriber-name[--mpls-vpn=VPN-ID@PE-IP[,MORE]] [--property=property-name=value] [--domain=domain-name]

Adding VPN Sites to Existing Subscribers

The p3subs --set operation adds a VPN site (identified by the VPN-ID) behind the PE router (whose IP address is PE-IP) to an existing subscriber.

Step 1 From the shell prompt, use the p3subs --setcommand.

The command should be of the following general format:


Displaying an MPLS/VPN Subscriber

Step 1 From the shell prompt, use the p3subs --show command.

The command should be of the following general format:


This operation has the following output:

Name: VPN1
Domain: subscribers
MPLS/VPN: 1:1000@ (no BGP information)
MPLS/VPN: 1:1001@ label: 10 IP range:

According to this output, the subscriber VPN1 has two VPN sites: 1:1000 and 1:1001. Both sites are behind the same PE whose IP address is The VPN site 1:1000 did not receive any BGP routes. The VPN site 1:1001 received one BGP route with the label 10 corresponding to the subnet

Removing MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Removing an MPLS/VPN Subscriber 

Removing a VPN Site from a Subscriber 

Removing all MPLS/VPN Subscribers 

Removing an MPLS/VPN Subscriber

The p3subs --remove operation can be used to remove an entire subscriber from the SM including the entire VPN site and any received BGP updates.

Step 1 From the shell prompt, use the p3subs --remove command.

The command should be of the following general format:


Removing a VPN Site from a Subscriber

The p3subs --removeoperation can be used to remove a VPN site (identified by VPN-ID) behind the PE router (whose IP address is PE-IP)from a specific subscriber 'Subscriber-Name'. It also removes all the BGP routes that were received for this VPN site.

Step 1 From the shell prompt, use the p3subs --removecommand.

The command should be of the following general format:


Removing all MPLS/VPN Subscribers

Step 1 From the shell prompt, use the p3subs --remove-all-mpls-vpncommand.

This command removes all MPLS/VPN subscribers.


Posted: Tue Jan 22 00:39:43 PST 2008
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