
Table Of Contents

Non-blocking API

Information About Reliability Support

Reliable Mode

Non-reliable Mode

Auto-reconnect Support

Multi-threading Support

Information About the ResultHandler Interface

ResultHandler Interface Example

Non-blocking API Construction

Non-blocking API Syntax

Non-blocking API Arguments

Non-blocking API Examples

Non-blocking API Initialization

Non-blocking API Initialization Syntax

Non-blocking API Initialization Parameters

Non-blocking API Initialization Example

Information About Non-blocking API Methods







Non-blocking API Code Examples

Login and Logout

Non-blocking API

This module introduces features unique to the Non-blocking API. It lists all methods of the Non-blocking API and ends with code examples.

Information About Reliability Support 

Auto-reconnect Support 

Multi-threading Support 

Information About the ResultHandler Interface 

Non-blocking API Construction 

Non-blocking API Initialization 

Information About Non-blocking API Methods 

Non-blocking API Code Examples 

Information About Reliability Support

The Non-blocking API can work in two different modes, reliable and non-reliable , as described below. When the mode is not specified, the default is reliable mode.

Reliable Mode 

Non-reliable Mode 

Reliable Mode

In reliable mode, the API ensures that no requests to the SM are lost. The API maintains an internal storage for all API requests that are sent to the SM. After a reply from the SM is received, the request is considered committed and the API can remove the request from its internal storage. In case of connection failure between the API and the SM, the API accumulates all requests in its internal storage until the connection to the SM is established. On reconnection, the API resends all non-committed requests to the SM, so that no requests are lost.

Note In reliable mode, the order of resending requests is guaranteed . The API resends the requests in the same chronological order that they were called.

Non-reliable Mode

In non-reliable mode, the API does not ensure that requests sent to the SM are executed. In addition, all requests that are sent by the API when the connection to the SM is down will be lost unless an external reliability mechanism is implemented.

Auto-reconnect Support

The Non-blocking API supports auto-reconnection to the SM in case of connection failure. When this option is activated, the API can determine when the connection to the SM is lost. When the connection is lost, the API activates a reconnection task that tries to reconnect to the SM until it is successful.

Note The auto-reconnect support option can be activated regardless of the reliability mode.

Multi-threading Support

The Non-blocking API supports an unlimited number of threads calling its methods simultaneously.

Note In a multi-threaded scenario for the Non-blocking API, the order of invocation is guaranteed . The API performs operations in the same chronological order that they were called.

Information About the ResultHandler Interface

The Non-blocking API enables setting a result handler. A result handler is an interface with two methods, handleSuccess and handleError , as outlined in the following code:

public interface ResultHandler { /** * handle a successful result */ public void handleSuccess(long handle, Object result); /** * handle a failure result */ public void handleError(long handle, Object result); }

You should implement this interface if you want to be informed about the success/error results of operations performed through the API.

Note This is the only interface for retrieving results; they cannot be returned immediately after the API method has returned to the caller.

Note In order to be able to receive operation results, you should set the result handler of the API before calling API methods whose results you want to receive. It is a good practice to set the result handler after the API is connected (as in the example below).

Both handleSuccess and handleError methods accept two parameters:

Handle —Each API operation's return-value is a handle of type long. This handle enables correlation between operation calls and their results. When a handle... operation is called with a handle of value X , the result will match the operation that returned the same handle value ( X ) to the caller.

Result —The actual result of the operation. Some operations may return a result of NULL.

ResultHandler Interface Example

The following example is a simple implementation of a result handler that prints a message to stdout (when the result is successful) or to stderr (when the result is failure). This main method initiates the API and assigns a result handler.

For correct operation of the result handler, follow the code sequence given in this example.

Note This example does not demonstrate the use of callback handles.

public class ResultHandlerExample implements ResultHandler{
public void handleSuccess(long handle, Object result) {
System.out.println("success: handle="+handle+", result="+result);
public void handleError(long handle, Object result) {
System.err.println("error: handle="+handle+", result="+result);
public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception{
if (args.length != 1) {
System.err.println("usage: ResultHandlerExample <sm-ip>");
//note the order of operations!
SMNonBlockingApi nbapi = new SMNonBlockingApi();
nbapi.setResultHandler(new ResultHandlerExample());

Non-blocking API Construction

In addition to the constructors described in API Construction, page 2-2, the Non-blocking API provides constructors that enable setting the reconnect period and the reliability mode.

Non-blocking API Syntax 

Non-blocking API Arguments 

Non-blocking API Examples 

Non-blocking API Syntax

The syntax for the additional Non-blocking API constructors is shown in the following code block:

public SMNonBlockingApi(long autoReconnectInterval)
public SMNonBlockingApi(boolean reliable, long autoReconnectInterval)
public SMNonBlockingApi(String legName, long autoReconnectInterval)
public SMNonBlockingApi(String legName,
boolean reliable, long autoReconnectInterval)

Non-blocking API Arguments

The following is a description of the constructor arguments for the additional Non-blocking API constructors:


Defines the interval (in milliseconds) for attempting reconnection by the reconnection task, as follows:

If the value is 0 or less, the reconnection task is not activated (no auto-reconnect is attempted).

If the value is greater than 0 and if there is a connection failure, the reconnection task will be activated every autoReconnectInterval milliseconds.

The default value is -1 (no auto-reconnect is attempted).

Note To enable the auto-reconnect support, the connect method of the API must be activated at least once. For more information see, Non-blocking API Code Examples.


A flag that defines whether the API should work in reliable mode, as follows:

TRUE—The API works in reliable mode.

FALSE—The API works in non-reliable mode.

The default value is TRUE (the API works in reliable mode).

legName The name of the LEG, as described in API Construction, page 2-2.

Non-blocking API Examples

The following code constructs a reliable API with an auto-reconnection interval of 10 seconds:

SMNonBlockingAPI nbapi = SMNonBlockingAPI(10000);
nbapi.connect(<SM IP address>);

The following code constructs a reliable API without auto-reconnection support:

// API construction
SMNonBlockingAPI nbapi = SMNonBlockingAPI();
// Connect to the API
nbapi.connect(<SM IP address>);

The following code constructs a non-reliable API with auto-reconnection support:

// API construction
SMNonBlockingAPI nbapi = SMNonBlockingAPI(false,10000);
// Initial connection - to enable the reconnect task
nbapi.connect(<SM IP address>);

Non-blocking API Initialization

The Non-blocking API enables initializing certain internal properties for API customization. This initialization is performed using the API init method.

Note For the settings to take effect, the init method must be called before the connect method.

The following properties can be set:

Output queue size—The internal buffer size defining the maximum number of requests that can be accumulated by the API until they are sent to the SM. The default is 1024.

Operation timeout—The desired timeout (in milliseconds) on a non-responding PRPC protocol connection. The default is 45 seconds.

Non-blocking API Initialization Syntax

The syntax for the Non-blocking API init method is as follows:

public void init(Properties properties)

Non-blocking API Initialization Parameters

The following is a description of the parameters for the Non-blocking API init method:

properties ( java.util.Properties )

Enables setting the following properties described above:

To set the output queue size, use prpc.client.output.machinemode.recordnum

To set the operation timeout, use prpc.client.operation.timeout

Non-blocking API Initialization Example

The following code illustrates how to customize properties during initialization when using the Non-blocking API. Note that the init method is called before the connect method.

// API construction
SMNonBlockingAPI nbapi = SMNonBlockingAPI(10000);
// API initialization
java.util.Properties p = new java.util.Properties();
p.setProperty("prpc.client.output.machinemode.recordnum", 2048);
p.setProperty("prpc.client.operation.timeout", 60000); // 1 minute
// initial connect to the API to enable the reconnect task
nbapi.connect(<SM API address>);

Information About Non-blocking API Methods

This section describes the methods of the Non-blocking API.

All methods return a handle of type long that can be used to correlate operation calls and their results. See Information About the ResultHandler Interface.

The operation results passed to the result handler are similar to the return values described in the same method in the "Blocking API" section on page 3-1, with the exception of:

Basic types are converted to their Java class representation. For example, int is translated to java.lang.Integer.

Return values of Void are translated to NULL.

Note An error will be passed to the result handler only if the matching operation in the Blocking API throws an exception with the same arguments according to the SM database state at the time of the call.

All methods will throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException if called before a connection with the SM is established.

This section describes the following methods:









public long login(String subscriberName,
String[] mappings,
short[] mappingTypes,
String[] propertyKeys,
String[] propertyValues,
String domain,
boolean isMappingAdditive,
int autoLogoutTime)

The operation functionality is the same as the matching Blocking API operation. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Blocking API Code Examples," login, page 3-4.



public long logoutByName(String subscriberName,
String[] mappings,
short[] mappingTypes)

The operation functionality is the same as the matching Blocking API operation. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Blocking API Code Examples," logoutByName, page 3-7.



public long logoutByNameFromDomain(String subscriberName,
String[] mappings,
short[] mappingTypes,
String domain)

The operation functionality is the same as the matching Blocking API operation. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Blocking API Code Examples," logoutByNameFromDomain, page 3-8.



public long logoutByMapping(String mapping, short mappingType, String domain)

The operation functionality is the same as the matching Blocking API operation. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Blocking API Code Examples," logoutByMapping.



public long loginCable(String CPE,
String CM,
String IP,
int lease,
String domain,
String[] propertyKeys,
String[] propertyValues)

The operation functionality is the same as the matching Blocking API operation. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Blocking API Code Examples," loginCable, page 3-11.



public long logoutCable(String CPE,
String CM,
String IP,
String domain)

The operation functionality is the same as the matching Blocking API operation. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Blocking API Code Examples," logoutCable, page 3-12.

Non-blocking API Code Examples

This section illustrates a code example for logging in and logging out subscribers.

Login and Logout

The following example logs in a predefined number of subscribers to the SM and then logs them out. Note the implementation of a disconnect listener and a result handler.

package nonblocking;
class LoginLogoutDisconnectListener implements DisconnectListener {
public void connectionIsDown() {
System.err.println("disconnect listener:: connection is down");
class LoginLogoutResultHandler implements ResultHandler {
int count = 0;
//prints a success result every 100 results
public synchronized void handleSuccess(long handle, Object result) {
Object tmp = null;
if (++count%100 == 0) {
tmp = result instanceof Object[] ?
((Object[])result)[0] : result;
System.out.println("\tresult "+count+":\t"+tmp);
//prints every error that occurs
public synchronized void handleError(long handle, Object result) {
System.err.println("\terror: "+count+":\t"+ result);
//waits for result number 'last result' to arrive
public synchronized void waitForLastResult(int lastResult) {
while (count<lastResult) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
public class LoginLogout {
public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception{
//check arguments
int numSubscribersToLogin = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
SMNonBlockingApi nbapi = new SMNonBlockingApi();
try {
new LoginLogoutDisconnectListener());
LoginLogoutResultHandler resultHandler =
new LoginLogoutResultHandler();
System.out.println("login of "+numSubscribersToLogin
+" subscribers");
for (int i=0; i<numSubscribersToLogin; i++) {
nbapi.login("subscriber"+i, //subscriber name
getMappings(i), //a single ip mapping
new short[]{
null, //no properties
args[1], //domain
false, //mappings are not additive
-1); //disable auto-logout
System.out.println("logout of "+numSubscribersToLogin
+" subscribers");
for (int i=0; i<numSubscribersToLogin; i++) {
} finally {
static void checkArguments(String[] args) throws Exception{
if (args.length != 3) {
System.err.println("usage: java LoginLogout "+
//'automatic' mapping generator
private static String[] getMappings(int i) {
return new String[]{ "10." +((int)i/65536)%256 + "." +
((int)(i/256))%256 + "." + (i%256)};


Posted: Thu May 31 04:22:38 PDT 2007
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