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SCE Integration - Configuration

Configuring the DHCP Lease Query LEG on the SCE

Information About the DHCP Lease Query LEG CLI

Configuration CLI

Show CLI

SCE Integration - Configuration

This module describes how to configure the DHCP Lease Query LEG on the SCE and the CLI.

Configuring the DHCP Lease Query LEG on the SCE 

Information About the DHCP Lease Query LEG CLI 

Configuring the DHCP Lease Query LEG on the SCE

The DHCP Lease Query LEG on the SCE is configured using the CLI.

Information About the DHCP Lease Query LEG CLI

Configuration CLI 

Show CLI 

Configuration CLI

Use the Command-Line Interface (CLI) to configure the general LEG settings of the DHCP Lease Query LEG.

To enable the LEG:

SCE(config)# subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query

To disable the LEG:

SCE(config)# no subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query

To set the IP addresses of the DHCP servers (one or two addresses):

SCE(config)# subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query servers STRING STRING

To reset the DHCP servers:

SCE(config)# no subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query servers

To set the session_timeout configuration variable:

SCE(config)# subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query session-timeout DECIMAL

To set the session_timeout variable to the default value:

SCE(config)# default subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query session_timeout

The failover criteria configuration variable defines the number of consecutive request failures (timeouts) that triggers a fail-over. Because the queries are not answered when the server fails, these queries time out. The consecutive timed-out queries are counted and when they reach this threshold, the second server is set as the active server. The default value is 3.

To set the fail_over_criteria:

SCE(config)# subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query failover-criteriaDECIMAL

To set the fail_over_criteria variable to the default value:

SCE(config)# default subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query failover-criteria

To set subscriber ID option:

SCE(config)# subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query sub-id-option STRINGbinary|string[ip-fallback]

To set the subscriber ID option to the default value:

SCE(config)# default subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query sub-id-option

For policy association, the LEG uses exactly the same file described in the Configuring Policy Association section. Set and load the configuration file with the following CLI (you must specify the full path and the file name):

SCE(config)# subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query package-association-file STRING

The default package association configuration does not assign package information. To set the configuration back to the default configuration file:

SCE(config)# default subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query package-association-file

To set all parameters of the DHCP lease query LEG to the default settings, use the following CLI:

SCE(config)# default subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query

Show CLI

To view the general configuration of the LEG, enter the following command:

SCE# show subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query

To view the statistics counters of the LEG:

SCE# show subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query counters

To reset the statistics counters of the LEG:

SCE# clear subscriber LEG dhcp-lease-query counters


Posted: Thu Jan 24 11:35:20 PST 2008
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