
Table Of Contents

SCA Reporter Templates

Information About Report Templates

Report Instance Properties

Information About Monitoring Reports

Information About Traffic Discovery Reports

Global Monitoring Template Group

Package Monitoring Template Group

Virtual Links Monitoring Template Group

Subscriber Monitoring Template Group

Traffic Discovery - Statistics Template Group

Demographic Data and Service Popularity Reports Template Group

Web and Streaming Reports Template Group

Mail and News Reports Template Group

P2P Reports Template Group

VoIP Reports Template Group

Malicious Traffic Template Group

SCA Reporter Templates

This appendix describes the Cisco Service Control Application Reporter (SCA Reporter) report templates.

Information About Report Templates 

Global Monitoring Template Group 

Package Monitoring Template Group 

Virtual Links Monitoring Template Group 

Subscriber Monitoring Template Group 

Traffic Discovery - Statistics Template Group 

Demographic Data and Service Popularity Reports Template Group 

Web and Streaming Reports Template Group 

Mail and News Reports Template Group 

P2P Reports Template Group 

VoIP Reports Template Group 

Malicious Traffic Template Group 

Information About Report Templates

The SCA Reporter installation includes report templates that you use to generate report instances. The templates are grouped by common themes. Each report template allows you to create new report instances. Default filter values are assigned to the properties, some of which are common to all the instances in a given group. You can impose additional constraints by configuring the properties.

Note The default filters are the values that are initially applied to the properties. Before generating a report, you can reconfigure its properties. In order to reset properties to their default values, select properties and click

Note ( Restore Default Value). Some mandatory properties have the default value ( not set); these properties must be assigned a value before a report can be generated. Optional properties may be assigned a value of not set. To view all properties, click ( Show Advanced Properties).

You generate a report instance by selecting a report template from the list of available groups in the Templates view.

There are two main categories of reports:

Monitoring reports—Show how network resources are used for selected services at various granularities (global, package, subscriber)

Traffic Discovery reports—Provide statistical information about network activity and help identify the characteristics of the traffic traversing the network

Report Instance Properties

The following table lists properties that appear in report templates that belong to more than one template group. (Properties of report instances that belong to only one template group are listed with the description of the group.)

Table D-1 Common Properties of Report Instances


Field Type



Items to Focus on


One of the following is included in most report templates:


Services to view

Multiple Choice

(not set)

When not set, all services are selected.

Select services to view

Multiple Choice

(not set)

When not set, all services are selected.

Focus on the service

Single Choice

(not set)

When not set, all services are selected.

One of the following is included in many report templates:


Packages to View

Multiple Choice

(not set)

When not set, all packages are selected.


Single Choice

(not set)

Mandatory property.

Name of subscriber to focus on

Free Text

(not set)

Mandatory property for Subscriber template group report instances.

IP address (decimal format) or subscriber name.

Time Frames to focus

Multiple Choice

(not set)

When not set, all four time frames are selected.

Time Boundaries —See note following table.


Starting after date


(not set)


Ending before date


(not set)

When not set, the report is bound to the current time.

From the last number of hours

Free Text


Table D-2 Ignored when the Starting After Date and Ending Before Date properties are both set.

From the last number of Days

Free Text



Specific Time


(not set)

Mandatory property.

Appears in three report instance types instead of the other three time boundary properties.

The selected time is rounded to the nearest hour/day.

Traffic Parameters


Link to Focus

Multiple Choice

(not set)

List of available links to focus.

One of the following is included in many report templates:


Traffic Direction

Single Choice

Depends on report template

Depends on report template:

Direction only

Direction and metric

Metric to order

Single Choice

Depends on report template

Depends on report template and metric:

Metric only

Metric and direction

Data Show


Pick BW Over

Single Choice

1 Hour


SCE IP to view

Single Choice

At installation:

(not set)

Thereafter: most recent assigned value

Mandatory property.

IP address of specific Service Control Engine (SCE) platform.

Units of results

Single Choice

Depends on report template


Limit number of results

Free Text



Average Data by Hour



If this option is selected, a single, average value is calculated for each hour of the report. This option is recommended when generating the report for 24 or more hours.

Show other Consumption




Aggregation Period

Single Choice



Subscriber Id

Free Text

(not set)

Pattern that represent group of subscribers.

All report instances include the SCE IP to view property, which enables filtering to a specific SCE platform. This property is mandatory and persistent . Persistent means that the current value is used for all subsequent reports until the value is changed.

Time Boundaries properties occur in all report instances except for Top Subscribers, Top Talkers, and Relative Consumption of Top Subscribers. These properties are:

Starting After Date

Ending Before Date

From the Last Number of Hours/Days

The property From the last number of hours/days is set to a default value in all report instances. When all three Time Boundaries properties are set, the From the last number of hours/days property is ignored. When the property Ending before date is not set, the report is bound to the current time.

Information About Monitoring Reports

Monitoring reports provide information about the distribution and consumption of network resources. This information helps you understand how the network is used at different granularities (such as for the entire link, for traffic generated by all subscribers in a particular package usage counter, or for traffic generated by a particular subscriber). These reports are critical for tuning the Service Control solution's configuration according to changing network patterns.

Monitoring reports are created from Link Usage, Package Usage, and Real-Time Subscriber Usage Raw Data Records (RDRs). These RDRs (that are generated by the SCE platform) provide periodic usage information (at the various granularities) that is processed according to the selected report template to provide the final report.

Monitoring reports typically show a specific metric for a set of service usage counters at a selected granularity , such as bandwidth for P2P and Browsing service usage counters at a link granularity, or volume for the Streaming service usage counter for subscribers in the Gold package usage counter.

You select the service usage counters on which to report via the SCA Reporter. The available service usage counters are those defined in the service configuration of the SCE platform from which the reports are generated.




A report instance's granularity controls which traffic the generated report addresses. Three granularities are supported:

Global—Provides visibility into all traffic processed by the SCE platforms being reported on. Use global granularity to view the global distribution of network resources (for example, total P2P bandwidth for the last 24 hours).

Package—Reports on traffic mapped to subscribers in a particular package usage counter. Use package granularity to monitor how network resources are used by subscribers assigned to a particular package usage counter (for example, the total volume of streaming traffic for all subscribers assigned to the Gold package usage counter in the last ten days). See the "Using the Service Configuration Editor: Traffic Control" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide for a description of how to define different packages in the system.

To generate package usage counter reports, subscribers must be defined (in any of the subscriber modes) and assigned to a particular package. See the "Using the Subscriber Manager GUI Tool" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide for a description of how to manage subscribers.

Subscriber—Provides insight into the activity of a single subscriber defined in the Service Control solution. Use subscriber granularity to view how a particular subscriber is using network resources (for example, the number of P2P sessions generated by a particular subscriber for each hour during the last 12 hours). Subscriber reports are available for those subscribers flagged for real-time reporting. (For a description of managing real-time subscriber reporting, see the "Using the Service Configuration Editor: Traffic Accounting and Reporting" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide .)

Each report template generates reports in a specific granularity. Each type of report is accessible from the corresponding report template group:

Global report templates are accessible from the Global Monitoring Template Group.

Package report templates are accessible from the Package Monitoring Template Group.

Subscriber report templates are accessible from the Subscriber Monitoring Template Group.


A metric is the statistic being reported on. The following metrics are available:

Bandwidth—The total bandwidth consumed by the selected services. By default, a bandwidth report is displayed as a stacked-area chart, where each area indicates the bandwidth used by a particular service.

When generating a bandwidth report, you can select the direction: upstream, downstream, or both.

You can also display an hourly average of bandwidth. This is recommended when you are generating a report for many hours. In this case a single data point per hour is usually sufficient: it reduces the quantity of data displayed, improving performance and the visualization of the data.

Volume—The total volume (in kilobytes or megabytes) for a specific period of time, for the selected service usage counters. As opposed to the bandwidth metric, which provides normalized volume over time, volume reports give the total volume consumed, grouped by specific time durations. By default, a volume report is displayed as a stacked-bar chart, where each bar/series indicates the volume of a particular service usage counter.

Volume reports give the accumulated usage either for specific durations of time (hours or days), or for the entire duration of the report. For example: a Global Hourly Usage Volume report displays a bar that accounts for the total volume consumed by each service usage counter during each hour of the selected time frame, and a Global Aggregated Usage Volume per Service report accounts for all volume of each service usage counter for the entire time frame of the report.

Sessions—The number of sessions. A session is a single network transaction (for example, RTSP stream or P2P file download). By default, a sessions report is displayed as a stacked-bar chart, where each bar/series indicates the total number of sessions of a particular service usage counter.

Like volume reports, sessions reports can be grouped into specific durations (hours or days), in order to account for the total number of sessions in a particular hour/day consumed by a particular service usage counter.

Information About Traffic Discovery Reports

Traffic discovery reports provide raw statistics for analyzing network activities. They are useful for obtaining information about the general activity in the IP network, and they are the key for defining the system's service configuration.

Traffic discovery reports are based on the information in Transaction RDRs.

Traffic Discovery reports generate histograms and distribution charts that are grouped by a selected criterion and sorted by the selected order parameter . For example: a Top Protocols report is sorted by Total Volume, and a Top Web-hosts report is sorted by Hit-Count.


Order Property 


Each report template focuses on a particular criterion based on Layers 3 to 7, such as:

Top Servers IP addresses

Top Server Port numbers

Top HTTP web-hosts

Top NNTP news-groups

Order Property

The Metric to order property indicates the value by which the report will be sorted. Possible values are:

Upstream Volume

Downstream Volume

Both Directions Volume—Total upstream and downstream volume

Hit-Count—Number of transactions

You can limit each report to a specific number of results, which allows you to focus on the top areas of activity (according to the selected value).

Global Monitoring Template Group

The Global Monitoring group of report templates allows you to view statistics about the traffic bandwidth or volume that was consumed. The bandwidth/volume consumption can be displayed per service for the entire link.

The Global Monitoring group includes the following report templates:

Global Bandwidth per Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different services defined in the system for all traffic, regardless of subscriber or package

Global Aggregated Usage Volume per Service—Shows the total volume of traffic (upstream and downstream) for each service usage counter (for all traffic, regardless of subscriber or package)

Global Hourly Usage Volume per Service—Shows the distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by hour

Global Hourly Aggregated Minutes per Service—Shows the total number of minutes used for each service usage counter defined in the system, grouped by hour

Global Hourly Usage Sessions per Service—Shows the distribution of sessions among the different service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by hour

Global Concurrent Session per Service—Shows the distribution of concurrent sessions among the different service usage counters defined in the system

Global Daily Usage Sessions per Service—Shows the distribution of sessions among the different service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Global Daily Usage Volume per Service—Shows the distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Daily Peak BW for All Packages

Package Monitoring Template Group

The Package Monitoring group of report templates allows you to view statistics of bandwidth or volume of traffic used by a package. The reports are provided per service usage counter for the total volume used by the package. The volume consumption can be displayed per service for the package.

The Package Monitoring group includes the following report templates:

Package Bandwidth per Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different service usage counters defined in the system for all subscribers belonging to a particular package

Package Aggregated Usage Volume per Service—Shows the total volume of traffic (upstream and downstream) for each service usage counter (for subscribers in a specific package)

Package Hourly Usage Volume per Service—Shows the distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system, for the traffic of subscribers in a specific package usage counter, grouped by hour

Package Hourly Aggregated Minutes per Service—Shows the total number of minutes used for each service usage counter for a specific package usage counter defined in the system, grouped by hour

Package Hourly Usage Sessions per Service—Shows the distribution of sessions among the different service usage counters defined in the system, for the traffic of subscribers in a specific package, grouped by hour

Package Concurrent Session per Service—Shows the distribution of concurrent sessions among the different service usage counters for a specific package usage counter defined in the system

Package Daily Usage Sessions per Service—Shows the distribution of sessions among the different service usage counters defined in the system, for the traffic of subscribers in a specific package usage counter, grouped by day

Package Daily Usage Volume per Service—Shows the distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system, for the traffic of subscribers in a specific package usage counter, grouped by day

Daily Peak BW for Each Package

Virtual Links Monitoring Template Group

The Virtual Links Monitoring group of report templates allows you to view statistics of bandwidth or volume of traffic used by a virtual link. The reports are provided per service usage counter for the total volume used by the virtual link. The volume consumption can be displayed per service for the virtual link.

These reports cannot be generated using data collected from an SCE platform running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

Table D-2 Properties of Virtual Links Monitoring Group Templates only

Field Type

Items to Focus on


Select VLink ID

Free Text

(not set)


Select VLink direction

Single Choice

(not set)


Select VLink names

Multiple Choice

(not set)


The Virtual Links Monitoring group includes the following report templates:

VLink Bandwidth per Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different service usage counters defined in the system for all subscribers

VLink Aggregated Usage Volume per Service—Shows the total volume of traffic (upstream and downstream) for each service usage counter

VLink Hourly Usage Volume per Service—Shows the distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by hour

VLink Daily Usage Volume per Service—Shows the distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Daily Peak BW for all VLinks

Subscriber Monitoring Template Group

The Subscriber Monitoring group of report templates allows you to view statistics about the bandwidth or volume of traffic used by the subscriber. The reports are provided per service usage counter for the total volume consumed by the subscriber. A Top Subscribers report identifies the subscribers that consume the largest traffic volume. Subscriber bandwidth and volume reports can be generated for those subscribers configured for real-time monitoring. See "Selecting Subscribers for Real-Time Usage Monitoring" in the "Additional Management Tools and Interfaces" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide for a description of how to configure real-time subscribers.

The Subscriber Monitoring group includes the following report templates:

Top Subscribers—Shows a list of the top subscriber volume consumption in a specific hour/day

Subscriber Bandwidth per Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different service usage counters defined in the system for a particular subscriber

Subscriber Aggregated Usage Volume per Service—Shows the most popular service usage counter for a particular subscriber

Subscriber Hourly Usage Volume per Service—Shows the hourly distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system for a particular subscriber

Subscriber Hourly Aggregated Minutes per Service—Shows the total number of minutes used for each service usage counter for a specific package usage counter defined in the system, grouped by hour

Subscriber Hourly Usage Sessions per Service—Shows the hourly distribution of sessions among the different service usage counters defined in the system for a particular subscriber

Subscriber Daily Usage Sessions per Service—Shows the daily distribution of sessions among the different service usage counters defined in the system for a particular subscriber

Subscriber Daily Usage Volume per Service—Shows the daily distribution of volume among the different service usage counters defined in the system for a particular subscriber

Daily Peak BW for Specific Subscriber

Traffic Discovery - Statistics Template Group

The Traffic Discovery - Statistics group of report templates allows you to view statistics compiled from the source and destination IP addresses and ports of the system traffic.

These reports cannot be generated using data collected from an SCE platform running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

Note The reports in this group are not per subscriber; they supply general port and IP address information.

Table D-3 Property of Traffic Discovery - Statistics Group Templates only

Field Type

Traffic Parameters


Transport Protocol

Single choice



The Traffic Discovery - Statistics group includes the following report templates:

Top Servers—Shows the most popular servers for certain services

Note Server refers to the IP address of the other side of the flow initiator. It may be located on the Subscriber side or on the Network side.

Top Client—Shows the most popular client IP for certain services

Note Client refers to the IP address of the flow initiator. It may be located on the Subscriber side or on the Network side.

Top Server Ports—Shows the most popular server ports for certain services

Top Service Ports—Shows the most popular server ports of a certain service or services

Top Protocols—Shows the most popular protocol for certain services

Top IP Protocols—Shows the most popular IP protocol for certain services

Top Server IP to Server Port—Shows the most popular server IP to server port for certain services

Top Client IP to Server Port—Shows the most popular client IP to server port for certain services

Top Client IP to Server IP—Shows the most popular client IP to server IP for certain services

Top Client IP to Server IP and Server Port—Shows the most popular server IP and server port for certain services.

Demographic Data and Service Popularity Reports Template Group

The Demographic Data and Service Popularity group of report templates allows you to view statistics of the demographic data.

The Demographic Data and Service Popularity group includes the following report templates:

Global Active Subscriber per Service—Shows the distribution of subscribers among the different services defined in the system for all traffic, regardless of subscriber or package

Package Active Subscriber per Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different services defined in the system for specific subscriber package

Service Popularity among Subscribers—Shows the percentage of subscribers using a specific service defined in the system

Service Popularity among Subscribers of a Specific Package—Shows the percentage of subscribers using a specific service in a specific package defined in the system

Relative Consumption of Top Subscribers—Shows the relative consumption of a specific number of subscribers compared to "other"

Service Popularity among Subscribers (Average)—Shows the total number of subscribers using a specific service compared to subscribers using all other services

Service Popularity among Subscribers of a Specific Package (Average)—Shows the total number of subscribers using a specific service compared to subscribers using all other services in a specific package

Web and Streaming Reports Template Group

The Web and Streaming group of report templates allows you to compile statistics presenting the most popular servers or hosts for the various predefined system services (such as Browsing, Streaming, and Downloading) and for user-defined services.

These reports cannot be generated using data collected from an SCE platform running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

Table D-4 Property of Web and Streaming Group Templates only

Field Type

Items to Focus on


Where host is contained

Free Text

(not set)

Filter to hosts containing the given pattern.

The Web and Streaming group includes the following report templates:

Top Web Hosts—Shows the most popular web servers

Top Rtsp Hosts—Shows the most popular real-time streaming protocol (RTSP) servers

Top FTP Servers—Shows the most popular FTP file hosts

Top MMS Servers—Shows the most popular MMS hosts

Top Service Servers—Shows the most popular servers of a certain service or services

Service Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the most popular web servers, grouped by the package of the requesting subscriber

Rtsp Host Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the most popular RTSP servers, grouped by the package of the requesting subscriber

FTP Server Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the most popular FTP file servers, grouped by the package of the requesting subscriber

MMS Server Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the most popular Microsoft Manager Server servers, grouped by the package of the requesting subscriber

Service Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the distribution of service usage according to the subscriber packages

Mail and News Reports Template Group

The Mail and News group of report templates allows you to view statistics of the mail and news traffic.

These reports cannot be generated using data collected from an SCE platform running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

The Mail and News group includes the following report templates:

Top SMTP Servers—Shows the most popular SMTP hosts

Top POP3 Servers—Shows the most popular POP3 hosts

Top NNTP Servers—Shows the most popular NNTP hosts

Top E-mail Sender—Shows the top e-mail sender

Top E-mail Recipients—Shows the top e-mail recipients

Top NNTP Consumers—Shows the top NNTP consumers

Top Newsgroups—Shows the most popular newsgroups

SMTP Server Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the most popular SMTP servers, grouped by the package of the requesting subscriber

POP3 Server Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the most popular POP3 servers, grouped by the package of the requesting subscriber

NNTP Server Distribution by Subscriber Packages—Shows the most popular NNTP servers, grouped by the package of the requesting subscriber

Top Subscriber to Newsgroup—Shows the top subscriber to newsgroup for certain services

Top E-mail Account Owners—Shows the top e-mail account owners

P2P Reports Template Group

The P2P group of report templates allows you to view statistics of the P2P traffic.

These reports cannot be generated using data collected from an SCE platform running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

The P2P group includes the following report templates:

Top P2P Protocols—Shows the most popular P2P protocol for certain services

Top P2P Consumers—Shows a list of the top P2P subscriber volume consumption

Top P2P Downloaders—Shows the top P2P download consumers

Top P2P Uploaders—Shows the most popular P2P upload consumers

VoIP Reports Template Group

The VoIP group of report templates allows you to view statistics of the VoIP traffic.

These reports cannot be generated using data collected from an SCE platform running in asymmetric routing classification mode.

Table D-5 Property of VoIP Group Templates only

Field Type

Data Show


Codec to filter

Multiple Choice

(not set)


The VoIP group includes the following report templates:

Global Bandwidth per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different VoIP services defined in the system for all traffic, regardless of subscriber or package

Global Concurrent Calls per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of concurrent sessions among the different VoIP service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Global Hourly Call Minutes per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of call minutes among the different VoIP service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Package Bandwidth per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different VoIP services defined in the system for the traffic of subscribers in a specific package

Packet Concurrent Calls per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of concurrent sessions among the different VoIP service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Package Hourly Call Minutes per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of call minutes among the different VoIP service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Subscriber Bandwidth per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of bandwidth among the different VoIP services defined in the system for the traffic of subscribers in a specific package

Subscriber Hourly Call Minutes per VoIP Service—Shows the distribution of call minutes among the different VoIP service usage counters defined in the system, grouped by day

Top SIP Domains—Shows the most popular SIP Domains

Top Talkers—Shows a list of the top talker volume/session/minutes consumption in a specific hour/day for a specific/all VoIP services

Global VoIP Packets Loss

Global VoIP Jitter

Global Hourly Average VoIP Packets Loss

Global Hourly Average VoIP Jitter

Global VoIP MOS

Global Hourly Average VoIP MOS

Global VoIP MOS Distribution

Global VoIP Codec Distribution

Malicious Traffic Template Group

The Malicious Traffic group of report templates allows you to view statistics of the malicious events accrued in the system.

Table D-6 Properties of Malicious Traffic Group Templates only

Field Type

Traffic Parameters


IP protocol

Single Choice

(not set)


Filter to port

Free Text

(not set)


Detected IP side

Single Choice

(not set)


The Malicious Traffic group includes the following report templates:

Global Scan or Attack Rate—Shows the rate (session/sec) of scan/attacks originating from the hosts (typically because of a worm or zombie)

Global DoS Rate—Shows the rate (sessions/sec) of DoS attacks on the targeted host

Top Scanning or Attacking Hosts—Shows the top hosts identified as DoS attacking

Top DoS Attacked Hosts—Shows the top DoS-attacked hosts

Infected Subscribers—Shows the distribution of infected subscribers over time among the different IP protocols in the system

DoS Attacked Subscribers—Shows the distribution of DoS-attacked subscribers over time among the different IP protocols defined in the system

Top DoS Attacked Subscribers—Shows the top DoS-attacked subscribers

Top Scanning or Attacking subscribers—Shows the top subscribers identified as DoS attacking

Top Scanned or Attacked Ports—Shows the top scanned or attacked ports


Posted: Thu May 31 02:39:17 PDT 2007
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