
Table of Contents

Configuration Notes

Configuration Notes

This appendix provides additional details for some of the configuration processes referenced in this installation guide. The appendix contains the following sections:

Console and Web Security

Password protection on two levels can be implemented to restrict access to the web-based graphical user interface (GUI). "USER1" is allowed both read and write access. "USER2" is allowed only read access. When the web interface is accessed for the first time, a dialog box appears requesting a username and password.

Definition of this password protection and changing usernames and passwords are accomplished using the connect.exe program to register, change, or delete users and passwords. By default, no user is registered to the system.

To implement this feature, follow these steps:

Step 1   Initiate connect.exe.

Step 2   From the Main menu, select C: Environmental Parameters and FLASH Partitions.

Step 3   Select B: Environment Configuration.

Step 4   Select C: Add Environment Parameter.

Step 5   Add the following lines:

USER1=username1 PSWD1=password1 USER2=username2 PSWD2=password2

Step 6   Select S: Save Environment Parameters to Flash.

Step 7   Press ESCAPE until you return to main menu, then enter q to quit the program.

Note   If a password is not defined, no password is required. If USER2 is not defined, all users are allowed to view the contents of the web interface. If USER1 is not defined, all users are allowed to change configurations.

Changing Software Releases

Use these instructions for either upgrading to a new software release or reverting to a previous release.

Note   These instructions assume that you have BootLoader version 148 or later versions running on your Cisco 6920.

To change software releases on the Cisco 6920, you need the following files:

Preparing for Download

Before starting the download process, record the IP address, MAC address, and configuration information for the Cisco 6920. For configuration information, save the HTML pages to your PC. Be sure to save the Program Select HTML pages for each output.

Using Connect.exe

Connect.exe establishes a connection via Ethernet from the PC to the Cisco 6920 using a network connection or a crossover Ethernet cable. If you are using a crossover cable, make sure that the IP addresses of the PC and the Cisco 6920 are on the same subnet. When the PC and the Cisco 6920 are physically connected, use the following steps to establish communications:

Step 1   Start connect.exe.

Step 2   Click Connection on the pull-down menu, then click connect.

Step 3   Enter the Cisco 6920 IP address in the window. Don't click OK.

Step 4   Power on the Cisco 6920. Within 10 seconds, click OK. Connection should occur in 5 to 60 seconds.

Code Download

Step 1   Download the new BootLoader code to the PowerPC card:

Step 2   At the "INFO: Waiting for BootLoader file . . ." message, click File on the pull-down menu, then click Download a File to download the binstallXXX.fls file.

You should see the following messages:

INFO: Bootloader about to be reprogrammed. INFO: Please monitor output on DEBUG port. INFO: Wait at least 2 minutes before resetting the RateMux.
Caution   In this phase, the BootLoader is being reprogrammed. A major failure (such as power off) corrupts the Flash memory on the PowerPC card, in which case the only corrective action possible is to send the card back to Cisco for reprogramming. Do not reset the PowerPC card for at least five minutes.

Step 3   After five minutes, program all the cards in the chassis using Easy Chassis Download:

Use the following files:

Step 4   You are prompted to program the PowerPC (PPC) card:

Step 5   Exit the BootLoader program.

Using Bootp

The Cisco 6920 can acquire its IP address, network mask, and gateway address through a Bootp server. This section provides notes regarding the use of the Bootp server.

The bootp.ini File

For example, if the TFTP boot directory is configured as d:\, and the software release is located in d:\release\release2.6, then the line would be:

    BootVer=release version
    BuildNum=build number

Posted: Fri Sep 27 00:25:26 PDT 2002
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