
Table of Contents

SNMP Operations

SNMP Operations

Configuration of the Cisco 6920 can be accomplished through a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) interface. This appendix contains the following sections:

MIB Files

The following MIB files are available from Cisco upon request. Load them in the order in which they appear here:

Configuring the SNMP Manager IP Address

The Cisco 6920 agent communicates only with registered SNMP managers. To register SNMP managers, click Chassis Configuration in the graphical user interface (GUI). In the SNMP Configuration Utility section, enter the IP addresses of up to three SNMP managers, then click Submit.

Note   These IP addresses remain in effect only until the unit is restarted.

The Configuration Table

The Cisco 6920 is configured through a configuration table. The Cisco 6920 keeps two sets of tables, one in Core task and one in SNMP agent. The actual configuration table is kept by the Core task and the SNMP MIB table is kept by SNMP agent. Whenever an SNMP command is processed, only the SNMP agent's MIB table is updated.

Every time outStreamCnfgCtrl is set, the MIB table is then submitted to Core to replace the current configuration. If there is an error in the configuration, the MIB table is rejected by the Core and the previous valid configuration is restored and saved into the MIB table.

Note   Although submitting a new MIB table to Core takes some time, it should be done on a regular basis, because if the configuration is rejected, everything in the current MIB table is rejected.

The tables that SNMP manager is concerned with are vbitsBoardInfoEntry, vbitsInPsiEntry, vbitsInPsiPgmEntry, vbitsinPsiPgmElmStreamEntry, vbitsOutStreamEntry, vbitsOutStreamPgmEntry, vbitsOutStreamPgmElmStreamEntry, vbitsOutStreamPassThruPidEntry, and vbitsDspCalEntry. Refer to Table B-1 for the index for each table.

Table B-1: Table Name and Index List
Table Name Index Function Description


11 + slot#

Board information in each slot, one entry for each slot, read only


IntrIndex = 19, 20, 21, ..., 42

Input transport stream, one for each input port, read-only (except inPsiName)


InPgmIndex = Input slot#<<24 + Input module#<<16 + inPgmNum

Input program, one for each program, read-only (except inPsiPgmName)


InElmIndex = Input Slot#<<24 + Input module#<<16 + inPid

Input elementary stream packet identifier (PID)


OutTrIndex = Slot#*10 + Module#

Module# is 0-based

Output transport stream, one for each output port, read-write



Output program



Output elementary stream PID



The passthru PID



DSP usage calculation

The Configuration Hierarchy

The configuration table consists of output transport streams (outStreamEntry). Each transport stream consists of output programs (outStreamPgmEntry) and passthru PIDs (outStreamPassThruPidEntry). Each program consists of elementary stream PIDs (outStreamPgmElmStreamEntry).

Frequently Used Configuration Tasks

Displaying All Input PSI Information

Set index=0 Do (getnext inPsiDataPresent.index)
     if inPsiDataPresent.index=1 then (this input port has the incoming stream)
          trIndex=returned index from the getnext
          inPsiName=getone inPsiName.trIndex
          slot=getone inPsiSlotNum.trIndex
          conn=getone inPsiConnNum.trIndex
          numPgms=getone inPsiNumPgms
          display slot conn inPsiName
                      for pgmIndex=0, inPsiNumPgms
                                     pgmNum=getone inPsiPgmNum
                                     numElms=getone inPsiPgmNumElmStreams
                                     display inPsiNum, pgmIndex
                      for elmIndex=0, numElms
                                     type=getone inPsiPgmElmStreamType
                                     pid=getone inPsiPgmElmStreamPid
                                     display elementary stream type and pid
          do the next getnext
while (getnext still returns a column in inPsiDataPresent)

Displaying Board Information

For (slot=0, 7)
         brdIndex=11+ slot
         brdnum =getone boardInfoType.brdIndex
         if ($brdnum == 1) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_PPC
         else if ($brdnum==2) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DSP4
         else if ($brdnum==3) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DHEI_IN
         else if ($brdnum==4) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DHEI_IO
         else if ($brdnum==5) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DVB4_IN
         else if ($brdnum==6) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DVB_IO
         else if ($brdnum==7) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DSP3
         else if ($brdnum == 8) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DHEI_IO_R2
         else if ($brdnum==9) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DVB_IO_R2
         else if ($brdnum==10) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DVOC
         else if ($brdnum==11) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DHIN_DVOUT
         else if ($brdnum==12) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DHEI_IO_R3
         else if ($brdnum==13) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DHEI_IO_R4
         else if ($brdnum==14) then
                         boardtype is BOARD_TYPE_DSP6
         else if ($brdnum==100) then
                         boardtype is EMPTY SLOT
                         boardtype is unknown type

Adding an Output Transport Stream

Set OutStreamValidStatus.trIndex to 1, where trIndex=slot#*10 + module# + 1. Both slot# and module# are 0-based. For DVB_I/O or DHEI_I/O cards, there is only one output module (module 3). For the DVB I/O card, there are 2 output modules, module 3 and module 5. For example, if there is an I/O card in slot 2, and module 3 is an output module, then the corresponding trIndex = 2*10 + 3 + 1 = 24

If the I/O card type is BOARD_TYPE_DHEI_IO_R2,

Read outStreamParams.trIndex, save it intrParams.
Clear bit 1 and 2 of trsParams, trsParams &= 0xfffffff9.
Set outStreamParams.trIndex to trsParams.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Deleting an Output Transport Stream

Set outStreamValidStatus.trIndex to 2. All the programs, elementary stream PIDs, and passthru PIDs inside this transport stream are removed automatically.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Adding a Program into an Output Transport Stream

List input program information of input streams using the process in the "Displaying All Input PSI Information" section.

Set outStreamPgmValidStatus.trIndex.pgmIndex to 1. The output transport stream is identified by the trIndex.
The program is identified by pgmIndex, which is the same as in PsiPgmIndex.
The output program number, outStreamPgmNum, is set automatically to the inPsiPgmNum.

(Optional) Set outStreamPgmNum.trIndex.pgmIndex to a specified number not yet used as an output program number by this output transport stream.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Deleting a Program from an Output Transport Stream

Set outStreamPgmValidStatus.trIndex.pgmIndex to 2. All elementary stream PIDs are deleted automatically.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Adding a PassThru PID to an Output Transport Stream

List input program information of input streams using the process in the "Displaying All Input PSI Information" section. Pick the PIDs and add them into an output transport stream.
Set outStreamPassThruPidValidStatus.trIndex.passIndex to 1.
By default, the output passthru PID is set to be the same as the input PID, where passIndex is same as the inPsiPgmElmStreamIndex.

(Optional) Set outStreamPassThruPidPid.trIndex.passIndex to a desired output PID.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Deleting a PassThru PID from an Output Transport Stream

Set outStreamPassThruPidValidStatus.trIndex.passIndex to 2.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Checking a Returned Message After Setting outStreamCnfgCtrl

After setting outStreamCnfgCtrl to submit the configuration, you can read back the returned message from Core.

Get appConfigMessage.0

If the configuration is valid and accepted by Core, the message "Return Okay" is returned. Otherwise, the message includes error information.

Enabling or Disabling the Output in the DSP Usage Calculator

If the DSP module serving the output is used as MUX or reserved as MUX, set enable to the following output:

Set dspCalEnableStatus.trIndex to 1.

To release this DSP module to DEMUX, set disable to this output:

Set dspCalEnableStatus.trIndex to 2

Enabling or Disabling the Auto-Select Status in the DSP Usage Calculator

If enable is set to dspCalAutoselStatus, when Core re-allocates the resources in the system, this output will be reassigned to DEMUX. To set enable:

Set dspCalAutoselStatus.trIndex to 1.

To keep the DSPs assigned to this output, set disable to this variable:

Set dspCalAutoselStatus.trIndex to 2.

Changing the DSP Usage Percent of the Output in the DSP Usage Calculator

To assign more DSP modules to serve this output:

Set dspCalChangePercent.trIndex to 1.

To assign fewer DSP modules to this output:

Set dspCalChangePercent.trIndex to 2.

Applying the Changed DSP Usage Allocations to the Outputs

If, after changing the DSP usage allocation, Core must reassign DSP resources among the outputs with the changed DSP usage allocation, it should be submitted by setting dspCalCnfgCtrl.

Set dspCalCnfgCtro.0 to 1

Checking Returned Status and Messages

After setting variables, returned messages from Core can be read.

Get dspCalConfigMessage.0

If the configuration is valid and accepted by Core, the message "Return Okay" is returned. Otherwise, the message includes error information.

SNMP Support of Multiple File Names for Application Configuration

The appConfFileName variable has been added in vbitsRateMuxOutput to store the name of the file for downloading or uploading the application configuration.

appConfFileName  OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX  DisplayString
       ACCESS  read-write
       STATUS  mandatory
               "File name of application configuration."
       ::= { vbitsRateMuxOUtput 7 )

To download or upload the application configuration, follow these steps:

Step 1   Run the TFTP server and configure the root directory of the TFTP server to ensure that the server can read (download) or write (upload) the application configuration file.

Step 2   Set the filename to appConfFileName.

Step 3   To download, set the value of OxFEED to outStreamCnfgCtrl. To upload, set the value of 0xBEEF to outStreamCnfgCtrl.

Equivalent Procedures

Table B-2 describes typical Cisco 6920 operations and the equivalent procedures using both the web-based GUI and SNMP commands.

Table B-2: Web Interface and SNMP Command Equivalent Procedures
Operation Description Web Interface Procedure SNMP Request Procedure

Review existing output transport streams.

In the Edit Output Configuration section of the Program Select page, use the Select Output pull-down menu to display all existing outputs.

A chain of
Getnext outStreamValidStatus.index

For the first time, index = 0.

For subsequent times, use the returned index from the previous Getnext, then display the output stream names.

Select an output transport stream.

Choose the desired output transport stream from the Select Output pull-down menu.

Set outStreamValidStatus.trIndex to 1.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

TrIndex is (output_slot#*10) + (output_module# +1). For example, for output "slot1, module3", trIndex = 14.

For DVB_IO and DHEI_IO cards, there only is one output module (module 3). For the DVB_IO2 card, there are two outputs (modules 3 and 5).

Review the board type of the current output transport stream.

Read the output transport stream name in the output information group.

Click Input/Output Transport Map.

Find the line that contains the name found in the previous page and read the slot number in the same line.

Click Chassis Configuration. Scroll to Board Type.

Find the line with the same slot number. The board type is displayed next to the slot number.

Get boardInfoType.brdIndex
where brdIndex =
and slot# = trIndex/10.

Then display the boardType:


Review existing output programs for the current output transport stream.

If the number of programs is greater than zero, an output program table is displayed in the upper half of the Program page, listing all selected programs for this output transport stream. Some of the major properties of these programs are also displayed in this table.

A chain of Getnext inPsiDataPresent.index

For the first time, index = 0.

For subsequent times, use the returned index.

If the returned result is not zero, use this index in Get inPsiName.index to retrieve the input program name.

Then use a chain of Getnext inPsiPgmNum.index.pgmIndex to show all programs in a stream.

For the first time, pgmIndex = 0.

For subsequent times, use the returned pgmIndex.

Then display the program numbers.

Review existing passthru streams of the current output transport stream.

If the number of streams is greater than zero, the passthru stream table is displayed below the output program table, listing all passthru streams for this output transport stream.

A chain of Getnext outStreamPassThruPidValidStatus.

For the first time, index = 0.

For subsequent times, use the returned index from the previous Getnext.

Then display the passthru PIDs.

Review existing input transport streams and input programs.

Below the Edit Output Configuration section is the table of input programs. The input transport stream of each program is displayed in the last (Source) column.

Input programs belonging to the same transport stream are grouped by color.

A chain of Getnext inPsiNumPgms.index

If the returned result is not 0, then use this index in Getone inPsiName.index and use a chain of Getnext inPsiPgmNum.pgmIndex to show all programs in a stream.

Select an input program by program number for current output transport stream.

The first (Select) column of the table is a list of check boxes. Select the check box corresponding to the desired program.

Click Apply.

Set outStreamPgmValidStatus.trIndex.
pgmIndex to 1.

(Optional) Set outStreamPgmNum.trIndex.
pgmIndex to a desired output program number.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0,

where trIndex = (output slot# * 10) + (output module# + 1), and pgmIndex = inPsiPgmIndex.

Select a group of input programs for the current output transport stream.

Select the check boxes corresponding to the desired programs.

Click Apply.

For each program, perform the Set operations specified above.

Pass a stream directly through to the current output transport stream.

Click PID Pass Thru.

Enter the number of the input stream PID and specify its source transport stream.

Click Apply.

to 1.

(Optional) Set
passIndex to a desired output PID.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Pass a group of streams through to the current output transport stream.

Specify streams in multiple lines of the table as described above.

Click Apply.

For each PID, perform the Set operations specified above.

Specify Transport Stream ID for the current output transport stream.

Modify the value in the Transport Stream ID field in the Edit Output Configuration information group.

Click Apply.

Set OutStreamTsId.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamConfgCtrl to 0.

Specify PSI Insertion Interval for the current output transport stream.

Modify the value in the PSI Insertion Interval field in the Edit Output Configuration information group.

Click Apply.

Set OutStreamPsiRate.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify Number of DSPs for the current output transport stream.

Modify the value in the Manual DSP Allocation field in the Edit Output Configuration information group.

Click Apply.

Set outStreamNumDsps.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify Number of Null Packets for the current output transport stream.

Modify the value in the Null Bitrate field in the Edit Output Configuration information group.

Click Apply.

Set outStreamNullPkts.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify CA System ID for the current output transport stream.

Modify the value in the CA System ID field.

Click Apply.

Set OutStreamSysId to a value.

The first byte of the value with 0 for DELETE, 1 for DON'TCARE, and 2 for a valid ID.

For example, to set a valid CA descriptor 0x1122, set the value as 2232578 (0x221102). To leave the CA descriptor as is (DON'TCARE), set the value as 16776961 (0xffff01). To delete the CA descriptor, set the value as 16776960 (0xffff00).

Specify Output Bitrate for the current output transport stream.

Modify the value in the Output Bitrate field in the Edit Output Configuration information group.

Click Apply.

Set outStreamBitRate.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify Output Packet Size for the current output transport stream (DVB output only).

Modify the value in the Output Packet Size field. (This field is available only when the current output transport stream is a DVB output.)

Click Apply.

Get boardInfoType.brdIndex
where brdIndex = ENTPHYINDEX_BOARD(11) + slot#,
and Slot# = trIndex/10.

If (boardType -1) is BOARD_TYPE_DVB_IO (5), or
Then set
outStreamPacketSize.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify Byte Gap for the current output transport stream (DVB output only).

Modify the value in the Byte Gap field. (This field is available only when the current output transport stream is a DVB output.)

Click Apply.

Get boardInfoType.brdIndex
where brdIndex = ENTPHYINDEX_BOARD(11) + slot#,
and Slot# = trIndex/10.

If (boardType -1) is BOARD_TYPE_DVB_IO (5), or
Then set
outStreamByteGapSize.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify the clock source for the current output transport stream (DHEI output only).

Modify the value in the Clock Source field. (This field is available only when the current output transport stream is a DHEI output.)

Click Apply.

Get boardInfoType.brdIndex to get board type
where brdIndex = ENTPHYINDEX_BOARD(11) + slot#,
and Slot# = trIndex/10.

If boardType is
then clear bit1 and bit2 of outStreamParams, indicating that external clock is chosen.

If boardType = 12 or 13,
If nothing is done, external clock is chosen.
If bit 1 is set, 29.26-MHz internal clock is chosen.
If bit 2 is set, 38.8-MHz internal clock is set.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify Packet Gap for the current output transport stream (DHEI output only).

Modify the value in the DHEI Packet Gap field. (This field is available only when the current output transport stream is a DHEI output.)

Click Apply.

Get boardInfoType.brdIndex
where brdIndex =
and slot# = trIndex/10.

If (boardType - 1) is
Then set
outStreamByteGapSize.trIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Mark a selected input program as remappable.

Click Remap.

Select the Remap check box of the corresponding desired input program.

Click Apply.

Set outStreamPgmValidStatus.trIndex.
pgmIndex to 1,
where trIndex and pgmIndex are the corresponding indexes for this program.

Then set bit 18, 19, 20 of outStreamPgmParams.trIndex.pgmIndex
to 1.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify a new program number for a selected input program.

Click Remap.

Modify the Prog# field in the input table of the corresponding input program.

Click Apply.

Set outStreamPgmNum.trIndex.pgmIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify the PmtPid for a selected input program.

Click Remap.

Modify the PmtPid field in the input table of the corresponding input program.

Click Apply.

Set outStreamPgmPmtPid.trIndex.pgmIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify the Video PID for a selected input program.

Click Remap.

Modify the Video field in the input table of the corresponding input program.

Click Apply.

A chain of Getnext outStreamPgmElmStreamType.trIndex.

For the first time, elmindex = 0.

For subsequent times, elmIndex is the value returned from the previous Getnext.

Until outStreamPgmElmStreamType = video (0x80), use this elmIndex to set outStreamPgmElmStreamPid.trIndex.
pgmIndex.elmIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Drop a video stream from a selected input program.

Click Remap.

Change the Video field in the input table of the corresponding input program to "--".

Click Apply.

trIndex.pgmIndex.elmIndex to 2,
where elmIndex is the corresponding videoPid.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify quality of service (QoS) for a selected input program.

Click Advanced.

Select a value from the QOS pull-down menu in the input table of the corresponding input program.

Click Apply.

outStreamPgmPriority.trIndex.pgmIndex to a value (PASSTHRU=0,

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Assign the DSP module to be used by a selected input program.

Click Advanced.

Change the DSP field in the input table of the corresponding input program to the desired value.

Click Apply.

outStreamPgmDspNum.trIndex.pgmIndex to a value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify the Max Bitrate of a selected input program.

Click Advanced.

Change the Max Bitrate field in the input table of the corresponding input program to the desired value.

Click Apply.

pgmIndex to a value.

Set OutStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Mark a selected passthru stream as remappable.

Click PID Pass Thru.

Check the Remap check box of the corresponding input stream.

Click Apply.

passIndex to 3.


Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify a new Output PID for a selected passthru stream.

Click PID Pass Thru.

Change the Output Pid field in the input table of the corresponding input stream to the desired value.

Click Apply.

passIndex to a new PID value.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0.

Specify the application configuration file to upload from or download to the Cisco 6920.

Click Utilities.

Enter the AppConfig Filename in the Save/Load Configuration to/from a file field, then click Save to the File to upload from and Load from File and Run to download to the Cisco 6920.

Click Apply.

Set appConfigFileName to a string of file name. The file should be under the root or a root subdirectory. The name should follow the format Subdirectory_name\file_name.

Set outStreamCnfgCtro to 0xFEED (65261) if downloading to the Cisco 6920.

Set outStreamCnfgCtrl to 0xBEEF (48879) when uploading the Application Configuration from the Cisco 6920.

Review an error message when a configuration fails.

The web interface displays an error window when Apply is clicked.

Get appConfigMessage.0 to see the error message.

Enable or disable the output.

Click Chassis Configuration and scroll to the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table. To enable the output, check the corresponding check box in the Enable column. To disable, uncheck the box.

To enable,
Set dspCalEnableStatus.trIndex to 1.

To disable,
Set dspCalEnableStatus.trIndex to 2.

Enable or disable the auto select status.

Click Chassis Configuration and scroll to the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table. To enable the auto-select status, check the corresponding check box in the Auto column. To disable, uncheck the box.

To enable,
Set dspCalAutoselStatus.trIndex to 1.

To disable,
Set dspCalAutoselStatus.trIndex to 2.

Change the DSP usage percentage.

Click Chassis Configuration and scroll to the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table. To increase the DSP allocation percentage, under DSP CPU Allocation, click the corresponding up-arrow. To decrease, click the down-arrow.

To increase the DSP allocation percentage,
Set dspCalChangePercent to 1.

To decrease the DSP allocation percentage,
Set dspCalChangePercent to 2.

Apply the changed DSP allocation to the system.

Click Chassis Configuration and scroll to the Sytem DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table.

Click Apply.

Set dspCalCnfgCtrl.0 to 1.

Review the returned message when changing or applying the DSP allocation.

The web-based GUI displays an error window when there is a failure when changing the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table or clicking Apply.

Get dspCalConfigMessage.0
If no failure, the message will be Return Okay. Otherwise an error message is returned.

Review the maximum number of programs in this output

In the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table in the Number of Programs section, the number is displayed in the Maximum column.

Get dspCalMaxNumPgms.trIndex

Review the recommended number of programs in the output

In the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table in the Number of Programs section, the number is displayed in the Recommended column.

Get dspCalRecNumPgms.trIndex

Review the number of programs currently running in this output.

In the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table in the Number of Programs section, the number is displayed in the Running column.

Get dspCalCurNumPgms.trIndex

Review the current DSP CPU allocation for this output.

In the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table, the percentage is displayed in the DSP CPU Allocation column.

Get dspCalPercent.trIndex

Review the slot number of this output.

In the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table, the slot number of the output stream is displayed in the Output column.

Get dspCalSlotNum.trIndex

Review the module number of this output.

In the System DSP CPU Bandwidth Allocation table, the module number of the output stream is displayed in the Output column.

output_module#=dsp_module# + 1

To set dsp_module# that serves the output as MUX,
Get dspCalModuleNum.trIndex

Posted: Fri Sep 27 00:22:29 PDT 2002
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