
Table of Contents

banner exec
banner incoming




To enable background route computation, use the background-routes ATM router PNNI configuration command. To disable background route computation, use the no form of this command.

no background-routes

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.



Command Mode

ATM router PNNI configuration.

Usage Guidelines

The LightStream 1010 ATM switch supports the following two route selection modes:

On-demand (no background-routes)—a separate route computation is performed for each SETUP or ADD PARTY message received over a UNI or IISP interface. In this mode, the most recent topology information received by this node is always used for each setup request.

Background-routes—Most calls can be routed using precomputed routing trees. In this mode, multiple background trees are precomputed for several service categories and QOS metrics. If no route is found in the background trees that satisfies the QOS requirements of a particular setup request, route selection reverts to on-demand route computation.

The background-routes mode should be enabled in large networks, where it could exhibit less stringent processing requirements and better scalability. Route computation is performed at most every poll-interval seconds, when a significant change in the topology of the network is reported, or when insignificant-threshold changes have occurred since the last route computation.

For more information, refer to the LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to enable background routes using the background-routes ATM router PNNI configuration command.

Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# atm router pnni
Switch(config-atm-router)# background-routes

Related Commands

show atm pnni bg-routes
show atm pnni bg-status

banner exec

To display a message on terminals with an interactive EXEC, use the banner exec global configuration command. This command specifies a message to be displayed when an EXEC process is created (line activated or incoming connection to VTY).

banner exec d message d

Syntax Description


Banners are not displayed.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Follow the command with one or more blank spaces and a delimiting character of your choice. Then enter one or more lines of text, terminating the message with the second occurrence of the delimiting character.


The following example sets an EXEC message. The dollar sign ($) is used as a delimiting character.

Switch(config)# banner exec $
Session activated. Enter commands at the prompt.

Related Command

banner motd

banner incoming

To specify a message used when you have an incoming connection to a line from a host on the network, use the banner incoming global configuration command. An incoming connection is one initiated from the network side of the switch. The EXEC banner can be suppressed on certain lines using the no exec-banner line configuration command. This line should not display the EXEC or MOTD banners when an EXEC is created.

banner incoming d message d

Syntax Description


No incoming banner is displayed.

Command Mode

Global configuration.

Usage Guidelines

Follow the command with one or more blank spaces and a delimiting character of your choice. Then enter one or more lines of text, terminating the message with the second occurrence of the delimiting character.


The following example sets an incoming connection message. The pound sign (#) is used as a delimiting character.

Switch(config)# banner incoming #
Welcome to LightStream 1010.

Posted: Thu Jan 23 20:54:31 PST 2003
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