
Table of Contents

StreamView Output Samples

StreamView Output Samples

This appendix provides samples of output from various StreamView installation processes, as indicated below:

Sample Output from OpenView Fields Command

The following is sample output generated by the ovw -fields command issued while installing StreamView under HP Openview.

$ ovw -fields Verifying field registration... /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified String field "IP Address" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified String field "IP Subnet Mask" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Enumeration field "IP Status" Verified enumeration value "Unset" (0) Verified enumeration value "Unknown" (1) Verified enumeration value "Normal" (2) Verified enumeration value "Marginal" (3) Verified enumeration value "Critical" (4) Verified enumeration value "Unmanaged" (5) /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified String field "IP Network Name" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified String field "IP Segment Name" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Boolean field "isIPRouter" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Boolean field "IPMap Enabled" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Boolean field "Fast Lines" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Boolean field "Status On" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Boolean field "Status to Lines" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Boolean field "Node IP Status" /usr/OV/fields/C/ip_fields: Verified Boolean field "IPMap App Config IV Switch" /usr/OV/fields/C/snmp_fields: Verified Boolean field "isSNMPSupported" /usr/OV/fields/C/snmp_fields: Verified Boolean field "isSNMPProxied" /usr/OV/fields/C/snmp_fields: Verified String field "SNMP sysDescr" /usr/OV/fields/C/snmp_fields: Verified String field "SNMP sysLocation" /usr/OV/fields/C/snmp_fields: Verified String field "SNMP sysContact" /usr/OV/fields/C/snmp_fields: Verified String field "SNMP sysObjectID" /usr/OV/fields/C/snmp_fields: Verified Enumeration field "SNMPAgent" Verified enumeration value "Unset" (0) Verified enumeration value "HP 3000/XL" (1) Verified enumeration value "HP 386" (2) Verified enumeration value "HP 700/[R]X X-Terminal" (3) . . . Although the actual output generated by the ovw -fields command may be several pages in length, this example has been truncated for demonstration purposes.

Sample Output from HP OpenView Verify Command

The following is sample output generated by the ovw -verify command issued while installing StreamView under HP Openview.

# ovw -verify Begin verification. Verifying application registration... /usr/OV/registration/C/nmpolling: Application "HP OpenView Topology/Status Polling Configuration" /usr/OV/registration/C/demandpoll: Application "IP Map Demand Poll" /usr/OV/registration/C/terminal: Application "OpenView Windows Terminal Connect" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmevents: Application "SNMP Event Notification" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmsnmpconf: Application "SNMP Configuration" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmloadmib: Application "SNMP MIB Loader" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmbrowser: Application "SNMP MIB Browser" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmmibappl: Application "mibappl" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmmibgraph: Application "mibgraph" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmbuilder: Application "SNMP MIB Application Builder" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmcollect: Application "SNMP Data Collector" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/browse.gph: Application "Graph Collected SNMP Data" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovsnmp/xnmtrap: Application "SNMP Event Configuration" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovhelp: Application "OpenView Windows Help" /usr/OV/registration/C/ovw: Application "OpenView Windows" . . . Verifying menu semantics... Verifying symbol registration... /usr/OV/symbols/C/Cards: Symbol class "Cards" /usr/OV/symbols/C/Cards: Symbol type "Cards:IP" /usr/OV/symbols/C/Cards: Symbol type "Cards:Fax" /usr/OV/symbols/C/Cards: Symbol type "Cards:HP-IB" /usr/OV/symbols/C/Cards: Symbol type "Cards:Accelerator" /usr/OV/symbols/C/Cards: Symbol type "Cards:SCSI" /usr/OV/symbols/C/Cards: Symbol type "Cards:VXI" . . . Although the actual output generated by the ovw -verify command may be several pages in length, this example has been truncated for demonstration purposes.

Sample Output to StreamView Installation Log File

The following is representative of a /tmp/update.log file generated by the ovinstall command during the installation of Streamview under HP Openview.

======= Mon Jun 26 11:48:46 EDT 1995 BEGINNING OVINSTALL ovupdate: tar xvpf /dev/nrst1 LS-CONFIGURE x LS-CONFIGURE/../usr/OV/install/products/LS-CONFIGURE/pindex, 188 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LS-CONFIGURE/../usr/OV/install/products/LS-CONFIGURE/fsindex, 294 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LS-CONFIGURE/../usr/OV/install/system/LS-CONFIGURE/customize, 17 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LS-CONFIGURE/../usr/OV/install/system/LS-CONFIGURE/ovindex, 105 bytes, 1 tape blocks ovupdate: tar completed successfully. ovupdate: Creating /usr/OV/install/filesets/LS-CONFIGURE ... ovupdate completed successfully. NOTE: Stopping ovspmd. ovupdate: tar xvpf /dev/nrst1 LSCFG LSMIN x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/cfg, 2752512 bytes, 5376 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/cfg.uid, 409600 bytes, 800 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/cfg.hlp, 50963 bytes, 100 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/cfg_a, 2564096 bytes, 5008 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/pvc, 2613248 bytes, 5104 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/pvc.uid, 81920 bytes, 160 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/pvc.hlp, 39700 bytes, 78 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/vli, 2531328 bytes, 4944 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/vli.uid, 73728 bytes, 144 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/vli.hlp, 13583 bytes, 27 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/install/system/LSCFG/copyright, 100 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/install/system/LSCFG/customize, 615 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/install/system/LSCFG/decustomize, 517 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/install/system/LSCFG/ovindex, 150 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/install/system/LSCFG/ready, 7 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/registration/C/ls_cfg.reg, 541 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/registration/C/ls_pvc.reg, 570 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSCFG/../usr/OV/registration/C/ls_vli.reg, 580 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/Hub, 233 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/cli_startup.xterm, 999 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/lsm_SHOW_PB.cnf, 51110 bytes, 100 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/lsm_2GR1.copy, 51016 bytes, 100 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bin/ls_bin/cli, 802816 bytes, 1568 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.20.m, 491 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.20.p, 491 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.26.m, 767 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.26.p, 767 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.32.m, 917 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.32.p, 917 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.38.m, 1304 bytes, 3 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/bitmaps/C/lightstream.38.p, 1304 bytes, 3 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/install/system/LSMIN/copyright, 100 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/install/system/LSMIN/customize, 2572 bytes, 6 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/install/system/LSMIN/decustomize, 2187 bytes, 5 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/install/system/LSMIN/ovindex, 144 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/install/system/LSMIN/ready, 7 bytes, 1 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/newconfig/xdefaults, 843 bytes, 2 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/snmp_mibs/lightstream, 381840 bytes, 746 tape blocks x LSMIN/../usr/OV/symbols/C/Hub.LightStream, 76 bytes, 1 tape blocks ovupdate: tar completed successfully. ovupdate: Creating /usr/OV/install/filesets/LSCFG ... ovupdate: Creating /usr/OV/install/filesets/LSMIN ... ovupdate: Retensioning tape: mt -f /dev/nrst1 retension ovupdate completed successfully. NOTE: Installation completed successfully. ======= Mon Jun 26 11:56:16 EDT 1995 BEGINNING OVCONFIGURE * Configuring fileset LSCFG * Running customize script for fileset LSCFG. * Customize script for fileset LSCFG succeeded. * Configuring fileset LSMIN * Running customize script for fileset LSMIN. * Customize script for fileset LSMIN succeeded. * Configuring fileset OVIC * Running customize script for fileset OVIC. NOTE: Valid permanent activation key for HP OpenView for IP address "" * Customize script for fileset OVIC succeeded. ======= Mon Jun 26 11:57:24 EDT 1995 COMPLETED OVCONFIGURE NOTE: Restarting ovspmd. ======= Mon Jun 26 11:57:52 EDT 1995 COMPLETED OVINSTALL . . .

The above is representative of actual output written to the /tmp/update.log file by the ovinstall command during StreamView installation under HP OpenView. Note, however, that this example shows output generated only during execution of the LS-CONFIGURE module. Similar output would also be generated during the subsequent execution of the LS-MONITOR and LS-TOPOMAP modules.

Sample .Xdefaults File

The following is representative of the content of an .Xdefaults file.

# cat Xdef.sav /usr/OV/newconfig/xdefaults pvc*background: LightGrey pvc*XmPushButton.background: gainsboro pvc*XmPushButton.shadowThickness: 3 pvc*fontList: -*-times-*-r-*--12-*=charset1 pvc*XmList.fontList: -*-courier-*-r-*--12-*=charset1 pvc*XmText.fontList: -*-courier-*-r-*--12-*=charset1 pvc*XmList.background: PeachPuff pvc*XmText.background: PeachPuff cfg*background: LightGrey cfg*XmPushButton.background: gainsboro cfg*XmPushButton.shadowThickness: 3 cfg*XmList.background: PeachPuff cfg*XmText.background: PeachPuff vli*background: LightGrey vli*XmPushButton.background: gainsboro vli*XmPushButton.shadowThickness: 3 vli*XmList.background: PeachPuff vli*XmText.background: PeachPuff monitor*background: LightGrey monitor*XmPushButton.background: gainsboro monitor*XmPushButton.shadowThickness: 3 monitor*XmList.background: PeachPuff monitor*XmText.background: PeachPuff perrault-sun# ^D??/tmp_mnt/home/perrault->whoami perrault /tmp_mnt/home/perrault->cfg& [1] 4011

Possible Error Condition During HP OpenView Startup

If you are starting HP OpenView while running several other applications, the following error output may be generated if the colormap table is full. To clear this condition, reboot the workstation and start up HP Openview before other applications.

/tmp_mnt/home/perrault->ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#41ffff" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#ffff29" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#ff8500" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#8d6057" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "salmon" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#5A2322" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#727cff" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#00e626" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#f5e7d1" ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot convert string "helvr14" to type FontStruct ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot convert string "helvr12" to type FontStruct ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot convert string "helvr10" to type FontStruct ovw: Xt Warning: Cannot convert string "helvr08" to type FontStruct Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#00e626" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#41ffff" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#ffff29" Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#ff8500"

Error Output When XKEYSYMDB Is Undefined

The following is representative of output sent to the standard error device (STDERR) when the XKEYSYMDB variable is incorrectly defined during OpenView startup (when a file named XKeySymDB is not found where XKEYSYMDB points).

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfActivate

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfActivate:ManagerParentActivate()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfCancel

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfCancel:ManagerParentCancel()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfSelect

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfSelect:ManagerGadgetSelect()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfHelp:ManagerGadgetHelp()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfBeginLine

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfBeginLine:ManagerGadgetTraverseHome()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfUp

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfUp:ManagerGadgetTraverseUp()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfDown

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfDown:ManagerGadgetTraverseDown()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfLeft

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfLeft:ManagerGadgetTraverseLeft()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfRight

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfRight:ManagerGadgetTraverseRight()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfHelp:ManagerGadgetHelp()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfActivate

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfActivate:ManagerParentActivate()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfCancel

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfCancel:ManagerParentCancel()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfSelect

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfSelect:ManagerGadgetSelect()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfActivate

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfActivate:ManagerParentActivate()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfCancel

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfCancel:ManagerParentCancel()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfBeginLine

Warning: ... found while parsing 'c <Key>osfBeginLine:SWTopLine()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfBeginLine

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfBeginLine:SWBeginLine()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfEndLine

Warning: ... found while parsing 'c <Key>osfEndLine:SWBottomLine()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfEndLine

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfEndLine:SWEndLine()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfPageLeft

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfPageLeft:SWLeftPage()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfPageUp

Warning: ... found while parsing 'c <Key>osfPageUp:SWLeftPage()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfPageRight

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfPageRight:SWRightPage()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfPageDown

Warning: ... found while parsing 'c <Key>osfPageDown:SWRightPage()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfPageUp

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfPageUp:SWUpPage()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfPageDown

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfPageDown:SWDownPage()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfHelp:ManagerGadgetHelp()'

Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfUp

Warning: ... found while parsing '<Key>osfUp:ManagerGadgetTraverseUp()'

. . . Although the error output sent to the standard error device may be several pages in length, this example has been truncated for demonstration purposes.

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