
Table of Contents

About This Manual
Document Objectives
Safety Precautions
Glossary of TCS Hub Commands
Document Organization
Document Conventions
Related Cisco Documentation

About This Manual

Document Objectives

The objective of this manual is to assist you in the installation and setup of the LightStream 2020 multiservice ATM switch (LS2020 switch) to be fully operational in your networking environment.

This document guides you through the following major tasks:

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on a CD-ROM called Cisco Connection Documentation, Enterprise Series. The CD is updated and shipped monthly so it might be more current than printed documentation. To order the documentation CD, contact your local sales representative or call Customer Service. The CD is available both as a single CD and as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco technical documentation on the World Wide Web URL .

Note      The Cisco Connection Documentation, Enterprise Series CD was previously called UniverCD.

For brevity and clarity, the LightStream 2020 multiservice ATM switch may be referred to generically throughout this document using one of the following terms:


The users of this manual should understand basic data communication concepts, have some knowledge of UNIX, and be familiar with the interfaces and devices used by an LS2020 network.

Safety Precautions

Observe the following safety precautions when you are installing a LightStream 2020 multiservice ATM switch.

Warning and Caution

Warning LS2020 switches are designed and manufactured to meet accepted safety standards. However, improper use can result in electrical shock, fire hazards, and personal injury. Read the following instructions carefully before installing and using an LS2020 switch. Heed all Cautions and Warnings.

Electrostatic Discharge Protection

Static electricity can damage or degrade electronic components. Therefore, observe the precautions described below in handling LS2020 hardware.

Grounding Procedure

Before removing any part of the LS2020 enclosure to expose its circuitry, you must ensure that you, the equipment rack, and the circuit boards are at ground potential to prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD). Such spurious discharges can damage LS2020 components. To place yourself at ground potential, wear a wrist strap connected to one of the ESD grounding jacks on the front and rear of the LS2020 chassis or to the bare metal chassis frame itself.

Card Protection

All spare cards are shipped in separate, reusable antistatic shielding bags. Store each card in its bag until the card is installed in the machine. Do not remove a card from its bag unless you are grounded. Do not place a bag on exposed electrical contacts where it can cause short circuits.

Glossary of TCS Hub Commands

The following test and control system (TCS) hub commands are used in this manual:

Document Organization

This manual is organized as follows:

The setup procedures in this chapter relate to the platform software that runs on the network processor (NP) card in the LS2020 chassis.

The NP card operates in conjunction with a floppy disk drive (for loading software) and a hard disk drive (for storing software and configuration data). Together, these elements serve as the loading, computational, and storage resources for an LS2020 switch.

An LS2020 switch can accommodate a second NP card. If present, the second card serves as a backup to the first. Each NP card also has an associated access card that provides an Ethernet port for connectivity within the networking environment.

For example, an LS2020 switch can accommodate the following additional components:

Document Conventions

The conventions listed in the table below are used in this document to enhance reader comprehension and product usability

Convention Purpose Example

Bold screen literal type

Represents user input.

$ date

Screen literal type

Represents system output.

Wed May 6 17:01:03 EDT 1994

Boldface type

Denotes names of commands, command arguments, and switches. Command names are case sensitive; enter them exactly as they appear in the text or examples.

Issue the clear command.

Italic type

Used for titles of documents and for emphasis.

LightStream 2020 Configuration Guide. File names are case sensitive.

Angle brackets <>

Indicate user-specified parameters or classes of user responses. When you see this notation in command syntax, make the substitution enclosed within the brackets, but do not type the angle brackets.

If you see:

set port <c.p> <state>

you might type:

set port 4.3 active

Square brackets [ ]

Indicate optional arguments or parameters for commands. You can omit optional arguments and parameters in any command.

cli> help [<topic>]

Caret symbol ^

When the caret symbol precedes a character, it refers to the control key.

^X (the same as Control X)

Curly braces{ }

Indicate a choice of argument or parameters for commands. Arguments or parameters are separated by a vertical line{|}, and you must select one.

cli> set cli traplevel



Related Cisco Documentation

The following is a list of LS2020 manuals and other material relevant to LS2020 switch users.

Introduces the LS2020 switch and the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology on which the LS2020 product is based. It describes traffic flow through an LS2020 network and presents key features, such as traffic and network management.

Provides guidelines you can use as you prepare your site to receive LS2020 hardware. It includes space, environmental, and electrical requirements; rack selection guidelines; requirements for the management workstation; and information on cables and connectors.

Describes LS2020 hardware components and tells you how to troubleshoot and diagnose component problems. It also gives procedures for configuring and replacing individual components and discusses test and control system (TCS) hub commands.

Provides the information you need to configure LS2020 switches. It describes the configuration tools and the procedures for using them, introduces the configuration database, and defines all configurable attributes and their settings. The guide also provides step-by-step configuration procedures.

Presents an overview of network tasks. It introduces the command line interface (CLI) and the graphical user interface (GUI), and it describes GUI-based monitoring procedures. The manual also describes facilities for viewing statistics and collecting traffic data.

Presents the syntax and functions of all CLI commands and describes the LS2020 private MIB.

Compactly summarizes the syntax and arguments for all CLI commands.

Discusses LS2020 traps and outlines the procedures used to determine whether traps will be logged and where they will be viewed. The manual also describes the major SNMP, operational, and informational traps.

Discusses the most frequently used LynxOS commands and the bash shell. It also provides a tutorial and reference guide for the vi editor.

Upgrade procedures outline steps involved in upgrading software. Release notes describe new features and special considerations (including known software bugs). Release notes and upgrade procedures are provided for both the platform software and the network management software.

Note      The upgrade procedures and release notes include important information that was not available when the other documents were printed.

Presents information on internetworking terms and acronyms, including material of interest to users of the LS2020 switch.

The LS2020 CLI and GUI network management tools support online help facilities.

To order these or other Cisco publications, contact your Cisco sales representative. (The customer order number for each manual is printed at the bottom of the manual's title page.) For information contact Customer Support at 1-800-553-2447.


Posted: Wed Jan 22 23:51:21 PST 2003
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