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HP OpenView integration adds icons and symbols (for Cisco devices) to the HP OpenView system for Cisco AccessPath Manager (APM) to use. The APM HP OpenView integration is normally done automatically as part of the installation process.
If you answered no to HP OpenView integration during the installation of APM, you can perform the integration later using the procedures in the following sections:
To perform HP OpenView integration:
Step 2 Make sure the HP OpenView daemons are running. Enter:
# /opt/OV/bin/ovstatus
Step 3 Run the HP OpenView update shell script:
# /opt/CSCOapm/etc/updateHPOV.sh
When you start HP OpenView using the command ovw, an application called APMovMap automatically starts. (When you exit HP OpenView, APMovMap will exit within about 30 seconds.) APMovMap updates the HP OpenView maps of your network.
When you create stacks and shelves through a web browser, this information is stored on the APM workstation. At the startup of HP OpenView and every 10 minutes thereafter, APMovMap checks to see if any of this configuration information has changed since the last time it wrote to the HP OpenView maps. Any new information will cause APMovMap to update the HP OpenView maps. (If the HP OpenView maps are set up as read-only, APMovMap will exit.)
The map update includes an icon created on the root map called AccessPath Map. The AccessPath Map shows the stack submaps. The stack submaps contain the individual shelf symbols:
Normally, you will manage these devices using APM and not HP OpenView. However, you can manage them with HP OpenView in some cases (such as if you are managing the subnets the APM shelves are on).
Removing a stack using the APM web configuration will result in the stack being removed from the HP OpenView maps. If a stack is not changed and only shelves within the stack are changed, those shelves are not removed from the HP OpenView maps. In the latter case, you will need to manually delete the shelf symbols from the HP OpenView maps.
During the installation of APM, a menu item for APM is placed in the HP OpenView Options menu. Selecting this menu item will (by default) launch a Netscape Navigator web browser from within the APM tree with the URL for APM.
If you do not want to use the default web browser (Netscape Navigator), edit the file:
and replace /opt/CSCOapm/browser/netscape with the path to whatever Java-enabled web browser that you prefer. (Cisco does not recommend running APM using anything other than the version of Netscape Navigator that shipped with APM.)
You will need to exit and restart HP OpenView for the change to be enabled.
A daemon application called APMovRecTraps allows Cisco traps to be viewed from the APM web screens. These traps come to the APM workstation from the AccessPath shelves being configured. The application was added during integration through a local registration file: /opt/CSCOapm/etc/APMovRecTraps.lrf.
The application will start automatically whenever you enter the command ovstart. To stop the application, enter the command ovstop.
The output log file is written to /opt/CSCOapm/etc/log/APMtrap.log. The log file has a default maximum size of 500 KB. When the maximum is reached, the file is moved to /opt/CSCOapm/etc/log/APMtrap.log.old (for backup purposes). Because the web browser only views the APMtrap.log file, the last 500 lines of the .old file are placed in the new empty APMtrap.log file to provide some web continuity.
To modify the default maximum log size, add the following parameter to the .lrf file (/opt/CSCOapm/etc/APMovRecTraps.lrf):
-s log_size
where log_size is the maximum log size in KB.
For example, to change the default log size to 300 KB, change the last line of the file /opt/CSCOapm/etc/APMovRecTraps.lrf from:
OVs_YES_START:pmd,ovtrapd:-l /opt/CSCOapm/etc:OVs_NON_WELL_BEHAVED::
OVs_YES_START:pmd,ovtrapd:-l /opt/CSCOapm/etc -s
You will then need to type (as root with /opt/OV/bin in your path):
ovaddobj /opt/CSCOapm/etc/APMovRecTraps.lrf
ovstop APMovRecTraps
ovstart APMovRecTraps
As a convenience to you, several Management Information Bases (MIBs) from supported APM shelf devices are shipped as part of APM. The MIB files included with APM are current as of this release of APM. You can check Cisco's World Wide Web site (http://www.cisco.com) periodically for download information on the latest device support and upgrades.
The MIB files shipped with APM are located in the directory:
If you want to load these MIBs into HP OpenView, select:
Load/Unload MIBS:SNMP
See your HP OpenView manual Using Network Node Manager for any additional information about loading and unloading MIBs into HP OpenView.
Posted: Wed Jul 17 05:17:42 PDT 2002
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