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Cisco Pre-Paid Debitcard
Programmer's Reference

Overview of the Multi-Language Feature
Multi-Language Feature Implementation
Cisco Connection Online
Documentation CD-ROM
Call Flow Example

Cisco Pre-Paid Debitcard
Programmer's Reference

Version: 9/29/00

This document contains information about the Multi-Language feature, including the following sections:

Overview of the Multi-Language Feature

The baseline prepaid debitcard application supports the playing of pre-recorded static and dynamic prompts for English, Spanish, and Chinese (Mandarin). The building of the dynamic prompts for these languages is performed as part of the Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS). If an additional language is needed, it has to be delivered as a change to the Cisco IOS and follow the Cisco IOS release process. This can be a very time-consuming and costly process. The Multi-Language feature provides the user with the ability to accommodate languages, other than those originally implemented in the Cisco IOS, by making changes within the debitcard Tool Command Language (TCL) application. Because the modifications are at the script level, the user can implement any defined language. Script changes are relatively easy when the language's dynamic prompt rules are supplied and translated into the script.

Language exceptions are defined as languages outside the originally supported three languages. This document concentrates on the building of dynamic prompts for language exceptions, rather than static prompts, because the script handles static prompts the same way for all languages. When a language is selected, the script prepends a language prefix and passes that prompt to the interactive voice response (IVR) Application Programming Interface (API) playPrompt verb.


To use the Multi-Language feature you need the following:

Restrictions and Configuration

router# call application voice debit tftp://dirt/script/debitcard_multi-lang_Cisco.
router# call application voice debit uid-len 6
router# call application voice debit language 1 en
router# call application voice debit language 2 th
router# call application voice debit language 3 ru
router# call application voice debit language 4 ja
router# call application voice debit language 5 ca
router# call application voice debit language 6 sp
router# call application voice debit language 7 ch
router# call application voice debit set-location en 0 tftp://dirt/au/en/
router# call application voice debit set-location th 0 tftp://dirt/au/th/
router# call application voice debit set-location ru 0 tftp://dirt/au/ru/
router# call application voice debit set-location ja 0 tftp://dirt/au/ja/
router# call application voice debit set-location ca 0 tftp://dirt/au/ca/
router# call application voice debit set-location sp 0 tftp://dirt/au/sp/
router# call application voice debit set-location ch 0 tftp://dirt/au/ch/

Related Documentation

Developer Support

Developers using this programmer's guide may be interested in joining the Cisco Developer Support Program. This new program has been developed to provide you with a consistent level of support that you can depend on while leveraging Cisco interfaces in your development projects.

A signed Developer Support Agreement is required to participate in this program. For more details, and access to this agreement, please visit us at http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/servpro/programs/ecosystem/devsup/ or contact developer-support@cisco.com.

Multi-Language Feature Implementation

The Multi-Language feature is built on the application infrastructure of the debitcard script. The script is rewritten, but the call flow from debitcard is essentially unmodified. The original call flow is followed through all procedures for selecting a language, collecting a card number, performing authorization, and placing a call. The modifications necessary for the Multi-Language feature were made to procedures do_get_dest and do_second_authorization to accommodate the playing of pre-recorded dynamic creditAmount and creditTime for the new languages.

How to Use the Multi-Language Feature

This section of the document includes information on how to use the feature:

Step 1   Build the language's master prompt spreadsheet. This will be used to determine the language exceptions and how the language should build dynamic prompts.

Step 2   Determine what numbering structure the language belongs to. Is it SSDHTT, SDDHTT, or another form? Refer to the example in Table 1 to determine if modifications in procedure do_whole_part are required.

Step 3   Based on the numbering structure, modify the necessary procedures. If a language has a dynamic prompt exception for a digit, as defined in Table 1, then add the language prefix to the switch in the necessary procedure (do_tens, do_hundreds, do_thousands, or do_hthousands). See "Modifying the Existing Script". Under most circumstances, the switch default case should not have to be modified.

Table 1   Language Exception Number Translation Form

Digit 1 Digit 2 Digit 3 Digit 4 Digit 5 Digit 6

Cantonese (ca)







Thai (th)







Japanese (ja)







Russian (ru)







Testing and Debugging Your Multi-Language Script

Sample test tools and cases are bundled with the script.

Modifying the Existing Script

Modification of the existing script is based on the specific constructs of the required language. Each modification is different but is made to some or all of the procedures:

The modifications are made by adding a new TCL switch case for the language prefix with the TCL statements that define the language dynamic prompt to the switch statement.

New TCL Procedures

Included in this guide are seven new TCL procedures that can be used to build the language-specific dynamic prompts, while modifications were made in procedures do_get_dest and do_second_authorization. To implement a language exception, the procedures do_get_dest and do_second_authorization, as well as at least some of the other seven procedures, must be modified.

Proc do_get_dest

This modified procedure is used after successful first authorization. A TCL switch statement is included that directs the flow to the language exception procedures or uses the default for Cisco IOS implemented languages. For the TCL implemented language exceptions, this procedure separates the billing server returned amount (creditAmt) into two parts and calls the prompt building procedures of do_whole_part and do_decimal_part.

Note      Some TCL script implementations must be based on the returned values from the RADIUS billing server for creditAmt and creditTime.

Example 1   Sample Modifications to Procedure do_get_dest
switch -regexp $prefix {
{ru} {set newlist [split $amt .]
set gender m
if {$len == 1} {
switch -regexp $numbers(tens) {
{0} { }
{1} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_dollar.au"}
{[2-4]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_2-4_dollars.au"}
{[5-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_dollars.au"}
} else {
switch -regexp $numbers(tens) {
{[0-9]*[0|2-9][2-4]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_2-4_dollars.au"}
{[0-9]*[2-9][1]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_dollar.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_dollars.au"}
set gender f
if {[string length [lindex $newlist 1]] == 1} {
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{0} { }
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_cents.au"}
} else {
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{00} { }
{[0|2-9][1]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_cent.au"}
{[0|2-9][2-4]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_2-4_cents.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_cents.au"}
puts "\t\t**** playPrompt param3 info [set prefix]_you_have.au $prompt [set prefix]_enter_dest.au"
set ev [eval [list playPrompt param3 info [set prefix]_you_have.au] $prompt [list %s1000 [set prefix]_enter_dest.au]]
default {set ev [playPrompt param3 info [set prefix]_you_have.au %a$amt %s1000 [set prefix]_enter_dest.au]}
Proc do_second_authorization

This is a modified procedure, used after successful authorization to play the dynamic prompt for creditTime. A TCL switch statement is included that directs the flow to the language exception procedures or uses the default for Cisco IOS implemented languages.

Proc do_whole_part

This new procedure separates the whole number string into its numeric prompt components for tens, hundreds, thousands, and hundred thousands. This is explained in more detail in Table 1. This procedure places these values in the numbers array and calls the appropriate procedure based on the arrays index containing a value, as shown in the following example.

Example 2   Example of Procedure do_whole_part
global amt
global prefix
global prompt
global numbers
global len
global newlist
set numbers(tens) ""
set numbers(hundreds) ""
set numbers(thousands) ""
set numbers(hthousands) ""
set len [string length [lindex $newlist 0]]
set separate [split [lindex $newlist 0] ""]
puts "\t\t**** TTS whole part: [lindex $newlist 0]"
# Do the number group translation
switch -regexp $len {
{1} { set numbers(tens) [lindex $separate 0]}
{2} { set numbers(tens) [join [list [lindex $separate 0] [lindex $separate 1]] "" ]}
{3} { set numbers(hundreds) [lindex $separate 0]
set numbers(tens) [join [list [lindex $separate 1] [lindex $separate 2]] "" ]}
{4} { set numbers(thousands) [lindex $separate 0]
set numbers(hundreds) [lindex $separate 1]
set numbers(tens) [join [list [lindex $separate 2] [lindex $separate 3]] "" ]}
{5} {switch -regexp $prefix {
{ca} -
{ja} {set numbers(hthousands) [lindex $separate 0]
set numbers(thousands) [lindex $separate 1]}
default {set numbers(thousands) [join [list [lindex $separate 0] [lindex $separate 1]] "" ]}
set numbers(hundreds) [lindex $separate 2]
set numbers(tens) [join [list [lindex $separate 3] [lindex $separate 4]] "" ]
{6} {switch -regexp $prefix {
{ca} -
{ja} { set numbers(hthousands) [join [list [lindex $separate 0] [lindex $separate 1]] "" ]
set numbers(thousands) [lindex $separate 2]}
default { set numbers(hthousands) [lindex $separate 0]
set numbers(thousands) [join [list [lindex $separate 1] [lindex $separate 2]] "" ]}
set numbers(hundreds) [lindex $separate 3]
set numbers(tens) [join [list [lindex $separate 4] [lindex $separate 5]] "" ]
foreach index {hthousands thousands hundreds tens} {
if {[string compare $numbers($index) ""] != 0} {
puts "\t\t**** Executing do_$index $numbers($index)"

Proc do_tens

This new procedure is used to build the language dynamic prompt for the value stored in the numbers (tens) array index. In this procedure, the language exception code is written if the language handles the tens numbers different than the default method.

Example 3   Example of Procedure do_tens
proc do_tens {} {
global prompt
global prefix
global numbers
global len
global gender
if {$numbers(tens) != 0} {
switch -regexp $prefix {
{th} {if {$len == 1} {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(tens).au"
} else {set separate [split $numbers(tens) ""]
switch -regexp $numbers(tens) {
{00} { }
{10} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(tens).au"}
{[0][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
{[1][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_10.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au" }
{[2][0]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_20.au"}
{[2][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_20.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
{[3-9][0]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_10.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_10.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
default {if {$len == 1} {
switch -regexp $numbers(tens) {
{0} { }
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(tens).au"}
} else {set separate [split $numbers(tens) ""]
switch -regexp $numbers(tens) {
{00} { }
{[0][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(tens).au"}
return 0

Proc do_hundreds

This new procedure is used to build the language dynamic prompt for the value stored in the numbers (hundreds) array index. In this procedure, the language exception code is written if the language handles the hundreds numbers different than the default method, as shown in the following example.

Example 4   Example of Procedure do_hundreds
proc do_hundreds {} {
global prompt
global prefix
global numbers
if {$numbers(hundreds) == 0} {
switch -regexp $prefix {
{ca} { if {$numbers(tens) >= 10 } {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_0.au"
} else {
return 0
default {return 0}
} else {
switch -regexp $prefix {
{ru} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hundreds)00.au"}
{ja} {switch -regexp $numbers(hundreds) {
1 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_hyaku.au"}
3 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_san_byaku.au"}
6 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_ro_pyaku.au"}
8 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_happyaku.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hundreds).au" "[set prefix]_hyaku.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hundreds).au" "[set prefix]_hundred.au"}
return 0

Proc do_thousands

This new procedure is used to build the language dynamic prompt for the value stored in the numbers (thousands) array index. In this procedure, the language exception code is written if that language handles the thousands numbers different than the default method. The language form explained in Table 1 has an effect on how the language is implemented in this procedure. The procedure has to know if the numbers (thousands) array index contains a one- or two-digit number.

Example 5   Example of Procedure do_thousands
proc do_thousands {} {
global prompt
global prefix
global numbers
global len
if {$numbers(thousands) == 0} {
switch -regexp $prefix {
{ca} {if {($numbers(hundreds) == 0) && ($numbers(tens) >= 10) } {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_0.au"
{th} -
{ja} { }
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_thousand.au"}
} else {
switch -regexp $prefix {
{th} {if {$len == 4} {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(thousands).au" "[set prefix]_thousand.au"
} else {
set separate [split $numbers(thousands) ""]
switch -regexp $numbers(thousands) {
{00} { }
{[0][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au" "[set prefix]_thousand.au"}
{[1-9][0]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_ten_thousand.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_ten_thousand.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au" "[set prefix]_thousand.au"}
{ja} {switch -regexp $numbers(thousands) {
1 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_thousand.au"}
3 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_san_zen.au"}
8 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_ha_ssen.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(thousands).au" "[set prefix]_thousand.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(thousands).au" "[set prefix]_thousand.au"}
return 0

Proc do_hthousands

This new procedure is used to build the language dynamic prompt for the value stored in the numbers (hthousands) array index. In this procedure, the language exception code is written if that language handles the hundred thousand numbers different than the default method. The language form explained in Table 1 has an effect on how the language is implemented in this procedure. The procedure has to know if the numbers (hthousands) array index contains a one- or two-digit number.

Example 6   Example of Procedure do_hthousands
proc do_hthousands {} {
global prompt
global prefix
global numbers
set hlen [string length $numbers(hthousands)]
switch -regexp $prefix {
{th} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hthousands).au" "[set prefix]_hundred_thousand.au"}
{ca} {if {$hlen == 1} {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hthousands).au" "[set prefix]_ten_thousand.au"
} else {set separate [split $numbers(hthousands) ""]
switch -regexp $numbers(hthousands) {
{[1][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_10.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au" "[set prefix]_ten_thousand.au"}
{[2-9][0]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_10.au" "[set prefix]_ten_thousand.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_10.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au" "[set prefix]_ten_thousand.au"}
{ja} {switch $numbers(hthousands) {
1 {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_ichi_man.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hthousands).au" "[set prefix]_man.au"}
{ru} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hthousands)00.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_$numbers(hthousands).au" "[set prefix]_hundred.au"}
return 0

Proc do_decimal_part

This new procedure separates the decimal number string into its numeric prompt components following the languages rules for tens. This is explained in more detail later in this section.

Example 7   Example of Procedure do_decimal_part
proc do_decimal_part {} {
global newlist
global prompt
global prefix
global gender
# Do the decimal translation
puts "\t\t*** TTS decimal part: [lindex $newlist 1]"
switch -regexp $prefix {
{th} {if {[string length [lindex $newlist 1]] == 1} {
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{0} { }
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $newlist 1]0.au"}
} else {set separate [split [lindex $newlist 1] ""]
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{00} { }
{[0][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
{10} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $newlist 1].au"}
{[1][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_10.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au" }
{[2][0]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_20.au"}
{[2][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_20.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
{[3-9][0]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_10.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 0].au" "[set prefix]_10.au" "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
default {if {[lindex $newlist 0] > 0 && [lindex $newlist 1] > 0} {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_and.au"
if {[string length [lindex $newlist 1]] == 1} {
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{0} { }
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $newlist 1]0.au"}
} else {set separate [split [lindex $newlist 1] ""]
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{00} { }
{[0][1-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $separate 1].au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_[lindex $newlist 1].au"}
return 0

How the Procedures Work

In procedures do_get_dest and do_second_authorization, a TCL switch statement was added to the branch if the selected language is a language exception (refer to Modifying the Existing Script). If not, the script executes the default case for playPrompt as previously implemented in the debitcard script. If the selected language is a language exception the switch statement in procedure do_get_dest starts the prompt building process.

Example 1 on page 5 shows the switch statement and language exception (ru). The default statement for the switch is the standard execution of playPrompt from previous debitcard applications. The switch statement is used in the else part of nested if for amount. It is implemented if the creditAmt returned from the billing server is greater than 0 and less than or equal to the maximum amount allowed (999,999.99).

Following the Flow

Depending on the language form, a dynamic prompt for a language can be shown as a 6-digit whole number of the form SDDHTT, where S represents the hundred thousands position, DD represents the thousands position, H represents the hundreds position and TT represent the tens position. Another form of dynamic prompt for a language also can be shown as a 6-digit whole number of the form SSDHTT, where S represents the ten thousands position, D represents the thousands position, H represents the hundreds position, and TT represents the tens position.

After the procedures do_tens, do_hundreds, do_thousands, and do_hthousands append the number files to build the dynamic prompt the call flow returns to the do_get_dest switch, where the script appends the language's currency denomination.

Example 8   Example of Procedure do_second_authorization Modifications
switch -regexp $ev {
{authorized} {if {[string compare $creditTime uninitialized] == 0} {
set ev [ playPrompt param2 info [set prefix]_no_aaa.au]
set state end
} elseif {$creditTime == "umlimited"} {
set noTimeLimit 1
# play mesg only if time left is 20 secs > warntime
} elseif {[expr $creditTime - $warnTime] < 20} {
set noPlay 1
switch -regexp $prefix {
{th} -
{ca} -
{ru} -
{ja} { # Convert creditTime to hours and minutes
# Build prompt and play creditTime
default {set ev [playPrompt param2 info [set prefix]_you_have.au %t$creditTime ]}
} else {
switch -regexp $prefix {
{th} -
{ca} -
{ru} -
{ja} { # Convert creditTime to hours and minutes
# Build prompt and play creditTime
default {set ev [playPrompt param2 info [set prefix]_you_have.au %t$creditTime ]}
set state do_place_call
return 0

After the procedure do_decimal_part appends the number files to build the decimal number portion of the dynamic prompt, the call flow returns and the script appends the language's currency denomination for the decimal currency.

The billing server value for creditTime is handled in the procedure do_second_authorization, see Example 8 on page 13. The language modification is simply a call to the procedure do_creditTime_prompt. This was made a separate procedure to minimize lines of code. The procedure do_second_authorization had two places where almost identical operations were performed, so a separate procedure was created to handle the operations.

Proc do_creditTime_prompt

This new procedure is used after successful second authorization. It converts the billing server returned creditTime value of seconds to a two-element list whose whole part is hours and whose decimal part is minutes. The procedure follows the same process described previously for building the language dynamic prompts.

Example 9   Example of Procedure do_creditTime_prompt

proc do_creditTime_prompt {} {
global creditTime
global prefix
global param2
global len
global prompt
global newlist
global numbers
global gender
# Convert creditTime to hours and minutes
set prompt ""
set newlist [list [expr {int([expr {$creditTime / 3600}])}] [expr {int([expr {$creditTime % 3600} / 60])}] ]
# Gender is used to determine correct word structure in Russian prompt building
set gender m
switch $prefix {
{ru} {if {$len == 1 } {
switch -regexp $numbers(tens) {
{0} { }
{1} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_hour.au"}
{[2-4]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_2-4_hours.au"}
{[5-9]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_hours.au"}
} else {
switch -regexp $numbers(tens) {
{[0-9]*[0|2-9][2-4]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_2-4_hours.au"}
{[0-9]*[2-9][1]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_hour.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_hours.au"}
default {if {[lindex $newlist 0] == 1 } {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_hour.au"
} elseif {[lindex $newlist 0] > 1 } {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_hours.au"

Example 10   Example of Procedure do_creditTime_prompt (continued)
set list_index_1 [lindex $newlist 1]
# Do the decimal translation to build prompt for minutes
switch -regexp $prefix {
{ru} {set gender f
if {[string length [lindex $newlist 1]] == 1} {
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{0} { }
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_minutes.au"}
} else {
switch -regexp [lindex $newlist 1] {
{00} { }
{[0|2-9][1]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_minute.au"}
{[0|2-9][2-4]} {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_2-4_minutes.au"}
default {lappend prompt "[set prefix]_5-20_minutes.au"}
puts "\t\t*** playPrompt param2 info [set prefix]_you_have.au $prompt"
set ev [eval [list playPrompt param2 info [set prefix]_you_have.au] $prompt]
default {do_decimal_part
if {[lindex $newlist 1] == 1 } {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_minute.au"
} elseif {[lindex $newlist 1] > 1 } {
lappend prompt "[set prefix]_minutes.au"
puts "\t\t*** playPrompt param2 info [set prefix]_you_have.au $prompt"
set ev [eval [list playPrompt param2 info [set prefix]_you_have.au] $prompt]

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For a list of other internetworking terms, see Internetworking Terms and Acronyms document that is available on the Documentation CD-ROM and Cisco Connection Online (CCO) at the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/cisintwk/ita/index.htm.

Call Flow Example

Following is an example of the call flow for this feature:

Posted: Sun Jan 19 07:02:44 PST 2003
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