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Index: S
- SAX (Simple API for XML): 1.2.3. DOM and SAX
- specification for: The Simple API for XML (SAX)
- Saxon processor: 0.2.3. I Don't Care Which Standards-Compliant Tools You Use
- extension elements, defining for: Example: Using extension functions from multiple processors
- extension functions and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor
- global parameters and: Saxon
- sorting and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor
- Scalable Vector Graphics (see entries at SVG)
- schemas: Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML Schemas
- specification for: XML Schemas
- scripting languages, writing extensions and: Example: Writing extensions in other languages
- section indexes, generating: 9.5.4. Generating the Section Indexes
- section menu (tutorials): 9.3.3. Section Menu
- select attribute
- <xsl:for-each> element and: <xsl:for-each> example
- <xsl:param> element and: 4.4.1. Defining a Parameter in a Template
- <xsl:sort> element and: Attributes
- selecting
- attributes: Selecting attributes
- comments: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes
- namespace nodes: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes
- processing instructions: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes
- text of element: Selecting the text of an element
- self axis: Axis roll call
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language): 1.2.1. XML's Heritage
- Simple API for XML (see SAX)
- single quotes (` ')
- controlling: D.13. How Do I Control Angle Brackets and Quote Marks in My Output?
- literal values and: 4.5. Variables
- parameters and: 4.4.1. Defining a Parameter in a Template
- placing inside attribute value: D.1. How Do I Put Quotes Inside an Attribute Value?
- replacing one single quote with two: 4.6.1. Implementing a String Replace Function
- slash (/): 3.1.1. The Root Node
- beginning absolute XPath expressions: 3.2.3. Relative and Absolute Expressions
- sorting: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements
- (see also grouping)
- elements: 6. Sorting and Grouping Elements
- postal addresses: 6.1.1. Our First Example
- 6.1.3. Another Example
- Saxon processor and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor
- with document( ) function: 7.4.1. The document() Function and Sorting
- XML documents: 7.4.1. The document( ) Function and Sorting
- Spanish language, sorting and: 8.2. Extending the Saxon Processor
- specifications: 1.2.4. XML Standards
- XPath, reference guide to: B. XPath Reference
- extensions and: 8. Extending XSLT
- reference guide to: A. XSLT Reference
- SQL statements: 4.6.1. Implementing a String Replace Function
- square brackets [ ] enclosing predicates: 3.2.7. Predicates
- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML): 1.2.1. XML's Heritage
- standards (see specifications)
- starts-with( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
- <state> element: 7.4.1. The document( ) Function and Sorting
- string datatype: 3.4. XPath Datatypes
- converting to boolean values: Converting to boolean values
- string( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
- string-length( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
- string replace function: 4.6.1. Implementing a String Replace Function
- style attribute, pie charts and: Example: A library of trigonometric functions
- stylesheets: 2. The Obligatory Hello World Example
- 2.1. Goals of This Chapter
- associating with XML documents, specification for: Associating stylesheets with XML documents
- emulating for loop (example): 4.7. A Stylesheet That Emulates a for Loop
- example of: 2.2.2. A Sample Stylesheet
- alternate versions for: 2.4.7. Other Approaches
- how to guide for: D. XSLT Guide
- illustrating nodes: 3.5. The XPath View of an XML Document
- processing of: 2.3. How a Stylesheet Is Processed
- structure of: 2.4. Stylesheet Structure
- stylesheet-generating with for loop emulation (example): 4.8. A Stylesheet That Generates a Stylesheet That Emulates a for Loop
- Toot-O-Matic case study and: 9.2.3. See Just How Much We Could Accomplish Through Stylesheets
- tutorials and, transformations for: 9.5. XSLT Source Code
- using id( ) function: 5.1.3. A Stylesheet That Uses the id() Function
- using key( ) function: 5.2.3. Stylesheets That Use the key() Function
- substring-after( ) function: Procedural design
- Solution #3: Use recursion to process the IDREFS datatype
- C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
- substring-before( ) function: Procedural design
- Solution #3: Use recursion to process the IDREFS datatype
- C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
- substring( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
- sum( ) function: 7.2.1. An Aside: Doing Math with Recursion
- C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
- suppress_errors( ) function: Example: A library of trigonometric functions
- SVG files
- converting "Hello World" document into: 2.5.1. The Hello World SVG File
- trigonometric functions and: Example: A library of trigonometric functions
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), specification for: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- switch statement (see <xsl:choose> element)
- syntax
- abbreviated vs. unabbreviated: Unabbreviated syntax
- for <xsl:sort> element: What's the deal with that syntax?
- system-property( ) function: Example: Using extension functions from multiple processors
- C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
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