23.3. XSLT Functions
all functions defined in XPath. In addition, it defines 10 extra
functions. Most XSLT processors also make several extension functions
available and allow you to write your own extension functions in Java
or other languages. The extension API is nonstandard and processor
XPath and XSLT functions are weakly typed. Although one type or
another is occasionally preferred, the processor normally converts
any type you pass in to the type the function expects. Functions that
only take node-sets as arguments are an exception to the weak-typing
rule. Other data types including strings, numbers, and booleans
cannot be converted to node-sets automatically.
XPath and XSLT functions also use optional arguments, which are
filled in with defaults if omitted. In the following sections, we
list the most common and useful variations of each function.
The current( ) function returns a node-set
containing a single node, the current node. Outside of an XPath
predicate, the current node and the context node (represented by a
period in the abbreviated XPath syntax) are identical. However, in a
predicate, the current node may change based on other contents in the
predicate, while the context node stays the same.
node-set document(string uri)
node-set document(node-set uris)
node-set document(string uri, node-set base)
node-set document(node-set uris, node-set base)
| |
The document( ) function loads the XML document at
the URI specified by the first argument and returns a node-set
containing that document's root node. The URI is
normally given as a string, but may be given as another type that is
converted to a string. If the URI is given as a node-set, then each
node in the set is converted to a string, and the returned node-set
includes root nodes of all documents referenced by the URI argument.
If the URI contains a fragment identifier, then the node-set returned
may indicate something other than the root node and thus contain more
than one node. If an error occurs while retrieving a document, most
XSLT processors stop processing the stylesheet.
The document( ) function may also take a node-set
as an optional second argument, in which case the first node (in
document order) in this set is used as the base URI with which to
resolve relative URIs given in the first argument. If the second
argument is omitted, then base URIs are resolved relative to the
stylesheet's location.
boolean element-available(string qualifiedElementName)
| | element-available( ) returns true if and only if
the argument identifies an XSLT element the processor recognizes. If
the qualified name maps to a non-null namespace URI, then it refers
to an extension element. Otherwise, it refers to a standard XSLT
element. Assuming use of a fully conformant processor, you
don't need to use this function to test for standard
elements; just use it for extension elements.
string format-number(number x, string pattern)
string format-number(number x, string pattern, string decimalFormat)
| |
The format-number( ) function
converts the number x
to a string using the pattern specified by the second argument, as
well as the xsl:decimal-format element named by
the third argument (or the default decimal format, if the third
argument is omitted).
This function's behavior is modeled after the
java.text.DecimalFormat class in Java 1.1 (not 1.2
or later). See
for full documentation of the pattern passed as the second argument.
The pattern specifies whether leading and trailing zeros should be
printed, whether the number's fractional part is
printed, the number of digits in a group, and the leading and
trailing suffixes for negative and positive numbers. The patterns are
described using an almost Backus-Naur Form grammar, given
pattern -> subpattern{;subpattern}
subpattern -> {prefix}integer{.fraction}{suffix}
prefix -> '\\u0000'..'\\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
suffix -> '\\u0000'..'\\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
integer -> '#'* '0'* '0'
fraction -> '0'* '#'*
The first line is not pure BNF. The first subpattern is used for
positive numbers. The second subpattern, which may not be present, is
used for negative numbers. If it's not present,
negative numbers use the positive format, but are prefixed with a
minus sign. Table 23-1 defines the symbols used in
the grammar.
Table 23-1. Symbols used in the pattern grammar
A digit, including leading or trailing zeros; may be set to a
different character using the zero-digit attribute
of xsl:decimal-format.
A digit, except for leading or trailing zero; may be set to a
different character using the digit attribute of
A decimal separator; may be set to a different character using the
decimal-separator attribute of
A grouping separator; may be set to a different character using
grouping-separator attribute.
Separates the positive and negative format patterns in a format
string; may be set to a different character using the
pattern-separator attribute of
A default negative prefix; may be set to a different character using
minus-sign attribute.
Multiplies by 100 and shows as percentage; may be set to a different
character using
percent attribute.
Multiplies by 1,000 and shows as per mille; may be set to a different
character using
permille attribute.
Indicates that any other character can be used in the prefix or
Used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix.
For instance, #,##0.### is a common decimal-format pattern. The #
mark indicates any digit character except a leading or trailing zero.
The comma is the grouping separator. The period is the decimal
separator. The 0 is a digit that is printed even if
it's a nonsignificant zero. This pattern is
interpreted as follows:
The integer part contains as many digits as necessary.
The grouping separator separates every three digits.
If the integer part only contains zeros, a single zero is placed
before the decimal separator.
Up to three digits are printed after the decimal point. However, any
trailing zeros are not printed.
No separate pattern is included for negative numbers. Thus, negative
numbers are printed the same as positive numbers, but prefixed with a
minus sign.
boolean function-available(string qualifiedName)
| | function-available( ) returns true if the argument
identifies a function in the processor's function
library; false otherwise. If the qualified name maps to a non-null
namespace URI, then it refers to an extension function. Otherwise, it
refers to a built-in function from XPath or XSLT. Assuming
you're using a fully conformant processor, however,
you don't need to test for standard functions, only
for extension functions.
string generate-id(node-set node)
string generate-id( )
| |
The generate-id( ) function returns a string that
can be used as the value of an ID type attribute. This function
always produces the same string for the same node and a different
string for a different node. If the node-set contains more than one
node, then only the first node in the set is considered. If the
argument is omitted, then the node-set is set to the context node. If
the node-set is empty, then the empty string is returned.
node-set key(string keyName, string value)
node-set key(string keyName, node-set values)
| |
The key( ) function returns a node-set containing
all nodes in the source document that have a key with the name given
by the first argument and the value given by the second argument. If
the second argument is a node-set, then the node-set returned
contains all nodes that have a key with the specified name and a
value that matches that of any node in the second argument.
Otherwise, the returned node-set contains all nodes that have a key
with the specified name and a value that matches the second
argument's string value. Key names and values are
assigned to nodes using the xsl:key element.
object system-property(string qualifiedPropertyName)
| |
The system-property( ) function returns the value
of the named property. The type of the returned object is processor-
and property-dependent. If the processor does not recognize the
property name, then it returns an empty string.
XSLT processors are required to recognize and return values for these
three properties:
- xsl:version
number specifying the version of XSLT implemented by the processor;
this is normally 1.0, but may become 2.0 during this
book's life span.
- xsl:vendor
string identifying the XSLT processor's vendor; for
instance, Apache Software Foundation for Xalan or SAXON 6.4.4 from
Michael Kay for SAXON.
- xsl:vendor-url
string containing a URL for the XSLT processor's
vendor; for instance, http://xml.apache.org/xalan
for Xalan or http://saxon.sourceforge.net for
Implementations may also recognize and return values for other
processor-dependent properties.
string unparsed-entity-uri(string entityName)
| |
The unparsed-entity-uri( ) function returns the
URI of the unparsed entity with the specified name declared in the
source document's DTD or the empty string, if no
unparsed entity with that name exists.
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