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Index: H

handheld, as media type: E.6. Putting Everything Together
handler( ) subroutine: 4.2.5. The handler( ) Subroutine
ALRM signal: 6.10. Handling Server Timeout Cases and Working with $SIG{ALRM}
callbacks: 3.1.2. Activating Callback Hooks
converting mod_cgi script to: 6.7.2. Converting into a Perl Content Handler
converting to use mod_perl API: 6.7.3. Converting to use the mod_perl API and mod_perl-Specific Modules
creating: 2.7. A Simple mod_perl Content Handler
custom, performance compared to Apache::Registry: 13.1. Apache::Registry PerlHandler Versus Custom PerlHandler
disabling code on live servers and: Disabling code running under other handlers
input arguments, processing: 13.2. Apache::args Versus Apache::Request::param Versus CGI::param
method: 25.1.5. Method Handlers
coding considerations: 6.12. Method Handlers: The Browse and See, Browse and View Example
enabling: 3.1.4. Enabling Extra Features
method handlers: 4.2.8. Perl Method Handlers
perl-script handler: perl-script
response handler example: A simple response handler example
modperl handler: modperl
Perl: 1.4.2. mod_perl 1.0 and the mod_perl API
post-processing, terminating child processes: 6.4.1. exit( )
signal, trapping errors: 21.1.4. Displaying Errors to Users
enabled: 3.1.4. Enabling Extra Features
executing directives: 4.2.7. Stacked Handlers
testing: 2.7. A Simple mod_perl Content Handler
upgrading on live servers: Moving files and restarting the server
handles, databases, singleton database handles: A.12. Singleton Database Handles
handling exceptions, XSP: E.3.4. Handling Exceptions
hanging processes
debugging, OS problems: 21.7.1. Hanging Because of an Operating System Problem
detecting: 21.7.3. Detecting Hanging Processes
interactive debugger: Using the interactive debugger
Perl trace: Using the Perl trace
system calls trace: Using the system calls trace
reasons for: 21.7.2. When a Process Might Hang
tracking and terminating: 5.11.4. Tracking and Terminating Hanging Processes
hangman application, Template Toolkit: D.8. Hangman Application
CGI script: D.8.1. Hangman CGI Script
modular templates: D.8.2. Hangman with Modular Templates
plug-in module conversion: D.8.3. Hangman Plug-in
self-contained template: D.8.4. Self-Contained Hangman Template
bottleneck detection: 8.2.7. Detecting and Avoiding Bottlenecks
conflicts, solving: 8.2.8. Solving Hardware Requirement Conflicts
fault-tolerant CPU: 8.2.6. Getting a Fault-Tolerant CPU
Internet connection: 8.2.3. Getting a Fast Internet Connection
I/O performance tuning: 8.2.4. Tuning I/O Performance
memory, needs assessment: 8.2.5. How Much Memory Is Enough?
selecting: 8.2. Choosing the Right Hardware
site traffic and: 8.2.1. Machine Strength Demands According to Expected Site Traffic
strong machine versus many weak ones: 8.2.2. A Single Strong Machine Versus Many Weaker Machines
HASH access method, DBM: 19. DBM and mod_perl
HEAD requests: 16.4.3. HEAD Requests
header( ): 6.11. Generating Correct HTTP Headers
header files, APACHE_HEADER_INSTALL configuration parameter: 3.1.1. Controlling the Build Process
header parsing (Apache request processing): 1.4. Apache 1.3 Request Processing Phases
header template, Template Toolkit: D.4.1. Simple Template Example
Accept-Language: 16.3. Content Negotiation
C source files, creating: 13.12.1. Building Perl Extensions with XS and h2xs
composition: 16. HTTP Headers for Optimal Performance
content-length header: 16.2.2. Content-Length Header
content-type header: 16.2.1. Content-Type Header
content headers, entity tags: 16.2.3. Entity Tags
content negotiation: 16.3. Content Negotiation
Vary header: 16.3.1. The Vary Header
Content-type: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification
cache-control header: 16.1.3. Expires and Cache-Control Headers
date header: 16.1.1. Date Header
Expires header: 16.1.3. Expires and Cache-Control Headers
last-modified: 16.1.2. Last-Modified Header
declining: 16.5. Avoiding Dealing with Headers
HTTP: 1.1.1. The HTTP Protocol
HTTP, generating: 6.11. Generating Correct HTTP Headers
MIME, generating: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification
hello user script: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification
hello world script: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification
options: 3.9.4. Making a Local Apache Installation
perldb: 21.5.6. Introduction to the Perl Debugger
High-Availability Linux Project web site: 5.12. References
CGI: 1.1. A Brief History of CGI
development of mod_perl 1.0: 1.3. The Development of mod_perl 1.0
htaccess file: 4.1.1. Configuration Files
HTML forms, GET and POST methods: 1.1.2. The Common Gateway Interface Specification
<html> tags, printing: 13.3. Buffered Printing and Better print( ) Techniques
HTTP headers, generating: 6.11. Generating Correct HTTP Headers
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
overview: 1.1.1. The HTTP Protocol
status codes: F. HTTP Status Codes
HTTP request filters, I/O filtering: HTTP request versus connection filters
HTTP request output filter: Bucket brigade-based HTTP request output filter
HTTP request phases, mod_perl 2.0: 25.2.3. HTTP Request Phases
HTTP requests
GET requests: 16.4.1. GET Requests
conditional: 16.4.2. Conditional GET Requests
HEAD requests: 16.4.3. HEAD Requests
POST requests: 16.4.4. POST Requests
16.4.4. POST Requests
HTTP/1.1 standard web site: 1.5. References
httpd: 1.1. A Brief History of CGI
building: 2.2.2. Building mod_perl
processes, limiting: B.3.3. Apache::SizeLimit—Limit Apache httpd Processes
testing: 2.2.2. Building mod_perl
httpd accelerator mode (proxy servers): 12.5. Adding a Proxy Server in httpd Accelerator Mode
httpd executable, single-process mode, enabling: 21.5.9. Interactive mod_perl Debugging
httpd server, installation, multiple machines: 3.8. Installing mod_perl on Multiple Machines
httpd.conf: 4.1.1. Configuration Files
httpd_docs (two server approach): 12.3. One Plain and One mod_perl-Enabled Apache Server
building: Building the httpd_docs server
configuring: Basic httpd_docs server configuration
httpd_perl (two server approach): 12.3. One Plain and One mod_perl-Enabled Apache Server
building: Building the httpd_perl server
configuring: Basic httpd_perl server configuration
httpd.pid file: 5.3.3. Finding the Right Apache PID
httperf utility: 9.1.2. httperf
http_load utility: 9.1.3. http_load
HTTP::Monkeywrench utility: 9.1.4. Other Web Server Benchmark Utilities
HTTP::RecordedSession utility: 9.1.4. Other Web Server Benchmark Utilities
HTTP_USER_AGENT variable: 1.1.3. Apache CGI Handling with mod_cgi
HTTP::WebTest utility: 9.1.4. Other Web Server Benchmark Utilities
HUP signal: 5.3.1. kill Signals for Stopping and Restarting Apache
h2xs, creating modules: 13.12.1. Building Perl Extensions with XS and h2xs
HyperText Transfer Protocol (see HTTP)

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