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2.4. Types of Values

The data we use in ActionScript programming comes in a variety of types. So far we've seen numbers and text, but other types include Booleans, arrays, functions, and objects. Before we cover each datatype in detail, let's examine some datatype issues that specifically relate to variable usage.

2.4.2. Automatic Value Conversion

In some contexts, ActionScript expects a specific type of data. If we use a variable whose value does not match the expected type, the interpreter attempts to convert the data. For example, if we use a text variable where a number is needed, the interpreter will try to convert the variable's text value to a numeric value for the sake of the current operation. In Example 2-2, z is set to 2. Why? Because the subtraction operator expects a number, so the value of y is converted from the string "4" to the number 4, which is subtracted from 6 (the value of x), yielding the result 2.

Example 2-2. Automatic String-to-Number Conversion

x = 6;      // x is a number, 6
y = "4";    // y is a string, "4"
z = x - y;  // This sets z to the number 2

Conversely, if we use a numeric variable where a string is expected, the interpreter attempts to convert the number to a string. In Example 2-3, z is set to the string "64", not the number 10. Why? Because the second operand in the expression x + y is a string. Therefore, the (+) performs string concatenation instead of mathematical addition. The value of x (6 ) is converted to the string "6" and then concatenated with the string "4" (the value of y), yielding the result "64".

Example 2-3. Automatic Number-to-String Conversion

x = 6;      // x is a number, 6
y = "4";    // y is a string, "4"
z = x + y;  // This sets z to the string "64"

The automatic type conversion that occurs when evaluating a variable as part of an expression is performed on a copy of the variable's data -- it does not affect the original variable's type. A variable's type changes only when the variable is assigned a data value that does not match its previous value's type. So at the conclusion of Example 2-2 and Example 2-3, y remains a string, and x remains a number.

Notice that the operator on line 3 (- in Example 2-2, + in Example 2-3), has a profound impact on the value assigned to z. In Example 2-2 the string "4" becomes the number 4, whereas in Example 2-3 the opposite occurs (the number 6 becomes the string "6"), because the rules for datatype conversion are different for the + operator than for the - operator. We'll cover data conversion rules in Chapter 3, "Data and Datatypes", and operators in Chapter 5, "Operators".

2.4.3. Determining the Type Manually

Automatic datatyping and conversion can be convenient, but as Example 2-2 and Example 2-3 illustrate, may also produce unexpected results. Before performing commands that operate on mixed datatypes, you may wish to determine a variable's datatype using the typeof operator:

productName = "Macromedia Flash";  // String value
trace(typeof productName);         // Displays: "string"

Once we know a variable's type, we can proceed conditionally. Here, for example, we check whether a variable is a number before proceeding:

if (typeof age == "number"){
  // okay to carry on
} else {
  trace ("Age isn't a number");  // Display an error message

For full details on the typeof operator, see Chapter 5, "Operators".

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