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Learning the Korn Shell

Learning the Korn ShellSearch this book

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Index: J

j command: 2.4.4. Moving Around in the History File
job control: 8.2. Job Control
job numbers: 8.1. Process IDs and Job Numbers
8.6.2. Subshells
jobs: 8. Process Handling
8.1. Process IDs and Job Numbers
8.6.2. Subshells
background (see background jobs)
priority assigned to: 1.8.2. Background Jobs and Priorities
resuming: 8.2.2. Suspending a Job
suspending: 8.2.2. Suspending a Job
ways to refer to: 8.2.1. Foreground and Background
8.3.2. kill
8.4. trap
jobs command: 1.8. Background Jobs
-p option for: 8.3.2. kill
vs. ps command: 8.3.3. ps
Joy, Bill: 1.3. History of Unix Shells

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