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/usr/java/bin/javadoc [options ] files | classes

Solaris only. Process declaration and documentation comments in Java source files and produce HTML pages describing the public and protected classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields. javadoc also produces a class hierarchy in tree.html and an index of members in Allnames.html .



Include @author tags.

-classpath path

Use path as the search path for class files, overriding $CLASSPATH . path is a colon-separated list of directories. It is better to use -sourcepath instead of -classpath .

-d dir

Create the generated HTML files in dir .

-docencoding encoding

Use encoding for the generated HTML file.

-encoding encoding

The Java source file is encoded using encoding .

-J opt

Pass opt to the runtime system. See java for more information.


Exclude paragraphs marked with @deprecated .


Don't generate the package index.


Don't generate the class and interface hierarchy.


Include only package, protected and public classes and members.


Include all classes and members.


Include only protected and public classes and members. This is the default.


Include only public classes and members.

-sourcepath path

Use path as the search path for class source files. path is a colon-separated list of directories. If not specified, it defaults to the current -classpath directory. Running javadoc in the directory with the sources allows you to omit this option.


Print additional messages about time spent parsing source files.


Include @version tags.

The -doctype option is no longer available. Only HTML documentation may be produced.

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