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javac [options ] files

Solaris only. Compile Java source code into Java bytecode, for execution with java . Java source files must have a .java suffix and must be named for the class whose code they contain. The generated bytecode files have a .class suffix. By default, class files are created in the same directory as the corresponding source files. Use the CLASSPATH variable to list directories and/or ZIP files that javac will search to find your classes.


-classpath path

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (".") on the search path.

-d dir

Specify where to create generated class files.


Recompile missing or out-of-date class files referenced from other class files, not just from source code.


Warn about every use or override of a deprecated member or class, instead of warning at the end.

-encoding encoding

The source file is encoded using encoding . Without this option, the system's default converter is used.


Generate debugging tables with line numbers. With -O , also generate information about local variables.

-J option

Pass option to java . option should not contain spaces; use multiple -J options if necessary.


Disable all warnings.


Perform optimizations that may produce faster but larger class files. It may also slow down compilation. This option should be used with discretion.


Print messages as files are compiled and loaded.

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Reference: java_g Book Index Reference: javadoc

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